03 November 2016
Norinco Sky Dragon 50 medium SAM (photo : Army Recognition)
China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) is close to securing a deal from Indonesia to supply its Sky Dragon 50 medium-range surface-to-air missile (SAM) system, it has emerged.
A NORINCO official told IHS Jane's at the Indo Defence 2016 exhibition in Jakarta on 2 November that the state-owned company has recently submitted a proposal to supply the Sky Dragon to the Indonesian Air Force and that the service has "successfully completed" field evaluations of the system.
"We are now waiting for the official bidding process to start," said a NORINCO official, although he did not disclose the scope of the air force requirement.
IHS Jane's has previously reported that a Sky Dragon battery consists of an IBIS150 3D target designation radar, a fire distribution vehicle, and three to six launch vehicles, each armed with four ready-to-fire missiles carried in container-launcher tubes of circular cross-section. In this configuration, a battery will be capable of engaging up to 12 targets simultaneously and firing all 12 individually targeted missiles in seconds.
The official said that NORINCO is competing to supply the Sky Dragon against comparative systems from rival but unidentified companies. However, he stressed that the NORINCO product has several factors in its favour, most importantly price.
"We believe this system is much easier to operate than rival air defence systems," he said. "There is no major training programme required for the Sky Dragon and the rockets are supported by an advanced active radar seeker, which increases accuracy significantly. Also, the Sky Dragon is about 40% cheaper than some other medium-range air defence systems."
The official added that NORINCO has been active in Indonesia "about 20 years" supplying mainly the Indonesian Army and Indonesian Navy with "rockets and air defence" products.
Semoga ga jadi beli dari China. Kemarin rudal C705 baru gagal ga kapok apa? Beli aja barang yang pasti-pasti. Mau NASAMS kek, mau barang Rusia kek, terserah. Yang penting jangan beli missile China lagi.
BalasHapusSaya lebih prefer barang dari Eropa yang enak dimintai ToTnya biar bisa mandiri.
BalasHapusBarang chino kurang srek apalagi ini mengenai SAM. Aaahhh sudahlah.... 😒
Hik.... Hik..... Hik....
BalasHapusAll Indonesian fanboys have a same think about China made after C 705 delay time launch.
Mending delay doang bos. Ini miss juga.
HapusSemoga dibeli, biar ditembak melempem karena alasan iklim gk cocok.
BalasHapusSemoga dibeli, biar ditembak melempem karena alasan iklim gk cocok.
BalasHapusaduh produk cina... kl iklim gak cocok blm tentu akurasi. kenapa tidak mncorong ke rusia dan ukrania. indonesia kan bisa bikin rudal/roket dan radar sebagai bukti pada rusia.. percuma tot ditolak tp bikin rudal dan radar jg bisa.. biar rusia galau dan akan setuju tot..
BalasHapusKalau china berani kasih uang suap yg banyak, pejabat pengadaan indonesia apa bisa menolak?
BalasHapuselehhhhhhbarang gak mutu gak kapok juga....tot c 705 mana???preetttt......kalau meleset alasan cuaca.......ngomong aja barang kw emang gak mutu
BalasHapusIf deal, will it be stationed in Natuna?
BalasHapusAfter what we experience with C-705? I hope not.
HapusNah itu di jelaskan kelebihan utamanya yang paling menarik buat indonesia.. price 40℅ cheaper. Gak semua lah produk China jelek. Asal di tes dulu baru beli, jangan beli dulu baru di tes, lebih parah lagi kalau malah gak di tes yang penting komsi masuk.
BalasHapusduuh beli rongsok lagi, mending s300
BalasHapusindonesia memang otak di dengkul apa gimana ya? kemarin numpas gam pake F 16 malah diembargo, beli F 16 bekas kebakar, sekarang tertarik F 16 lagi..beli rudak KW II 705 gatot... sekarang mau ambil ini lagi....aduuuuh otaaaakkk....anak SD aja bisa belajar..ini kok ga kapok kapok..bodonya gak ketulungan
BalasHapusKalau indonesia beli ini....jelas bodohnya ngak ketulungan....40% lbh murah dan akurasi pasti hanya 60% karena ada harga ada kualitas.....