28 Februari 2018
KRI Kurau 856 (photo : defence.pk)
Tua Pejat, (Antaranews Sumbar) - Lantamal II Padang, Sumatera Barat menambah kekuatan armadanya dengan empat Kapal Perang Republik Indonesia (KRI) yang akan dipergunakan melakukan patroli dan pengawasan wilayah di daerah itu.
Kami masih menunggu kesiapan dermaga di Teluk Bayur, apabila dermaga siap kita akan proses secepatnya, kata Komandan Satuan Patroli Lantamal II Padang, Kolonel Laut Joko Triwanto, Rabu.
Ia menjelaskan dalam pembangunan dermaga pihaknya telah bekerja sama dengan PT Pelindo. Apabila seluruhnya telah siap kapal akan dibawa ke Padang.
Kemungkinan apabila dermaga dan dokumen dalam minggu ini siap maka kedatangan kapal-kapal akan dipercepat, katanya.
Ia mengatakan ke empat unit kapal tersebut telah memiliki nama yaitu KRI Kelabang, KRI Kala Hitam, KRI Kurau dan KRI Cakalang, ke empatnya merupakan jenis kapal patroli cepat.
Menurutnya kapal tersebut khusus diperuntukkan di jajaran Lantamal II Padang mendukung patroli dan pengawasan wilayah laut Sumatera Barat.
Ia mengatakan dengan kehadiran kapal tersebut untuk pengamanan pulau-pulau terluar akan menjadi prioritas.
Patroli akan dilakukan mulai dari sisi utara hingga sisi selatan Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai. Apalagi daerah ini akan menjadi Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) tentu pengawasan akan lebih ditingkatkan lagi, katanya.
Ia mengatakan dengan adanya kunjungan Forkopimda ke pulau terluar ini pihaknya akan memberika masukan kepada pimpinan terkait Satgas pengamanan pulau terluar.
Biasanya dalam Satgas akan ada penempatan personel di pulau terluar. Selain itu untuk patroli akan kita rutinkan di seluruh Kepulauan Mentawai, kata dia.
Sementara Wakil Gubernur Sumatera Barat Nasrul Abit mengatakan pengawasan harus terus dilakukan terutama di pulau-pulau terluar di daerah ini.
Apalagi KEK akan terbentuk sehingga Mentawai akan menjadi jalur masuk dari luar negeri. Ini perlu pengawasan dan sinergi dari berbagai pihak mulai dari agar semua berjalan sesuai dengan aturan, katanya.
28 Februari 2018
TNI AL Target Miliki 20 KCR-60M hingga Tahun 2024
28 Februari 2018
Kapal Cepat Rudal KCR-60M buatan PT PAL (photo : PAL)
Surabaya (Antaranews Jatim) - TNI Angkatan Laut menargetkan bisa memilik sebanyak 20 Kapal Cepat Rudal (KCR) 60 Meter hingga tahun 2024, untuk memperkuat alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) nasional, sesuai target "Minimum Essential Forces" (MEF) atau kekuatan pokok minimum.
Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Laut (KSAL TNI) Laksamana TNI Ade Supandi di Surabaya, Jatim, Senin mengatakan untuk mencapai target itu dirinya mendorong agar PT PAL Indonesia bisa meningkatkan Sumber Daya Manusianya (SDM) dan mendukung capaian target tersebut.
Ade yang ditemui usai meluncurkan KCR 60 M pesanan kedua batch 2 di Galangan Kapal PT PAL Indonesia mengatakan, keberadaan KCR 60 M dibutuhkan karena memiliki kekuatan tempur yang sesuai dengan wilayah Indonesia, sebab mampu secara cepat memukul musuh dan bergerak leluasa.
Oleh karena itu, kata dia, untuk memenuhi target itu diharapkan setiap tahun minimal ada tiga pembangunan KCR, namun tetap tergantung dari kebijakan pemerintah.
"KCR 60 M merupakan kekuatan laut yang terpusat di tiga armada, yakni barat, tengah dan timur, serta memiliki kekuatan terpusat yang paling kecil dan dipakai untuk peperangan kepulauan, dengan strategi keluar menyerang, menembak dan sembunyi," tutur dia, menjelaskan.
Menanggapi target itu, Direktur PT PAL Indonesia, Budiman Saleh mengaku siap memenuhi target tersebut dengan kerja sama dan terus mengembangkan persenjataan terknologi terbaru sesuai kebutuhan TNI AL.
"PT PAL Indonesia siap, dan pengembangan kapal perang juga tergantung dari kepuasan pengguna. Kami sangat berterima kasih kepada TNI AL yang terus memberi masukan terkait kapal produksi kami," ujarnya.
Budiman mengatakan, selain siap memenuhi target pesanan TNI AL, PT PAL Indonesia juga membidik potensi pasar KCR 60 M ke berbagai negara serumpun ASEAN seperti Filipina, Malaysia, dan Thailand.
"Pengembangan potensi pasar kapal perang tentu harus didukung dengan kepuasaan pengguna, salah satunya adalah TNI AL. Oleh karena itu kami berterima kasih kepada TNI AL yang mempunyai kepercayaan diri menggunakan produk PT PAL Indonesia, sehingga negara lain tertarik untuk memesan," katanya.
Sementara itu hingga saat ini total TNI AL telah memiliki empat unit KCR 60 M, setelah satu unit selesai dibangun di PT PAL Indonesia, dan merupakan lanjutan pembangunan KCR bagian pertama dengan tiga unit kapal yang telah diluncurkan.
Kapal Cepat Rudal KCR-60M buatan PT PAL (photo : PAL)
Surabaya (Antaranews Jatim) - TNI Angkatan Laut menargetkan bisa memilik sebanyak 20 Kapal Cepat Rudal (KCR) 60 Meter hingga tahun 2024, untuk memperkuat alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) nasional, sesuai target "Minimum Essential Forces" (MEF) atau kekuatan pokok minimum.
Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Laut (KSAL TNI) Laksamana TNI Ade Supandi di Surabaya, Jatim, Senin mengatakan untuk mencapai target itu dirinya mendorong agar PT PAL Indonesia bisa meningkatkan Sumber Daya Manusianya (SDM) dan mendukung capaian target tersebut.
Ade yang ditemui usai meluncurkan KCR 60 M pesanan kedua batch 2 di Galangan Kapal PT PAL Indonesia mengatakan, keberadaan KCR 60 M dibutuhkan karena memiliki kekuatan tempur yang sesuai dengan wilayah Indonesia, sebab mampu secara cepat memukul musuh dan bergerak leluasa.
Oleh karena itu, kata dia, untuk memenuhi target itu diharapkan setiap tahun minimal ada tiga pembangunan KCR, namun tetap tergantung dari kebijakan pemerintah.
"KCR 60 M merupakan kekuatan laut yang terpusat di tiga armada, yakni barat, tengah dan timur, serta memiliki kekuatan terpusat yang paling kecil dan dipakai untuk peperangan kepulauan, dengan strategi keluar menyerang, menembak dan sembunyi," tutur dia, menjelaskan.
Menanggapi target itu, Direktur PT PAL Indonesia, Budiman Saleh mengaku siap memenuhi target tersebut dengan kerja sama dan terus mengembangkan persenjataan terknologi terbaru sesuai kebutuhan TNI AL.
"PT PAL Indonesia siap, dan pengembangan kapal perang juga tergantung dari kepuasan pengguna. Kami sangat berterima kasih kepada TNI AL yang terus memberi masukan terkait kapal produksi kami," ujarnya.
Budiman mengatakan, selain siap memenuhi target pesanan TNI AL, PT PAL Indonesia juga membidik potensi pasar KCR 60 M ke berbagai negara serumpun ASEAN seperti Filipina, Malaysia, dan Thailand.
"Pengembangan potensi pasar kapal perang tentu harus didukung dengan kepuasaan pengguna, salah satunya adalah TNI AL. Oleh karena itu kami berterima kasih kepada TNI AL yang mempunyai kepercayaan diri menggunakan produk PT PAL Indonesia, sehingga negara lain tertarik untuk memesan," katanya.
Sementara itu hingga saat ini total TNI AL telah memiliki empat unit KCR 60 M, setelah satu unit selesai dibangun di PT PAL Indonesia, dan merupakan lanjutan pembangunan KCR bagian pertama dengan tiga unit kapal yang telah diluncurkan.
Thales Wins Project to Merge Australia’s Civil and Military ATC
28 Februari 2018
OneSKY will integrate the nation’s civil and military air traffic management systems (image : Thales)
OneSKY ready for take off
Australia’s skies are to become even safer with a reduction in travel times and delays for travelers following the implementation of the world’s most advanced air traffic management system technology.
Airservices Australia, in partnership with the Department of Defence, has entered into an agreement with Thales Australia to integrate the nation’s civil and military air traffic management systems. This is a world first and the pioneering OneSKY program will further earmark Australia as a global aviation leader and deliver on the Coalition’s 2013 election commitment.
Under OneSKY, Australia will be better able to handle forecast air traffic growth which will reduce congestion and open up more efficient air routes to reduce flight times, fuel costs and greenhouse emissions.
Minister Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP said OneSKY was an important development for the future of Australian aviation and Australian jobs.
“The $1.2 billion OneSKY project will transform Australia’s air traffic management system and national infrastructure in the sky, ensuring the travelling public arrive at their destination safely and with minimal delays,” Minister Pyne sad.
“The OneSKY project will support 450 specialist high-tech jobs in Melbourne, building Australian skills in complex project management, systems engineering and software development.
“Around 75 per cent of the acquisition cost and 95 per cent of the ongoing annual support costs will be to Australian companies,” Minister Pyne said.
With the annual Asia-Pacific air traffic growth rate predicted to be the second-highest in the world at 4.7 per cent, and significant development at our major airports over the next decade, the role of air traffic control is more critical than ever.
Minister for Defence Marise Payne said OneSKY’s leading edge technology meant Australia would have the most secure and resilient air traffic network in the world.
“This project will replace the ageing military air traffic management systems and is essential to ensuring our ADF can continue to operate safely in Australia’s airspace,” Minister Payne said.
“The integrated system will manage more than 11 per cent of global airspace and some of the world’s busiest air routes.
“As a result of reaching this important milestone, OneSKY will be removed from Defence’s Projects of Concern list,” Minister Payne said.
Once implemented, Airservices Australia and Defence will share technology and information, giving Australia the most advanced and integrated air traffic control system in the world. It will manage forecasted growth of air traffic movement in Australia, by as much as 60 per cent by 2030, minimising delays for the travelling public.
(Aus DoD)
OneSKY will integrate the nation’s civil and military air traffic management systems (image : Thales)
OneSKY ready for take off
Australia’s skies are to become even safer with a reduction in travel times and delays for travelers following the implementation of the world’s most advanced air traffic management system technology.
Airservices Australia, in partnership with the Department of Defence, has entered into an agreement with Thales Australia to integrate the nation’s civil and military air traffic management systems. This is a world first and the pioneering OneSKY program will further earmark Australia as a global aviation leader and deliver on the Coalition’s 2013 election commitment.
Under OneSKY, Australia will be better able to handle forecast air traffic growth which will reduce congestion and open up more efficient air routes to reduce flight times, fuel costs and greenhouse emissions.
Minister Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP said OneSKY was an important development for the future of Australian aviation and Australian jobs.
“The $1.2 billion OneSKY project will transform Australia’s air traffic management system and national infrastructure in the sky, ensuring the travelling public arrive at their destination safely and with minimal delays,” Minister Pyne sad.
“The OneSKY project will support 450 specialist high-tech jobs in Melbourne, building Australian skills in complex project management, systems engineering and software development.
“Around 75 per cent of the acquisition cost and 95 per cent of the ongoing annual support costs will be to Australian companies,” Minister Pyne said.
With the annual Asia-Pacific air traffic growth rate predicted to be the second-highest in the world at 4.7 per cent, and significant development at our major airports over the next decade, the role of air traffic control is more critical than ever.
Minister for Defence Marise Payne said OneSKY’s leading edge technology meant Australia would have the most secure and resilient air traffic network in the world.
“This project will replace the ageing military air traffic management systems and is essential to ensuring our ADF can continue to operate safely in Australia’s airspace,” Minister Payne said.
“The integrated system will manage more than 11 per cent of global airspace and some of the world’s busiest air routes.
“As a result of reaching this important milestone, OneSKY will be removed from Defence’s Projects of Concern list,” Minister Payne said.
Once implemented, Airservices Australia and Defence will share technology and information, giving Australia the most advanced and integrated air traffic control system in the world. It will manage forecasted growth of air traffic movement in Australia, by as much as 60 per cent by 2030, minimising delays for the travelling public.
(Aus DoD)
27 Februari 2018
KASAL Luncurkan KRI Kerambit 627 Tipe KCR-60
27 Februari 2018
Kapal ini mampu mengarungi lautan hingga kondisi Sea State 6 dengan Significant Wafe 4 meter, dengan adanya Fin Stabilizer, kapal akan mempunyai stabitas yang prima dengan ketahanan (endurance) selama 5 hari (photo : Detik)
Kekuatan Tempur Kapal Perang TNI AL yang Baru Diluncurkan Hari Ini
TRIBUNNERS - Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana TNI Ade Supandi menghadiri upacara peluncuran satu unit Kapal Cepat Rudal (KCR) 60 M Batch 2 sekaligus pengukuhan kapal yang diberi nama Kerambit, bertempat di Shiplift Divisi Kapal Perang PT PAL Indonesia, Tanjung Perak, Surabaya, Selasa (27/2/2018).
Acara pemberian nama KCR Kerambit dilaksanakan langsung oleh Ny. Endah Ade Supandi sebagai Mother Ship, yang ditandai dengan pemotongan tali pengikat dan pemecahan kendi ke badan kapal.
Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan prosesi acara peluncuran KCR secara simbolis yang ditandai dengan penekanan tombol sirine oleh Kasal didampingi Kabaranahan Kemhan dan Dirut PT PAL Indonesia Bapak Budiman Saleh.
Pembangunan KCR 60 Meter Batch kedua ini, dilaksanakan oleh galangan kapal PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero). Kapal ini memiliki panjang 60 M dan lebar 8,1 M serta jarak jelajah 2400 NM.
Dengan kecepatan maksimal 28 knots, kapal ini mampu membawa 55 kru kapal dengan berat muatan penuh 500 ton. Adapun persenjataan yang dimiliki adalah Meriam 57 mm Bofors/Swedia dilengkapi Rudal China C-705.
Dalam amanatnya Kasal menyampaikan bahwa pemberian nama Kerambit diambil dari salah satu nama senjata tradisional Minangkabau yang mendunia, dan dikategorikan senjata berbahaya karena dapat digunakan untuk menyayat maupun merobek anggota tubuh lawan secara cepat dan tidak terdeteksi.
Kapal Cepat Rudal (FAC-M) KRI Kerambit 627 (photo : SindoNews)
“Kerambit digunakan dalam pertarungan jarak pendek yang lebih mengandalkan keberanian dan keahlian bela diri, diharapkan pengawaknya akan memiliki semangat bertempur yang tinggi dalam menghancurkan kapal musuh dengan kemampuan manuver sigap, cepat dan senyap” ujar Kasal.
Selain itu pembangunan KCR 60 M ini, merupakan manifestasi penting dari kebijakan dasar pembangunan TNI AL menuju Minimum Essential Force yang ditetapkan.
"Dan diharapkan dengan masuknya kapal ini di jajaran TNI AL, dapat meningkatkan kekuatan dan kemampuan, dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya sebagai komponen utama pertahanan negara di laut,” tegas Kasal.
Turut hadir dalam acara peluncuran tersebut, Kepala Badan Sarana Pertahanan Kementerian Pertahanan (Kabaranahan Kemhan) Laksamana Muda TNI Agus Setiadji, S.E., Direktur Utama PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) Budiman Saleh, Pejabat Kementerian Pertahanan, Pejabat Utama Mabesal, Pemimpin Kotama TNI AL, Para Kepala Dinas terkait di lingkungan Mabesal, Dansatgas Yekda KCR 60 M Kolonel Laut (P) M. Nursid, serta para tamu undangan dari PT Pal Indonesia.
Kapal ini mampu mengarungi lautan hingga kondisi Sea State 6 dengan Significant Wafe 4 meter, dengan adanya Fin Stabilizer, kapal akan mempunyai stabitas yang prima dengan ketahanan (endurance) selama 5 hari (photo : Detik)
Kekuatan Tempur Kapal Perang TNI AL yang Baru Diluncurkan Hari Ini
Acara pemberian nama KCR Kerambit dilaksanakan langsung oleh Ny. Endah Ade Supandi sebagai Mother Ship, yang ditandai dengan pemotongan tali pengikat dan pemecahan kendi ke badan kapal.
Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan prosesi acara peluncuran KCR secara simbolis yang ditandai dengan penekanan tombol sirine oleh Kasal didampingi Kabaranahan Kemhan dan Dirut PT PAL Indonesia Bapak Budiman Saleh.
Pembangunan KCR 60 Meter Batch kedua ini, dilaksanakan oleh galangan kapal PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero). Kapal ini memiliki panjang 60 M dan lebar 8,1 M serta jarak jelajah 2400 NM.
Dengan kecepatan maksimal 28 knots, kapal ini mampu membawa 55 kru kapal dengan berat muatan penuh 500 ton. Adapun persenjataan yang dimiliki adalah Meriam 57 mm Bofors/Swedia dilengkapi Rudal China C-705.
Dalam amanatnya Kasal menyampaikan bahwa pemberian nama Kerambit diambil dari salah satu nama senjata tradisional Minangkabau yang mendunia, dan dikategorikan senjata berbahaya karena dapat digunakan untuk menyayat maupun merobek anggota tubuh lawan secara cepat dan tidak terdeteksi.
Kapal Cepat Rudal (FAC-M) KRI Kerambit 627 (photo : SindoNews)
“Kerambit digunakan dalam pertarungan jarak pendek yang lebih mengandalkan keberanian dan keahlian bela diri, diharapkan pengawaknya akan memiliki semangat bertempur yang tinggi dalam menghancurkan kapal musuh dengan kemampuan manuver sigap, cepat dan senyap” ujar Kasal.
Selain itu pembangunan KCR 60 M ini, merupakan manifestasi penting dari kebijakan dasar pembangunan TNI AL menuju Minimum Essential Force yang ditetapkan.
"Dan diharapkan dengan masuknya kapal ini di jajaran TNI AL, dapat meningkatkan kekuatan dan kemampuan, dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya sebagai komponen utama pertahanan negara di laut,” tegas Kasal.
Turut hadir dalam acara peluncuran tersebut, Kepala Badan Sarana Pertahanan Kementerian Pertahanan (Kabaranahan Kemhan) Laksamana Muda TNI Agus Setiadji, S.E., Direktur Utama PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) Budiman Saleh, Pejabat Kementerian Pertahanan, Pejabat Utama Mabesal, Pemimpin Kotama TNI AL, Para Kepala Dinas terkait di lingkungan Mabesal, Dansatgas Yekda KCR 60 M Kolonel Laut (P) M. Nursid, serta para tamu undangan dari PT Pal Indonesia.
Navy's First Modern Frigates to Act as Anti-Air Platforms
27 Februari 2018
The two ships will fully operational in 2020 as anti-air frigates(image : Hanwha Thales)
MANILA -- Once completed and delivered fully functional in 2020, the two missile-armed frigates contracted from Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), will serve as the Navy's first anti-air missile platform.
This was the response of Philippine Navy flag-officer-in-command Rear Admiral Robert Empedrad when asked if the PN has any "anti-access or area capability" during the Senate hearing on the Frigate Acquisition Project (FAP) last week.
"In the current inventory of the PN, we don’t have capability for aerial denial. Wala pa tayong (We do not have) anti-air missile capability na ship that can hit an incoming aerial object. But except for our frigates supposedly kung ma-deliver (once delivered), ito lang iyong (this will only be the) first time that we will have that capability for aerial denial," he added.
The frigates, now being built by HHI, will be armed with weapons capable of neutralizing surface, sub-surface and air threats aside from capable of electronic warfare.
The above-mentioned ships have a contract of PHP18 billion, including their weapons systems and munitions.
In the FAP hearing, issues concerning the brand of combat management system to be installed were discussed.
The two ships will fully operational in 2020 as anti-air frigates(image : Hanwha Thales)
MANILA -- Once completed and delivered fully functional in 2020, the two missile-armed frigates contracted from Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), will serve as the Navy's first anti-air missile platform.
This was the response of Philippine Navy flag-officer-in-command Rear Admiral Robert Empedrad when asked if the PN has any "anti-access or area capability" during the Senate hearing on the Frigate Acquisition Project (FAP) last week.
"In the current inventory of the PN, we don’t have capability for aerial denial. Wala pa tayong (We do not have) anti-air missile capability na ship that can hit an incoming aerial object. But except for our frigates supposedly kung ma-deliver (once delivered), ito lang iyong (this will only be the) first time that we will have that capability for aerial denial," he added.
The frigates, now being built by HHI, will be armed with weapons capable of neutralizing surface, sub-surface and air threats aside from capable of electronic warfare.
The above-mentioned ships have a contract of PHP18 billion, including their weapons systems and munitions.
In the FAP hearing, issues concerning the brand of combat management system to be installed were discussed.
Saab Continues to Support Australian Navy’s ANZAC-Class Frigates
27 Februari 2018
ANZAC class frigates (photo : ADBR)
Saab Receives Order for Sustainment of Anzac Frigates
Saab has received an order from the Australian Government under the Warship Asset Management Agreement (WAMA) that will see the continuation of sustainment for Navy’s ANZAC-class frigates. WAMA is a strategic partnership which includes Saab Australia, BAE Systems Australia Defence and Naval Ship Management Australia.
This five-year follow-on programme is a continuation of the ongoing framework sustainment agreement that covers the ANZAC-class frigates, shore support and training facilities through the remaining life of the capability. Saab Australia has been supporting the ANZAC-class frigates for 20 years and, under the sustainment agreement, will continue to provide combat system engineering, in-service support and maintenance services.
“The signing of the WAMA is a recognition of our long-term commitment to the Royal Australian Navy. The ANZAC frigates are the trusted workhorse of the Navy and Saab has played an important role in evolving the fighting capability of the ships to meet current and future threats." says Andy Keough, Managing Director for Saab Australia.
The majority of the work under WAMA will be carried out in Western Australia and at the Saab Australia headquarters in Adelaide.
ANZAC class frigates (photo : ADBR)
Saab Receives Order for Sustainment of Anzac Frigates
Saab has received an order from the Australian Government under the Warship Asset Management Agreement (WAMA) that will see the continuation of sustainment for Navy’s ANZAC-class frigates. WAMA is a strategic partnership which includes Saab Australia, BAE Systems Australia Defence and Naval Ship Management Australia.
This five-year follow-on programme is a continuation of the ongoing framework sustainment agreement that covers the ANZAC-class frigates, shore support and training facilities through the remaining life of the capability. Saab Australia has been supporting the ANZAC-class frigates for 20 years and, under the sustainment agreement, will continue to provide combat system engineering, in-service support and maintenance services.
“The signing of the WAMA is a recognition of our long-term commitment to the Royal Australian Navy. The ANZAC frigates are the trusted workhorse of the Navy and Saab has played an important role in evolving the fighting capability of the ships to meet current and future threats." says Andy Keough, Managing Director for Saab Australia.
The majority of the work under WAMA will be carried out in Western Australia and at the Saab Australia headquarters in Adelaide.
RMN Plans to Add Two More Submarines
27 Februari 2018
Two more submarine plans to join the fleet in the next 20 years (photo : LIMA)
Navy plans to get two more submarines by 2040
KOTA KINABALU: The Royal Malaysian Navy plans to get two more submarines in the next 20 years as it prepares to face “new challenges”.
Chief of Navy Admiral Tan Sri Ahmad Kamarulzaman Ahmad Badaruddin said the Navy plans to get one between 2031 and 2035 and another between 2036 and 2040.
“We are faced with new challenges in our efforts to safeguard the security of our waters.
“We are constantly improving our strategies and increasing our abilities to face these challenges,” he said during the handing over of duties for the Submarine Force Commander at the Sepanggar Naval Base here on Monday.
He said this is part of the Navy's effort to modernise and keep its assets up to date to face current challenges.
Meanwhile, Kamarulzaman said the handing over of duties of the Submarine Force Commander between Capt Abdullah Sani Ismail and Rear Admiral Zulhelmy Ithnain will see Zulhelmy take on a heavy task in maintaining security at sea.
“Rear Admiral Zulhelmy will be shouldering the task of making sure our strategic assets are in the best condition to face any challenge,” he said.
He said the presence of submarines in Malaysian waters gave the country a maritime advantage, especially in dealing with issues such as the overlapping claims in the South China Sea.
Apart from the handing-over of duties, nine navy trainees were given badges after completing a submarine training course, placing them on par with international trained submariners.
“Locally-conducted training has helped the Government reduce training costs by up to 75% compared to when the courses were done out of the country,” Kamarulzaman said.
(The Star)
Two more submarine plans to join the fleet in the next 20 years (photo : LIMA)
Navy plans to get two more submarines by 2040
KOTA KINABALU: The Royal Malaysian Navy plans to get two more submarines in the next 20 years as it prepares to face “new challenges”.
Chief of Navy Admiral Tan Sri Ahmad Kamarulzaman Ahmad Badaruddin said the Navy plans to get one between 2031 and 2035 and another between 2036 and 2040.
“We are faced with new challenges in our efforts to safeguard the security of our waters.
“We are constantly improving our strategies and increasing our abilities to face these challenges,” he said during the handing over of duties for the Submarine Force Commander at the Sepanggar Naval Base here on Monday.
He said this is part of the Navy's effort to modernise and keep its assets up to date to face current challenges.
Meanwhile, Kamarulzaman said the handing over of duties of the Submarine Force Commander between Capt Abdullah Sani Ismail and Rear Admiral Zulhelmy Ithnain will see Zulhelmy take on a heavy task in maintaining security at sea.
“Rear Admiral Zulhelmy will be shouldering the task of making sure our strategic assets are in the best condition to face any challenge,” he said.
He said the presence of submarines in Malaysian waters gave the country a maritime advantage, especially in dealing with issues such as the overlapping claims in the South China Sea.
Apart from the handing-over of duties, nine navy trainees were given badges after completing a submarine training course, placing them on par with international trained submariners.
“Locally-conducted training has helped the Government reduce training costs by up to 75% compared to when the courses were done out of the country,” Kamarulzaman said.
(The Star)
RAN MH-60R Crews Begin Training on APKWS Guided Rockets
27 Februari 2018
The fitment of the Digital Rocket Launcher to the weapons loading simulator for RAN's MH-60R crew (photo : RAN)
Fleet Air Arm gains 'Advanced Precision'
MH-60R instructors from Training Authority Aviation (TA-AVN) were sent back to school recently in order to learn the nuances of the latest weapon for the MH-60R Seahawk Romeo helicopters; the Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS).
APKWS is currently in service with the United States Navy and consists of a digital rocket launcher capable of firing up to 19 laser-guided rockets with high explosive warheads.
TA-AVN instructors were schooled by a team of training specialists from the US Navy over two separate periods. The first session was focused on fitting the launcher to the aircraft. The most recent session focused on the assembly of the rockets, which are delivered in three parts.
Able Seaman Shaun O’Sullivan, a member of the TA-AVN training staff, said he was looking forward to training Royal Australian Navy maintenance personnel.
APKWS laser guided rocket (image : liblo)
“I really enjoy seeing technical sailors gaining confidence on the many systems in the MH-60R,” he said.
“The addition of APKWS is another exciting inclusion to the broad range of equipment that a Navy aircraft technician is responsible for.”
Leading Seaman Aaron Lever of 725 Squadron was just as enthusiastic.
“I am looking forward to working on this new capability. The firepower it can deliver to our MH-60R is impressive. Getting trained and paid to work on the latest technology is exciting.”
The APKWS is being delivered to fill the gap between the GAU-21 Heavy Machine Gun (HMG) and the AGM-114N Hellfire missile.
The fitment of the Digital Rocket Launcher to the weapons loading simulator for RAN's MH-60R crew (photo : RAN)
Fleet Air Arm gains 'Advanced Precision'
APKWS is currently in service with the United States Navy and consists of a digital rocket launcher capable of firing up to 19 laser-guided rockets with high explosive warheads.
TA-AVN instructors were schooled by a team of training specialists from the US Navy over two separate periods. The first session was focused on fitting the launcher to the aircraft. The most recent session focused on the assembly of the rockets, which are delivered in three parts.
Able Seaman Shaun O’Sullivan, a member of the TA-AVN training staff, said he was looking forward to training Royal Australian Navy maintenance personnel.
APKWS laser guided rocket (image : liblo)
“I really enjoy seeing technical sailors gaining confidence on the many systems in the MH-60R,” he said.
“The addition of APKWS is another exciting inclusion to the broad range of equipment that a Navy aircraft technician is responsible for.”
Leading Seaman Aaron Lever of 725 Squadron was just as enthusiastic.
“I am looking forward to working on this new capability. The firepower it can deliver to our MH-60R is impressive. Getting trained and paid to work on the latest technology is exciting.”
The APKWS is being delivered to fill the gap between the GAU-21 Heavy Machine Gun (HMG) and the AGM-114N Hellfire missile.
26 Februari 2018
Indonesia Acquires Four Wing Loong I UAVs from China
26 Februari 2018
Indonesia has acquired four units of Wing Loong I UAVs with surface strike capabilities. Aircraft will be inducted with the country’s first composite UAV aviation squadron in West Kalimantan (photo : Sina)
The Indonesian government has acquired four strike-capable Wing Loong I medium-altitude, long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicles (MALE UAVs) from Chinese state-owned aerospace and defence company Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC).
A contract for the aircraft was signed in 2017, and the UAVs will be operated by the Indonesian Air Force’s (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Udara’s: TNI-AU’s) Aviation Squadron 51 (Skadron Udara 51), multiple sources from within the TNI headquarters in Cilangkap confirmed separately with Jane’s between 22 and 25 February.
Aviation Squadron 51 is based near the city of Pontianak in West Kalimantan, and the unit shares a runway with the Supadio International Airport. The squadron currently operates Israeli-made Aerostar tactical unmanned aircraft system (UAS) equipped with stabilised, gimbal-mounted electro-optic and infrared (EO/IR) sensor for surveillance missions. With the induction of the Wing Loong I, the unit will be Indonesia’s first composite UAV squadron with two different aircraft types.
Wing Loong I UCAV (photo : Military News Update)
The Wing Loong I was developed and manufactured by AVIC’s Chengdu Aircraft Design and Research Institute (CADI) subsidiary. It has a length of 8.7 m, a height of 2.8 m, and features a wingspan of 14 m. The aircraft has a maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of 1,150 kg and a payload capacity of 200 kg.
The UAV is powered by one piston engine, and has a service ceiling of 7,500 m (24,600 ft). It has a maximum range of approximately 108 n miles (200 km), and an endurance of about 20 hours. Payloads that can go on board the Wing Loong I include the DH-3010 search-and-rescue (SAR) radar, and the AVIC Luoyang LE380 EO/IR turret.
Indonesia has acquired four units of Wing Loong I UAVs with surface strike capabilities. Aircraft will be inducted with the country’s first composite UAV aviation squadron in West Kalimantan (photo : Sina)
The Indonesian government has acquired four strike-capable Wing Loong I medium-altitude, long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicles (MALE UAVs) from Chinese state-owned aerospace and defence company Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC).
A contract for the aircraft was signed in 2017, and the UAVs will be operated by the Indonesian Air Force’s (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Udara’s: TNI-AU’s) Aviation Squadron 51 (Skadron Udara 51), multiple sources from within the TNI headquarters in Cilangkap confirmed separately with Jane’s between 22 and 25 February.
Aviation Squadron 51 is based near the city of Pontianak in West Kalimantan, and the unit shares a runway with the Supadio International Airport. The squadron currently operates Israeli-made Aerostar tactical unmanned aircraft system (UAS) equipped with stabilised, gimbal-mounted electro-optic and infrared (EO/IR) sensor for surveillance missions. With the induction of the Wing Loong I, the unit will be Indonesia’s first composite UAV squadron with two different aircraft types.
Wing Loong I UCAV (photo : Military News Update)
The Wing Loong I was developed and manufactured by AVIC’s Chengdu Aircraft Design and Research Institute (CADI) subsidiary. It has a length of 8.7 m, a height of 2.8 m, and features a wingspan of 14 m. The aircraft has a maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of 1,150 kg and a payload capacity of 200 kg.
The UAV is powered by one piston engine, and has a service ceiling of 7,500 m (24,600 ft). It has a maximum range of approximately 108 n miles (200 km), and an endurance of about 20 hours. Payloads that can go on board the Wing Loong I include the DH-3010 search-and-rescue (SAR) radar, and the AVIC Luoyang LE380 EO/IR turret.
Production of OPLOT-T MBT for Royal Thai Army almost Complete
26 Februari 2018
13 more Oplot-T MBT for Royal Thai Army almost complete (all photos : UATV)
Coverage of TV stations Ukraine, the Russian who has visited the plant Malyshev at Kharkiv this represents production lines and tanks for the army of Ukraine and exported abroad. Continuous Reports indicate that the plant's production line plans will not be slowed down. And expected to be procured from the army and security forces, the Ukrainian government added.
13 more Oplot-T MBT for Royal Thai Army almost complete (all photos : UATV)
Coverage of TV stations Ukraine, the Russian who has visited the plant Malyshev at Kharkiv this represents production lines and tanks for the army of Ukraine and exported abroad. Continuous Reports indicate that the plant's production line plans will not be slowed down. And expected to be procured from the army and security forces, the Ukrainian government added.
For the mainline Oplot-T production line for the Royal Thai Army in the Malyshev plant, there are at least two tanks. One of the vehicles that was completed was No.45. No.47 gun turret with KBA-3 tank gun and complete equipment. No.48 and No.50 turret guns waiting to be assembled. And the car body base No.48 Pending Assemblage No.48.
Thai Army has ordered 49 Oplot-T main tanks worth $ 7,200 million ($ 240 million) from Ukroboronprom. State Administration of Industrial Security Ukraine in 2011 (2011).
However, since last year 2014 (2014) to Present (2018) Ukraine has delivered the main Oplot-T tank to the Second Cavalry. The 2nd Infantry Division retains only 36 units.
It is reported that the Oplot-T main vehicle at No.37-No.43. The board of directors of Thailand has confirmed the delivery of the vehicle last year in Ukraine (2017) and should be delivered. In the meantime, the main section of the Oplot-T line at No.44-No.49) is currently in production at the Malyshev plant in Kharkiv, Ukraine (In the picture, it is noticeable that there are orange cat and two gray cat in Malyshev factory).
According to a report from the Defense and Security 2017. the UkrOboronProm Ukraine confirmed that the delivery of the Oplot-T main tank to the Royal Thai Army would be completed by the amount promised within a year, by 2018. This was due to the impact that the Russian annexation Crimea and the armed support group in the Donbass region made to the war on security forces. The production of the car for the Thai Army has been delayed.
Pesawat R80 Bisa Digunakan untuk Patroli Keamanan Maritim
26 Februari 2018
Pesawat angkut R-80 (images : RAI)
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Regio Aviasi Industri (RAI) sedang mengembangkan Pesawat Turboprop R-80. Setelah diproduksi, pesawat ini nantinya dapat dikembangkan untuk pesawat patroli maritim.
Direktur Utama PT RAI Agung Nugroho mengatakan saat ini perusahaan mengembangkan Pesawat R80 berpenumpang 80 orang sebagai angkutan udara komersial. Namun tidak menutup kemungkinan dapat dirancang untuk misi lain, seperti untuk patroli oleh TNI Angkatan Udara.
"Pesawat penumpang yang bisa menjadi 'platform' (dasar) untuk beberapa misi, bisa bikin full penumpang, full kargo, setengah penumpang dan setengah kargo, bisa sebagai maritim patrol untuk patroli udara, jadi 'submarrine killer'," kata Agung.
Agung menyebutkan saat ini RAI sudah menyelesaikan desain konseptual yang menjadi dasar untuk pengerjaan selanjutnya yang lebih rinci. Menurut dia, desain konsep yang dibuat harus terdefinisi dari segi ketangguhan pesawat hingga kisaran harga dan maintenance pesawat.
RAI sudah menyelesaikan fase pertama, yaitu Preliminary Design & feasibility pada 2016 dan sudah mendapatkan order sebanyak 155 pesawat. Pemesanan pesawat berpenumpang 80 orang tersebut terdiri atas NAM Air sebanyak 100 unit; Kalstar 25 unit, Trigana Air 20 unit dan Aviastar 10 unit. Harga per unit pesawat sebesar 25 juta dolar AS.
Saat ini RAI mengerjakan fase kedua, yaitu Full Scale Development yang direncanakan selesai 2025, di mana 2022 akan dilakukan terbang perdana. Kemudian pada fase ketiga, yaitu Serial Production akan dimulai tahun 2025, dimana RAI akan mulai menyerahkan pesawat untuk pelanggan.
Pesawat angkut R-80 (images : RAI)
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Regio Aviasi Industri (RAI) sedang mengembangkan Pesawat Turboprop R-80. Setelah diproduksi, pesawat ini nantinya dapat dikembangkan untuk pesawat patroli maritim.
Direktur Utama PT RAI Agung Nugroho mengatakan saat ini perusahaan mengembangkan Pesawat R80 berpenumpang 80 orang sebagai angkutan udara komersial. Namun tidak menutup kemungkinan dapat dirancang untuk misi lain, seperti untuk patroli oleh TNI Angkatan Udara.
"Pesawat penumpang yang bisa menjadi 'platform' (dasar) untuk beberapa misi, bisa bikin full penumpang, full kargo, setengah penumpang dan setengah kargo, bisa sebagai maritim patrol untuk patroli udara, jadi 'submarrine killer'," kata Agung.
Agung menyebutkan saat ini RAI sudah menyelesaikan desain konseptual yang menjadi dasar untuk pengerjaan selanjutnya yang lebih rinci. Menurut dia, desain konsep yang dibuat harus terdefinisi dari segi ketangguhan pesawat hingga kisaran harga dan maintenance pesawat.
RAI sudah menyelesaikan fase pertama, yaitu Preliminary Design & feasibility pada 2016 dan sudah mendapatkan order sebanyak 155 pesawat. Pemesanan pesawat berpenumpang 80 orang tersebut terdiri atas NAM Air sebanyak 100 unit; Kalstar 25 unit, Trigana Air 20 unit dan Aviastar 10 unit. Harga per unit pesawat sebesar 25 juta dolar AS.
Saat ini RAI mengerjakan fase kedua, yaitu Full Scale Development yang direncanakan selesai 2025, di mana 2022 akan dilakukan terbang perdana. Kemudian pada fase ketiga, yaitu Serial Production akan dimulai tahun 2025, dimana RAI akan mulai menyerahkan pesawat untuk pelanggan.
4 More Frigates Needed to Secure PH Seas: Navy Chief
26 Februari 2018
Philippines needs four more modern frigates until 2028 (photo : Damen)
MANILA -- To fully protect the country's vast maritime domains and resources, the Philippines needs four more modern frigates aside from the two contracted with South Korean shipbuilder, Hyudai Heavy Industries (HHI).
This was the remark of Philippine Navy (PN) flag-officer-in-command Rear Admiral Robert Empedrad when asked how many more modern warships the Navy needs to fully secure the country’s maritime domains.
Empedrad issued this statement during the Frigate Acquisition Project hearing at the Senate last Feb. 19 where issues concerning the brand of combat management system (CMS) to be installed were discussed.
"Based on our Modernization Program, we will require six of the frigates until 2028 – that is our Third Horizon. Apat pa after we get these two ships," he said.
The frigates, presently being built by HHI, will be armed with weapons capable of neutralizing surface, sub-surface and air threats aside from its electronic warfare ability.
These ships have a contract of PHP18 billion, including their weapons systems and munitions.
In the same hearing, the Navy chief said there are also plans to install a CMS and upgrade the weapon systems of the three Hamilton-class cutters acquired from the US Coast Guard.
Philippines needs four more modern frigates until 2028 (photo : Damen)
MANILA -- To fully protect the country's vast maritime domains and resources, the Philippines needs four more modern frigates aside from the two contracted with South Korean shipbuilder, Hyudai Heavy Industries (HHI).
This was the remark of Philippine Navy (PN) flag-officer-in-command Rear Admiral Robert Empedrad when asked how many more modern warships the Navy needs to fully secure the country’s maritime domains.
Empedrad issued this statement during the Frigate Acquisition Project hearing at the Senate last Feb. 19 where issues concerning the brand of combat management system (CMS) to be installed were discussed.
"Based on our Modernization Program, we will require six of the frigates until 2028 – that is our Third Horizon. Apat pa after we get these two ships," he said.
The frigates, presently being built by HHI, will be armed with weapons capable of neutralizing surface, sub-surface and air threats aside from its electronic warfare ability.
These ships have a contract of PHP18 billion, including their weapons systems and munitions.
In the same hearing, the Navy chief said there are also plans to install a CMS and upgrade the weapon systems of the three Hamilton-class cutters acquired from the US Coast Guard.
Konstruksi KCR#4 Hampir Selesai
26 Februari 2018
KCR-60 pesanan Kemhan untuk TNI AL dengan nomor lambung 627 (photos : defence.pk)
Kapal pesanan Kemhan untuk TNI AL jenis KCR-60 telah nampak hampir selesai konstruksinya yang dikerjakan di galangan kapal PT PAL Surabaya dan siap untuk diluncurkan. Kapal ini diberikan nomor lambung 627, belum jelas apa nama yang akan diberikan nantinya.
Saat ini ada tiga kapal jenis KCR-60 yang telah berdinas di TNI AL sejak 2014 yang diberi nama jenis-jenis senjata tradisional di Indonesia yaitu KRI Sampari-628, KRI Tombak-629, dan KRI Halasan-630.
PT PAL menerima pesanan pembuatan KCR ke-4 dari Kemhan untuk 1 KCR 60m pada Januari 2017 dan seremoni first steel cutting dilakukan pada 2 Februari 2017. Sesuai dengan kontrak maka kapal mesti diserahkan pada bulan Juli 2018, setelah menjalani sea trial.
TNI AL membuat dua platform untuk armada Kapal Cepat baru yang dimilikinya, masing-masing KCR-60 yang mempunyai panjang 60m dan KCR-40 yang mempunyai panjang 44m. Varian Kapal Cepat Rudal dari kedua tipe kapal cepat ini akan menggunakan tipe rudal yang sama yaitu C-705 buatan China. Khusus untuk Kapal Cepat Torpedo kemungkinan hanya memakai platform KCR-60 saja sebagaimana pendahulunya yaitu FPB-57 yang berukuran panjang hampir sama.
(Defense Studies)
Kapal pesanan Kemhan untuk TNI AL jenis KCR-60 telah nampak hampir selesai konstruksinya yang dikerjakan di galangan kapal PT PAL Surabaya dan siap untuk diluncurkan. Kapal ini diberikan nomor lambung 627, belum jelas apa nama yang akan diberikan nantinya.
Saat ini ada tiga kapal jenis KCR-60 yang telah berdinas di TNI AL sejak 2014 yang diberi nama jenis-jenis senjata tradisional di Indonesia yaitu KRI Sampari-628, KRI Tombak-629, dan KRI Halasan-630.
PT PAL menerima pesanan pembuatan KCR ke-4 dari Kemhan untuk 1 KCR 60m pada Januari 2017 dan seremoni first steel cutting dilakukan pada 2 Februari 2017. Sesuai dengan kontrak maka kapal mesti diserahkan pada bulan Juli 2018, setelah menjalani sea trial.
TNI AL membuat dua platform untuk armada Kapal Cepat baru yang dimilikinya, masing-masing KCR-60 yang mempunyai panjang 60m dan KCR-40 yang mempunyai panjang 44m. Varian Kapal Cepat Rudal dari kedua tipe kapal cepat ini akan menggunakan tipe rudal yang sama yaitu C-705 buatan China. Khusus untuk Kapal Cepat Torpedo kemungkinan hanya memakai platform KCR-60 saja sebagaimana pendahulunya yaitu FPB-57 yang berukuran panjang hampir sama.
(Defense Studies)
25 Februari 2018
Eksesais Perang Borneo Capai Matlamat
25 Februari 2018
Eksesais Borneo yang diadakan di perairan laut Sulu (photo : Metro)
Sandakan: Eksesais Perang Borneo di perairan Laut Sulu di sini, semalam, mencapai matlamat bagi menguji kemampuan dan kesiapsiagaan armada Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) dalam menghadapi peperangan tidak terjangka khasnya di Zon Selamat Timur Sabah (ESSZONE).
Latihan itu adalah yang pertama tahun ini dan kali kedua dikoordinasikan Markas Wilayah Laut 2 (MAWILLA 2).
Panglima MAWILLA 2 TLDM, Laksamana Muda Datuk Abdul Rahman Ayob berkata, latihan itu membabitkan lima kapal TLDM iaitu Kapal Auksiliari (KA) Tun Azizan, Kapal Diraja (KD) Todak, KD Baung, KD Sri Johor dan KD Sri Perlis, selain bot tempur CB 90 dan bot pemintas Silverbreeze.
Beliau yang turut mengikuti pelayaran berpuas hati dengan tahap kesiapsiagaan kapal TLDM dan kecekapan kru dalam menghadapi pelbagai senario peperangan terutama ancaman di permukaan air.
Menurutnya, eksesais itu sangat berkesan sebagai persediaan menghadapi situasi perang sebenar seiring keperluan semasa.
“Selain itu, ia selaras keperluan operasi iaitu penumpuan tinggi terhadap latihan operasi yang berterusan bagi mencapai hasrat melahirkan warga ‘Navy People’ bertaraf dunia.
“Ia juga mempamerkan komitmen TLDM memastikan keselamatan ESSZONE berada pada tahap tertinggi, selari matlamat perpindahan MAWILLA 2
ke Sandakan yang membolehkan sebarang tindakan keselamatan sama ada bersifat cegah rintang atau tindakan susulan dapat diambil secara lebih berkesan,” katanya dalam kenyataan, semalam.
Abdul Rahman berkata, MAWILLA 2 menerusi koordinasi pasukan Peperangan Markas Pemerintahan Armada Timur (MPA Timur) di Kota Kinabalu turut merancang mengadakan beberapa lagi siri eksesais Perang Borneo tahun ini.
Eksesais bermula jam 7 pagi kelmarin dengan Latihan Pertahanan Pangkalan di Pangkalan TLDM Sandakan membabitkan simulasi serangan musuh terhadap kawasan strategik di daratan, disusuli kapal TLDM diarahkan ke laut bagi menghadapi ancaman pertempuran di perairan.
Eksesais Borneo yang diadakan di perairan laut Sulu (photo : Metro)
Sandakan: Eksesais Perang Borneo di perairan Laut Sulu di sini, semalam, mencapai matlamat bagi menguji kemampuan dan kesiapsiagaan armada Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) dalam menghadapi peperangan tidak terjangka khasnya di Zon Selamat Timur Sabah (ESSZONE).
Latihan itu adalah yang pertama tahun ini dan kali kedua dikoordinasikan Markas Wilayah Laut 2 (MAWILLA 2).
Panglima MAWILLA 2 TLDM, Laksamana Muda Datuk Abdul Rahman Ayob berkata, latihan itu membabitkan lima kapal TLDM iaitu Kapal Auksiliari (KA) Tun Azizan, Kapal Diraja (KD) Todak, KD Baung, KD Sri Johor dan KD Sri Perlis, selain bot tempur CB 90 dan bot pemintas Silverbreeze.
Beliau yang turut mengikuti pelayaran berpuas hati dengan tahap kesiapsiagaan kapal TLDM dan kecekapan kru dalam menghadapi pelbagai senario peperangan terutama ancaman di permukaan air.
Menurutnya, eksesais itu sangat berkesan sebagai persediaan menghadapi situasi perang sebenar seiring keperluan semasa.
“Selain itu, ia selaras keperluan operasi iaitu penumpuan tinggi terhadap latihan operasi yang berterusan bagi mencapai hasrat melahirkan warga ‘Navy People’ bertaraf dunia.
“Ia juga mempamerkan komitmen TLDM memastikan keselamatan ESSZONE berada pada tahap tertinggi, selari matlamat perpindahan MAWILLA 2
ke Sandakan yang membolehkan sebarang tindakan keselamatan sama ada bersifat cegah rintang atau tindakan susulan dapat diambil secara lebih berkesan,” katanya dalam kenyataan, semalam.
Abdul Rahman berkata, MAWILLA 2 menerusi koordinasi pasukan Peperangan Markas Pemerintahan Armada Timur (MPA Timur) di Kota Kinabalu turut merancang mengadakan beberapa lagi siri eksesais Perang Borneo tahun ini.
Eksesais bermula jam 7 pagi kelmarin dengan Latihan Pertahanan Pangkalan di Pangkalan TLDM Sandakan membabitkan simulasi serangan musuh terhadap kawasan strategik di daratan, disusuli kapal TLDM diarahkan ke laut bagi menghadapi ancaman pertempuran di perairan.
24 Februari 2018
Japan May Buy up to 40 Vertical Takeoff F-35B Fighters which Operated from Izumo Class Ship
24 Februari 2018
F-35B VTOL fighter aircraft (image : MilitaryLeak)
Japan may buy up to 40 vertical takeoff F-35B fighters
Japan’s Yomiuri Shimbun reported in a scoop last week that the government may buy up to 40 F-35B vertical takeoff stealth fighters from the US that could operate from helicopter carriers, island bases and commercial airports.
“The government is considering operating F-35B fighter jets from about fiscal 2026, in an effort to utilize airports on remote islands and thereby improve the nation’s capability to defend the isles,” the newspaper said in a February 12 story.
The F-35B is the maritime version of the advanced US warplane that can perform vertical take-off and landings (VTOL) from the decks of warships.
The Yomiuri quoted government sources as saying that Tokyo is also weighing whether to deploy the F-35Bs aboard Izumo-class Maritime Self-Defense Force’s “destroyers” which carry helicopters and are built as de facto aircraft carriers.
The US military already operates F-35B squadrons in Japan. And the Japanese government is already buying 42 F-35A standard takeoff fighter jets to replace older-generation US fighters like the F-15 and F-4 Phantom.
“As for the F-35B, the government is planning to indicate the number of aircraft to be procured in the next Medium Term Defense Program, which is to be compiled at the end of this year. It is also mulling including related expenses in the fiscal 2019 budget plan, with a view to starting the delivery of F-35Bs from around fiscal 2024,” the Yomiuri cited its sources as saying. (ATimes)
Izumo class ship (photo : Japan MoD)
MSDF helicopter flattop Izumo designed as aircraft carrier
Despite the Defense Ministry's denial that the helicopter carrier Izumo, launched in 2015, was planned to be refitted into an aircraft carrier, former Maritime Self-Defense Force executives confirmed that that is how the blueprints were drawn up.
“It is only reasonable to design (the Izumo) with the prospect of possible changes of the circumstances in the decades ahead,” a then MSDF executive told The Asahi Shimbun. “We viewed that whether the Izumo should be actually refitted could be decided by the government.”
The former executive said a consensus was reached privately among the MSDF that the Izumo should be considered for conversion into an aircraft carrier. But the MSDF couldn't explain the need publicly due to the government's view that aircraft carriers capable of launching large-scale attacks are equivalent to the military capability prohibited by the war-renouncing Article 9 of the Constitution.
Ever since the Izumo's construction, experts both in and outside Japan have pointed out the possibility of turning it into a full-fledged aircraft carrier.
However, the Defense Ministry publicly denied any plan to deploy fighter jets with strike capabilities on the Izumo and contended that it was not an aircraft carrier.
The ministry has since done an abrupt about-face and now is mulling the possibility of refitting the vessel into an aircraft carrier.
Such a reversal has inevitably raised suspicions that the ministry had this plan in mind from the beginning.
Refitting the Izumo, the Maritime Self-Defense Force's largest vessel, into an aircraft carrier had been considered since late 2000 to bolster the nation's defenses against China’s increasing maritime advances around Japan’s southwestern islands, according to the MSDF executives.
Equipped with a flat deck from bow to stern, helicopters can land on and take off off from the five spots of the flight deck at a time. The Izumo's basic design was formulated from 2006 through 2008.
F-35B VTOL fighter aircraft (photo : LM)
In 2008, Chinese naval vessels and other warships passing through the waters between the main Okinawa island and Miyakojima island, which lies to the southwest, were spotted for the first time. At that time Chinese government vessels intruding on Japan’s territorial waters became common.
According to MSDF executives at that time, the MSDF saw the need to secure Japan’s competitive edge in the airspace to counter possible China’s maritime expansion in the East China Sea.
However, the runway at the Air Self-Defense Force Naha Base is the only one that allows ASDF aircraft to take off and land in and around Okinawa.
Therefore “the plan to construct the Izumo was settled with its future conversion in mind to prepare for any possible contingency of the unavailability of the ASDF Naha Base,” according to one of the executives.
In those days, the U.S. F-35B stealth fighters, which could take off and land vertically, were in development, leading to a design conception of the Izumo on the premise that it could be converted to handle landings and takeoffs of the F-35B and other aircraft, such as the Osprey transport aircraft.
The approximately 250-meter long Izumo’s elevator connecting the deck with the hangar was designed to accommodate the F-35B fighter, which measures about 15 meters in length and about 11 meters in width.
Paint that can withstand the exhaust heat generated from F-35 fighter jets during landings and takeoffs was selected for the deck of the Izumo. It has also been expected to retrofit the Izumo with a sloping deck for takeoffs, the former MSDF executives said.
If the Izumo is converted to enable landings and takeoffs of the F-35B, the vessel can be utilized to refuel U.S. stealth fighter jets anywhere in the world at any time, including during military emergencies under the new national security legislation.
Even if it is designated a “defensive” aircraft carrier or with some other terminology, the refitted Izumo would be a vessel capable of attacking enemy targets. (AsahiShimbun)
F-35B VTOL fighter aircraft (image : MilitaryLeak)
Japan may buy up to 40 vertical takeoff F-35B fighters
Japan’s Yomiuri Shimbun reported in a scoop last week that the government may buy up to 40 F-35B vertical takeoff stealth fighters from the US that could operate from helicopter carriers, island bases and commercial airports.
“The government is considering operating F-35B fighter jets from about fiscal 2026, in an effort to utilize airports on remote islands and thereby improve the nation’s capability to defend the isles,” the newspaper said in a February 12 story.
The F-35B is the maritime version of the advanced US warplane that can perform vertical take-off and landings (VTOL) from the decks of warships.
The Yomiuri quoted government sources as saying that Tokyo is also weighing whether to deploy the F-35Bs aboard Izumo-class Maritime Self-Defense Force’s “destroyers” which carry helicopters and are built as de facto aircraft carriers.
The US military already operates F-35B squadrons in Japan. And the Japanese government is already buying 42 F-35A standard takeoff fighter jets to replace older-generation US fighters like the F-15 and F-4 Phantom.
“As for the F-35B, the government is planning to indicate the number of aircraft to be procured in the next Medium Term Defense Program, which is to be compiled at the end of this year. It is also mulling including related expenses in the fiscal 2019 budget plan, with a view to starting the delivery of F-35Bs from around fiscal 2024,” the Yomiuri cited its sources as saying. (ATimes)
Izumo class ship (photo : Japan MoD)
MSDF helicopter flattop Izumo designed as aircraft carrier
“It is only reasonable to design (the Izumo) with the prospect of possible changes of the circumstances in the decades ahead,” a then MSDF executive told The Asahi Shimbun. “We viewed that whether the Izumo should be actually refitted could be decided by the government.”
The former executive said a consensus was reached privately among the MSDF that the Izumo should be considered for conversion into an aircraft carrier. But the MSDF couldn't explain the need publicly due to the government's view that aircraft carriers capable of launching large-scale attacks are equivalent to the military capability prohibited by the war-renouncing Article 9 of the Constitution.
Ever since the Izumo's construction, experts both in and outside Japan have pointed out the possibility of turning it into a full-fledged aircraft carrier.
However, the Defense Ministry publicly denied any plan to deploy fighter jets with strike capabilities on the Izumo and contended that it was not an aircraft carrier.
The ministry has since done an abrupt about-face and now is mulling the possibility of refitting the vessel into an aircraft carrier.
Such a reversal has inevitably raised suspicions that the ministry had this plan in mind from the beginning.
Refitting the Izumo, the Maritime Self-Defense Force's largest vessel, into an aircraft carrier had been considered since late 2000 to bolster the nation's defenses against China’s increasing maritime advances around Japan’s southwestern islands, according to the MSDF executives.
Equipped with a flat deck from bow to stern, helicopters can land on and take off off from the five spots of the flight deck at a time. The Izumo's basic design was formulated from 2006 through 2008.
F-35B VTOL fighter aircraft (photo : LM)
In 2008, Chinese naval vessels and other warships passing through the waters between the main Okinawa island and Miyakojima island, which lies to the southwest, were spotted for the first time. At that time Chinese government vessels intruding on Japan’s territorial waters became common.
According to MSDF executives at that time, the MSDF saw the need to secure Japan’s competitive edge in the airspace to counter possible China’s maritime expansion in the East China Sea.
However, the runway at the Air Self-Defense Force Naha Base is the only one that allows ASDF aircraft to take off and land in and around Okinawa.
Therefore “the plan to construct the Izumo was settled with its future conversion in mind to prepare for any possible contingency of the unavailability of the ASDF Naha Base,” according to one of the executives.
In those days, the U.S. F-35B stealth fighters, which could take off and land vertically, were in development, leading to a design conception of the Izumo on the premise that it could be converted to handle landings and takeoffs of the F-35B and other aircraft, such as the Osprey transport aircraft.
The approximately 250-meter long Izumo’s elevator connecting the deck with the hangar was designed to accommodate the F-35B fighter, which measures about 15 meters in length and about 11 meters in width.
Paint that can withstand the exhaust heat generated from F-35 fighter jets during landings and takeoffs was selected for the deck of the Izumo. It has also been expected to retrofit the Izumo with a sloping deck for takeoffs, the former MSDF executives said.
If the Izumo is converted to enable landings and takeoffs of the F-35B, the vessel can be utilized to refuel U.S. stealth fighter jets anywhere in the world at any time, including during military emergencies under the new national security legislation.
Even if it is designated a “defensive” aircraft carrier or with some other terminology, the refitted Izumo would be a vessel capable of attacking enemy targets. (AsahiShimbun)
TNI AU Siapkan Penerbang dan Teknisi untuk Awaki Su-35
24 Februari 2018
Pesawat tempur Sukhoi Su-35 (photo : Vitaly Kuzmin)
ANGKASAREVIEW.COM – Kontrak pengadaan 11 jet tempur Sukhoi Su-35 dari Rusia telah ditandatangani oleh Kementerian Pertahanan. TNI Angkatan Udara pun menyiapkan penerbang dan teknisi untuk mengawakinya.
Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI AU (Kadispenau) Marsma TNI Jemi Trisonjaya, M.Tr (Han) menyatakan, TNI AU sudah menyiapkan penerbang dan teknisi yang akan mengawaki Su-35. TNI AU saat ini menunggu koordinasi lebih lanjut untuk pengiriman mereka ke Rusia.
“Penerbang dan teknisi tentunya sudah dipersiapkan oleh TNI AU. Kami menunggu koordinasi lebih lanjut dari pimpinan, misalnya untuk pengiriman mereka ke Rusia guna mengikuti pendidikan di sana. Saat ini belum ada pengiriman personel TNI AU terkait hal itu ke Rusia,” ujar Kadispenau saat dihubungi Angkasa Review, Kamis (22/2/2018).
Jemi menambahkan, perencanaan dan pembahasan untuk mengawaki pesawat pengganti F-5E/F Tiger II Skadron Udara 14 Lanud Iswahjudi, sudah dilakukan jauh-jauh hari sambil menunggu keputusan dari Kementerian Pertahanan perihal pesawat yang akan dibeli.
Berhubung dalam beberapa tahun belakangan ini Skadron Udara 14 sudah tidak memiliki pesawat lagi (F-5E/F sudah dipenisunkan), maka para penerbang dan teknisinya pun dititipkan sementara ke satuan-satuan operasional lainnya. Beberapa penerbang ditempatkan di Skadron Udara 11 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar dan Skadron Udara 15 Lanud Iswahjudi, Madiun.
Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu sebelumnya mengatakan, penandatanganan kontrak pengadaan Su-35 sudah selesai dilaksanakan.
“Sudah tanda tangan, selesai. Sebelas pesawat. Itu kan dibuat dulu. Bukan langsung-langsung. Dibuatnya satu tahun secara bertahap. Awal tahun depan sudah ada dua,” kata Menhan menjawab pertanyaan wartawan di Jakarta, Rabu (21/2/2018), sebagaimana ditayangkan oleh saluran CNNIndonesia tv.
Informasi penandatanganan kontrak pengadaan 11 pesawat Su-35 untuk TNI AU, awalnya disampaikan oleh Kepala Pusat Komunikasi Publik (Kapuskompublik) Kementerian Pertahanan Brgjen TNI Totok Sugiharto saat dikornfirmasi rilis.id. Totok mengatakan, penandatanganan kontrak pengadaan Su-35 telah dilaksanakan pada Rabu (14/2/2018).
(Angkasa Review)
Pesawat tempur Sukhoi Su-35 (photo : Vitaly Kuzmin)
ANGKASAREVIEW.COM – Kontrak pengadaan 11 jet tempur Sukhoi Su-35 dari Rusia telah ditandatangani oleh Kementerian Pertahanan. TNI Angkatan Udara pun menyiapkan penerbang dan teknisi untuk mengawakinya.
Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI AU (Kadispenau) Marsma TNI Jemi Trisonjaya, M.Tr (Han) menyatakan, TNI AU sudah menyiapkan penerbang dan teknisi yang akan mengawaki Su-35. TNI AU saat ini menunggu koordinasi lebih lanjut untuk pengiriman mereka ke Rusia.
“Penerbang dan teknisi tentunya sudah dipersiapkan oleh TNI AU. Kami menunggu koordinasi lebih lanjut dari pimpinan, misalnya untuk pengiriman mereka ke Rusia guna mengikuti pendidikan di sana. Saat ini belum ada pengiriman personel TNI AU terkait hal itu ke Rusia,” ujar Kadispenau saat dihubungi Angkasa Review, Kamis (22/2/2018).
Jemi menambahkan, perencanaan dan pembahasan untuk mengawaki pesawat pengganti F-5E/F Tiger II Skadron Udara 14 Lanud Iswahjudi, sudah dilakukan jauh-jauh hari sambil menunggu keputusan dari Kementerian Pertahanan perihal pesawat yang akan dibeli.
Berhubung dalam beberapa tahun belakangan ini Skadron Udara 14 sudah tidak memiliki pesawat lagi (F-5E/F sudah dipenisunkan), maka para penerbang dan teknisinya pun dititipkan sementara ke satuan-satuan operasional lainnya. Beberapa penerbang ditempatkan di Skadron Udara 11 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar dan Skadron Udara 15 Lanud Iswahjudi, Madiun.
Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu sebelumnya mengatakan, penandatanganan kontrak pengadaan Su-35 sudah selesai dilaksanakan.
“Sudah tanda tangan, selesai. Sebelas pesawat. Itu kan dibuat dulu. Bukan langsung-langsung. Dibuatnya satu tahun secara bertahap. Awal tahun depan sudah ada dua,” kata Menhan menjawab pertanyaan wartawan di Jakarta, Rabu (21/2/2018), sebagaimana ditayangkan oleh saluran CNNIndonesia tv.
Informasi penandatanganan kontrak pengadaan 11 pesawat Su-35 untuk TNI AU, awalnya disampaikan oleh Kepala Pusat Komunikasi Publik (Kapuskompublik) Kementerian Pertahanan Brgjen TNI Totok Sugiharto saat dikornfirmasi rilis.id. Totok mengatakan, penandatanganan kontrak pengadaan Su-35 telah dilaksanakan pada Rabu (14/2/2018).
(Angkasa Review)
Enam Pesawat Hawk dengan Rudal Maverick Latihan di Aceh
24 Februari 2018
Enam pesawat tiba di Lanud Iskandar Muda, Aceh (photo : Portal Komando)
Enam Pesawat Hawk Tiba Di Lanud Sultan Iskandar Muda
ACEH,.Sebanyak enam pesawat Hawk 100/200 Skadron Udara 12 Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin, Pekanbaru tiba di Lanud Sultan Iskandar Muda. Jumat (23/2). Kedatangan enam pesawat tempur TNI Angkatan Udara yang dipimpin Danskadud 12 Lanud Roesmin Letkol Pnb Adhi Safarul Akbar diterima langsung Danlanud Sultan Iskandar Muda Kolonel Nav Indrastanto Setiawan, S.Sos., beserta pejabat Lanud Sultan iskandar Muda.
Enam pesawat tiba di Lanud Iskandar Muda, Aceh (photo : Portal Komando)
Enam Pesawat Hawk Tiba Di Lanud Sultan Iskandar Muda
Dijelaskan dalam rilis penerangan Lanud SIM, rencananya selama dua minggu, “Black Panther” sebutan Skadron Udara 12 Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin dengan pesawat Hawk 100/200 nya akan melaksanakan latihan tempur dengan menggunakan rudal Maverick dan dilanjutkan patroil pengamanan wilayah udara sekitaran provinsi Aceh.
“Tentunya hal ini dilaksanakan sebagai tugas dan tanggung jawab TNI Angkatan Udara dan sarana meningkatkan kemampuan para penerbang TNI Angkatan Udara,” ujar Danlanud Sultan Iskandar Muda. Mengenai patrol udara, lanjutnya, pengamanan wilayah udara sangatlah penting bagi keutuhan NKRI dalam rangka menjaga dan mengamankan pulau terluar.
Selain itu, tambahnya, kegiatan latihan dan patrol pengamanan wilayah udara bukan hanya meningkatkan kemampuan serta profesionalisme Skadron Udara 12 Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin saja, melainkan juga Lanud Sultan Iskandar Muda dalam mendukung operasi penerbangan. “Mari kita berikan yang terbaik agar hasil yang dicapai maksimal,” tutupnya.
IMI Systems will Upgrade the Royal Thai Army M-163 VADS
24 Februari 2018
M-163 Vulcan Air Defense System (VADS) of the Royal Thai Army after upgrade (all photos : Thai Military)
Ramat Hasharon, Israel – IMI Systems will upgrade the venerable M-163 Vulcan Air Defense System (VADS) of the Royal Thai Army.
According to the Thai Military and Asian Region magazine, the upgrade will consist of laser rangefinder to replace AN/VPS-2, video feed, thermal imaging sight (uncooled) and some new functions including remote-controlled operation, all-weather operation capabilities as well as automatic target tracking.
Using linkless feed system the, M168 20mm autocannon rotary gun can fires at 3,000 rounds per minute in short bursts of 10, 30, 60, or 100 rounds or in a continuous fire mode at a rate of 1,000 rounds per minute.
(IMI Systems)
M-163 Vulcan Air Defense System (VADS) of the Royal Thai Army after upgrade (all photos : Thai Military)
According to the Thai Military and Asian Region magazine, the upgrade will consist of laser rangefinder to replace AN/VPS-2, video feed, thermal imaging sight (uncooled) and some new functions including remote-controlled operation, all-weather operation capabilities as well as automatic target tracking.
Using linkless feed system the, M168 20mm autocannon rotary gun can fires at 3,000 rounds per minute in short bursts of 10, 30, 60, or 100 rounds or in a continuous fire mode at a rate of 1,000 rounds per minute.
(IMI Systems)