09 Januari 2016

Indonesia Discusses Military Equipment Maintenance with Russia

09 Januari 2016

Indonesia and Russia discusses about military equipment maintenance (photo : RAAF)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Russia and Indonesia discussed the issue of maintenance of military hardware during a meeting between Russian Minister of Trade and Industry Denis Manturov and Indonesian defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu here on Friday.

"We discussed bilateral cooperation, including ways to bring about improvement in military equipment maintenance," Manturov said at a press conference.

He said he had also discussed bilateral cooperation in military equipment procurement.

Russia is as one of Indonesias source countries for main weapon system hardware for its military (TNI).

Manturov had earlier also met with President Joko Widodo and the countrys minister of economy.

At the meeting, they also discussed cooperation in the economic field, including palm oil and fish exports to Russia.

They also discussed non-tariff barriers that need to be scrapped.

With regard to infrastructure, they discussed railway development in East Kalimantan as well as development of aluminum and bauxite smelter, nickel processing and aviation cooperation with PT Dirgantara, besides shipbuilding and pharmaceutical industries.

"Russia has asked for support to smoothen the process of its investment in the country," chief economic minister Darmin Nasution said.


9 komentar:

  1. "To bring about improvement in military equipment maintanance". As i said before kerenah birokrasi yg tinggi antara penyebab kelewatan penerimaan alat ganti daripada Russia. We and the IAF learned it the hard way.. Ianya antara penyebab knp kebanyakan negara pengguna tradisional peralatan drpd Russia telah mula berubah kpd peralatan buatan negara barat. Mungkin seseorang perlu bertanya mengenai tahap operasi pesawat sukhoi TNI AU.. how much? 50 percent? 60 percent? 75 percent operational readiness? Ada baik dan ada buruknya peralatan daripada negara beruang itu. Mungkin kita boleh lanjutkan diskusinya dari sudut itu.

  2. shed, sales F 16 atawa sales eurofighter?? oh mungkin sales gripen?

    1. Ehehehehe...
      Bro Dadang kaskuser ya...
      Well, bro Shed he is 'russia strong' type kind of guy. It's Indonesian forum kind of joke. Sales F16 means you are f16 fan and really want f16 as the choice of the program. 'Atawa' means or (in proper bahasa indonesia 'atau). F16 fans or eurofighter fan? Oh may be gripen fan?. Kapish? :)

    2. def bro, I mean to say "sales" that does not mean fans..oh one more thing I ask that you you do not try to mislead others. sales in the English it means sellers, or people those who ignore the correct way to sold their goods exactly like you.. brother def

  3. bro defense..gua orang yang realiastis bro..gapeduli sama senjata buatan mana kalo bagus, murah bisa diandalkan dan yang penting ga akal-akalan why not bro...kan udah dari dulu kalo kita dikasi amrik ama blok barat hasilnya rongsokan? mau ngeles apa lagi sm yang kek gimana lagi bro? dari hawk si"embargomania" ampe si ompong dari korea... gua orangnya realistis kalo masalah jet tempur emang yang paling baik efek deterannya ya sukhoi..kalo heli mi 36 aka mi 24 versi ekspor ya tetep.. itu jelek masi jauh kalah sama apache!!! kalo masalah tank emang yang paling ok Leopard karena kta gamungkin dikasi chalanger kan?? jadi jangan hakimi dulu deh bro...kalo f 16 udah ketinggalan zaman..mau lu bilang di upgrade ampe mencret juga tetep rongsokan.. nah sekarang bro deff "strong type" apa??

    1. Kalau memang F16 Falcon sudah ketinggalan jaman, coba tolong jelaskan bagaimana hal ini bisa terjadi




      Jadi saya punya landasan untuk bilang F16 adalah pilihan yang paling masuk akal dan cerdas untuk saat ini. Canada aja udah mau mundur kok dari program F35.



      Wawancara Lemon Pierre

      Sebagai info : lemon pierre adalah salah seorang angota 'Fighter Mafia'. Para think tank yang menciptakan F15, F16 dan F18
      Kalau bro Dadang bisa mementahkan info yang dikatakan oleh orang ini saya akan dengan senang hati mengikuti pikiran bro Dadang

  4. Jujur bro, kalau dikasih suruh nunjuk produk w ga bisa. Tapi w pengennya kita pakai mesin eurofigter Typhoon (super cruise), bisa beroperasi seperti Rafale (Fighter Bomber), memiliki sistem network centrik punya Jas 39 Gripen, bersifat siluman dan memiliki harga yang sesuai di budget. So... Ada ga ya? Originaly 'sales' means some one who sale but every body on kaskus always acuse someone who prefer or like or love some product (western or eastern) as salesman for the product. Maybe some of them are the salesman, but i think most of them is not. Is it proper to call all of them as the sellesman? That is why i choose to say and explain to bro shed the term of 'sales' means fan. Because a fans is not always a salesman, but a salesman sometimes can become a fans. Or do you have other explanation on this mather? Or you just acuse Bro Shed as the F16, eurofighter or Gripen salesman?
