31 Januari 2015
RAAF F-35 AU-1 aircraft (photo : F35)
AUSTRALIA'S new Lightning combat aircraft will be able to shoot back at enemy aircraft.
AIRCRAFT maker Lockheed Martin says there is no technical problem with aircraft's 25mm gun, although its computer software isn't yet complete and it hasn't been fully tested on the aircraft.
By the time these advanced aircraft enter operational service with the RAAF in 2020, the gun will be fully functional.
But the US Marine Corps, which plans to field their first operational Lightnings later this year, won't start out with a working gun.
Lockheed Martin Australia director of international business development, Graham Bentley, said despite media reports from the US earlier this month, there was no technical problem with the gun and no software glitches.
There was an extensive test program and the US Marines, Air Force and Navy had decided what weapons should take priority for software integration, testing and certification.
When fully developed, the aircraft will be able to field a gun and 10 different types of bombs and missiles.
But US Marine Corps aircraft will initially be able only to fire AIM-120 missiles and drop laser and GPS guided bombs.
"That testing of the gun will get into full steam mid-year our time," Mr Bentley told reporters.
The Lockheed Martin Lightning joint strike fighter is an advanced combat aircraft with the RAAF looking to acquire as many as 100. The program has experienced technical problems, rising costs and delays.
Because of aircraft's complexity and the protracted test program, computer software will be be delivered in various blocks, each providing additional capability.
US Marine Corps aircraft will be deemed combat ready with what's termed software block 2B, which provides a limited war-fighting capability.
Mr Bentley said the full gun capability would come with the final block 3F software, scheduled for delivery in 2019, a year before the RAAF plans to field its first operational Lightning aircraft.
(The Australian)
31 Januari 2015
Menristek: Thailand Sudah Pesan Pesawat N219 Buatan Indonesia
31 Januari 2015
Pesawat N219 buatan PT DI, sudah dipesan Thailand dan diminati Filipina (image : PT DI)
SEMARANG, KOMPAS.com — Menteri Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi M Nasir mengatakan bahwa Thailand sudah memesan pesawat N219 yang risetnya tengah dikembangkan Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan).
"Riset N219 ini tengah dibuat, dilakukan. Harapannya, pada pertengahan tahun ini sudah bisa digelindingkan keluar hanggar, sudah bentuk bodi pesawat," katanya di Semarang, Jumat (30/1/2015) malam.
Meski pesawat N219 masih dalam proses riset, dia mengatakan, sudah ada negara lain yang memesan pesawat penumpang berukuran kecil itu, yakni Thailand. Selain itu, ada juga negara lain yang menyatakan tertarik.
"Sudah ada pemesanan N219 dari Thailand. Yang sudah melihat-lihat Filipina. Namun, yang sudah jelas memesan adalah Thailand. Diharapkan, akhir 2015, sudah bisa terbang, teruji," tuturnya.
"Kalau semuanya sudah beres, termasuk sertifikasi pesawat, ditargetkan pada 2016 sudah bisa dilakukan produksi massal untuk pesawat N219. Pesawat ini memiliki berbagai kelebihan," katanya.
N-219 rancangan PT Dirgantara Indonesia berbasiskan CASA C-212/NC-212 Aviocar yang produksinya lebih dulu dilakukan di hanggar produksinya, di Bandung.
Dengan banderol harga 4 juta dollar AS, N219 bisa mengangkut 19 orang dengan beban maksimal lepas landas sekitar 7,5 ton dari bobot kosongnya sekitar 4,5 ton. N219 ditenagai dua mesin Pratt & Whitney PT6A-42 yang bisa membuatnya terbang hingga jarak tempuh ekonomis sekitar 1.100 kilometer pada kecepatan jelajah sekitar 400 kilometer per jam.
Walau dirancang untuk bisa beroperasi dengan perawatan pada kondisi di wilayah terpencil, N219 dilengkapi instrumen cukup canggih, di antaranya adalah head-up display memampangkan instrumen penerbangan digital.
Maklum, N219 didedikasikan bisa menggantikan DHC-6 Twin Otter buatan de Havilland, Kanada, yang dikenal di seluruh dunia sangat tangguh dan andal dalam operasionalisasinya di wilayah-wilayah terpencil dengan fasilitas sangat minim.
Ia menjelaskan, pesawat N219 memang didesain untuk transportasi udara antardaerah dan antarpulau dengan jarak yang tidak terlalu jauh dan kelebihannya tidak memerlukan landasan panjang.
"Panjang landasan yang dibutuhkan untuk pesawat ini hanya 550-600 meter. Jadi, memang tidak butuh landasan panjang. Biasanya, landasan sampai 1,4, 1,8, 2,4 dan 2,8 kilometer," katanya.
Menurut dia, potensi pemasaran pesawat ini cukup besar, terutama dari dalam negeri yang kebutuhannya mencapai 200 pesawat, tetapi tentunya kebutuhan itu tidak semuanya bisa tercukupi.
"Kapasitas produksi di pabriknya saja hanya 24 pesawat setahun. Kalau kebutuhannya 200 pesawat kan bisa sampai delapan tahun baru terpenuhi. Makanya, kami dorong pengembangan kapasitas produksi," kata Nasir.
Pesawat N219 buatan PT DI, sudah dipesan Thailand dan diminati Filipina (image : PT DI)
SEMARANG, KOMPAS.com — Menteri Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi M Nasir mengatakan bahwa Thailand sudah memesan pesawat N219 yang risetnya tengah dikembangkan Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan).
"Riset N219 ini tengah dibuat, dilakukan. Harapannya, pada pertengahan tahun ini sudah bisa digelindingkan keluar hanggar, sudah bentuk bodi pesawat," katanya di Semarang, Jumat (30/1/2015) malam.
Meski pesawat N219 masih dalam proses riset, dia mengatakan, sudah ada negara lain yang memesan pesawat penumpang berukuran kecil itu, yakni Thailand. Selain itu, ada juga negara lain yang menyatakan tertarik.
"Sudah ada pemesanan N219 dari Thailand. Yang sudah melihat-lihat Filipina. Namun, yang sudah jelas memesan adalah Thailand. Diharapkan, akhir 2015, sudah bisa terbang, teruji," tuturnya.
"Kalau semuanya sudah beres, termasuk sertifikasi pesawat, ditargetkan pada 2016 sudah bisa dilakukan produksi massal untuk pesawat N219. Pesawat ini memiliki berbagai kelebihan," katanya.
N-219 rancangan PT Dirgantara Indonesia berbasiskan CASA C-212/NC-212 Aviocar yang produksinya lebih dulu dilakukan di hanggar produksinya, di Bandung.
Dengan banderol harga 4 juta dollar AS, N219 bisa mengangkut 19 orang dengan beban maksimal lepas landas sekitar 7,5 ton dari bobot kosongnya sekitar 4,5 ton. N219 ditenagai dua mesin Pratt & Whitney PT6A-42 yang bisa membuatnya terbang hingga jarak tempuh ekonomis sekitar 1.100 kilometer pada kecepatan jelajah sekitar 400 kilometer per jam.
Walau dirancang untuk bisa beroperasi dengan perawatan pada kondisi di wilayah terpencil, N219 dilengkapi instrumen cukup canggih, di antaranya adalah head-up display memampangkan instrumen penerbangan digital.
Maklum, N219 didedikasikan bisa menggantikan DHC-6 Twin Otter buatan de Havilland, Kanada, yang dikenal di seluruh dunia sangat tangguh dan andal dalam operasionalisasinya di wilayah-wilayah terpencil dengan fasilitas sangat minim.
Ia menjelaskan, pesawat N219 memang didesain untuk transportasi udara antardaerah dan antarpulau dengan jarak yang tidak terlalu jauh dan kelebihannya tidak memerlukan landasan panjang.
"Panjang landasan yang dibutuhkan untuk pesawat ini hanya 550-600 meter. Jadi, memang tidak butuh landasan panjang. Biasanya, landasan sampai 1,4, 1,8, 2,4 dan 2,8 kilometer," katanya.
Menurut dia, potensi pemasaran pesawat ini cukup besar, terutama dari dalam negeri yang kebutuhannya mencapai 200 pesawat, tetapi tentunya kebutuhan itu tidak semuanya bisa tercukupi.
"Kapasitas produksi di pabriknya saja hanya 24 pesawat setahun. Kalau kebutuhannya 200 pesawat kan bisa sampai delapan tahun baru terpenuhi. Makanya, kami dorong pengembangan kapasitas produksi," kata Nasir.
30 Januari 2015
TKMS Offers Type 209 and Type 210 Submarines to Royal Thai Navy
30 Januari 2015
Cut-away model of the Type 210mod advanced compact submarine design by ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems' Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW) shipyard. (photo : Jane's)
The company highlighted the capabilities of the two submarines in meetings in Bangkok recently as part of the Royal Thai Navy's (RTN's) continuing review of submarine platforms, said sources.
This evaluation programme - which has also featured Russia's Kilo-class Project 636 submarine and China's Yuan-class (Type 041) platform - is in support of the RTN's plan to procure up to three submarines within the next few years. South Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering's Chang Bogo-class (Type 209) submarine is also expected to be evaluated by the RTN.
Cut-away model of the Type 210mod advanced compact submarine design by ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems' Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW) shipyard. (photo : Jane's)
The company highlighted the capabilities of the two submarines in meetings in Bangkok recently as part of the Royal Thai Navy's (RTN's) continuing review of submarine platforms, said sources.
This evaluation programme - which has also featured Russia's Kilo-class Project 636 submarine and China's Yuan-class (Type 041) platform - is in support of the RTN's plan to procure up to three submarines within the next few years. South Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering's Chang Bogo-class (Type 209) submarine is also expected to be evaluated by the RTN.
29 Januari 2015
Pindad Targetkan Porsi Ekspor Capai 25%
29 Januari 2015
Komodo - kendaraan 4x4 produksi Pindad (photo : Defense Studies)
BANDUNG - PT Pindad menargetkan peningkatan jumlah ekspor produknya sebesar 25 persen dalam lima tahun mendatang. Target utama BUMN ini tetap memasok kebutuhan alutsista dalam negeri yang dipesan oleh Departeman Pertahanan RI untuk persenjataan TNI dan Polri.
"Saat ini ekspor produk baru lima persen, namun dalam lima tahun ke depan kami targetkan bisa mencapai 20-25 persen," kata Dirut PT Pindad Silmy Karim di Bandung, Kamis (29/1) saat menerima kunjungan Danjen Kopassus Mayjen TNI Doni Monardo di Bandung.
Dengan peluang pasar ekspor yang cukup besar dalam beberapa tahun ke depan serta kian diperhitungkannya produk Pindad, Silmy optimistis bisa meningkatkan ekspor.
Ekspor produk saat ini, kata dia, adalah amunisi yang diproduksi di Turen, serta persenjataan seperti senjata genggam maupun laras panjang SS dan beberapa jenis lainnya.
Untuk merealisasikan proyeksi itu, pihaknya melakukan beberapa langkah dan upaya, antara lain menjalin kerja sama dengan industri pertahanan terkemuka. Kerja sama itu dalam hal pemenuhan pemesanan 120 juta butir peluru selama 5 tahun.
Selain itu menjalin kerja sama strategis dengan industri sejenis lainnya. Bentuknya, pemenuhan kebutuhan kendaraan taktis.
"Salah satunya dalam pengembangan kendaraan taktis 4x4, dimana Pindad akan memproduksi untuk pesanan ke luar negeri," katanya.
Kepercayaan terhadap produk Pindad juga, kata Silmy Karim, juga dari pasukan perdamaian PBB yang memesan 44 unit kendaraan taktis produk PT Pindad, yaitu Anoa.
"Pasukan PBB menggunakan 44 unit Anoa untuk menjalankan misi perdamaiannya di Afrika," katanya.
Upaya-upaya kerja sama itu, terangnya, sebagai jawaban tantangan sekaligus tindak lanjut UU 16/2012 tentang Industri Pertahanan Nasional yang berdaya saing tinggi.
"Pindad berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan kapasitas produksi. Peningkatan itu tidak hanya kuantitas tetapi juga kualitas," kata Dirut Pindad menambahkan.
(Investor Daily)
Komodo - kendaraan 4x4 produksi Pindad (photo : Defense Studies)
BANDUNG - PT Pindad menargetkan peningkatan jumlah ekspor produknya sebesar 25 persen dalam lima tahun mendatang. Target utama BUMN ini tetap memasok kebutuhan alutsista dalam negeri yang dipesan oleh Departeman Pertahanan RI untuk persenjataan TNI dan Polri.
"Saat ini ekspor produk baru lima persen, namun dalam lima tahun ke depan kami targetkan bisa mencapai 20-25 persen," kata Dirut PT Pindad Silmy Karim di Bandung, Kamis (29/1) saat menerima kunjungan Danjen Kopassus Mayjen TNI Doni Monardo di Bandung.
Dengan peluang pasar ekspor yang cukup besar dalam beberapa tahun ke depan serta kian diperhitungkannya produk Pindad, Silmy optimistis bisa meningkatkan ekspor.
Ekspor produk saat ini, kata dia, adalah amunisi yang diproduksi di Turen, serta persenjataan seperti senjata genggam maupun laras panjang SS dan beberapa jenis lainnya.
Untuk merealisasikan proyeksi itu, pihaknya melakukan beberapa langkah dan upaya, antara lain menjalin kerja sama dengan industri pertahanan terkemuka. Kerja sama itu dalam hal pemenuhan pemesanan 120 juta butir peluru selama 5 tahun.
Selain itu menjalin kerja sama strategis dengan industri sejenis lainnya. Bentuknya, pemenuhan kebutuhan kendaraan taktis.
"Salah satunya dalam pengembangan kendaraan taktis 4x4, dimana Pindad akan memproduksi untuk pesanan ke luar negeri," katanya.
Kepercayaan terhadap produk Pindad juga, kata Silmy Karim, juga dari pasukan perdamaian PBB yang memesan 44 unit kendaraan taktis produk PT Pindad, yaitu Anoa.
"Pasukan PBB menggunakan 44 unit Anoa untuk menjalankan misi perdamaiannya di Afrika," katanya.
Upaya-upaya kerja sama itu, terangnya, sebagai jawaban tantangan sekaligus tindak lanjut UU 16/2012 tentang Industri Pertahanan Nasional yang berdaya saing tinggi.
"Pindad berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan kapasitas produksi. Peningkatan itu tidak hanya kuantitas tetapi juga kualitas," kata Dirut Pindad menambahkan.
(Investor Daily)
BTR-3E1 with 90mm CMI CSE90LP has been Tested in Thailand
29 Januari 2015
BTR-3E1 with 90mm CMI CSE90LP (photos : CMI. Thai Defense)
The new ukrainian wheeled tank destroyer BTR-3E1 with 90mm CMI CSE90LP has been tested in Thailand for for mechanized infantry regiment (MGS) , reported defence-blog.com. CMI Defence and Ukroboroprom integrate the Cockerill CSE 90LP turret with the BTR- 3E 8×8 vehicle. The resulting system offers robust organic direct firesupport to current and future BTR-3 users.
The Cockerill CSE 90LP is a low-weight two-person turret. Featuring the proven Cockerill 90mm low pressure gun (of which some 2,500 units have been sold) the turret provides a range of highly effective fires from HE to APFSDS-T and Canister. These fires are accurately delivered around the clock using electrically-powered gun drives and a night/day digital fire control system. The low weight of the Cockerill CSE 90LP turret permits the high mobility of the Ukroboronservice BTR-3E chassis to be fully utilized. Despite its high capability and advanced design, the Cockerill CSE 90LP turret is simple to use and ruggedly reliable in the field; a real soldier’s tool.
The BTR-3E1 project fulfilled the wish of highly mobile infantry with reasonable firepower but there are some missing puzzles ,the MGS ,which will provide the heavy punches for this (these) regiment(s), IMO, this 90 mm is more than enough firepower to support the infantry (but 105 should do some jobs better,i.e. tank hunting).
(Defence blog)
BTR-3E1 with 90mm CMI CSE90LP (photos : CMI. Thai Defense)
The new ukrainian wheeled tank destroyer BTR-3E1 with 90mm CMI CSE90LP has been tested in Thailand for for mechanized infantry regiment (MGS) , reported defence-blog.com. CMI Defence and Ukroboroprom integrate the Cockerill CSE 90LP turret with the BTR- 3E 8×8 vehicle. The resulting system offers robust organic direct firesupport to current and future BTR-3 users.
The Cockerill CSE 90LP is a low-weight two-person turret. Featuring the proven Cockerill 90mm low pressure gun (of which some 2,500 units have been sold) the turret provides a range of highly effective fires from HE to APFSDS-T and Canister. These fires are accurately delivered around the clock using electrically-powered gun drives and a night/day digital fire control system. The low weight of the Cockerill CSE 90LP turret permits the high mobility of the Ukroboronservice BTR-3E chassis to be fully utilized. Despite its high capability and advanced design, the Cockerill CSE 90LP turret is simple to use and ruggedly reliable in the field; a real soldier’s tool.
The BTR-3E1 project fulfilled the wish of highly mobile infantry with reasonable firepower but there are some missing puzzles ,the MGS ,which will provide the heavy punches for this (these) regiment(s), IMO, this 90 mm is more than enough firepower to support the infantry (but 105 should do some jobs better,i.e. tank hunting).
(Defence blog)
Brunei Transfers S-70A Blackhawks to Malaysian Armed Forces
29 Januari 2015
The RBAF has four S-70As in service (photos : Militaryphotos, Airforce Technology)
BRUNEI’S Ministry of Defence yesterday said it will transfer S-70A Blackhawk helicopters belonging to the Royal Brunei Air Force (RBAirF) to the Malaysian Armed Forces.
News of four S-70A Blackhawk helicopters from the RBAirF to be transferred to the Malaysian Armed Forces have been widely reported in prominent Malaysian websites since early this week and was confirmed by a statement from Brunei’s Ministry of Defence on its website yesterday.
“The Ministry of Defence is pleased to inform that the defence relations between Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia continue to be strengthened especially with the close consultation between the two countries; exchanges in trainings and joint military exercises; exchange of information; participation of both countries in international operations, such as the United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon (UNIFIL) and the International Monitoring Team (IMT); and many others.
“This cooperation will be further enhanced with the transfer of the S-70A Blackhawk helicopters belonging to the Royal Brunei Air Force (RBAirF) to the Malaysian Armed Forces.
“The helicopters are still operational in the Royal Brunei Air Force and are expected to be ready for the handover as early as September when the new RBAirF S-70i Blackhawk helicopters are fully operational.
“Details of the transfer will be further discussed by both sides.
“The Ministry of Defence hopes that the transfer of these helicopters will contribute towards enhancing the Malaysian Armed Forces capability and to the efforts of both countries in preserving regional peace and security,” read the statement.
Brunei’s Ministry of Defence had ordered 12 S-70i Blackhawk helicopters that were contracted to Sikorsky as part of Royal Brunei Air Force’s helicopter fleet modernisation.
The new fleet will enhance the Royal Brunei Air Force’s rotary wing capabilities in air mobility, Search and Rescue (SAR) and enhance surveillance of Brunei’s waters and borders. The first batch of the uniquely configured aircraft was delivered in early 2014.
Equipped with a suite of advanced avionics and sensors, the multirole aircraft can perform a variety of missions over land and water, including search and rescue, humanitarian relief, anti-piracy, troop transport and medical evacuation.
The contract includes ground support equipment, spares and technical training.
The Ministry of Defence has an option to order an additional 10 aircraft as part of the same contract.
Meanwhile, Malaysia will almost certainly operate the second-hand tactical / transport helicopters out of Labuan RMAF Base on an island just eight kilometres off the coast of Borneo, the land that holds Brunei, the Malaysian provinces of Sarawak and Sabah and Indonesian Kalimantan. From Labuan the choppers will likely be deployed to maintain peace in the Eastern Sabah Safety Zone (Esszone), airheadfly.com reported.
By helping neighbouring Malaysia with additional rotary wing, Brunei more or less provides an extra forward line of defence for its own security, the website added. The Blackhawk is not new to Malaysia, as the Royal Malaysian Air Force flies a pair for VIP duties.
The RBAF has four S-70As in service (photos : Militaryphotos, Airforce Technology)
BRUNEI’S Ministry of Defence yesterday said it will transfer S-70A Blackhawk helicopters belonging to the Royal Brunei Air Force (RBAirF) to the Malaysian Armed Forces.
News of four S-70A Blackhawk helicopters from the RBAirF to be transferred to the Malaysian Armed Forces have been widely reported in prominent Malaysian websites since early this week and was confirmed by a statement from Brunei’s Ministry of Defence on its website yesterday.
“The Ministry of Defence is pleased to inform that the defence relations between Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia continue to be strengthened especially with the close consultation between the two countries; exchanges in trainings and joint military exercises; exchange of information; participation of both countries in international operations, such as the United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon (UNIFIL) and the International Monitoring Team (IMT); and many others.
“This cooperation will be further enhanced with the transfer of the S-70A Blackhawk helicopters belonging to the Royal Brunei Air Force (RBAirF) to the Malaysian Armed Forces.
“The helicopters are still operational in the Royal Brunei Air Force and are expected to be ready for the handover as early as September when the new RBAirF S-70i Blackhawk helicopters are fully operational.
“Details of the transfer will be further discussed by both sides.
“The Ministry of Defence hopes that the transfer of these helicopters will contribute towards enhancing the Malaysian Armed Forces capability and to the efforts of both countries in preserving regional peace and security,” read the statement.
Brunei’s Ministry of Defence had ordered 12 S-70i Blackhawk helicopters that were contracted to Sikorsky as part of Royal Brunei Air Force’s helicopter fleet modernisation.
The new fleet will enhance the Royal Brunei Air Force’s rotary wing capabilities in air mobility, Search and Rescue (SAR) and enhance surveillance of Brunei’s waters and borders. The first batch of the uniquely configured aircraft was delivered in early 2014.
Equipped with a suite of advanced avionics and sensors, the multirole aircraft can perform a variety of missions over land and water, including search and rescue, humanitarian relief, anti-piracy, troop transport and medical evacuation.
The contract includes ground support equipment, spares and technical training.
The Ministry of Defence has an option to order an additional 10 aircraft as part of the same contract.
Meanwhile, Malaysia will almost certainly operate the second-hand tactical / transport helicopters out of Labuan RMAF Base on an island just eight kilometres off the coast of Borneo, the land that holds Brunei, the Malaysian provinces of Sarawak and Sabah and Indonesian Kalimantan. From Labuan the choppers will likely be deployed to maintain peace in the Eastern Sabah Safety Zone (Esszone), airheadfly.com reported.
By helping neighbouring Malaysia with additional rotary wing, Brunei more or less provides an extra forward line of defence for its own security, the website added. The Blackhawk is not new to Malaysia, as the Royal Malaysian Air Force flies a pair for VIP duties.
Defence Minister Announces the Gifting of Two Landing Craft to the Philippines
29 Januari 2015
HMAS Brunei L127 and HMAS Tarakan L129 (photo : Aus DoD)
The Australian Government will gift two recently-decommissioned Landing Craft Heavy vessels, including a package of spare parts, to the Philippines Government, the Minister for Defence Kevin Andrews announced today.
Mr Andrews said the former Royal Australian Navy vessels HMAS Tarakan and Brunei would be gifted to the Philippine Navy after being refurbished with new safety and navigation equipment.
“I expect the vessels will be refitted and ready for hand over in May 2015,” Mr Andrews said.
The Landing Craft will be commissioned in the Philippines Navy and will provide additional intra-theatre sealift capability.
A lack of sealift capability hampered efforts to assist Philippines’ coastal areas devastated by Super Typhoon Haiyan in 2013.
“The Landing Craft will greatly improve the Philippines’ ability to respond to natural disasters by enabling heavy equipment and large amounts of aid to be moved to affected areas,” Mr Andrews said.
The Landing Craft Heavy fleet was decommissioned from Australian service at a ceremony in Cairns on 19 November 2014.
The Philippines Government is also considering whether to purchase the remaining three Landing Craft Heavy. The former HMAS Wewak, Betano and Balikpapan were decommissioned from the Royal Australian Navy in 2012.
(Aus DoD)
HMAS Brunei L127 and HMAS Tarakan L129 (photo : Aus DoD)
The Australian Government will gift two recently-decommissioned Landing Craft Heavy vessels, including a package of spare parts, to the Philippines Government, the Minister for Defence Kevin Andrews announced today.
Mr Andrews said the former Royal Australian Navy vessels HMAS Tarakan and Brunei would be gifted to the Philippine Navy after being refurbished with new safety and navigation equipment.
“I expect the vessels will be refitted and ready for hand over in May 2015,” Mr Andrews said.
The Landing Craft will be commissioned in the Philippines Navy and will provide additional intra-theatre sealift capability.
A lack of sealift capability hampered efforts to assist Philippines’ coastal areas devastated by Super Typhoon Haiyan in 2013.
“The Landing Craft will greatly improve the Philippines’ ability to respond to natural disasters by enabling heavy equipment and large amounts of aid to be moved to affected areas,” Mr Andrews said.
The Landing Craft Heavy fleet was decommissioned from Australian service at a ceremony in Cairns on 19 November 2014.
The Philippines Government is also considering whether to purchase the remaining three Landing Craft Heavy. The former HMAS Wewak, Betano and Balikpapan were decommissioned from the Royal Australian Navy in 2012.
(Aus DoD)
28 Januari 2015
Myanmar Announces 2015 Budget of USD2.5 Billion
28 Januari 2015
The 2015 defence budget equal to 3.7% of GDP (photo : Myanmar Armour Corps)
Myanmar's Ministry of Defence (MoD) has proposed a 2015 defence budget of MMK2.61 trillion (USD2.5 billion), according to reports in the country on 28 January. The figure represents a year-on-year nominal increase of 10% and approximately 3.7% of national GDP.
In presenting the defence budget to parliament, defence minister Lieutenant General Wai Lwin said the expenditure will be directed at supporting operational expenses, procurement, salaries, constructing and maintaining military facilities, and providing education and training to military personnel.
Reports said Lt Gen Wai Lwin also noted a potential further increase to the defence budget if a separate proposal to provide the military with a pay increase is approved by Myanmar's parliament before implementation at the beginning of the financial year in April.
The 2015 defence budget equal to 3.7% of GDP (photo : Myanmar Armour Corps)
Myanmar's Ministry of Defence (MoD) has proposed a 2015 defence budget of MMK2.61 trillion (USD2.5 billion), according to reports in the country on 28 January. The figure represents a year-on-year nominal increase of 10% and approximately 3.7% of national GDP.
In presenting the defence budget to parliament, defence minister Lieutenant General Wai Lwin said the expenditure will be directed at supporting operational expenses, procurement, salaries, constructing and maintaining military facilities, and providing education and training to military personnel.
Reports said Lt Gen Wai Lwin also noted a potential further increase to the defence budget if a separate proposal to provide the military with a pay increase is approved by Myanmar's parliament before implementation at the beginning of the financial year in April.
Orion Upgrade Cost Revealed
28 Januari 2014
Upgrading the Air Force's six Orions is expected to cost $330 million, which is less than originally estimated. (photo : Airel K)
Responding to an Official Information Act request from Radio New Zealand, the Ministry of Defence has revealed the total cost of the seven-year project is projected to be $332.3 million.
The P-3K Orion Upgrade Project would finish halfway through this year with only a software upgrade to go.
The ministry's acquisition division deputy secretary, Des Ashton, said the original budget for the project was $377 million.
Exchange rates had played a role in why the project would come in under budget, he said.
The project was based in Texas and Blenheim with a mixture of overseas and local contractors.
Equipment such as computers, mission systems, radar systems, wiring and antennas had been upgraded.
"If you go back to the configuration of the aeroplane it was quite modern compared to some P3s in the world, but the computing power that was put in the original upgrade back in the 80s/90s was about the power of a commodore 64."
The Orions are used in search and rescue missions, fishery protection, anti-piracy operations and surveillance.
Mr Ashton said it was important that these planes were upgraded since the world had changed since the planes were first introduced into service in 1965.
(Radio New Zealand)
Upgrading the Air Force's six Orions is expected to cost $330 million, which is less than originally estimated. (photo : Airel K)
Responding to an Official Information Act request from Radio New Zealand, the Ministry of Defence has revealed the total cost of the seven-year project is projected to be $332.3 million.
The P-3K Orion Upgrade Project would finish halfway through this year with only a software upgrade to go.
The ministry's acquisition division deputy secretary, Des Ashton, said the original budget for the project was $377 million.
Exchange rates had played a role in why the project would come in under budget, he said.
The project was based in Texas and Blenheim with a mixture of overseas and local contractors.
Equipment such as computers, mission systems, radar systems, wiring and antennas had been upgraded.
"If you go back to the configuration of the aeroplane it was quite modern compared to some P3s in the world, but the computing power that was put in the original upgrade back in the 80s/90s was about the power of a commodore 64."
The Orions are used in search and rescue missions, fishery protection, anti-piracy operations and surveillance.
Mr Ashton said it was important that these planes were upgraded since the world had changed since the planes were first introduced into service in 1965.
(Radio New Zealand)
Malaysia Mulls Air Defences for Submarine Base Near South China Sea
28 Januari 2015
One of the two RMN Scorpene-class submarines, KD Tun Razak (photo : Navantia)
Malaysia is looking to equip its naval base at Teluk Sepanggar with an air defence system as a pre-emptive measure against potential threats, said Defence Minister Hishammuddin Tun Hussein in a media statement on 26 January.
The base, now known as RMN Kota Kinabalu, is currently home to the Royal Malaysian Navy's (RMN's) two Scorpene-class diesel-electric attack submarines: KD Tunku Abdul Rahman and KD Tun Razak . The base began operations in 2006, originally as the Sepanggar Naval Base, and houses the country's only dedicated submarine basing facility together with several other surface combatants.
Hishammuddin described the plan to deploy air defence systems at RMN Kota Kinabalu as a move that will prepare the RMN for possible future conflicts, adding that the service is currently focused on potential threats emanating from the South China Sea and Eastern Sabah waters.
However, the minister stopped short of elaborating on the specifics of any system being considered, saying that any decision will depend on the armed forces' requirements and government funding.
The RMN naval base at Teluk Sepanggar is close to disputed maritime regions in the South China Sea. A decision to deploy an air defence capability to the submarine base may have become increasingly important to Malaysia following manoeuvres by the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) near waters claimed by Beijing and Kuala Lumpur.
China's Xinhua news agency reported in January 2014 that a PLAN task group, comprising the Type 071 landing ship dock (LSD) vessel Changbaishan (989), the Type 052B Luyang I-class destroyer Wuhan (169), and the Type 052C Luyang II-class destroyer Haikou (171), had patrolled James Shoal and held a ceremony during which sailors swore to safeguard the country's sovereignty.
China has repeatedly claimed James Shoal as its southernmost land feature and continues to reinforce this by regularly dispatching naval vessels to the area. James Shoal lies approximately 60 n miles off the coast of Sarawak in Eastern Malaysia.
One of the two RMN Scorpene-class submarines, KD Tun Razak (photo : Navantia)
Malaysia is looking to equip its naval base at Teluk Sepanggar with an air defence system as a pre-emptive measure against potential threats, said Defence Minister Hishammuddin Tun Hussein in a media statement on 26 January.
The base, now known as RMN Kota Kinabalu, is currently home to the Royal Malaysian Navy's (RMN's) two Scorpene-class diesel-electric attack submarines: KD Tunku Abdul Rahman and KD Tun Razak . The base began operations in 2006, originally as the Sepanggar Naval Base, and houses the country's only dedicated submarine basing facility together with several other surface combatants.
Hishammuddin described the plan to deploy air defence systems at RMN Kota Kinabalu as a move that will prepare the RMN for possible future conflicts, adding that the service is currently focused on potential threats emanating from the South China Sea and Eastern Sabah waters.
However, the minister stopped short of elaborating on the specifics of any system being considered, saying that any decision will depend on the armed forces' requirements and government funding.
The RMN naval base at Teluk Sepanggar is close to disputed maritime regions in the South China Sea. A decision to deploy an air defence capability to the submarine base may have become increasingly important to Malaysia following manoeuvres by the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) near waters claimed by Beijing and Kuala Lumpur.
China's Xinhua news agency reported in January 2014 that a PLAN task group, comprising the Type 071 landing ship dock (LSD) vessel Changbaishan (989), the Type 052B Luyang I-class destroyer Wuhan (169), and the Type 052C Luyang II-class destroyer Haikou (171), had patrolled James Shoal and held a ceremony during which sailors swore to safeguard the country's sovereignty.
China has repeatedly claimed James Shoal as its southernmost land feature and continues to reinforce this by regularly dispatching naval vessels to the area. James Shoal lies approximately 60 n miles off the coast of Sarawak in Eastern Malaysia.
27 Januari 2015
Australia Requests Sale of 6 M88A2 Hercules Heavy Recovery Vehicles
27 Januari 2015
M88A2 Hercules Heavy Recovery Vehicles (photo : AnzacSteel)
WASHINGTON, Jan 26, 2015 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Australia for M88A2 Hercules Heavy Recovery Vehicles and associated equipment, parts and logistical support for an estimated cost of $47 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.
The Government of Australia has requested a possible sale of up to 6 M88A2 Hercules Heavy Recovery Vehicles, 7 Force XXI Battle Command, Brigade & Below (FBCB2)/Blue Force Trackers (BFT), AN/PSN-13(V) Global Positioning System (GPS) Defense Advanced GPS Receivers (DAGR), AN/VAS-5 Driver Vision Enhancers (DVE), AN/VRC-92F with RT-1523F Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio Systems (SINCGARS), Commander’s Weapon Station assemblies, remote thermal sights, radio harnesses , M239 Grenade Launchers, maintenance support devices, Deep Water Fording Kits, spare and repair parts, supply and test equipment, personnel training and training equipment, publications and technical documentation, United States Government and contractor engineering, logistics, and technical support services, and other related elements of logistics support. The estimated cost for up to six M88A2s, support and services is $47 million.
This sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a major contributor to political stability, security, and economic development in Southeast Asia. Australia is an important ally and partner that contributes significantly to peacekeeping and humanitarian operations around the world. It is vital to the U.S. national interest to assist our ally in developing and maintaining a strong and ready self-defense capability. This proposed sale is consistent with these objectives and facilitates burden sharing with a key ally.
The proposed sale will enhance Australia’s capability to conduct heavy ground operations. Australia will use this equipment to support its deterrent capabilities against regional threats and to strengthen its homeland defense. Australia, which currently operates M88A2s, will have no difficulty absorbing these additional M88A2s into its inventory.
The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.
The principal contractor will be the BAE Systems in York, Pennsylvania. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.
Implementation of this proposed sale will not require the assignment of any additional U.S. Government or contractor representatives to Australia.
There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.
This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.
M88A2 Hercules Heavy Recovery Vehicles (photo : AnzacSteel)
WASHINGTON, Jan 26, 2015 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Australia for M88A2 Hercules Heavy Recovery Vehicles and associated equipment, parts and logistical support for an estimated cost of $47 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.
The Government of Australia has requested a possible sale of up to 6 M88A2 Hercules Heavy Recovery Vehicles, 7 Force XXI Battle Command, Brigade & Below (FBCB2)/Blue Force Trackers (BFT), AN/PSN-13(V) Global Positioning System (GPS) Defense Advanced GPS Receivers (DAGR), AN/VAS-5 Driver Vision Enhancers (DVE), AN/VRC-92F with RT-1523F Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio Systems (SINCGARS), Commander’s Weapon Station assemblies, remote thermal sights, radio harnesses , M239 Grenade Launchers, maintenance support devices, Deep Water Fording Kits, spare and repair parts, supply and test equipment, personnel training and training equipment, publications and technical documentation, United States Government and contractor engineering, logistics, and technical support services, and other related elements of logistics support. The estimated cost for up to six M88A2s, support and services is $47 million.
This sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a major contributor to political stability, security, and economic development in Southeast Asia. Australia is an important ally and partner that contributes significantly to peacekeeping and humanitarian operations around the world. It is vital to the U.S. national interest to assist our ally in developing and maintaining a strong and ready self-defense capability. This proposed sale is consistent with these objectives and facilitates burden sharing with a key ally.
The proposed sale will enhance Australia’s capability to conduct heavy ground operations. Australia will use this equipment to support its deterrent capabilities against regional threats and to strengthen its homeland defense. Australia, which currently operates M88A2s, will have no difficulty absorbing these additional M88A2s into its inventory.
The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.
The principal contractor will be the BAE Systems in York, Pennsylvania. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.
Implementation of this proposed sale will not require the assignment of any additional U.S. Government or contractor representatives to Australia.
There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.
This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.
Australian Military’s New EC135 T2+ Training Helicopter Takes to Air
27 Januari 2015
The HATS No.1 EC135 T2+ (photo : Airbus Helicopters)
The first EC135 T2+ helicopter in a planned fleet of modern, twin-engine, rotary-wing aircraft being acquired by the Australian Defence Force (ADF) for its new Helicopter Aircrew Training System (HATS), has successfully completed its first flight in Europe.
Under the HATS project, a joint training scheme for both Army and Navy aircrew will utilise some 15 Airbus Helicopters EC135 T2+ trainers, along with EC135 flight simulators and a new flight-deck equipped, sea-going training vessel.
Boeing Defence Australia (BDA) is the prime contractor for the new training system, partnered by Thales Australia which will provide the flight simulators. The first EC135 T2+ (Serial Nbr.1179) took off from the Airbus Helicopters’ production site in Donauwörth, Germany, where the helicopter is assembled at 14.37 local time on 16th January and landed back on site 57 mins later.
The Airbus Helicopters Flight Test Department reported the successful first flight had validated the full performance of the aircraft’s systems and engines, and that future flights would test specific customer equipment.
Said Peter Harris, Airbus Helicopters Head of Sales – Australia Pacific: “At Airbus Helicopters we are thrilled to have reached such a fantastic milestone in only two months from contract signing last November. This clearly demonstrates the commitment that we have towards supporting Boeing Defence Australia in meeting the ADF’s needs for training all future combat helicopter aircrew for the Royal Australian Navy and the Australian Army. We will take all of our milestones just as seriously.”
While the EC135 T2+ is a civil design helicopter, it has also proved to be a consummate military trainer. With a high-visibility glass cockpit, multi-axis auto-pilot and the performance and safety of a twin-engine helicopter replacing current single-engine types, it is similar to the multi-role and combat helicopters now in service with the ADF - including new-generation Tiger ARH and MRH90 helicopters - and meets all training, technical and safety requirements for future Army and Navy aircrews. Initial Operating Capability (IOC) is scheduled for late 2018 although students will begin arriving earlier. When fully IOC the HATS system will accommodate up to 130 students a year covering pilots, aviation warfare officers, aircrewmen, sensor operators and qualified aircrew returning for instructor training.
(Airbus Group)
The HATS No.1 EC135 T2+ (photo : Airbus Helicopters)
The first EC135 T2+ helicopter in a planned fleet of modern, twin-engine, rotary-wing aircraft being acquired by the Australian Defence Force (ADF) for its new Helicopter Aircrew Training System (HATS), has successfully completed its first flight in Europe.
Under the HATS project, a joint training scheme for both Army and Navy aircrew will utilise some 15 Airbus Helicopters EC135 T2+ trainers, along with EC135 flight simulators and a new flight-deck equipped, sea-going training vessel.
Boeing Defence Australia (BDA) is the prime contractor for the new training system, partnered by Thales Australia which will provide the flight simulators. The first EC135 T2+ (Serial Nbr.1179) took off from the Airbus Helicopters’ production site in Donauwörth, Germany, where the helicopter is assembled at 14.37 local time on 16th January and landed back on site 57 mins later.
The Airbus Helicopters Flight Test Department reported the successful first flight had validated the full performance of the aircraft’s systems and engines, and that future flights would test specific customer equipment.
Said Peter Harris, Airbus Helicopters Head of Sales – Australia Pacific: “At Airbus Helicopters we are thrilled to have reached such a fantastic milestone in only two months from contract signing last November. This clearly demonstrates the commitment that we have towards supporting Boeing Defence Australia in meeting the ADF’s needs for training all future combat helicopter aircrew for the Royal Australian Navy and the Australian Army. We will take all of our milestones just as seriously.”
While the EC135 T2+ is a civil design helicopter, it has also proved to be a consummate military trainer. With a high-visibility glass cockpit, multi-axis auto-pilot and the performance and safety of a twin-engine helicopter replacing current single-engine types, it is similar to the multi-role and combat helicopters now in service with the ADF - including new-generation Tiger ARH and MRH90 helicopters - and meets all training, technical and safety requirements for future Army and Navy aircrews. Initial Operating Capability (IOC) is scheduled for late 2018 although students will begin arriving earlier. When fully IOC the HATS system will accommodate up to 130 students a year covering pilots, aviation warfare officers, aircrewmen, sensor operators and qualified aircrew returning for instructor training.
(Airbus Group)
Boustead Naval Shipyard Recovers Sunk KD Perantau
27 Januari 2015
Recovered KD Perantau (photo : Rentaka)
LUMUT – At approximately 1130 hours today, the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) hydrographic survey vessel, KD Perantau, was successfully transferred to the Synchrolift at Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (BNS) and raised above water.
With the recovery of the ship, preservation and refit work on KD Perantau has recommenced, and every effort will be made to deliver the vessel in line with the original schedule.
BHIC Managing Director, Tan Sri Ahmad Ramli Mohd Nor, said: “I am pleased the recovery efforts on KD Perantau have been completed. We are grateful for the support and collaboration of the Royal Malaysian Navy throughout this exercise.”
Recovered KD Perantau (photo : Rentaka)
LUMUT – At approximately 1130 hours today, the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) hydrographic survey vessel, KD Perantau, was successfully transferred to the Synchrolift at Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (BNS) and raised above water.
With the recovery of the ship, preservation and refit work on KD Perantau has recommenced, and every effort will be made to deliver the vessel in line with the original schedule.
BHIC Managing Director, Tan Sri Ahmad Ramli Mohd Nor, said: “I am pleased the recovery efforts on KD Perantau have been completed. We are grateful for the support and collaboration of the Royal Malaysian Navy throughout this exercise.”
Eight AH-64E Guardian for Indonesia will be Started Production
27 Januari 2015
Boeing AH-64 Apache (photo : Mark Empson)
Boeing Co., Mesa, Arizona was awarded a $295,866,116 firm-fixed-price foreign military sales (Indonesia) contract for eight AH64E Apache attack helicopters.
Work will be performed in Mesa, Arizona with an estimated completion date of Feb. 28, 2018.
One bid was solicited with one received. Fiscal 2010 other procurement funds in the amount of $295,866,116 are being obligated at the time of the award. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama is the contracting activity (W58RGZ-15-C-0025).
(US DoD)
Boeing AH-64 Apache (photo : Mark Empson)
Boeing Co., Mesa, Arizona was awarded a $295,866,116 firm-fixed-price foreign military sales (Indonesia) contract for eight AH64E Apache attack helicopters.
Work will be performed in Mesa, Arizona with an estimated completion date of Feb. 28, 2018.
One bid was solicited with one received. Fiscal 2010 other procurement funds in the amount of $295,866,116 are being obligated at the time of the award. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama is the contracting activity (W58RGZ-15-C-0025).
(US DoD)
26 Januari 2015
Exelis Wins Interim Redesign Contract for the EA-18G Growler Tactical Jammer
26 Januari 2015
ALQ-99 tactical jamming system (photo : militaryphotos)
CLIFTON, N.J.– Exelis (NYSE: XLS) has received a U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center contract valued at $15.3 million to perform essential sustainment work on the ALQ-99 tactical jamming system. The ALQ-99 is used on the Navy’s EA-6B Prowler and EA-18G Growler electronic attack aircraft. The technology will also be provided to the Australian government through a Foreign Military Sales program, the first time the ALQ-99 has been made available to an international ally.
Under the contract, Exelis will redesign three modules -- components of the ALQ-99’s universal exciter upgrade shop-replaceable assembly -- to extend the service life of the Navy’s principal standoff jammer.
As part of the redesign, Exelis will replace legacy application-specific electronic components with modern field-programmable technology, enhancing reliability and the system’s ability to adapt to changing mission needs. The work will also include extensive qualification testing to ensure that the aircraft can operate successfully in challenging environments.
“The ALQ-99 is expected to continue supporting the Navy’s electronic attack mission for several years until a next-generation solution is fielded,” said Mitch Friedman, vice president and general manager of the Exelis integrated electronic warfare systems business. “This critical interim support will equip the system to handle the evolving threat landscape and allow U.S. and allied forces to continue dominating the electromagnetic spectrum.”
For the first time, this contract combines purchases for the U.S. Navy and the government of Australia through a Department of Defense Foreign Military Sales program. Work is expected to be completed by June 2017.
The ALQ-99 is part of a suite of electronic warfare (EW) technologies designed to enable domestic and international customers to perform their critical missions. Leveraging its decades of innovation and experience in the electromagnetic spectrum, Exelis has identified EW as one of the company’s four strategic growth platforms.
ALQ-99 tactical jamming system (photo : militaryphotos)
CLIFTON, N.J.– Exelis (NYSE: XLS) has received a U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center contract valued at $15.3 million to perform essential sustainment work on the ALQ-99 tactical jamming system. The ALQ-99 is used on the Navy’s EA-6B Prowler and EA-18G Growler electronic attack aircraft. The technology will also be provided to the Australian government through a Foreign Military Sales program, the first time the ALQ-99 has been made available to an international ally.
Under the contract, Exelis will redesign three modules -- components of the ALQ-99’s universal exciter upgrade shop-replaceable assembly -- to extend the service life of the Navy’s principal standoff jammer.
As part of the redesign, Exelis will replace legacy application-specific electronic components with modern field-programmable technology, enhancing reliability and the system’s ability to adapt to changing mission needs. The work will also include extensive qualification testing to ensure that the aircraft can operate successfully in challenging environments.
“The ALQ-99 is expected to continue supporting the Navy’s electronic attack mission for several years until a next-generation solution is fielded,” said Mitch Friedman, vice president and general manager of the Exelis integrated electronic warfare systems business. “This critical interim support will equip the system to handle the evolving threat landscape and allow U.S. and allied forces to continue dominating the electromagnetic spectrum.”
For the first time, this contract combines purchases for the U.S. Navy and the government of Australia through a Department of Defense Foreign Military Sales program. Work is expected to be completed by June 2017.
The ALQ-99 is part of a suite of electronic warfare (EW) technologies designed to enable domestic and international customers to perform their critical missions. Leveraging its decades of innovation and experience in the electromagnetic spectrum, Exelis has identified EW as one of the company’s four strategic growth platforms.
Menhan Ryamizard Ryacudu Usulkan Tambahan Dana Rp 5,1 Triliun
26 Januari 2015
Kementerian Pertahanan mengalokasikan anggaran pertahanan senilai Rp 417 triliun untuk periode 2015-2019 (photo : Defense Studies)
Kabar24.com, JAKARTA--Kementerian Pertahanan mengajukan tambahan Rp5,1 triliun dalam Rancangan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara Perubahan (RAPBN-P) 2015 dari anggaran sebelumnya Rp96,6 triliun.
Hal itu diungkap Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu dalam agenda rapat dengar pendapat dengan Komisi I DPR.
"Itu penambahan anggaran untuk 2015 yang dipaparkan Pak Menteri. Adapun dalam rencana strategis , Kemhan menganggarkan Rp 417 triliun dibagi dalam 5 tahun," ujar Tantowi Yahya, Wakil Ketua Komisi I DPR RI.
Penambahan itu, jelas Tantowi, untuk menopang pencapaian alat utama sistem pertahanan (alutsista) sesuai dengan standar minimum essential force (MEF) atau standar minimum negara mampu melakukan tindakan pertahanan.
"Itu hanya untuk mencapai 60% minimum essential force," kata Tantowi, di Kompleks Gedung Parlemen, Senin (26/1/2015).
Sebelumnya, Letnan Jenderal TNI Ediwan Prabowo, Sekretaris Jenderal Kemhan pernah menjelaskan, dalam pemenuhan belanja alutsista itu mengacu pada MEF, alutsista Indonesia baru mencapai 38% dari yang ditargetkan MEF. Adapun MEF 40% dari ideal.
"Meski demikian, anggaran itu akan disesuaikan dengan program pemerintah dengan mengacu skala prioritas."
Untuk Alokasi belanja pegawai, tetap akan ada di TNI AD karena jumlah personel yang besar.
"Adapun untuk alat utama sistem pertahanan (alutsista), Kemhan akan mengintegrasikan mulai dari pengadaan alutsista TNI AD, TNI AL, dan TNI AU," katanya.
Dalam pengadaan alutsista itu, jelasnya, TNI AU dan TNI AL akan mendapatkan porsi anggaran yang lebih besar menyusul mahalnya peralatan yang ada dalam shopping list Kemhan.
Misalnya, TNI AL a.l. menganggarkan pembelian dua unit kapal selam dari Korea Selatan yang saat ini satu unit sudah mencapai 60%, satu lagi masih akan mulai dibangun.
"Selanjutnya, TNI AL akan difokuskan untuk pengembangan produk dalam negeri," ujarnya.
Adapun untuk TNI AU, a.l. masih akan dianggarkan peremajaan skuadron F-5 Tiger.
“Namun, belum diputuskan mau mengganti dengan pesawat jenis apa. Yang jelas, kemampuannya lebih bagus dari F-5 Tiger,” kata Ediwan.
(Kabar 24)
Kementerian Pertahanan mengalokasikan anggaran pertahanan senilai Rp 417 triliun untuk periode 2015-2019 (photo : Defense Studies)
Kabar24.com, JAKARTA--Kementerian Pertahanan mengajukan tambahan Rp5,1 triliun dalam Rancangan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara Perubahan (RAPBN-P) 2015 dari anggaran sebelumnya Rp96,6 triliun.
Hal itu diungkap Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu dalam agenda rapat dengar pendapat dengan Komisi I DPR.
"Itu penambahan anggaran untuk 2015 yang dipaparkan Pak Menteri. Adapun dalam rencana strategis , Kemhan menganggarkan Rp 417 triliun dibagi dalam 5 tahun," ujar Tantowi Yahya, Wakil Ketua Komisi I DPR RI.
Penambahan itu, jelas Tantowi, untuk menopang pencapaian alat utama sistem pertahanan (alutsista) sesuai dengan standar minimum essential force (MEF) atau standar minimum negara mampu melakukan tindakan pertahanan.
"Itu hanya untuk mencapai 60% minimum essential force," kata Tantowi, di Kompleks Gedung Parlemen, Senin (26/1/2015).
Sebelumnya, Letnan Jenderal TNI Ediwan Prabowo, Sekretaris Jenderal Kemhan pernah menjelaskan, dalam pemenuhan belanja alutsista itu mengacu pada MEF, alutsista Indonesia baru mencapai 38% dari yang ditargetkan MEF. Adapun MEF 40% dari ideal.
"Meski demikian, anggaran itu akan disesuaikan dengan program pemerintah dengan mengacu skala prioritas."
Untuk Alokasi belanja pegawai, tetap akan ada di TNI AD karena jumlah personel yang besar.
"Adapun untuk alat utama sistem pertahanan (alutsista), Kemhan akan mengintegrasikan mulai dari pengadaan alutsista TNI AD, TNI AL, dan TNI AU," katanya.
Dalam pengadaan alutsista itu, jelasnya, TNI AU dan TNI AL akan mendapatkan porsi anggaran yang lebih besar menyusul mahalnya peralatan yang ada dalam shopping list Kemhan.
Misalnya, TNI AL a.l. menganggarkan pembelian dua unit kapal selam dari Korea Selatan yang saat ini satu unit sudah mencapai 60%, satu lagi masih akan mulai dibangun.
"Selanjutnya, TNI AL akan difokuskan untuk pengembangan produk dalam negeri," ujarnya.
Adapun untuk TNI AU, a.l. masih akan dianggarkan peremajaan skuadron F-5 Tiger.
“Namun, belum diputuskan mau mengganti dengan pesawat jenis apa. Yang jelas, kemampuannya lebih bagus dari F-5 Tiger,” kata Ediwan.
(Kabar 24)
AFP Receives 23 ‘Humvee’ Ambulances
26 Januari 2015
23 Humvee ambulance version (photo : pdff)
CAMP AGUINALDO, Quezon City – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) will officially receive 23 new High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWV), commonly called as “Humvee” ambulances in a blessing and turnover ceremony that will be held here on Monday (January 26).
The AFP Chief of Staff, General Gregorio Pio P. Catapang Jr. will formally receive the Humvee ambulances that were acquired by the AFP through Foreign Military Sales (FMS) transaction.
The Secretary of National Defense, Voltaire T. Gazmin will attend as the ceremony’s Guest of Honor and Speaker along with personnel from the Department of National Defense (DND), AFP General Headquarters, and Joint U.S. Military Action Group (JUSMAG) Philippines.
These 23 Humvees will be issued to the Philippine Army as part of its Forward Health Service Support System Requirement under the Philippine Defense Reform Program. The units were delivered in three batches; ten units on October 17; eight on November 24; and five on December 18, all in 2014. Seven more units are expected to be delivered on February 2015.
On July 22, 2014 the AFP approved and accepted the amended Letter of Offer and Acceptance for the procurement of 30 more units of M1152 HMMWV ambulances that will add up to the previous acquisition in 2011.
In November 2011, the AFP accepted 23 Humvee ambulances; 19 of which were distributed to the Philippine Army while four were given to the Philippine Marines. Overall, the acquisition project amounted to a total of US$18,993,629.00.
Efforts on the acquisition of these ambulances started in 2007.
The Humvee ambulance is designed to conduct medical assistance to troops conducting security operations in the field, particularly in the province and far-flung areas. It is capable of traversing all types of road as well as cross-country terrain typical in conflict-affected areas.
Each ambulance is equipped with an ambulance shelter and medical equipment set that includes one oxygen tank, a first aid kit and two stretchers. This allows for immediate medical response to wounded soldiers before being transported to the nearest hospital or other medical facilities.
The M1152 HMMWV Expanded Capacity Cargo/Troop Carrier has a GEP V8 engine with 6.5L turbocharged diesel and a horsepower of 3,400 RPM. It weighs about 11.5 thousand pounds and has a maximum speed of 113 kilometers per hour.
The vehicles were enhanced with dual parallel air-condition condensers; heavy duty variable rate springs; reinforced front body mounts; quick release seat belts; gunner’s restraint; and automatic fire extinguishing system.
The vehicles were inspected by the Office of the Chief of Staff for Logistics, J4, AFP and Office for Defense Reform, DND at the Supply Unit (P), General Headquarters and Headquarters Support Command (GHQ & HSC) compound in Camp Aguinaldo on December 12, 2014. The units are currently parked in said area for safekeeping.
23 Humvee ambulance version (photo : pdff)
CAMP AGUINALDO, Quezon City – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) will officially receive 23 new High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWV), commonly called as “Humvee” ambulances in a blessing and turnover ceremony that will be held here on Monday (January 26).
The AFP Chief of Staff, General Gregorio Pio P. Catapang Jr. will formally receive the Humvee ambulances that were acquired by the AFP through Foreign Military Sales (FMS) transaction.
The Secretary of National Defense, Voltaire T. Gazmin will attend as the ceremony’s Guest of Honor and Speaker along with personnel from the Department of National Defense (DND), AFP General Headquarters, and Joint U.S. Military Action Group (JUSMAG) Philippines.
These 23 Humvees will be issued to the Philippine Army as part of its Forward Health Service Support System Requirement under the Philippine Defense Reform Program. The units were delivered in three batches; ten units on October 17; eight on November 24; and five on December 18, all in 2014. Seven more units are expected to be delivered on February 2015.
On July 22, 2014 the AFP approved and accepted the amended Letter of Offer and Acceptance for the procurement of 30 more units of M1152 HMMWV ambulances that will add up to the previous acquisition in 2011.
In November 2011, the AFP accepted 23 Humvee ambulances; 19 of which were distributed to the Philippine Army while four were given to the Philippine Marines. Overall, the acquisition project amounted to a total of US$18,993,629.00.
Efforts on the acquisition of these ambulances started in 2007.
The Humvee ambulance is designed to conduct medical assistance to troops conducting security operations in the field, particularly in the province and far-flung areas. It is capable of traversing all types of road as well as cross-country terrain typical in conflict-affected areas.
Each ambulance is equipped with an ambulance shelter and medical equipment set that includes one oxygen tank, a first aid kit and two stretchers. This allows for immediate medical response to wounded soldiers before being transported to the nearest hospital or other medical facilities.
The M1152 HMMWV Expanded Capacity Cargo/Troop Carrier has a GEP V8 engine with 6.5L turbocharged diesel and a horsepower of 3,400 RPM. It weighs about 11.5 thousand pounds and has a maximum speed of 113 kilometers per hour.
The vehicles were enhanced with dual parallel air-condition condensers; heavy duty variable rate springs; reinforced front body mounts; quick release seat belts; gunner’s restraint; and automatic fire extinguishing system.
The vehicles were inspected by the Office of the Chief of Staff for Logistics, J4, AFP and Office for Defense Reform, DND at the Supply Unit (P), General Headquarters and Headquarters Support Command (GHQ & HSC) compound in Camp Aguinaldo on December 12, 2014. The units are currently parked in said area for safekeeping.
Skatek TNI AU Mampu Tangani Perawatan Ringan dan Sedang Pesawat Latih
26 Januari 2015
Anggota Skatek 043 sedang melaksanakan Maintenance pesawat KT -01 Wong bee dalam perawatan rutin (periodic inspection) di Hanggar Skatek 043 Lanud Adisutjipto, (photo : TNI AU)
Jamin Laik terbang, Pesawat Latih TNI AU Jalani Rawat Rutin
Pesawat latih TNI AU yang berada di Lanud Adisutjipto secara berkala jalani periodic inspection. Banyak yang mengira bahwa perawatan atau maintenance pesawat hanya meliputi perbaikan dan pergantian bagian atau komponen, termasuk cairan untuk pelumasan atau yang lazim disebut servicing. Dalam dunia penerbangan, maintenance mengandung makna yang sangat luas cakupannya. Yang pasti perawatan merupakan sesuatu yang mutlak dan harus dilakukan. Ujung-ujungnya perawatan diperlukan agar pesawat yang dioperasikan benar-benar laik terbang dan memberkan keamanan dan kenyamanan.
Maintenance pesawat terbang yang dilakukan di Lanud Adisutjipto ada dua yaitu perawatan ringan berada di Skadron pendidikan (Skadik 101 dan 102) sedangkan perawatan sedang berada di Skadron Teknik 043. Senin (26/1) baik pesawat Charlie, KT-01 Wong Bee dan Grob 120 berada di hanggar Skatek 043 sedang jalani perawatan rutin. Untuk pesawat Charlie perawatan di atas 100 Jam terbang dilakukan di Skatek 043 dan dilakukan test flight.
Perawatan meliputi enginee, Air frame, Brake System, Avionik dan flight control. Sedang untuk KT-01 Wong Bee perawatan di Skatek 043 dilakukan setelah pesawat melampaui 500 dan kelipatannya dan akhirnya dilakukan test flight. Sedangkan untuk Grob 120 perawatan diatas 100 jam terbang dilakukan di Skatek 043 yang akhirnya akan dilaksanakan testflight bila mencapai 300 jam terbang oleh pilot dan JMU (juru montir udara) dengan asumsi tiap hari terbang maka pesawat Grob TP 120 akan menjalani perawatan rutin setiap1 bulan sekali. Sedangkan perawatan pesawat dapat beroperasi kembali setelah 1-2 minggu.
Perawatan ini dilakukan oleh mechanic, inspector dengan berdasarkan TO (tecnical order) dari manufacture yang kemudian akan menjalani proses sertifikasi dari Kepala bengkel, kasubsi Uji dan akhirnya Kasi Dalkual (pengendalian kualitas) dan bagian akhir pesawat di rilis oleh Danskatek 043 dan siap tes flight. Demikian cerita Kasihar Skadron teknik 043 saat diruang kerjanya.
Komandan Skadron Teknik 043 Letkol Tek Rudito Dwi Wibowo ditempat terpisah juga menjelaskan bahwa perwatan rutin ini bertujuan untuk meyakinkan kondisi pesawat dalam kondisi seperti semula dan siap mendukung pelaksanakan tugas pokok Lanud Adisutjipto dalam sebagai pangkalan pendidikan dan operasional, tegasnya.
Anggota Skatek 043 sedang melaksanakan Maintenance pesawat KT -01 Wong bee dalam perawatan rutin (periodic inspection) di Hanggar Skatek 043 Lanud Adisutjipto, (photo : TNI AU)
Jamin Laik terbang, Pesawat Latih TNI AU Jalani Rawat Rutin
Pesawat latih TNI AU yang berada di Lanud Adisutjipto secara berkala jalani periodic inspection. Banyak yang mengira bahwa perawatan atau maintenance pesawat hanya meliputi perbaikan dan pergantian bagian atau komponen, termasuk cairan untuk pelumasan atau yang lazim disebut servicing. Dalam dunia penerbangan, maintenance mengandung makna yang sangat luas cakupannya. Yang pasti perawatan merupakan sesuatu yang mutlak dan harus dilakukan. Ujung-ujungnya perawatan diperlukan agar pesawat yang dioperasikan benar-benar laik terbang dan memberkan keamanan dan kenyamanan.
Maintenance pesawat terbang yang dilakukan di Lanud Adisutjipto ada dua yaitu perawatan ringan berada di Skadron pendidikan (Skadik 101 dan 102) sedangkan perawatan sedang berada di Skadron Teknik 043. Senin (26/1) baik pesawat Charlie, KT-01 Wong Bee dan Grob 120 berada di hanggar Skatek 043 sedang jalani perawatan rutin. Untuk pesawat Charlie perawatan di atas 100 Jam terbang dilakukan di Skatek 043 dan dilakukan test flight.
Perawatan meliputi enginee, Air frame, Brake System, Avionik dan flight control. Sedang untuk KT-01 Wong Bee perawatan di Skatek 043 dilakukan setelah pesawat melampaui 500 dan kelipatannya dan akhirnya dilakukan test flight. Sedangkan untuk Grob 120 perawatan diatas 100 jam terbang dilakukan di Skatek 043 yang akhirnya akan dilaksanakan testflight bila mencapai 300 jam terbang oleh pilot dan JMU (juru montir udara) dengan asumsi tiap hari terbang maka pesawat Grob TP 120 akan menjalani perawatan rutin setiap1 bulan sekali. Sedangkan perawatan pesawat dapat beroperasi kembali setelah 1-2 minggu.
Perawatan ini dilakukan oleh mechanic, inspector dengan berdasarkan TO (tecnical order) dari manufacture yang kemudian akan menjalani proses sertifikasi dari Kepala bengkel, kasubsi Uji dan akhirnya Kasi Dalkual (pengendalian kualitas) dan bagian akhir pesawat di rilis oleh Danskatek 043 dan siap tes flight. Demikian cerita Kasihar Skadron teknik 043 saat diruang kerjanya.
Komandan Skadron Teknik 043 Letkol Tek Rudito Dwi Wibowo ditempat terpisah juga menjelaskan bahwa perwatan rutin ini bertujuan untuk meyakinkan kondisi pesawat dalam kondisi seperti semula dan siap mendukung pelaksanakan tugas pokok Lanud Adisutjipto dalam sebagai pangkalan pendidikan dan operasional, tegasnya.
25 Januari 2015
12 AV8 Diserah Kepada Esscom
25 Januari 2014
AV8 during transports to Sabah (photo : Lowyat)
TAWAU – Kerajaan Persekutuan sudah mengambil segala langkah perlu bagi memastikan kawalan keselamatan ke atas negeri Sabah berada pada tahap terbaik selepas berlakunya insiden pencerobohan di Lahad Datu dua tahun lalu.
Terbaharu, 12 buah kenderaan tempur berperisai paling moden jenis pacuan lapan roda, AV8 Gempita, milik pasukan Mekanise Tentera Darat diserahkan kepada pihak Kawasan Keselamatan Khas Pantai Timur Sabah (Esscom).
Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein berkata, kehadiran aset tempur canggih itu telah meningkatkan lagi keyakinan rakyat Sabah bahawa Kerajaan Pusat tidak pernah mengabaikan negeri berkenaan.
“Aset tempur yang kita kenal pasti untuk Sabah hampir semuanya sudah berada di sini. Ini bukan lagi soal janji tetapi bagaimana kita mengotakan janji tersebut kepada Sabah dan Kerajaan Pusat sudah pun melakukan apa yang terbaik.
“Setakat ini dengan segala aset yang ditempatkan adalah lebih daripada memadai untuk Sabah,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas menyaksikan demonstrasi tempur Tentera Darat di Lapangan Terbang Tawau di sini hari ini.
Yang turut hadir, Ketua Menteri Sabah, Datuk Seri Musa Aman, Timbalan Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri dan Panglima Tentera Darat, Tan Sri Jeneral Raja Mohamed Affandi Raja Mohamed Noor.
AV8 yang merupakan kenderaan tempur berperisai termoden hasil pembangunan syarikat pertahanan gergasi tempatan, Deftech, dibina berasaskan teknologi Turki dan ditempatkan di Kem Kukusan, Tawau.
Kehadiran aset canggih itu bakal memberi taring berbisa kepada pasukan keselamatan di Esscom yang ketika ini sudah memiliki 18 buah kenderaan infantri tempur berperisai (MIFV) jenis berantai yang ditempatkan di Kota Belud.
Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, Hishammuddin berkata, satu batalion infantri lengkap dengan kekuatan 650 anggota di bawah Briged Esscom akan ditempatkan di Sabah sebaik sahaja kem di Felda Sahabat siap sepenuhnya.
Katanya, buat masa ini separuh daripada kekuatan batalion tersebut sudah pun ditempatkan sementara di Kem Kukusan, melibatkan seramai 22 pegawai dan 351 anggota untuk menjaga keselamatan wilayah timur negeri ini daripada diceroboh.
“Apa yang saya ingin tegaskan ialah pasukan keselamatan dan aset-aset pertahanan negara kini berada dalam keadaan siap sedia sepenuhnya untuk berhadapan dengan sebarang ancaman ke atas bumi Sabah,” katanya.
AV8 during transports to Sabah (photo : Lowyat)
TAWAU – Kerajaan Persekutuan sudah mengambil segala langkah perlu bagi memastikan kawalan keselamatan ke atas negeri Sabah berada pada tahap terbaik selepas berlakunya insiden pencerobohan di Lahad Datu dua tahun lalu.
Terbaharu, 12 buah kenderaan tempur berperisai paling moden jenis pacuan lapan roda, AV8 Gempita, milik pasukan Mekanise Tentera Darat diserahkan kepada pihak Kawasan Keselamatan Khas Pantai Timur Sabah (Esscom).
Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein berkata, kehadiran aset tempur canggih itu telah meningkatkan lagi keyakinan rakyat Sabah bahawa Kerajaan Pusat tidak pernah mengabaikan negeri berkenaan.
“Aset tempur yang kita kenal pasti untuk Sabah hampir semuanya sudah berada di sini. Ini bukan lagi soal janji tetapi bagaimana kita mengotakan janji tersebut kepada Sabah dan Kerajaan Pusat sudah pun melakukan apa yang terbaik.
“Setakat ini dengan segala aset yang ditempatkan adalah lebih daripada memadai untuk Sabah,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas menyaksikan demonstrasi tempur Tentera Darat di Lapangan Terbang Tawau di sini hari ini.
Yang turut hadir, Ketua Menteri Sabah, Datuk Seri Musa Aman, Timbalan Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri dan Panglima Tentera Darat, Tan Sri Jeneral Raja Mohamed Affandi Raja Mohamed Noor.
AV8 yang merupakan kenderaan tempur berperisai termoden hasil pembangunan syarikat pertahanan gergasi tempatan, Deftech, dibina berasaskan teknologi Turki dan ditempatkan di Kem Kukusan, Tawau.
Kehadiran aset canggih itu bakal memberi taring berbisa kepada pasukan keselamatan di Esscom yang ketika ini sudah memiliki 18 buah kenderaan infantri tempur berperisai (MIFV) jenis berantai yang ditempatkan di Kota Belud.
Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, Hishammuddin berkata, satu batalion infantri lengkap dengan kekuatan 650 anggota di bawah Briged Esscom akan ditempatkan di Sabah sebaik sahaja kem di Felda Sahabat siap sepenuhnya.
Katanya, buat masa ini separuh daripada kekuatan batalion tersebut sudah pun ditempatkan sementara di Kem Kukusan, melibatkan seramai 22 pegawai dan 351 anggota untuk menjaga keselamatan wilayah timur negeri ini daripada diceroboh.
“Apa yang saya ingin tegaskan ialah pasukan keselamatan dan aset-aset pertahanan negara kini berada dalam keadaan siap sedia sepenuhnya untuk berhadapan dengan sebarang ancaman ke atas bumi Sabah,” katanya.
BRP Ramon Alcaraz Now fitted with 'Bushmaster' Auto-Cannon
25 Januari 2015
PF16 with Bushmaster cannon (photo : pdff)
PNA - One of the Philippine Navy's Gregorio Del Pilar class frigates (formerly the American Hamilton class cutters) has been fitted with a Mark 38 25mm "Bushmaster" auto-cannon which will act as its secondary weapon.
BRP Ramon Alcaraz (PF-16) was fitted with this weapon last November while BRP Gregorio Del Pilar (PF-15) will be fitted with the Mark 38 25mm "Bushmaster" during her next dry-docking period which is scheduled between February and June this year.
This was confirmed by Philippine Fleet public affairs officer Lt. Liezel Vidallon.
The Mark 38 25mm "Bushmaster" auto-cannon will improve the ship's surface warfare capability.
Surface warfare refers to the capability to detect, engage, and if necessary, sink naval ships or unidentified vessels that may intrude in the country's vast territorial waters.
The secondary 25mm weapons will complement the 76mm Oto Melara main gun and allow the frigates to handle targets coming fast and that are too close for the ship's primary weapon to engage.
The weapon, commissioned by the United States Navy following the terrorist attack on the USS Cole in 2000, was designed to counter high-speed maneuvering surface targets. It will be installed in almost all US surface ships by 2015.
The remotely controlled chain gun system can fire as many as 180 25m rounds per minute at targets as far as two kilometers.
PF16 with Bushmaster cannon (photo : pdff)
PNA - One of the Philippine Navy's Gregorio Del Pilar class frigates (formerly the American Hamilton class cutters) has been fitted with a Mark 38 25mm "Bushmaster" auto-cannon which will act as its secondary weapon.
BRP Ramon Alcaraz (PF-16) was fitted with this weapon last November while BRP Gregorio Del Pilar (PF-15) will be fitted with the Mark 38 25mm "Bushmaster" during her next dry-docking period which is scheduled between February and June this year.
This was confirmed by Philippine Fleet public affairs officer Lt. Liezel Vidallon.
The Mark 38 25mm "Bushmaster" auto-cannon will improve the ship's surface warfare capability.
Surface warfare refers to the capability to detect, engage, and if necessary, sink naval ships or unidentified vessels that may intrude in the country's vast territorial waters.
The secondary 25mm weapons will complement the 76mm Oto Melara main gun and allow the frigates to handle targets coming fast and that are too close for the ship's primary weapon to engage.
The weapon, commissioned by the United States Navy following the terrorist attack on the USS Cole in 2000, was designed to counter high-speed maneuvering surface targets. It will be installed in almost all US surface ships by 2015.
The remotely controlled chain gun system can fire as many as 180 25m rounds per minute at targets as far as two kilometers.
First Australian Pilot to Undertake F-35A Lightning II Training
25 Januari 2015
The first two pilots selected to undergo training on the F-35A Lightning II aircraft, Squadron Leader Andrew Jackson (left) and Squadron Leader David Bell, with the Prime Minister, The Hon. Tony Abbott MP. (photo : Aus DoD)
The introduction of Australia’s 72 F-35A Lightning II aircraft into RAAF service is about to move a step closer tomorrow when the first Australian pilot commences training.
Squadron Leader Andrew Jackson, Australia’s first F-35A pilot, will commence training for his first F-35A flight tomorrow at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, United States.
“The F-35A will be Australia’s first fifth-generation aircraft and will provide the RAAF with a leading air combat capability. I’m excited to be given the opportunity to take a leading role in its introduction,” SQNLDR Jackson said.
SQNLDR Jackson will undergo an intensive training program before he takes his first flight in the coming months.
“The fifth generation F-35A capabilities represent a quantum shift over legacy fighters. I am looking forward to the training challenge it will present.
“This aircraft will give fighter pilots a level of situational awareness that far exceeds legacy platforms. Experiencing this level of capability first hand is something every pilot dreams of,” he said.
SQNLDR Jackson will have an important future role as an Instructor Pilot for Australian and international F-35A pilots, and was selected for his operational flying skills, extensive experience and leadership.
“It will be a great honour to work and train alongside the United States and other international Air Force pilots,” SQNLDR Jackson said.
The second Australian F-35A pilot, SQNLDR David Bell, will begin his training in mid-2015. SQNLDR Bell is a qualified Test Pilot.
The F-35A (commonly known as the Joint Strike Fighter) will meet Australia’s future air combat and strike needs, providing a networked force-multiplier effect in terms of situational awareness and combat effectiveness.
The F-35A’s combination of stealth, advanced sensors, networking and data fusion capabilities, when integrated with other defence systems, will enable the RAAF to maintain an air combat edge.
The first F-35A aircraft will arrive in Australia at the end of 2018 with the first operational squadron to be established by 2020. The F-35A will replace the aging F/A-18A/B Hornets at RAAF Bases Williamtown (NSW) and Tindal (NT).
(Aus DoD)
The first two pilots selected to undergo training on the F-35A Lightning II aircraft, Squadron Leader Andrew Jackson (left) and Squadron Leader David Bell, with the Prime Minister, The Hon. Tony Abbott MP. (photo : Aus DoD)
The introduction of Australia’s 72 F-35A Lightning II aircraft into RAAF service is about to move a step closer tomorrow when the first Australian pilot commences training.
Squadron Leader Andrew Jackson, Australia’s first F-35A pilot, will commence training for his first F-35A flight tomorrow at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, United States.
“The F-35A will be Australia’s first fifth-generation aircraft and will provide the RAAF with a leading air combat capability. I’m excited to be given the opportunity to take a leading role in its introduction,” SQNLDR Jackson said.
SQNLDR Jackson will undergo an intensive training program before he takes his first flight in the coming months.
“The fifth generation F-35A capabilities represent a quantum shift over legacy fighters. I am looking forward to the training challenge it will present.
“This aircraft will give fighter pilots a level of situational awareness that far exceeds legacy platforms. Experiencing this level of capability first hand is something every pilot dreams of,” he said.
SQNLDR Jackson will have an important future role as an Instructor Pilot for Australian and international F-35A pilots, and was selected for his operational flying skills, extensive experience and leadership.
“It will be a great honour to work and train alongside the United States and other international Air Force pilots,” SQNLDR Jackson said.
The second Australian F-35A pilot, SQNLDR David Bell, will begin his training in mid-2015. SQNLDR Bell is a qualified Test Pilot.
The F-35A (commonly known as the Joint Strike Fighter) will meet Australia’s future air combat and strike needs, providing a networked force-multiplier effect in terms of situational awareness and combat effectiveness.
The F-35A’s combination of stealth, advanced sensors, networking and data fusion capabilities, when integrated with other defence systems, will enable the RAAF to maintain an air combat edge.
The first F-35A aircraft will arrive in Australia at the end of 2018 with the first operational squadron to be established by 2020. The F-35A will replace the aging F/A-18A/B Hornets at RAAF Bases Williamtown (NSW) and Tindal (NT).
(Aus DoD)
24 Januari 2015
AFP Grateful for USD40-M US Military Aid
24 Januari 2015
C-130 of the PAF (photo : PAF)
The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) has expressed its appreciation to the United States, the country's principal ally, in the wake of reports that the American government is allocating USD40 million worth of aid to the Filipino military this 2015.
This was disclosed by AFP spokesperson Col. Restituto Padilla in a press briefing Friday.
Earlier, US Assistant Defense Secretary David Shear said that the US has provided USD300 million worth of military aid to the Philippines since 2001 and would allocate another USD40 million in 2015.
The money will help the AFP in its ongoing modernization efforts.
Padilla said the USD40 million will be used in various ongoing capability upgrades of the Philippine military.
However, he declined to comment on where the money will be spent as this will be discussed by the US and Philippine panels.
But Padilla said the AFP has a pressing need to acquire more modern communication equipment and those dealing with maritime domain awareness so that the country will be able to defend its littoral areas.
Maritime domain awareness refers to the capability to monitor, detect and deter poachers and other intruders encroaching in Philippine territorial waters.
Padilla said AFP was allocated USD50 million in 2014 and it was used to acquire two Lockheed C-130 "Hercules" cargo planes which are expected to be delivered by 2016.
C-130 of the PAF (photo : PAF)
The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) has expressed its appreciation to the United States, the country's principal ally, in the wake of reports that the American government is allocating USD40 million worth of aid to the Filipino military this 2015.
This was disclosed by AFP spokesperson Col. Restituto Padilla in a press briefing Friday.
Earlier, US Assistant Defense Secretary David Shear said that the US has provided USD300 million worth of military aid to the Philippines since 2001 and would allocate another USD40 million in 2015.
The money will help the AFP in its ongoing modernization efforts.
Padilla said the USD40 million will be used in various ongoing capability upgrades of the Philippine military.
However, he declined to comment on where the money will be spent as this will be discussed by the US and Philippine panels.
But Padilla said the AFP has a pressing need to acquire more modern communication equipment and those dealing with maritime domain awareness so that the country will be able to defend its littoral areas.
Maritime domain awareness refers to the capability to monitor, detect and deter poachers and other intruders encroaching in Philippine territorial waters.
Padilla said AFP was allocated USD50 million in 2014 and it was used to acquire two Lockheed C-130 "Hercules" cargo planes which are expected to be delivered by 2016.
Malaysia to Upgrade and Arm S-61 "Nuri" Fleet
24 Januari 2015
S-61 Nuri helicopter (photo : Commonwealth of Australia)
Malaysia is to boost its ability to combat future militant incursions by arming its AgustaWestland AW109s and transferring upgraded Sikorsky S-61 “Nuri” utility helicopters to army aviation control.
Prompted by an incursion made by Sulu rebels in Sabah in 2013, Kuala Lumpur has already outfitted three of the Royal Malaysian Air Force’s S-61s with 12.7mm door guns, to provide armed support for ground troops.
“The army plans to arm the [AW109] helicopters with [7.62mm] gatling guns” to expand in this capability, says Dr Mohd Yazid Ahmad, director of the mechanical and aerospace technology division at Malaysia’s science and technology research institute for defence. The service’s “Hirundo” fleet is currently employed only in a light observation role.
Speaking at an IQPC Rotary Strike event in London on 20 January, Ahmad also reveals that the air force’s S-61 fleet is planned to undergo a major package of enhancements before some of the aircraft are transferred to the army air wing.
Malaysia had previously planned to remove its aged Nuri fleet from use by 2012, with Ahmad noting that 89 personnel have been killed in 15 crashes involving the type since it was introduced. However, with the nation having ordered only 12 of a planned 28 Airbus Helicopters EC725s as replacements, “this has forced the service to prolong the life of its Sikorskys”, he says.
A night vision goggle-compatible glass cockpit upgrade has already been performed on part of the fleet by Airod with a foreign partner, an enhancement Ahmad describes as “a modern, reliable and cost-effective product that will carry the Nuri well into the future”. A wider project to enhance the type’s performance and safety is also being studied, he adds.
Flightglobal’s Ascend Fleets database records the air force as having 31 S-61s still in operational use, built between 1967 and 1978.
If proven viable through a pilot project involving one aircraft, up to 26 S-61s will receive upgrades to their main and tail rotor blades and gearboxes, and be equipped with a digital datalink, self-protection equipment, armoured protection and a pintle-mounted machine gun at the cargo door.
Around half of the modified aircraft are expected to transfer to the army, Ahmad says. “Hopefully with this upgrade the army will have the capability with a live combat helicopter,” he adds. Roles will include utility transport, plus airborne command and control and search-and-rescue.
Malaysia’s interest in acquiring a dedicated attack helicopter capability has failed to advance due to budget pressures, Ahmad notes. Its army has previously evaluated types including the Airbus Helicopters Tiger, Bell AH-1Z, Boeing AH-64 Apache and Denel Rooivalk.
S-61 Nuri helicopter (photo : Commonwealth of Australia)
Malaysia is to boost its ability to combat future militant incursions by arming its AgustaWestland AW109s and transferring upgraded Sikorsky S-61 “Nuri” utility helicopters to army aviation control.
Prompted by an incursion made by Sulu rebels in Sabah in 2013, Kuala Lumpur has already outfitted three of the Royal Malaysian Air Force’s S-61s with 12.7mm door guns, to provide armed support for ground troops.
“The army plans to arm the [AW109] helicopters with [7.62mm] gatling guns” to expand in this capability, says Dr Mohd Yazid Ahmad, director of the mechanical and aerospace technology division at Malaysia’s science and technology research institute for defence. The service’s “Hirundo” fleet is currently employed only in a light observation role.
Speaking at an IQPC Rotary Strike event in London on 20 January, Ahmad also reveals that the air force’s S-61 fleet is planned to undergo a major package of enhancements before some of the aircraft are transferred to the army air wing.
Malaysia had previously planned to remove its aged Nuri fleet from use by 2012, with Ahmad noting that 89 personnel have been killed in 15 crashes involving the type since it was introduced. However, with the nation having ordered only 12 of a planned 28 Airbus Helicopters EC725s as replacements, “this has forced the service to prolong the life of its Sikorskys”, he says.
A night vision goggle-compatible glass cockpit upgrade has already been performed on part of the fleet by Airod with a foreign partner, an enhancement Ahmad describes as “a modern, reliable and cost-effective product that will carry the Nuri well into the future”. A wider project to enhance the type’s performance and safety is also being studied, he adds.
Flightglobal’s Ascend Fleets database records the air force as having 31 S-61s still in operational use, built between 1967 and 1978.
If proven viable through a pilot project involving one aircraft, up to 26 S-61s will receive upgrades to their main and tail rotor blades and gearboxes, and be equipped with a digital datalink, self-protection equipment, armoured protection and a pintle-mounted machine gun at the cargo door.
Around half of the modified aircraft are expected to transfer to the army, Ahmad says. “Hopefully with this upgrade the army will have the capability with a live combat helicopter,” he adds. Roles will include utility transport, plus airborne command and control and search-and-rescue.
Malaysia’s interest in acquiring a dedicated attack helicopter capability has failed to advance due to budget pressures, Ahmad notes. Its army has previously evaluated types including the Airbus Helicopters Tiger, Bell AH-1Z, Boeing AH-64 Apache and Denel Rooivalk.