13 Juni 2013
4k44B Redut-M a mobile coastal defence system with P-35 missiles (NATO : SS-N-3 Shaddock) with rocket launchers ZIL-135 and placed on BAZ-135MB 8x8 truck vehicle. (all photos : TienPhong, ttvnol)
TPO-owned weapons, powerful ammunition, 679 battalion is considered 'shield' of Vietnam Navy in defenses, protect maritime sovereignty, national continental shelf.
To strengthen defense capabilities, protect maritime sovereignty, islands, national continental shelf, 6/1979, the Ministry of Defense decision 679 Battalion established under Navy (now Union missiles 679 coast of Navy Region 1). Currently, 679 teams have 8 of attached units, detachments and 26 equivalent.
679 teams currently manage, use missile defense system cell bank, used to destroy enemy targets, such as the type of surface combat ships, cargo ships, amphibious ships, maritime works both on the ground and ...
679 teams are often tasked with training, mobility ready to battle along the coast and on the islands, united with the forces of the Navy and other forces fighting to enemy at sea .
Also stationed at a location large city in the north, the unit also has some coastal battlefield and other battlefields from Quang Ninh to Quang Binh
Functions and duties of the missile unit of 679 teams :
Fire division: Armed assault launchers, rocket loaded car TZM. There are rocket mission from the battlefield with or without fortifications fortifications, destroy enemy targets at sea or shore.
Control Station: Equipped with remote control system, including station control centers, radar stations equipped with the uniform.
There mission control missile aimed by radio command signals and attack targets when locked.
Station Specifications: Equipped assembly, inspection station test missiles as KIPS-35B missiles, air compressor, air CT-70, hydraulic station ...
It serves as storage, periodic inspection, assembly, preparation for the handover rocket fire teams for training and fighting.
Information Station - Radar: Equipped with radar MWT-E and the media.
There observer mission, target designation range to 60 nautical miles and communications security commanders, coalition warfare.
Features Specifications of basic missile systems REDUT-M :
Shoot the farthest distance: 300km
Last shot distance: 12 (25) km
Cruise altitude: 400 meters, 4,000 meters, 7,000 m
Last altitude orbit: 24 (100) m
The system can also control missiles to shoot 4 targets.
wow! .... kapan nich RI punya rudal pertahanan jarak menengah dan jauh? ini sgt dibutuhkan utk menghalau musuh, artinya musuh belum sempat masuk. Jika melihat pola latgab kemarin (Situbondo, sangatta dan Bima) terlihat bwh kita mengambil alih daerah2 tsb artinya musuh sudah masuk dan menduduki, dgn adanya rudal pertahanan jarak menengah dan jauh adanya aspek preventif disini, tdk membiarkan musuh masuk.
BalasHapuskita seharus nya seperti vietnam yg tidak banyak gembar gembor pencitraan tapi telah memiliki rudal, kilo klass dan freegat terbaru..
BalasHapushehehe ... yg gembar-gembor itu sebenarnya bukan dephan tetapi justru org2 yg duduk di senayan tuh. sbg contoh ketika dephan berencana mendatangkan si leo & sukhoi ributnya minta ampun inilah, itulah dst .... tampaknya mereka tdk kebagian apa2 karena semua dilakukan G to G, (antar pemerintah, DPR gigit jari ....
BalasHapushmm, sorry ya ini menurut sudut pandang saya, senjata-senjata seperti rudal canggih di atas ini cuma menaikkan gengsi doang, bahkan saya yakin tidak pernah benar-benar di tembakkan ke sasaran musuh melainkan cuma sasaran buatan(imajiner). So ya kelihatannya wasting money. kecuali memang di buat untuk di jual atau ekspor mungkin lain cerita seperti Russia dan AS.
BalasHapusSorry ini jadi menyinggung agan-agan di atas.... :D