31 Agustus 2016
Flight Trials Unit and the Navy Unmanned Aviation Systems Unit teams who joined HMAS Newcastle to conduct first-of-class flight trials - flight operations to assess the operability of the ScanEagle system from a guided missile frigate. (photo : RAN)
Busy time for Newcastle testing UAV capability
The crew of HMAS Newcastle found their recent Sea Qualification Trials demanding, testing weapons and engineering systems after a lengthy maintenance period.
Added to this hive of activity was the embarkation of the Aircraft Maintenance and Flight Trials Unit and the Navy Unmanned Aviation Systems Unit teams who joined Newcastle to conduct first-of-class flight trials - flight operations to assess the operability of the ScanEagle system from a guided missile frigate.
The ScanEagle system is a medium-range, endurance unmanned air vehicle, powered by a 1.9 horse power engine using either heavy fuel or petrol.
It is 1.5 metres long, with a 3 metre wingspan, can fly as fast as 70 knots and has an endurance of more than 20 hours.
ScanEagle can carry a wide variety of payloads including cameras, sensors, and measuring equipment to assist the controlling ship in building a recognised maritime picture.
HMAS Newcastle FFG (photo : Sean Image)
It is capable of operating by day and night, and in a variety of meteorological conditions.
In addition to the ScanEagle, a universal Skyhook recovery system was embarked. Both are controlled from the ground control station, where new antennas and interconnections have been installed for this purpose.
Testing was conducted over several days, which included electronic interference detection, deck operations, as well as validation of the ship operating limits.
Flight operations consisted of launching ScanEagle and conducting multiple approaches to the ship at various relative winds in order to validate a safe flight envelope for the aircraft. The extreme weather and associated high winds off the east coast assisted in testing the highest of these limits.
To top off the two successful weeks of trials, the crew took great pleasure in hoisting flag Foxtrot, the international signal flag for flight operations under way on aircraft carriers.
It is believed that was the first time the flag had flown from non-aircraft carrier vessel of the Royal Australian Navy since the Second World War veteran HMAS Australia (II) did so to launch her seaplanes.
31 Agustus 2016
Improved Version of M113 Armored Personnel Carriers Spotted in Philippine
31 Agustus 2016
M113A2 Armored Personnel Carriers with 25mm Elbit Systems’ unmanned turrets. (photos : Tom Antonov)
The improved version of M113A2 Armored Personnel Carriers with 25mm Elbit Systems’ unmanned turrets was spotted in Philippine.
Earlier it was reported that the Army of the Philippines has signed a contract with Elbit Systems for the procurement of 4 upgraded M113A2 with 25mm cannons and 6 units with 12.7mm machine guns.
The improved version of M113A2 Armored Personnel Carriers will have Remote Control Weapons System (RWS) designed by Elbit Systems. The electronically-driven turrets can be configured with various types of cannons (25 or 30mm), coaxial machine guns (7.62mm) and guided anti-tank missiles. Featuring a high first-round hit probability, the dual-axis stabilized turret is designed for firing on-the-move and at moving targets.
Fully overhead with no deck penetration, the turrets do not compromise the vehicle’s armor protection and preserve existing space within the vehicle. In addition, the turrets provide enhanced situational awareness under closed hatches and are easily adaptable to a wide range of new and existing vehicles.
Total Elbit System will be upgrading 28 M-113A2 granted by US Defense Security Cooperation Agency in the Philippines. The said upgrade has a contract price of USD2 million.
(Defence Blog)
M113A2 Armored Personnel Carriers with 25mm Elbit Systems’ unmanned turrets. (photos : Tom Antonov)
The improved version of M113A2 Armored Personnel Carriers with 25mm Elbit Systems’ unmanned turrets was spotted in Philippine.
Earlier it was reported that the Army of the Philippines has signed a contract with Elbit Systems for the procurement of 4 upgraded M113A2 with 25mm cannons and 6 units with 12.7mm machine guns.
The improved version of M113A2 Armored Personnel Carriers will have Remote Control Weapons System (RWS) designed by Elbit Systems. The electronically-driven turrets can be configured with various types of cannons (25 or 30mm), coaxial machine guns (7.62mm) and guided anti-tank missiles. Featuring a high first-round hit probability, the dual-axis stabilized turret is designed for firing on-the-move and at moving targets.
Fully overhead with no deck penetration, the turrets do not compromise the vehicle’s armor protection and preserve existing space within the vehicle. In addition, the turrets provide enhanced situational awareness under closed hatches and are easily adaptable to a wide range of new and existing vehicles.
Total Elbit System will be upgrading 28 M-113A2 granted by US Defense Security Cooperation Agency in the Philippines. The said upgrade has a contract price of USD2 million.
(Defence Blog)
Latihan Armada Jaya 2016 akan Libatkan 39 Kapal Perang
31 Agustus 2016
Latihan akan melibatkan 39 kapal perang TNI AL (photo : panduindramanto)
TNI AL Gelar Latihan Berskala Besar di Surabaya
Jakarta, (Antara) - TNI Angkatan Laut berencana menggelar latihan berskala besar dengan sandi "Armada Jaya XXXIV/2016" di Komando Pengembangan dan Pendidikan Angkatan Laut (Kobangdikal), Surabaya, Kamis (1/9), yang dibuka langsung oleh Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Laut Laksamana TNI Ade Supandi.
Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI Angkatan Laut (Kadispenal) Laksamana Pertama TNI Edi Sucipto, di Jakarta, Selasa, mengatakan, latihan yang rencananya akan ditinjau oleh Presiden RI Joko Widodo selaku Panglima tertinggi TNI ini dilaksanakan dalam skala besar di Laut Jawa dari awal September hingga pekan ketiga di bulan yang sama.
"Dimulai dengan proses embarkasi pasukan dari pangkalan TNI AL, Ujung, Surabaya, hingga puncaknya dilaksanakan Operasi Amfibi (Opsfib) berupa pendaratan Pasukan Pendarat (Pasrat) Marinir di pantai Banongan, Jawa Timur," tuturnya.
Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana TNI Ade Supandi bertindak selaku Pemimpin Umum Latihan Armada Jaya XXXIV/2016, sedangkan Komandan Pengembangan Pendidikan Angkatan Laut (Dankobangdikal) Laksamana Muda TNI Tri Wahyudi sebagai Direktur Latihan.
Dalam Armada Jaya, kata Edi, ini akan dilaksanakan berbagai rangkaian kegiatan latihan yang meliputi proses perencanaan militer (Prosrenmil) hingga kesiapan operasi serta keterpaduan komponen Sistem Senjata Armada Terpadu (SSAT).
Di mana melibatkan lebih dari 7.000 personel dan 39 Kapal Perang (KRI) berbagai jenis (Kapal Selam, Perusak Kawal Rudal, Kapal Cepat Rudal, Perusak Kawal, Angkut Tank, Buru Ranjau, Kapal Tanker dan Kapal Bantu Tunda) delapan Pesawat Udara, Marinir dengan persenjataan Howitzer, Roket Multilaras tipe GRAD 70.
Berikutnya, tank dan kendaraan pendarat amfibi yang tergabung dalam Komando Tugas Laut (Kogasla), Komando Tugas Amfibi (Kogasfib), Komando Tugas Pendaratan Administrasi (Kogasratmin), Komando Tugas Pertahanan Pantai (Kogashantai) dan Pasukan Pendarat (Pasrat).
Uji Coba Rudal dan Torpedo
Rudal C-802 TNI AL (photo : Kaskus Militer)
Latihan Armada Jaya XXXIV/2016 ini adalah latihan puncak TNI AL dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan profesionalisme prajurit matra laut yang juga merupakan uji tindak lanjut dari latihan bertingkat dan berlanjut yang dilakukan oleh unsur-unsur SSAT, yaitu Kapal Perang, Pesawat Udara, Marinir dan Pangkalan.
"Ini juga sekaligus merupakan ajang uji coba senjata-senjata strategis TNI AL, berupa peluru kendali (rudal) permukaan ke permukaan C-705 dan C-802 dari Kapal Cepat Rudal (KCR)," ujar Kadispenal.
Selain itu, "Surface and Underwater Torpedo" (SUT) dan Meriam KRI berbagai kaliber serta persenjataan berat Marinir. Secara umum latihan ini meliputi dua tahap, yaitu geladi posko dan geladi lapangan yang didahului "Tactical Floor Game" (TFG) dan teknologi "War Gaming"/Olah Yudha (OYU) yang dimiliki oleh TNI AL.
TNI AL dalam misinya menjadi "world class navy" dan mendukung program nasional poros maritim dunia, dituntut kesiapannya dalam menghadapi dan mengantisipasi berbagai bentuk ancaman yang dapat mengganggu keamanan dan kedaulatan NKRI.
Untuk itu kesiapan, kemampuan dan kekuatan alutsista yang handal disertai dengan kesiapsiagaan operasional seluruh komponen SSAT dan profesionalisme prajurit Matra Laut adalah suatu keharusan.
Sehingga Latihan Armada merupakan tolok ukur sejauh mana hasil pembinaan, baik personiel maupun materil yang telah dilakukan TNI AL untuk mendukung misi tersebut.
Latihan akan melibatkan 39 kapal perang TNI AL (photo : panduindramanto)
TNI AL Gelar Latihan Berskala Besar di Surabaya
Jakarta, (Antara) - TNI Angkatan Laut berencana menggelar latihan berskala besar dengan sandi "Armada Jaya XXXIV/2016" di Komando Pengembangan dan Pendidikan Angkatan Laut (Kobangdikal), Surabaya, Kamis (1/9), yang dibuka langsung oleh Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Laut Laksamana TNI Ade Supandi.
Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI Angkatan Laut (Kadispenal) Laksamana Pertama TNI Edi Sucipto, di Jakarta, Selasa, mengatakan, latihan yang rencananya akan ditinjau oleh Presiden RI Joko Widodo selaku Panglima tertinggi TNI ini dilaksanakan dalam skala besar di Laut Jawa dari awal September hingga pekan ketiga di bulan yang sama.
"Dimulai dengan proses embarkasi pasukan dari pangkalan TNI AL, Ujung, Surabaya, hingga puncaknya dilaksanakan Operasi Amfibi (Opsfib) berupa pendaratan Pasukan Pendarat (Pasrat) Marinir di pantai Banongan, Jawa Timur," tuturnya.
Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana TNI Ade Supandi bertindak selaku Pemimpin Umum Latihan Armada Jaya XXXIV/2016, sedangkan Komandan Pengembangan Pendidikan Angkatan Laut (Dankobangdikal) Laksamana Muda TNI Tri Wahyudi sebagai Direktur Latihan.
Dalam Armada Jaya, kata Edi, ini akan dilaksanakan berbagai rangkaian kegiatan latihan yang meliputi proses perencanaan militer (Prosrenmil) hingga kesiapan operasi serta keterpaduan komponen Sistem Senjata Armada Terpadu (SSAT).
Di mana melibatkan lebih dari 7.000 personel dan 39 Kapal Perang (KRI) berbagai jenis (Kapal Selam, Perusak Kawal Rudal, Kapal Cepat Rudal, Perusak Kawal, Angkut Tank, Buru Ranjau, Kapal Tanker dan Kapal Bantu Tunda) delapan Pesawat Udara, Marinir dengan persenjataan Howitzer, Roket Multilaras tipe GRAD 70.
Berikutnya, tank dan kendaraan pendarat amfibi yang tergabung dalam Komando Tugas Laut (Kogasla), Komando Tugas Amfibi (Kogasfib), Komando Tugas Pendaratan Administrasi (Kogasratmin), Komando Tugas Pertahanan Pantai (Kogashantai) dan Pasukan Pendarat (Pasrat).
Uji Coba Rudal dan Torpedo
Rudal C-802 TNI AL (photo : Kaskus Militer)
Latihan Armada Jaya XXXIV/2016 ini adalah latihan puncak TNI AL dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan profesionalisme prajurit matra laut yang juga merupakan uji tindak lanjut dari latihan bertingkat dan berlanjut yang dilakukan oleh unsur-unsur SSAT, yaitu Kapal Perang, Pesawat Udara, Marinir dan Pangkalan.
"Ini juga sekaligus merupakan ajang uji coba senjata-senjata strategis TNI AL, berupa peluru kendali (rudal) permukaan ke permukaan C-705 dan C-802 dari Kapal Cepat Rudal (KCR)," ujar Kadispenal.
Selain itu, "Surface and Underwater Torpedo" (SUT) dan Meriam KRI berbagai kaliber serta persenjataan berat Marinir. Secara umum latihan ini meliputi dua tahap, yaitu geladi posko dan geladi lapangan yang didahului "Tactical Floor Game" (TFG) dan teknologi "War Gaming"/Olah Yudha (OYU) yang dimiliki oleh TNI AL.
TNI AL dalam misinya menjadi "world class navy" dan mendukung program nasional poros maritim dunia, dituntut kesiapannya dalam menghadapi dan mengantisipasi berbagai bentuk ancaman yang dapat mengganggu keamanan dan kedaulatan NKRI.
Untuk itu kesiapan, kemampuan dan kekuatan alutsista yang handal disertai dengan kesiapsiagaan operasional seluruh komponen SSAT dan profesionalisme prajurit Matra Laut adalah suatu keharusan.
Sehingga Latihan Armada merupakan tolok ukur sejauh mana hasil pembinaan, baik personiel maupun materil yang telah dilakukan TNI AL untuk mendukung misi tersebut.
30 Agustus 2016
Batalyon Kaveleri 12/ BC Perkuat Kodam XII Tanjungpura
30 Agustus 2016
Tank AMX 13 retrofit Pindad (photo : Defense Studies)
KBRN, Pontianak : Kodam XII Tanjungpura kini telah diperkuat dengan Batalyon Kaveleri (Yonkav) 12/ Beruang Cakti yang merupakan pengembangan dari Detasemen Kaveleri (Denkav) yang sebelumnya setingkat Kompi.
Panglima Kodam (Pangdam) XII Tanjungpura Mayor Jenderal TNI Andika Perkasa, seusai meresmikan Yonkav 12/BC di Dusun Karya Bhakti , Desa Peniti Luar, Kabupaten Mempawah, Selasa (30/08/2016) menjelaskan, dengan dinaikkannya dari Denkav menjadi Yonkav ini personilnya seharusnya bertambah menjadi 431 prajurit.
“Tentu saja dalam pemenuhannya, pasti akan bertahap, tetapi sekarang sebagian besar sudah berada di tempat. Begitu pula untuk Alat Utama Sistem Persenjataan (Alutsista), terutama Kendaraan Tempur (Ranpur) telah diperkuat dengan Tank AMX-13 buatan perancis," ujar Pangdam
Lebih lanjut Pangdam menjelaskan, aset-aset yang dimiliki oleh Kaveleri bukan hanya tank AMX, tetapi minimal tank AMX-13 dan nanti suatu saat diharapkan tank Leopard dicoba, karena ini medan yang memang yang dimiliki Kalimantan Barat dan Kalimantan Tengah yang memang tanpa berlatih tidak akan kenal kondisi gegrafis.
“Minimal membiasakan para prajurit kita dapat mengoperasikan tank-tank ini di medan yang memang dimiliki Indonesia, khususnya di wilayah Kalimantan Barat," harapnya.
Ke-18 Ranpur Jenis AMX-13 yang dimiliki Yonkav 12/BC sekarang terdiri dari 3 Canon, 9 APC , Ambulance dan tank Recovery. Menyinggung kaitannya dengan wilayah Perbatasan, Pangdam menyatakan dimanapun prajurit bertugas harus siap dan sekarang ini sudah tidak ada lagi daerah depan maupun daerah belakang dalam istilah di perbatasan, karena zamannya sudah pakai rudal.
Senada hal itu diungkapkan Komandan Pusat Kesenjataan Kaveleri (Danpussenkav) Kodiklat TNI Angkatan Darat, Brigadir Jenderal TNI Anang Dwitono yang menyatakan sebenarnya hampir seluruh Indonesia semuanya menggunakan AMX. Artinya sebagian besar kekuatan Kaveleri diperkuat dengan Ranpur Tank jenis AMX, termasuk Batalyon yang baru ini.
“Untuk kedepan kemungkinan akan ada penambahan jenis-jenis Ranpur Tank baru sesuai dengan Grand strategi TNI Angkatan Darat," tegas Anang.
Menyinggung tentang pengembangan Yonkav di wilayah Kodam yang berbatasan langsung dangan Negara tetangga, Anang Dwitono menyatakan sependapat dengan Pangdam, karena meman sekarang ini sudah tidak ada lagi istilah belakang maupun depan di perbatasan.
“Intinya semua peralatan yang dimiliki Kavaleri dapat dimanfaatkan untuk dapat berlatih dimana saja dengan menggunakan Ranpur-ranpur yang ada dan harus profesional dimanapun berada," pungkasnya.
Tank AMX 13 retrofit Pindad (photo : Defense Studies)
KBRN, Pontianak : Kodam XII Tanjungpura kini telah diperkuat dengan Batalyon Kaveleri (Yonkav) 12/ Beruang Cakti yang merupakan pengembangan dari Detasemen Kaveleri (Denkav) yang sebelumnya setingkat Kompi.
Panglima Kodam (Pangdam) XII Tanjungpura Mayor Jenderal TNI Andika Perkasa, seusai meresmikan Yonkav 12/BC di Dusun Karya Bhakti , Desa Peniti Luar, Kabupaten Mempawah, Selasa (30/08/2016) menjelaskan, dengan dinaikkannya dari Denkav menjadi Yonkav ini personilnya seharusnya bertambah menjadi 431 prajurit.
“Tentu saja dalam pemenuhannya, pasti akan bertahap, tetapi sekarang sebagian besar sudah berada di tempat. Begitu pula untuk Alat Utama Sistem Persenjataan (Alutsista), terutama Kendaraan Tempur (Ranpur) telah diperkuat dengan Tank AMX-13 buatan perancis," ujar Pangdam
Lebih lanjut Pangdam menjelaskan, aset-aset yang dimiliki oleh Kaveleri bukan hanya tank AMX, tetapi minimal tank AMX-13 dan nanti suatu saat diharapkan tank Leopard dicoba, karena ini medan yang memang yang dimiliki Kalimantan Barat dan Kalimantan Tengah yang memang tanpa berlatih tidak akan kenal kondisi gegrafis.
“Minimal membiasakan para prajurit kita dapat mengoperasikan tank-tank ini di medan yang memang dimiliki Indonesia, khususnya di wilayah Kalimantan Barat," harapnya.
Ke-18 Ranpur Jenis AMX-13 yang dimiliki Yonkav 12/BC sekarang terdiri dari 3 Canon, 9 APC , Ambulance dan tank Recovery. Menyinggung kaitannya dengan wilayah Perbatasan, Pangdam menyatakan dimanapun prajurit bertugas harus siap dan sekarang ini sudah tidak ada lagi daerah depan maupun daerah belakang dalam istilah di perbatasan, karena zamannya sudah pakai rudal.
Senada hal itu diungkapkan Komandan Pusat Kesenjataan Kaveleri (Danpussenkav) Kodiklat TNI Angkatan Darat, Brigadir Jenderal TNI Anang Dwitono yang menyatakan sebenarnya hampir seluruh Indonesia semuanya menggunakan AMX. Artinya sebagian besar kekuatan Kaveleri diperkuat dengan Ranpur Tank jenis AMX, termasuk Batalyon yang baru ini.
“Untuk kedepan kemungkinan akan ada penambahan jenis-jenis Ranpur Tank baru sesuai dengan Grand strategi TNI Angkatan Darat," tegas Anang.
Menyinggung tentang pengembangan Yonkav di wilayah Kodam yang berbatasan langsung dangan Negara tetangga, Anang Dwitono menyatakan sependapat dengan Pangdam, karena meman sekarang ini sudah tidak ada lagi istilah belakang maupun depan di perbatasan.
“Intinya semua peralatan yang dimiliki Kavaleri dapat dimanfaatkan untuk dapat berlatih dimana saja dengan menggunakan Ranpur-ranpur yang ada dan harus profesional dimanapun berada," pungkasnya.
Hobart Crew Trains on Aegis with US Navy Ship
30 Agustus 2016
USS Spruance DDG (photo : US Navy)
Destroyer combat systems training enhanced
With destroyer NUSHIP Hobart set to commence contractor sea trials next month before being delivered to the Royal Australian Navy next year, many of the growing number of the ship’s company have already undertaken AEGIS combat system training in the United States.
Some of them were able to hone these skills onboard a US Navy AEGIS ship while the ship was alongside in Australia last month.
At the invitation of US Navy Commander Destroyer Squadron 31, Captain Charles Johnson, eight Hobart electronics technicians embarked USS Spruance in Darwin for a day of training.
Having previously conducted AEGIS training in the US, the Hobart crew enjoyed a tour of the ship before Spruance personnel provided combat systems training in the operations room.
U.S. and Australian Sailors participate in a bilateral combat systems training exercise aboard the guided-missile destroyer USS Spruance. (photo : RAN)
Utilising tailored scenarios that displayed capabilities and functionality unique to the AEGIS Weapon System, the event enabled the Hobart sailors to consolidate their previous training in preparation for delivery of the first destroyer next year, affording them the opportunity to glean deeper combat system knowledge from their US counterparts.
Deputy Weapons Electrical Engineering Officer Hobart, Lieutenant Commander Peter Shirley rated the experience highly.
“The benefits of this training opportunity and the chance to talk with experienced AEGIS technicians were immeasurable,” he said.
“Our team was excited to learn from the US officers and sailors and have walked away with additional knowledge and skills that will immediately support the introduction of Hobart."
Opportunities for AEGIS experiential training with the US Navy are likely to become more frequent as the three Hobart class destroyers are transitioned into service and beyond.
USS Spruance DDG (photo : US Navy)
Destroyer combat systems training enhanced
With destroyer NUSHIP Hobart set to commence contractor sea trials next month before being delivered to the Royal Australian Navy next year, many of the growing number of the ship’s company have already undertaken AEGIS combat system training in the United States.
Some of them were able to hone these skills onboard a US Navy AEGIS ship while the ship was alongside in Australia last month.
At the invitation of US Navy Commander Destroyer Squadron 31, Captain Charles Johnson, eight Hobart electronics technicians embarked USS Spruance in Darwin for a day of training.
Having previously conducted AEGIS training in the US, the Hobart crew enjoyed a tour of the ship before Spruance personnel provided combat systems training in the operations room.
U.S. and Australian Sailors participate in a bilateral combat systems training exercise aboard the guided-missile destroyer USS Spruance. (photo : RAN)
Utilising tailored scenarios that displayed capabilities and functionality unique to the AEGIS Weapon System, the event enabled the Hobart sailors to consolidate their previous training in preparation for delivery of the first destroyer next year, affording them the opportunity to glean deeper combat system knowledge from their US counterparts.
Deputy Weapons Electrical Engineering Officer Hobart, Lieutenant Commander Peter Shirley rated the experience highly.
“The benefits of this training opportunity and the chance to talk with experienced AEGIS technicians were immeasurable,” he said.
“Our team was excited to learn from the US officers and sailors and have walked away with additional knowledge and skills that will immediately support the introduction of Hobart."
Opportunities for AEGIS experiential training with the US Navy are likely to become more frequent as the three Hobart class destroyers are transitioned into service and beyond.
29 Agustus 2016
Vietnam Conducts Test Runs for Two More ‘Molniya’ Warships
29 Agustus 2016
One of the two new M5 and M6 warships (photos : QDND)
The Ba Son Shipyard under Vietnam’s Ministry of National Defense is carrying out trial runs to prepare for formal handover of two more fast-attack missile ships to the Navy.
The four-day test runs of the M5 and M6 vessels at sea are wrapping up on Friday following the successful trial operations at the dock, the government portal reported Thursday.
The two vessels were launched in April this year.
Vietnam received the first two Russian-made ships of Molniya class in 2007 and 2008. Under a technology transfer agreement signed by Vietnam and Russia in 2009, the latter agreed that six more will be built and assembled under license in Ba Son shipyard. So far four have been handed over to the Navy and M5 and M6 are the fifth and sixth.
The vessels are designed to destroy warships, amphibious vessels, corvettes, and other enemy targets. They are able to help protect submarines and amphibious ships, and perform reconnaissance missions at sea.
Russia has already handed over five out of the total six submarines to Vietnam. The last one is expected to be delivered at the end of this year.
The two corvettes are equipped with advanced weapons and functions. They are able to operate at sea for 10 straight days and can attack targets both in the air and at sea.
Apart from a modern radar system for tracking targets, each of the vessels is also equipped with 16 sea-to-sea Uran-E missiles arranged into four modules for launch on each side with a range of 130 km.
The other weapons installed in each vessel include two AK-630 ship-borne artillery systems with 4,000 shells each, which can fire at targets at a range of 4-5 km, and an AK-176M automatic gun with a range of 15 km for sea and land targets and 11 km for air targets.
One of the two new M5 and M6 warships (photos : QDND)
The Ba Son Shipyard under Vietnam’s Ministry of National Defense is carrying out trial runs to prepare for formal handover of two more fast-attack missile ships to the Navy.
The four-day test runs of the M5 and M6 vessels at sea are wrapping up on Friday following the successful trial operations at the dock, the government portal reported Thursday.
The two vessels were launched in April this year.
Vietnam received the first two Russian-made ships of Molniya class in 2007 and 2008. Under a technology transfer agreement signed by Vietnam and Russia in 2009, the latter agreed that six more will be built and assembled under license in Ba Son shipyard. So far four have been handed over to the Navy and M5 and M6 are the fifth and sixth.
The vessels are designed to destroy warships, amphibious vessels, corvettes, and other enemy targets. They are able to help protect submarines and amphibious ships, and perform reconnaissance missions at sea.
Russia has already handed over five out of the total six submarines to Vietnam. The last one is expected to be delivered at the end of this year.
The two corvettes are equipped with advanced weapons and functions. They are able to operate at sea for 10 straight days and can attack targets both in the air and at sea.
Apart from a modern radar system for tracking targets, each of the vessels is also equipped with 16 sea-to-sea Uran-E missiles arranged into four modules for launch on each side with a range of 130 km.
The other weapons installed in each vessel include two AK-630 ship-borne artillery systems with 4,000 shells each, which can fire at targets at a range of 4-5 km, and an AK-176M automatic gun with a range of 15 km for sea and land targets and 11 km for air targets.
Indonesian Ambassador to Russia Hopes to Conclude the Contract for the Su-35 in 2016
29 Agustus 2016
Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker E (image : wallpapercave)
MOSCOW -. RIA Novosti the Indonesian Ambassador to Russia supriyadi Waheed told RIA Novosti that he hoped to sign a contract for the purchase of Russian multi-role fighters Su-35 before the end of this year.
"Now there is a discussion, but we are still very interested in buying the Su-35, is discussed between the relevant ministries hope that the contract will be signed before the end of the year." - Said the diplomat.
He noted that the Russian-Indonesian relations are developing in many areas. "Earlier, the Indonesian delegation visited Russia to discuss the whole spectrum of issues the memorandum of cooperation in the sphere of defense It was not only the purchase of aircraft, but also of combating extremism and terrorism, the exchange of information." - Added supriyadi.
Earlier, the ambassador said that Indonesia intends to purchase from eight Russian Su-35 fighters. According to him, the country's laws also provide for the transfer of technology. In late April, the state corporation "Rostec" stated that the decision in principle to supply Su-35 Indonesia has adopted and is now being discussed details of the upcoming agreement.
Late last year, the defense minister said that he had received from the President of Indonesia Joko Widodo direct instruction to buy the Su-35 to replace the obsolete American fighters F-5, the Tiger, whose age has reached 40 years.
(RIA Novosti)
Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker E (image : wallpapercave)
MOSCOW -. RIA Novosti the Indonesian Ambassador to Russia supriyadi Waheed told RIA Novosti that he hoped to sign a contract for the purchase of Russian multi-role fighters Su-35 before the end of this year.
"Now there is a discussion, but we are still very interested in buying the Su-35, is discussed between the relevant ministries hope that the contract will be signed before the end of the year." - Said the diplomat.
He noted that the Russian-Indonesian relations are developing in many areas. "Earlier, the Indonesian delegation visited Russia to discuss the whole spectrum of issues the memorandum of cooperation in the sphere of defense It was not only the purchase of aircraft, but also of combating extremism and terrorism, the exchange of information." - Added supriyadi.
Earlier, the ambassador said that Indonesia intends to purchase from eight Russian Su-35 fighters. According to him, the country's laws also provide for the transfer of technology. In late April, the state corporation "Rostec" stated that the decision in principle to supply Su-35 Indonesia has adopted and is now being discussed details of the upcoming agreement.
Late last year, the defense minister said that he had received from the President of Indonesia Joko Widodo direct instruction to buy the Su-35 to replace the obsolete American fighters F-5, the Tiger, whose age has reached 40 years.
(RIA Novosti)
27 Agustus 2016
TNI AU Butuh Tambahan 1 Skadron Tempur untuk Perbatasan
27 Agustus 2016
Pesawat tempur TNI AU (photo : TribunNews)
TNI AU Butuh Tambahan Pesawat Tempur
NGAMPRAH, (PR).- TNI Angkatan Udara membutuhkan tambahan pesawat tempur dan helikopter untuk meningkatkan pengamanan di wilayah perbatasan nusantara. Saat ini, beberapa pesawat tempur juga tengah dalam proses pengadaan.
"Idealnya, kami butuh tambahan 1 skadron (14 unit) pesawat tempur di wilayah perbatasan. Namun, ini disesuaikan dengan ketersediaan anggaran di Kementerian Keuangan," kata Kadispen TNI AU Jemi Trisonjaya seusai menghadiri serah terima jabatan Komandan Sekolah Staf dan Komando TNI AU di Lembang, Jumat, 26 Agustus 2016.
Jemi menuturkan, pesawat tempur dan helikopter angkut yang siap beroperasi dibutuhkan di wilayah perbatasan nusantara, seperti Sumatra Utara, Kalimantan, dan Papua. Sebab, wilayah perbatasan dengan negara lain tersebut membutuhkan tingkat pengamanan tinggi.
Meski demikian, pihaknya tetap memaklumi keterbatasan anggaran pemerintah pusat. Dengan demikian, penggunaan pesawat tempur yang ada saat ini akan terus dioptimalkan.
Sementara untuk sejumlah pesawat tempur TNI AU, pihaknya tetap melakukan pemeliharaan sesuai dengan prosedur. Untuk itu, dia membantah jika pesawat tempur yang jatuh terjadi akibat kelalaian dalam pemeliharaan.
"Pesawat jatuh itu bisa disebabkan banyak hal, bisa faktor alam ataupun lainnya. Seperti mobil juga misalnya. Walaupun pemeliharaan sudah baik, bisa saja terjadi kecelakaan akibat faktor lain," ujarnya.
(Pikiran Rakyat)
Pesawat tempur TNI AU (photo : TribunNews)
TNI AU Butuh Tambahan Pesawat Tempur
NGAMPRAH, (PR).- TNI Angkatan Udara membutuhkan tambahan pesawat tempur dan helikopter untuk meningkatkan pengamanan di wilayah perbatasan nusantara. Saat ini, beberapa pesawat tempur juga tengah dalam proses pengadaan.
"Idealnya, kami butuh tambahan 1 skadron (14 unit) pesawat tempur di wilayah perbatasan. Namun, ini disesuaikan dengan ketersediaan anggaran di Kementerian Keuangan," kata Kadispen TNI AU Jemi Trisonjaya seusai menghadiri serah terima jabatan Komandan Sekolah Staf dan Komando TNI AU di Lembang, Jumat, 26 Agustus 2016.
Jemi menuturkan, pesawat tempur dan helikopter angkut yang siap beroperasi dibutuhkan di wilayah perbatasan nusantara, seperti Sumatra Utara, Kalimantan, dan Papua. Sebab, wilayah perbatasan dengan negara lain tersebut membutuhkan tingkat pengamanan tinggi.
Meski demikian, pihaknya tetap memaklumi keterbatasan anggaran pemerintah pusat. Dengan demikian, penggunaan pesawat tempur yang ada saat ini akan terus dioptimalkan.
Sementara untuk sejumlah pesawat tempur TNI AU, pihaknya tetap melakukan pemeliharaan sesuai dengan prosedur. Untuk itu, dia membantah jika pesawat tempur yang jatuh terjadi akibat kelalaian dalam pemeliharaan.
"Pesawat jatuh itu bisa disebabkan banyak hal, bisa faktor alam ataupun lainnya. Seperti mobil juga misalnya. Walaupun pemeliharaan sudah baik, bisa saja terjadi kecelakaan akibat faktor lain," ujarnya.
(Pikiran Rakyat)
Commission Ceremony of Myanmar Air Force's Y-8F-200 and Grob G120TP
27 Agustus 2016
Y-8F 200 transport aircraft of the Myanmar Air Force (photo : Bangkok Post)
On August 22, 2016, Myanmar Air Force held commission ceremony of transport aircraft and training aircraft. Two Shaanxi Y-8F-200 two engine transport aircraft from the people's Republic of China, and 10 units propeller training aircraft Grob G120TP from Germany stationed at the air base Meiktila in Mandalay.
Myanmar Air Force has procured Y-8D transport aircraft from China active previously in 1990, 4 machines with the number 5815, 5816, 5817,5818 and 5819.
Grob G-120TP of the Myanmar Air Force (photo : Myanmar MoI)
The new generation Y-8F-200 for Myanmar Air Force has acquired. Two aircraft for this type used for cargo.
The primary training aircraft propeller Grob G120TP of the Myanmar Air Force has ordered from Germany to supply 10 machines into service in June 2015 and an additional supply of 10 machines for totally 20 units.
Y-8F 200 transport aircraft of the Myanmar Air Force (photo : Bangkok Post)
On August 22, 2016, Myanmar Air Force held commission ceremony of transport aircraft and training aircraft. Two Shaanxi Y-8F-200 two engine transport aircraft from the people's Republic of China, and 10 units propeller training aircraft Grob G120TP from Germany stationed at the air base Meiktila in Mandalay.
Myanmar Air Force has procured Y-8D transport aircraft from China active previously in 1990, 4 machines with the number 5815, 5816, 5817,5818 and 5819.
Grob G-120TP of the Myanmar Air Force (photo : Myanmar MoI)
The new generation Y-8F-200 for Myanmar Air Force has acquired. Two aircraft for this type used for cargo.
The primary training aircraft propeller Grob G120TP of the Myanmar Air Force has ordered from Germany to supply 10 machines into service in June 2015 and an additional supply of 10 machines for totally 20 units.
DND Alocates Fund for Several Navy's Ship to Undergo Maintenance
27 Agustus 2016
BRP Gregorio del Pilar frigates (photo : cimsec)
PN allocates PHP6-M for frigates maintenance
MANILA (PNA) ---The Philippine Navy (PN) is allocating the sum of PHP6,095,160 for the acquisition of materials needed for the repairs and maintenance of the naval guns of frigates BRP Gregorio Del Pilar (FF-15) and BRP Ramon Alcaraz (FF-16).
The two ships are the former Hamilton-class cutters acquired from the US through the Excess Defense Articles Program.
They are armed with an Oto Melara 76mm autocannon and a variety of 25mm and 20mm light cannons.
Winning bidders are required to deliver the items within 45 calendar days.
Pre-bid conference is on Aug. 30, 1 p.m. at the Office of the PN Bids and Awards Committee, Naval Station Jose Francisco, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. (PNA)
BRP Cebu corvette (photo : maximontero)
Navy’s 5 patrol vessels to undergo repair, maintenance
The Philippine Navy will be spending PhP2.863 million for the repair and maintenance of the five oldest Navy patrol vessels. These patrol vessels are BRP Miguel Malvar (PS-19), BRP Magat Salamat (PS-20), BRP Cebu (PS-28), BRP Pangasinan (PS-31), and the BRP Rizal (PS-74).
All of the mentioned vessels are of World War II vintage and are still being used for patrol and maritime surveillance by the Navy.
These vessels have the average age of 50 to 70 years old.
Pre-bid conference is slated at 1 p.m. on Aug. 30, at the Office of the PN Bids and Awards Committee, Naval Station Jose Francisco, Fort Bonifacio in Taguig City. Winning bidders are required to complete the repair within 45 calendar days.
BRP Miguel Malvar (PS-19), BRP Magat Salamat (PS-20), BRP Cebu (PS-28), and BRP Pangasinan (PS-31) are from the Miguel Malvar class is a ship class of patrol corvettes of the Philippine Navy, and are currently its oldest class of corvettes. Prior to conversion as corvettes, these ships were formerly used by the US Navy as Admirable-class minesweepers, and PCE-842-class and PCE(R)-848-class patrol craft, which were both based on the Admirable-class hull.
Meanwhile, BRP Rizal (PS-74), one of the two Rizal class ships in service, is an ex-USN Auk class minesweeper. (Update)
BRP Gregorio del Pilar frigates (photo : cimsec)
PN allocates PHP6-M for frigates maintenance
MANILA (PNA) ---The Philippine Navy (PN) is allocating the sum of PHP6,095,160 for the acquisition of materials needed for the repairs and maintenance of the naval guns of frigates BRP Gregorio Del Pilar (FF-15) and BRP Ramon Alcaraz (FF-16).
The two ships are the former Hamilton-class cutters acquired from the US through the Excess Defense Articles Program.
They are armed with an Oto Melara 76mm autocannon and a variety of 25mm and 20mm light cannons.
Winning bidders are required to deliver the items within 45 calendar days.
Pre-bid conference is on Aug. 30, 1 p.m. at the Office of the PN Bids and Awards Committee, Naval Station Jose Francisco, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. (PNA)
BRP Cebu corvette (photo : maximontero)
Navy’s 5 patrol vessels to undergo repair, maintenance
The Philippine Navy will be spending PhP2.863 million for the repair and maintenance of the five oldest Navy patrol vessels. These patrol vessels are BRP Miguel Malvar (PS-19), BRP Magat Salamat (PS-20), BRP Cebu (PS-28), BRP Pangasinan (PS-31), and the BRP Rizal (PS-74).
All of the mentioned vessels are of World War II vintage and are still being used for patrol and maritime surveillance by the Navy.
These vessels have the average age of 50 to 70 years old.
Pre-bid conference is slated at 1 p.m. on Aug. 30, at the Office of the PN Bids and Awards Committee, Naval Station Jose Francisco, Fort Bonifacio in Taguig City. Winning bidders are required to complete the repair within 45 calendar days.
BRP Miguel Malvar (PS-19), BRP Magat Salamat (PS-20), BRP Cebu (PS-28), and BRP Pangasinan (PS-31) are from the Miguel Malvar class is a ship class of patrol corvettes of the Philippine Navy, and are currently its oldest class of corvettes. Prior to conversion as corvettes, these ships were formerly used by the US Navy as Admirable-class minesweepers, and PCE-842-class and PCE(R)-848-class patrol craft, which were both based on the Admirable-class hull.
Meanwhile, BRP Rizal (PS-74), one of the two Rizal class ships in service, is an ex-USN Auk class minesweeper. (Update)
FarSounder to Provide Sonars for Australian Navy’s Paluma-class Vessels
27 Agustus 2016
HMAS Paluma class hydrographic survey vessel (photo : John Wilson)
FarSounder has been contracted to provide four complete FarSounder-1000 systems and spare parts as part of an upgrade programme of the Royal Australian Navy’s (RAN) four Paluma-class hydrographic Survey Motor Launches.
The FarSounder-1000 3D forward-looking sonar system provides the user with real-time navigation information up to 1,000m range ahead of the vessel.
It allows the user to choose between a wide field-of-view and an extended range mode.
FarSounder-1000 Forward looking 3D sonar system (photos : FarSounder, sea image)
The system is fitted with a stainless steel Transducer Module with an underwater wet matable connector, a power module in-rack-mountable chassis, waterproof connection cable, a SonaSoft user interface software, and a marinised bridge computer.
FarSounder engineering vice-president Matthew Zimmerman said: “The FarSounder team is proud to be a part of this upgrade programme for the RAN fleet.
“We appreciate our inclusion and that our products are recognised for the benefit they bring to this class of vessels.”
BAE Systems will serve as the prime contractor for this project, while Seismic Asia Pacific is the FarSounder dealer and is responsible for the purchase of the equipment and supporting the systems integration.
The four 360 metric tonnes survey motor launches operated by the RAN are HMA Ships Paluma (IV), Mermaid, Shepparton (II), and Benalla (II).
The vessels are designed to operate in the shallow waters of northern Australia, and generally work in pairs. They feature the latest survey and computerised hydrographic data processing equipment, and navigation aids.
Recently, FarSounder supplied its FarSounder-1000 systems for two US Navy transferred Osprey-class mine hunter coastal (MHC) vessels.
HMAS Paluma class hydrographic survey vessel (photo : John Wilson)
FarSounder has been contracted to provide four complete FarSounder-1000 systems and spare parts as part of an upgrade programme of the Royal Australian Navy’s (RAN) four Paluma-class hydrographic Survey Motor Launches.
The FarSounder-1000 3D forward-looking sonar system provides the user with real-time navigation information up to 1,000m range ahead of the vessel.
It allows the user to choose between a wide field-of-view and an extended range mode.
FarSounder-1000 Forward looking 3D sonar system (photos : FarSounder, sea image)
The system is fitted with a stainless steel Transducer Module with an underwater wet matable connector, a power module in-rack-mountable chassis, waterproof connection cable, a SonaSoft user interface software, and a marinised bridge computer.
FarSounder engineering vice-president Matthew Zimmerman said: “The FarSounder team is proud to be a part of this upgrade programme for the RAN fleet.
“We appreciate our inclusion and that our products are recognised for the benefit they bring to this class of vessels.”
BAE Systems will serve as the prime contractor for this project, while Seismic Asia Pacific is the FarSounder dealer and is responsible for the purchase of the equipment and supporting the systems integration.
The four 360 metric tonnes survey motor launches operated by the RAN are HMA Ships Paluma (IV), Mermaid, Shepparton (II), and Benalla (II).
The vessels are designed to operate in the shallow waters of northern Australia, and generally work in pairs. They feature the latest survey and computerised hydrographic data processing equipment, and navigation aids.
Recently, FarSounder supplied its FarSounder-1000 systems for two US Navy transferred Osprey-class mine hunter coastal (MHC) vessels.
Jepang Tawarkan Pesawat Amfibi US-2 Seharga 100 juta USD
27 Agustus 2016
Pesawat amfibi ShinMaywa US-2 (photo : smartkeeda)
Jepang tawarkan pesawat amfibi kepada Indonesia
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Duta Besar Jepang untuk Indonesia, Yasuaki Tanizaki, dalam pertemuan dengan Menko bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan, Wiranto, menawarkan tiga pesawat amfibi buatan Jepang ShinMaywa US-2 yang masing-masing berharga 100 juta dolar AS.
"Tadi (topik) yang sangat menonjol yakni Jepang menawarkan pesawat amfibi yang memang cukup menarik bagi negara maritim seperti Indonesia," kata Wiranto di Kantor Kemenko Polhukam, Jakarta, Jumat.
Menurut dia, pesawat yang bisa lepas landas dan mendarat di wilayah darat dan air ini sangat bagus untuk menghadapi ancaman kebakaran hutan yang tahun lalu sempat menjadi isu serius di Indonesia.
"Saya kira pesawat amfibi memang sangat bagus untuk dimodifikasi menjadi bagian dalam upaya memadamkan api. Dia bisa mendarat di perairan, menyedot air langsung kemudian menyemprotkan air ke beberapa titik kritis hutan yang terbakar," ungkap Wiranto.
Meskipun mengakui pentingnya kegunaan pesawat multifungsi itu, Wiranto menegaskan belum ada pembahasan mengenai niat Indonesia membeli pesawat amfibi dari Jepang.
Pada November 2015, wacana pembelian pesawat amfibi Jepang oleh pemerintah Indonesia sempat mengemuka, namun Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI Angkatan Laut Laksamana Muda Muhammad Zainuddin menampik rencana itu dengan menyatakan tidak ada kebutuhan atas pesawat amfibi US-2 dalam rencana strategis kekuatan pokok minimal atau "minimum essential force" (MEF) TNI.
Standar MEF dibuat berdasarkan hakikat ancaman dalam negeri dan perbatasan negara. Melalui MEF, alat utama sistem senjata yang dianggap sudah kuno akan diganti secara bertahap.
Pesawat amfibi ShinMaywa US-2 (photo : smartkeeda)
Jepang tawarkan pesawat amfibi kepada Indonesia
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Duta Besar Jepang untuk Indonesia, Yasuaki Tanizaki, dalam pertemuan dengan Menko bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan, Wiranto, menawarkan tiga pesawat amfibi buatan Jepang ShinMaywa US-2 yang masing-masing berharga 100 juta dolar AS.
"Tadi (topik) yang sangat menonjol yakni Jepang menawarkan pesawat amfibi yang memang cukup menarik bagi negara maritim seperti Indonesia," kata Wiranto di Kantor Kemenko Polhukam, Jakarta, Jumat.
Menurut dia, pesawat yang bisa lepas landas dan mendarat di wilayah darat dan air ini sangat bagus untuk menghadapi ancaman kebakaran hutan yang tahun lalu sempat menjadi isu serius di Indonesia.
"Saya kira pesawat amfibi memang sangat bagus untuk dimodifikasi menjadi bagian dalam upaya memadamkan api. Dia bisa mendarat di perairan, menyedot air langsung kemudian menyemprotkan air ke beberapa titik kritis hutan yang terbakar," ungkap Wiranto.
Meskipun mengakui pentingnya kegunaan pesawat multifungsi itu, Wiranto menegaskan belum ada pembahasan mengenai niat Indonesia membeli pesawat amfibi dari Jepang.
Pada November 2015, wacana pembelian pesawat amfibi Jepang oleh pemerintah Indonesia sempat mengemuka, namun Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI Angkatan Laut Laksamana Muda Muhammad Zainuddin menampik rencana itu dengan menyatakan tidak ada kebutuhan atas pesawat amfibi US-2 dalam rencana strategis kekuatan pokok minimal atau "minimum essential force" (MEF) TNI.
Standar MEF dibuat berdasarkan hakikat ancaman dalam negeri dan perbatasan negara. Melalui MEF, alat utama sistem senjata yang dianggap sudah kuno akan diganti secara bertahap.
26 Agustus 2016
Gepard Frigate of Vietnamese Navy Spotted in the Black Sea
26 Agustus 2016
Gepard frigate for the Vietnamese Navy (all photos : BaoDatViet)
Russia forumer has posted pictures 2nd pair Russian Gepard vessels are close to the Vietnam Navy sea trials.
According to public image, the ship is being pulled on the Volga (not far from the factory Zelenodoslk). Much equipment and weapons was a complete installation, except for the complex radar (Mineral-ME radars already in place bow) and Uran missile launch tube-E. And most likely, the move to the river ship is to prepare for the long journey of the Black Sea trials.
However, it is strange that this Gepard warships still not been finalized main mast. While the photographs show a few months ago the pair's second Gepard ships Vietnam has almost completed superstructure.
Speaking about the time of handing over the ship to Vietnam Gepard, Portal State Corporation quoted Andrei Spiridonov Rostex - official representative of Zelenodolsk shipyard, the Autonomous Republic of Tatarstan (Russian Federation) informed: "until the end of summer, warships present in the waters of the plant (Vietnam Gepard vessels), will install the latest equipment components. the duration of sea trials of the ship is expected in September / 2016 "
This information means that the time of handing over the 2nd pair Gepard ships to Vietnam in August and 9/2016 as planned will not be achieved. And is capable of information handed pair Gepard ships in 8-9 month / 2016 are technical handover at the plant, not the handover complete vessels pairs in Vietnam.
Earlier, the plan was handed the general director Maxim Gorky plant, Renat MistahovRenat Mistahov said two ships Gepard 3 and 4 will in turn hand over to Vietnam in October 8 and 9, 2016, earlier than planned 2017. Currently the work is completed to 65%.
Reportedly, this is not the first time the pair planned handover 2nd warship to Vietnam Gepard is revealed, in late May 4/2016, IHS Jane's magazine also reported that Russia will hand over the ship Gepard 3.9 3rd and 4th Vietnam in the third quarter and the fourth in 2016.
"Both 2 underground train hunting version will be launched respectively in April and May 5/2016, then we will begin basic tests" - he Mistakhov said, and added that "the ship will be handed over to Vietnam in the third quarter 2016 ".
Thus, information about the time of handing over the next couple Gepard vessels for Vietnam are constantly changing Russian side. Initially the information said, the deliveries will be carried out in 2016, but then, the engine problems caused the expected time back to 2017 and so far, CEO shipyard Zelenodolsk said the third quarter of 2016.
Earlier, in the 2015 financial statements of Zelenodolsk plant also highlighted by the delay in handing over the engine from the Ukraine has made progress of construction of the two vessels significantly delayed.
Specifically, with the train number 956 (the first of the pair of 2nd train), the construction period is 51 months new (from baseline to 42 months), ship number 957 new construction time is 54 months (from baseline to 46 months). And with a new notification from the State Corporation Rostex, this delay is probably still not improved.
Gepard frigate for the Vietnamese Navy (all photos : BaoDatViet)
Russia forumer has posted pictures 2nd pair Russian Gepard vessels are close to the Vietnam Navy sea trials.
According to public image, the ship is being pulled on the Volga (not far from the factory Zelenodoslk). Much equipment and weapons was a complete installation, except for the complex radar (Mineral-ME radars already in place bow) and Uran missile launch tube-E. And most likely, the move to the river ship is to prepare for the long journey of the Black Sea trials.
However, it is strange that this Gepard warships still not been finalized main mast. While the photographs show a few months ago the pair's second Gepard ships Vietnam has almost completed superstructure.
Speaking about the time of handing over the ship to Vietnam Gepard, Portal State Corporation quoted Andrei Spiridonov Rostex - official representative of Zelenodolsk shipyard, the Autonomous Republic of Tatarstan (Russian Federation) informed: "until the end of summer, warships present in the waters of the plant (Vietnam Gepard vessels), will install the latest equipment components. the duration of sea trials of the ship is expected in September / 2016 "
This information means that the time of handing over the 2nd pair Gepard ships to Vietnam in August and 9/2016 as planned will not be achieved. And is capable of information handed pair Gepard ships in 8-9 month / 2016 are technical handover at the plant, not the handover complete vessels pairs in Vietnam.
Earlier, the plan was handed the general director Maxim Gorky plant, Renat MistahovRenat Mistahov said two ships Gepard 3 and 4 will in turn hand over to Vietnam in October 8 and 9, 2016, earlier than planned 2017. Currently the work is completed to 65%.
Reportedly, this is not the first time the pair planned handover 2nd warship to Vietnam Gepard is revealed, in late May 4/2016, IHS Jane's magazine also reported that Russia will hand over the ship Gepard 3.9 3rd and 4th Vietnam in the third quarter and the fourth in 2016.
"Both 2 underground train hunting version will be launched respectively in April and May 5/2016, then we will begin basic tests" - he Mistakhov said, and added that "the ship will be handed over to Vietnam in the third quarter 2016 ".
Thus, information about the time of handing over the next couple Gepard vessels for Vietnam are constantly changing Russian side. Initially the information said, the deliveries will be carried out in 2016, but then, the engine problems caused the expected time back to 2017 and so far, CEO shipyard Zelenodolsk said the third quarter of 2016.
Earlier, in the 2015 financial statements of Zelenodolsk plant also highlighted by the delay in handing over the engine from the Ukraine has made progress of construction of the two vessels significantly delayed.
Specifically, with the train number 956 (the first of the pair of 2nd train), the construction period is 51 months new (from baseline to 42 months), ship number 957 new construction time is 54 months (from baseline to 46 months). And with a new notification from the State Corporation Rostex, this delay is probably still not improved.
Acquisition of Six New Air Defence Radars Need Retender
26 Agustus 2016
ThalesRaytheon Groundmaster radar (photo : MKFI)
A Non-Transparent Radar Acquisition
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Suspected irregularities in the procurement of six new sets of radars for the Air Force need to be investigated. These new radars are needed to bring the Air Force closer to the required 32 units, up from the 20 existing installations. The tender process began in April last year, but was annulled the following November because no participant met the criteria.
The cancellation, some suspect, was the result of intervention from senior Indonesian Military (TNI) officials who wanted to ensure that the contract was awarded to Thales Raytheon Systems. Based in Paris, France, this producer of defense equipment has supplied radars to the TNI before.
Weibel radar of TNI AU (photo : Kaskus Militer)
The tender documents show that other similar companies, including Danish company Weibel Scientific, offered more sophisticated product at lower costs. If Thales wins the tender, it will be very obvious that there was collusion between vendor and buyer. This is why the bidding should be repeated. Even the specification for the radars was changed to match the Thales product.
A number of regulations have already been issued to reform the defense equipment procurement mechanism, such as Law No. 16/2012 on the Defense Industry. Among other provisions, this law states that any purchase of military equipment from foreign parties must involve the domestic defense industry, and that there must be technology transfer and local content.
The purchase of radars from Thales Raytheon Systems did not comply with those specifications. There was no technology transfer because the Indonesian defense industry and human resources did not have the capacity.
See full article Tempo
ThalesRaytheon Groundmaster radar (photo : MKFI)
A Non-Transparent Radar Acquisition
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Suspected irregularities in the procurement of six new sets of radars for the Air Force need to be investigated. These new radars are needed to bring the Air Force closer to the required 32 units, up from the 20 existing installations. The tender process began in April last year, but was annulled the following November because no participant met the criteria.
The cancellation, some suspect, was the result of intervention from senior Indonesian Military (TNI) officials who wanted to ensure that the contract was awarded to Thales Raytheon Systems. Based in Paris, France, this producer of defense equipment has supplied radars to the TNI before.
Weibel radar of TNI AU (photo : Kaskus Militer)
The tender documents show that other similar companies, including Danish company Weibel Scientific, offered more sophisticated product at lower costs. If Thales wins the tender, it will be very obvious that there was collusion between vendor and buyer. This is why the bidding should be repeated. Even the specification for the radars was changed to match the Thales product.
A number of regulations have already been issued to reform the defense equipment procurement mechanism, such as Law No. 16/2012 on the Defense Industry. Among other provisions, this law states that any purchase of military equipment from foreign parties must involve the domestic defense industry, and that there must be technology transfer and local content.
The purchase of radars from Thales Raytheon Systems did not comply with those specifications. There was no technology transfer because the Indonesian defense industry and human resources did not have the capacity.
See full article Tempo
New Zealand Signs Contract for P-3K Orion Upgrade
26 Agustus 2016
RNZAF P-3K Orion (photo : Chris Milne)
Further investment in new Defence capabilities
Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee today welcomed the signing of a contract to upgrade the Royal New Zealand Air Force Underwater, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance capability on our six Orion aircraft with Boeing for a total of $36 million.
Mr Brownlee says having an underwater surveillance capability deters interference with the sea lines of communication that New Zealand and many of its friends rely on for trade purposes.
“Knowing what is happening underwater is integral to monitoring submarine activity,” Mr Brownlee says.
“This is particularly important in the Asia-Pacific region which is home to two-thirds of the world’s submarines.
“The current Orion systems are old and have become less reliable.
“I am pleased that New Zealand businesses Safe Air, Beca and Marops Limited will also be involved in supporting this acquisition through its life, with around 25 per cent of the value of the contract being spent with these companies.”
The recently released 2016 Defence White Paper confirmed the importance of the New Zealand Defence Force having capabilities to cope with the realities of a complex and changing strategic environment, and to enable it to operate across a broad spectrum of geographic and operating environments.
Work is already underway within Defence on the Future Air Surveillance Capability project which will select a replacement for the Orion aircraft, which is due to retire from service in the mid-2020s.
RNZAF P-3K Orion (photo : Chris Milne)
Further investment in new Defence capabilities
Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee today welcomed the signing of a contract to upgrade the Royal New Zealand Air Force Underwater, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance capability on our six Orion aircraft with Boeing for a total of $36 million.
Mr Brownlee says having an underwater surveillance capability deters interference with the sea lines of communication that New Zealand and many of its friends rely on for trade purposes.
“Knowing what is happening underwater is integral to monitoring submarine activity,” Mr Brownlee says.
“This is particularly important in the Asia-Pacific region which is home to two-thirds of the world’s submarines.
“The current Orion systems are old and have become less reliable.
“I am pleased that New Zealand businesses Safe Air, Beca and Marops Limited will also be involved in supporting this acquisition through its life, with around 25 per cent of the value of the contract being spent with these companies.”
The recently released 2016 Defence White Paper confirmed the importance of the New Zealand Defence Force having capabilities to cope with the realities of a complex and changing strategic environment, and to enable it to operate across a broad spectrum of geographic and operating environments.
Work is already underway within Defence on the Future Air Surveillance Capability project which will select a replacement for the Orion aircraft, which is due to retire from service in the mid-2020s.
Skadron Helikopter 13 akan Diperkuat dengan 32 Helikopter
26 Agustus 2016
Helikopter Fennec TNI AD (photo : intawebbram)
Wow, Kabupaten Ini Bakal Diperkuat dengan 32 Helikopter !
TRIBUNKALTIM.CO, TANJUNG REDEB – Setelah dibangun sejak 2014 lalu, Skadron Helikopter 13 akhirnya diresmikan Panglima Kodam VI Mulawarman, Mayjen TNI Johny L Tobing, Kamis (25/8/2016).
Peresmian operasional Skadron Helikopter ini juga dihadiri jajaran TNI mulai dari Korem Aji Suryanatakesuma, Kodim Tanjung Redeb, Yon Armed, Kapolres Berau, Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Berau bersama jajarannya.
Dalam upacara peresmian tersebut, TNI juga menggelar 1 unit helikopeter Bell 412, Mi 17 dan pesawat Cassa 21.
Ditemui usai meresmikan Skadron Helikopter 13, Mayjen TNI Johny L Tobing mengatakan pembentukan satuan Skadron Pusat Penerbangan Angkatan Darat (Pus Penerbad) ini merupakan bagian strategis Angkatan Darat sejak tahun 2010 sampai 2019.
“Jadi (pembentukan Skadron) ini telah melalui berbagai kajian yang matang, kami bentuk Skadron untuk menambah kekuatan militer untuk tujuan perang maupun mendukung operasi TNI lainnya, terutama di wilayah perbatasan,” ungkapnya.
Terpisah, Komandan Skadron Helikopeter 13, Letkol Slamet Riyadi mengatakan, untuk sementara ini hanya ada satu unit helikopter Bell 412 untuk mendukung logistik di Skadron 13.
Secara umum, satu skadron memiliki 32 unit helikopter dan akan dipenuhi secara bertahap.
“Penambahan helikopter ini akan dilakukan secara bertahap, tahun 2017 nanti juga akan ada pengadaan baru, jumlahnya juga masih belum diketahui, tergantung situasi karena Panglima TNI yang akan menentukan berapa kekuatan yang dibutuhkan,” jelasnya.
Rencananya, ada tiga jenis helikopter yang beroperasi di skadron ini, diantaranya Bell 412, Fennec dan Bolcow.
Helikopter Fennec TNI AD (photo : intawebbram)
Wow, Kabupaten Ini Bakal Diperkuat dengan 32 Helikopter !
TRIBUNKALTIM.CO, TANJUNG REDEB – Setelah dibangun sejak 2014 lalu, Skadron Helikopter 13 akhirnya diresmikan Panglima Kodam VI Mulawarman, Mayjen TNI Johny L Tobing, Kamis (25/8/2016).
Peresmian operasional Skadron Helikopter ini juga dihadiri jajaran TNI mulai dari Korem Aji Suryanatakesuma, Kodim Tanjung Redeb, Yon Armed, Kapolres Berau, Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Berau bersama jajarannya.
Dalam upacara peresmian tersebut, TNI juga menggelar 1 unit helikopeter Bell 412, Mi 17 dan pesawat Cassa 21.
Ditemui usai meresmikan Skadron Helikopter 13, Mayjen TNI Johny L Tobing mengatakan pembentukan satuan Skadron Pusat Penerbangan Angkatan Darat (Pus Penerbad) ini merupakan bagian strategis Angkatan Darat sejak tahun 2010 sampai 2019.
“Jadi (pembentukan Skadron) ini telah melalui berbagai kajian yang matang, kami bentuk Skadron untuk menambah kekuatan militer untuk tujuan perang maupun mendukung operasi TNI lainnya, terutama di wilayah perbatasan,” ungkapnya.
Terpisah, Komandan Skadron Helikopeter 13, Letkol Slamet Riyadi mengatakan, untuk sementara ini hanya ada satu unit helikopter Bell 412 untuk mendukung logistik di Skadron 13.
Secara umum, satu skadron memiliki 32 unit helikopter dan akan dipenuhi secara bertahap.
“Penambahan helikopter ini akan dilakukan secara bertahap, tahun 2017 nanti juga akan ada pengadaan baru, jumlahnya juga masih belum diketahui, tergantung situasi karena Panglima TNI yang akan menentukan berapa kekuatan yang dibutuhkan,” jelasnya.
Rencananya, ada tiga jenis helikopter yang beroperasi di skadron ini, diantaranya Bell 412, Fennec dan Bolcow.
25 Agustus 2016
M'sia's Scorpene Subs Different from Those Used by Chile and India
25 Agustus 2016
The specifications, features as well as the capabilities of the submarines used by Malaysia were unique and different from the other submarines used by the two nations. (photo : LIMA)
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia's Scorpene submarines purchased from French defence company DCNS are different from the submarines of Chile or India, said Defence Deputy Minister Mohd Johari Baharum.
The specifications, features as well as the capabilities of our submarines were unique and different from those submarines, he said when met at the Malaysian Armed Forces Sports Awards night at Wisma Perwira here.
He was commenting on a report in the Australian media today, that sensitive data on the capabilities of Scorpene submarines built by a French ship company were leaked when 22,400 pages of submarine secret information documents owned by the Indian Navy were exposed.
India is investigating a massive data leak from French shipbuilder DCNS that affects a major submarine contract for its navy.
The leak of more than 22,000 pages exposes secrets about the combat capabilities of Scorpene-class vessels.
It is not clear who first obtained the confidential documents, which were made public by the Australian media.
Earlier this year DCNS won Australia's largest-ever defence contract to build a fleet of advanced submarines.
India signed a $3.5b (£2.6b, €3.1b) deal for six Scorpene vessels in 2005. They were being built in cooperation with an Indian government-owned shipbuilder in Mumbai.
India is investigating the leak to "find out what has happened," Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar said.
The Scorpene submarines are small-to-intermediate size vessels currently in use in Malaysia and Chile. Brazil is due to deploy the submarine type in 2018.
A DCNS spokeswoman described the leak as "a serious matter" and said French authorities would formally investigate.
The specifications, features as well as the capabilities of the submarines used by Malaysia were unique and different from the other submarines used by the two nations. (photo : LIMA)
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia's Scorpene submarines purchased from French defence company DCNS are different from the submarines of Chile or India, said Defence Deputy Minister Mohd Johari Baharum.
The specifications, features as well as the capabilities of our submarines were unique and different from those submarines, he said when met at the Malaysian Armed Forces Sports Awards night at Wisma Perwira here.
He was commenting on a report in the Australian media today, that sensitive data on the capabilities of Scorpene submarines built by a French ship company were leaked when 22,400 pages of submarine secret information documents owned by the Indian Navy were exposed.
India is investigating a massive data leak from French shipbuilder DCNS that affects a major submarine contract for its navy.
The leak of more than 22,000 pages exposes secrets about the combat capabilities of Scorpene-class vessels.
It is not clear who first obtained the confidential documents, which were made public by the Australian media.
Earlier this year DCNS won Australia's largest-ever defence contract to build a fleet of advanced submarines.
India signed a $3.5b (£2.6b, €3.1b) deal for six Scorpene vessels in 2005. They were being built in cooperation with an Indian government-owned shipbuilder in Mumbai.
India is investigating the leak to "find out what has happened," Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar said.
The Scorpene submarines are small-to-intermediate size vessels currently in use in Malaysia and Chile. Brazil is due to deploy the submarine type in 2018.
A DCNS spokeswoman described the leak as "a serious matter" and said French authorities would formally investigate.
Bataliyon Infantri Mekanik 412 Purworejo Dapat Tambahan 36 Tank
25 Agustus 2016
Kendaraan APC M113 Yonif Mek 412 Purworejo (photo : SiaranNews)
SN PURWOREJO – Bataliyon Infantri Mekanik 412 Purworejo mendapat tambahan peralatan tempur berupa 36 kendaraan tempur (ranpur) tank jenis APC M 113 A I B-E buatan Amerika. Penyerahan dari PT Indocentris, selaku penyuplai dilakukan Selasa (23/8) siang di markas Bataliyon Infantri Mekanik 412. Tank-tank tersebut tiba di Bataliyon Infantri Mekanik 412 pada Senin (22/8) malam.
“Sesuai perintah Kasad nomor sprin/1906/vi/2016 tgl 20 juni 2016 Tentang perintah mengeluarkan atau mendistribusikan ranpur tank APC M 113 A1 -BE sebanyak 50 unit dan cover tank sebanyak 55 set, maka hari ini kita serahkan ranpur tank itu kepada bataliyon yonif infantri mekanik,” kata Krisnawati, Direktur PT Indocentris, saat ditemui, Selasa (23/8) disela-sela acara penyerahan.
Dijelaskan, tank itu perbuah harganya, Rp 2.748.000.000, dan dari 50 ranpur tank, anggaran yang dikeluarkan sebesar Rp 137.400.000.000. Sedangkan harga Cover tank perunit sebesar Rp 1.893.000, dan total anggaran untuk 55 cover berjumlah Rp104.115.000
“Kendaraan organik dibawah rawatan Poldam IV/Dip, dengan rincian untuk bataliyon yonif mekanis 441/k/p berjumlah 14 unit, cover tank berjumlah 19 set, sedangkan untuk Yonif mekanis 412/k/bes berjumlah 36 unit, dan cover tank berjumlah 36 set. Masing-masing kendaraan dilengkapin copula 12,7 mm, pioner set, tool kit, buku manual operasional dan har, APK, pelampung 13 buah dab p3k,” jelasnya.
Diiungkapkan, tiap unit ranpur tank memiliki daya angkut 10-13, dengan posisi siap tempur. Tank tersebut merupakan buatan awal dari Amerika setelah itu di retrofit di Belgia, “Kalau di belgia itu lavelnya A1, kalau di amerika levelnya A2 maka ranpur tank ini berkode M113 itu di amerika,” ungkapnya.
Ditambahkan, sebagai penyuplai senjata TNI, pihaknya berharap infrantri bisa lebih maju. Dan rencananya pihaknya akan menyuplai lagi pada tahun 2017 sekitar 22 unit, “targetnya satu bataliyon memiliki 52 unit,” tambahnya.
Kendaraan APC M113 Yonif Mek 412 Purworejo (photo : SiaranNews)
SN PURWOREJO – Bataliyon Infantri Mekanik 412 Purworejo mendapat tambahan peralatan tempur berupa 36 kendaraan tempur (ranpur) tank jenis APC M 113 A I B-E buatan Amerika. Penyerahan dari PT Indocentris, selaku penyuplai dilakukan Selasa (23/8) siang di markas Bataliyon Infantri Mekanik 412. Tank-tank tersebut tiba di Bataliyon Infantri Mekanik 412 pada Senin (22/8) malam.
“Sesuai perintah Kasad nomor sprin/1906/vi/2016 tgl 20 juni 2016 Tentang perintah mengeluarkan atau mendistribusikan ranpur tank APC M 113 A1 -BE sebanyak 50 unit dan cover tank sebanyak 55 set, maka hari ini kita serahkan ranpur tank itu kepada bataliyon yonif infantri mekanik,” kata Krisnawati, Direktur PT Indocentris, saat ditemui, Selasa (23/8) disela-sela acara penyerahan.
Dijelaskan, tank itu perbuah harganya, Rp 2.748.000.000, dan dari 50 ranpur tank, anggaran yang dikeluarkan sebesar Rp 137.400.000.000. Sedangkan harga Cover tank perunit sebesar Rp 1.893.000, dan total anggaran untuk 55 cover berjumlah Rp104.115.000
“Kendaraan organik dibawah rawatan Poldam IV/Dip, dengan rincian untuk bataliyon yonif mekanis 441/k/p berjumlah 14 unit, cover tank berjumlah 19 set, sedangkan untuk Yonif mekanis 412/k/bes berjumlah 36 unit, dan cover tank berjumlah 36 set. Masing-masing kendaraan dilengkapin copula 12,7 mm, pioner set, tool kit, buku manual operasional dan har, APK, pelampung 13 buah dab p3k,” jelasnya.
Diiungkapkan, tiap unit ranpur tank memiliki daya angkut 10-13, dengan posisi siap tempur. Tank tersebut merupakan buatan awal dari Amerika setelah itu di retrofit di Belgia, “Kalau di belgia itu lavelnya A1, kalau di amerika levelnya A2 maka ranpur tank ini berkode M113 itu di amerika,” ungkapnya.
Ditambahkan, sebagai penyuplai senjata TNI, pihaknya berharap infrantri bisa lebih maju. Dan rencananya pihaknya akan menyuplai lagi pada tahun 2017 sekitar 22 unit, “targetnya satu bataliyon memiliki 52 unit,” tambahnya.
New Zealand to Issue RFP for New Inshore Support Ship
25 Agustus 2016
The four Protector Class Inshore Patrol Vessels (IPVs) are in service with the Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN). The IPV is deployed in patrol and response operations in exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of New Zealand. They will be deployed in support of civil agencies in the littoral area to about 200 nautical miles off the coastline. (photo : NZDF)
Further investment in new Defence capabilities
Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee today welcomed the signing of a contract to upgrade the Royal New Zealand Air Force Underwater, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance capability on our six Orion aircraft with Boeing for a total of $36 million.
Mr Brownlee says having an underwater surveillance capability deters interference with the sea lines of communication that New Zealand and many of its friends rely on for trade purposes.
“Knowing what is happening underwater is integral to monitoring submarine activity,” Mr Brownlee says.
“This is particularly important in the Asia-Pacific region which is home to two-thirds of the world’s submarines.
“The current Orion systems are old and have become less reliable.
“I am pleased that New Zealand businesses Safe Air, Beca and Marops Limited will also be involved in supporting this acquisition through its life, with around 25 per cent of the value of the contract being spent with these companies.”
The recently released 2016 Defence White Paper confirmed the importance of the New Zealand Defence Force having capabilities to cope with the realities of a complex and changing strategic environment, and to enable it to operate across a broad spectrum of geographic and operating environments.
Work is already underway within Defence on the Future Air Surveillance Capability project which will select a replacement for the Orion aircraft, which is due to retire from service in the mid-2020s.
The four Protector Class Inshore Patrol Vessels (IPVs) are in service with the Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN). The IPV is deployed in patrol and response operations in exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of New Zealand. They will be deployed in support of civil agencies in the littoral area to about 200 nautical miles off the coastline. (photo : NZDF)
Further investment in new Defence capabilities
Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee today welcomed the signing of a contract to upgrade the Royal New Zealand Air Force Underwater, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance capability on our six Orion aircraft with Boeing for a total of $36 million.
Mr Brownlee says having an underwater surveillance capability deters interference with the sea lines of communication that New Zealand and many of its friends rely on for trade purposes.
“Knowing what is happening underwater is integral to monitoring submarine activity,” Mr Brownlee says.
“This is particularly important in the Asia-Pacific region which is home to two-thirds of the world’s submarines.
“The current Orion systems are old and have become less reliable.
“I am pleased that New Zealand businesses Safe Air, Beca and Marops Limited will also be involved in supporting this acquisition through its life, with around 25 per cent of the value of the contract being spent with these companies.”
The recently released 2016 Defence White Paper confirmed the importance of the New Zealand Defence Force having capabilities to cope with the realities of a complex and changing strategic environment, and to enable it to operate across a broad spectrum of geographic and operating environments.
Work is already underway within Defence on the Future Air Surveillance Capability project which will select a replacement for the Orion aircraft, which is due to retire from service in the mid-2020s.