30 September 2011

PT DI Persiapkan Produksi dan Pemasaran Pesawat Amfibi

30 September 2011

Pesawat amfibi Seastar yang akan dibuat PT DI dengan lisensi Dornier, Jerman(photo : Airpigz)

PT DI Akan Produksi Pesawat Amfibi

BANDUNG, (PR).-PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) akan memproduksi pesawat amfibi melalui kerja sama under license dengan perusahaan pesawat Jerman Dornier Seawings.

"Saat ini, PT DI sedang mempersiapkan produksi dan customer support untuk mendukung layanan purnajual. Dan, pesawat amfibi tersebut akan mulai dipasarkan tahun 2012," kata Direktur Teknologi dan Pengembangan PT Dirgantara Indonesia, Andi Alisyahbana di Bandung kemarin.

Menurutnya, pesawat amfibi memiliki potensi ekonomis dan cocok dengan kondisi Indonesia yang 62% konsentrasi dan perekonomian masyarakatnya ada di wilayah pesisir laut, danau, dan sungai. Selain itu, 70% wilayah nasional merupakan perairan.

"Jadi, apa pun kendaraan yang bisa memiliki kemampuan water base transportation pasti akan memiliki potensi ekonomi yang sangat besar," ujarnya.

Market penggunaan pesawat amfibi sangat besar. Menurutnya, bupati yang biasanya sulit mencapai pelosok dan membutuhkan waktu hingga 2-3 hari menjangkau daerahnya dengan pesawat itu nantinya mereka hanya membutuhkan waktu kurang dari sejam.

Andi menuturkan pesawat amfibi itu mampu mendarat di darat dan di air sehingga bisa jadi solusi bagi Indonesia yang merupakan negara kepulauan. Menurutnya, bila membuat landasan pesawat dan airport kan membutuhkan biaya sangat mahal dan lahan yang luas.

"Pesawat amfibi tersebut membutuhkan amphibiport untuk tempat menurunkan penumpang dengan luas lahan hanya sebesar pesawat itu sendiri. Rasio perbandingannya dengan pembuatan airport biasa adalah sekitar 1 : 8," tuturnya.

Pesawat amfibi dirancang dengan menggunakan composite material atau sejenis fiberglass khusus (tahan karat dan air laut). Pesawat diperuntukkan empat belas penumpang dan dilengkapi dua mesin dan dapat melewati ombak tinggi (stage 3 operation) dengan jarak take-off dan landing relatif pendek yaitu take- off 770 meter, sedangkan landing memerlukan 385 meter. (A-190)***

Kapal Perang TNI AL Akan Ditambah Lagi

30 September 2011

Perusahaan Prancis ECA Robotics telah menawarkan kapal hidro oseanografi modern yang dapat diperlengkapi dengan UUV dan USV kepada TNI AL (photo : ECA)

Jurnas.com TENTARA Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut (TNI AL) akan melakukan pengadaan alat utama sistem senjata (alutsista) berupa kapal perang dalam rangka menegakkan hukum dan menjaga keamanan wilayah laut Indonesia.

TNI AL telah melakukan penjajakan ke sejumlah negara untuk pengadaan kapal dan persenjataannya tersebut. "Kami sudah lakukan tinjauan ke Eropa untuk melihat langsung (alutsista yang akan dibeli)," kata Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (KSAL) Laksamana TNI Soeparno usai menghadiri Gelar Hiburan Prajurit menyambut HUT TNI ke-66, 5 Oktober di Mabes AL Jakarta, Jumat (30/9).

Beberapa Angkatan Laut dunia membeli kapal tipe tallships untuk training ship pada galangan kapal dari Astilleros Celaya, Bilbao. Spanyol (photo : Astilleros Celaya S.A)

KSAL menuturkan, dirinya telah melakukan perjalanan selama 10 hari ke negara-negara Eropa untuk meninjau langsung lokasi produsen alutsista terkait pengadaan alutsista bagi AL. "Ke Inggris untuk kapal perang jenis fregate, Spanyol kapal layar latih, Perancis kapal oseanografi," katanya.

Kapal oseanografi ini diperuntukkan bagi dinas hidrografi untuk menunjang tugasnya seperti membuat peta wilayah laut Indonesia. Selama ini, dinas hidrografi minim perhatian, padahal memiliki fungsi penting untuk mengetahui batas-batas wilayah laut Indonesia.

Seiring pengurangan anggaran pertahanan, Inggris akan segera melakukan dekomisioning atas 4 fregat Type 22 batch 3 masing-masing HMS Cornwall, HMS Chatham, HMS Campbeltown, dan HMS Cumberland (photo : mer et marine).

Untuk pengadaan mesin kapal, KSAL menambahkan, dirinya telah meninjau produsen alutsista di Jerman, sedangkan persenjataan untuk melengkapi kapal perang AL nantinya, dia telah melakukan peninjauan ke Belanda.

Dia berharap, pengadaan alutsista sebagai alat dukung AL dalam melaksanakan tugasnya ini dapat berjalan lancar dengan waktu tidak terlalu lama.

CAE Upgraded RAAF's C-130J Simulator

30 September 2011

External and internal view of RAAF C-130J simulator (photo : Aus DoD)

RAAF C-130J Hercules full-flight and mission simulator upgraded to provide enhanced tactical training capabilities

Sydney, Australia – (NYSE: CAE; TSX: CAE) – CAE Australia today announced that it has upgraded the Royal Australian Air Force’s (RAAF) C-130J Hercules full-flight and mission simulator (FFMS) to provide additional tactical training capabilities. The upgrade was completed on budget and without taking the simulator out of service.

CAE Australia, prime contractor under the Management and Support of the Australian Defence Force’s (ADF) Aerospace Simulators (MSAAS) contract, upgraded the C-130J simulator with a new radar warning receiver (RWR) simulation, which will be used to provide RAAF C-130J aircrews with early warning and threat detection alerts during training. Instructors will also be able to insert various radar threats into the simulator training sessions to provide RAAF aircrews with realistic tactical mission training scenarios.

“The addition of the RWR simulation to the C-130J simulator is consistent with the Commonwealth’s objective to ensure the Royal Australian Air Force’s training systems are concurrent with the platforms they simulate,” said Peter Redman, acting Managing Director, CAE Australia Pty Ltd. “We completed this simulator upgrade without any downtime to current training, and in advance of the upgrades being completed on the actual aircraft. The RAAF C-130J aircrews will now be well-trained and prepared as the RWR-capable Hercules aircraft re-enter service.”

The addition of the RWR simulation not only ensures the ongoing fidelity of the C-130J simulator, but also enhances the tactical training capabilities of the C-130J aircrew training system. The C-130J FFMS includes CAE’s Interactive Tactical Environment Management System (ITEMS) for creating complex tactical environment scenarios, as well as Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) functionality so the C-130J FFMS can be networked with the C-130H FFMS co-located at RAAF Base Richmond.

CAE Australia performed the upgrade under CAE’s Authorised Engineering Organisation (AEO) Letter of Authority. As a certified AEO, CAE is delegated design approval authority for engineering upgrades on in-service simulators for the Australian Defence Forces.


KSAU Resmikan Penggunaan Simulator Helikopter NAS-332

30 September 2011

Pengembangan simulator ini dilakukan atas kerja sama empat pihak yaitu PT Dirgantara Indonesia (perakitan, desain, instrumen avionik), DSL Inggris (pengerjaan sistem komputer avionik, visual sistem), Belanda ("motion system") dan Amerika Serikat (radar). (photo : Antara)

Jurnas.com KEPALA Staf TNI Angkatan Udara (KSAU), Marsekal TNI Imam Sufaat meresmikan penggunaan Simulator Helikopter NAS-332 Super Puma yang dikelola Fasilitas Latihan (Faslat) Wing 4, Lanud Atang Senjaya, Bogor, Kamis (29/9).

Dalam siaran pers Kadispenau, Marsekal Pertama TNI Azman Yunus, yang diterima Jurnal Nasional, Kamis (29/9), KSAU mengatakan simulator NAS-332 Super Puma adalah full flight simulator jenis rotary wing pertama dimiliki TNI AU dan ditempatkan di Lanud Atang Sendjaja.

Menurutnya, pembuatan Simulator NAS-332 mengacu pada pesawat NAS-332 Super Puma type L1 konfigurasi VIP dari SkadronUdara 17.

Pesawat helicopter ini merupakan buatan PT Dirgantara Indonesia, Bandung yang menggunakan engine Makila 1A1. Selain konfigurasi VIP ada penambahan fasilitas latihan dalam simulator yaitu berupa latihan hoist, sling, fast rope dan para troop yang merupakan kemampuan dari pesawat NAS-332 Super Puma type L1/C1 dengan konfigurasi tactical transport.

“Dengan adanya Simulator kita dapat mengurangi resiko kecelakaan dan efisiensi penggunaan jam terbang serta ekonomis,” kata KSAU.

Simulator NAS-332 mempunyai beberapa fungsi antara lain familirisasi konfigurasi cockpit pesawat NAS-332 Super Puma type L1/C1, familirisasi checklist normal dan emergency procedur mulai dari engine start sampai dengan engine shutdown, memberikan penerbangan dengan misi dan situasi tertentu, memberikan latihan navigasi serta memberikan latihan terbang instrument.

“Kemampuan lain dari simulator NAS-332 Super Puma adalah mampu mensimulasikan adanya kerusakan pada sistem atau komponen utama pada saat latihan penerbangan dilaksanakan,” katanya.

Full Flight simulator NAS-332 Super Puma merupakan peralatan elektronika yang terdiri dari hardware dan software yang bekerja secara integrasi untuk mengelola berbagai program data sehingga mensimulasikan performa pesawat NAS-332 Super Puma secara real time seperti instrument system, avionic system, visual system, motion system, aural cue system menyerupai performa pesawat yang sesungguhnya.

29 September 2011

AWD Simulator Contract for Kongsberg

29 September 2011

Australia’s AWD crews will train on simulators provided by Kongsberg. (photo : taskforce72)

Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (KDA ) has been awarded a Command Team Trainer Simulation Infrastructure contract under which KDA will support Raytheon Australia Pty Ltd (AWD Systems Engineer) in the delivery of this central component of the Air Warfare Destroyer Command Team Trainer (CTT).

The Simulation Infrastructure is based on Kongsberg’s PROTEUS Naval Training Technology and will provide the CTT with exercise control and a common synthetic environment for integration of the Aegis Weapon System and the other Hobart Class sensors and effectors.

The Simulation Infrastructure also provides LINK 11/16 and DIS interfaces for external joint collaborative training.

The contract is an extension of the Australian Tactical Interface (ATI) contract for the Air Warfare Destroyer signed in June 2009 between KDA and Raytheon Australia, on behalf of the AWD Alliance.


Indonesia Akan Bangun Simulator Sukhoi

29 September 2011

Simulator Sukhoi akan memudahkan TNI AU dalam melatih pilot yang akan mengawaki pesawat Su-27/30 (photo : Ashad keypublishing)

Bogor (ANTARA) - Indonesia akan segera membangun simulator pesawat jet tempur Sukhoi untuk menempa keterampilan dan kemampuan para pilot pesawat tempur tersebut secara intensif, efektif dan efisien.

Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara Marsekal TNI Imam Sufaat kepada ANTARA usai peresmian simulator Super Puma NAS 332 di Bogor, Kamis mengatakan, "penjajakannya sudah lama dan akan mulai dimantapkan pada 2012,".

Ia menambahkan, pembangunan simulator itu akan diusahakan melibatkan PT Dirgantara Indonesia dengan beberapa perusahaan mancanegara.

"Perusahaan mancanegara kemungkinan bisa dari Rusia, China atau Kanada. Ini semua kita jajaki," kata Kasau.

Ia menegaskan, dengan adanya simulator tersebut maka keahlian dan kemampuan para pilot pesawat jet tempur Sukhoi TNI Angkatan Udara dapat terus diasah dan ditingkatkan dengan efektif dan efisien.

"Bayangkan jika kita berlatih dengan pesawat yang sesungguhnya. Berapa biaya yang harus dikeluarkan...bisa ratusan juta rupiah. Di Rusia pun pesawat Sukhoi tidak dipakai setiap hari," tutur Kasau.

Ia menambahkan, pembangunan simulator Sukhoi akan ditempatkan di Skuadron Udara 11 Pangkalan Udara Sultan Hassanuddin, Makassar.

"Ini untuk memudahkan para penerbang menjangkau simulator. Tidak seperti para penerbang Hawk yang berada di Pontianak yang harus ke Pekanbaru karena simulatornya di sana. Itu tidak efektif dan efisien. Jadi kita upayakan simulator dibangun tidak jauh dari pangkalan pesawat atau heli dimaksud," ujar Imam.

Indonesia selama ini mengirimkan penerbang Sukhoinya ke Rusia selaku produsen dan pengguna, atau China yang telah memiliki pabrik dan simulator Sukhoi.

Indonesia telah memiliki Sukhoi sejak 2003 dan kini telah memiliki 10 unit pesawat Sukhoi dengan berbagai jenis. Kini Indonesia tengah menjajaki pembelian enam unit lagi pesawat sejenis untuk memperkuat skuadron tempurnya.


Israel's Iron Dome Gains Anti-Aircraft Role

29 September 2011

The Iron Dome (photos : xairforces, csmonitor, noah eshel)

The "Iron Dome" system deployed to protect the Israeli population from short-range rockets is also efficient against aircraft up to an altitude of 32,800ft (10,000m).

A Rafael source said that during the deployment of the first three systems the Israeli air force has learned about the extra capability.

"It will serve as another layer in our anti-aircraft deployment that consists of upgraded Hawk and Patriot missiles," the source said.

In the past few months, Iron Dome batteries have intercepted more than 90% of the BM-21 Grad and Kassam rockets launched from Gaza into Israel.

A mobile defence system aimed at intercepting short-range rockets and artillery shells, Iron Dome avoids causing collateral damage by detonating a target warhead away from the defended area. Its interceptor has an effective range up to 70km (38nm), according to Rafael.

Foreign sources have indicated that Singapore has already purchased the Iron Dome system, with other countries also likely to show interest.


Thailand's Cabinet Approves Fennec Procurement

29 September 2011

Eurocopter AS 550 Fennec (photo : Militaryphotos)

Flustered PM baffles press with incorrect comment

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra apparently forgot which items were on the cabinet agenda yesterday, causing confusion when she confirmed the navy's submarine procurement project had received cabinet approval before retracting her statement hours later.

Emerging from the cabinet meeting at 2pm yesterday, Ms Yingluck appeared confused when asked about the navy's second-hand submarine procurement plan and the army's Black Hawk helicopter procurement plan.

"I don't remember. The cabinet considered 37 items today. The submarine procurement project has already been approved," she said.

Ms Yingluck later assigned the government spokesman team to address the blunder.

Deputy government spokesman Chalitrat Chandru-beksa braved the rain to correct Ms Yingluck's statement.

He told the media that the prime minister misunderstood a reporter's question about the submarines and helicopter projects. The cabinet yesterday approved the army's proposal to buy eight French-made helicopters, not the navy's submarine project, said Mr Chalitrat.

The army's Black Hawk helicopter procurement plan has yet to be considered by the Budget Bureau. The deputy spokesman said the navy's proposal was not on yesterday's cabinet agenda.

A source said government spokeswoman Thitima Chaisaeng immediately called a meeting with members of the spokesman team following Ms Yingluck's confusing remark.

The spokesman team tried to explain to reporters that the prime minister may have been referring to the Marine Department's plan to buy boats for use in the exercise of using their propellers to speed up the flow of water out of flooded areas, the source said.

However, the propeller boats were not on yesterday's meeting agenda.

Mr Chalitrat said the cabinet approved a tied-over-budget for the army's project to procure eight Eurocopter AS 550 helicopters at 1.59 billion baht.

Ms Yingluck had reportedly asked the army to review the 2.8-billion-baht Black Haw procurement plan. She wanted the army to study details and technical issues of the US helicopters.

28 September 2011

Upgraded BTR-82-A Armored Personnel Carrier Hits Targets at Speed

28 September 2011

BTR-82A Armored Personnel Carrier (photo : Army News)

Experts from the Arzamas Engineering Plant have unveiled their brand-new Tigr-6A armored truck and BTR-82-A armored personnel carrier.

Gaz 2330 Tigr-6A (photo : Oplatsen)

The developers say the revamped Tigr-6A armored vehicle is the largest Russian-made off-road vehicle to date. Although the Tigr-6A was designed in 2010, the Russian Army has yet to adopt it. This vehicle features double-layer special-steel armor and additional Kevlar-type protection against fragmentation munitions.

See Also :


The BTR-82 and BTR-82A are an upgraded version of the BTR-80 and BTR-80A wheeled armored vehicles. The BTR-82 wheeled armored vehicle features energy absorbing structures, a more powerful diesel engine developing 300-hp of power, crew and passengers special suspension seats, a sophisticated fire suppression system, reinforced floor protection against mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs), higher rate of firepower, improved ballistic protection, command, increased survivability by 20 percent, reliability and mobility. All in, the new wheeled armored vehicles results heavier than its predecessors. In December 2008, Russia's Military Industrial Company (MIC) was already testing the prototypes which were unveiled in December 2009. In April 2010 MIC was marketing the BTR-82 and BTR-82A as a modernization program for existing BTR-80 operators.

The BTR-82 firepower has been enhanced installing an unified fighting module with electric drive and two stabilized arms with the main gun either a 14.5mm (BTR-82) or a 2A72 30mm (BTR-82A) cannon and the 7.62mm coaxial machine gun. The primary gun ammo feed system has been modified replacing the 10 50-round boxes by a single 500-round box eliminating the need of switching the ammunition box once the rounds have been fired. The gunner gets a new stabilized fire control system TKN-4. In addition to the new engine, the BTR-82 is also fitted with a new transmission components and suspension allowing an increased average speed in rough terrain. The vehicle command system is equipped with advanced communications, topographic maps and a surveillance camera (TKN-AI) for the vehicle's commander. Besides, the BTR-82 can be equipped with turrets and other equipment from third party vendors following the customers requirements.

Elang Malindo 2011 : Indonesia-Malaysia Gagalkan Serangan Teroris

28 September 2011

Latihan pembebasan sandera dalam Elang Malindo 2011 di apron bandara Supadio Pontianak (all photos : Antara)

Sungai Raya, Kalbar, TNI Angkatan Udara dan Tentara Udara Diraja Malaysia menggagalkan serangan teroris yang melakukan pembajakan pesawat F-27 Fokker di Bandara Supadio Pontianak.

"Beberapa teroris yang menyamar sebagai teknisi dan awak pesawat berhasil melakukan pembajakan pesawat F-27 Fokker yang melaksanakan penerbangan dari Malaysia dengan tujuan Jakarta," kata Komandan Lanud Supadio, Kolonel Penerbang, Kustono, di Sungai Raya, saat latihan bersama Elang Malindo di upron Lanud Supadio, Selasa.

Dia mengatakan, di tengah perjalanan, teroris memaksa pilot untuk mengubah tujuan ke Bandara Supadio Pontianak. Setelah pesawat "landing" di Bandara Supadio Pontianak, maka teroris membawa dua pilot menuju ke VIP room Bandara Supadio untuk dijadikan sandera.

Tiba-tiba, di kejauhan tepatnya melintas di atas runway pesawat Fokker F-27 yang membawa lima orang peterjun gabungan yang terdiri dari tiga orang sniper dari Den Bravo Paskhas dan tiga orang sniper dari CTU Paskau TUDM.

Mereka akan melaksanakan infiltrasi melalui "free fall day" DC yang telah ditentukan untuk melaksanakan pengamatan dan pengamanan dini terhadap area sasaran yang akan diserbu oleh unit anti teror.

"Kemudian masing-masing penerjun mendarat dan melanjutkan infiltrasi ke titik-titik yang dapat melingkupi sasaran tempat sandera ditahan. Setelah unit sniper menempatkan diri, unit sniper akan menghubungi pusat dan melaporkan situasi dan kondisi," katanya.

Sementara area sasaran yang sangat berguna dalam mendukung proses pembebasan sandera yang akan dilaksanakan unit AKSUS, kata Kustono yang agkan di udara, lanjutnya, pesawat CN 235 TUDM yang membawa unit gabungan Den Bravo Paskhas dan CTU Paskau melakukan strategi penyerangan.

Unit pembebasan sandera langsung keluar melalui ramp door dan bergerak dengan teknis menuju daerah sasaran. Sementara Pesawat CN 235 melaksanakan parking menghadap ke runway dengan tujuan untuk segera melaksanakan eksfiltrasi, sementara itu, unit pengaman akan melindungi pesawat dari ancaman.

Kedua unit tersebut melaksanakan serbuan secara serentak dengan mengutamakan unsur pendadakan, kecepatan dan ketepatan. Dan setelah gedung berhasil dikuasai dan sandera berhasil dibebaskan, unit ini langsung melaksanakan escape menuju pesawat CN 235 dengan di cover oleh sniper dan FPU.

Aksi teroris tersebut berhasil digagalkan berkat kerja sama dua negara (Indonesia-Malaysia) melalui pasukan khusus Den Bravo 90 Paskhas TNI AU (Indonesia) dan Unit CTU Paskau dari satuan khusus TUDM (Malaysia).

"Ini merupakan rangkaian simulasi pelaksanaan latihan bersama Elang Malindo XXIV/2011 di Lanud Supadio. Dalam operasi antiteror ini, unit ini melaksanakan infiltrasi dengan cara air landed dan kemudian melaksanakan pembebasan sandera," tuturnya.

Unit itu terdiri dari Counter Terorist Unit dan Force Protectino Unit. Dalam hal itu, CTU bertugas untuk melaksanakan pembebasan sandera dan FPU bertugas untuk melaksanakan pengamanan di sekitar pesawat.

Infiltrasi udara dilakukan dengan menggunakan pesawat Foker 27-01 TNI AU dan pesawat CN 235 TUDM.

"Hari ini merupakan latihan teakhir dari Elang Malindo 2011. Dan besok pagi, kita akan melakukan upacara penutupan," kata Kustono.


East Timor Naval Force Receives Three Patrol Vessels from South Korea

28 September 2011

S. Korea hands over decommissioned three patrol boats to Timor Leste (photo : Timor Leste Goverment)

Dili, (AP) - The naval component of the Armed Forces of Timor-Leste on 26 Sept welcomed the government's three South Korean patrol ships, baptized with the names of Kamenassa, Dili and Hera, which will enable us to strengthen the sovereignty in the waters Timorese.

"With these new naval units there is an increase, this strengthens the independence and sovereignty of Timor-Leste in national waters," he told Lusa news agency the captain of the sea-and-war Donaciano Gomes, commander of the Naval component of the Defence Forces Timor-Leste.

According to the captain of the sea-and-war, "armed forces through its navy need to be in the water for reasons of national sovereignty and independence."

The three units will be three squadrons, two coastal patrol and one of Intercession.

The ceremony was attended by several representatives of countries that have military cooperation with East Timor, including Portugal, Australia and Indonesia, as well as elements of the government and the Timorese President Jose Ramos-Horta.

In his speech, Ramos-Horta thanked the "generous offer" of South Korea, as well as for all the help that has been granted to East Timor over the past 10 years.

"Our two countries are involved excecionais due to some common events in our history," he said.

Ramos-Horta thanked the other partners who have contributed to the development of the naval Timorese waters and prevented the country from being used for illicit activities.

During the ceremony, the boats were also baptized and blessed by your bridesmaids.

The Attorney General's Office, Ana Pessoa, was one of the women chosen to be the godmother of one of the new patrol vessels.

27 September 2011

AWD : Another Two Blocks Delivered

27 September 2011

Two more keel blocks had been delivered to Adelaide to construct Australia’s first Air Warfare Destroyer. This follows the delivery of the first keel block last month. The blocks were constructed at the Williamstown shipyard in Melbourne. They were loaded on to barges last week and transported to Adelaide over the weekend. (photo : Aus DoD)

Minister for Defence Materiel Jason Clare today announced that two more keel blocks had been delivered to Adelaide to construct Australia’s first Air Warfare Destroyer.

This follows the delivery of the first keel block last month.

The blocks were constructed at the Williamstown shipyard in Melbourne.

They were loaded on to barges last week and transported to Adelaide over the weekend.

Mr Clare said this was another step forward in the $8 billion project to construct three new warships for the Royal Australian Navy.

“This is Australia’s biggest shipbuilding project,” Mr Clare said.

“90 separate blocks will be constructed to build the three most powerful warships the Royal Australian Navy has ever operated.

“About 70 blocks like this will be shipped to Adelaide over the next four years to be consolidated into Air Warfare Destroyers.

“These blocks weigh approximately 190 tonnes each. They are about 19 metres long, 17 metres wide and five metres high and will form part of the keel of the first warship – HMAS Hobart.”

The steel blocks are being built at shipyards in Adelaide (ASC), Melbourne (BAE Systems), Newcastle (Forgacs) and Ferrol, Spain (Navantia).

Three sonar blocks are being constructed in Spain and the United Kingdom.

The blocks will now be removed from the barge and transported by a large multi-wheeled vehicle to the pre-fit-out facility.

Further work on the blocks will then be completed including blast and paint, fitting pipes, installing communications and electrical cables and fitting internal walls.

Construction has begun on all main blocks for the first ship and work has also begun on blocks for the second ship, HMAS Brisbane.

Next year work will begin on blocks for the third ship, HMAS Sydney and the first ship will start to be consolidated in Adelaide.

Mr Clare thanked the more than 1,000 people currently working on the ships across the three Australian shipyards.

“The workers constructing these blocks are doing important work – building new warships for the Royal Australian Navy,” Mr Clare said.

“They’re working hard and I thank them for their efforts.”

12 LCM-1E Watercraft will Complement the Australian LHD

27 September 2011

Navantia LCM-1E watercraft (photo : RAN)

LHD Watercraft and Enhanced Joint Operations Centre Command and Control Capability Projects Approved

Minister for Defence Stephen Smith and Minister for Defence Materiel Jason Clare today announced that the Government had given Second Pass Approval for two important capability projects: the purchase of 12 new watercraft for the two Canberra Class Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) ships and the enhancement of information and technology infrastructure at Headquarters Joint Operations Command (HQJOC) .

Purchase of watercraft for LHD (Joint Project 2048 Phase 3)

The Government has agreed to the purchase from Navantia of 12 medium-sized fast landing craft (the LCM-1E) for the LHD through Joint Project 2048 Phase 3.

This follows a decision in February 2009 to direct source the purchase of the watercraft to Navantia.

Navantia are building the hulls for the two LHDs and the watercraft will be purpose-built for these ships.

The watercraft will enable transport of troops and equipment from the LHDs to the shore including where there are no fixed port facilities.

The delivery of the first batch of four watercraft will be co-ordinated with the delivery of the first LHD, expected in 2014.

Construction of the LHDs is underway in Spain and Australia.

The LHDs are bigger thanAustralia’s last aircraft carrier.

Each is 230 metres long and can carry a combined armed battlegroup of more than 1000 personnel, 100 armoured vehicles and 12 helicopters. Each also includes a 40-bed hospital.
Maintenance and support for the watercraft will be provided by Australian industry.

The total cost of Joint Project 2048 Phase 3 is cost capped between $300 million to $500 million in the Public Defence Capability Plan.

The final cost is subject to the satisfactory negotiation of a contract with acceptable terms and conditions.

Australian Defence Force Command and Control (Joint Project 2030 Phase 8 )

The Government has also approved enhancements to information and communications technology infrastructure at Headquarters Joint Operations Command (Bungendore) as well as software upgrades to better support military planning.

The enhanced command and control system will also allow better communication between operations staff and troops, particularly commanders and Special Forces.

Defence will purchase commercial off-the-shelf hardware and software products which will then be integrated to meet requirements.

It is expected that the capital expenditure for these enhancements will generate around 75 jobs and support around 25 on-going jobs inAustralia.

Additional hardware and software upgrades to support better military planning will be considered by Government in future elements of Joint Project 2030 Phase 8.

The total cost of Joint Project 2030 Phase 8 is cost capped between $100 million to $300 million in the Public Defence Capability Plan.

Kemhan Membuat Rincian Pengadaan Alutsista yang Terkait ToT

27 September 2011

Rudal anti kapal C-705 buatan China (photo : chinamil)

Pengadaan Kapal Selam Telat 3 Tahun

JAKARTA - Pengadaan kapal selam untuk TNI Angkatan Laut seharusnya sudah bisa dilakukan pada 2008. Namun, itu belum bisa diwujudkan dan terjadi keterlambatan karena kekurangan anggaran. Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan) melalui Badan Sarana Pertahanan sedang mengaji negara mana yang akan digandeng untuk pengadaan kapal selam.

"Dalam dua bulan mendatang Badan Sarana Pertahanan harus sudah memutuskan membeli dari negara mana kapal selam itu," kata Sekretaris Jenderal Kemhan Marsdya Eris Herriyanto saat membuka Rapat Koordinasi Penentu Kebijakan, Pengguna, dan Produsen Bidang Alutsista XIV dan Nonalutsista IV di Kantor Kemhan, Jakarta, Senin (26/9).

Badan Sarana Pertahanan pula yang nantinya memutuskan proses pengadaannya. Bukan soal dari negara mana saja, tapi juga meminta spek dari pengguna, yakni TNI Angkatan Laut. Saat ini, lanjut Eris, masih dalam fase akan memutuskan perusahaan mana yang akan digandeng. "Tapi sekarang sudah dijaring sejumlah produsen yang tertarik," kata Eris.

Dia berharap pengadaan kapal jangan sampai tak terprogram dengan terperinci. Mengacu pada pengadaan pesawat tempur Korean Fighter Experimental (KFX) yang harus disiapkan jauh-jauh hari, Eris mengatakan pengadaan kapal selam ini akan berpengaruh pada kemampuan industri pertahanan dalam negeri.

Setelah itu, baru membahas berapa kapal selam yang akan diproduksi. PT PAL sendiri sebagai produsen pengadaan dari dalam negeri masih belum bisa menjamin komitmen. Namun, pemerintah berharap ada teknologi yang bisa diserap Indonesia.

Selain kapal selam, ada sejumlah alutsista yang harus sudah tercantum dalam daftar pengadaan alutsista pada 2014, baik dalam percepatan minimun essential force (MEF) maupun pinjaman dalam negeri. Semua daftar pengadaan itu sebagian perlu direalisasikan dengan beberapa produsen luar negeri. "Ada beberapa yang sudah menandatangani nota kesepakatan. Kita tinggal menentukan agar transfer teknologi berjalan lancar," kata Eris.

Sebelumnya, Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana Soeparno mengatakan idealnya, Indonesia membutuhkan enam kapal selam untuk menjaga wilayah perairan. TNI Angkatan Laut berharap tiga buah kapal selam itu bisa didatangkan pada 2014 mendatang. "Kami masih tunggu penetapannya, sedikit lagi. Diharapkan 2014 sudah masuk," katanya.

Pengadaan kapal selam bagi Indonesia merupakan hal penting. Apalagi saat ini Indonesia baru memiliki dua kapal selam buatan Jerman. Umurnya pun sudah cukup tua. "Idealnya kita punya enam kapal selam," ujarnya.

Sekretaris Dirjen Potensi Pertahanan Marsekal Pertama Leonardi mengatakan Kemhan sedang menjajaki kerja sama pengadaan kapal selam dengan Korea Selatan (Korsel). Indonesia dan Korsel sedang mempersiapkan strategi untuk bekerja sama membangun kapal selam bersama. Dua industri pertahanan kedua negara, PT Palindo dan Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine, bahkan sudah sepakat untuk bekerja sama jika kedua negara sepakat membangun kapal selam.

"Untuk kapal selam, kita sedang mempersiapkan strateginya," kata Leonardi, akhir pekan lalu.

Mengutip laman Asian Defence News, Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine merupakan perusahaan pembuat kapal selam terkemuka di Korsel. Perusahaan ini menguasai pasar kapal selam sejak 1991 hingga 1999. Perusahaan ini telah membuat sembilan kapal selam diesel seberat 1.200 ton bekerja sama dengan perusahaan kapal selam Jerman Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft.

Laman ini bahkan menulis bahwa Indonesia sudah bersedia membeli kapal selam dengan kontrak 1 miliar dollar AS atau sekitar 8,5 triliun rupiah dengan perusahaan ini. Harga satuan kapal selam ini diperkirakan mencapai 110 miliar won atau 879 miliar rupiah.

Lebih jauh, Sekjen Kemhan mengatakan adapun alutsista yang saat ini masuk daftar pengadaan adalah Peluru Kendali C-705 untuk digunakan dalam kapal-kapal patroli Kawal Cepat Rudal (KCR). TNI Angkatan Laut dipastikan tertarik. Pihak Kemhan juga sudah mengupayakan kerja sama dengan Sastind, perusahaan alutsista asal China, untuk melakukan alih teknologi. Peluru kendali ini memiliki jangkauan antara 110-120 kilometer.

Selanjutnya, tambah dia, program pengadaan seribu roket R-Han 122 untuk TNI Angkatan Darat dan Marinir yang ditargetkan terpenuhi pada 2014. Kemhan meminta ada komitmen dari industri pertahanan dalam negeri untuk bisa menyelesaikan tepat waktu.

Ada juga program pengadaan main batle tank yang bisa memberdayakan industri pertahanan dalam negeri. Lalu ada realisasi program kendaraan taktis (rantis) 3/4 ton, 2,5 ton, dan 5 ton yang semuanya dibuat di dalam negeri. Disiapkan juga pengadaan meriam 105 milimeter Howitzer dan program peningkatan kemampuan industri pertahanan untuk memproduksi amunisi berkaliber besar.

"Kita perlu konsisten menggunakan pinjaman dalam negeri dan rupiah murni untuk produksi alutsista dan non-alutsista," kata Eris. way/P-3

Zahid: Plan to Replace MiG-29 Fleet on Hold

27 September 2011

RMAF MiG-29N aircraft (photo : key aero)

GEMAS: There are no plans to purchase new military assets in the near future.

This includes replacements for the Royal Malaysian Air Force's MiG-29N Fulcrum aircraft, said Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.Instead, the ministry will conduct a study for possible replacements for the multi-role combat aircraft for future purposes.

Zahid said the government had more important things to focus on under the 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP).

Speaking after opening the Kompleks Mutiara Pernama at Camp Syed Sirajuddin here, yesterday, he said the Fulcrums would be replaced when the need arose. It was recently reported that the ministry was looking into replacing the MiG-29N fleet, which was purchased in 1995. Five aircraft had been identified as leading contenders for the contract -- France's Dassault Aviation's Rafale; the United States' Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet; Europe's Eurofighter Typhoon; the Swedish JAS- 39 Gripen and the Russian Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker-E.

Zahid said the ministry would continue with the other planned purchases under the 10MP, including second-generation offshore patrol vessels for the Royal Malaysian Navy.Earlier, Zahid said the new Kompleks Mutiara Pernama offered those staying there the chance to purchase goods at cheaper prices."The chain of Pernama stores nationwide sells 370 products at cheaper prices through an annual RM5 million subsidy."

The RM10 million, three-storey complex on a 0.65ha site has 22 business premises.

26 September 2011

DPR Beri Dua Opsi Soal Hibah F-16

26 September 2011

F-16 block 25 berbeda dengan block 52, meskipun keduanya sama-sama memakai airframe tipe C/D. Block 52 menggunakan mesin F-100 PW 229 buatan Pratt and Whitney yang lebih ringan dan kuat dibanding mesin Pratt and Whitney F100 PW 220E yang dipakai pada block 25 (photo : W Drzazgowski)

JAKARTA - Komisi I DPR memberi dua opsi kepada pemerintah terkait pengadaan pesawat tempur jenis F-16 dari Amerika Serikat (AS). Pertama, pemerintah diminta membeli enam pesawat tempur F-16 Block 52 yang merupakan pesawat jenis baru untuk menampilkan efek getar dan daya tangkal yang cukup. Kedua, menerima hibah dengan syarat bisa di-up grade dengan melibatkan BUMN industri pertahanan.

"Untuk yang pilihan pertama, kan anggarannya sudah dialokasikan sebesar 430 juta dollar AS, tinggal beli saja," kata anggota Komisi I DPR Tjahjo Kumolo ketika dihubungi di Jakarta, Minggu (25/9). Pesawat baru itu juga memungkinkan untuk mengganti pesawat F-16 lama yang saat ini dimiliki Indonesia.

Untuk opsi kedua, kalau pemerintah memilih mengambil 24 pesawat F-16 Block 24 hasil hibah dari Amerika, ada dua syarat utama yang diajukan. Pertama, pesawat tersebut harus bisa di-up grade menjadi Block 52 agar sesuai dengan rencana strategis tentang minimum essential force (MEF).

Syarat kedua, up grade harus dilakukan di Indonesia dan melibatkan BUMN industri pertahanan sesuai dengan program nasional yang bertujuan mewujudkan kemandirian sistem pertahanan Indonesia. "Kemandirian ini sesuai dengan UU Industri Pertahanan yang sedang kita buat," katanya.

Kalau dua syarat itu tak bisa dipenuhi, Tjahjo akan tegas menolak rencana hibah tersebut. Sebaliknya, DPR akan tetap mendorong pemerintah membeli enam pesawat F-16 baru yang sebelumnya memang sudah dianggarkan.

Kalaupun ada opsi lain, Tjahjo mengatakan, Indonesia sebaiknya membeli pesawat tempur jenis Sukhoi buatan Rusia sebanyak satu skuadron atau 16 pesawat. Harganya hanya 800 juta dollar AS untuk satu skuadron. "Pemerintah kan masih punya plafon pinjaman State Credit dari Rusia sebesar 1,1 miliar dollar AS. Langsung bisa terbeli," ujarnya.

Sementara itu, Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI Angkatan Udara Azman Yunus mengatakan pihaknya menerima hibah 24 pesawat F-16 Block 24 jelas lebih menguntungkan. Selain secara kuantitas banyak, pesawat tersebut bisa di-up grade ke Block 32 dengan harga yang hampir sama dengan membeli enam pesawat F-16 Block 52.

Keuntungan lain, tambah dia, Indonesia juga akan mendapatkan enam pesawat sebagai suku cadangnya. Kondisinya jelas masih bagus, apalagi setelah nanti diadakan peningkatan kemampuan. Hibah pun memungkinkan Indonesia melakukan transfer teknologi dengan Amerika pada saat proses up grade.

Sebelumnya, Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara Marsekal Imam Sufaat mengatakan sulit melakukan up grade pesawat di Indonesia. Selain harus membawa ke-24 pesawat itu ke Indonesia, tentu biayanya sangat mahal. Kemampuan BUMN industri pertahanan pun masih meragukan. "Industri pertahanan kita belum memiliki peralatan lengkap untuk bisa meretrofit F-16," katanya.

Untuk membawa pesawat-pesawat itu ke Indonesia, sebenarnya ada dua kemungkinan, yakni membawanya memakai kapal atau meminta pilot Amerika untuk menerbangkannya ke Indonesia. "Kalau diangkut menggunakan kapal, biayanya akan sangat besar. Hampir sama dengan anggaran meretrofit pesawat itu. Kalaupun diterbangkan, pilot Amerika pasti tidak berani," katanya. way/P-3

(Koran Jakarta)

Training Sub Set for New Role

26 September 2011

The crew of KD Tunku Abdul Rahman and KD Tun Razak had trained in a Ouessant Agosta 70 submarine. (photo : Defencetalk)

KUALA LUMPUR: A signing ceremony was held at the Malaysian embassy in Paris on Friday for the transfer of ownership of an Agosta 70 submarine, which is to be converted into a museum in Malacca.

Director of International Development in the French Ministry of Defence, Yves Blanc, and Malaysian Ambassador to France Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Zainal signed the transfer of ownership documents, according to a statement by the embassy.It said the agreement on the transfer of ownership was signed here on May 16.

The Agosta 70 submarine was used for the training of the crew of Malaysia's two French Scorpene submarines between 2005 and 2009 after the purchase contract was signed in 2002.

The vessel is to be transported on a floating dock to Malaysia next week in an operation organised by Felda Transport.It is to be handed over to the Malacca government for conversion into a museum at Klebang.

24 September 2011

Terma and DCNS have Developed a Fully Automatic Anti-Torpedo Decoy System

24 September 2011

A fully automatic decoy system will protect ships against torpedoes attacks (image : Defpro)

At the Defense & Security Equipment International exhibition Terma and DCNS announced that their technical cooperation has resulted in an important improvement for ships with a need for protection against torpedoes.

Terma and DCNS have developed a fully automatic anti-torpedo decoy system.

The system uses the Terma 130mm Soft Kill Weapon System (SKWS) to fire DCNS CANTO-V anti-torpedo decoy. The SKWS upgrade for twin AAW and ASW purpose use the jointly developed software with advanced algorithm (embedding DCNS CONTRALTO-V reaction software) to support fully automatic firing. This provides the ship with an effective protection against torpedoes attacks. The decoys will be placed in the water in the best way to confuse the torpedo together with ship evasive manoeuvres proposal.

With advanced algorithms, this system will provide the best firing solution and protection of all types of ships against torpedo attack.


Baca Juga :

Terma SKWS Decoy Launching System

Terma SKWS decoy launchers (photo : Terma)

The anti-ship missile threats continue to increase and evolve. New missiles are faster, stealthier, more manoeuvrable, and increasingly more intelligent with regard to target discriminationand electronic counter-countermeasure functionality, adevelopment leaving recent generations of hard- and soft kill systems less effective.

The use of hard-kill is further limited with the increasing peacekeeping and controlling activities in littoral waters where the release of weapons frequently is bound by strict engagement rules, but also requiring fast reaction time calling for a high degree of automation. In this situation, soft-kill i.e. decoysystems, have come to be seen as the non-aggressive self defence solution, a weapon of least regret.

Decoy systems are today fitted to all naval war vessels rangingfrom fast attack crafts, mine warfare vessels, frigates to evenbigger units as LPD’s as a key element in their electronic warfare suites. Integrated with the ship EW and Radar sensor assets the decoy system will provide fast and intelligent firing of all types ofoff-board decoys.

For high value and larger units, the advent of Active Offboard decoys provide improved defence. A further extension of thedecoy launching system is to fire acoustic decoys as part of theship’s torpedo defence suite.

The Terma SKWS Decoy Launching System is designed to fulfil allthese requirements.

Terma SKWS is a modern decoy launching system that can fire all existing 130 mm decoys – also known as SeaGnat decoys. The system is based on two Terma DL-6T launchers for small vesselsor two Terma DL-12T launchers for larger vessels, one for port andone for starboard mounting. The system may be expanded tocontrol up to 24 firing tubes on each side of the ship. The Terma launcher is designed to provide 360 degrees coverage against attacking anti ship missiles. This is obtained by carefully positioning a decoy from one of the multi-angular launchers.

The key system features include:
- Lightweight launchers with small footprint
- Low pressure deck mounts
- Effective 360° horizontal coverage
- Advanced launch algorithms
- Fully automated operation
- Support of all SeaGnat type decoys
- Support of SIREN Active Jammer Decoy
- High flexibility and easy integration of user defined algorithms and libraries

The 130 mm decoy ammunition is supported throughout NATO and around the world with more than 500 systems in service. The high number of systems in service has promoted a continuous development of decoys from different and competing sources. Currently the following types of decoys are available and supported by Terma SKWS:

- Seduction Chaff: SeaGnat 214
- Distraction/Confusion Chaff: SeaGnat 216 / PW216
- Infrared Rounds: PIRATE / GIANT (MK245 and DM19A1) / TALOS
- Dual Mode (RF and IR) decoys: Chimera and Bullfighter
- Offboard Active Decoy: SIREN
- Torpedo Decoys: LEAD MK12, MK13, MK14, MK15, and LESCUT

For full support of:
- SIREN Active Offboard Decoy
- PW 216 Distraction Chaff with automatic range programming an upgrade kit needs to be installed.


23 September 2011

Australia Requests Sixth C-17A Globemaster III

23 September 2011

RAAF C-17 Globesmaster III (photo : Air Attack)

Minister for Defence Stephen Smith announced today that Australia is investigating the purchase of a sixth C-17A Globemaster III heavy-lift aircraft.

Australia has sent a Letter of Request to the United States regarding the potential purchase of an additional C-17A aircraft through the United States Foreign Military Sales program, formally seeking cost and availability information.

A sixth C-17 would give the Government increased options to support a wider range of contingencies that might require heavy-lift aircraft. Advice from Defence is that a sixth aircraft would double the number of C-17A aircraft available for operations at any one time compared to four aircraft.

Minister Smith made this announcement at the Amberley Air Force Base today at the ceremony marking the arrival into Australia of the Royal Australian Air Force’s fifth C-17A.

The acquisition of the fifth C-17A was announced by the Government on 1 March this year and was confirmed in the 2011-12 Budget.

On 14 September, Minister Smith took delivery of the fifth C-17A Globemaster III at Boeing’s Long Beach production facility near Los Angeles.

The Royal Australian Air Force’s five C-17A aircraft were delivered over the period 2006 to 2011. The first of these became operational in 2007, providing the Australian Defence Force with a global airlift capability.

The addition of the fifth aircraft to the Air Force’s fleet will expand Australia’s capacity to deploy personnel and equipment rapidly all around the world.

The C‑17A aircraft can lift very large and heavy cargoes over long distances providing a significant contribution to Australia’s ability to reach and respond to events. One C‑17A can carry up to four C-130 Hercules loads in a single lift and cover twice the distance in three-quarters of the time of a C‑130.

Events in Queensland, Christchurch and Japan earlier this year underlined the C‑17s as an essential part of Australia’s capacity to respond to natural disasters both within Australia and within our region.

The ability of C-17s to move equipment and people played a vital role in the aftermath of Cyclone Yasi in north Queensland in February, helping to transport ADF personnel and civilians and airlifting more than 320 tonnes of cargo, including more than 200 tonnes of food supplies. C-17s also helped evacuate to safety in Brisbane more than 250 patients from Cairns Hospital and Cairns Private Hospital.

C-17s also delivered much-needed equipment, stores and emergency services personnel to New Zealand in the wake of the terrible February earthquake in Christchurch and returned more than 100 Australian civilians to Australia.

In March, following the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, C-17s moved more than a million pounds (450 tonnes) of cargo, including 41 vehicles, as well as 135 passengers as part of Australia’s relief efforts in Japan. At one stage during the relief operation, Australia had three C-17 aircraft in Japan providing humanitarian assistance and disaster-relief support.

While disaster relief has been a recent public focus for C-17 operations, they also continue to support Australian and International Security Assistance Forces in Afghanistan and the Middle East, meeting their primary purpose in providing military long-range heavy airlift.

Following receipt of cost and availability information from the United States, the Government will make a decision about the purchase based on capability, cost and schedule assessments of the sixth C‑17A.

22 September 2011

Indonesia dan Malaysia Gelar Elang Malindo XXIV

22 September 2011

Latihan bersama Elang Malindo 2011 (photo : Antara)

Kalimantan Barat-KUBU RAYA, (kalimantan-news) - TNI Angkatan Udara Pangkalan Udara Supadio bersama Tentara Udara Malaysia menggelar latihan militer bersama dalam program Elang Malindo XXIV/2011 yang dilaksanakan di Lanud Supadio, Rabu.

"Latihan bersama ini merupakan kegiatan rutin tahunan yang selalu kita laksanakan sebagai upaya peningkatan kerja sama dalam menjaga kedaulatan dua negara," kata Dirlat Latma Elang Malindo XXIV/201, yang juga menjabat sebagai Komandan Lanud Supadio, Kolonel Penerbang Kustono, didampingi Kolonel Rashid Bin Majid, selaku ketua rombongan Tentara Malaysia (TUDM).

Dia menjelaskan, latihan bersama itu biasanya dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan TNI AU dan TUDM dalam menjaga daerah perbatasan negara dari berbagai tindakan ilegal yang dilakukan masyarakat Indonesia dan Malaysia.

Kustono mengatakan, latihan bersama itu dilaksanakan pada 19 - 28 September 2011 dengan melibatkan personel TNI AU sebanyak 150 orang dan personel TUDM sebanyak 125 orang.

Pesawat Hawk 108 TUDM (photo : cavok)

Pada latihan tersebut TNI AU menggunakan tiga pesawat tempur jenis Hawk 109/209, satu Fokker 27, satu Helikopter Super Puma NAS 332, sedangkan TUDM menggunakan tiga pesawat tempur jenis Hawk 108/208, 1 pesawat C-130, satu Helikopter Nuri.

"Tujuan utama dari latihan ini adalah sebagai sarana dalam menjalin kerja sama dan meningkatkan kualitas personel serta memantapkan koordinasi dalam pelaksanaan operasi udara antar-dua Angkatan Udara" tuturnya.

Kustono menambahkan, tujuan latihan itu juga untuk memperlihatkan suasana persahabatan sebagai negara serumpun, namun tetap didasari pada kesungguhan berdasarkan prosedur tetap yang telah disepakati.

"Sebagai negara yang bertetangga, kita tidak akan terlepas dengan kepentingan untuk selalu berhubungan satu dengan lainnya dalam menciptakan rasa aman dan tenteram untuk kepentingan bersama," katanya Setelah melaksanakan upacara pembukaan dilanjutkan dengan acara foto bersama dengan latar belakang pesawat Hawk 209, Helikopter SK Nuri, Helikopter Super Puma NAS 332, dan Hawk 208. (phs/Ant)

(Kalimantan News)

Anders Tampil dengan Kanon Cockerill 105mm

22 September 2011

Anders tank ringan buatan Polandia dengan kanon CT-CV kaliber 105mm buatan Cockerill (photos : Obrum)

Pabrikan OBRUM (BUMAR Group) di Gliwice, Polandia, telah menyiapkan versi lain dari platform Anders yang multiperan. Kali ini dengan kanon buatan CMI Belgia (Cockeril Cockerill Maintenance & Ingénieri) yaitu CT-CV kaliber 105 mm.

Umpan balik yang positif tentang teknologi kendaraan demonstrator Anders (termasuk dari mantan kepala tim pengembangan tank Merkava Israel - Kej Avigdor Klein) bahwa chassis prototipe kendaraan Anders produksi Obrum di Gliwice dapat dengan mudah diintegrasikan dengan perusahaan kanon CT-CV 105mm buatan CMI Belgia.

Pekerjaan tersebut dilakukan pada 12-14 September. Ini membuktikan bahwa Anders dengan platform universal telah dirancang dengan baik dan multi-tujuan dengan potensi pengembangan yang besar seperti yang digambarkan dalam program. Hal ini mengingat bahwa varian tersebut harus layak sebelum MSPO 2011 di Kielce (5-8 September) dimana spesialis Belgia telah berhasil menyelesaikan integrasi kanon CT-CV dengan kendaraan beroda rantai Anders.

Anders dengan kanon CTG-120mm buatan RUAG-Swiss (photos : Militaryphotos)

Di Kielce, pertama kali diumumkan ke publik bahwa dana penelitian dan pengembangan platform Anders dengan beberapa varian dapat mecapai lebih dari 50 mln zł (Menurut laporan MSPO angka ini malahan lebih dari 300 mln zł). Hal ini membuka kemungkinan untuk dibicarakan dengan mitra domestik dan asing. Juga sudah dapat dipastikan bahwa akan segera dibangun versi demonstrator yang lain, kemungkinan besar kendaraan akan diperbesar dan diperpanjang (dengan tambahan satu roda) untuk keperluan pembuatan prototipe versi infanteri tempur.

Kendaraan dengan kanon 105 mm ini belum dilakukan uji coba (pada tahun lalu Anders berhasil diuji dengan dilengkapi kanon kaliber 120-mm buatan RUAG Swiss di Kielce pada 22 Oktober 2010). Meskipun demikian terbukti bahwa semua mekanisme sistem kanon CT-CV Belgia dapat bekerja sama dengan chasis Polandia. Dalam catatan waktu lebih dari 12 bulan menunjukkan bahwa Anders dapat menjadi platform untuk tiga jenis system kanon yaitu 30 mm, 105 mm hingga 120 mm. Hal ini sangat penting untuk diketahui oleh calon pelanggan.

Anders yang diperlengkapi dengan kanon dari Belgia kaliber 51-105mm ini akan diuji dengan tes penebakan pada tahun depan.


Hibah 24+6 F-16 Lebih Baik Daripada 1 Skuadron F-16 Baru

22 September 2011

F-16 TNI AU (photo : fitri arbi)

KSAU: Hibah F-16 Lebih Baik

Jurnas.com KEPALA Staf Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal TNI Imam Sufaat mengatakan, selain membutuhkan dana lebih besar, pembelian pesawat baru juga membutuhkan waktu yang lama.

“Kalau baru harganya mahal, dan deliverynya paling cepat lima tahun karena beli pesawat tak seperti beli kacang,”kata dia usai mengikuti rapat Komisi I DPR RI dengan Kementerian Pertahanan dan TNI di Gedung DPR, Rabu (21/9).

Menurut dia, perusahaan senjata Amerika Lockheed Martin menawarkan satu skadron pesawat F-16 baru seharga US$1.400 juta. Sedangkan paket pesawat F-16 dengan sparepart dan pelatihan pilotnya dihargai US$1.600 juta. “Jadi satu pesawat US$100 juta,”kata KSAU.

Sedangkan pesawat hibah yang ditawarkan Amerika dihargai US$430 juta “untuk 30 pesawat, 24 plus enam,”tambahnya.

Pesawat yang dihibahkan ini adalah pesawat F-16 blok 25 yang kemudian akan diupgrade menjadi blok 32 oleh Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan). Hal ini dipertanyakan Komisi I DPR karena blok terbaru adalah blok 52. Menurut KSAU, pesawat hibah ini tidak mungkin diupgrade menjadi blok 52 karena engine-nya berbeda. Lagipula, mengutip penjelasan US National Guard, blok 32 lebih baik dari blok 52.

Pesawat F-16 Fighting Falcon adalah jet tempur multiperan yang dikembangkan General Dynamics, yang kemudian diakuisisi Lockheed Martin. Meski pada awalnya dirancang sebagai pesawat tempur ringan, pesawat ini telah berevolusi menjadi pesawat multiperan yang tangguh dan amat populer.

Indonesia pernah memiliki 12 unit F-16 blok 15OCU yang terdiri atas delapan F-16A dan empat F-16B.

21 September 2011

BAE Systems Contracted For LHD Training

21 September 2011

Canberra class LHD (image : shipsmodel)

Williamstown, Australia - BAE Systems has been engaged by the Commonwealth for the development and delivery of training for the Royal Australian Navy’s (RAN) Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) ships.

The training will rely heavily on simulation and virtual scenarios using the latest technology, including avatars.

BAE Systems Director of Maritime, Harry Bradford, said the use of advanced, computer-based technology for training had a number of advantages for the customer in terms of both cost and flexibility.

“The most obvious benefit in using computer simulation is that the technology allows us to recreate, and for the crew to interact with the LHD environment, without the actual completed ship. This means greater flexibility and lower cost for our customer.

“For instance the system is capable of familiarising various elements of the defence forces, including both army and navy, with the ship in terms of systems, capability, size and layout and these defence personnel can be in separate geographical locations across the country.

“With training commencing prior to delivery of the first ship, the flexibility of being able to train and familiarise defence forces at their home bases represents substantial cost savings for the Commonwealth.”

Mr Bradford said in addition to familiarising personnel with the LHD the training being developed by BAE Systems also included simulating emergency procedures and failure modes, all in a safe environment.

“This is also a major benefit for the crews of these ships in that we can recreate and test emergency procedures in a safe environment before procedures are implemented on the ship.”

There are also flow-on benefits from the creation of these training packages for other navy vessels.
Mr Bradford said once created, these simulator programs can be easily migrated to AWDs, ANZACs and FFGs which could benefit the navy for all future training programs.

Work is underway on the development of some of the simulated training through KBR, which developed the avatar technology used in the Virtual Ship Training and Information System (ViSTIS), to be used for the LHD. BAE Systems has also recently awarded a contract to Kongsberg Maritime to provide a custom engine room simulator for the engineers who will serve aboard the LHDs.

A team of approximately 30 people at BAE Systems will manage the training process for the LHD Project. BAE Systems is the prime contractor. The first hull is expected to arrive in Williamstown in August 2012. Delivery of the first training packages is expected in 2013 ahead of the completion of the first ship.

20 September 2011

Rusia Siapkan Kerja Sama dengan Pindad, PT DI dan PAL

20 September 2011

Tank amfibi produksi Rusia yang digunakan oleh Marinir TNI (photo : Kaskus Militer)

Rusia Lakukan Kerja Sama dengan Pindad

Jurnas.com RI-Rusia akan melakukan kerja sama dibidang pertahanan dengan melakukan join production alat utama sistem persenjataan (Alutsista). Rencana kerja sama ini sudah disusun dalam draft perencanaan untuk ditindak lanjuti dengan negosiasi industri pertahanan Indonesia. Kerja sama ini salah satunya akan dilakukan dengan PT Pindad.

"Kami sedang melakukan negosiasi dengan PT Pindad dan akan segera menandatangani MoU. Kami juga akan bekerja sama dengan industri pertahanan lainnya yang ada di Indonesia, tapi sekarang baru sekadar draf. Negosiasi satu langkah, dan kami berharap segera ada deal,"kata Duta Besar Rusia Alexander A. Ivanov usai penyematan medali kehormatan yang diberikan pemerintah Rusia pada Menteri Pertahanan RI di Wisma Kedutaan Besar Rusia di Jakarta,Senin (20/9).

Selain itu, tutur Ivanov, Rusia sedang melakukan negosiasi dengan PT PAL, juga dengan PT DI untuk melakukan overhaul Helikopter Mi-35.

Menteri Pertahanan RI Purnomo Yusgiantoro mengaku kaget atas rencana Rusia tersebut. Karenanya dia mengagumi keputusan tersebut dan menyambut dengan baik. "Saya kaget mereka mau berbicara transfer of technology dengan Pindad. Saya cukup kagum mereka ingin memproduksi bersama,"katanya.

Menhan mengharapkan, kerja sama kedua negara bisa terjalin tidak hanya dalam bidang pengadaan alutsista. Harapan terjadinya pertukaran perwira dalam bidang pendidikan dan pelatihan dalam waktu dekat akan terealisasi. "Mereka akan menerima taruna akademi militer kita. Kedua, kita akan kerja sama dalam bidang latihan bersama,"kata Menhan.

Menhan menambahkan, Rusia meminta secara khusus kerja sama dalam bidang pemberantasan terorisme. Sementara itu, Wakil Menteri Pertahanan (wamenhan) Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin mengatakan, kerja sama join production pembangunan rudal C-705 China-indonesia melalui PT Pindad akan terealisasi tahun ini. "Tahun ini realisasinya produksi bersama,"kata dia.

(Jurnal Nasional)

Baca Juga :

Rusia - RI Siap Produksi Tank Bersama
20 September 2011

JAKARTA (KRjogja.com) - Pemerintah Rusia mulai menjajaki kerja sama industri pertahanan dengan Indonesia dalam bentuk produksi disertai transfer teknologi, kata Duta Besar Rusia untuk Indonesia Alexander Ivanov di Jakarta.

Usai menyematkan penghargaan "Medal for Strengthening Combat Fraternity" Pemerintah Rusia kepada Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro, ia mengatakan, pihaknya tengah menjajaki pembuatan tank dengan PT Pindad dan pemeliharaan menyeluruh sejumlah helikopter Mi-35 dengan PT Dirgantara Indonesia.

"Dengan PT Pindad kami sudah merancang nota kesepakatannya sedangkan dengan PT Dirgantara Indonesia, kami sudah menyelesaikan nota kesepakatannya untuk segera disahkan dua pihak," kata Ivanov menambahkan, Selasa (20/9).

Ia menambahkan, penjajakan juga dilakukan dengan PT PAL untuk sejumlah peralatan dan persenjataan maritim.

Ivanov mengatakan, kerja sama tersebut didasari keyakinan bahwa Indonesia adalah mitra dan sahabat yang baik bagi Negara Federasi Rusia. "Bahkan itu sudah terjalin sejak lama. Rusia adalah negara yang mengakui kemerdekaan Indonesia kali pertama dan Presiden Soekarno pernah tiga kali melakukan kunjungan ke Rusia," katanya.

Sementara itu Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro menyambut positif langkah Rusia untuk melakukan kerja sama industri pertahanan dengan Indonesia. "Ini langkah yang bagus, mengingat selama ini Rusia adalah negara yang sangat mandiri dalam industri pertahanan militernya dan tidak pernah menggunakan produk dari luar," katanya.

Menhan Purnomo mengatakan, kedua negara telah sepakat untuk meningkatkan dan memperluas kerja sama pertahanan dan militer. "Tidak saja dalam jual beli persenjataan tetapi juga pendidikan dan latihan bersama, tukar menukar taruna dan perwira," ujarnya.

Bahkan lanjut Purnomo, Rusia juga berniat untuk membangun kerja sama dalam pemberantasan terorisme dan separatisme. (Ant/Yan)

(Kedaulatan Rakyat)

India to Sell BrahMos Missile to Vietnam

20 September 2011

Brahmos air launched version (photo : Bharat Rakshak)

The BrahMos Aerospace —the Indo-Russian joint venture that has developed the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile — is keen to sell the missile to Vietnam with which India is developing a strong strategic relationship, sources have confirmed.

However, the Indian government’s approval will have to be taken for any such acquisition. Sources also confirmed that Vietnam is already on a list of about 15 “friendly countries” — that was decided by a joint Indo-Russian supervisory council — to whom the BrahMos missile can be sold.

“Informal talks are on but no concrete proposal has been made as yet,” a source who did not want to be identified, told this newspaper. “Any acquisition of the BrahMos missile will be of immense value to Vietnam and will boost its defence preparedness,” sources said.

So far, the BrahMos missile has not been sold to any third country although a few have already evinced interest in acquiring it.

In a move that signalled the importance of strategic ties between India and Vietnam in the wake of increased Chinese military assertion in Asia, defence secretary Shashi Kant Sharma had also recently begun an official visit to Vietnam. India is set to offer naval facilities for training and capacity building to Vietnam.

Submarine Plan Torpedoed

20 September 2011

Type 206A submarines (photo : Ulrich Wrede)

Defence Minister Yutthasak Sasiprapa has rejected the navy's plan to pay 7.5 billion baht for six used submarines from Germany and questioned the cost-effectiveness and transparency.

He said yesterday a defence scrutiny committee he appointed had resolved to return the project to the navy for review. Gen Jongsak Panichkul, adviser to the defence minister, is chairing the committee, which also includes former navy chief Adm Prasert Boonsong.

"I want a review on the cost-effectiveness," Gen Yutthasak said. "The past government approved the establishment of a submarine fleet and the recruitment of personnel has been completed but transparent procurement has yet to be done."

He said he was not concerned about the Sept 30 deadline that Germany had set for the navy to confirm the purchase of its used U206A submarines. He said the German navy could be asked to extend the deadline.

"But if Germany refuses to extend the deadline, it will be up to the navy to propose submarines from any country for my consideration," the defence minister said. He is open to either new or used vessels.

A navy source said the defence scrutiny committee had recommended submarines from Russia, China and South Korea.

"The navy will let politicians make the choice," the source said. "It will just wait."

He said the German submarines were the best choice in terms of practicality for study, training and price.