31 Desember 2023

Hunter Valley on Track to Become Regional F-35 Aircraft Sustainment Hub

31 Desember 2023

RAAF F-35A fighter (photo : ADF)

The Hunter Valley’s future as the Indo-Pacific hub for sustainment of F-35 Lightning II aircraft has been secured after the Australian Government doubled its initial investment with BAE Systems Australia.

The Government last month signed stage two of a facility services deed with BAE Systems Australia worth $110 million, which is in addition to its initial first stage commitment of $100 million announced last year.

The funding boost will enable BAE Systems Australia to build seven more maintenance bays to increase overall capacity to 13 bays to help service the growing F-35 fleet in the Indo-Pacific.

This means Newcastle Airport will be equipped to service Australia’s F-35A Lightning II fleet and could potentially be used by other nations to sustain and service a global F-35 fleet that’s expected to reach more than 3,000 aircraft.

This latest announcement comes after the Government signed the first facility services deed with BAE Systems Australia in November 2022 to build four new F-35 maintenance bays at BAE Systems Australia’s South Hangar, Newcastle Airport.

Sixty-three of Australia’s 72 F-35A Lightning II aircraft have been accepted to date. All 72 of Australia’s F-35A aircraft, based in RAAF Base Williamtown and RAAF Base Tindal, will be sustained and upgraded at the Hunter facility.

Jepang Merilis Gambar Kapal Induk Izumo-class Yang Telah Direnovasi

31 Desember 2023

JDS Kaga (DDH-184), kapal kedua Izumo-class setelah dilakukan renovasi (photo : JMSDF)

Pasukan Bela Diri Maritim Jepang (JMSDF) telah merilis gambar pasca-renovasi kapal induk helikopter kelas Izumo JS Kaga, yang telah dimodifikasi untuk pengoperasian pesawat F-35B.

JMSDF merencanakan memiliki 2 kapal induk Izumo class dan saat ini telah terpenuhi (JMSDF)

Gambar-gambar ini dirilis oleh Escort Flotilla 4 melalui halaman media sosial resminya antara tanggal 25 dan 27 Desember dan diambil selama uji coba laut pasca reparasi kapal tersebut, tambahnya.

Kapal induk Izumo class sanggup membawa pesawat STOVL F-35B (maksimal 28 unit per kapal), dimana saat ini Jepang telah memesan sebanyak 42 unit F-35B yang akan mulai berdatangan tahun 2024 (photo : JMSDF)

Kaga adalah kapal kedua dari dua kapal induk helikopter kelas Izumo yang dioperasikan oleh JMSDF. JS Izumo kapal pertama dilakukan komisioning pada bulan Maret 2015 sementara Kaga kapal kedua diresmikan pada bulan Maret 2017.

Izumo class adalah kapal induk dengan panjang 248m dan berat benam maksimal (total displacement) 26.000 ton (photo : JMSDF)

Kelas 248 m dirancang sebagai kapal pengangkut helikopter tetapi dibangun dengan pertimbangan berat dan kekuatan untuk pesawat lepas landas pendek dan pendaratan vertikal (STOVL) F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF).

Izumo class diklaim mampu berlayar dengan kecepatan 30 knot (photo : JMSDF)

Pada bulan Maret 2022, JMSDF yang hadir mengonfirmasi kepada Janes bahwa Japan Marine United (JMU) telah memulai pekerjaan reparasi Kaga di galangan kapal Kure milik perusahaan di Kota Kure, Hiroshima.

Carrier strike group JDS Kaga (DDH 184) masih terlihat bentuk trapesium di haluannya (photo : JMSDF) 

Gambar terbaru yang dirilis oleh Escort Flotilla 4 menunjukkan bahwa pekerjaan reparasi sebagian besar terfokus pada bagian haluan dek penerbangannya, yang sekarang menampilkan dua sudut siku-siku yang simetris, bukan bentuk trapesium seperti yang awalnya dirancang.

Uji coba pengoperasian F-35B USMC dari JC Izumo (photo : Stars and Stripes)

Sebagai hasil dari modifikasi ini, Kaga tampaknya mendapatkan ruang dek penerbangan tambahan di bagian depan dan panjang keseluruhan antara satu dan dua meter.

Anggaran Jumbo Kemenhan Rp 139 T, Buat Apa Saja?

31 Desember 2023

Anggaran pertahanan 2014-2024 (image : CNBC)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Kementerian Pertahanan yang dipimpin calon presiden (capres) Prabowo Subianto akan mendapat anggaran jumbo sebesar Rp 139,27 triliun pada 2024.

Besarnya anggaran Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan) semakin menegaskan posisi kementerian tersebut sebagai salah satu kementerian/lembaga (K/L) dengan belanja jumbo.

Sejak 2019-2024, Kemhan serta Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan perumahan Rakyat selalu bergantian di daftar K/L penerima anggaran terbesar.

Pengecualian terjadi pada 2020 di mana Kementerian Kesehatan menjadi K/L dengan anggaran terbesar. Kondisi tersebut sejalan dengan besarnya anggaran penanganan Covid-19.

Merujuk data Kementerian Keuangan, anggaran Kemhan sejak Prabowo menjabat sebagai Kemhan melonjak 28% dari Rp 106,68 triliun pada 2018 menjadi Rp 136,87 triliun pada 2020.

Prabowo memang dilantik sebagai menteri pada Oktober 2019. Namun, APBN Kemhan masih mengacu pada pemerintahan sebelumnya sehingga belum mencerminkan ambisi Prabowo. APBN 2020 menjadi APBN pertama yang dirancang sepenuhnya oleh jajaran Prabowo.

Lalu, untuk apa saja anggaran sebesar itu?

Dikutip dari Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Nomor 76 Tahun 2023 tentang Rincian Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara Tahun Anggaran 2024, anggaran Kementerian Pertahanan itu termasuk untuk penganggaran di tiga matra TNI, yakni TNI angkatan darat, laut, dan udara.

Khusus di Kementerian Pertahanan yang besar-besar seperti diperuntukkan untuk program modernisasi alutsista, non alutsista, dan sarpras pertahanan sebesar Rp 22,25 triliun; dan program dukungan manajemen sebesar Rp 2,10 triliun.

Sementara itu, Markas Besar TNI mendapat Rp 10,72 triliun, dengan anggaran untuk program dukungan manajemen menjadi yang terbesar Rp 4,89 triliun, serta program modernisasi alutsista, non alutsista, dan sarpras pertahanan Rp 1,44 triliun.

Markas Besar TNI AD mendapatkan jatah Rp 58,14 triliun, yang terbesar untuk program dukungan manajemen Rp 48,08 triliun, serta program profesionalisme dan kesejahteraan prajurit Rp 6,10 triliun.

Untuk Markas Besar TNI AL mendapatkan porsi Rp 25,96 triliun, dengan kebutuhan terbesar untuk program dukungan manajemen Rp 13,41 triliun, serta program modernisasi alutsista, non alutsista, dan sarpras pertahanan Rp 8,63 triliun.

Sementara itu, Markas Besar TNI AU mendapatkan alokasi sebesar Rp 18,79 triliun. Terbesar adalah untuk program dukungan manajemen sebesar Rp 8,71 triliun, serta program modernisasi alutsista, non alutsista, dan sarpras pertahanan Rp 7,40 triliun.

30 Desember 2023

IAI Will Supply its Advanced MINI-POP Sensors for the Royal Thai Navy's Patrol Vessels

30 Desember 2023

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)'s Sea MiniPOP EO/IR sensor (photo : IAI)

IAI will supply 6 of its advanced Sea Mini-POP sensor payloads to the Royal Thai Navy. These payload upgrades will enhance the capabilities of the Navy's patrol vessels to be able to operate in difficult and challenging conditions.

IAI’s Sea Mini-POP is a multi-sensor electro optical and infrared (EO/IR) payload that includes a thermal camera with continuous optical zoom, a color camera with continuous daytime zoom and a laser rangefinder, as well as advanced image processing, positioning and focusing capabilities.

Coastal Patrol Craft of Coast Guard Squadron (CGS), Royal Thai Fleet (RTF), Royal Thai Navy has fitted with Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)'s Sea MiniPOP EO/IR sensor (photos : Royal Thai Navy)

Boaz Levy, IAI's President and CEO: "The recent transactions by IAI serve as a testament to the company's impactful collaborations on the global stage, underscoring the trust that nations worldwide place in IAI's innovative solutions, positioned at the forefront of technology. We take pride in sustaining the company's economic growth trajectory while steadfastly standing beside the IDF and security forces, dedicated to serving our customers during both times of conflict and routine operations."

IAI is a worldwide leader in advanced naval and marine solutions, and the naval combat suite it offers its customers is one of the most advanced in the world, incorporating air-defense systems, electronic warfare, missiles, radar, sensors and more. Among IAI's customers in the maritime sector are many of the world's armed forces, with the Israeli Navy at the forefront, for which IAI is the main supplier.


Juruterbang PUTD Jalani Latihan Kendali Black Hawk di Turkiye

30 Desember 2023

Pilot PUTD latihan dengan menggunakan simulator Black Hawk di Turkiye (photo : PUTD)

KUALA LUMPUR – Seramai 3 orang juruterbang Pasukan Udara Tentera Darat (PUTD) dan seorang dari syarikat AEROTREE telah melaksanakan Program Latihan Kajian Bawah (Ground School) dan Latihan Simulator Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk di Ankara, Turkiye.

Latihan yang bermula sejak 2 hingga 16 Disember lalu ini telah diadakan di Havelsan Simulator Training Centre, Ankara.

Kumpulan pertama ini terdiri daripada 2 Jurulatih Penerbangan Helikopter (Qualified Helicopter Instructor – QHI), dan 2 Pembantu Juruterbang.

Menurut PUTD, latihan penerbangan simulator ini dilaksanakan sebagai persediaan kepada Juruterbang Tim Nukleus Rejimen 882 PUTD bagi persiapan penerimaan pesawat baru.

“Latihan ini telah dilaksanakan selama 2 minggu melibatkan latihan kajian bawah helikopter dan latihan penerbangan simulator helikopter Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk,

“Latihan kajian bawah meliputi latihan sistem pesawat seperti UH-60A Aircraft System, Emergency Procedure, Performance Planning dan Mission Planning,

“Latihan simulator ini meliputi Startup and Shutdown Procedure, Normal Procedure, Emergency Procedure, Instrument Flying dan Mission Flying,” jelas PUTD.

September lalu, Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) dijangka menerima 2 daripada 4 buah helikopter jenis Black Hawk pada penghujung tahun ini.

Panglima Angkatan Tentera, Jeneral Tan Sri Mohammad Ab Rahman sebelum ini pernah menyatakan, pesawat buatan Amerika Syarikat berkenaan akan digunakan oleh PUTD dan pihaknya akan menghantar juruterbang ke Turkiye untuk menjalani latihan simulator Black Hawk sebelum helikopter itu dibawa ke Malaysia. 

Bakamla Akan Lengkapi Semua Kapal dengan Meriam

30 Desember 2023

Kapal-kapal operasional Bakamla (photo : Bakamla)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Badan Keamanan Laut (Bakamla) RI akan melengkapi seluruh kapal operasionalnya dengan senjata atau meriam. 

Hal itu disampaikan Kepala Bakamla Laksamana Madya Irvansyah usai upacara peringatan hari ulang tahun ke-18 Bakamla di Markas Besar Bakamla, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Jumat (29/12/2023). 

“Mungkin untuk ke depannya juga seluruh kapal, kami akan beri senjata,” kata Irvansyah kepada awak media. 

Selain itu, Irvansyah juga ingin kapal-kapal Bakamla mempunyai laboratorium untuk mendeteksi dan melakukan uji tentang narkoba atau mineral dan batu bara. 

“Jadi tidak perlu membawa kapal yang kita periksa ke darat dulu, makan waktu, bahan bakar, dan segala macam,” tutur mantan Panglima Komando Gabungan Wilayah Pertahanan (Pangkogabwilhan) I itu.

Terbaru, empat kapal Bakamla melakukan uji tembak meriam SMASH 30 MM buatan Aselsan, Turkiye di Pulau Petong, Batam, pada Minggu (24/12/2023).

Keempat kapal, yakni KN Bintang Laut-401, KN Ular Laut-405, KN Singa Laut-402, dan KN Belut Laut-406 melakukan uji fungsi tembak sasaran dengan jarak 400 meter hingga 1.500 meter.

“Tiga kapal berhasil, yang satu masih perlu penyempurnaan. Untuk satu kapal alat elektroniknya yang kurang berfungsi. Mungkin awal tahun nanti kami laksanakan uji coba kembali. Baru untuk empat kapal,” kata Irvansyah. 

Irvansyah berharap, adanya meriam bisa menambah kemampuan Bakamla untuk patroli keamanan di laut. 

“Karena selama ini kami tidak memiliki meriam. Jadi bagaimana? Satpam saja bawa pentung. Bakamla yang di tengah laut tidak ada pentungnya, enggak ada senjatanya. Didadad-dadah saja itu pelanggaran,” kata Irvansyah. (Kompas)

Meriam Smash 30mm buatan Aselsan, Turki (photo : Bakamla)

Bakamla Baru Punya 10 Kapal Patroli, Idealnya 90

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Kepala Badan Keamanan Laut (Bakamla) RI Laksamana Madya Irvansyah mengakui bahwa Bakamla masih kekurangan kapal patroli. I

dealnya, kata Irvansyah, Bakamla memiliki 30 kapal per zona. Sementara Bakamla membagi perairan Indonesia menjadi tiga zona. 

“Minimal masing-masing zona itu 30 kapal (total 90 kapal),” kata Irvansyah usai upacara peringatan hari ulang tahun ke-18 Bakamla di Markas Besar Bakamla, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Jumat (29/12/2023). 

Mantan Panglima Komando Lintas Laut Militer (Pangkolinlamil) itu menambahkan, jumlah tersebut ideal apabila untuk sekali berlayar.

“Padahal dalam operasi kita harus mempunyai (prosedur) operasional, jadi ada 30 persen yang operasi, 30 persen yang maintenance, 30 persen yang latihan dan sebagainya. Jadi dikali tiga,” kata Irvansyah. 

Kekurangan kapal patroli, lanjut Irvansyah, bisa ditutupi dengan patroli bersama instansi lain, seperti TNI AL. 

“Alhamdulillah bisa terlaksana dengan baik, berkoordinasi dengan baik, dan kita punya saling pengertian,” ujar Irvansyah.

“Karena memang urusan keamanan laut itu harus bekerja bersama-sama, kita harus menghilangkan sekat-sekat ego sektoral,” tutur dia. 

Sejauh ini, kata Irvansyah, Bakamla baru memiliki 10 kapal patroli atau kapal negara (KN). “(Sebanyak) 10 kapal dibagi di 3 zona,” kata Irvansyah. (Kompas)

29 Desember 2023

Prajurit Batalyon Howitzer 3 Marinir Laksanakan Pelajaran PMDB Meriam 105 mm

29 Desember 2023

Prajurit Batalyon Howitzer 3 Marinir berlatih dengan howitzer LG I MK II (photos : PasMar3)

TNI AL, Dispen Kormar Sorong. Dalam rangka meningkatkan profesionalisme dan naluri tempur, prajurit Batalyon Howitzer 3 Marinir (Yon How 3 Mar) melaksanakan pelajaran Pelayanan Meriam Dinas Baterai (PMDB) Meriam Howitzer 105 mm di lapangan Baterai Howitzer 3 Marinir, Kesatrian Marinir Katapop Abraham Octavianus Atururi, Distrik Salawati, Kab. Sorong, Papua Barat Daya. Kamis (20/12/2023).

Kegiatan materi PMDB ini melibatkan 2 pucuk meriam Howitzer 105 mm LG I MK II berikut personil pengawaknya dan unsur - unsur seksi pendukung dalam pelaksanaan penembakan seperti P2, PD dan Kurmed. Latihan ini dilaksanakan untuk mengasah dan meningkatkan profesionalisme Prajurit Batalyon Howitzer 3 Marinir dalam mengawaki meriam Howitzer 105 mm, sehingga diharapkan melalui latihan ini para prajurit Batalyon Howitzer 3 Marinir dapat lebih profesional karena memahami karakter kesenjataan tempur yang diawaki.

Komandan Batalyon Howitzer 3 Marinir Letkol Marinir Catur Meidy Ridwanto, M.Sc., menekankan kepada prajuritnya agar melaksanakan latihan dengan sungguh-sungguh agar dapat mengerti dan memahami tugas masing-masing dalam mengawaki meriam maupun tugas sebagai pendukung penembakan, sehingga dapat melaksanakan perintah Komandan Korps Marinir untuk senantiasa meningkatkan kemampuan bertempur dan selalu siap kapanpun dan dimanapun apabila negara memanggil.

Lawatan Kerja Panglima Angkatan Tentera ke Bahagian Operasi Pasukan Khas Pertahanan (BOPKP)

29 Desember 2023

Kendaraan serbu 4x4 BOPKP TUDM (photos : TUDM)

SUNGAI BESI – Panglima Angkatan Tentera, Jeneral Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Mohammad bin Ab Rahman telah melaksanakan lawatan kerja rasmi beliau ke Bahagian Operasi Pasukan Khas Pertahanan (BOPKP) di Sungai Besi, hari ini.

Ketibaan beliau telah disambut oleh Asisten Ketua Staf Operasi dan Latihan Pertahanan, Mejar Jeneral Dato’ Noorrul Azril bin Ariffin dan Ketua Pengarah BOPKP, Kolonel Mohd Zairul Hisham bin Muhammad Ibrahim TUDM.

Sebelum memulakan program lawatan, Panglima Angkatan Tentera telah diberi taklimat berkaitan perkembangan terkini pasukan terutamanya daripada sudut kesiapsiagaan dan dalam masa yang sama meneliti penambahbaikan yang diperlukan dalam usaha meningkatkan keupayaan selari dengan ancaman semasa.

Usai taklimat, beliau telah dibawa ke Lapang Sasar Praktikal BOPKP bagi sesi Demonstrasi Kesiagaan BOPKP dan Speed Shooting serta Tactical Fitness Agility Shooting. Lawatan telah diakhiri dengan majlis makan tengah hari bersama warga BOPKP dan sesi menandatangani buku lawatan serta sesi penyampaian momento kenangan.


XTC-01 was Introduced to the Vietnamese PM

29 Desember 2023

PM Pham Minh Chinh and XCB-01 IFV (photo : Vietnam Defense)

General Phan Van Giang directly introduced the XCB-01 infantry fighting vehicle to Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, within the framework of the 12th Army's exercise on December, 23, 2023. 

XCB-01/Xe Chen dau Bo binh-01 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (photo : QuanSu)

XCB-01, an indigenous infantry fighting vehicle of Vietnam People Army inspired by BMP-1, running a few laps. It's highly likely that Army picked BMP-1 for the base of XCB-01 because of its presence in all of the mechanized units.

28 Desember 2023

TNI AU Pensiunkan Helikopter SA-330 Puma

28 Desember 2023

Helikopter SA-330 Puma TNI AU (photo : Luqman Alif)

Pemberhentian Operasional Helikopter SA-330 Puma Andalan Kita: Setelah 45 Tahun Pengabdian Akhirnya Dimuseumkan

Setelah 45 Tahun mengabdi, Helikopter SA-330 Puma Skadron Udara 8 akan menjalani masa istirahat dan akan bersemayam di Monumen/Museum Pusat TNI Angkatan Udara “Dirgantara Mandala” Yogyakarta dalam kondisi laik terbang sampai akhir habis jam terbangnya. Hal ini menjadi bukti kemampuan TNI AU merawat alutsista hingga akhir batas waktu pengabdian kepada Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI).

45 Tahun tidak terasa lama bagi Heli Puma yang telah menjalankan ribuan misi operasi, baik Operasi Militer Perang (OMP) maupun Operasi Militer Selain Perang (OMSP).

Prestasi Helikopter SA-330 Puma dalam setiap penugasan pun gemilang. TNI AU sangat kehilangan dengan pemberhentian operasional pesawat ini, namun demikian hal tersebut harus dilakukan karena terkait dengan modernisasi Alutsista dan biaya perawatan yang tidak efisien jika diperpanjang waktu pemakaiannya.

Helikopter SA-330 Puma TNI AU (photo : TNI AU)

Untuk itu TNI AU telah menyiapkan armada Helikopter H-225M Caracal buatan Prancis yang akan menggantikan performa Helikopter SA-330 Puma. Helikopter Caracal merupakan helikopter angkut sedang serbaguna buatan Airbus Helicopters Prancis. Helikopter tersebut memiliki panjang 19,5 meter dan mampu memuat 2.200 kilogram beban barang atau 28 pasukan bersenjata lengkap.

Helikopter canggih yang dapat diawaki hingga 6 orang tersebut memiliki kecepatan naik 1.670 kaki/menit dengan kecepatan maksimum 175 knots atau setara 324 km/jam dan kecepatan jelajah 152 knots atau 281,5 km/jam.

Helikopter Caracal mampu terbang dengan ketinggian 25.000 kaki dengan jarak jelajah maksimum 526 nautical mile. 

Helikopter H225M juga dikenal dengan EC-725 Caracal. Seperti dilansir dari situs resmi Airbus, H225M memiliki dua fungsi yakni militer dan misi pelayanan publik. Dalam kepentingan militer, H225M dapat digunakan untuk operasi khusus pencarian dan penyelamatan, transportasi taktis, serta evakuasi korban. Adapun untuk pelayanan publik, helikopter jenis ini dapat digunakan sebagai pemadam kebakaran, penjagaan pantai, hingga perlindungan zona ekonomi eksklusif.

Rencananya, Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (Kasau) Marsekal TNI Fadjar Prasetyo, S.E., M.P.P., CSFA., akan memimpin kegiatan pemberhentian operasional Pesawat SA-330 Puma di Skadron Udara 8 Lanud Atang Sendjaja Bogor pada Jumat, 29 Desember 2023 esok.

Submarine Construction Yard Works Caps off a Momentous Year for AUKUS

28 Desember 2023

An artist's concept of the expanded Osborne construction yard for the nuclear-powered SSN-AUKUS submarines. The inset shows the site, wrapping around the Mutton Cove Conservation Reserve, on Port Adelaide's LeFevre Peninsula (photo : AdelaideAZ)

The Albanese Government has taken the next significant step towards building nuclear-powered submarines in Australia, marking the commencement of preliminary enabling work at the Submarine Construction Yard at Osborne, South Australia.

Australian Naval Infrastructure Pty Ltd (ANI) this week signed a contract with Shamrock Civil to commence construction of a staging and laydown area to support the future construction workforce for the Submarine Construction Yard.

Other preliminary work set to commence in 2024 includes the construction of a pedestrian bridge and road, which will support the movement of thousands of workers during the construction of the yard and build of Australia’s SSN-AUKUS submarines.

The works were assessed through an Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 standard referral process,which included a period of public consultation.

At the peak, up to 4,000 workers will be employed to design and build the infrastructure for the Submarine Construction Yard in Osborne.

A further 4,000-5,500 direct jobs are expected to be created to build the nuclear-powered submarines in South Australia, when the program reaches its peak. This is almost double the jobs forecast for the Attack class program.

This announcement caps off a momentous nine months for the AUKUS pathway:

-In March, we announced the pathway through which Australia would acquire a conventionally armed, nuclear-powered submarine capability.
-The Australian Submarine Agency was launched, which will be responsible for the management and oversight of the nuclear-powered submarine program.
-Australian submariners and industry workers have commenced training and placements in both the United States and United Kingdom.
-United States nuclear-powered submarines have visited HMAS Stirling in Western Australia, building our capacity in the lead up to Submarine Rotational Force-West (SRF-West) from 2027.
-The Australian and South Australian Governments reached agreement on a land exchange for the new Submarine Construction Yard at Osborne and the future site of the Skills and Training Academy.
-The South Australian Defence Industry Workforce and Skills Report and Action Plan was handed down, delivering a detailed strategy to grow and sustain the state’s defence industry workforce for the future.
-More than 4,000 Commonwealth supported places in STEM courses were allocated across 16 Australian universities, to help grow the AUKUS workforce.
-Five pieces of legislation in support of the AUKUS pathway have been introduced to Parliament, including; the Defence Trade Controls Amendment Bill 2023, the Australian Nuclear Power Safety Bill 2023 and the Safeguarding Australia’s Military Secrets Bill.
-The United States Congress passed the 2024 National Defense Authorisation Act which, among other significant enabling provisions, authorises the transfer of Virginia class submarines to Australia, for the first time in US history.

Australia’s acquisition of nuclear-powered submarines is the most significant industrial undertaking in our nation’s history. The important work that has happened over the past year will continue to progress at pace into the future.

Myanmar Navy Holds Commissioning Ceremony for 5 New Patrol Boat Built in the Country

28 Desember 2023

The commissioning ceremony of new warships include two 33 meters coastal combatant ships, two 27 meters Super Dvora patrol boat and one river patrol boat ; one large patrol combatant ships and two coastal combatant ships also handed over to Myanmar Coast Guard (all photos : Tatmadaw)

76th anniversary ceremony of the establishment of the Myanmar Navy at Pier No. 3, Yangon Naval Base on December 24, 2023, a commissioning ceremony was held for 5 newly built patrol boats of various types in the country. It consists of two coastal patrol boats UMS (427) and UMS (428), two Super Dvora Mk3 patrol boats, boat numbers 277 and 278, and one new river patrol boat built by Thanlyin Naval Dockyard, Myanmar.

Super Dvora, a fast patrol boat, which Burma has received a domestic production patent from Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), and coastal patrol boats No. 427 and 428, as well as new river patrol boats. It is equipped with a Remote Controlled Weapon Station (RCWS) turret with 25, 14.5mm and 12.7mm machine guns, designed and manufactured by the Department of Defense Industry (DI), Burma (likely based on the Typhoon RCWS Israel turret).

At the same ceremony marking the 76th anniversary of the Burmese Navy. The Myanmar Coast Guard has also received one large gun patrol boat, boat number P211, and coast patrol boats, boat numbers P414 and P415, which were formerly stationed in the Burmese Navy, which invited Vice Senior General Soe Win, Deputy Chairman of the State Administration Council (SAC), Deputy Commander of the Burmese Armed Forces (Myanmar Armed Forces, Tatmadaw) and Commander of the Burmese Army (Myanmar Army). Co-chairing the ceremony as well as Admiral Moe Aung, Commander-in-Chief of the Burmese Navy. A group of senior military officers and their wives Including guests from various sectors participated in the ceremony. Visit the newly commissioned patrol boat Receive souvenirs and take group photos together Senior Deputy General Soe Win said during the ceremony that the Burmese Navy has stepped into a Three-Dimensional Combat Ready Navy that will fully protect Burma's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Including plans to build large patrol boats and logistics ships.

Senior Deputy General Soe Win also emphasized the importance of the Burmese Navy's mission to provide logistics to Burma Army soldiers and Burmese government agencies in Rakhine state. More than 49 Burmese Navy ships have so far transported more than 9,000 tonnes of equipment and supplies in support of the counter-insurgency and anti-junta rebellion since last month's coup against the elected civilian government, February 2021.

The Arakan Army (AA) operates in Rakhine State, in western Burma. It is part of a coalition of ethnic armed forces that launched a major counteroffensive by various ethnic armed groups from October 27, 2023, known as Operation 1027. The Arakan Army has captured many of the Burmese Army's bases and key urban areas. The land area has the Arakan Yoma mountain range separating it from the inner Burmese region. Supplying power to the main cities of Rakhine State must therefore pass through the sea route adjacent to the Bay of Bengal in the Andaman Sea.


The 12th Army Corps Demonstrated Good Training Spirit and High Combat Readiness in Exercises

28 Desember 2023

The 12th Army Corps of Vietnam People's Army during exercise (all photos : QDND)

Affirming the strength of the new main force

At 9 a.m. on December 23, Major General Truong Manh Dung, Commander of the 12th Army Corps, issued an order: "The live fire exercise begins." This morning, the 12th Army Corps (The 12th Army Corps is a mobile main force corps, directly under the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam. This is the first reorganized corps-level unit of the Vietnam People's Army on the basis of merging Army Corps 1 and Army Corps 2, established on November 21, 2023 in Ninh Binh) began the exercise. Although newly established, after a short period of preparation work, with the attention, direction and guidance of the Steering Committee and functional agencies of the Ministry of National Defense; along with the proactive spirit in leadership and direction of party committees and commanders of agencies and units; The close coordination of the forces, the sense of responsibility, and the spirit of trying to overcome all difficulties of the officers and soldiers of the units, the tactical exercises with the live fire of the 12th Army Corps have took place according to plan.

Secret forces maneuvered into battle positions; Each commando unit in all directions penetrated deep, approached the target, coordinated on time, attacked from the inside, and attacked the enemy command post from the outside. Air force, missiles, artillery, tanks, armored vehicles... maneuvered into position and practiced bombarding targets. Bombs and bullets were like thunder, tearing apart the entire mountainous area...

The exercise of the 12th Army Corps was directed and supervised by comrade Pham Minh Chinh, Politburo member, and Prime Minister. Politburo members: General Phan Van Giang, Deputy Secretary of the Central Military Commission, Minister of National Defense; General To Lam, Minister of Public Security; General Luong Cuong, Standing Member of the Central Military Commission, Chairman of the General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People's Army (NDPA); Dinh Tien Dung, Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee, attended and directed the exercise.

Watching the exercise were leaders of the Ministry of National Defense, leaders of a number of central and local departments, ministries, and branches; comrades, heads of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army and the General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People's Army; agencies and units under the Ministry of National Defense.

The first match won
79 years ago, on December 22, 1944, the Vietnam Propaganda Unit of Liberation Army (the predecessor of today's Vietnam People's Army) was established, after only a few days of its birth, with rudimentary weapons but cadres, Soldiers of the Vietnam Liberation Army Propaganda Team defeated the two posts of Phai Khat and Na Ngan of the French colonialists, opening the heroic history of the Vietnam People's Army. Continuing the glorious tradition of our Army, although the 12th Army Corps has only received the decision to establish for 3 weeks and immediately started performing drill tasks with high requirements, the Army Corps has already "won the first battle". , left a deep impression on the leaders of the Party, State, and Army.

The highlight of this exercise was that the participating forces maximized their assigned firepower, flexibly applied tactics and courageous actions, handled situations flexibly, and demonstrated bravery. steel, steel spirit of officers and soldiers. Receiving the sortie order, Major Bui Van Lap, Political Commissar, Pilot of Squadron 1, Regiment 927, Division 371 (Air Defense-Air Force) led a squadron of Su-30 MK2 fighter aircraft. Dive, cut the bomb, hit the target, and then soared into the air. After the YAK-130 squadrons and Mi-17 armed helicopters with intense firepower supported the attacking forces, the Commander of the 12th Army Corps counted down: "Five, four, three, two, one . Shoot".

From afar, the formations of missiles, artillery, and anti-aircraft guns piled up, making it impossible for the enemy to react in time. The firepower changed lanes, the tank force went downhill, crossed deep trenches, and bravely occupied the battlefield to suppress the enemy's firepower; Soldiers equipped with communication devices, chemical masks, integrated armor, bulletproof helmets, using STV-380 rifles, AK guns... rushed down from armored vehicles to attack and capture the target. . Promoting the synergistic fighting power of troops and soldiers, simultaneously volunteering to cross open gates, quickly hitting targets, and mastering the battlefield.

The battle took place close to reality with effectively handled situations, smooth combat coordination between the air force and ground forces, between infantry and firepower, infantry, and tanks when attacking in all directions. , noses; Command work, close coordination, closeness, decisiveness, creativity in fighting, and continuous combat action. After each attack by the forces, a series of applause from the visiting delegates rang out. Many times we observed Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh smiling brightly, turning to General Phan Van Giang and General Luong Cuong to express his satisfaction.

After watching the forces practice drills in the field and encouraging officers and soldiers on the field, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh acknowledged, appreciated, and praised the officers and soldiers of the 12th Army Corps and other soldiers. The participating forces successfully completed the exercise task, ensuring the absolute safety of people and weapons. 

According to Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, this exercise's special feature is the coordinated combat of many main forces from many directions, many areas, and the use of many types of weapons and equipment/vũ khí, trang bị(VKTB); including many VKTB improved, researched, manufactured and produced by Vietnam. This is also a testament to the maturity and comprehensive growth in all aspects of the heroic Vietnam People's Army.

Based on the analysis of the current world, regional, and domestic situation, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh requested the 12th Army Corps and units to continue to thoroughly grasp and implement resolutions, strategies, and directions. of the Party, State, Central Military Commission, and Ministry of National Defense on military and defense tasks. Improve the quality of training, combat readiness, and close to combat objects, consistent with existing VKTB; Identify training as a central, regular task in peacetime, so continue to strengthen research and application of science and technology and modern technical means; Improve the ability to coordinate military and military operations in conditions of high-tech warfare; At the same time, master technical VKTB, especially new VKTB.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh reminded all levels to regularly take care of building clean, strong, and representative party organizations in terms of politics, ideology, ethics, organization, and cadres. Focus on building close relationships with the people, party committees, and local authorities; Participate in building an all-people national defense and building a strong and comprehensive local political base. Do a good job of political and ideological education, raise awareness of responsibility, will, and determination to fight and win for officers and soldiers, absolutely loyal to the Party, Fatherland, and people; Ready to accept and complete assigned tasks well.

Improve training quality in new conditions
The 12th Army's live-fire exercises were relatively large in scale, with many forces participating and using many types of weapons, including new, modern weapons researched and manufactured by Vietnam. , a production that previous rehearsals did not have. In particular, this is an exercise with coordinated combat between many forces: Air Force, artillery, air defense, tanks, armored vehicles, engineers, chemistry, communications, and operations. electronics, special forces... require high precision, both ensuring the safety of the forces participating in the exercise and in accordance with tactical intentions.

Through the exercise to report the results of research, manufacturing, production, and improvement of VKTB of the defense industry to equip units; leadership and direction to improve the quality of training, combat readiness, and mastery of technical weapons, especially new weapons; At the same time, improve the capacity and level of command organization and coordination of the forces participating in the exercise to meet the requirements of assigned tasks.

Talking with Major General Truong Manh Dung, we learned: to prepare for this important "battle", with the close direction of the leaders of the Ministry of National Defense and the help of competent agencies of the Ministry of National Defense Department and Army Corps proactively conduct field research, develop drill plans, and report live ammunition through the Exercise Steering Committee of the Ministry of National Defense; Deploy and guide units to develop a system of documents directing live fire in accordance with the plan and adjust training plans, develop additional training plans, focusing on training and fostering principles. tactical principles, actions, and command styles for staff at all levels; combat action; The ability to exploit and proficiently use all types of weapons, especially newly commissioned weapons.

“We will promote the results of the exercise, constantly improve the quality of training and combat readiness, build a comprehensive and strong "exemplary and typical" Corps, and successfully complete all assigned tasks. , worthy of being the main, strategic mobile Corps of the Vietnam People's Army, organized in the direction of "lean, compact, strong, moving towards modernity", said Major General Truong Manh Dung.

According to Lieutenant General Thai Van Minh, Director of the Department of Military Training, and General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army, through exercises of the 12th Army Corps and a number of other units, in the coming time, the Department of Military Training will continue to advise superiors, Direct and guide units throughout the army to well implement the training motto "basic, practical, solid", attaching importance to synchronous, intensive training, close to actual combat. Focus on training to master technical weapons, especially new weapons. Organize night training, movement training, camouflage training, decoy training, diversion training, improving mobility and combat ability in conditions where the enemy uses high-tech weapons. Apply information technology to gradually organize training and exercises using simulation methods, and automate real-time command and cyber warfare. Strengthen the organization of drills at all levels and types of units, in many combat areas with many plans and tactical forms in difficult and complex conditions, where the enemy uses high-tech weapons and in Short preparation time.

27 Desember 2023

Perencanaan Pertahanan & Usulan Pembatalan Belanja Alutsista

27 Desember 2023

Perubahan PLN setelah rapat kabinet terbatas di Istana Bogor pada 28 November 2023 (image : Sobat Militer)

Keputusan Presiden Joko Widodo dalam rapat kabinet terbatas di Istana Bogor pada 28 November 2023 mengenai anggaran pertahanan kini telah memiliki dampak langsung dalam pengadaan sistem senjata yang dibiayai oleh skema Pinjaman Luar Negeri (PLN).

Meskipun program pembangunan kekuatan masih secara resmi dinamakan Minimum Essential Force (MEF), namun dalam praktiknya pengadaan peralatan pertahanan lebih condong kepada akuisisi secara besar-besaran.

Salah satu parameternya adalah perubahan Daftar Rencana Pinjaman Luar Negeri Jangka Menengah (DRPLN-JM) 2020-2024 sebanyak empat kali sejak 2020. Perubahan terakhir pada Mei 2023 menjadikan alokasi PLN menjadi US$ 34,4 miliar dari sebelumnya US$ 25,7 miliar.

Rapat di Istana Bogor menghasilkan keputusan presiden untuk memveto alokasi US$ 34,4 miliar dan kembali ke perubahan ketiga Blue Book, yakni US$ 25,7 miliar. Walaupun demikian, rapat tersebut memutuskan bahwa acuan belanja pertahanan lewat skema PLN adalah US$ 25,004 miliar yang merupakan nilai keseluruhan Penetapan Sumber Pembiayaan (PSP) yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Menteri Keuangan sejak April 2021 sampai April 2023.

Menindaklanjuti keputusan rapat itu, pada awal Desember 2023, Kementerian Pertahanan telah mengajukan permohonan pembatalan belasan PSP sekaligus mengusulkan PSP baru yang alokasinya berasal dari sejumlah PSP yang dibatalkan.

Diusulkan dua program sangat prioritas untuk menerima PSP, yaitu akuisisi kapal fregat sejenis FREMM dan kapal Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) dengan nilai total adalah US$ 1,5 miliar yang diharapkan didapatkan dari pembatalan 16 kegiatan pengadaan dengan nilai keseluruhan melebihi US$ 1,5 miliar. Apa dampak langsung dari usulan pembatalan PSP dengan nilai total melebihi US$ 1,5 miliar bagi pembelian peralatan perang hingga 2024?

Kapal OPV yang dapat secara cepat dapat difungsikan sebagai fregat (photo : Marina Militare)

TNI Angkatan Laut mengalami pembatalan 14 kegiatan belanja yang telah mendapatkan PSP demi mendapatkan kapal perang buatan Italia. Di antara program akuisisi yang diusulkan pembatalan PSP oleh Kementerian Pertahanan adalah pengadaan kapal MRTP asal Turki, selain rencana modernisasi sejumlah peralatan tempur Korps Marinir. Sedangkan TNI Angkatan Udara dan Mabes TNI masing-masing mempunyai satu kegiatan pengadaan yang diusulkan untuk dibatalkan.

Kementerian Pertahanan pada Januari 2023 sudah menerima PSP sebesar US$ 800 juta untuk pembelian pesawat Airborne Early Warning (AEW). Selanjutnya dalam Daftar Kegiatan Khusus (DKK) Tahun 2023 untuk Kementerian Pertahanan yang diterbitkan oleh Kementerian Perencanaan Nasional/Bappenas, diusulkan tambahan alokasi PLN sebesar US$800 bagi program pesawat AEW.

Demi program akuisisi kapal perang buatan Fincantieri, PSP program pesawat AEW diusulkan agar dibatalkan. Sebagai akibatnya, TNI Angkatan Udara kembali harus menahan impian mengoperasikan pesawat peringatan dini di saat terdapat kecenderungan Indonesia akan mengakuisisi pesawat AEW yang mengadopsi platform Boeing B737NG.

Kehadiran pesawat AEW sesungguhnya sangat diperlukan oleh TNI Angkatan Udara guna meningkatkan situational awareness dan tidak semata bergantung pada radar pertahanan udara yang berbasis di daratan. Negara-negara di sekitar Indonesia seperti Singapura dan Australia sejak lama telah menjadi operator pesawat AEW, di mana pesawat peringatan dini tersebut dapat membantu situational awareness pesawat tempur yang sedang beroperasi.

Saat ini armada jet tempur Indonesia hanya mengandalkan pada data dan informasi yang diberikan radarnya sendiri dan radar pertahanan udara yang berbasis di daratan untuk situational awareness, sehingga menjadi salah satu kekurangan Indonesia dibandingkan negara-negara lain di sekitarnya.

PSP pesawat AEW diusulkan untuk dibatalkan (photo : Boeing)

Pagu PLN untuk belanja pertahanan hingga 2024 adalah US$ 25,004 miliar memberikan konsekuensi pula pada rencana akuisisi 42 Rafale buatan Dassault Aviation. Walaupun program pengadaan jet tempur yang ditenagai oleh M88 engine tidak terpengaruh oleh usulan pembatalan PSP, namun dipastikan 42 Rafale akan diserahkan kepada Indonesia mulai 2026 tidak dilengkapi dengan rudal udara ke udara karya MBDA.

Penyebabnya hingga 28 November 2023, Menteri Keuangan belum menerbitkan PSP untuk kegiatan pengadaan rudal udara ke udara bagi Rafale sebesar US$ 230 juta. Sebenarnya Kementerian Perencanaan Nasional/Bappenas sudah menerbitkan DKK untuk program itu, namun Menteri Keuangan belum menyetujui penerbitan PSP hingga rapat kabinet dilaksanakan.

Kegiatan akuisisi lain yang terkena dampak dari pagu PSP adalah pembelian dua A400M dari Airbus. Meskipun kontrak akuisisi pesawat angkut itu sudah efektif sejak akhir 2022, akan tetapi program sarana dan prasarana pendukung dan logistik A400M belum mendapatkan PSP.

Tanpa ada terobosan kebijakan seperti usulan pembatalan PSP lain untuk dialihkan pada kegiatan sarana dan prasarana pendukung dan logistik A400M, boleh jadi pesawat buatan Airbus akan diparkir di apron karena tidak mempunyai hangar yang sesuai dengan dimensi pesawat tersebut.

Serupa dengan program pembelian rudal udara ke udara untuk Rafale, sesungguhnya kegiatan sarana dan prasarana dan logistik A400 telah diusulkan oleh Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Bappenas kepada Menteri Keuangan guna mendapatkan PSP.

Nasib tidak bagus dialami pula oleh program pengadaan F-15EX sebesar US$ 1,6 miliar. Walaupun sudah digagas sejak 2021, program demikian baru tercantum dalam DRPLN-JM 2020-2024 revisi keempat. Menyusul keputusan rapat kabinet terbatas, belum ada usulan penerbitan PSP untuk kegiatan akuisisi F-15EX.

F-15EX masih belum jelas perolehan PSP nya (photo : USAF)

Apakah Kementerian Pertahanan akan dapat mewujudkan pembelian F-15EX di era MEF masih menjadi pertanyaan besar, di mana pilihan yang tersedia adalah membatalkan PSP program-program lain? Lalu, bagaimana proses perencanaan dan pengusulan Blue Book dan turunannya, termasuk PSP, oleh Kementerian Pertahanan?

Baru pada perubahan-perubahan terakhir DPRLN-JM 2020-2024 program rudal udara ke udara untuk Rafale, sarana dan prasarana dan logistik A400M dan F-15EX tercantum.

Awalnya program terkait Rafale hanya mencakup pengadaan pesawat saja tanpa senjata, sedangkan program A400M senilai US$700 juta semula dirancang untuk pesawat A330 MRTT. Padahal pesawat terbang, baik pesawat tempur maupun pesawat angkut, merupakan suatu sistem yang harus didukung oleh logistik dan persenjataan.

Mengapa program rudal udara ke udara untuk Rafale dan sarana dan prasarana dan logistik A400M tidak dirancang sejak akhir 2021 dan atau awal 2022? Bukankah kontrak A400MM telah ditandatangani pada akhir 2021 dan awal 2022 untuk Rafale?

Mengapa pengadaan subsistem kedua jenis pesawat, bersama dengan F-15EX, tidak menjadi prioritas Kementerian Pertahanan untuk mendapatkan PSP dari Menteri Keuangan? Memperhatikan secara seksama pola perencanaan pengadaan yang dibiayai oleh PLN, terdapat indikasi kuat bahwa proses perencanaan di Kementerian Pertahanan kurang matang walaupun kualitas sejumlah mesin perang yang akan dibeli tidak diragukan. (Alman Helvas Ali)