31 Januari 2013
Pesawat F-5F Tiger TNI AU (photo : Merdeka)
Pesawat tempur tua F-5 Tiger TNI AU terbang kembali
Setelah 10 bulan, menjalani perawatan akhirnya pesawat tempur F-5 Tiger II Skadron Udara 14 Lanud Iswahjudi dapat terbang kembali. Pesawat ini sempat digrounded sejak tahun 2012 lalu.
F-5 Tiger merupakan pesawat yang tergolong tua. Si Macan ini mulai memperkuat TNI AU sejak tahun 1980. Jika dihitung, pesawat produksi Northrop Co, Amerika Serikat ini sudah 30 tahun menjaga udara RI.
Pesawat dinyatakan layak terbang setelah menjalani tes flight oleh Komandan Skadron Udara 14 Mayor Pnb M Nurdin, Kamis (31/1). Demikian keterangan pers dari Pentak Lanud Iswahjudi.
Hal tersebut sangat membanggakan terutama bagi para teknisi, sehingga pesawat tempur F-5 dapat bergabung dengan temannya pesawat tempur F-16 Fihting Falcon dan Hawk MK-53, dalam menjaga kedaulatan NKRI.
Tes flight dilaksanakan langsung oleh Komandan Skadron Udara 14 Mayor Pnb M. Nurdin bersama Mayor Pnb Reza Muryadi, di aero drom Lanud Iswahjudi dan dipantau langsung oleh Komandan Lanud Iswahjudi Marsekal Pertama TNI Yuyu Sutisna.
Tes flight merupakan tes terbang bagi pesawat terbang setelah menjalani perawatan atau perbaikan karena mengalami kerusakan, sedangkan bagi penerbang yang melaksanakan tes flight adalah penerbang yang telah mendapatkan sertifikasi tes flight. [ian]
31 Januari 2013
Lockheed Martin Offers LCS to Thailand
31 Januari 2013
Lockheed Martin's Littoral Combat Ship (photo : Lockheed Martin)
Thai frigate competition among potential Lockheed Martin deals for ships, helos in Asia
Lockheed Martin is considering offering its Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) in response to a request for proposals (RfP) from the Royal Thai Navy (RTN) for a frigate, the US-headquarted group confirmed on 25 January.
The Thai government finally approved funding of up to USD1 billion in September 2012 to procure two modern frigates over the coming years. The requirement had previously been put on hold for more than a decade due to funding issues. Government support finally came as a result of economic expansion and the need to enhance the combat capability of the RTN.
Confirmation of Lockheed Martin's interest in the programme came from Doug Laurendeau, business development director of the company's ship and aviation systems unit. It is one of a number of opportunities that Lockheed Martin is pursuing in the Asia-Pacific region, he said.
Lockheed Martin would be likely to face competition to meet the Thai frigate requirement from South Korea and Germany. Platforms known to be under consideration include the DW3000H frigate design from South Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) and the MEKO platform of Germany's ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems.
Lockheed Martin's Littoral Combat Ship (photo : Lockheed Martin)
Thai frigate competition among potential Lockheed Martin deals for ships, helos in Asia
Lockheed Martin is considering offering its Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) in response to a request for proposals (RfP) from the Royal Thai Navy (RTN) for a frigate, the US-headquarted group confirmed on 25 January.
The Thai government finally approved funding of up to USD1 billion in September 2012 to procure two modern frigates over the coming years. The requirement had previously been put on hold for more than a decade due to funding issues. Government support finally came as a result of economic expansion and the need to enhance the combat capability of the RTN.
Confirmation of Lockheed Martin's interest in the programme came from Doug Laurendeau, business development director of the company's ship and aviation systems unit. It is one of a number of opportunities that Lockheed Martin is pursuing in the Asia-Pacific region, he said.
Lockheed Martin would be likely to face competition to meet the Thai frigate requirement from South Korea and Germany. Platforms known to be under consideration include the DW3000H frigate design from South Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) and the MEKO platform of Germany's ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems.
ST Engineering Wins Newbuild Contractor for Eight Naval Vessel for RSN
31 Januari 2013
Fearless class patrol vessel (photo : cjdby)
Singapore – Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd (ST Engineering) today announced that the Group has been awarded a contract by the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) for the design and build of eight new vessels. This new development attests to the Group’s core strength of providing integrated capabilities and solutions to support its customers.
The Group’s marine arm, Singapore Technologies Marine Ltd (ST Marine) will build the eight vessels at its Singapore Benoi Yard. Singapore Technologies Electronics Limited (ST Electronics), the Group’s electronics arm, will supply the core combat systems and combat system integration solutions. ST Marine will carry out the platform system integration as the lead system integrator.
Design of the vessels will commence immediately and the delivery of these vessels is expected to be from 2016 onwards. These new vessels will replace the Republic of Singapore Navy’s existing Fearless-class Patrol Vessels, indigenously designed and built by ST Marine in the 1990s.
“We are honoured to be awarded this contract by MINDEF, which reflects the excellent partnership between MINDEF and ST Engineering. It also demonstrates our continuing efforts and commitment to develop indigenous capability to better support MINDEF in the area of design, construction, operations and support.” ~ NG Sing Chan, President, ST Marine
As we are under contractual obligation to observe confidentiality in respect of the contract, we are unable to disclose any further details.
This contract is not expected to have any material impact on the consolidated net tangible assets per share and earnings per share of ST Engineering for the current financial year.
Fearless class patrol vessel (photo : cjdby)
Singapore – Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd (ST Engineering) today announced that the Group has been awarded a contract by the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) for the design and build of eight new vessels. This new development attests to the Group’s core strength of providing integrated capabilities and solutions to support its customers.
The Group’s marine arm, Singapore Technologies Marine Ltd (ST Marine) will build the eight vessels at its Singapore Benoi Yard. Singapore Technologies Electronics Limited (ST Electronics), the Group’s electronics arm, will supply the core combat systems and combat system integration solutions. ST Marine will carry out the platform system integration as the lead system integrator.
Design of the vessels will commence immediately and the delivery of these vessels is expected to be from 2016 onwards. These new vessels will replace the Republic of Singapore Navy’s existing Fearless-class Patrol Vessels, indigenously designed and built by ST Marine in the 1990s.
“We are honoured to be awarded this contract by MINDEF, which reflects the excellent partnership between MINDEF and ST Engineering. It also demonstrates our continuing efforts and commitment to develop indigenous capability to better support MINDEF in the area of design, construction, operations and support.” ~ NG Sing Chan, President, ST Marine
As we are under contractual obligation to observe confidentiality in respect of the contract, we are unable to disclose any further details.
This contract is not expected to have any material impact on the consolidated net tangible assets per share and earnings per share of ST Engineering for the current financial year.
Bom "Blast Effect” Diuji Coba di Lanud Iswahjudi
31 Januari 2013
Para teknisi pesawat F-16/Fighting Falcon Skadron Udara 3 Lanud Iswahjudi saat memasang Bom yang akan di uji coba, di AWR Pandanwangi, Lumajang, Rabu (30/1). (photo : TNI AU).
Guna mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap produk-produk luar negeri dan sebagai wujud kemandirian terhadap industri pertahanan di tanah air, Dislitbangau mengadakan uji coba bom, dengan menggunakan pesawat tempur F-16/Fighting Falcon dari Skadron Udara 3 Lanud Iswahjudi, Rabu (30/1).
Uji coba Bom Blast Effect Anti Personel, direncanakan akan berlangsung selama tiga hari tersebut diawali dengan paparan dari Dislitbangau oleh Mayor Tek Chaeruman dalam briefing pagi di ruang Tedy Kustari Lanud Iswahjudi, dilanjutkan dengan simulasi pemasangan Bom di pesawat F-16/Fighting Falcon dari Skadron Udara 3 Lanud Iswahjudi, disaksikan oleh Kadislitbangau Marsma TNI Edy Yuwono, Komandan Wing 3 Kolonel Pnb Tedy Rizalihadi beserta tim penilai lannya.
Dalam kesempatan tersebut Kadislitbangau, Marsma TNI Edy Yuwono mengatakan, uji coba Bom ini merupakan upaya untuk mengurangi ketergantungan alutsista negara produsen dari luar negeri, dan sesuai keinginan pemerintah mengenai kemandirian dalam produksi alat pertahanan dalam negeri, Dislitbangau sebagai Balakpus Mabes TNI AU telah melaksanakan beberapa kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan khususnya di bidang Alutsista.
“Dengan ketersediaan alutsista produksi dalam negeri yang memadai, dan tidak tergantung dengan negara produsen maka kemampuan operasional TNI Angkatan Udara dalam mempertahankan kedaulatan NKRI dapat terlaksana dengan baik”, ungkap Marsma TNI Edy Yowono.
Semantara di hari kedua tanggal 31 Januari, direncanakan dilaksanakan uji coba Bom dengan menggunakan pesawat tempur F-16, sedangkan sasaran pengeboman di Air Weapon Ring (AWR) Pandanwangi Lumajang, Jawa Timur, selanjutnya hari ketiga evaluasi terhadap hasil uji coba bom oleh tim penilai yang telah ditunjuk.
Bom dengan berat 250 kilo gram, tersebut dirancang khusus untuk menghasilkan serpihan yang disesuaikan dengan sasaran, dibuat oleh Dislitbangau bekerjasama dengan Dewan Riset Nasional (DRN). Sedangkan tim penilai dalam uji coba tersebut diantaranya staf dari Srenaau, Sopsau, Slogau, Disaeroau, Dislambangjaau, Koharmatau dan Depohar 60 Lanud Iswahjudi.
Para teknisi pesawat F-16/Fighting Falcon Skadron Udara 3 Lanud Iswahjudi saat memasang Bom yang akan di uji coba, di AWR Pandanwangi, Lumajang, Rabu (30/1). (photo : TNI AU).
Guna mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap produk-produk luar negeri dan sebagai wujud kemandirian terhadap industri pertahanan di tanah air, Dislitbangau mengadakan uji coba bom, dengan menggunakan pesawat tempur F-16/Fighting Falcon dari Skadron Udara 3 Lanud Iswahjudi, Rabu (30/1).
Uji coba Bom Blast Effect Anti Personel, direncanakan akan berlangsung selama tiga hari tersebut diawali dengan paparan dari Dislitbangau oleh Mayor Tek Chaeruman dalam briefing pagi di ruang Tedy Kustari Lanud Iswahjudi, dilanjutkan dengan simulasi pemasangan Bom di pesawat F-16/Fighting Falcon dari Skadron Udara 3 Lanud Iswahjudi, disaksikan oleh Kadislitbangau Marsma TNI Edy Yuwono, Komandan Wing 3 Kolonel Pnb Tedy Rizalihadi beserta tim penilai lannya.
Dalam kesempatan tersebut Kadislitbangau, Marsma TNI Edy Yuwono mengatakan, uji coba Bom ini merupakan upaya untuk mengurangi ketergantungan alutsista negara produsen dari luar negeri, dan sesuai keinginan pemerintah mengenai kemandirian dalam produksi alat pertahanan dalam negeri, Dislitbangau sebagai Balakpus Mabes TNI AU telah melaksanakan beberapa kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan khususnya di bidang Alutsista.
“Dengan ketersediaan alutsista produksi dalam negeri yang memadai, dan tidak tergantung dengan negara produsen maka kemampuan operasional TNI Angkatan Udara dalam mempertahankan kedaulatan NKRI dapat terlaksana dengan baik”, ungkap Marsma TNI Edy Yowono.
Semantara di hari kedua tanggal 31 Januari, direncanakan dilaksanakan uji coba Bom dengan menggunakan pesawat tempur F-16, sedangkan sasaran pengeboman di Air Weapon Ring (AWR) Pandanwangi Lumajang, Jawa Timur, selanjutnya hari ketiga evaluasi terhadap hasil uji coba bom oleh tim penilai yang telah ditunjuk.
Bom dengan berat 250 kilo gram, tersebut dirancang khusus untuk menghasilkan serpihan yang disesuaikan dengan sasaran, dibuat oleh Dislitbangau bekerjasama dengan Dewan Riset Nasional (DRN). Sedangkan tim penilai dalam uji coba tersebut diantaranya staf dari Srenaau, Sopsau, Slogau, Disaeroau, Dislambangjaau, Koharmatau dan Depohar 60 Lanud Iswahjudi.
30 Januari 2013
Philippines Nears $443 Million Deal for South Korea Fighter Jets
30 Januari 2013
F/A-50 Korea's fighter jet (photo : KoreaAero)
The Philippines is close to reaching an 18 billion peso ($443 million) deal to purchase 12 fighter jets from South Korea as it moves to bolster its defenses amid tensions with China over disputed territory.
Defense Assistant Secretary Patrick Velez today said the government intends to finalize a contract with Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. (047810) by the end of February and two could be delivered in the next six months. The Philippines hasn’t had an operating fighter jet since 2005.
“The military upgrade is already a priority before our incident with China,” Edwin Lacierda, a spokesman for President Benigno Aquino, told reporters today. “It is not aimed at any particular country. It is our obligation to modernize our military hardware.”
Asian countries including China and Japan are increasing military spending as the region grapples with maritime disputes involving oil, natural gas and fishing rights. The Philippines has tussled with China over control of areas in the South China Sea where both claim sovereignty, leading to a standoff over the Scarborough Shoal last year.
The jets will be used for training, disaster response and fending off enemy forces, Lacierda said. The Philippines may also seek bids for the supply of an unspecified number of naval warships by April, Velez said.
The Philippines last flew its Vietnam-era Northrop-Grumman Corp. (NOC) F-5 fighter jets in 2005, Aquino said in an interview last May.
Doubling Fleet
The Philippines also plans to acquire 10 Coast Guard patrol ships from Japan from 2014 to 2017, doubling the size of its current fleet. Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida met Philippine counterpart Albert del Rosario in Manila this month to strengthen ties.
Japan is set to increase its defense budget for the first time in 11 years and boost Coast Guard spending as Chinese ships have made increased incursions into waters near islands claimed by both countries. The budget increase for Japan’s Coast Guard is the first in six years.
China’s military spending, projected to be about 670 billion yuan ($107.7 billion) in 2012, has more than doubled since 2006 and is the second-highest in the world behind the U.S.
The Philippines last week moved to challenge China’s maritime claims before a United Nations tribunal after exhausting political and diplomatic avenues for a negotiated settlement. Vietnam and the Philippines reject China’s map of the waters as a basis for joint development of oil and gas.
Chinese and Philippine vessels squared off early last year over the Scarborough Shoal, a disputed land feature in the waters claimed by both countries. The U.S. has been vague about whether a mutual defense treaty with the Philippines covers the contested islands.
The FA-50, South Korea’s first fighter jet, is a light combat fighter based on the T-50 trainer jet. Korea Aerospace said it signed a 711.2 billion won ($656 million) contract in 2011 to provide 20 FA-50 jets to South Korea by 2014.
F/A-50 Korea's fighter jet (photo : KoreaAero)
The Philippines is close to reaching an 18 billion peso ($443 million) deal to purchase 12 fighter jets from South Korea as it moves to bolster its defenses amid tensions with China over disputed territory.
Defense Assistant Secretary Patrick Velez today said the government intends to finalize a contract with Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. (047810) by the end of February and two could be delivered in the next six months. The Philippines hasn’t had an operating fighter jet since 2005.
“The military upgrade is already a priority before our incident with China,” Edwin Lacierda, a spokesman for President Benigno Aquino, told reporters today. “It is not aimed at any particular country. It is our obligation to modernize our military hardware.”
Asian countries including China and Japan are increasing military spending as the region grapples with maritime disputes involving oil, natural gas and fishing rights. The Philippines has tussled with China over control of areas in the South China Sea where both claim sovereignty, leading to a standoff over the Scarborough Shoal last year.
The jets will be used for training, disaster response and fending off enemy forces, Lacierda said. The Philippines may also seek bids for the supply of an unspecified number of naval warships by April, Velez said.
The Philippines last flew its Vietnam-era Northrop-Grumman Corp. (NOC) F-5 fighter jets in 2005, Aquino said in an interview last May.
Doubling Fleet
The Philippines also plans to acquire 10 Coast Guard patrol ships from Japan from 2014 to 2017, doubling the size of its current fleet. Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida met Philippine counterpart Albert del Rosario in Manila this month to strengthen ties.
Japan is set to increase its defense budget for the first time in 11 years and boost Coast Guard spending as Chinese ships have made increased incursions into waters near islands claimed by both countries. The budget increase for Japan’s Coast Guard is the first in six years.
China’s military spending, projected to be about 670 billion yuan ($107.7 billion) in 2012, has more than doubled since 2006 and is the second-highest in the world behind the U.S.
The Philippines last week moved to challenge China’s maritime claims before a United Nations tribunal after exhausting political and diplomatic avenues for a negotiated settlement. Vietnam and the Philippines reject China’s map of the waters as a basis for joint development of oil and gas.
Chinese and Philippine vessels squared off early last year over the Scarborough Shoal, a disputed land feature in the waters claimed by both countries. The U.S. has been vague about whether a mutual defense treaty with the Philippines covers the contested islands.
The FA-50, South Korea’s first fighter jet, is a light combat fighter based on the T-50 trainer jet. Korea Aerospace said it signed a 711.2 billion won ($656 million) contract in 2011 to provide 20 FA-50 jets to South Korea by 2014.
Final Giraffe Arrives in Australia
30 Januari 2013
Counter Rocket Artillery and Mortar radar (photo : Aus DoD)
Minister for Defence Materiel Jason Clare today announced that the final of three Counter Rocket Artillery and Mortar (C-RAM) Giraffe radars has arrived in Australia.
Mr Clare said two radar systems are currently operating in Tarin Kot. This third system will be used to train troops ahead of their deployment to Afghanistan.
“The Giraffe radars provide our troops with early detection of attacks from enemy rockets, artillery and mortars, protecting Australian and ISAF forces,” Mr Clare said.
“This early warning system has proven to be an important force protection capability for our troops, giving them vital seconds of advanced warning so they can take shelter.
“The addition of a third Giraffe radar to train our soldiers before they deploy means they will be trained to use the full range of the radar’s capabilities from the time they hit the ground.”
Australia assumed responsibility for early detection against rocket, artillery and mortar attacks at Tarin Kot from 28 December 2010.
The new Giraffe radars have replaced leased radars and were manufactured in Sweden by SAAB AB under an $86.2 million contract, which includes support services.
Australia’s C-RAM Sense and Warn capability consists of Giraffe radars, a number of lightweight counter mortar radars, and Command and Control, and warning equipment.
The new radars are the latest in a range of force protection initiatives that over the past few years has delivered $1 billion in equipment to protect our troops in Afghanistan including:
-Up-armouring the Bushmasters;
-New combat body armour;
-Heavier calibre weapons; and
-New ground-penetrating radar trucks to clear roads of IEDs before troops travel on them.
(Aus DoD)
Counter Rocket Artillery and Mortar radar (photo : Aus DoD)
Minister for Defence Materiel Jason Clare today announced that the final of three Counter Rocket Artillery and Mortar (C-RAM) Giraffe radars has arrived in Australia.
Mr Clare said two radar systems are currently operating in Tarin Kot. This third system will be used to train troops ahead of their deployment to Afghanistan.
“The Giraffe radars provide our troops with early detection of attacks from enemy rockets, artillery and mortars, protecting Australian and ISAF forces,” Mr Clare said.
“This early warning system has proven to be an important force protection capability for our troops, giving them vital seconds of advanced warning so they can take shelter.
“The addition of a third Giraffe radar to train our soldiers before they deploy means they will be trained to use the full range of the radar’s capabilities from the time they hit the ground.”
Australia assumed responsibility for early detection against rocket, artillery and mortar attacks at Tarin Kot from 28 December 2010.
The new Giraffe radars have replaced leased radars and were manufactured in Sweden by SAAB AB under an $86.2 million contract, which includes support services.
Australia’s C-RAM Sense and Warn capability consists of Giraffe radars, a number of lightweight counter mortar radars, and Command and Control, and warning equipment.
The new radars are the latest in a range of force protection initiatives that over the past few years has delivered $1 billion in equipment to protect our troops in Afghanistan including:
-Up-armouring the Bushmasters;
-New combat body armour;
-Heavier calibre weapons; and
-New ground-penetrating radar trucks to clear roads of IEDs before troops travel on them.
(Aus DoD)
Malaysia and Pakistan to Jointly Manufacture Tactical UAV and Satellites
30 Januari 2013
Flamingo Tactical UAV from Pakistan (photo : Satuma)
Boost to defence ties with Pakistan
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia welcomes Pakistan's offer to jointly manufacture tactical unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and satellites to boost the local defence industry.
Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi believes that Pakistan is capable of manufacturing the items on a large scale, which could mutually benefit both nations.
"Pakistan was convincing in terms of producing long-range UAVs, along with other strategic assets and equipment.
"With such offers, Malaysia need not depend solely on a country for such expertise," he told newsmen after receiving a courtesy call from Pakistan's joint chiefs of staff chairman Gen Khalid Shameem Wynne at the former's officer here, yesterday.
Zahid said Khalid had also expressed greater defence cooperation with Malaysia in terms of other areas including exercises, training, education and exchange of officers.
He said the UAVs, which proved an effective eye-in-the-sky to thwart non-traditional threats like piracy, illegal trafficking of goods, people and drugs as well as illegal fishing, could influence and shape maritime security.
Aludra Tactical UAV from Malaysia (photo : Flightglobal)
Malaysia's enforcement agencies have in the last decade begun using UAVs, especially along the Sabah coastline to check on the infiltration of illegal immigrants, smuggling and other maritime border crimes.
Composite Technology Research Malaysia (CTRM) Sdn Bhd and Sapura have jointly designed and manufactured UAVs like the Aludra model, of which more than 15 units have been sold to the Defence Ministry since 2007 for surveillance and reconnaissance missions.
Both companies are also assisting the ministry to manage the network centric warfare centre in Tawau, Sabah.
Malaysia had in the past two decades launched a series of telecommunication and weather satellites. These include the geostationary Malaysia East Asia Satellites - Measat-1 and -2 launched in 1996, and -3 in 2006 for television on communications.
Then came Malaysia's first mircro-satellite - Tiung SAT - that was launched in 2000. Nine years later, the high-resolution Malaysian Low Earth Orbit RazakSat was launched.
(Business Times)
Flamingo Tactical UAV from Pakistan (photo : Satuma)
Boost to defence ties with Pakistan
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia welcomes Pakistan's offer to jointly manufacture tactical unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and satellites to boost the local defence industry.
Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi believes that Pakistan is capable of manufacturing the items on a large scale, which could mutually benefit both nations.
"Pakistan was convincing in terms of producing long-range UAVs, along with other strategic assets and equipment.
"With such offers, Malaysia need not depend solely on a country for such expertise," he told newsmen after receiving a courtesy call from Pakistan's joint chiefs of staff chairman Gen Khalid Shameem Wynne at the former's officer here, yesterday.
Zahid said Khalid had also expressed greater defence cooperation with Malaysia in terms of other areas including exercises, training, education and exchange of officers.
He said the UAVs, which proved an effective eye-in-the-sky to thwart non-traditional threats like piracy, illegal trafficking of goods, people and drugs as well as illegal fishing, could influence and shape maritime security.
Aludra Tactical UAV from Malaysia (photo : Flightglobal)
Malaysia's enforcement agencies have in the last decade begun using UAVs, especially along the Sabah coastline to check on the infiltration of illegal immigrants, smuggling and other maritime border crimes.
Composite Technology Research Malaysia (CTRM) Sdn Bhd and Sapura have jointly designed and manufactured UAVs like the Aludra model, of which more than 15 units have been sold to the Defence Ministry since 2007 for surveillance and reconnaissance missions.
Both companies are also assisting the ministry to manage the network centric warfare centre in Tawau, Sabah.
Malaysia had in the past two decades launched a series of telecommunication and weather satellites. These include the geostationary Malaysia East Asia Satellites - Measat-1 and -2 launched in 1996, and -3 in 2006 for television on communications.
Then came Malaysia's first mircro-satellite - Tiung SAT - that was launched in 2000. Nine years later, the high-resolution Malaysian Low Earth Orbit RazakSat was launched.
(Business Times)
Spain Offers Descubierta Class Corvettes to Philippines
30 Januari 2013
Descubierta class corvettes, 88.8m in length and displacement of 1.233 tons standard and 1.482 tons full load (photo : Jordi Montoro Andreu)
Spain offers Philippines "Descubierta" corvettes to assert against China
The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Gonzalo de Benito, offered the Executive Secretary of the Presidency of the Republic of the Philippines, Paquito Ochoa, the technology of our customs supervision and corvettes like "Descubierta (=Discovery)", manufactured by Navantia, to reaffirm the sovereignty of its waters off China's claim. Philippines has requested assistance from the Spanish experts to argue its sovereignty over the Bajo de Masinloc (also known as Scarborough Shoal) and other disputed maritime areas.
So says a diplomatic courier rated "reserved" issued on October 26, 2012 by the Spanish Ambassador to the Philippines Jorge Manuel Domecq, which has had access Diariocritico. In that post, Domecq gives his assessment of his interview in Manila Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Gonzalo de Benito, with the Executive Secretary of the Presidency of the Republic of the Philippines, Paquito Ochoa.
At one point, the conversation turned to Spanish interests, who want to enter the market for the renewal of the Philippine armed forces. At that point, Gonzalo de Benito advanced introducer made of the advantages of Navantia and Indra to Philippines to defend its maritime space. A De Benito Ambassador Domecq accompanied him, the deputy director general of the Pacific, Southeast Asia and the Philippines, Londaiz White, the Deputy Head of the Embassy, and the advisor of the Office of Secretary of State, José Pascual Manual.
The advantages of SIVE and "Descubierta"
In the beginning of the interview, as related by Ambassador Domecq, De Benito invited President Aquino to travel to Spain this year 2013, "is exclusively or as part of a tour of several European countries." Ochoa was in favor of the idea, but noting that Aquino prioritizes above all the economic substance of his travels, including cooperation on defense, referring to the need to modernize the Philippine armed forces in the context of the problems in the South China Sea.
At that point, Gonzalo de Benito explained the advantages of NAVANTIA as "provider of proven safety and soundness" and Indra, "whose development in the control of airspace in the world will set as an attractive alternative to the control of airspace and sea, with an eye to the dispute of the South Sea of China ". According to the ambassador, De Benito explained that one third of commercial flights in the world is controlled by Indra technology, including the entire German airspace and that of countries such as Bahrain and Qatar.
So, De Benito Ochoa reminded his promise May 2012 meeting with Indra to all departments concerned received a briefing on the SIVE (Sistema Integrado de Vigilancia Exterior) , and "also recalled Navantia supply the corvette type 'Descubierta' for Coast Guard, and was asked to take an interest in it. "
The dispute with China over oil and gas
At that point, the Executive Secretary of Aquino took to refer the dispute referred to the South China Sea ("it is worth noting that the maps hanging on his office and included the recent name change in the Philippines, Philippine Sea now calling West "), and stressed the importance of this issue to Manila, not only for sovereignty in itself, but by the fact that the area known as Recto Bank fund houses in large reserves of petroleum and natural gas.
For Ochoa, there is willingness on both sides (Philippines and China) to normalize the situation, even based on the controversial parking and other aspects (such as self-exploitation of groundwater resources). In this context, the Philippine government had decided for reasons of national security, postpone the start of oil drilling beneath the seabed of Recto Bank to start in October 2012.
But Ochoa also showed great interest in cooperating with Spain on "archival research" in order to have "the best historical and legal backing in defending its sovereignty from Bajo de Masinloc (also known as Scarborough Shoal ) and other maritime zones ", currently in dispute.
Descubierta class corvettes, 88.8m in length and displacement of 1.233 tons standard and 1.482 tons full load (photo : Jordi Montoro Andreu)
Spain offers Philippines "Descubierta" corvettes to assert against China
The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Gonzalo de Benito, offered the Executive Secretary of the Presidency of the Republic of the Philippines, Paquito Ochoa, the technology of our customs supervision and corvettes like "Descubierta (=Discovery)", manufactured by Navantia, to reaffirm the sovereignty of its waters off China's claim. Philippines has requested assistance from the Spanish experts to argue its sovereignty over the Bajo de Masinloc (also known as Scarborough Shoal) and other disputed maritime areas.
So says a diplomatic courier rated "reserved" issued on October 26, 2012 by the Spanish Ambassador to the Philippines Jorge Manuel Domecq, which has had access Diariocritico. In that post, Domecq gives his assessment of his interview in Manila Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Gonzalo de Benito, with the Executive Secretary of the Presidency of the Republic of the Philippines, Paquito Ochoa.
At one point, the conversation turned to Spanish interests, who want to enter the market for the renewal of the Philippine armed forces. At that point, Gonzalo de Benito advanced introducer made of the advantages of Navantia and Indra to Philippines to defend its maritime space. A De Benito Ambassador Domecq accompanied him, the deputy director general of the Pacific, Southeast Asia and the Philippines, Londaiz White, the Deputy Head of the Embassy, and the advisor of the Office of Secretary of State, José Pascual Manual.
The advantages of SIVE and "Descubierta"
In the beginning of the interview, as related by Ambassador Domecq, De Benito invited President Aquino to travel to Spain this year 2013, "is exclusively or as part of a tour of several European countries." Ochoa was in favor of the idea, but noting that Aquino prioritizes above all the economic substance of his travels, including cooperation on defense, referring to the need to modernize the Philippine armed forces in the context of the problems in the South China Sea.
At that point, Gonzalo de Benito explained the advantages of NAVANTIA as "provider of proven safety and soundness" and Indra, "whose development in the control of airspace in the world will set as an attractive alternative to the control of airspace and sea, with an eye to the dispute of the South Sea of China ". According to the ambassador, De Benito explained that one third of commercial flights in the world is controlled by Indra technology, including the entire German airspace and that of countries such as Bahrain and Qatar.
So, De Benito Ochoa reminded his promise May 2012 meeting with Indra to all departments concerned received a briefing on the SIVE (Sistema Integrado de Vigilancia Exterior) , and "also recalled Navantia supply the corvette type 'Descubierta' for Coast Guard, and was asked to take an interest in it. "
The dispute with China over oil and gas
At that point, the Executive Secretary of Aquino took to refer the dispute referred to the South China Sea ("it is worth noting that the maps hanging on his office and included the recent name change in the Philippines, Philippine Sea now calling West "), and stressed the importance of this issue to Manila, not only for sovereignty in itself, but by the fact that the area known as Recto Bank fund houses in large reserves of petroleum and natural gas.
For Ochoa, there is willingness on both sides (Philippines and China) to normalize the situation, even based on the controversial parking and other aspects (such as self-exploitation of groundwater resources). In this context, the Philippine government had decided for reasons of national security, postpone the start of oil drilling beneath the seabed of Recto Bank to start in October 2012.
But Ochoa also showed great interest in cooperating with Spain on "archival research" in order to have "the best historical and legal backing in defending its sovereignty from Bajo de Masinloc (also known as Scarborough Shoal ) and other maritime zones ", currently in dispute.
29 Januari 2013
Defence Set to Buy Super Hornets Over Cutting-Edge Fighter
29 Januari 2013
Australia will take delivery of just 2 F-35 JSFs by 2020 (photo : pic2fly)
AUSTRALIA will almost certainly be forced to buy 24 new Super Hornet fighter planes at a cost of about $2 billion to plug a looming gap in its air defences amid delays in the purchase of the cutting-edge Joint Strike Fighter.
According to a leaked draft of the 2013 defence white paper, just two Lockheed Martin JSFs will be delivered to Australia by 2020.
This strongly indicates that the government will need to buy rival Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornets, which are cheaper but older and less stealthy than the JSF.
''By the end of this decade, the ADF will take delivery of three Air Warfare Destroyers, two Landing Helicopter Dock amphibious ships and the initial two F-35A Joint Strike Fighter aircraft,'' the white paper states.
While switching to the Super Hornets would not be a blow to the budget - each plane costs about $40 million less than each JSF - it may mean money is wasted because the government would lose economies of scale on training and maintenance by operating two different types of fighters. And experts say the Super Hornet would be challenged by the growing air combat capabilities of some of Australia's neighbours.
The white paper draft states that the government ''remains committed'' to acquiring the JSF but makes no mention of the next batch of 12 planes, expected about 2020. This appears to confirm what the Defence Minister, Stephen Smith, has hinted at and many experts have suspected: that Defence will replace some of the retiring Hornet aircraft with Super Hornets and end up with a mixed fighter fleet rather than the 100 Super Hornets originally proposed.
Mr Smith has already asked the US about the price and availability of more Super Hornets.
The opposition defence spokesman, David Johnston, said the government had broken its pledge in the 2009 white paper to buy 100 JSFs, which would have "provided regional domination out to 2030".
"The revelation in the 2013 defence white paper that this promise has been reduced to just two aircraft (by 2020) is a further testament to Minister Smith's incompetent handling of the defence portfolio," he said.
Analysts say the JSF is the best fighter on the market, although many say the Super Hornet will probably suffice. Andrew Davies, a senior analyst at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said the JSF was "far stealthier and has a much more powerful and integrated set of senses than the Super Hornet has".
He said Australia would benefit from "economies of scale on training and maintenance" by having a single type of airforce rather than a mixed fleet.
''Nonetheless, the Super Hornet is still frontline equipment with the US Navy and a powerful air combat capability,'' he said.
Sam Roggeveen, an analyst and editor of the Lowy Institute's Interpreter blog, said the Super Hornet would represent a compromise but added: "I would argue we don't need the JSF yet."
Former defence minister Brendan Nelson, who bought the existing 24 Super Hornets, said a mixed fleet should give Australia what it needed, given other governments were hit by budget constraints.
"If the government did choose to [buy Super Hornets], Australia would still have extraordinary air combat capability and would be well-placed in relation to our strategic competitors," he said.
But Peter Goon, a former RAAF engineer now with the independent think tank Air Power Australia, said Australia was "already outmatched in the region" on air combat. "If you send out Super Hornets against the Sukhoi Su-35s, few if any of them will come back," he said.
Mr Smith said last week the leaked draft was out of date. The final paper will be released by June.
(The Courier)
Australia will take delivery of just 2 F-35 JSFs by 2020 (photo : pic2fly)
AUSTRALIA will almost certainly be forced to buy 24 new Super Hornet fighter planes at a cost of about $2 billion to plug a looming gap in its air defences amid delays in the purchase of the cutting-edge Joint Strike Fighter.
According to a leaked draft of the 2013 defence white paper, just two Lockheed Martin JSFs will be delivered to Australia by 2020.
This strongly indicates that the government will need to buy rival Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornets, which are cheaper but older and less stealthy than the JSF.
''By the end of this decade, the ADF will take delivery of three Air Warfare Destroyers, two Landing Helicopter Dock amphibious ships and the initial two F-35A Joint Strike Fighter aircraft,'' the white paper states.
While switching to the Super Hornets would not be a blow to the budget - each plane costs about $40 million less than each JSF - it may mean money is wasted because the government would lose economies of scale on training and maintenance by operating two different types of fighters. And experts say the Super Hornet would be challenged by the growing air combat capabilities of some of Australia's neighbours.
The white paper draft states that the government ''remains committed'' to acquiring the JSF but makes no mention of the next batch of 12 planes, expected about 2020. This appears to confirm what the Defence Minister, Stephen Smith, has hinted at and many experts have suspected: that Defence will replace some of the retiring Hornet aircraft with Super Hornets and end up with a mixed fighter fleet rather than the 100 Super Hornets originally proposed.
Mr Smith has already asked the US about the price and availability of more Super Hornets.
The opposition defence spokesman, David Johnston, said the government had broken its pledge in the 2009 white paper to buy 100 JSFs, which would have "provided regional domination out to 2030".
"The revelation in the 2013 defence white paper that this promise has been reduced to just two aircraft (by 2020) is a further testament to Minister Smith's incompetent handling of the defence portfolio," he said.
Analysts say the JSF is the best fighter on the market, although many say the Super Hornet will probably suffice. Andrew Davies, a senior analyst at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said the JSF was "far stealthier and has a much more powerful and integrated set of senses than the Super Hornet has".
He said Australia would benefit from "economies of scale on training and maintenance" by having a single type of airforce rather than a mixed fleet.
''Nonetheless, the Super Hornet is still frontline equipment with the US Navy and a powerful air combat capability,'' he said.
Sam Roggeveen, an analyst and editor of the Lowy Institute's Interpreter blog, said the Super Hornet would represent a compromise but added: "I would argue we don't need the JSF yet."
Former defence minister Brendan Nelson, who bought the existing 24 Super Hornets, said a mixed fleet should give Australia what it needed, given other governments were hit by budget constraints.
"If the government did choose to [buy Super Hornets], Australia would still have extraordinary air combat capability and would be well-placed in relation to our strategic competitors," he said.
But Peter Goon, a former RAAF engineer now with the independent think tank Air Power Australia, said Australia was "already outmatched in the region" on air combat. "If you send out Super Hornets against the Sukhoi Su-35s, few if any of them will come back," he said.
Mr Smith said last week the leaked draft was out of date. The final paper will be released by June.
(The Courier)
Defense Ministry Mulls Request to Provide Submarine Technology for Australian Navy
29 Januari 2013
A Soryu-class submarine (photo : Asahi Shimbun)
Japan's Defense Ministry is weighing whether to share submarine technology developed by a contractor for the Maritime Self-Defense Force with the Royal Australian Navy, sources said.
Given that submarine technology is highly classified, doing so would signal strengthened cooperation among friendly nations in the Asia-Pacific region where the Chinese Navy has demonstrated a growing presence.
The sharing of military technology was made possible with the relaxation in 2011 of the three principles Japan had adhered to with regard to weapons exports. However, Japan has until now not shared such technology with any nation other than the United States.
According to high-ranking Defense Ministry officials, Australia sounded out Japan about getting submarine propulsion technology. Officials in Tokyo are now trying to determine what level of information to provide.
The request came on the heels of a visit in May 2012 to the MSDF Kure Base in Hiroshima Prefecture by a senior Australian official who inspected an advanced Soryu-class submarine.
Soryu-class submarines incorporate air-independent propulsion (AIP) technology. This allows a submarine to remain submerged for longer periods than those that have to surface to refresh their oxygen intake.
Japan, Germany and Sweden are among a small number of nations that operate submarines with AIP technology.
However, the contracts with foreign companies involved in the development of the technology carried restrictions on information disclosure. This means Defense Ministry officials must determine what level of technology can be shared with Australia without any comebacks.
The relaxation of the weapons export principles included a provision allowing joint development and production in instances where weapons exports had been approved.
While this seems clear-cut, an issue that still has to be addressed is the nature of technology being provided only one-way instead of mutual sharing.
According to Australia's 2009 defense white paper, Canberra intends to acquire 12 submarines to replace six outdated craft.
In response to queries by The Asahi Shimbun, an Australian Defense Department official said various alternatives were being considered.
Last April, Japan reached an agreement with Britain to begin joint development and production of military equipment.
(The Asahi Shimbun)
A Soryu-class submarine (photo : Asahi Shimbun)
Japan's Defense Ministry is weighing whether to share submarine technology developed by a contractor for the Maritime Self-Defense Force with the Royal Australian Navy, sources said.
Given that submarine technology is highly classified, doing so would signal strengthened cooperation among friendly nations in the Asia-Pacific region where the Chinese Navy has demonstrated a growing presence.
The sharing of military technology was made possible with the relaxation in 2011 of the three principles Japan had adhered to with regard to weapons exports. However, Japan has until now not shared such technology with any nation other than the United States.
According to high-ranking Defense Ministry officials, Australia sounded out Japan about getting submarine propulsion technology. Officials in Tokyo are now trying to determine what level of information to provide.
The request came on the heels of a visit in May 2012 to the MSDF Kure Base in Hiroshima Prefecture by a senior Australian official who inspected an advanced Soryu-class submarine.
Soryu-class submarines incorporate air-independent propulsion (AIP) technology. This allows a submarine to remain submerged for longer periods than those that have to surface to refresh their oxygen intake.
Japan, Germany and Sweden are among a small number of nations that operate submarines with AIP technology.
However, the contracts with foreign companies involved in the development of the technology carried restrictions on information disclosure. This means Defense Ministry officials must determine what level of technology can be shared with Australia without any comebacks.
The relaxation of the weapons export principles included a provision allowing joint development and production in instances where weapons exports had been approved.
While this seems clear-cut, an issue that still has to be addressed is the nature of technology being provided only one-way instead of mutual sharing.
According to Australia's 2009 defense white paper, Canberra intends to acquire 12 submarines to replace six outdated craft.
In response to queries by The Asahi Shimbun, an Australian Defense Department official said various alternatives were being considered.
Last April, Japan reached an agreement with Britain to begin joint development and production of military equipment.
(The Asahi Shimbun)
Dewan Pastikan Pembelian Rudal C-705
29 Januari 2012
Rudal C-705 dari China akan dipasang di KCR-40 (photo : Palindo)
Rudal Cina Akan Dikembangkan di Indonesia
TEMPO.CO , Jakarta - Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat memastikan adanya pengembangan rudal C-705 asal Cina di Indonesia. Peluru kendali yang akan dipasang di kapal cepat rudal tipe 40 produksi lokal itu diharapkan bisa diproduksi dalam negeri secepatnya.
"Untuk tahap pertama kita akan beli dulu dari Cina," kata Wakil Ketua Komisi Pertahanan Tubagus Hasanudin kepada Tempo, Senin, 28 Januari 2013. Setelah membeli beberapa unit peluru kendali, Cina dan Indonesia akan melakukan produksi bersama rudal tersebut.
Kontrak pembelian misil asal Cina ini, kata Hasanudin, sudah ditandatangani dan disetujui oleh DPR. "Tapi saya lupa kapan dan berapa nilainya," ujar dia.
Dalam daftar pinjaman luar negeri khusus alat utama sistem persenjataan utama, pengadaan rudal C-705 dianggarkan sebesar US$ 7,5 juta untuk enam unit hingga 2014. "Seluruhnya akan dipasang di KCR 40, nanti yang memasang peluncur rudalnya PT. PAL," kata Hasanudin.
Jenis rudal yang akan dipasang di kapal pemukul itu, akan berbeda-beda. "Tahap pertama memang cuma C-705, berikutnya nanti ada pengembangan," ujar Hasanudin.
TNI Angkatan Laut sendiri menilai rudal jenis surface to surface ini cocok dipasang di KCR 40. "Akurasinya bagus dan mematikan," kata Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI AL Laksamana Pertama Untung Suropati.
Menurut Untung, rudal C-705 akan tiba di Indonesia tahun 2014 mendatang. "Tiga pabrikan lokal bakal terlibat dalam tahapan transfer teknologi rudal ini," kata dia. Pabrikan yang akan dilibatkan antara lain, PT. Pindad, Lapan, dan PT. Dirgantara Indonesia.
Pembelian rudal C-705 ini merupakan bagian dari usaha melengkapi persenjataan kapal cepat rudal pabrikan Palindo Marine Batam. Selain dipersenjatai rudal, kapal pemukul ini juga dilengkapi dengan Sensor Weapon Control (Sewaco) berupa meriam kaliber 30 milimeter yang juga diimpor dari Cina dan Afrika Selatan.
Rudal C-705 dari China akan dipasang di KCR-40 (photo : Palindo)
Rudal Cina Akan Dikembangkan di Indonesia
TEMPO.CO , Jakarta - Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat memastikan adanya pengembangan rudal C-705 asal Cina di Indonesia. Peluru kendali yang akan dipasang di kapal cepat rudal tipe 40 produksi lokal itu diharapkan bisa diproduksi dalam negeri secepatnya.
"Untuk tahap pertama kita akan beli dulu dari Cina," kata Wakil Ketua Komisi Pertahanan Tubagus Hasanudin kepada Tempo, Senin, 28 Januari 2013. Setelah membeli beberapa unit peluru kendali, Cina dan Indonesia akan melakukan produksi bersama rudal tersebut.
Kontrak pembelian misil asal Cina ini, kata Hasanudin, sudah ditandatangani dan disetujui oleh DPR. "Tapi saya lupa kapan dan berapa nilainya," ujar dia.
Dalam daftar pinjaman luar negeri khusus alat utama sistem persenjataan utama, pengadaan rudal C-705 dianggarkan sebesar US$ 7,5 juta untuk enam unit hingga 2014. "Seluruhnya akan dipasang di KCR 40, nanti yang memasang peluncur rudalnya PT. PAL," kata Hasanudin.
Jenis rudal yang akan dipasang di kapal pemukul itu, akan berbeda-beda. "Tahap pertama memang cuma C-705, berikutnya nanti ada pengembangan," ujar Hasanudin.
TNI Angkatan Laut sendiri menilai rudal jenis surface to surface ini cocok dipasang di KCR 40. "Akurasinya bagus dan mematikan," kata Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI AL Laksamana Pertama Untung Suropati.
Menurut Untung, rudal C-705 akan tiba di Indonesia tahun 2014 mendatang. "Tiga pabrikan lokal bakal terlibat dalam tahapan transfer teknologi rudal ini," kata dia. Pabrikan yang akan dilibatkan antara lain, PT. Pindad, Lapan, dan PT. Dirgantara Indonesia.
Pembelian rudal C-705 ini merupakan bagian dari usaha melengkapi persenjataan kapal cepat rudal pabrikan Palindo Marine Batam. Selain dipersenjatai rudal, kapal pemukul ini juga dilengkapi dengan Sensor Weapon Control (Sewaco) berupa meriam kaliber 30 milimeter yang juga diimpor dari Cina dan Afrika Selatan.
28 Januari 2013
China’s New Freight Plane Extends Military Modernization Program
28 Januari 2012
Yun-20 large transport aircraft (all photos : chinadaily)
China successfully tested a locally- built freight plane, two months after the debut of its fighter jet, boosting the nation’s efforts to use homegrown technology to expand defense capacity.
The Yun-20, which had its maiden flight yesterday, can take a maximum load of 66 tons and is suited for long-distance transportation, the official Xinhua News Agency reported. The plane will aid the armed forces and will help deliver disaster relief and humanitarian aid, according to the report.
China achieved a military milestone when its fighter jet landed on its new aircraft carrier in November, extending a modernization bid that’s recorded advances in submarines, cyber warfare and in outer space.
The J-15 jet was developed and built by AVIC Shenyang Aircraft Corp., a unit of China’s largest aerospace company, Aviation Industry Corp of China. It can carry multi-type anti- ship, air-to-air, air-to-ground missiles and precision-guided bombs.
The aircraft tests underscore China’s progress in military modernization, which has been accompanied by a doubling of the defense budget in six years. China, the biggest spender on defense after the U.S., has become increasingly assertive in the region as President Barack Obama executes a strategic shift toward Asia and tensions rise with Japan and other nations over territorial disputes.
China’s defense spending, estimated at 670 billion yuan ($108 billion) in 2012, has more than doubled since 2006, tracking a rise in nominal gross domestic product to 47.2 trillion yuan from 21.6 trillion yuan.
Yun-20 large transport aircraft (all photos : chinadaily)
China successfully tested a locally- built freight plane, two months after the debut of its fighter jet, boosting the nation’s efforts to use homegrown technology to expand defense capacity.
The Yun-20, which had its maiden flight yesterday, can take a maximum load of 66 tons and is suited for long-distance transportation, the official Xinhua News Agency reported. The plane will aid the armed forces and will help deliver disaster relief and humanitarian aid, according to the report.
China achieved a military milestone when its fighter jet landed on its new aircraft carrier in November, extending a modernization bid that’s recorded advances in submarines, cyber warfare and in outer space.
The J-15 jet was developed and built by AVIC Shenyang Aircraft Corp., a unit of China’s largest aerospace company, Aviation Industry Corp of China. It can carry multi-type anti- ship, air-to-air, air-to-ground missiles and precision-guided bombs.
The aircraft tests underscore China’s progress in military modernization, which has been accompanied by a doubling of the defense budget in six years. China, the biggest spender on defense after the U.S., has become increasingly assertive in the region as President Barack Obama executes a strategic shift toward Asia and tensions rise with Japan and other nations over territorial disputes.
China’s defense spending, estimated at 670 billion yuan ($108 billion) in 2012, has more than doubled since 2006, tracking a rise in nominal gross domestic product to 47.2 trillion yuan from 21.6 trillion yuan.
Thailand Tampilkan Varian Baru Peluncur Roket DTI-1
28 Januari 2013
Defence Technology Institute (DTI) suatu badan riset dari Kementrian Pertahanan Thailand baru-baru ini mengeluarkan varian baru kendaraan peluncur roket multi laras DTI-1 kepada publik. DTI-1 merupakan kerjasama antara DTI dan China National Precision Machinery Import & Export Corporation (CPMIEC) dengan basis peluncur roket WS-1 buatan China.
Perbedaan yang nyata dari tampilan kendaraan ini dari serie sebelumnya terletak pada kabin pengemudi yang telah dilindungi secara penuh dengan pelat baja. Tersedia pula tempat bagi awak tambahan untuk peluncuran roket sebaris di belakang kursi pengemudi. Kendaraan yang dipakai diduga tetap menggunakan Volvo FM-400 6x6. Tidak dijelaskan Level STANAG dari lapisan baja untuk proteksinya.
DTI masih mempunyai satu agenda riset terkait DTI-1, dengan tetap dibantu oleh CPMIEC negeri ini akan mengembangkan "DTI-1G [Guided]", dengan memakai roket kendali maka presisi penembakan DTI-1 akan lebih baik lagi.
(Defense Studies)
Peluncur roket multi laras DTI-1 (all photos (TAF)
Perbedaan yang nyata dari tampilan kendaraan ini dari serie sebelumnya terletak pada kabin pengemudi yang telah dilindungi secara penuh dengan pelat baja. Tersedia pula tempat bagi awak tambahan untuk peluncuran roket sebaris di belakang kursi pengemudi. Kendaraan yang dipakai diduga tetap menggunakan Volvo FM-400 6x6. Tidak dijelaskan Level STANAG dari lapisan baja untuk proteksinya.
Seperti halnya peluncur roket WS-1, maka DTI-1 juga mempunyai diameter roket 302 mm dan dapat menjangkau sasaran sejauh 180 km. Diameter roket dan jarak jangkau tersebut merupakan yang terbesar di kawasan. Sebagaimana diketahui, korps artileri Angkatan Darat Thailand memang sangat powerful dalam persenjataan.
Rokets DTI-1 dapat dilepaskan dengan kecepatan 5.2 mach, respon waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk penembakan adalah 20 menit. Berat kotor hulu ledaknya mencapai 150 kg, jenis hulu ledak yang dipakai ZDB-2B sama seperti seperti WS-1B yang digunakan China.
DTI masih mempunyai satu agenda riset terkait DTI-1, dengan tetap dibantu oleh CPMIEC negeri ini akan mengembangkan "DTI-1G [Guided]", dengan memakai roket kendali maka presisi penembakan DTI-1 akan lebih baik lagi.
(Defense Studies)
27 Januari 2013
USMC Developing New Mortar for Expeditionary Fire Support System
27 Januari 2013
120mm EFSS mortar (image : General Dynamics)
The US Marine Corps (USMC) is moving forward with plans to increase the range and accuracy of its 120 mm Expeditionary Fire Support System (EFSS) by developing a new mortar round.
The Precision Extended Range Munition (PERM), to be used with the EFSS' M327 rifled towed mortar, is being developed as an extended-range precision-guided round that could provide accuracy of within at least 20 m at ranges around 17 km.
Contracts for PERM's 24-month engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) phase were awarded to Raytheon teamed with Israel Military Industries, as well as to ATK teamed with EFSS' lead contractor General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems (GD-OTS).
EFSS mortar (photo : marine corps times)
Raytheon announced its contract on 22 January 2013 and ATK revealed its contract on 13 December 2012.
The vendors are to design, develop, test, and deliver production-representative mortars for a USMC live-fire demonstration within 18 months, Raytheon said in a statement.
Michael Means, the company's business development lead for PERM, told IHS Jane's that the new rounds expand EFSS' family of mortars and "adds range and accuracy", which means that the system could be able to accomplish fires missions with less ammunition.
120mm EFSS mortar (image : General Dynamics)
The US Marine Corps (USMC) is moving forward with plans to increase the range and accuracy of its 120 mm Expeditionary Fire Support System (EFSS) by developing a new mortar round.
The Precision Extended Range Munition (PERM), to be used with the EFSS' M327 rifled towed mortar, is being developed as an extended-range precision-guided round that could provide accuracy of within at least 20 m at ranges around 17 km.
Contracts for PERM's 24-month engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) phase were awarded to Raytheon teamed with Israel Military Industries, as well as to ATK teamed with EFSS' lead contractor General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems (GD-OTS).
EFSS mortar (photo : marine corps times)
Raytheon announced its contract on 22 January 2013 and ATK revealed its contract on 13 December 2012.
The vendors are to design, develop, test, and deliver production-representative mortars for a USMC live-fire demonstration within 18 months, Raytheon said in a statement.
Michael Means, the company's business development lead for PERM, told IHS Jane's that the new rounds expand EFSS' family of mortars and "adds range and accuracy", which means that the system could be able to accomplish fires missions with less ammunition.
26 Januari 2013
Kontrak Kapal Perang KCR-40 dengan Palindo Berlanjut
26 Januari 2013
TEMPO.CO , Jakarta - Kementerian Pertahanan berencana untuk menyerahkan sisa kontrak kebutuhan kapal cepat rudal 40 kepada PT. Palindo Marine, Batam. Sebelumnya perusahaan ini sukses memproduksi KRI Clurit 641, KRI Kujang 642 dan KRI Beladau 643.
Palindo masih punya 'hutang' satu unit KCR 40 lainnya yang ditargetkan rampung akhir tahun ini. Jika selesai, TNI AL akan memiliki empat unit kapal dari 16 unit KCR 40 yang ditargetkan hingga tahun 2019 mendatang.
"Dari kajian TNI AL, kami cenderung untuk menyerahkan kontrak produksi KCR 40 kepada Palindo," ujar Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pertahanan Mayor Jenderal Ediwan Prabowo kepada Tempo, Jumat, 25 Januari 2013 usai menerima protocol of delivery KRI Beladau 643 dari Palindo.
Palindo Marine sendiri baru menandatangani kontrak untuk produksi empat unit kapal cepat rudal dari 16 kapal yang ditargetkan dalam target minimum pengadaan alat utama sistem persenjataan. "Pertimbangan untuk meneruskan kontrak dengan Palindo antara lain masalah perawatan kapal," ujar dia.
Direktur Utama Palindo Marine Harmanto mengaku siap untuk meneruskan kontrak produksi KCR 40. "Kami tidak masalah jika target pengadaan kapal dipercepat," kata Harmanto.
Pembuatan KCR 40, ujar dia, membutuhkan waktu 12 bulan untuk setiap unit. "Tapi tidak masalah karena kami bisa kerjakan secara paralel." Ahak--panggilan akrab Harmanto, mengaku mampu membangun lima kapal cepat rudal sekaligus.
Namun Kementerian Pertahanan mengakui masalah pendanaan masih menghambat percepatan produksi KCR 40. Tiga unit kapal yang sudah diproduksi, seluruhnya menggunakan skema pinjaman dalam negeri. Bank Mandiri selaku bank milik pemerintah ikut membiayai pembuatan kapal senilai Rp 75 miliar per unit.
Kapal cepat rudal sepanjang 44 meter ini terbuat dari high tensile steel pada bagian lambung dan aluminium alloy di bagian atas. KCR 40 dapat melaju hingga 30 knot, atau kurang lebih 60 kilometer per jam.
HQ Hà Nội Submarine Anchored at Svetly Port
26 Januari 2013
Vietnamese first submarine HQ Ha Noi (all photos : Igor Dilo)
Appeared on the web-site photos www.shipspotting.com first boat built for Vietnam diesel-electric submarine of the project 06361 Hà Nội held factory sea trials and are now at a temporary base at the port of Svetly near Kaliningrad. Submarine Hà Nội (building number 01339) was laid for Vietnam at JSC "Admiralty Shipyards" in St. Petersburg, August 24, 2010, launched on 28 August 2012 and went to the factory test runs December 3, 2012.
In early December Hà Nội turned into Svetly and in a few days on it should start learning Vietnamese crew. Transfer of the boats Vietnamese Navy is scheduled for August 2013.
Vietnam has signed a contract to build for him in 2016 of six submarines 06,361 to about $ 2 billion dollars from the "Rosoboronexport" in December 2009. Given the construction of infrastructure, supply of arms and other total cost of the agreement reached 4 billion dollars.
Vietnamese first submarine HQ Ha Noi (all photos : Igor Dilo)
Appeared on the web-site photos www.shipspotting.com first boat built for Vietnam diesel-electric submarine of the project 06361 Hà Nội held factory sea trials and are now at a temporary base at the port of Svetly near Kaliningrad. Submarine Hà Nội (building number 01339) was laid for Vietnam at JSC "Admiralty Shipyards" in St. Petersburg, August 24, 2010, launched on 28 August 2012 and went to the factory test runs December 3, 2012.
In early December Hà Nội turned into Svetly and in a few days on it should start learning Vietnamese crew. Transfer of the boats Vietnamese Navy is scheduled for August 2013.
Vietnam has signed a contract to build for him in 2016 of six submarines 06,361 to about $ 2 billion dollars from the "Rosoboronexport" in December 2009. Given the construction of infrastructure, supply of arms and other total cost of the agreement reached 4 billion dollars.
Palindo Marine Serahkan KRI Beladau 643 dan Combat Boat
26 Januari 2013
KRI Beladau 643 - kapal cepat rudal (photo : Kaskus Militer)
KRI Beladau-643 Perkuat TNI AL
JAKARTA (Pos Kota) – Hari ini merupakan hari bersejarah bagi perkembangan teknologi militer Bangsa Indonesia, khususnya bidang industri perkapalan yaitu dengan diresmikannya buah karya putra-putri Bangsa Indonesia berupa sebuah kapal perang jenis Kapal Cepat Rudal-40 (KCR-40) yang diberi nama KRI Beladau-643 produksi PT. Palindo Marine Batam.
Peresmian kapal tersebut dihadiri langsung oleh Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) RI Purnomo Yusgiantoro, Panglima TNI Laksamana TNI Agus Suhartono, SE, Kapolri Jenderal Pol. Drs. Timur Pradopo, Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana Madya TNI Marsetio, M.M., serta pejabat militer dan sipil lainnya di Tanjung Uncang, Batam, Kepulauan Riau.
Kehadiran KRI Beladau-643 yang desain dan pembangunannya dilakukan oleh putra-putri Bangsa Indonesia akan memperkuat Alutsista TNI Angkatan Laut sekaligus meningkatkan kemampuan TNI Angkatan Laut dalam melaksanakan tugas menjaga kedaulatan dan penegakkan hukum di laut yurisdiksi nasional.
Dikatakan oleh Menhan RI Purnomo Yusgiantoro pada acara peresmian tersebut, penambahan Alutsista di laut baik KRI (Kapal Perang Republik Indonesia) dan KAL (Kapal Angkatan Laut) merupakan jawaban konsekuensi atas kondisi geografis Indonesia yang sebagian besar adalah lautan. Selain itu lanjut Menhan, Indonesia memiliki posisi yang strategis serta memiliki kekayaan alam yang luar biasa, baik potensi perikanan maupun keragaman hayati. Disamping itu Indonesia juga mempunyai selat dan perairan kepulauan nusantara yang merupakan alur pelayaran utama yang tidak hanya penting bagi Bangsa Indonesia tapi juga bagi bangsa lainnya, itu semua tidak hanya membawa manfaat ekonomis bagi bangsa Indonesia tetapi juga membawa konsekuensi tanggungjawab untuk menjaganya.
Pemukul Cepat
Anjungan kapal KRI Beladau (photo : Tribun News)
KRI Beladau-643 merupakan kapal pemukul reaksi cepat yang dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya mengutamakan unsur pendadakan, mengemban misi menyerang secara cepat, menghancurkan target sekali pukul dan menghindar dari serangan lawan dalam waktu singkat pula. Kapal berukuran panjang 43 meter, lebar 7,40 meter, dan berat 250 ton ini memiliki sistem pendorong handal yang mampu berlayar dan bermanuver dengan kecepatan 27 knot, serta memiliki daya tembak/hancur yang besar karena dilengkapi persenjataan Rudal C-705. Kelebihan kapal perang ini dilengkapi dengan sistem persenjataan canggih berupa Sensor Weapon Control (Sewaco), meriam caliber 30 mm 6 laras sebagai Close in Weapon System (CIWS), dan meriam anjungan 2 unit caliber 20 mm.
Kapal KCR-40 ini mampu menampung bahan bakar 50 ton, air tawar 15 ton, 35 orang anak buah kapal (ABK) dan masih mampu memuat 13 personel Pasukan Khusus. Kapal ini juga memiliki peralatan navigasi akurat, sehingga memberikan keyakinan keamanan bernavigasi, selain itu dilengkapi peralatan komunikasi yang mampu digunakan untuk melaksanakan komunikasi antar kapal permukaan dan pesawat udara dalam satu kesisteman, sehingga diharapkan mampu mengemban tugas-tugas TNI Angkatan Laut dan juga memberikan efek deterrence bagi pertahanan Negara.
KCR-40 ini terbuat dari baja khusus High Tensile Steel pada bagian hulu dan lambung kapal yang juga produk dalam negeri yang diperoleh dari PT Krakatau Steel, Cilegon, sedangkan untuk bangunan atas kapal menggunakan Aluminium Alloy serta daya gerak menggunakan 3 mesin penggerak dengan menerapkan System Propulsi Fixed Propeller 5 daun pada baling-baling yang menjadikan kapal memiliki stabilitas dan kecepatan yang tinggi jika berlayar. Kapal ini juga sudah dilakukan uji coba Harbour Acceptance Test atau uji coba merapat di pelabuhan/dermaga dan Sea Acceptance Test atau uji coba di laut dengan hasil yang memuaskan.
KRI Beladau-643 merupakan kapal ketiga, setelah sebelumnya KRI Clurit-641 diresmikan pada April 2011 dan KRI Kujang-642 yang diresmikan pada Februari 2012. Kapal perang jenis KCR-40 yang dibangun di PT. Palindo Marine Batam ini berukuran panjang 44 meter, lebar 8 meter, berat 238 ton, dan diawaki 35 orang anak buah kapal dan delapan pasukan khusus. Persenjataan antara lain satu unit meriam 30 mm, dua unit meriam anjungan 20 mm, dan dua set Rudal C-705.
(Pos Kota)
See Also :
Kemenhan pun Terima 1 Unit Combat Boat
25 Januari 2013
Combat Boat produksi Palindo Marine (photo : Palindo)
Selain meresmikan kapal perang KRI Beladau 643, Kementerian Pertahanan dan Keamanan RI juga menerima satu unit combat boat yang diproduksi di PT Palindo Marine Shipyard, Batam siang tadi.
Combat boat ini kata Kabalitbang Kemenhan Eddy Sumarno Siradj merupakan salah satu proyek prototype antara Kemenhankam dan PT Palindo Marine Shipyard menggunakan dana dari APBN tahun 2012.
Pembuatan kapal yang bisa mengangkut 8 kru dan 6 orang penumpang itu dilakukan sejak Maret hingga November 2012.
Edi juga mengatakan Combat boat ini memiliki spesifikasi panjang 17,7 meter, lebar 4,0 meter serta mampu berlayar hingga 50 knots.
Combat boat ini berbahan aluminium alloy dengan dua unit mesin masing-masing 900 tenaga kuda.(spt)
(Batam Pos)
KRI Beladau 643 - kapal cepat rudal (photo : Kaskus Militer)
KRI Beladau-643 Perkuat TNI AL
JAKARTA (Pos Kota) – Hari ini merupakan hari bersejarah bagi perkembangan teknologi militer Bangsa Indonesia, khususnya bidang industri perkapalan yaitu dengan diresmikannya buah karya putra-putri Bangsa Indonesia berupa sebuah kapal perang jenis Kapal Cepat Rudal-40 (KCR-40) yang diberi nama KRI Beladau-643 produksi PT. Palindo Marine Batam.
Peresmian kapal tersebut dihadiri langsung oleh Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) RI Purnomo Yusgiantoro, Panglima TNI Laksamana TNI Agus Suhartono, SE, Kapolri Jenderal Pol. Drs. Timur Pradopo, Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana Madya TNI Marsetio, M.M., serta pejabat militer dan sipil lainnya di Tanjung Uncang, Batam, Kepulauan Riau.
Kehadiran KRI Beladau-643 yang desain dan pembangunannya dilakukan oleh putra-putri Bangsa Indonesia akan memperkuat Alutsista TNI Angkatan Laut sekaligus meningkatkan kemampuan TNI Angkatan Laut dalam melaksanakan tugas menjaga kedaulatan dan penegakkan hukum di laut yurisdiksi nasional.
Dikatakan oleh Menhan RI Purnomo Yusgiantoro pada acara peresmian tersebut, penambahan Alutsista di laut baik KRI (Kapal Perang Republik Indonesia) dan KAL (Kapal Angkatan Laut) merupakan jawaban konsekuensi atas kondisi geografis Indonesia yang sebagian besar adalah lautan. Selain itu lanjut Menhan, Indonesia memiliki posisi yang strategis serta memiliki kekayaan alam yang luar biasa, baik potensi perikanan maupun keragaman hayati. Disamping itu Indonesia juga mempunyai selat dan perairan kepulauan nusantara yang merupakan alur pelayaran utama yang tidak hanya penting bagi Bangsa Indonesia tapi juga bagi bangsa lainnya, itu semua tidak hanya membawa manfaat ekonomis bagi bangsa Indonesia tetapi juga membawa konsekuensi tanggungjawab untuk menjaganya.
Pemukul Cepat
Anjungan kapal KRI Beladau (photo : Tribun News)
KRI Beladau-643 merupakan kapal pemukul reaksi cepat yang dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya mengutamakan unsur pendadakan, mengemban misi menyerang secara cepat, menghancurkan target sekali pukul dan menghindar dari serangan lawan dalam waktu singkat pula. Kapal berukuran panjang 43 meter, lebar 7,40 meter, dan berat 250 ton ini memiliki sistem pendorong handal yang mampu berlayar dan bermanuver dengan kecepatan 27 knot, serta memiliki daya tembak/hancur yang besar karena dilengkapi persenjataan Rudal C-705. Kelebihan kapal perang ini dilengkapi dengan sistem persenjataan canggih berupa Sensor Weapon Control (Sewaco), meriam caliber 30 mm 6 laras sebagai Close in Weapon System (CIWS), dan meriam anjungan 2 unit caliber 20 mm.
Kapal KCR-40 ini mampu menampung bahan bakar 50 ton, air tawar 15 ton, 35 orang anak buah kapal (ABK) dan masih mampu memuat 13 personel Pasukan Khusus. Kapal ini juga memiliki peralatan navigasi akurat, sehingga memberikan keyakinan keamanan bernavigasi, selain itu dilengkapi peralatan komunikasi yang mampu digunakan untuk melaksanakan komunikasi antar kapal permukaan dan pesawat udara dalam satu kesisteman, sehingga diharapkan mampu mengemban tugas-tugas TNI Angkatan Laut dan juga memberikan efek deterrence bagi pertahanan Negara.
KCR-40 ini terbuat dari baja khusus High Tensile Steel pada bagian hulu dan lambung kapal yang juga produk dalam negeri yang diperoleh dari PT Krakatau Steel, Cilegon, sedangkan untuk bangunan atas kapal menggunakan Aluminium Alloy serta daya gerak menggunakan 3 mesin penggerak dengan menerapkan System Propulsi Fixed Propeller 5 daun pada baling-baling yang menjadikan kapal memiliki stabilitas dan kecepatan yang tinggi jika berlayar. Kapal ini juga sudah dilakukan uji coba Harbour Acceptance Test atau uji coba merapat di pelabuhan/dermaga dan Sea Acceptance Test atau uji coba di laut dengan hasil yang memuaskan.
KRI Beladau-643 merupakan kapal ketiga, setelah sebelumnya KRI Clurit-641 diresmikan pada April 2011 dan KRI Kujang-642 yang diresmikan pada Februari 2012. Kapal perang jenis KCR-40 yang dibangun di PT. Palindo Marine Batam ini berukuran panjang 44 meter, lebar 8 meter, berat 238 ton, dan diawaki 35 orang anak buah kapal dan delapan pasukan khusus. Persenjataan antara lain satu unit meriam 30 mm, dua unit meriam anjungan 20 mm, dan dua set Rudal C-705.
(Pos Kota)
See Also :
Kemenhan pun Terima 1 Unit Combat Boat
25 Januari 2013
Combat Boat produksi Palindo Marine (photo : Palindo)
Selain meresmikan kapal perang KRI Beladau 643, Kementerian Pertahanan dan Keamanan RI juga menerima satu unit combat boat yang diproduksi di PT Palindo Marine Shipyard, Batam siang tadi.
Combat boat ini kata Kabalitbang Kemenhan Eddy Sumarno Siradj merupakan salah satu proyek prototype antara Kemenhankam dan PT Palindo Marine Shipyard menggunakan dana dari APBN tahun 2012.
Pembuatan kapal yang bisa mengangkut 8 kru dan 6 orang penumpang itu dilakukan sejak Maret hingga November 2012.
Edi juga mengatakan Combat boat ini memiliki spesifikasi panjang 17,7 meter, lebar 4,0 meter serta mampu berlayar hingga 50 knots.
Combat boat ini berbahan aluminium alloy dengan dua unit mesin masing-masing 900 tenaga kuda.(spt)
(Batam Pos)
Vietnam Takes Delivery of Third C212-400
26 Januari 2013
The Vietnamese Coast Guard's third and final C212-400 aircraft (photo : Airbus Military)
Airbus Military delivers last C212 400 assembled in Spain. The delivery of this aircraft mark moment of Spanish aviation history
Airbus Military has delivered the last C212-400 assembled in Spain. This delivery marks a moment of Spanish aviation history and the end of more than 40 years of continuous production of the C212 –one of the Spanish best-known aerospace products– at the Airbus Military final assembly line (FAL) in Seville, Spain. Since its maiden flight in 1971, 477 C212 have been built for 92 different operators. Nowadays, 290 C212 remain in service in 40 countries all over the world. The three countries in which there are today most C212s in operation are Indonesia (70 aircraft), USA (37), and Spain (26). This 477th C212 –the third and final C212-400 for the Vietnam Marine Police– was formally delivered on December 28th, ending 42 years of continuous production of the type.
Designed in the late 1960s, the C212 was first delivered to the Portuguese Air Force and the Spanish Air Force in October 1974. After its entry in service, the airlifter became rapidly renowned at a global level for its robustness and reliability. In fact, the C212 has been successfully operated in every corner of the planet –including the Antarctic ice cap. Operators in some of the toughest operating conditions to be found developed enormous affection for its uniquely versatile characteristics and deployed it on an extraordinary variety of roles ranging from transport to rain-making, ultra-sophisticated surveillance to search and rescue. The Design Office of the company eventually developed four different series of the aircraft – culminating in the C212-400, which made its first flight in 1997, in addition to a variety of special mission versions.
Airbus Military CEO, Domingo Ureña-Raso, said: "Every Airbus Military employee involved with the C212 throughout these years can be rightly proud of producing an aircraft that has served its operators faithfully over many years and provided the basis for the development of CASA into the world-class company that it is today in the form of Airbus Military. Times move on, but it will be a great pleasure to see the C212 continuing to fly in near or far-flung corners of the globe for many years to come."
Both military and civil operators have benefited from the C212´s versatility and reliability throughout four decades. From now on operators from all over the world will have a new and upgraded version available, renamed as NC212, that will be produced jointly by PT Dirgantara Indonesia and Airbus Military and assembled in Bandung (Indonesia). The Airbus Military final assembly line in Seville will now focus on the production of the C295 and CN235 aircraft in both transport and mission configurations, as well as on the increasing activity on the A400M assembly line.
(Airbus Military)
The Vietnamese Coast Guard's third and final C212-400 aircraft (photo : Airbus Military)
Airbus Military delivers last C212 400 assembled in Spain. The delivery of this aircraft mark moment of Spanish aviation history
Airbus Military has delivered the last C212-400 assembled in Spain. This delivery marks a moment of Spanish aviation history and the end of more than 40 years of continuous production of the C212 –one of the Spanish best-known aerospace products– at the Airbus Military final assembly line (FAL) in Seville, Spain. Since its maiden flight in 1971, 477 C212 have been built for 92 different operators. Nowadays, 290 C212 remain in service in 40 countries all over the world. The three countries in which there are today most C212s in operation are Indonesia (70 aircraft), USA (37), and Spain (26). This 477th C212 –the third and final C212-400 for the Vietnam Marine Police– was formally delivered on December 28th, ending 42 years of continuous production of the type.
Designed in the late 1960s, the C212 was first delivered to the Portuguese Air Force and the Spanish Air Force in October 1974. After its entry in service, the airlifter became rapidly renowned at a global level for its robustness and reliability. In fact, the C212 has been successfully operated in every corner of the planet –including the Antarctic ice cap. Operators in some of the toughest operating conditions to be found developed enormous affection for its uniquely versatile characteristics and deployed it on an extraordinary variety of roles ranging from transport to rain-making, ultra-sophisticated surveillance to search and rescue. The Design Office of the company eventually developed four different series of the aircraft – culminating in the C212-400, which made its first flight in 1997, in addition to a variety of special mission versions.
Airbus Military CEO, Domingo Ureña-Raso, said: "Every Airbus Military employee involved with the C212 throughout these years can be rightly proud of producing an aircraft that has served its operators faithfully over many years and provided the basis for the development of CASA into the world-class company that it is today in the form of Airbus Military. Times move on, but it will be a great pleasure to see the C212 continuing to fly in near or far-flung corners of the globe for many years to come."
Both military and civil operators have benefited from the C212´s versatility and reliability throughout four decades. From now on operators from all over the world will have a new and upgraded version available, renamed as NC212, that will be produced jointly by PT Dirgantara Indonesia and Airbus Military and assembled in Bandung (Indonesia). The Airbus Military final assembly line in Seville will now focus on the production of the C295 and CN235 aircraft in both transport and mission configurations, as well as on the increasing activity on the A400M assembly line.
(Airbus Military)
25 Januari 2013
First C-130H Being Readied for Indonesia
25 Januari 2013
A97-006 is the first H-model to be prepared for transfer to Indonesia. (photo : Josh Williams)
The first former RAAF C-130H is being prepared for transfer to the Indonesian air force.
Photographed by H-model fan Joshua Williams at RAAF Base Richmond, A97-006 was seen departing the base on a test flight following deep-level maintenance. With evidence of significant work having been performed on the aircraft by Qantas Defence Services, it is believed -006 was the last aircraft to go through deep level maintenance under the existing contract between Defence and QDS. The aircraft was subsequently flown to Townsville for repainting.
A Defence spokesperson told Australian Aviation: “A97-006 is expected to be the first aircraft to be transferred to Indonesia, following completion of deeper level maintenance servicing and other activities, as well as finalisation of transfer arrangements between the governments of Australian and Indonesia.”
(Australian Aviation)
A97-006 is the first H-model to be prepared for transfer to Indonesia. (photo : Josh Williams)
The first former RAAF C-130H is being prepared for transfer to the Indonesian air force.
Photographed by H-model fan Joshua Williams at RAAF Base Richmond, A97-006 was seen departing the base on a test flight following deep-level maintenance. With evidence of significant work having been performed on the aircraft by Qantas Defence Services, it is believed -006 was the last aircraft to go through deep level maintenance under the existing contract between Defence and QDS. The aircraft was subsequently flown to Townsville for repainting.
A Defence spokesperson told Australian Aviation: “A97-006 is expected to be the first aircraft to be transferred to Indonesia, following completion of deeper level maintenance servicing and other activities, as well as finalisation of transfer arrangements between the governments of Australian and Indonesia.”
(Australian Aviation)
Thailand to Negotiate Jiangkai II - 4.000 tonnes Frigates
25 Januari 2013
Jiangkai II class frigates (photo : US Navy)
Bangkok to talk frigate purchase with Beijing
The government has formed a committee to negotiate with a Chinese team on purchase of three frigates to enhance Thai’s naval strength in the resourceful Gulf of Thailand, officials said. Both the sides will work out details of the state-to-state frigate purchase agreement the groundwork of which was laid during the visit of Prime Minister Wen Jiabao to Thailand in November 2012.
The Thai government has recently approved the purchase of two medium-sized frigates with a budget of 1 billion U.S. dollars after denying allegation about the countrys navy persistent request for submarines. However, Beijing had offered three of its Type 054T frigates at a very lower rate and the number of the frigates on conditions that Bangkok can not be denied. Some source said these special offer include six Z-9EC ASW helicopters.
Officials said the armed forced division had planned to utilize budgetary allocations of the 1 billion U.S. dollar fund, approved by the Yingluck Cabinet for the procurement of the frigates, is to be spent for a 10-year period, beginning from current fiscal year. The three frigates are unlikely be procured at the same time.
Type 054T frigate may be an improved version of the Type 054A frigate, possibly designated F40T, for which discussions have been held between Thailand and China.
Officials said commissioning of the type 054T frigates would help the capability of the Thai maritime force in Anti-submarine warfare in the Gulf of Thailand, the dimension of which had changed a lot in the last one decade amid growing interest of Cambodia, Malaysia and Vietnam in the area.
Officials also said Malaysia also plans to acquire two more Scorpène class submarines and Vietnam has recently purchased from Russia six Kilo class submarines and Russian submarine have already been delivered, the delivery of all six submarines will be completed before 2016 and most important thing is Cambodia has already started Submarine project.
Thailand and its neighbor Cambodia were on the edge of conflict in the Gulf in the past 10 years over oil and gas exploration by the latter in the disputed areas. Both the countries had engaged in legal battle over the disputed areas in an international court.
Besides, Thailand is still running a legal battle against another neighbor, Malaysia, over maritime boundary and also the most revealing public statement by any military top brass on the nature and consequences of the Thai Deep South conflict since violence resumed in January 2004.
See Also :
Thai Navy to acquire 2 frigates to beef up maritime force
24 September 2012
Jiangkai II class frigates (photo : Militaryphotos)
BANGKOK (Xinhua) -- The Thai government has recently approved the purchase of two medium-sized frigates with a budget of 1 billion U.S. dollars after denying allegation about the country's navy persistent request for submarines.
The ships will beef up the capability of the Thai maritime force in patrolling the country's territorial waters in the Gulf of Thailand and Andaman Sea, the navy said.
Navy Chief Admiral Surasak Rounroengrom has officially denied media reports that they prefer frigates made in China than those made in Germany.
The admiral said that the navy is still waiting for studies and suggestions by an ad hoc procurement committee to decide where these frigates should be procured.
The navy, which had been earlier reported to be interested in buying a fleet of four second-hand U-206A submarines from Germany, will meticulously consider the German-made frigates but it is not also discounting the China option, a high-ranking navy officer said.
The 1-billion-US dollar fund, approved by the Yingluck Cabinet for the procurement of the frigates, is to be spent for a 10-year period, beginning from current fiscal year. The two frigates are unlikely be procured at the same time, the navy officer said.
The navy is reportedly looking for boats with an approximate 4, 000-ton displacement, which might be either brand-new or secondhand, depending on specifications and preferences of the commanding admirals.
F122 Bremen class frigates (photo : Militaryphotos)
The two frigates to be acquired will replace two US-made, Knox- class frigates, namely HTMS Phutthayodfa Chulalok and HTMS Phutthalertla Napalai, both scheduled to be decommissioned in 2015, Defense Minister Sukumpol Suwanatat said.
The two frigates would be capable of engaging in three possible combat scenarios with simultaneous maneuverability: anti-aircraft, anti-surface ship and anti-submarine warfare.
One possible candidate is China's Type 054A "Jiangkai II" frigates, featuring 4,000-ton displacement, 30-knot speed, 8,000- nautical mile maneuverable range. The Chinese ships cost about 255 million U.S. dollars each.
The Thai navy now has four secondhand Type 053T "Jianghu" frigates, built in China, which have 2,400-ton displacement, 32- knot speed and 4,000-nautical mile range.The Thai navy is also considering a German-made, Bremen-class F122 frigate with a 3,700- ton displacement, 30-knot speed and 4,000-nautical mile range.
The German navy has planned to decommission and replace the F122 frigates with more sophisticated F125 Baden-Wurttemberg-class frigates in 2016.
As to the weapon systems to be fitted in the chosen frigates, the Thai navy is said to be interested in Chinese-made C-802A surface-to-surface missiles as well as US-made Harpoon surface-to- surface missiles and US-made Sea Sparrow surface-to-air missiles. Thailand currently deploys guided missiles acquired from China and the U.S. on its frigates and corvettes.
Jiangkai II class frigates (photo : US Navy)
Bangkok to talk frigate purchase with Beijing
The government has formed a committee to negotiate with a Chinese team on purchase of three frigates to enhance Thai’s naval strength in the resourceful Gulf of Thailand, officials said. Both the sides will work out details of the state-to-state frigate purchase agreement the groundwork of which was laid during the visit of Prime Minister Wen Jiabao to Thailand in November 2012.
The Thai government has recently approved the purchase of two medium-sized frigates with a budget of 1 billion U.S. dollars after denying allegation about the countrys navy persistent request for submarines. However, Beijing had offered three of its Type 054T frigates at a very lower rate and the number of the frigates on conditions that Bangkok can not be denied. Some source said these special offer include six Z-9EC ASW helicopters.
Officials said the armed forced division had planned to utilize budgetary allocations of the 1 billion U.S. dollar fund, approved by the Yingluck Cabinet for the procurement of the frigates, is to be spent for a 10-year period, beginning from current fiscal year. The three frigates are unlikely be procured at the same time.
Type 054T frigate may be an improved version of the Type 054A frigate, possibly designated F40T, for which discussions have been held between Thailand and China.
Officials said commissioning of the type 054T frigates would help the capability of the Thai maritime force in Anti-submarine warfare in the Gulf of Thailand, the dimension of which had changed a lot in the last one decade amid growing interest of Cambodia, Malaysia and Vietnam in the area.
Officials also said Malaysia also plans to acquire two more Scorpène class submarines and Vietnam has recently purchased from Russia six Kilo class submarines and Russian submarine have already been delivered, the delivery of all six submarines will be completed before 2016 and most important thing is Cambodia has already started Submarine project.
Thailand and its neighbor Cambodia were on the edge of conflict in the Gulf in the past 10 years over oil and gas exploration by the latter in the disputed areas. Both the countries had engaged in legal battle over the disputed areas in an international court.
Besides, Thailand is still running a legal battle against another neighbor, Malaysia, over maritime boundary and also the most revealing public statement by any military top brass on the nature and consequences of the Thai Deep South conflict since violence resumed in January 2004.
See Also :
Thai Navy to acquire 2 frigates to beef up maritime force
24 September 2012
Jiangkai II class frigates (photo : Militaryphotos)
BANGKOK (Xinhua) -- The Thai government has recently approved the purchase of two medium-sized frigates with a budget of 1 billion U.S. dollars after denying allegation about the country's navy persistent request for submarines.
The ships will beef up the capability of the Thai maritime force in patrolling the country's territorial waters in the Gulf of Thailand and Andaman Sea, the navy said.
Navy Chief Admiral Surasak Rounroengrom has officially denied media reports that they prefer frigates made in China than those made in Germany.
The admiral said that the navy is still waiting for studies and suggestions by an ad hoc procurement committee to decide where these frigates should be procured.
The navy, which had been earlier reported to be interested in buying a fleet of four second-hand U-206A submarines from Germany, will meticulously consider the German-made frigates but it is not also discounting the China option, a high-ranking navy officer said.
The 1-billion-US dollar fund, approved by the Yingluck Cabinet for the procurement of the frigates, is to be spent for a 10-year period, beginning from current fiscal year. The two frigates are unlikely be procured at the same time, the navy officer said.
The navy is reportedly looking for boats with an approximate 4, 000-ton displacement, which might be either brand-new or secondhand, depending on specifications and preferences of the commanding admirals.
F122 Bremen class frigates (photo : Militaryphotos)
The two frigates to be acquired will replace two US-made, Knox- class frigates, namely HTMS Phutthayodfa Chulalok and HTMS Phutthalertla Napalai, both scheduled to be decommissioned in 2015, Defense Minister Sukumpol Suwanatat said.
The two frigates would be capable of engaging in three possible combat scenarios with simultaneous maneuverability: anti-aircraft, anti-surface ship and anti-submarine warfare.
One possible candidate is China's Type 054A "Jiangkai II" frigates, featuring 4,000-ton displacement, 30-knot speed, 8,000- nautical mile maneuverable range. The Chinese ships cost about 255 million U.S. dollars each.
The Thai navy now has four secondhand Type 053T "Jianghu" frigates, built in China, which have 2,400-ton displacement, 32- knot speed and 4,000-nautical mile range.The Thai navy is also considering a German-made, Bremen-class F122 frigate with a 3,700- ton displacement, 30-knot speed and 4,000-nautical mile range.
The German navy has planned to decommission and replace the F122 frigates with more sophisticated F125 Baden-Wurttemberg-class frigates in 2016.
As to the weapon systems to be fitted in the chosen frigates, the Thai navy is said to be interested in Chinese-made C-802A surface-to-surface missiles as well as US-made Harpoon surface-to- surface missiles and US-made Sea Sparrow surface-to-air missiles. Thailand currently deploys guided missiles acquired from China and the U.S. on its frigates and corvettes.