31 Mei 2016
F-5 Tiger TNI AU satu demi satu di-grounded. Indonesia membeli 16 F-5E/F Tiger pada tahun 1980, yang terdiri dari 12 F-5E kursi tunggal dan 4 F-5F kursi ganda. (photo : Eddy Februanto)
Babel - TNI AU telah mempensiunkan pesawat tempur F5 dan akan segera membeli 8 pesawat jet Sukhoi Su-35 serta pesawat F16 dari Amerika. Pembelian kedua jenis pesawat tempur tersebut pernah diungkapkan oleh Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu beberapa waktu yang lalu namun hingga saat ini belum ada kejelasan siapa pengganti alusista F5 dan apakah Sukhoi atau F16 yang akan menjadi penggantinya.
"Insya Allah ada pengganti F5 dan Insya Allah ada tambahan pesawat-pesawat angkut, helikopter dan semua sedang diproses oleh Kemhan," kata Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal TNI Agus Supriyatna di AWR Buding, Bangka Belitung, Selasa (31/05/2016).
Meskipun telah rest in peace, namun TNI AU yang belum juga menanadatangi kontrak ke kedua pesawat yang rencana pembeliannya nanti akan disaksikan oleh Presiden Joko Widodo ini telah memastikan para penerbang akan siap ketika pesawat tersebut tiba di Indonesia.
"Kan para penerbang sudah kita latih terbang di Sukhoi, ada juga yang di F-16 untuk pesawat-pesawat pengganti F5 nanti, nah penerbang-peneebang di F5 nanti ikut latihan di Sukhoi dan F-16," terang Agus.
Agus menambahkan bahwa pilot yang dilatih ini disiapkan untuk melaksanakan konversi di pesawat-pesawat yang akan digunakan di masa mendatang. Dia juga memberi keterangan mengenai kondisi terakhir dari F-5.
"Untuk F-5 kita lihat situasi dan kondisinya, satu-satu udah kita grounded," tutup Agus.
31 Mei 2016
Myanmar wants to Purchase More Ukrainian BTR-3U
31 Mei 2016
BTR-3U of the Myanmar Army (photo : MAC)
The armament of the forces of Myanmar are interested in continuing cooperation with Ukraine in the sphere of production of modern wheeled armored vehicles. This became known reporters portal military-informant.com .
Myanmar expects to buy even more Ukrainian armored personnel carriers, which proved themselves during the border crisis with China in early 2015.
As is known, Myanmar was one of the buyers of new Ukrainian BTR-3U, when concluded in 2003, the first contract for the supply of ten wheeled combat vehicles. Upon receipt of the first experimental batch it was decided about the licensed production of the kits supplied from Ukraine directly at the territory of Myanmar.
According to unconfirmed information, at the moment in Myanmar it produced about 50 armored vehicles with an option for the same. It is worth noting that part of the combat vehicles BTR-3U is equipped protivokumulyativnymi screens.
BTR-3 - a modern Ukrainian armored personnel carrier designed Kharkiv Machine Building Design Bureau named after Morozov. It is a further development of the design of the BTR-80.
BTR-3 became a hit Ukrainian defense industry and exported to many countries, including Thailand, Azerbaijan, Nigeria, UAE, Sudan, Chad , and is designed to transport personnel of mechanized infantry units and fire support in combat. APC is used to equip the units are able to conduct operations in a variety of conditions, including the conditions of use of the enemy weapons of mass destruction.
(Military Informant)
BTR-3U of the Myanmar Army (photo : MAC)
The armament of the forces of Myanmar are interested in continuing cooperation with Ukraine in the sphere of production of modern wheeled armored vehicles. This became known reporters portal military-informant.com .
Myanmar expects to buy even more Ukrainian armored personnel carriers, which proved themselves during the border crisis with China in early 2015.
As is known, Myanmar was one of the buyers of new Ukrainian BTR-3U, when concluded in 2003, the first contract for the supply of ten wheeled combat vehicles. Upon receipt of the first experimental batch it was decided about the licensed production of the kits supplied from Ukraine directly at the territory of Myanmar.
According to unconfirmed information, at the moment in Myanmar it produced about 50 armored vehicles with an option for the same. It is worth noting that part of the combat vehicles BTR-3U is equipped protivokumulyativnymi screens.
BTR-3 - a modern Ukrainian armored personnel carrier designed Kharkiv Machine Building Design Bureau named after Morozov. It is a further development of the design of the BTR-80.
BTR-3 became a hit Ukrainian defense industry and exported to many countries, including Thailand, Azerbaijan, Nigeria, UAE, Sudan, Chad , and is designed to transport personnel of mechanized infantry units and fire support in combat. APC is used to equip the units are able to conduct operations in a variety of conditions, including the conditions of use of the enemy weapons of mass destruction.
(Military Informant)
30 Mei 2016
Project 23420 : Penerus Korvet Parchim
30 Mei 2016
Project 23420 Small Anti Submarine Warfare Ship (images : Almaz)
Biro rancang Almaz baru-baru ini memperkenalkan Project 23420, kapal kecil dengan kategori "small ASW ship" ini siap mengantikan korvet Project 133 Parchim class yang sudah sejak tahun 1980-an bertugas. Kapal dengan bobot 1300 ton ini lebih berat dari pendahulunya yang cuma 950 ton walaupun dengan ukuran panjang yang sama yaitu 75m dan lebar 13m.
Almaz adalah Biro Desain yang didirikan pada tahun 1949, Almaz adalah desainer Rusia terkemuka untuk kapal cepat (FAC), kombatan permukaan ukuran kecil dan menengah, kapal pendarat berbantalan udara, dan kapal khusus lainnya serta dok terapung.
Perbedaan utama yang mencolok dibandingkan Parchim adalah desainnya yang futuristik, dan adanya dek di bagian belakang yang digunakan untuk menampung UAV berjenis VTOL.
Perbedaan lainnya peluncur roket anti kapal selam dari semula dua dikurangi menjadi satu unit. Perkuatan dilakukan untuk mengatasi serangan udara, adapun peluncur torpedo dan bom laut tetap. Sama seperti Parchim, kapal ini juga tidak dilengkapi peluncur rudal anti kapal karena memang tidak didesain untuk beroperasi secara mandiri.
Kapal ini mempunyai kanon utama 1 x 76-mm dan kanon sekunder 1 x 30 mm, kapal dapat menempuh jarak 2.500 mil laut, mempunyai ketahanan berlayar 15 hari di laut dengan jumlah kru sekitar 60 pelaut.
Untuk mengatasi serangan udara, rudal Igla menjadi andalannya, namun kapal ini telah dilengkapi dengan peluncur modern tipe Gibka 3M-47 turret berpeluncur otomatis.
Untuk UAV, Rusia akan mengoperasikan Gorizont (Horizon) Air S-100, versi Rusia dari Camcopter S-100 yang telah dibuat di Rusia di bawah lisensi, UAV ini telah sukses dalam uji coba.
Korvet ASW kelas Parchim saat ini masih dioperasikan oleh Armada Baltik Rusia (8 unit) dan TNI Angkatan Laut yang mengakuisisi korvet jenis ini dari Jerman Timur (16 unit).
(Defense Studies)
Project 23420 Small Anti Submarine Warfare Ship (images : Almaz)
Biro rancang Almaz baru-baru ini memperkenalkan Project 23420, kapal kecil dengan kategori "small ASW ship" ini siap mengantikan korvet Project 133 Parchim class yang sudah sejak tahun 1980-an bertugas. Kapal dengan bobot 1300 ton ini lebih berat dari pendahulunya yang cuma 950 ton walaupun dengan ukuran panjang yang sama yaitu 75m dan lebar 13m.
Menurut Almaz, kapal ASW kecil ini dirancang untuk melakukan operasi tempur melawan musuh bawah air, permukaan dan udara, untuk menjaga pangkalan angkatan laut, untuk operasi pendaratan di pantai musuh dengan lindungan tembakan artileri, untuk berpatroli di perbatasan laut negara dan ZEE.
Perbedaan utama yang mencolok dibandingkan Parchim adalah desainnya yang futuristik, dan adanya dek di bagian belakang yang digunakan untuk menampung UAV berjenis VTOL.
Perbedaan lainnya peluncur roket anti kapal selam dari semula dua dikurangi menjadi satu unit. Perkuatan dilakukan untuk mengatasi serangan udara, adapun peluncur torpedo dan bom laut tetap. Sama seperti Parchim, kapal ini juga tidak dilengkapi peluncur rudal anti kapal karena memang tidak didesain untuk beroperasi secara mandiri.
Kapal ini mempunyai kanon utama 1 x 76-mm dan kanon sekunder 1 x 30 mm, kapal dapat menempuh jarak 2.500 mil laut, mempunyai ketahanan berlayar 15 hari di laut dengan jumlah kru sekitar 60 pelaut.
Untuk mengatasi serangan udara, rudal Igla menjadi andalannya, namun kapal ini telah dilengkapi dengan peluncur modern tipe Gibka 3M-47 turret berpeluncur otomatis.
Untuk UAV, Rusia akan mengoperasikan Gorizont (Horizon) Air S-100, versi Rusia dari Camcopter S-100 yang telah dibuat di Rusia di bawah lisensi, UAV ini telah sukses dalam uji coba.
Korvet ASW kelas Parchim saat ini masih dioperasikan oleh Armada Baltik Rusia (8 unit) dan TNI Angkatan Laut yang mengakuisisi korvet jenis ini dari Jerman Timur (16 unit).
(Defense Studies)
MAN to Provide Engines for Second Thai OPV
30 Mei 2016
HTMS Krabi class OPV (photo : meretmarine)
MAN 28/33D STC Engine Adds Thai Reference
The Royal Thai Navy will build a new offshore patrol vessel (OPV) that will be powered by 2 × MAN 16V28/33D STC engines. The 90-m newbuilding will be constructed at Mahidol Adulyadej naval dockyard in Sattahip. The vessel is an improved River-class design.
Locally called OPV No. 2, the order follows that of OPV No. 1, the ‘HTMS Krabi’ that was ordered in 2009, a similar vessel that featured 2 × 16V28/33D engines.
MAN V28/33D STC engine, 20-cylinder (photo : MAN)
Olivier Condemine, Senior Sales Manager – Naval & Governmental – MAN Diesel & Turbo said: “Sequential turbocharging improves the already proven performance and fuel-efficiency of the 28/33D engine, especially at intermediate and low-load operations – known as silent running – which is very important for this kind of vessel.”
MAN 28/33D STC range
The range offers 12-, 16-, and 20-cylinder configurations covering power requirements from 5,000 up to 10,000 kW per unit.
HTMS Krabi class OPV (photo : meretmarine)
MAN 28/33D STC Engine Adds Thai Reference
The Royal Thai Navy will build a new offshore patrol vessel (OPV) that will be powered by 2 × MAN 16V28/33D STC engines. The 90-m newbuilding will be constructed at Mahidol Adulyadej naval dockyard in Sattahip. The vessel is an improved River-class design.
Locally called OPV No. 2, the order follows that of OPV No. 1, the ‘HTMS Krabi’ that was ordered in 2009, a similar vessel that featured 2 × 16V28/33D engines.
MAN V28/33D STC engine, 20-cylinder (photo : MAN)
Olivier Condemine, Senior Sales Manager – Naval & Governmental – MAN Diesel & Turbo said: “Sequential turbocharging improves the already proven performance and fuel-efficiency of the 28/33D engine, especially at intermediate and low-load operations – known as silent running – which is very important for this kind of vessel.”
MAN 28/33D STC range
The range offers 12-, 16-, and 20-cylinder configurations covering power requirements from 5,000 up to 10,000 kW per unit.
28 Mei 2016
PAF in the Market for F-27 Spares
28 Mei 2016
PAF will repair and maintenance one of its three Fokker F-27 (photo : amdr)
MANILA (PNA) -- In line with its efforts to ensure that all of its aircraft are mission-ready at all times, the Philippine Air Force (PAF) has allocated the sum of Php4,650,000 for the acquisition of spare parts needed for the repair and maintenance of one of its three Fokker F-27 "Friendship" transport planes.
Pre-bid conference is scheduled for June 2, 2 p.m. at the PAF Procurement Center Conference Room, Villamor Air Base, Pasay City.
On the other hand, bid submission and opening is on June 14, 9 a.m. at the same venue, said PAF Bids and Awards Committee chair Brig. Gen. Nicolas C. Parilla.
The F-27 is a turboprop airliner designed and built by the defunct Dutch aircraft manufacturer Fokker.
Design of the aircraft started in the 1950s as a replacement to the successful Douglas DC-3 airliner.
PAF will repair and maintenance one of its three Fokker F-27 (photo : amdr)
MANILA (PNA) -- In line with its efforts to ensure that all of its aircraft are mission-ready at all times, the Philippine Air Force (PAF) has allocated the sum of Php4,650,000 for the acquisition of spare parts needed for the repair and maintenance of one of its three Fokker F-27 "Friendship" transport planes.
Pre-bid conference is scheduled for June 2, 2 p.m. at the PAF Procurement Center Conference Room, Villamor Air Base, Pasay City.
On the other hand, bid submission and opening is on June 14, 9 a.m. at the same venue, said PAF Bids and Awards Committee chair Brig. Gen. Nicolas C. Parilla.
The F-27 is a turboprop airliner designed and built by the defunct Dutch aircraft manufacturer Fokker.
Design of the aircraft started in the 1950s as a replacement to the successful Douglas DC-3 airliner.
TNI AD Masih Menunggu Lagi Kiriman 100 M113 dari Belgia
28 Mei 2016
Kendaraan angkut personil M113 TNI AD (photos : Kaksus Militer, ARC, defence.pk)
Wow! TNI Semakin Kuat
JAKARTA – Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) kini sedang menunggu tambahan alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) berupa kendaraan tempur 100 (Ranpur) M113 dari Belgia. Alat perang itu akan memperkuat persenjataan TNI.
Sebenarnya, TNI memesan sekitar 150 ranpur yang sudah terkenal sejak perang Vietnam itu. M113 merupakan kendaraan pengangkut personel yang dibuat Amerika.
Selanjutnya, Belgia memproduksi kendaraan itu dengan lisensi dari Negeri Paman Sam. Banyak negara yang sudah menggunakan kendaraan lapis baja beroda rantai itu.
Dari 150 kendaraan, baru sebagian yang sudah dikirim ke Indonesia. Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat (KSAD) Jendral TNI Mulyono menyatakan, ada sekitar 50 kendaraan yang sudah datang.
"Datangnya secara bertahap. Kendaraan itu pesanan TNI AD," kata dia. Ranpur M113 itu sekarang diletakkan di Batalyon Kavaleri Kostrad.
Sekarang kendaraan itu masih dalam masa perawatan. Jika ada kerusakan maka pihak Belgia yang akan melakukan perawatan. Pihaknya tidak perlu mengeluarkan biaya dalam perawatan alias gratis.
"Kalau ada kerusakaan ada teknisi yang memperbaikinya," katanya. Jadi, setiap pembelian ranpur dan senjata selalu ada masa perawatan yang menjadi tanggungjawab produsen.
M113 sudah teruji ketangguhannya. Selain pengangkut personel, kendaraan itu bisa membuka belukar di hutan untuk dijadikan jalan. Karena ketangguhannya itu, ranpur tersebut dijuluki green dragon, naga hijau. Kendaran itu juga lincah saat melintas di air. Selain itu, ringan saat digotong di udara.
Selain disiagakan di Markas Kostrad Cijantung, kendaraan itu juga disebarkan di beberapa lokasi. Salah satunya di Jawa Tengah. Menurut jendral asal Boyolali, Jawa Tengah itu, keberadaan M113 akan memperkuat alutsista TNI AD. Ranpur itu sangat dibutuhkan mempertahankan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI).
Mulyono mengatakan, saat ini pihaknya masih menunggu sekitar 100 kendaraan lagi. Pemesanan dilakukan secara bertahap. Hal itu disesuaikan dengan rencana strategis (Renstra) pembelian kendaraan tempur. Tentu pembelian itu disesuaikan dengan kemampuan keuangan negara. "Tidak bisa setahun selesai semua," papar dia.
Dia memperkirakan pengadaan M113 akan selesai pada 2019 nanti. Jadi, jumlahnya akan lengkap 150 kendaraan. Namun, ia enggan menjelaskan anggaran yang dibutuhkan untuk membeli kendaraan tersebut. Dia hanya bersedia menyebutkan jumlah kendaraan yang dibeli saja. Ranpur dibeli satu paket dengan senjatanya.
Panglima TNI Jendral TNI Gatot Nurmantyo membenarkan bahwa pihakya masih menunggu 100 M113. "Iya masih kurang," ungkap dia. TNI AD yang lebih tahu kapan kendaraan itu selesai dikirim. "Semoga secepatnya selesai. tidak sampai 2019," papar mantan Pangdam V/Brawijaya itu.
Kendaraan tersebut, lanjut Gatot, dibeli dengan harga yang sangat murah dari Belgia. "Sangat, sangat murah," tegas dia. Seperti halnya Mulyono, Gatot juga tidak mau menyebutkan anggaran pembelian ranpur.
Kendaraan angkut personil M113 TNI AD (photos : Kaksus Militer, ARC, defence.pk)
Wow! TNI Semakin Kuat
JAKARTA – Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) kini sedang menunggu tambahan alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) berupa kendaraan tempur 100 (Ranpur) M113 dari Belgia. Alat perang itu akan memperkuat persenjataan TNI.
Sebenarnya, TNI memesan sekitar 150 ranpur yang sudah terkenal sejak perang Vietnam itu. M113 merupakan kendaraan pengangkut personel yang dibuat Amerika.
Selanjutnya, Belgia memproduksi kendaraan itu dengan lisensi dari Negeri Paman Sam. Banyak negara yang sudah menggunakan kendaraan lapis baja beroda rantai itu.
Dari 150 kendaraan, baru sebagian yang sudah dikirim ke Indonesia. Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat (KSAD) Jendral TNI Mulyono menyatakan, ada sekitar 50 kendaraan yang sudah datang.
"Datangnya secara bertahap. Kendaraan itu pesanan TNI AD," kata dia. Ranpur M113 itu sekarang diletakkan di Batalyon Kavaleri Kostrad.
Sekarang kendaraan itu masih dalam masa perawatan. Jika ada kerusakan maka pihak Belgia yang akan melakukan perawatan. Pihaknya tidak perlu mengeluarkan biaya dalam perawatan alias gratis.
"Kalau ada kerusakaan ada teknisi yang memperbaikinya," katanya. Jadi, setiap pembelian ranpur dan senjata selalu ada masa perawatan yang menjadi tanggungjawab produsen.
M113 sudah teruji ketangguhannya. Selain pengangkut personel, kendaraan itu bisa membuka belukar di hutan untuk dijadikan jalan. Karena ketangguhannya itu, ranpur tersebut dijuluki green dragon, naga hijau. Kendaran itu juga lincah saat melintas di air. Selain itu, ringan saat digotong di udara.
Selain disiagakan di Markas Kostrad Cijantung, kendaraan itu juga disebarkan di beberapa lokasi. Salah satunya di Jawa Tengah. Menurut jendral asal Boyolali, Jawa Tengah itu, keberadaan M113 akan memperkuat alutsista TNI AD. Ranpur itu sangat dibutuhkan mempertahankan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI).
Mulyono mengatakan, saat ini pihaknya masih menunggu sekitar 100 kendaraan lagi. Pemesanan dilakukan secara bertahap. Hal itu disesuaikan dengan rencana strategis (Renstra) pembelian kendaraan tempur. Tentu pembelian itu disesuaikan dengan kemampuan keuangan negara. "Tidak bisa setahun selesai semua," papar dia.
Dia memperkirakan pengadaan M113 akan selesai pada 2019 nanti. Jadi, jumlahnya akan lengkap 150 kendaraan. Namun, ia enggan menjelaskan anggaran yang dibutuhkan untuk membeli kendaraan tersebut. Dia hanya bersedia menyebutkan jumlah kendaraan yang dibeli saja. Ranpur dibeli satu paket dengan senjatanya.
Panglima TNI Jendral TNI Gatot Nurmantyo membenarkan bahwa pihakya masih menunggu 100 M113. "Iya masih kurang," ungkap dia. TNI AD yang lebih tahu kapan kendaraan itu selesai dikirim. "Semoga secepatnya selesai. tidak sampai 2019," papar mantan Pangdam V/Brawijaya itu.
Kendaraan tersebut, lanjut Gatot, dibeli dengan harga yang sangat murah dari Belgia. "Sangat, sangat murah," tegas dia. Seperti halnya Mulyono, Gatot juga tidak mau menyebutkan anggaran pembelian ranpur.
New Zealand Announces 8.8% Rise in Annual Defence Spend
28 Mei 2016
RNZN navy fleet (photo : NZDF)
New Zealand has announced a defence budget of NZD3.7 billion (USD2.5 billion) for 2016/17, representing an 8.8% increase over the previous financial year. A further NZD301 million of new funding was also announced for defence, which will be allocated over the four years between 2016/17 and 2019/20.
The funding for defence is comprised of two main allocations administered by the Minister of Defence. The majority of funding is provided under the Defence Force vote for which NZD3,280 million was allocated under the 2016/17 budget. Under the appropriation the air force will receive NZD770 million, the army NZD809 million, and the navy USD459 million, with NZD446 million provided for defence-wide functions.
RNZN navy fleet (photo : NZDF)
New Zealand has announced a defence budget of NZD3.7 billion (USD2.5 billion) for 2016/17, representing an 8.8% increase over the previous financial year. A further NZD301 million of new funding was also announced for defence, which will be allocated over the four years between 2016/17 and 2019/20.
The funding for defence is comprised of two main allocations administered by the Minister of Defence. The majority of funding is provided under the Defence Force vote for which NZD3,280 million was allocated under the 2016/17 budget. Under the appropriation the air force will receive NZD770 million, the army NZD809 million, and the navy USD459 million, with NZD446 million provided for defence-wide functions.
Kompi Kavaleri Serbu Tempatkan 16 Tank Panser di Belu
28 Mei 2016
Alutsista yang akan ditempatkan di Kompi Kavaleri Serbu di Belu adalah tank panser sebanyak 16 unit (photo : Yonkav7, ipenk)
POS KUPANG.COM, ATAMBUA -Pembangunan markas kompi kavaleri (Kokav) serbu di Lelowai, Kecamatan Tasifeto Barat (Tasbar) Kabupaten Belu merupakan sebuah kebutuhan sehingga menjadi keharusan untuk dilakukan.
Untuk pembangunan markas satuan tempur ini, dibutuhkan lahan seluas enam sampai delapan hektar.
Demikian disampaikan Komandan Kodim 1605 Belu, Letkol Inf. Moch. Nazmudin usai menerima dua pucuk senjata buatan Inggris dari Kades Silawan di Makodim Belu, Senin (23/5/2016).
Dikatakannya, pembangunan markas kokav serbu ini merupakan program Mabes TNI yang kemudian ditindaklanjuti Mabes TNI angkatan darat dalam rangka renstra pemerataan pertahanan.
"Lahan sudah oke di Lelowai sekitar 6-8 hektar. Makanya kita adakan percepatan koordinasi dengan pemda agar ada hitam di atas putih. Jika nanti 2017 lahan sudah oke. Kalau tidak, bisa dialihkan. Nah kita tahu bahwa untuk pembangunan sarana pertahanan di perbatasan adalah suatu keharusan dan kebutuhan untuk ciptakan stabillitas keamanan nasional," ujarnya.
Dijelaskannya, rencana pembangunan kokav serbu ini akan direalisasikan pada tahun 2017 mendatang. Karena itu upaya pengadaan lahannya harus sudah tuntas di tahun 2016 dan menjadi tanggung jawab pemerintah daerah dalam hal ini Pemkab Belu.
"Ini rencana kita rencana akan bangun di tahun 2017. Terkait itu kita secara jujur dan terus terang bangun secara utuh fasilitas itu kita menganggarkan, namun lahan itu pemda yang fasilitasi.
Dimana-mana sama," ujarnya.
Secara teknis, Dandim menjelaskan, Kokav ini akan memiliki peralatan perang, termasuk tank panser sebanyak 16 unit dengan jumlah personil sebanyak 114 orang.
Dandim membantah jika akan terjadi tumpang tindih pelaksanaan tugas antara Kodim, Dansatgas, Yonif 744 Tobir dan juga Kokav serbu karena pada dasarnya satuan-satuan ini saling melengkapi.
"Tidak ada tumpang tindih karena tugasnya masing-masing. Nanti tahun 2017 sudah oke,
pembangunan bertahap dan tergantung pada pembebasan lahan," katanya.
Bupati Belu, Willy Lay yang dikonfirmasi melalui ponselnya, Rabu (25/5/2016) mengatakan, pembangunan kokav serbu ini adalah program nasional yang harus didukung.
"Inikan program nasional jadi kita kabupaten harus dukung. Termasuk penyediaan lahan. Lahannya sudah ada tinggal pembebasannya saja. Nanti 2016 ini kita bikin perubahan anggaran, kita bebaskan lahan itu," jawabnya.
Alutsista yang akan ditempatkan di Kompi Kavaleri Serbu di Belu adalah tank panser sebanyak 16 unit (photo : Yonkav7, ipenk)
POS KUPANG.COM, ATAMBUA -Pembangunan markas kompi kavaleri (Kokav) serbu di Lelowai, Kecamatan Tasifeto Barat (Tasbar) Kabupaten Belu merupakan sebuah kebutuhan sehingga menjadi keharusan untuk dilakukan.
Untuk pembangunan markas satuan tempur ini, dibutuhkan lahan seluas enam sampai delapan hektar.
Demikian disampaikan Komandan Kodim 1605 Belu, Letkol Inf. Moch. Nazmudin usai menerima dua pucuk senjata buatan Inggris dari Kades Silawan di Makodim Belu, Senin (23/5/2016).
Dikatakannya, pembangunan markas kokav serbu ini merupakan program Mabes TNI yang kemudian ditindaklanjuti Mabes TNI angkatan darat dalam rangka renstra pemerataan pertahanan.
"Lahan sudah oke di Lelowai sekitar 6-8 hektar. Makanya kita adakan percepatan koordinasi dengan pemda agar ada hitam di atas putih. Jika nanti 2017 lahan sudah oke. Kalau tidak, bisa dialihkan. Nah kita tahu bahwa untuk pembangunan sarana pertahanan di perbatasan adalah suatu keharusan dan kebutuhan untuk ciptakan stabillitas keamanan nasional," ujarnya.
Dijelaskannya, rencana pembangunan kokav serbu ini akan direalisasikan pada tahun 2017 mendatang. Karena itu upaya pengadaan lahannya harus sudah tuntas di tahun 2016 dan menjadi tanggung jawab pemerintah daerah dalam hal ini Pemkab Belu.
"Ini rencana kita rencana akan bangun di tahun 2017. Terkait itu kita secara jujur dan terus terang bangun secara utuh fasilitas itu kita menganggarkan, namun lahan itu pemda yang fasilitasi.
Dimana-mana sama," ujarnya.
Secara teknis, Dandim menjelaskan, Kokav ini akan memiliki peralatan perang, termasuk tank panser sebanyak 16 unit dengan jumlah personil sebanyak 114 orang.
Dandim membantah jika akan terjadi tumpang tindih pelaksanaan tugas antara Kodim, Dansatgas, Yonif 744 Tobir dan juga Kokav serbu karena pada dasarnya satuan-satuan ini saling melengkapi.
"Tidak ada tumpang tindih karena tugasnya masing-masing. Nanti tahun 2017 sudah oke,
pembangunan bertahap dan tergantung pada pembebasan lahan," katanya.
Bupati Belu, Willy Lay yang dikonfirmasi melalui ponselnya, Rabu (25/5/2016) mengatakan, pembangunan kokav serbu ini adalah program nasional yang harus didukung.
"Inikan program nasional jadi kita kabupaten harus dukung. Termasuk penyediaan lahan. Lahannya sudah ada tinggal pembebasannya saja. Nanti 2016 ini kita bikin perubahan anggaran, kita bebaskan lahan itu," jawabnya.
27 Mei 2016
LMV Independence Joins the RSN Family
27 Mei 2016
LMV Independence cruising into its new home Tuas Naval Base.(photo : Sing Mindef)
The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) welcomed a new addition to its fleet as Littoral Mission Vessel (LMV) Independence finished its sea trials and cruised to its new home at Tuas Naval Base on 26 May.
LMV Independence is one of the eight LMVs that will replace the current Fearless-class Patrol Vessels (PVs). The new ships will be more efficient than their predecessors in areas such as speed and versatility.
Speaking at the event, Chief of Navy Rear-Admiral (RADM) Lai Chung Han said: "It is an important milestone for the (LMV) programme. The homecoming of LMV Independence marks the conclusion of almost 2 years of the construction phase. It also marks the beginning of about 11 to 12 months of ICIT (Installation, Checkout, Integration and Testing). I think this is something we can be very proud of and something that we want to thank all involved for bringing the project to this point."
Touching on the commissioning of LMV Independence next year, RADM Lai said: "This will be a significant moment to mark the Navy's coming of age at 50 years, as we complete our 3rd Generation transformation, as we move into our redesign for LMV Indy to be the lead platform, to be, if I can borrow the phrase, the 'flagship of our future Navy'."
The event also marked the renaming of 182 Squadron (SQN) and 189 SQN, which are formed by the current eleven PVs -- to 182 SQN. The new logo for 182 SQN was also unveiled. The eight LMVs will be fully operational by 2020 and they will then complete 182 SQN.
"Now, as we're in the advanced stages of our 3rd Generation transformation, the return of LMV Independence to 182 SQN marks a major milestone for the squadron and its new logo (which says) Sharp and Vigilant, which rightly encapsulates what the squadron will do: Remain sharp and vigilant 24/7, safeguarding our water and protecting our nation."
(Sing MoD)
LMV Independence cruising into its new home Tuas Naval Base.(photo : Sing Mindef)
The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) welcomed a new addition to its fleet as Littoral Mission Vessel (LMV) Independence finished its sea trials and cruised to its new home at Tuas Naval Base on 26 May.
LMV Independence is one of the eight LMVs that will replace the current Fearless-class Patrol Vessels (PVs). The new ships will be more efficient than their predecessors in areas such as speed and versatility.
Speaking at the event, Chief of Navy Rear-Admiral (RADM) Lai Chung Han said: "It is an important milestone for the (LMV) programme. The homecoming of LMV Independence marks the conclusion of almost 2 years of the construction phase. It also marks the beginning of about 11 to 12 months of ICIT (Installation, Checkout, Integration and Testing). I think this is something we can be very proud of and something that we want to thank all involved for bringing the project to this point."
Touching on the commissioning of LMV Independence next year, RADM Lai said: "This will be a significant moment to mark the Navy's coming of age at 50 years, as we complete our 3rd Generation transformation, as we move into our redesign for LMV Indy to be the lead platform, to be, if I can borrow the phrase, the 'flagship of our future Navy'."
The event also marked the renaming of 182 Squadron (SQN) and 189 SQN, which are formed by the current eleven PVs -- to 182 SQN. The new logo for 182 SQN was also unveiled. The eight LMVs will be fully operational by 2020 and they will then complete 182 SQN.
"Now, as we're in the advanced stages of our 3rd Generation transformation, the return of LMV Independence to 182 SQN marks a major milestone for the squadron and its new logo (which says) Sharp and Vigilant, which rightly encapsulates what the squadron will do: Remain sharp and vigilant 24/7, safeguarding our water and protecting our nation."
(Sing MoD)
Sukhoi Kembali Pulang Setelah Menjalani Perawatan Berat
27 Mei 2016
Pesawat Su-30MK2 tiba kembali di Makassar (photo : TNI AU)
Satu unit jet tempur Sukhoi kursi ganda, Su-30 MK2 nomor ekor TS-3006, tiba di Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar setelah diangkut menggunakan pesawat Antonov An-124-100 Ruslan dari Belarusia, Kamis (26/5/2016). Pesawat ini bukan pembelian baru, melainkan dibawa kembali pulang ke Indonesia setelah menjalani perawatan berat.
Jet tempur Beruang Merah ini tiba berikut puluhan peti material dan belasan awak pesawat. Peti-peti ini berisi komponen pesawat yang akan dirakit ulang di Skadron Teknik 044 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin. Sebagaimana diketahui, untuk bisa diangkut ke dalam pesawat An-124 jet tempur Sukhoi harus dicopot beberapa bagiannya, seperti sayap tengah, sayap ekor, dan ekor tegaknya. Kemudian komponen-komponen tersebut dirakit kembali dan setelah itu pesawat menjalani uji terbang oleh pilot uji untuk memastikan semua sistem bekerja dengan sempurna.
Komandan Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin Marsma TNI Nanang Santoso didampingi para pejabat lanud menyaksikan langsung kedatangan penempur bertubuh bongsor itu yang dikeluarkan melalui “mulut” pesawat An-124-100 Ruslan di bagian depan.
TNI Angkatan Udara mengoperasikan 16 pesawat Su-27/30 yang dibeli dari Rusia sejak tahun 2003 dan dioperasikan oleh Skadron Udara 11. Sepuluh tahun setelah dioperasikan, armada Sukhoi TNI AU baru dilengkapi persenjataan. Dan saat ini, pesawat Su-27/30 menjadi jet tempur yang paling mematikan di TNI AU karena beragam persenjataannya yang sudah dimiliki. Mulai dari peluru internal, roket, bom, hingga rudal udara ke udara jarak menengah, maupun rudal penghancur sasaran di darat dan lautan.
Sementara itu, rencana pembelian jet tempur Su-35 yang merupakan varian termutakhir keluarga Flanker hingga saat ini masih berada di tataran ketidakpastian. Penyebabnya, kontrak pembelian yang disebut-sebut akan ditandatangani bulan ini belum juga dilaksanakan. Bahkan, dalam kunjungan Presiden Joko Widodo ke Rusia beberapa hari lalu, Menlu Retno Marsudi mengatakan tidak ada pembicaraan mengenai pembelian pesawat Sukhoi.
Pesawat Su-30MK2 tiba kembali di Makassar (photo : TNI AU)
Satu unit jet tempur Sukhoi kursi ganda, Su-30 MK2 nomor ekor TS-3006, tiba di Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar setelah diangkut menggunakan pesawat Antonov An-124-100 Ruslan dari Belarusia, Kamis (26/5/2016). Pesawat ini bukan pembelian baru, melainkan dibawa kembali pulang ke Indonesia setelah menjalani perawatan berat.
Jet tempur Beruang Merah ini tiba berikut puluhan peti material dan belasan awak pesawat. Peti-peti ini berisi komponen pesawat yang akan dirakit ulang di Skadron Teknik 044 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin. Sebagaimana diketahui, untuk bisa diangkut ke dalam pesawat An-124 jet tempur Sukhoi harus dicopot beberapa bagiannya, seperti sayap tengah, sayap ekor, dan ekor tegaknya. Kemudian komponen-komponen tersebut dirakit kembali dan setelah itu pesawat menjalani uji terbang oleh pilot uji untuk memastikan semua sistem bekerja dengan sempurna.
Komandan Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin Marsma TNI Nanang Santoso didampingi para pejabat lanud menyaksikan langsung kedatangan penempur bertubuh bongsor itu yang dikeluarkan melalui “mulut” pesawat An-124-100 Ruslan di bagian depan.
TNI Angkatan Udara mengoperasikan 16 pesawat Su-27/30 yang dibeli dari Rusia sejak tahun 2003 dan dioperasikan oleh Skadron Udara 11. Sepuluh tahun setelah dioperasikan, armada Sukhoi TNI AU baru dilengkapi persenjataan. Dan saat ini, pesawat Su-27/30 menjadi jet tempur yang paling mematikan di TNI AU karena beragam persenjataannya yang sudah dimiliki. Mulai dari peluru internal, roket, bom, hingga rudal udara ke udara jarak menengah, maupun rudal penghancur sasaran di darat dan lautan.
Sementara itu, rencana pembelian jet tempur Su-35 yang merupakan varian termutakhir keluarga Flanker hingga saat ini masih berada di tataran ketidakpastian. Penyebabnya, kontrak pembelian yang disebut-sebut akan ditandatangani bulan ini belum juga dilaksanakan. Bahkan, dalam kunjungan Presiden Joko Widodo ke Rusia beberapa hari lalu, Menlu Retno Marsudi mengatakan tidak ada pembicaraan mengenai pembelian pesawat Sukhoi.
The Fourth Frigate "Gepard" for the Vietnamese Navy was Launched in Tatarstan
27 Mei 2016
The Fourth Frigate "Gepard" for the Vietnamese Navy (photos : TASS)
KAZAN /TASS/ The fourth frigate "Gepard-3.9" for the Navy of Vietnam into the water at the Zelenodolsk plant named after Gorky in Tatarstan. Told Tass the official representative of the plant Andrey Spiridonov.
"Fourth" Gepard-3.9 "launched in a ceremony attended by representatives of Vietnam and the" Rosoboronexport ", - said Spiridonov." A bottle of champagne on board the vessel broke Commissioner Vietnamese Navy Vice Admiral Dinh Nhat Over ", - he added.
As noted by the agency, until the end of summer, the frigate will be in the water area of the plant where the vessel will install the latest items of equipment. "On sea trials planned to send a frigate in September 2016", - said Spiridonov.
In 2011, the plant delivered the first two Vietnamese Navy frigate "Gepard-3.9", the third "Gepard-3.9" was launched in April 2016.
Patrol Frigates Project 11661 (code "Gepard") are constructed at the Zelenodolsk plant named after Gorky in 1990. They are designed to search and anti-submarine, surface and air targets, a patrol, conducting convoy operations, as well as protection of the marine economic zone. Ship displacement of 1.5 thousand tons, they are equipped with artillery, antiship, anti-aircraft and anti-submarine weaponry.
The Fourth Frigate "Gepard" for the Vietnamese Navy (photos : TASS)
KAZAN /TASS/ The fourth frigate "Gepard-3.9" for the Navy of Vietnam into the water at the Zelenodolsk plant named after Gorky in Tatarstan. Told Tass the official representative of the plant Andrey Spiridonov.
"Fourth" Gepard-3.9 "launched in a ceremony attended by representatives of Vietnam and the" Rosoboronexport ", - said Spiridonov." A bottle of champagne on board the vessel broke Commissioner Vietnamese Navy Vice Admiral Dinh Nhat Over ", - he added.
As noted by the agency, until the end of summer, the frigate will be in the water area of the plant where the vessel will install the latest items of equipment. "On sea trials planned to send a frigate in September 2016", - said Spiridonov.
In 2011, the plant delivered the first two Vietnamese Navy frigate "Gepard-3.9", the third "Gepard-3.9" was launched in April 2016.
Patrol Frigates Project 11661 (code "Gepard") are constructed at the Zelenodolsk plant named after Gorky in 1990. They are designed to search and anti-submarine, surface and air targets, a patrol, conducting convoy operations, as well as protection of the marine economic zone. Ship displacement of 1.5 thousand tons, they are equipped with artillery, antiship, anti-aircraft and anti-submarine weaponry.
26 Mei 2016
South Korea Picks GE to Supply Engines for KF-X Fighter
26 Mei 2016
General Electric F414-GE-400 engines (photo : cc)
South Korea picks GE to supply engines for homegrown fighter jets
South Korea has picked General Electric Co (GE.N) to supply engines for its homegrown KF-X fighter jet project, preferring the U.S. giant over a European consortium in a deal that could be worth an estimated $3.5 billion.
The decision, announced on Thursday by the country's arms procurement agency marks the latest step in Seoul's multi-billion dollar plans to develop its own fighter jets to reduce its heavy reliance on the U.S. military for air defense.
The move gives GE preferred bidder status, with a contract expected to be finalised and signed in June. Financial details weren't disclosed, but South Korean media have estimated the deal could be worth about 4.08 trillion won.
Last year, South Korea's Defense Acquisition Program Administration picked Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd (KAI) (047810.KS), which partners with Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N), to develop the 8.7 trillion won ($7.4 billion) KF-X jet project.
North and South Korea, in a technical state of war since their 1950-1953 conflict ended in a truce, not a peace treaty, are separated by the world's most heavily militarized border.
KAI plans to develop and produce 170 twin-engined jets initially, with 50 destined for export to Indonesia, a person with knowledge of the matter told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity because the situation was confidential.
More engines are expected to be sold if KAI successfully exports the KF-X to other countries seeking a relatively cheaper replacement for their U.S.-supplied jets.
To power the aircraft, KAI has opted for F414-GE-400 engines, produced by GE Aviation, over a rival bid to supply Eurojet EJ200 engines, made by a consortium that includes Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC (RR.L) and MTU Aero Engines AG (MTXGn.DE).
GE Aviation scored better results than Eurojet in all four main criteria for the contract, the DAPA said in a statement: technology, costs, localization and management.
South Korea plans to localize production of parts of the KF-X engines by 2022, according to the DAPA.
General Electric F414-GE-400 engines (photo : cc)
South Korea picks GE to supply engines for homegrown fighter jets
South Korea has picked General Electric Co (GE.N) to supply engines for its homegrown KF-X fighter jet project, preferring the U.S. giant over a European consortium in a deal that could be worth an estimated $3.5 billion.
The decision, announced on Thursday by the country's arms procurement agency marks the latest step in Seoul's multi-billion dollar plans to develop its own fighter jets to reduce its heavy reliance on the U.S. military for air defense.
The move gives GE preferred bidder status, with a contract expected to be finalised and signed in June. Financial details weren't disclosed, but South Korean media have estimated the deal could be worth about 4.08 trillion won.
Last year, South Korea's Defense Acquisition Program Administration picked Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd (KAI) (047810.KS), which partners with Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N), to develop the 8.7 trillion won ($7.4 billion) KF-X jet project.
North and South Korea, in a technical state of war since their 1950-1953 conflict ended in a truce, not a peace treaty, are separated by the world's most heavily militarized border.
KAI plans to develop and produce 170 twin-engined jets initially, with 50 destined for export to Indonesia, a person with knowledge of the matter told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity because the situation was confidential.
More engines are expected to be sold if KAI successfully exports the KF-X to other countries seeking a relatively cheaper replacement for their U.S.-supplied jets.
To power the aircraft, KAI has opted for F414-GE-400 engines, produced by GE Aviation, over a rival bid to supply Eurojet EJ200 engines, made by a consortium that includes Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC (RR.L) and MTU Aero Engines AG (MTXGn.DE).
GE Aviation scored better results than Eurojet in all four main criteria for the contract, the DAPA said in a statement: technology, costs, localization and management.
South Korea plans to localize production of parts of the KF-X engines by 2022, according to the DAPA.
Vietnam May Request F-16s with EDA Schemes
26 Mei 2016
Refurbished F-16D of the TNI AU (photo : Kaskus Militer)
Vietnam May Request F-16s, P-3 Orions From US
TAIPEI, Taiwan — With the lifting of the US arms embargo to Vietnam, a US defense industry source indicates Hanoi is seeking to improve its air defense and maritime security capabilities with the procurement of F-16 fighter aircraft from the US Pentagon’s excess defense articles (EDA) program and refurbished P-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft, armed with torpedoes.
The source also said Vietnam could seek US-made UAVs for maritime intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) missions.
Torpedoes were banned under the embargo, but now the Vietnamese want the same P-3 program the US sold to Taiwan, the source said. On the F-16 EDA, they want the same deal the Obama administration gave Indonesia.
Defense News has also acquired an unclassified defense industry briefing prepared by the US Pacific Command. According to the report, “Socialist Republic of Vietnam — Country Security Cooperation Plan,” the US Embassy in Hanoi “possesses a robust security cooperating program operating in accordance with US policy goals and interests to promote integration and access focused on key areas within the Vietnamese security architecture.”
These include achieving air and maritime domain awareness, providing maritime security against traditional and nontraditional security threats, delivering all-hazards response and support to civil authorities, participating in regional contingency response and international peacekeeping operations, and addressing the impact of Vietnam War legacy issues on civil society.
“The SCO [Security Cooperation Organization] is manned and capable of providing in-country support and coordination for programs to expand US defense article procurement ... and assist Vietnam in developing and sustaining professional armed forces,” the report said.
According to the report, Vietnam’s strategic outlook involves the survival of the Communist Party by maintaining sovereignty and independence, achieving freedom of maneuver, and ensuring sovereignty over its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and unfettered access to natural resources and the global economic market.
China has been testing Vietnam’s EEZ claims with incursions by maritime patrol vessels, aggressive commercial fishing vessels and the stationing of an oil drilling test platform in 2014, dubbed the Haiyang Shiyou 981 standoff.
Vietnam’s goals, according to the report, are to enhance its presence in the South China Sea with upgrades for submarine warfare, maritime air-ground interdiction, anti-surface warfare (ASUW), anti-submarine warfare (ASW), maritime domain awareness (MDA), early warning, and command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR).
In the past, Vietnam has procured defense articles from sources within the former Soviet Union and former East Bloc nations, but it has “begun reaching out to the European Union, Israel, and others.”
On radar issues, the Vietnamese are procuring a high-frequency surface wave radar from the US for $30 million, according to the report. This is part of their overall effort to improve early warning and ISR.
The report breaks down each service requirement.
For the Army, it must transition from a territorial defense structure, retain a central role as defender of national sovereignty and improve capacity to respond to natural disasters.
The Air Force must improve early warning and airborne ISR, enhance maritime interdiction, develop anti-access/area-denial capabilities, and revamp pilot training.
The Navy must improve MDA, electronic countermeasures/electronic counter-countermeasures, electronic intelligence, expand maritime law enforcement capabilities, develop a naval aviation arm, and enhance ASW and ASUW.
The US Embassy’s primary cooperation vision is to promote the United States as a “reliable partner to address complex, forward looking security issues.” It also hopes to establish military relationships outside the traditional theater support command that include defense sales, cross-servicing, voyage repairs, and science and technology cooperation.
The report said that priorities include the “establishment” of sustainable lines of effort (LOE) and “synchronize” operations, actions and activities (OAA); instill a programmatic, regularized approach to security cooperation; and focus on nontraditional security approaches and humanitarian activities.
According to Carl Thayer, emeritus professor at the Australian Defence Force Academy, big-ticket sales may be a long way off: “Vietnam does not have the defense budget for that. It is fully committed to integrating six advanced Kilo-class submarines into its fleet,” and all maintenance, repair and logistics network and workforce are geared to work with Soviet/Russian technology.
Another hurdle for Vietnam is that Hanoi will continue to face the same restrictions that all other countries face when trying to procure US arms, Thayer said, including human rights issues and the authoritarian nature of the government in power.
Refurbished F-16D of the TNI AU (photo : Kaskus Militer)
Vietnam May Request F-16s, P-3 Orions From US
TAIPEI, Taiwan — With the lifting of the US arms embargo to Vietnam, a US defense industry source indicates Hanoi is seeking to improve its air defense and maritime security capabilities with the procurement of F-16 fighter aircraft from the US Pentagon’s excess defense articles (EDA) program and refurbished P-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft, armed with torpedoes.
The source also said Vietnam could seek US-made UAVs for maritime intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) missions.
Torpedoes were banned under the embargo, but now the Vietnamese want the same P-3 program the US sold to Taiwan, the source said. On the F-16 EDA, they want the same deal the Obama administration gave Indonesia.
Defense News has also acquired an unclassified defense industry briefing prepared by the US Pacific Command. According to the report, “Socialist Republic of Vietnam — Country Security Cooperation Plan,” the US Embassy in Hanoi “possesses a robust security cooperating program operating in accordance with US policy goals and interests to promote integration and access focused on key areas within the Vietnamese security architecture.”
These include achieving air and maritime domain awareness, providing maritime security against traditional and nontraditional security threats, delivering all-hazards response and support to civil authorities, participating in regional contingency response and international peacekeeping operations, and addressing the impact of Vietnam War legacy issues on civil society.
“The SCO [Security Cooperation Organization] is manned and capable of providing in-country support and coordination for programs to expand US defense article procurement ... and assist Vietnam in developing and sustaining professional armed forces,” the report said.
According to the report, Vietnam’s strategic outlook involves the survival of the Communist Party by maintaining sovereignty and independence, achieving freedom of maneuver, and ensuring sovereignty over its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and unfettered access to natural resources and the global economic market.
China has been testing Vietnam’s EEZ claims with incursions by maritime patrol vessels, aggressive commercial fishing vessels and the stationing of an oil drilling test platform in 2014, dubbed the Haiyang Shiyou 981 standoff.
Vietnam’s goals, according to the report, are to enhance its presence in the South China Sea with upgrades for submarine warfare, maritime air-ground interdiction, anti-surface warfare (ASUW), anti-submarine warfare (ASW), maritime domain awareness (MDA), early warning, and command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR).
In the past, Vietnam has procured defense articles from sources within the former Soviet Union and former East Bloc nations, but it has “begun reaching out to the European Union, Israel, and others.”
On radar issues, the Vietnamese are procuring a high-frequency surface wave radar from the US for $30 million, according to the report. This is part of their overall effort to improve early warning and ISR.
The report breaks down each service requirement.
For the Army, it must transition from a territorial defense structure, retain a central role as defender of national sovereignty and improve capacity to respond to natural disasters.
The Air Force must improve early warning and airborne ISR, enhance maritime interdiction, develop anti-access/area-denial capabilities, and revamp pilot training.
The Navy must improve MDA, electronic countermeasures/electronic counter-countermeasures, electronic intelligence, expand maritime law enforcement capabilities, develop a naval aviation arm, and enhance ASW and ASUW.
The US Embassy’s primary cooperation vision is to promote the United States as a “reliable partner to address complex, forward looking security issues.” It also hopes to establish military relationships outside the traditional theater support command that include defense sales, cross-servicing, voyage repairs, and science and technology cooperation.
The report said that priorities include the “establishment” of sustainable lines of effort (LOE) and “synchronize” operations, actions and activities (OAA); instill a programmatic, regularized approach to security cooperation; and focus on nontraditional security approaches and humanitarian activities.
According to Carl Thayer, emeritus professor at the Australian Defence Force Academy, big-ticket sales may be a long way off: “Vietnam does not have the defense budget for that. It is fully committed to integrating six advanced Kilo-class submarines into its fleet,” and all maintenance, repair and logistics network and workforce are geared to work with Soviet/Russian technology.
Another hurdle for Vietnam is that Hanoi will continue to face the same restrictions that all other countries face when trying to procure US arms, Thayer said, including human rights issues and the authoritarian nature of the government in power.
USN, Royal Thai Navy Conduct "Most Complex" Anti-Submarine Exercise to Date
26 Mei 2016
Navies of Thailand and the United States are conducting anti-submarine exercises in the Andaman Sea. Drills are being conducted against the backdrop of submarine proliferation in the Southeast Asian region (photos : Jane's, RTN)
The USN Navy (USN) and the Royal Thai Navy (RTN) are carrying out a series of drills that includes the "most complex" anti-submarine warfare (ASW) exercise conducted between the two services to date.
The drills, which are being conducted as part of the annual bilateral naval exercise known as 'Guardian Sea', are being held in the Andaman Sea from 23 to 27 May. The exercise in 2016 involves a USN Los Angeles-class attack submarine, a P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol craft and the RTN's sole aircraft carrier, the 182 m HTMS Chakri Naruebet .
Also participating from the USN is the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer USS Stethem , the RTN's two Chinese-made Naresuan-class frigates, HTMS Naresuan and HTMS Taksin , and an unspecified number of S-70B naval helicopters, according to information provided to IHS Jane's on 25 May.
"Guardian Sea provides our navies the opportunity and challenge of detecting and tracking submarines, and to practice procedures related to anti-submarine warfare," said Capt H. B. Le, commodore of the USN's destroyer, Squadron Seven , in a statement on the bilateral drills.
"This year's exercise will be the most complex to date and we look forward to working alongside the Royal Thai Navy ashore and at sea to improve our skills and enhance our interoperability," he added.
Exercise 'Guardian Sea' in 2016 will also feature a shore phase with seminars and exchanges between subject-matter experts from both navies.
Navies of Thailand and the United States are conducting anti-submarine exercises in the Andaman Sea. Drills are being conducted against the backdrop of submarine proliferation in the Southeast Asian region (photos : Jane's, RTN)
The USN Navy (USN) and the Royal Thai Navy (RTN) are carrying out a series of drills that includes the "most complex" anti-submarine warfare (ASW) exercise conducted between the two services to date.
The drills, which are being conducted as part of the annual bilateral naval exercise known as 'Guardian Sea', are being held in the Andaman Sea from 23 to 27 May. The exercise in 2016 involves a USN Los Angeles-class attack submarine, a P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol craft and the RTN's sole aircraft carrier, the 182 m HTMS Chakri Naruebet .
Also participating from the USN is the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer USS Stethem , the RTN's two Chinese-made Naresuan-class frigates, HTMS Naresuan and HTMS Taksin , and an unspecified number of S-70B naval helicopters, according to information provided to IHS Jane's on 25 May.
"Guardian Sea provides our navies the opportunity and challenge of detecting and tracking submarines, and to practice procedures related to anti-submarine warfare," said Capt H. B. Le, commodore of the USN's destroyer, Squadron Seven , in a statement on the bilateral drills.
"This year's exercise will be the most complex to date and we look forward to working alongside the Royal Thai Navy ashore and at sea to improve our skills and enhance our interoperability," he added.
Exercise 'Guardian Sea' in 2016 will also feature a shore phase with seminars and exchanges between subject-matter experts from both navies.
Helicopter Deck-Landing Training on BRP Tarlac Set
26 Mei 2016
AgustaWestland AW-109E prepare to landing on BRP Tarlac (image : Update)
DLQ training aboard BRP Tarlac to start after June 1
MANILA (PNA) -- Philippine Navy (PN) helicopters, mostly the newly-acquired AgustaWestland utility and attack units, will start their deck-landing qualification (DLQ) training on the BRP Tarlac (LD-601) after June 1.
This was stressed by PN spokesperson Capt. Lued Lincuna in a message to the PNA Tuesday.
"DLQ (training) will start after June 1 (the scheduled commissioning date of BRP Tarlac, the country's first strategic sealift vessel)," he added.
DLQ training involves actually deck landing of the helicopters and crews to receive and maintain these aerial assets.
The PN operates three AgustaWestland AW-109E utility units and two of its attack versions.
The BRP Tarlac is capable of housing three helicopters, with two on the helideck and one on its hangar deck.
The ship can carry a payload of 2,800 tons. BRP Tarlac's gross tonnage is placed at 7,300 tons.
The PN earlier announced that the BRP Tarlac can accommodate 500 troops, two rigid-hull inflatable boats, two landing craft units and three helicopters.
The ship has an overall length of 120 meters, breadth of 21 meters, draft of five meters and carry a payload of 2,800 tons.
She has a cruising speed of 13 knots and maximum speed of 16 knots.
The BRP Tarlac was one of two SSVs acquired from PT PAL (Persero) for the sum of PHP3.8 billion.
Her sister-ship is expected to arrive by May 2017.
AgustaWestland AW-109E prepare to landing on BRP Tarlac (image : Update)
DLQ training aboard BRP Tarlac to start after June 1
MANILA (PNA) -- Philippine Navy (PN) helicopters, mostly the newly-acquired AgustaWestland utility and attack units, will start their deck-landing qualification (DLQ) training on the BRP Tarlac (LD-601) after June 1.
This was stressed by PN spokesperson Capt. Lued Lincuna in a message to the PNA Tuesday.
"DLQ (training) will start after June 1 (the scheduled commissioning date of BRP Tarlac, the country's first strategic sealift vessel)," he added.
DLQ training involves actually deck landing of the helicopters and crews to receive and maintain these aerial assets.
The PN operates three AgustaWestland AW-109E utility units and two of its attack versions.
The BRP Tarlac is capable of housing three helicopters, with two on the helideck and one on its hangar deck.
The ship can carry a payload of 2,800 tons. BRP Tarlac's gross tonnage is placed at 7,300 tons.
The PN earlier announced that the BRP Tarlac can accommodate 500 troops, two rigid-hull inflatable boats, two landing craft units and three helicopters.
The ship has an overall length of 120 meters, breadth of 21 meters, draft of five meters and carry a payload of 2,800 tons.
She has a cruising speed of 13 knots and maximum speed of 16 knots.
The BRP Tarlac was one of two SSVs acquired from PT PAL (Persero) for the sum of PHP3.8 billion.
Her sister-ship is expected to arrive by May 2017.
Thailand Received Another 10 Oplot Tanks
26 Mei 2016
Oplot main battle tanks (photo : andrei-bt)
As reported in the Thai social networks, 21 May 2016 iin the naval base of Sattahip naval vessel of Thailand was delivered to Ukraine next batch of ten tanks BM "MBT-T" manufactured by Kharkov state enterprise "Malyshev Plant" on the contract 2011. Thus, the total number of tanks under the contract, set in Thailand, reached 20. Unloading one of Thailand delivered in ten tanks BM "MBT-T" a third party made the Kharkov state enterprise "Malyshev Plant" contract in 2011 of the year.
The tanks were made in pursuance of a contract worth more than $ 240 million, signed by GK "Ukrspetsexport" September 1, 2011 for the supply of Thai Army 49 new tanks "MBT-T" and two armored recovery vehicles based on them, with a maturity of the contract to the the end of 2014. Thailand is actually delivered to the launch customer tanks BM "Oplot" developed by SE "Kharkiv Machine Building Design Bureau named after Morozov," represents a further development of the family T-80U / UD.
Agreed shipping schedule BM "Oplot-T" under the contract is as follows: December 2012 - five cars, in August 2013 - 15 cars, in December 2013 - 15 cars, in August 2014 - 14 machines. Performance of the contract "Plant named after VA .Malysheva "started in April 2012 and the company has faced considerable difficulties in resuming production of the tank, after more than ten years' break.
Under the contract, the first five tanks were to be handed over to the customer in December 2012, then for a period putting the Thai side of the first five tanks called in May 2013. In reality, the first five tanks "Oplot-T" made under the contract, have been demonstrated in Kharkov only October 15, 2013, and delivered by sea to Thailand February 4, 2014. The second batch of five tanks "Oplot-T" was made "Plant Malyshev name "to the beginning of 2015 and delivered in Thailand May 31, 2015. The third batch of ten tanks, "Oplot-T" has been completed with the production of the end of 2015 to April 2016 and reached Thailand's only now.
Oplot main battle tanks (photo : andrei-bt)
As reported in the Thai social networks, 21 May 2016 iin the naval base of Sattahip naval vessel of Thailand was delivered to Ukraine next batch of ten tanks BM "MBT-T" manufactured by Kharkov state enterprise "Malyshev Plant" on the contract 2011. Thus, the total number of tanks under the contract, set in Thailand, reached 20. Unloading one of Thailand delivered in ten tanks BM "MBT-T" a third party made the Kharkov state enterprise "Malyshev Plant" contract in 2011 of the year.
The tanks were made in pursuance of a contract worth more than $ 240 million, signed by GK "Ukrspetsexport" September 1, 2011 for the supply of Thai Army 49 new tanks "MBT-T" and two armored recovery vehicles based on them, with a maturity of the contract to the the end of 2014. Thailand is actually delivered to the launch customer tanks BM "Oplot" developed by SE "Kharkiv Machine Building Design Bureau named after Morozov," represents a further development of the family T-80U / UD.
Agreed shipping schedule BM "Oplot-T" under the contract is as follows: December 2012 - five cars, in August 2013 - 15 cars, in December 2013 - 15 cars, in August 2014 - 14 machines. Performance of the contract "Plant named after VA .Malysheva "started in April 2012 and the company has faced considerable difficulties in resuming production of the tank, after more than ten years' break.
Under the contract, the first five tanks were to be handed over to the customer in December 2012, then for a period putting the Thai side of the first five tanks called in May 2013. In reality, the first five tanks "Oplot-T" made under the contract, have been demonstrated in Kharkov only October 15, 2013, and delivered by sea to Thailand February 4, 2014. The second batch of five tanks "Oplot-T" was made "Plant Malyshev name "to the beginning of 2015 and delivered in Thailand May 31, 2015. The third batch of ten tanks, "Oplot-T" has been completed with the production of the end of 2015 to April 2016 and reached Thailand's only now.
25 Mei 2016
Inilah Rahasia Kehebatan Tank Leopard 2RI TNI AD
25 Mei 2016
Leopard 2RI saat debarkasi di Tanjung Priok. (photo : Pussenkav)
Dari sosok luarnya, Leopard 2RI sudah nampak berbeda dibandingkan dengan Leopard 2A4 yang sudah terlebih dahulu datang. Jika Leopard 2A4 tampil mengotak dengan garis-garis tegas, maka Leopard 2RI tampil dinamis dengan modul-modul AMAP menghias hull dan kubah.
Jika setelah sekian lama hanya bisa menduga-duga, selubung misteri Leopard 2RI kini terbuka sudah, dari sosok penampilannya kita bisa menduga opsi kit apa saja yang akhirnya dipilih TNI AD. Tidak semua paket upgrade Leopard Revolution dipilih, hanya yang benar-benar diperlukan saja yang dipasangkan ke tubuh Leopard 2A4 untuk mengubahnya menjadi Leopard 2RI.
Inti dari perlindungan Leopard 2RI adalah lapisan blok komposit AMAP (Advanced Modular Armour Protection) buatan IBD (IngenierBüro Deisenroth)-Deisenroth. Konsepnya adalah perlindungan 360 derajat, dimana Leopard 2 Revolution harus bisa dilindungi dari segala sisi. Hal ini menyesuaikan dengan tren dimana tank digunakan dalam situasi urban, ancaman senjata seperti roket dan rudal antitank jauh lebih mengemuka. IBD Deisenroth membuat proteksi pasif alias proteksi balistik sangat canggih.
Bobot keramik nano ini saat dikonfigurasikan menurut standar proteksi NATO STANAG 4569 Level 3 atau 4/ AEP 55 Level 3. Keping AMAP dibangun dan disusun menjadi blok AMAP-B (Ballistic) yang dipasangkan ke side skirt, glacis, dan keseluruhan kubah termasuk sisi atas dan pangkal laras Leopard 2RI. Panel-panel ini didesain dengan fitur engsel untuk memudahkannya dibuka, dilepas, dan dilakukan perawatan sekaligus penggantian secara terbatas.
Leopard 2 RI (photo : Pussenkav)
Biarpun bentuk panel AMAP mengotak, sesungguhnya isinya kosong. Ruang kosong memungkinkan energi dan inti panas dari hulu ledak HEAT yang menghantam AMAP untuk menyebar dan tidak menembus kulit asli tank. Lampu sorot depan Leopard 2RI mempertahankan bentuk aslinya yang membulat dan dipasang di atas glacis, beda dengan paket Revolution yang menggunakan lampu LED dan sudah ditanam di glacis.
Di atas glacis terpasang kotak SAS (Situational Awareness System) berupa kamera dengan fitur night vision agar pengemudi dapat mengendalikan kendaraan dengan mudah, tidak lagi mengandalkan blok prisma yang terbatas kemampuannya.
Uniknya, pemasangan AMAP-B tidak diteruskan sampai ke belakang. Pada Leopard 2RI dibiarkan kosong, hanya dipasangi kit track cadangan di sebelah kiri. Paket Revolution menyediakan slat armor alias pagar untuk menangkis RPG-7, tetapi opsi ini tidak dipergoki pada Leopard 2A7. Mungkin karena sifatnya yang sederhana slat armor ini dapat dipasang kemudian oleh PT Pindad sebagai bagian dari ToT alias Transfer Teknologi, sama seperti kontrak yang diterima PT Pindad untuk memasang sistem pendingin udara pada Leopard 2A4.
Di sebelah kanan terdapat kotak yang diduga merupakan inlet dari APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) berupa mesin diesel cadangan yang dapat digunakan memutar kubah. Leopard 2RI dapat beroperasi secara senyap saat mengintai mangsa, mematikan mesin utama dan mengandalkan APU yang suaranya lebih tenang sehingga heat signature Leopard 2RI menurun drastis dan lawan tidak bisa mendengar suara Leo 2RI sampai semuanya sudah terlambat. Varian Leopard 2SG yang diugrade ke standar Evolution oleh Krauss Maffei Wagmann tidak memiliki fitur APU tersebut.
Leopard 2A4 TNI AD (photo : Merdeka)
Untuk sistem senjata, Leopard 2RI tetap mengandalkan meriam 120mm L44, yang tidak diubah. Yang dimodifikasi adalah sistem turret drive yang kini sudah sepenuhnya elektrik, menawarkan keunggulan lebih aman, lebih ajek, dan lebih senyap.
Sistem kubah remote tidak terlihat terpasang pada Leopard 2RI. Juga tidak terpasang pada Leopard 2RI adalah sistem ROSY (Rapid Obscuring System).
Pada dasarnya sistem ROSY merupakan gabungan integral antara IR Jammer/ decoy dan pelontar granat asap, yang bisa memicu pelontaran granat asap secara otomatis apabila terdeteksi adanya rudal antitank atau ancaman lain yang mendekat.
Leopard 2RI masih mengandalkan sistem pelontar granat asap konvensional yang dipasang di kiri-kanan kubah belakang. Paling penting dari sebuah tank adalah, kenyamanannya. Untuk itulah Leopard 2RI sudah dilengkapi sistem pendingin udara yang dipasang di belakang bustle, dengan inlet udara dari sisi atas yang dilindungi kawat baja.
Untuk kamera panoramik, komandan Leopard 2RI masih akan mengintip dari sistem kamera PERI R-17, dimana Leopard 2RI kelihatan tidak mengambil opsi kamera panoramik SEOSS yang ditawarkan dalam paket Revolution.
Leopard 2RI tiba di tanah air pada Senin (23/5) di dermaga Tanjung Priok. Rencananya kedelapan Leopard 2RI akan menghuni Batalion Kavaleri 1/ Tank Badak Ceta Cakti di Cijantung, menggantikan tank mini Scorpion-90.
Leopard 2RI saat debarkasi di Tanjung Priok. (photo : Pussenkav)
Dari sosok luarnya, Leopard 2RI sudah nampak berbeda dibandingkan dengan Leopard 2A4 yang sudah terlebih dahulu datang. Jika Leopard 2A4 tampil mengotak dengan garis-garis tegas, maka Leopard 2RI tampil dinamis dengan modul-modul AMAP menghias hull dan kubah.
Jika setelah sekian lama hanya bisa menduga-duga, selubung misteri Leopard 2RI kini terbuka sudah, dari sosok penampilannya kita bisa menduga opsi kit apa saja yang akhirnya dipilih TNI AD. Tidak semua paket upgrade Leopard Revolution dipilih, hanya yang benar-benar diperlukan saja yang dipasangkan ke tubuh Leopard 2A4 untuk mengubahnya menjadi Leopard 2RI.
Inti dari perlindungan Leopard 2RI adalah lapisan blok komposit AMAP (Advanced Modular Armour Protection) buatan IBD (IngenierBüro Deisenroth)-Deisenroth. Konsepnya adalah perlindungan 360 derajat, dimana Leopard 2 Revolution harus bisa dilindungi dari segala sisi. Hal ini menyesuaikan dengan tren dimana tank digunakan dalam situasi urban, ancaman senjata seperti roket dan rudal antitank jauh lebih mengemuka. IBD Deisenroth membuat proteksi pasif alias proteksi balistik sangat canggih.
Bobot keramik nano ini saat dikonfigurasikan menurut standar proteksi NATO STANAG 4569 Level 3 atau 4/ AEP 55 Level 3. Keping AMAP dibangun dan disusun menjadi blok AMAP-B (Ballistic) yang dipasangkan ke side skirt, glacis, dan keseluruhan kubah termasuk sisi atas dan pangkal laras Leopard 2RI. Panel-panel ini didesain dengan fitur engsel untuk memudahkannya dibuka, dilepas, dan dilakukan perawatan sekaligus penggantian secara terbatas.
Leopard 2 RI (photo : Pussenkav)
Biarpun bentuk panel AMAP mengotak, sesungguhnya isinya kosong. Ruang kosong memungkinkan energi dan inti panas dari hulu ledak HEAT yang menghantam AMAP untuk menyebar dan tidak menembus kulit asli tank. Lampu sorot depan Leopard 2RI mempertahankan bentuk aslinya yang membulat dan dipasang di atas glacis, beda dengan paket Revolution yang menggunakan lampu LED dan sudah ditanam di glacis.
Di atas glacis terpasang kotak SAS (Situational Awareness System) berupa kamera dengan fitur night vision agar pengemudi dapat mengendalikan kendaraan dengan mudah, tidak lagi mengandalkan blok prisma yang terbatas kemampuannya.
Uniknya, pemasangan AMAP-B tidak diteruskan sampai ke belakang. Pada Leopard 2RI dibiarkan kosong, hanya dipasangi kit track cadangan di sebelah kiri. Paket Revolution menyediakan slat armor alias pagar untuk menangkis RPG-7, tetapi opsi ini tidak dipergoki pada Leopard 2A7. Mungkin karena sifatnya yang sederhana slat armor ini dapat dipasang kemudian oleh PT Pindad sebagai bagian dari ToT alias Transfer Teknologi, sama seperti kontrak yang diterima PT Pindad untuk memasang sistem pendingin udara pada Leopard 2A4.
Di sebelah kanan terdapat kotak yang diduga merupakan inlet dari APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) berupa mesin diesel cadangan yang dapat digunakan memutar kubah. Leopard 2RI dapat beroperasi secara senyap saat mengintai mangsa, mematikan mesin utama dan mengandalkan APU yang suaranya lebih tenang sehingga heat signature Leopard 2RI menurun drastis dan lawan tidak bisa mendengar suara Leo 2RI sampai semuanya sudah terlambat. Varian Leopard 2SG yang diugrade ke standar Evolution oleh Krauss Maffei Wagmann tidak memiliki fitur APU tersebut.
Leopard 2A4 TNI AD (photo : Merdeka)
Untuk sistem senjata, Leopard 2RI tetap mengandalkan meriam 120mm L44, yang tidak diubah. Yang dimodifikasi adalah sistem turret drive yang kini sudah sepenuhnya elektrik, menawarkan keunggulan lebih aman, lebih ajek, dan lebih senyap.
Sistem kubah remote tidak terlihat terpasang pada Leopard 2RI. Juga tidak terpasang pada Leopard 2RI adalah sistem ROSY (Rapid Obscuring System).
Pada dasarnya sistem ROSY merupakan gabungan integral antara IR Jammer/ decoy dan pelontar granat asap, yang bisa memicu pelontaran granat asap secara otomatis apabila terdeteksi adanya rudal antitank atau ancaman lain yang mendekat.
Leopard 2RI masih mengandalkan sistem pelontar granat asap konvensional yang dipasang di kiri-kanan kubah belakang. Paling penting dari sebuah tank adalah, kenyamanannya. Untuk itulah Leopard 2RI sudah dilengkapi sistem pendingin udara yang dipasang di belakang bustle, dengan inlet udara dari sisi atas yang dilindungi kawat baja.
Untuk kamera panoramik, komandan Leopard 2RI masih akan mengintip dari sistem kamera PERI R-17, dimana Leopard 2RI kelihatan tidak mengambil opsi kamera panoramik SEOSS yang ditawarkan dalam paket Revolution.
Leopard 2RI tiba di tanah air pada Senin (23/5) di dermaga Tanjung Priok. Rencananya kedelapan Leopard 2RI akan menghuni Batalion Kavaleri 1/ Tank Badak Ceta Cakti di Cijantung, menggantikan tank mini Scorpion-90.