28 November 2018

RAAF Using Phantom Drone to Inspect C-17S

28 November 2018

Phantom 4 drone for inspection (photos : Aus DoD, ABC)

Phantom gets to work at Air Force’s No. 36 Squadron

outine servicing of the colossal C-17A Globemaster transport at RAAF Base Amberley’s No. 36 Squadron is now receiving a little help from a ‘Phantom’.

The DJI Phantom 4 is a drone that has been recently introduced by No. 36 Squadron to inspect hard-to-reach areas of the C-17A, reducing height risks to personnel, and helping to build a ‘history’ of damage to an aircraft.

Air Commodore William Kourelakos, Commander Air Mobility Group, said the genesis of the idea came from within the unit.

“This is an excellent example of bottom-led innovation from No. 36 Squadron in response to the Air Force Safety Always Program (ASAP),” Air Commodore Kourelakos said.

“Introducing this drone and these procedures goes further to reducing Workplace Health and Safety risks to so far as reasonably practicable

“Air Mobility Group is investigating its applicability across the Air Mobility fleet.”

Squadron Leader Evan Smith, Senior Engineering Officer for No. 36 Squadron, said the drone was introduced with help from Royal Australian Artillery’s 20th Surveillance and Target Acquisition Regiment.

“The Army has extensive experience using this particular model, and managing the information downloaded from it,” Squadron Leader Smith said.

“We manage the drone through a standalone laptop, and have been able to adapt Army’s practices to suit our needs.”

“To use it at RAAF Base Amberley, we’ve sought approvals from 452 Squadron as the aerodrome operator, and through Defence’s Airworthiness Coordination and Policy Agency.”

The drone’s value is being demonstrated during the Home Station Check, a routine servicing conducted on each C-17A every 180 days.

Part of the check includes inspecting any paint or other surface damage on the aircraft, including the tail section – which sits nearly 17 metres above ground.

Until now, the maintenance team have used elevated platforms, or climbed through a small tunnel inside the aircraft’s vertical stabiliser to check the tail section.

Squadron Leader Smith said the drone can be used to conduct these surveys in as little as 30 minutes during a Home Station Check.

“This helps the Aircraft Surface Finishers to identify and track paint degradation on the upper surface of the C-17A, triage paint defects and plan remediation work,” Squadron Leader Smith said.

Imagery is shot in high-resolution stills and video, and can be provided to agencies including the Heavy Airlift Systems Program Office, Boeing, and the Defence Science and Technology Group.

By archiving this imagery, it can chart an airframe’s history of paint degradation or surface damage, or compare across the fleet.

“We’re bedding down the procedures for these inspections, and will investigate expanding our use of the drone to include other upper surface inspections,” Squadron Leader Smith said.

“That includes flight servicings or other general unserviceabilituies.”

36SQN is also investigating the use of multi-spectral cameras, including thermal imagery, to enhance the capability

“This would potentially allow us to detect less obvious paint defects, where non-uniform emissivity results from changes in surface roughness,” Squadron Leader Smith said.


28 komentar:

  1. Ini macam drone buatan ECA yg dibeli TNI AL untuk mengukur kadar medan kemagnetan...dan maloner belum punya yg kek begini, poor malon🀧🀧🀧

  2. kali ini cuekin beruk malon. gimana reaksinya...😁

    1. Yoi bro,reaksinya nyesek gitu bro wkwkwk

    2. pengen tau beruk malon bisa instrospeksi gak...😁

    3. Mereka mn bisa introspeksi bro wong otak aja gk ada

    4. Namanya jg hewan mas...mana bs intropeksi...wakakkaa

    5. parah malon di samakan dengan hewan πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  3. Why malasial men talk like a sissy

  4. lhaa.. para beruk itu lg intropeksi diri sendiri, makanya bingung mo pke drone apa?? makaa makan tembelek lahh solusi pendek merekaπŸ˜²πŸ˜²πŸ˜¨πŸ˜¨πŸ’©πŸ’©

    1. Jahad...mosok maloner dipadakke kutis, nyunggi tembelek πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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  7. Hahaha....koplak bin tolol unknown Sissy di atasku

  8. Lu orang asik ngehina saja
    Apa kagak penat lu orang ngehina negara laen
    Kagak ada gunanya
    Mending mengapresiasi atau pun beri semangat
    Lagian saling menghina juga bikin pala lu orang pusing dan bikin pala lu orang demam
    Memding lu orang belajar yang rajin
    Berdoa yang banyak
    Agar lu orang bisa bikin negara lu bangga dan bisa bikin bapak ibu lu orang bangga dengan prestasimu
    Juga lu orang seharusnya berfikir, nanti siapa yang ngelanjutin perjuang mereka mereka yang sudah berhasil bikin negara lu orang berjaya kalau bukan lu orang sendiri
    Lagian lu orang ngehina juga tak ada maamfaatnya, rugi saja yang lu orang dapat

    1. Hairus baukaki detected 😁😁😊

  9. Elu yg u maksud siapa? Indonesia ato Malaysia?

  10. "OMAEGOT, OMAEGOT...Renstra 3 segera menghadirkan kemampuan network centric warfare. Yang gak bisa dikonek, silahkan ngemut apa saja πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚"


    1. network centric nasional yang kompatibelnya ke Link-16?


    2. Berarti sudah ga pake Kom cot antar kesatuan yg berbeda ?

  11. Unknown, plse grow up bro,,, komen yg bermanfaatlah ingat tak orang tua kau beri nasihat, cakaplah tuk hal2 yg baik atau diam,, kerena kalau kau cakap yg tak guna dan tak sesuai dgn blog ini,, dosa je yg kau trima,,, joom be good boy!

    1. Di demin ajalah
      Mereka kan pemalas
      Nggak kerja saja dapet uang kok

  12. Sebenarnya memang dalam sejara pihak malon dulu yang bikin onar aja. Bahkan bapak Mhttr pun bilang kalau rakyat malon tuh pemalas. Sampe sampe datangkan tenaga kerja aseng buat dipekerjakan. Dapet pajak dari pekerja aseng pula. Nggak kerja aja dapat duit kok, akhirnya nyebar hoax kemari.. Ya memang kerjaannya diatas kasur dan bikin hoax di sini

    1. Betul hairus akhirnya lu sadar siapa itu beruk malon.. 😁😁😁



  14. Garbage malonsial low IQ only 3rd world country alway jealous.. 
    No wonder malon no skill to built compleks military tehnology and equipment 😁😁😁😁
