30 November 2012

11-Vessel Order with DMS MARITIME Culminates in Rescue Gear Ship for the Royal Australian Navy

30 November 2012

RGS 9316 is based on a proven Damen concept, vessel will be built at a Damen yard in Vietnam and is due to be delivered in 2016. (photo : Damen)

An 11-vessel order for DMS Maritime Pty Limited culminated recently with a Rescue Gear Ship 9316, which will be used to support the Royal Australian Navy’s submarine fleet. Damen Shipyards and DMS Maritime signed the contract for the RGS 9316 on November 16 in Sydney, Australia. The vessel will be built at a Damen yard in Vietnam and is due to be delivered in 2016. Having built a similar vessel, the SD Victoria for Serco UK supporting the Royal Navy, the RGS 9316 is based on a proven Damen concept.

Since 2011, DMS Maritime has ordered five tugboats (four Azimuth tugs - a Damen ASD Tug 2310, an ASD Tug 2009 and two ASD 2411s) as well as a Stan Tug 1606 for Rockingham, Darwin and Sydney and four water fuel lighters (due for delivery in 2013/14). Four of the five tugs have been delivered. The ASD Tug 2009 will be delivered mid-2013.

As well as this, a contract for an Escape Gear Ship 8316 Submarine Rescue Vessel was signed in August. This ship will be delivered in 2015.

Based in Sydney, DMS Maritime is part of the international service company Serco, which works with governments worldwide. Under the Fleet Marine Services Contract for the Royal Australian Navy DMS Maritime operates a fleet of around seventy-five vessels on Navy’s behalf.

On time, in budget

Roland Briene, Damen Regional Sales Director – Asia Pacific, comments: “This really is a remarkable project. After working on this contract for more than three years, we are proud to say that all the vessels so far have been delivered ahead of schedule and in budget to the full satisfaction of the client.”

Previously, Damen had worked extensively with Serco in the UK on a 29-vessel order completed in 2010. “We took the lessons we all learnt onboard for this contract. For instance, rather than having five project managers we have one to make sure all communications are streamlined efficiently. This is also the first regular contact Damen has had with the Royal Australian Navy and we hope that this positive experience means that the Navy will consider Damen in the future.”
He adds: “We started talks in 2007 but ultimately I think DMS Maritime chose Damen because of our ability to have all of the different types of vessels under one form of contract. During the tendering process we were able to get together with our product groups and give a very fast response and support DMS throughout the entire tender process with our project engineers, research and finance people. We could show that we have proven designs and a track record for on time delivery, in budget.”


Damen is also responsible for delivering all 11 vessels to Australia and carrying out the initial training and introduction into service. The services will be carried out by Damen Australia.

Hercules A1303 Diserahkan kepada ARINC untuk Diretrofit

30 November 2012

Pesawat Hercules TNI AU A1303  (photo : VectorKalkulus).

Kemhan RISerahkan Pesawat C-130 Hercules kepada ARINC LLC USA

Kementerian Pertahanan Republik Indonesia menyerahkan pesawat C-130H A-1303 Hercules kepada ARINC, LLC USA, untuk pelaksanaan Retrofit bertempat di Hangar Satuan Pemeliharaan 15 Depohar 10 Lanud Husein Sastranegara, Bandung, Kamis (29/11).

Pada penyerahan pesawat Kemhan RI diwakili oleh Kepala Badan Sarana Pertahanan (Ka Baranahan) Mayor Jendral TNI Ediwan Prabowo. Dalam sambutannya Ka Baranahan menyampaikan bahwa Kemhan RI telah menandatangani kontrak dengan ARINC pada tanggal 8 Desember 2008 untuk melaksanakan retrofit 5 pesawat C-130H milik TNI Angkatan Udara. Kemhan yakin bahwa ARINC akan dapat menyelesaikan kontrak tepat waktu.

Lebih lanjut disampaikan bahwa untuk menandai keberhasilan pelaksanaan tugas, kesempatan ini sebagai wujud rasa syukur kehadirat yang Kuasa dimana sampai saat ini Tentara Nasional Indonesia telah mampu dan berhasil melaksanakan tugasnya dalam Operasi Militer Perang maupun Operasi Militer Selain Perang. Demikian pula telah tercatat dalam sejarah Indonesia bahwa TNI telah banyak berkiprah dalam menjaga kedaulatan RI serta pelaksanaan operasi penanggulangan bencana. Oleh karena itu kehadiran pesawat C-130 Hercules yang lebih modern setelah dilaksanakan retrofit diharapkan mampu menghadapi tantangan yang lebih kompleks dimasa yang akan datang.

Penyerahan pesawat ditandai dengan penandatanganan berita acara penyerahan pesawat oleh Ka Baranahan dan Mr. Larry D. Lamb dari ARINC, LCC USA. Penandatanganan disaksikan oleh Komandan Koharmatau Marsda TNI Sumarno, Kadisaeroau Marsma TNI Hasan Londang dan Kadiskomlekau Marsma M Yunus.

RAAF Retires C-130H from Service

30 November 2012

Air Force operated a fleet of 12 C-130H Hercules from RAAF Base Richmond between 1978 and 2012. (photo : Aus DoD)

Minister for Defence Stephen Smith today farewelled the C-130H Hercules from Air Force service after an illustrious 34-year career at a ceremony at RAAF Base Richmond, Sydney.

Delivered in 1978, the C-130H Hercules has provided the Australian Defence Force with a highly effective capability, setting the standard for all Air Force transport aircraft which have followed.

Everyone who worked on the C-130H has cause to be proud of their efforts.  This aircraft has provided a tremendous service to Australia.

C-130H Hercules have played a critical role in supporting Defence personnel on operations in East Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan.

As well as its strengths in the battlefield, the C-130H has also provided an immeasurable service in peacetime.

The Australian public experienced the C-130H firsthand during the 1989 Airline Pilot’s Strike.  C130Hs also evacuated Australians from Cambodiain 1997, and brought injured Australians home from the Bali Bombings.

They have assisted the people of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and throughout the South Pacific during numerous humanitarian assistance and disaster relief missions.

The C-130H has airdropped hay to stranded cattle in countryAustralia, delivered supplies to our Antarctic Mission, and helped with the rescue of stranded sailors.

Air Force’s air mobility is currently in transition, as older aircraft types like the C-130H and Caribou are phased out and new capabilities, including 12 C-130Js, six new C-17 Globemaster IIIs and 10 C-27J Spartans are introduced to service.

The newer generation C-130Js will carry on the legacy of Air Force variants of the Hercules transport aircraft.

Four C-130Hs will be transferred to the Indonesian Air Force, allowing Indonesia to better support humanitarian operations. Two C-130Hs will be kept by Air Force, with one aircraft going to the Air Force Museum at RAAF Base Point Cook.  The other will be kept at RAAF Base Richmond for training purposes.

Disposal options for the remaining six aircraft are currently being investigated by Defence.

 (Aus DoD

29 November 2012

Second Batch of Sokols Delivered to the Philippine Air Force

29 November 2012

Two Sokol helicopters were transported to Clark Air Base, Philippine by An-124 (photo : Neri/Timawa)

PZL-Świdnik, an AgustaWestland company, is pleased to announce that the second batch of Sokol helicopters in combat utility configuration has been delivered to the Philippine Air Force.

The two additional helicopters follow the four Sokols delivered by PZL-Świdnik to the customer in February 2012. The second batch of Sokols are part of a contract signed with the Philippine Air Force in 2010. The contract includes a total of eight Sokol helicopters plus ground support equipment, spare parts, support services and training for aircrew and maintainers. The remaining two helicopters will be delivered in early 2013.

“This delivery marks an important program milestone for both PZL-Świdnik and the Philippine Air Force. The outstanding capabilities of the Sokol helicopter and its ability to perform a wide range of roles will further enhance the capabilities of the Philippine Air Force” said Nicola Bianco, Managing Director, PZL-Świdnik S.A.

The two helicopters, produced in Świdnik, were transported from Jasionka Airport near Rzeszow to  Clark Air Base near Manila onboard  one of the world’s largest cargo airplanes - An-124 Ruslan.

With over 60 years of experience and having produced over 7400 helicopters, PZL-Świdnik is the only Polish OEM with the capabilities to undertake helicopter research, design, development, system integration, manufacturing, support, training and upgrades. The company’s range of rotorcraft can perform the complete spectrum of commercial and government roles. PZL-Świdnik is also a major industrial partner in the aerospace market, supplying aerostructures to many of the world’s leading helicopter and aircraft manufacturers. PZL-Świdnik has been an AgustaWestland company since 2010.

Produksi Pesawat C295 Dipindah ke Bandung

29 November 2012

Pesawat CN-295 TNI AU (photo : Joseph Tonna)

Bandung, (Antara) -- Seluruh aktivitas produksi pesawat transpor menengah C295 sedang dalam proses dipindahkan oleh Airbus Military dari Sevilla, Spanyol, ke PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) di Bandung.

"Selain tingginya faktor kepercayaan Airbus Military kepada kami, ke depan mereka memang hanya akan memusatkan perhatian pada produksi pesawat transpor militer berbadan lebar A400M," kata IP Windu Nugroho, staf senior Divisi Komunikasi PTDI, di Bandung, Rabu.

Dalam proses pemindahan itu, PTDI kini sedang membangun pusat pengiriman (delivery center) untuk pesawat CN295, sebutan selanjutnya bagi C295 setelah produksi bersama dilaksanakan.

''Kegiatan ini salah satu bentuk perwujudan program revitalisasi di tubuh PTDI,'' kata Windu.

Proses pembangunan 'delivery center' disertai pula dengan proses pembangunan lini perakitan akhir (final assembly line) CN295. Pengerjaannya dibantu oleh tim ahli dari Airbus Military sebagai mitra bisnis. Delivery Center CN295 diharapkan selesai pada kuartal pertama 2013.

Setelah fasilitas itu siap, PTDI akan mampu mengirimkan pesawat hasil produksinya empat unit per tahun ke seluruh customernya, khususnya untuk pesawat ke tiga hingga ke tujuh pesanan TNI AU dari sembilan pesawat yang dipesannya, dengan dua sudah diserahkan ke TNI-AU bulan lalu.

Windu menjelaskan, Kementerian Pertahanan RI memutuskan pembelian sembilan CN295 pengganti pesawat-pesawat Fokker F-27 yang sudah dioperasikan TNI-AU sejak pertengahan 1970-an. Pengadaan CN295 untuk TNI-AU itu ditandatangani saat pameran kedirgantaraan Singapore Airshow, Februari 2012.

PTDI dan Airbus Military memiliki sejarah kerja sama panjang di berbagai bidang industri penerbangan sejak tahun 1976.

Dalam kurun waktu tersebut, PTDI telah memproduksi 102 unit NC212-200, 10 unit NC212- 400, 60 unit CN235 dalam berbagai varian dan misi, 200 unit CN235 sharing component untuk Airbus Military, 2 unit CN295, dan 88 unit C295 sharing component untuk Airbus Military.

Sebagai mitra, PTDI clan Airbus Military akan terus terlibat bersama dalam berbagai hal, diantaranya dalam pendistribusian teknologi dan pengetahuan seputar area manufaktur, manajemen proyek, teknologi informatika clan pengembangan komersil, yang tentunya akan menguntungkan ke dua belah pihak.

Terkait dengan proyek bersama itu, pesawat CN295 pertamakali diluncurkan oleh Airbus Military pada tahun 1996. Pesawat ini merupakan versi pengembangan dari CN235 yang sudah populer, dengan menawarkan kapasitas dan jangkauan lebih besar. Keduanya telah menjadi pesawat terlaris dalam segmen pasar masing-masing.

CN295 memiliki tingkat keandalan dan dukungan operasional tinggi seperti CN235, dan terbukti di medan pertempuran dan sukses dalam misi berkondisi panas, padang pasir, maritim serta kondisi dingin/es.

Pesawat ini dilengkapi "highly integrated avionics system (HIAS), sistem avionik terpadu modern berdasarkan Thales Topdeck Avionics.

Konsep arsitektur pesawat yang fleksibel dan penggunaan peralatan sipil/militer teknologi ganda memastikan kesuksesan misi taktis, potensi pertumbuhan untuk peralatan di masa depan, serta kesesuaian dengan lingkungan dirgantara sipil dewasa ini.

Ciri lain CN295 adalah avionik kokpit kaca pesawat terdiri dari empat matriks liquid crystal display berukuran besar (6x8 inci), kompatibel dengan kacamata malam hari. Sistem avioniknya terintegrasi dengan layar multifungsi untuk memperbaiki kesadaran situasional bagi pilot serta mengurangi beban kerja pilot dan meningkatkan efektivitas misi.

Pesawat ini juga memiliki alat perlindungan diri di lingkungan berbahaya seperti Irak dan Afghanistan, berupa pelindung kokpit, perangkat untuk mendeteksi radar (RWR), misil (MAWS) dan laser (LWS) serta memberitahukannya pada pilot, serta penglepas bunga api (flare dispenser).

CN295 juga mempunyai pilihan kapabilitas mengisi bahan bakar di tengah penerbangan. Pesawat CN295 memberikan tingkat multifungsi dan fleksibilitas yang luas, memenuhi kebutuhan kinerja dengan biaya rendah, dan lapangan udara yang kecil dan tidak beraspal, dengan layanan dukungan sepanjang usia pesawat.

CN295 pesawat segala misi, transportasi personel dan kargo hingga evakuasi, komunikasi dan logistik, ataupun kapabilitas air-dropping tersertifikasi. Semua ini dijalankan dengan waktu pengubahan konfigurasi tercepat, sehingga menurunkan risiko ketika beroperasi di lingkungan berbahaya. (*/sun)

Dua Buah Helikopter EC725 Pertama TUDM Tiba Di Malaysia

29 November 2012

Helikopter EC-725 TUDM (all photos : TUDM)

SUBANG – Hari ini sejarah telah tercipta apabila dua buah pesawat baru EC725 yang bakal memasuki inventori TUDM tiba di Malaysia dengan menggunakan pesawat Antonov-124.

Pesawat buatan firma Eurocopter dari Perancis ini telah diterbangkan dari Marignanc, Perancis dan mengambil masa lebih kurang 13 jam penerbangan sebelum tiba di Terminal Skypark, Subang tepat pada jam 2.20 petang tadi.

Dua buah pesawat ini juga akan diserahkan secara rasmi kepada kerajaan Malaysia dalam masa terdekat.


28 November 2012

PT. Lundin (North Sea Boats) Introduces 63m FMPV Trimaran - Stealth Fast Missile Patrol Vessel

28 November 2012

Export version of the 63 meters FMPV Trimaran (photo : Navy Recognition)

The Fast Missile Patrol Vessel (FMPV) Trimaran was designed by North Sea Boats, an Indonesia based shipyard, with input from New Zealand and Swedish engineers as well as the Indonesian Navy. The vessel employs a modern “Wave Piercing” trimaran design and some "stealth" characteristics.

An export version of the 63 meters FMPV Trimaran is available. North Sea Boats partnered with SAAB for this version, as a consequence most weapons and sub-systems are provided by the Swedish Defence group as shown in the picture below which was displayed on SAAB booth during Indodefence 2012.

FMPV Trimaran in export configuration would come with:
» Saab RBS15 Mk3 anti-ship missiles
» BAE Systems Bofors 40Mk4 40mm main gun
» Saab Sea Giraffe LT radar
» Saab CEROS 200 radar and optronic tracking system
» Saab 9LV Combat management system

» 8x CASIC C-705 anti-ship missiles
» Chinese 6 barrelled gatling type gun

BRP Ramon Alcaraz Being Prepared for Voyage

28 November 2012

BRP Ramon Alcaraz PF-16 (photo : Balitang)

PH Navy Ship Being Prepared for Voyage

CHARLESTON, South Carolina – BRP Ramon Alcaraz, the second Hamilton-Class Cutter acquired by the Philippines from the US, is being prepared for its voyage to the Philippines by early 2013.

The ship, formerly called the USCGC Dallas, was a Coast Guard high endurance cutter commissioned in 1967 in New Orleans and was decommissioned in March 2012.

Named after war hero Commodore Ramon Alcaraz--a distinguished Philippine Navy Officer during the Second World War who was awarded the Silver Star for shooting down 3 Japanese planes off Bataan in 1942--the ship was formally transferred to the Philippine government, under its first Filipino Commanding Officer Ernesto Baldovin, on May 22.

Baldovino and 85 Filipino Navy officers and crew will be part of the sailing crew in its tentative journey to the Philippines by spring next year.

The ship’s 14 officers and enlisted men and women are also undergoing training under the US Coast Guard.

The ship was reportedly purchased to conducting patrols for extended periods of time as it can withstand heavy weather and rough water conditions.

BRP Alcaraz is currently docked at a naval facility center in Charleston, South Carolina while it undergoes general overhaul and further installation of navigational, electronics and weapons equipment.

27 November 2012

Penerbad Berencana Tambah 27 Helikopter Bell 412 Hingga 2014

27 November 2012

Helikopter Bell 412 TNI AD (photo : Kaskus Militer)

Semarang, ANTARA Jateng - Pusat Penerbangan TNI Angkatan Darat berencana menambah 27 unit helikopter jenis Bell 412 hingga tahun 2014 untuk mendukung tugas pokok TNI dalam mempertahankan keutuhan wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.

"Dari rencana penambahan 27 unit helikopter tersebut saat ini baru datang lima unit, sedangkan sisanya akan tiba secara bertahap hingga 2014," kata Komandan Pusat Penerbangan TNI Angkatan Darat Brigadir Jenderal TNI Mochammad Afifuddin di Semarang, Jumat.

Hal tersebut diungkapkan Danpuspenerbad usai meresmikan patung monumen Letnan Jenderal TNI Ahmad Yani di Pangkalan Udara Utama TNI Angkatan Darat Ahmad Yani Semarang.

Helikopter Apache dan Fennec

Danpuspenerbad mengatakan selain menambah helikopter jenis Bell 412, pihaknya juga akan membeli helikopter jenis Fennec sebanyak 12 unit yang bisa digunakan sebagai helikopter serbu dan helikopter serang.

Setelah itu, kata dia, Puspenerbad melakukan penjajakan untuk membeli delapan unit helikopter jenis Apache yang termasuk helikopter canggih di dunia.

"Kendati demikian rencana penambahan salah satu alat utama sistem persenjataan berupa helikopter itu tergantung pada anggaran yang pemerintah diberikan kepada TNI," ujarnya.

Tambahan Skadron Baru Penerbad

Menurut Danpuspenerbad, rencana pembelian sejumlah helikopter itu terkait dengan rencana pembentukan skadron helikopter di Tanjung Redep, Kalimantan Timur.

"Kami juga akan membentuk skadron helikopter lagi antara di Makassar atau di Papua," katanya.

Danpuspenerbad mengungkapkan, sebanyak 120 prajurit dari Penerbad, Kostrad, dan Mabes TNI yang tergabung dalam Pasukan Garuda XXXV akan melaksanakan operasi perdamaian PBB di Kongo pada Januari 2013.

"Dalam operasi perdamaian di Kongo tersebut, Penerbad akan memberikan dukungan berupa tiga unit helikopter MI-17," ujarnya.


Britain Offers Malaysia RM10bil Arms Package

27 November 2012

The proposed package includes new Hawk jet trainers, advanced frigates, howitzers and future soldier systems for the army, and 18 Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets for the RMAF (photo : fast air)

PETALING JAYA : The British government has offered Malaysia an arms package which can be worth more than RM10 billion if all options are exercised.

The proposed package includes new Hawk jet trainers, advanced frigates, howitzers and future soldier systems for the army, industry sources told theSun.

Separately, the British government is also backing the offer by BAE Systems to sell 18 Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets for the Royal Malaysian Air Force's multi-role combat aircraft (MRCA) requirement.

The sources said they do not expect any deal to be signed soon as the offer needs to be studied in detail.

In 1988, the British government under the then prime minister Margaret Thatcher presented a similar package to Malaysia, resulting in the procurement of Hawk trainers and frigates worth some RM4.9 billion in 1992.

According to sources, the current offer has been made as Britain seeks to boost its defence exports amid severe cutbacks in military spending by the United States and Europe.

Furthermore, without a government-to-government deal, British companies are facing difficulties when promoting their arms to Malaysia, the sources said.

For example, due to a company-mandated anti-bribery policy, BAE Systems is not working with any local agent to market the Typhoon.

"They faced a severe handicap as their competitors, such as the French Rafale and Swedish Gripen, are being promoted by their local agents. BAE Systems has to rely on its own company officials," one source told theSun.

The source said it is therefore imperative for the British government to step in to back the Typhoon deal although separate from the arms package.

BAE Systems, one of the world's biggest defence companies, also manufactured the Hawk trainers, howitzers and frigates.

"If the Malaysian government accepts the arms package, BAE Systems will be the main beneficiary of the deal," the source added.

On Oct 29, BAE Systems chief executive Ian King and a delegation were in Malaysia to discuss the company's bid for the MRCA programme. The highlight of the visit was a meeting with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak in Putrajaya.

Apart from Najib, King and the delegation also met Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed.

Industry sources told theSun King was told the government would use the normal procurement process. King's visit came a month after theSun reported on Sept 24 that Swedish defence and aerospace company, SAAB, had offered a lease-buy option for its Gripen fighter jet for the MRCA programme.

CIO to Bid the ADF Land 400 Program

27 November 2012

LAND 400 – Land Combat Vehicle System (LCVS) is the Army’s largest, most expensive and most complex major capability equipment project to date. The project aims to deliver the mounted close combat capability to the Land Force from 2025. (photo : Militaryphotos)

Iveco - oto Melara consortium (CIO) has announced its intention to offer its extensive range of proven armoured vehicles for the Land 400 program.

Of particular relevance to the program will be the very successful 8x8 range of wheeled vehicles known as the Centauro family, all equipped with the same mobility, ballistic protection features and
a wide range of turrets and each having a specific technology and state-of-the-art performance.

The “father” of the family is the Centauro 105/120 MGS, ostensibly a tank on wheels. The Centauro armoured vehicle has been taken as a benchmark by all major Western armies when issuing their operational specifications for the manufacturing of armoured vehicles and it has immediately become an international success. The vehicles have served with great success in Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq and Lebanon.

The most recent vehicle of the Centauro family is a troop transport and fighting vehicle, called VbM Freccia, Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle (AIFV). The Italian Army confirmed an order for a further batch of 62 during Eurosatory Exhibition this year - a total of 223 vehicles. A second medium brigade formed with an additional 250 VBM Freccia vehicles is foreseen in the next few years.

The Italian Army Freccia AIFV is fitted with a two-person turret armed with 25 mm or 30 mm dual feed cannon.


26 November 2012

Delivery Time for 21 Refurbished Huey Expected Not Later than March 2013

26 November 2012

PAF Huey helicopter (photo : Davis World 2011)

21 Huey choppers to boost PAF’s operations

MANILA, Philippines—The 21 refurbished Huey helicopters seen to be added to the Philippine Air Force’s list of assets, will not only boost the aviation wing’s capability and military operations but will also be of use to the upcoming 2013 elections, the Department of National Defense said Monday.

Undersecretary for Finance, Munitions Installations and Materiel Fernando Manalo said the Air Force requested additional helicopters as they are anticipating an increase in air mobility requirements due to election-related flights in various parts of the country.

He also said that the project was already in the pipeline as early as 2011, when then PAF Commanding General, Lt Gen Oscar Rabena, requested President Benigno S. Aquino III for additional Hueys. The said helicopters are also urgently required during calamity and disaster operations.

According to a recent report of the Defense Acquisition System (DAS) assessment team, there are only 16 fully/partial mission-capable Hueys in the PAF inventory. Currently, the PAF is 51 units short of reaching its ideal number of operational combat utility helicopters.

“The acquisition of CUHs aims to address the capability shortfall on the number of utility helicopters in order for the PAF to efficiently perform their missions. Utility helicopters are deployed all over the Philippines and have proven to be the most effective platform for the internal security operations (ISO) and the Internal Peace and Security Plan (IPSP) campaign,” Manalo said.

“With the present national security condition, the acquisition of additional combat utility helicopters to augment the existing UH-1H ‘Huey’ fleet is imperative. The PAF’s primary helicopter is the Huey, which falls under the light lift category. Having been the workhorse of AFP tactical operations for many years, the Huey fleet has succumbed to natural attrition due to structural stress and aircraft accidents,” he added.

An Acquisition Decision Memorandum (ADM) was issued in March 2012 for the acquisition of 21 refurbished UH-1H helicopters under negotiated procurement pursuant to Section 53.2 (Emergency Cases) of the implementing rules and regulations of RA 9184, s-2003.
The Defense Department submitted the request to the Government Policy and Procurement Board (GPPB) for authority to implement through negotiated procurement the said acquisition project last June 2012. However, last September, the DND received the GPPB’s decision to conduct public bidding for the UH-1H project instead of negotiated procurement.

The bid opening is set on December 4, 2012, with six potential bidders having already bought the bid documents, signifying their intention to participate in the bidding process. To avoid the danger of not being able to fully-support the helicopter lift requirements of the 2013 elections, the PAF has recommended that the delivery time for the Hueys be not later than February 28, 2013, Manalo said.

Australia and Papua New Guinea Complete Naval Exercise

26 November 2012

 HMPNGS Moresby P-04 patrol boat (photo : zedth)

Defence ties between Australia and Papua New Guinea were strengthened during Exercise Paradise in waters off Cairns.

Two Royal Australian Navy heavy landing craft, HMA Ships Labuan and Tarakan, spent a week at sea with two PNG Defence Force patrol boats,  HMPNG Ships Moresby and Rabaul.  Armidale-class patrol boat HMAS Bundaberg also contributed to the exercise while in transit to border protection operations.

HMAS Labuan L-128 heavy landing craft (photo : RAN)

Lieutenant Commander Steve Woodman, Commander Minor War Vessel Sea Training, said the annual exercise is an important opportunity to develop teamwork between our two nations.

“During Paradise, our vessels undertook a range of exercises that became progressively more challenging and tested the seamanship and mariner skills of all participants,” LCDR Woodman said.

HMAS Tarakan L-129 heavy landing craft (photo : Aus DoD)

“We started with a valuable harbour phase which included a number of desktop forums.  The following week we commenced the sea phase and conducted a range of evolutions including coordinated patrols and combined maritime surveillance operations, safety of life at sea, search and rescue exercises and a spirited amphibious operation.

HMPNGS Rabaul P-01 patrol boat (photo :  wcpfc)

“The RAN and Papua New Guinea Defence Force Maritime Element have a long history of close cooperation.  By training together in exercises like Paradise we build confidence and improve our ability to conduct joint operations to protect our common maritime interests.”

HMAS Bundaberg ACPB-91 (photo : foter)

Exercise Paradise ran parallel to Exercise Triton Thunder 02-12, a bi-annual exercise which tests the preparation of smaller units in the RAN Fleet to meet their mission of fighting and winning at sea.

24 November 2012

Latihan Gerakan Udara Menjadi Penutup Eksesais ELANG BRUNESIA 05/2012

24 November 2012

Telah lima kali AU Indonesia dan Brunei mengadakan latihan bersama bertajuk Elang Brunesia(all photos : Brunei Mindef)

RIMBA – Latihan Gerakan Udara bagi Eksesais Elang Brunesia 05/2012 yang telah dirancang selama 3 hari bermula pada 19 hingga 21 November 2012 diantara Tentera Udara Diraja Brunei (TUDB) dan Tentera Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU) telah berjaya dilangsungkan hari ini di Kawasan FFA, Padang Tembak Binturan, Penanjong Garison. Tujuan latihan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kerjasama dan persefahaman diantara TUDB dan TNI-AU didalam melaksanakan latihan gerakan udara mencari dan menyelamat secara gabungan di kawasan latihan tersebut. Disamping itu juga, ianya akan dapat meningkatkan lagi tahap ‘Inter-Operability’ dan kesiapsiagaan diantara kedua tentera udara, terutama sekali dalam bidang profesionalisme keanggotaan, peralatan, prosedur dan dukungan logistik secara bergabung. Pesawat yang d gunakan semasa latihan tersebut adalah Bell 212 dari TUDB dan Super Puma dari TNI-AU.

Setelah latihan tersebut selesai dijalankan, Acara seterusnya ialah Upacara Penutup bagi Eksesais Latihan Bersama Elang Brunesia 05/2012 di Pangkalan Rimba TUDB. Tetamu Kehormat majlis ialah Brigadier Jeneral (U) Dato Seri Pahlawan Haji Jofri bin Haji Abdullah, Pemerintah TUDB dan Marsekal Muda TNI Bagus Puruhito, PANGKOOPSAU 1.

Upacara dimulakan dengan pemerikssan perbarisan oleh Tetamu Kehormat dan seterusnya memberikan ucapan serta dengan rasminya melancarkan penutup bagi Eksesais tersebut. Acara diteruskan dengan menanggalkan toha daripada kedua-dua pengendali latihan tentera udara oleh Tetamu Kehormat Majlis. Sebagai kenang-kenangan, Sesi bergambar ramai bersama semua anggota yang terlibat di dalam Eksesais bersama Tetamu Kehormat Majlis telah dijalankan setelah bacaan doa penutup oleh Guru Ugama TUDB.

KOSTRAD Latihan Bersama AD Singapura dalam SAFKAR INDOPURA 24/2012

24 November 2012

Indonesia dan Singapura sejak 1970 telah melakukan latihan bersama, dan sejak 1989 latihan antara AD Singapura dan Indonesia bertajuk Safkar Indopura dimulai (photo : Kostrad)

Dalam rangka Latma Safkar Indopura 24/2012, pada tanggal 21 Nopember 2012. Wakasad Letnan jenderal  TNI Budiman dan Wakasad Singapura Brigjen Tung Yui Fai membuka  kegiatan Latihan Tempur Bersama antara Angkatan Darat Indonesia dan Singapore Army Forces yang diadakan pada tanggal 21-28 Nopember 2012.
Kegiatan yang bertempat di Pusat Pendidikan Infanteri Cipatat ini dimulai pada tanggal 21 Nopember 2012 dan dibuka dengan opening ceremony yang dihadiri oleh para tentara Angkatan Darat Indonesia dan Singapore Army Forces. Pada hari yang sama pula, diselenggarakan displai alutsista dari Singapore Army Forces, Yonif 323 Raider Kostrad, Yonif 201 Mekanis, dan PT Pindad (Persero).

Adapun materi latihan pada Safkar Indopura ke-24 ini antara lain Latihan silang (Cross Training) dalam materi taktik dan menembak, Latihan taktis dengan pasukan Infanteri mekanis dalam OLI (FTX), dan Latihan Posko 1 (CPX) tingkat Brigif dan Batalyon (2 tingkat). Sedangkan pasukan dan personel pendukung yang dilibatkan dalam latihan bersama ini sejumlah 1.150 personel terdiri dari TNI AD 700 personel dan AD Singapura 450 personel.

Dalam displai alutsista, Pindad menampilkan panser Anoa dan Komodo, sedangkan Singapura menampilkan Terrex  (photo : bumn)

Kasad Jenderal TNI Pramono Edhie Wibowo dalam amanat tertulisnya yang dibacakan Wakasad Letjen TNI Budiman mengatakan, Latihan Bersama Safkar Indopura ini telah memasuki tahun ke-24, sehingga kedua negara sudah banyak belajar dan mengaplikasikan taktik dan teknik latihan bertempur sesuai pengalaman prajurit masing-masing.

Setelah mengunjungi stand pameran, rombongan Angkatan Darat RI dan Singapore Army Forces, melakukan uji kendaraan tempur. Kendaraan tempur yang digunakan adalah Panser Anoa milik TNI Angkatan Darat dan Terrex milik Singapore Army Forces. Mereka berkeliling mengitari komplek Pusdikif Cipatat.

Kegiatan ini diadakan selain untuk mengetahui kualitas peralatan tempur masing-masing negara, mengetahui strategi bertempur masing-masing negara, juga untuk memelihara hubungan baik antara Indonesia dan Singapura melalui bidang militer.

Thai Army Receives M-198 Howitzer Worth of 850 Million

24 November 2012

M198 field howitzer for Royal Thai Army (photo : loveyouct)

Royal Thai Army adds M198 artillery with enhanced capabilities, valued of 850 million. 

On Nov 21, the Army report said that U.S. Army Ordnance center has a 54 M198 field howitzer. Thailand purchases M198 approximately 850 million, credit line to the ship from the United States and arrive at Laem Chabang, Chonburi, Thailand on October 19. From the conveyor, which is stored inside the shed ports on Nov 20. M198 to be transported to artillery units in the Army at Prachin Buri, Kanchanaburi and Chonburi on 23 Nov for inspection.

M198 towed howitzer (image : theblueprints)

The M-198 was purchased to replace field artillery M-114 A1 size 155 mm used since 1960. In 2009 the Army Ordnance and Senior High Officers of the army of Thailand to the United States to buy guns M 198 which stored and not being used. The  procurement system use Foreign Military Sale (FMS).

However, Thailand's army to buy 155 mm M198 howitzer with good quality and the U.S. Army Ordnance to make improvements in the quality. Where the limit is about 16-17 million per one barrel cannon.

Correspondent reported M-198 medium artillery howitzer produced by the United States, width 155 mm, length of barrel 39 caliber revolver Excalibur Length 12.34 meters in the cylinder and barrel heavy gun and secondary gun weighs 7,030 kg car barreled 40 screw clockwise spiral in the first round of the 20 Excalibur. The rate of fire 2-4 shots/min and maximum range is 30,000 yards with the bullet feeder. Size 155 mm ammunition packed separately.

M198, a 155mm howitzer (photo : genuardis)

The tactical use of artillery medium artillery projectile M 198 is a separate body curved rail gun shots fired by pulling the trigger of the. The end of the screw threading grooving machine is reflected back with Hydro Pneumatic Installation (liquid with gas) fired by aiming straight and Indirect mobile towing a car carrying five tons in the United States. The M198 artillery forces also were sent on a mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) or NATO brigade and light weapons in many countries. The M198 can be transported by air, artillery and battalions.

The tactical use of medium artillery projectile M 198 is a separate body curved rail gun shots fired by pulling the trigger. The end of the screw threading grooving machine is reflected back with hydro pneumatic installation (liquid with gas) fired by aiming straight and indirect mobile towing a car carrying five tons. In the United States, the M198 artillery forces also were sent on a mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO brigade and light weapons in many countries. The M198 can be transported by air, artillery and battalions.


23 November 2012

PAL INDONESIA Mulai Produksi Kapal PKR-105 Januari 2013

23 November 2013

Kapal PKR Sigma-10514 yang akan diproduksi bersama oleh PT Pal dan DSNS (photo : Defense Studies)

JAKARTA: PT PAL Indonesia mulai membangun satu unit kapal Perusak Kawal Rudal 10514 hasil kerja sama dengan Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding, Belanda pada Januari tahun depan.

Direktur Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Usaha PAL Indonesia Eko Prasetyanto mengatakan perseroan memiliki empat divisi usaha yakni Kapal Perang, Kapal Niaga, Perbaikan dan Perawatan, dan Rekayasa Umum.

Divisi Kapal Perang ini memproduksi kapal perang yang mendukung alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) dan salah satu kontrak yang akan dikerjakan ialah kontrak kapal PKR senilai 7 juta euro itu dengan menggandeng Damen, galangan kapal dari Belanda.

“Kami juga akan mulai kerjakan pada Januari 2013 yakni kapal perusak rudal kerja sama dengan Damen. Kontraknya kami berdua, nilai totalnya 7 juta euro,” katanya ditemui Bisnis, baru—baru ini.

Dia menjelaskan mekanisme pembuatan kapal yang akan memperkuat alutsista Indonesia itu terdiri dari enam modul. Dari jumlah itu, dua modul akan dikerjakan di Belanda, sedangkan empat modul akan dikerjakan di Surabaya.

“Nah setelah jadi modul—modulnya, dua dari Belanda, empat dari kita maka nanti akan digabung, disimulasikan,” katanya.

Kontrak berskema joint production antara PAL Indonesia dan Damen ditandatangani oleh Kepala Badan Sarana Pertahanan (Baranahan) Kementerian Pertahanan Mayjen TNI Ediwan Prabowo dengan Direktur Damen Evert Van den Broek pada awal Juni lalu.

PAL Indonesia dulunya bernama Marine Establishment dan diresmikan oleh Pemerintah Belanda pada 1939. Beralih nama menjadi Kaigun SE 2124 saat pendudukan Jepang dan setelah Indonesia merdeka dinasionalisasi menjadi Penataran Angkatan Laut (PAL) hingga menjadi perseroan terbatas.
Adapun Damen Schelde adalah galangan kapal yang mendesain dan mengkonstruksi kapal angkatan laut dan kapal komersil.

Dibangun pada 1875 dan pada 2000 menjadi anggota Damen Shipyard Group. Grup ini terdiri dari lebih 30 galangan kapal besar. Grup ini membangun lebih dari 4.000 kapal komersil dan militer, saat ini didukung hampir 8.500 karyawan ahli dan omset tahunan hampir 1,5 miliar euro.

Menurut Eko Damen memutuskan mentranfer teknologi dalam konstruksi dan pembangunan Kapal PKR tersebut kepada PAL Indonesia.

Kerja sama tersebut, katanya, adalah awal yang baik dari industri pertahanan dalam negeri, khususnya bagi perseroan dalam mengembangkan kemandirian alat utama sistem senjata.

Selain itu, kerja sama itu juga sejalan dengan kebijakan pemerintah dalam rencana induk revitalisasi industri pertahanan dalam rangka mendorong dan meningkatkan industri pertahanan dalam negeri.

Kapal PKR 10514 ini dilengkapi dengan mesin utama 2x diesel engine, 2x E Drive (CODOE). Diesel Generator 4x715 kw, dan 2x435 kw, dan Gear Box CODOE, heavy duty. Combat System, yaitu persenjataan antiserangan udara, antiserangan kapal selam, dan antiserangan kapal atas air.

Selain PKR itu, PAL Indonesia juga tengah membangun Kapal Cepat Rudal KCR-60 dan melakukan perbaikan atas Kapal Geomarine milik Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral.

Di sisi lain pada Divisi Kapal Niaga, fokus pasar diarahkan pada internasional, pengembangan model industri pelayaran nasional, dan pelayaran perintis bagi penumpang dan barang (kargo). Kapasitas produksi per tahun saat ini mencapai tiga unit kapal dengan ukuran 50,000 DWT dan dua unit kapal dengan ukuran 20,000 DWT per tahun.