21 Agustus 2018

The Prototype of the 2S38 "Derivation-Air Defense" Complex Unveils in the "Army-2018"

21 Agustus 2018

A prototype of the 2S38 combat vehicle self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery complex with a 57-mm automatic cannon in the "Army-2018" (photos : Mikhail Zherdev)

On August 21, 2018, at the Patriot Military Park in Kubinka, in the "Army-2018",  JSC "Central Research Institute "Burevestnik " (Nizhny Novgorod, is a part of joint-stock company Scientific and Production Corporation "Uralvagonzavod ") presents a prototype of the 2S38 combat vehicle self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery complex for R & D "Derivation-PVO" with a 57-mm automatic cannon based on the chasis of BMP-3.

Recall that the materials of the 2S38 combat vehicle were presented in August 2017 at the International Military Technical Forum "Army-2017" at the stand of the Main Missile and Artillery Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In the materials it was reported that this product is being created as part of the development work "Derivation-Air Defense", which implies the appearance in the troops of a prospective 57-mm mobile artillery complex with passive means of reconnaissance and escorting air targets.

The prototype of the combat vehicle 2S38 of a self-propelled antiaircraft artillery complex for R & D "Derivation-Air Defense" with a 57-mm automatic gun was publicly "lighted up"in the shop of the Central Research Institute "Burevestnik" in January 2018. The 2S38 combat vehicle is based on BMP-3 and is designed to defeat air targets such as unmanned aerial vehicles, cruise missiles, air-to-surface missiles, tactical aircraft, and fire support helicopters. The anti-aircraft system is also capable of shooting down rocket launchers, destroying ground and surface targets.

The main characteristics, according to official materials: 

Maximum range of damage - 6 km.
The maximum height of the lesion is 4.5 km.
The rate of fire is 120 rounds per minute.
Full ammunition - 148 shots.
The vertical guidance angle is 5 deg / +75 deg.
Angle of guidance horizontally - 360 degrees. 
The maximum speed of the targets hit is 500 m / s 
Calculation - 3 people.

The combat vehicle 2S38 is equipped with an optic-electronic system for detection and targeting of OES OP, the development of Minsk OJSC "Peleng". It allows you to carry out panoramic observation of the terrain by 360 degrees, as well as to conduct a sectoral survey. Detection range through one of the television channels of a small unmanned aerial vehicle of the Bird Eye 400 type in the survey mode is declared at 700 m, in the narrow field of view - 4900 m. The A-10 attack aircraft is detected in the first mode already at a range of 6400 m, and in the second - at 12,300 m. The thermal imaging channel makes it possible to detect targets with a size of 2.3 × 2.3 m with a probability of 80% at a range of 10,000 m and recognize them at a distance of 4,000 m.


23 komentar:

  1. "The 2S38 combat vehicle is based on BMP-3 and is designed to defeat air targets such as unmanned aerial vehicles, cruise missiles, air-to-surface missiles, tactical aircraft, and fire support helicopters."

    wah sakti mandraguna ini, seng ada lawan haha!๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€

  2. Buat temenin bvp 2 marinir cakep nih om...cozna satuan arhanud di indo yg pake tank hanya marinir.

  3. Tetapi kelihatannya untuk pengganti S60 bukan ini lho ya.

    Rate of firenya itu lho hanya 120 butir per menit.

  4. Mas Smili,

    Untuk ganti S60 yang udah uzur mungkin yang berikut ini PASARS 16 dari Serbia, pakai Bofors 40 mm juga, rate of fire 300 butir per menit.


    1. Yg ini ng baru baca sekilas mas... kayakke radare surveilane lumayan gede, gak seringkas saan guraffe 1x

    2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  5. ://m.detik.com/news/internasional/d-4176396/material-radioaktif-hilang-malaysia-yakin-tak-terkait-teroris?_ga=2.11269936.587913523.1534843164-739505624.1485058497&_gac=1.153415052.1533893372.EAIaIQobChMI96f9hZbi3AIVhB0rCh0OgwQPEAAYASAAEgJg3PD_BwE

    "Malaysia ini aneh...ada material radioaktif hilang dalam pengiriman, kenapa gak ada tersangkanya๐Ÿค”"

    Ane masih trauma dg kelakuan bomber asal malaysia yg bikin rusuh, merusak ekonomi negara kita๐Ÿ˜ค

    1. Proxy war malingsia... Menanamkan paham2 yang mengarah ke aksi2 ekstrimisme / bom bunuh diri...Dr Azhari salah satu agen malingsia... Kenapa negara mereka selalu aman dari aksi bom????

    2. isu2 agama adalah strategi terbaik untuk menghancur leburkan sebuah negara, isu agama paling sulit untuk ditangkal karena ini menyakut loyalitas iman,,,lihatlah suriah hancur lebur akibat isu agama, hancurnya negara otomatis menghambat kemajuan SDM suatu negara yg berakibat gampangnya negara2 lain yg punya sifat ulat blatung untuk menggerogotin negara yg hancur lebur itu,,,hati2lah dengan isu agama, indonesia sedang menuju ke puncak otomatis ada yg tidak suka akan hal ini.

    3. Malay sadar, keindahan alamnya tidak seberagam indonesia. Dengan adanya terror bom menjadikan indonesia mendapat status travel warning.

      Sementara malay langsung dgn berbagai iklan wisatanya.

      Siapa yg untung?

    4. Dan itu cara paling instan untuk mendongkrak perekonomian mereka ya mase...๐Ÿค”

    5. Moga" BIN kita kuat, untuk menangkal semua ancaman keselamatan negara.

    6. Hati2 guys,intel MEIO malon cem ken arok,bidababi 2000,scan dll suka provokasi,SARA dan mengadu domba sesama anak bangsa,kita mesti hati2 sama mereka

    7. Indon banyak terima Bala dari Allah sebab banyak buat maksiat!!
      .....Indon juga tempat berkembang ajaran sesat Ahmadiah!
      .....Indon juga benarkan orang Islam nikah dengan kaum kafir tanpa masuk Islam
      ..,,jadi kesimpulannya Indon sentiasa kena BOM sebab jadi pusat Ajaran Sesat dan Maksiat walaupun mempunyai jumlah penduduk Islam yg paling ramai di dunia!

  6. ://ekonomi.kompas.com/read/2018/08/21/160629726/menteri-susi-duga-ada-pencurian-ikan-di-sulut-oleh

    "Ini juga bukan tetangga yg baik...๐Ÿ˜ค"

  7. canonnya saktian yg ini dari seri BMP3 yg lama. soalnya walaupun 57mm tapi high velocity serta punya jenis peluru yg armour pircing. lebih efektif ini bwt hajar ranpur daripada canon low pressure 100mm.

  8. fire rate cuma 120....rendah amat....mending mobile skyshield...atau mobile kahstan

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  10. essen@ red bear cewek2nya jg bikin meleleh,,,,,hahahahahaaaa

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