07 Desember 2016
Kedah class Kapal Ronda Generasi Baru atau Next Generation Patrol Vessel atau sering juga disebut korvet kelas Kedah (photo : US Navy)
KUALA LUMPUR – Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) bercadang untuk menambah sebanyak 12 unit lagi Kapal Ronda Generasi Baru bagi meningkatkan tahap pengawasan keselamatan di seluruh perairan negara.
Panglima TLDM, Laksamana Tan Sri Ahmad Kamarulzaman Ahmad Badaruddin berkata penambahan aset TLDM berkenaan akan dibuat secara berperingkat.
Beliau berkata TLDM setakat ini memiliki enam buah kapal ronda itu iaitu Kapal Diraja (KD) Pahang, KD Kedah, KD Selangor, KD Perak, KD Terengganu dan KD Kelantan.
“Selain penambahan 12 unit kapal ronda itu, TLDM juga bercadang untuk menambah dua buah lagi kapal selam. Buat masa sekarang, kita telah memiliki dua buah kapal selam iaitu KD Tunku Abdul Rahman dan KD Tun Razak.
“Kesemua penambahan aset itu akan dibuat menerusi menerusi program Transformasi 15 ke 5 Kelas Kapal yang menjimatkan kos perbelanjaan dan tenaga kerja warga TLDM,” katanya kepada Bernama di Majlis Serah Terima Tugas Pegawai Waran TLDM dan Majlis Ramah Mesra Warga Markas Tentera Laut.
Dalam perkembangan lain, Ahmad Kamarulzaman berkata TLDM bakal menerima kapal perang pesisir pantai (LCS) buatan tempatan yang pertama yang dijangka siap pada 2019.
Katanya kapal perang itu dilengkapi teknologi tinggi dan terkini menggunakan kepakaran jurutera tempatan tanpa bergantung kepada kepakaran negara luar.
Beliau berkata ia sedang dalam pembinaan dan turut menjimatkan lebih separuh kos perbelanjaan menerusi program transformasi yang sama.
“Susulan itu, sebanyak enam buah kapal LCS akan dibina secara berperingkat setiap tahun bagi memantapkan pertahanan maritim negara,” katanya lagi.
Terdahulu Ahmad Kamarulzaman yang genap setahun menerajui TLDM hari ini, menyaksikan majlis penyerahan terima tugas Pegawai Waran TLDM di KD Sri Gombak.
Pada majlis itu, Pegawai Markas Kejuruteraan TLDM di Lumut, Eizad Ramli dilantik menjadi Pegawai Waran I Kejuruteraan Marin Kuasa Gerak (TMK) yang baharu bagi menggantikan Nik Ezanee Nek Anom yang akan bersara berkuat kuasa bulan depan.
(Media Permata)
Kapal ronda...berarti di lengkapi dengan kentongan dan...mmm...sarung,autan,waitkopee..
BalasHapusYaaah..kalo dirumah saya sih pos ronda perlengkapannya itu..hehehe,just kidding guys,don't take it to seriously.
^^^ bisa ajah loe bro.. 👮
BalasHapusBuat Ronda bawa pentungan juga bro bebei, kl ada penyelundup rotan bisa digebug ama pentungannya..
BalasHapuswkwkwk kapal ronda bawa pentungan, buatan tempatan lagi pentungany dengan teknologi terkini katay ,sekalian kata bro bebei awaky bawa autan / soffel banyak nyamuk soaly
BalasHapusSoffelnya kedah class heli super lynx, kentongannya pake oto melara, bagusan lagi kalo bawa pentungan ASM:))
Hapuswkwkwk kapal ronda bawa pentungan, buatan tempatan lagi pentungany dengan teknologi terkini katay ,sekalian kata bro bebei awaky bawa autan / soffel banyak nyamuk soaly
BalasHapusKapal Kelas Kedah milik TLDM terlibat dlm usaha 'search & recovery' pesawat AirAsia Indonesia (QZ8501), berjaya menemui 10 mayat serta beberapa komponen pesawat malang tersebut.
HapusTerima kasih buat TLDM yg sudah berpartisipasi membantu usaha pencarian korban kecelakaan AirAsia..
salam dari kami
akan diberi nama KD SONGLAP
BalasHapus"Katanya kapal perang itu dilengkapi teknologi tinggi dan terkini menggunakan kepakaran jurutera tempatan tanpa bergantung kepada kepakaran negara luar."?? Benarkah?
BalasHapusiya kales , gw juga kagak tau bro , yang pastiy claimnya kasih stiker tempatan , nah lo sudah biasa maen claim , seperti haly panser gempita kasih stiker binaan tempatan padahal masang baut doang ma mur, yang assembling ya dari turki xixixi corry just kidd
HapusHuhu. Come an see how they work on gempita at Deftech factory at pahang.
HapusNegeri indon jeles dgn kejayaan negara malaysia... hahahha
BalasHapussiapa yg iri malaysia itu sudah tidak ada apa"y sekarang, malaysia sekarang bukan malaysia yg dulu, ekonomi kalian mulai hancur sedikit demi sedikit, buktikan kepadaku supaya gua percaya bahwa insinyur malaysia itu hebat" , buat satu aja senapan ringan dengan syarat bukan dari lisensi dari luar, simple kan ? senapan ringan aja yg simple para insinyur kalian masih kelimpungan masih lom bisa ampe detik ini membuaty , apa lagi kapal perang dengan teknologi tinggi yg rumit , itu logikanya , faham tak ? kagak malu masih impor helm tempur,seragam militer, kapal perang ssv dari indonesia apa yg di iriin dari malaysia tidak ada kawan , statemenmu membuat gue tertawa
HapusNegeri indon jeles dgn kejayaan negara malaysia... hahahha
BalasHapusjeles dengan apa?
Hapusbila ada kerajaan mau beli kapal,senjata dari luar maka banyak syarikat bermunculan seperti cendawan tumbuh . sewa orang putih jadi juru cakap,loby kakitangan kerajaan ,agar dapat proyek,kasih fee kakitangan kerajaan setelah dapat order kemudian syarikat yang hanya modal stiker dan tempat 2x3 meter,kemudian tutup .Yang penting sudah dapat ringgit banyak . Sale after services tidak jelas mau kemana. Kerajaan buka lagi tender perbaikan/perawatan/,ikut lagi tender kasih fee ke kakitangan kerajaan ,OVER AND OVER ....sunglap kedai jadi Office selama sebulan kemudian tutup lagi ,tunggu projek kerajaan berikutnya .
owwh begitu ceritay , tapi masih aja ada masyarakatnya yg percaya bahwa alat perang mereka binaan tempatan ternyata itu hanya sebuah permainan demi segepok ringgit, pantesan kgak ada malaysia ekspor senjata ternyata gitu toh ceritanya xixixi
HapusHanya menuduh, sedangkan setiap peralatan milik ATM diselenggara dgn begitu baik, malahan setiap perolehan dilaksanakan dgn penuh teliti bg memenuhi keperluan pertahanan Malaysia.setiap kapal perang masih belayar, setiap MBT / aset darat masih menjalar mempertahankan bumi bertuah Malaysia, setiap pesawat tempur masih bebas mengawal ruang udara malaysia.
HapusBro waktu kapal nelayan + costguard china menceroboh perairan maley tentera tldm pada kemana bro..?
2 link di bawah boleh menjawab :
owh ya..bagaimana perawatan pesawat milik TNI-AU? byk juga yg jatuh terhempas. F-16 (2015)T-50i (2015) antara contohnya..
Hapusjatuhy pesawat tempur adalah hal yg biasa terjadi di berbagai negara yg angkatan udaray benar" aktif di gunakan untuk latihan, tidak di pendam di hanggar biar bertelur twh pesawat, sebagai contoh saja negara amerika dan rusia beberapa kali pesawat tempury jatuh menandakan suatu negara dengan angkatan udara benar" yg aktif & selalu siaga untuk menghadapi perang maipun penyusup, makin bnyak jumlah pesawat tempur suatu negara maka bnyak pula pasti yg berguguran itu hal biasa dalam dunia penerbangan zet tempur jadi tidak ada yg anehkan ?
Hapusjatuhy pesawat tempur adalah hal yg biasa terjadi di berbagai negara yg angkatan udaray benar" aktif di gunakan untuk latihan, tidak di pendam di hanggar biar bertelur twh pesawat, sebagai contoh saja negara amerika dan rusia beberapa kali pesawat tempury jatuh menandakan suatu negara dengan angkatan udara benar" yg aktif & selalu siaga untuk menghadapi perang maipun penyusup, makin bnyak jumlah pesawat tempur suatu negara maka bnyak pula pasti yg berguguran itu hal biasa dalam dunia penerbangan zet tempur jadi tidak ada yg anehkan ?
HapusJumlah pesawat mereka (Russia & US) lebih byk dr apa yg ada dlm inventori TNI-AU. ini berlaku kerana kegagalan TNI-AU menyelenggara pesawat dengan lebih efektif.
HapusBetul bro... indon tak boleh sama kan dgn us sebab jatuhnya pesawat indon adalah disebabkan penyelenggaraan yg teruk dan rasuh berleluasa dikalangan tenteranya...
HapusBetul bro... indon tak boleh sama kan dgn us sebab jatuhnya pesawat indon adalah disebabkan penyelenggaraan yg teruk dan rasuh berleluasa dikalangan tenteranya...
HapusBicara fakta buat masa panjang ancaman buat nkri itu datang nya dari lcs scs dan australia . indonesia bertaburan pulau di perbatasan pelan dan pasti bakal di caplok di serang asing hanya tinggal menghitung bulan dan tahun . Jadi kalau penguasa sekarang hanya fokus melindungi ahok lupa akan ancaman infasi asing cilaka nya sudah keliatan .
BalasHapusNah kan udah ketahuan ini makhluk termasuk golongan 2D bahlul. Pantesan tololnya ekstrem banget.
HapusPerang proxy war ....melawan antek barat australia sudah menjalar ke urat nadi nusantara . Mereka antek asing barat selalu tampil di media pakek nama palsu asli nya raja penakut ...pengecut berani koar koar di media .fir oun ....fir oun dari laut china selatan harus kita waspadai hehe
HapusSemua negara maju kongsi teknology utk buat apc masing2 .
BalasHapusSama seperti anoa mengambil teknology asal prancis VAB .
Amerika ambil teknology mowag phirana switzerland utk buat stryker.
Canada juga mengambil teknolgy piranha utk buat LAV.
Sama juga dgn Malaysia TOT dgn FNSS utk buat sesuai kebutuhan Malaysia dan dinamakan gempita.
Coba kalian study baca pasti akan tahu perbedaan gempita dgn fnss.
Rekabentuk gowind dibina berdasarkan kehendak TLDM dan direka oleh jurutera tempatan (BNS) bersama share partner DCNS.
BalasHapusMaka itu sbbnya sainya berbeda dgn corvette gowind 2500 yg basic.
Sistem elektroniknya mmg dibina sendiri di Malaysia tp tetap menggunakan sistem setis sebagai combat management system (cms).
All 6 ships will be built by Boustead Naval Shipyard in Lumut, Malaysia and electronic components will be assembled in Cyberjaya, a township in Malaysia just south of Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysians are chinese puppet. So no need to worry for invasion in case.
BalasHapuswhat? now Malaysia is a China's puppet?before this Malaysia was accused as a British's puppet by the Indonesian.just because we have good relationship with other nation, doesn't mean we're are someone's puppet.
Hapusthis guy is a true racist so dont need to care what he said. a few post ago he said indonesian are boastful and malay are rude and racist.i mean we all know it but dont bring stuff like that into a military blog.
HapusIt is a fact mr. Lugman. And what happemed to us before when we are in malays land, i made a study of the culture and behaviour of this country and i have found out that malays are not friendly people. Full of hatred to others, perfectionist, pretending to be a first world country, most corrupt and irresponsible. It can also be apply on your military management.
Hapus1. well, your findings are baseless. please state your findings for references.
Hapus2. Malaysia is a multiracial nation, but still we are able to live in peacefully. no big incident of genocide or whatsoever, unlike Myanmar / Pinoy.
3. The reason being is, Malays have been very tolerant to every races in Malaysia, even though Malays hold the political / military / laws / executive power.
Do not compare your people unto other minority.. You see the way you speak your a kind of racist. Time will come tjat myanmar will take over your economy and more malays become a househelper of what you called myanmar or pinoys.
Hapus1. what i stated is fact. do u observed what happen in Myanmar? Rohingyans is targeted due to their colour. Pinoy? their muslims population is being relegated to the level of 2nd class citizens.
Hapus2. In malaysia, none of that is happening. no minority being separated from any government initiatives.
3. no genocide, we share our responsibility collectively.
4. if Malays is not so tolerent, do u think, Malaysians minority still want to be part of this great nation?
I agree with you that it is a facts. But i guess its for only now at at times. For your info that your government is getting worst and worst everyday. Why? Most of your government elect are corrupt as in super corrupt and some malays can only knew that. For phiippine data they are now recovering from their failure and their economy is getting improve faster than China. For myanmar? Wait until their government will fix those rohingyans and they will not going to forget you malay good treatment.hehehe.here in france, i encourage my countrymen not to visit your unfriendly country. Malays are not hospitable. I prefer to promote bangkok, singapore and manila to my fellowmen.
HapusMalays have no mercy to this poor and helpless rohingyans.
HapusMr. Shafiq you have no right to downside the color of rohingyans.. Look at yourself? You ar Malays and your color is also brown and you are not an A class citizen and you still belongs under us. We are a 1st world country. So please shut up moron.
HapusYou talk about Rohingya. Do you even know what/who started all this bullshit crisis?
HapusI am not interested folks.. Every man and woman in this world can help those in need. To feed the hunger and to protect the oppress. Thats what i do not see in malays attitude. Me, personally experienced and see the true color of malaysia the way they interact with other nationality especially their fellow asian.
HapusIt shows that malaysia still immature in handling such situation like this that the world knows they cant handle enough. Selfish? UN council? No way!those attitude has no place to govern the UN.
Hapus1. Pinoy is getting better? yeah right.. they still can't manage to control their southern region.
Hapus2. Myanmar is the worst, they treat their people based on skin colour. do u even know that, not only Rohingyans is treated badly, Chins ethnic group also face the same treatment by Myanmar.
3. here in Malaysia there is at least 40,070 Rohingyans refugee.
4. do u read what i wrote about Myanmar is targeting Rohingyans base on their colour? that would never happen in Malaysia.
5. of course i know who started Rohingyans crisis. its none other then Myanmar political / military regime & the buddhists monk.
As i said.. Help help as you can.. What malaysian dont understand that thtis people rohingyans are iliterate and must have others to knows.do not base your opinion or knowledge the root cause of all. For sure you only knoes it here in internet which is not reliable. Talk to them (rohingyans) so you know the exact reason. It only shows that malaysians are selfish.
HapusFor filipinos why they cant control their southern part? You want to know the simple reaspn for this mr. Shafiq? Its because those rebels are funded by your own government the most notorious malaysian governemt.. Some filipinos that i talk to and based on philippine media that most higher position in philippine rebel are MALAYSIANS. Period.!
Hapus1. i have talked with Rohingyans, the only reason why Myanmar treated them badly is because they are not white enough to be part of myanmar.
Hapus2. again, where is ur fact about higher level of pinoy rebel is Malaysians? Malaysia only help those in need in southern pinoy through humanitarian effort, because the central government of pinoy don't even care about their own people.
Camana lak hubungan negeri indon dengan israel... tu pun boleh dikirakan sebagai puppet israel ke
HapusCamana lak hubungan negeri indon dengan israel... tu pun boleh dikirakan sebagai puppet israel ke
HapusIn recent report, indonesian people is also against other religion. Im not going to specify what kind of report is this.
BalasHapusI noticed tat most malaysians talked about other people are same with radicalized muslim which is the only thing to know is to kill innocent people without mercy even it is old and childrens alike. For me, hoping that even it is muslim, christian and all other religion should help those in need. All bible or quoran taught to love each other not hatred or selfishness.
BalasHapus1. really? now most malaysians is radicalized muslim? before this malaysia is China's puppet. too much hatred towards Malaysian.
HapusI had been in so many countries in the world and the most worst and notorious of all is MAlaysia. Never come back again in this fuc.. 3rd world country. Unfriendy and inhuman.
BalasHapus1. just because we treated all human equally (unlike myanmar) so we're the most unfriendly & inhuman.
Hapus2. Facts : Genocide never happen in Malaysia.
Because your country is selfish. The way you look yourself being clean, the way you treat those helpless people being the most corrupt country in asia and a radicalized Muslim, that is the reason why I am sick with you Malaysian.
BalasHapus1. Which helpless people we treated wrongly?
Hapus2. we already provide shelter to almost 56000 rohingyans (victim of Myanmar ethnic cleansing by Myanmar government).
3. So, the government who responsible for ethnic cleansing shouldn't play part in finding resolution for this mess (created by myanmar racist government) but Malaysia should take the responsibility?
Hepless? We can see anywhere here in television how arrogant your notorious government maltreated those innocent rphingyans. Check your doorstep now
Hapus1. and how do Malaysia treated those Rohingyans compare to racist government of Myanmar?
Hapus2. what we all know, malaysia always treated refugee the best we can. we accepted under UNHCR.
3. What is the Myanmar Government initiative to resolve this crisis? none.
I think these time all to support rohingya independent and life freedom in own country in myanmmar..
HapusI think these time all to support rohingya independent and life freedom in own country in myanmmar..
Hapusshafiq gahani x perlu layan apa katanya...mmg jenis suka burukkan negara org lain tanpa melihat masalah negaranya sendiri..
HapusYour notorious government should anticipate te outcomes of this from the start that this rohingyans arrive on your country. It only shows that your notorious government is immature in hadling those refugees. Now you see, how silly your government complaint to the whole world that you could probably a failure country.
BalasHapusDear Lem1,
Hapus1. Now Malaysian government is notorious?
2. All rohingyans in Malaysia is well treated, we gave them shelter.
3. How about Myanmar Government? don't they have everything to do with this mess?
4. What we should anticipate is the solution from Myanmar, because they the one who started this mess.
5. Aung San Suu Kii, do not deserved Noble Prize, because she don't even care for those ill treated rohingyans.
Shelter? Forcing them to back home is that what you called shelter? You are not a UN guru to judge the achievement of SAn Suu Ki and you dont even know he did in order to get this Noble Prize. Managing a poor country like Myanmar is not an easy in a short time. That is why San Suu Kii needs help by Asean which is exactly a useless organization also. In recent report, Manila will ging to take a post as head and hoping they could help well this helpless and oppressed rohingyans. Some other Asean nation is already paralize and could no do their obligation towards other who needs help especially Malaysia as uncivilized nation.
Hapus1. based on record by UNHCR, malaysia is already a home to 56000 Rohingyans.
Hapus2. No action taken by Aung San Suu Kii to help those in needs. she doesn't even bother about the Rohingyans just because don't want to upset Buddhist monk.
3. well, at least you agreed Myanmar is the worst / poor / racist country in the world.
4. Pinoy only want to accept 8000 rohingyans, far less than what Malaysia (if you forget 56000).
TRES BON! Its nice to hear that you say its HOME. I think you better called this TEmporary Shelter right? Anyway what help that your notorious country did help to this innocent country aside from sheltering? You can say it Home if your government give them second chance by granting them an immigrant status. Awarded as a nobel prize that Aung San Suu received before is different now that she govern the country. So no need for you to say that Aung San Suu is not deserve for Nobel Prize. As i said, it is hard to manage the poor Myanmar nowadays and it needs badly of neighboring country and what they expect specially to your notorious government which have not serious. That is why Manila deserves to head your Soon to be defunct and in effective Asean.
Hapus1. Which innocent country? Myanmar? for killing those helpless Rohingyans, they were called innocent. for helping those rohingyans Malaysia being called as notorious.
Hapus2. What do u expect Malaysia should do? applause for racist government of Myanmar action of ethnic cleansing?
3. Malaysia have voiced our concerned diplomatically.
4. Also accepted 56000 Rohingyans under UNHCR as refugee.
5. Aung San Suu Kyi do not deserved the noble prize becausue, she already tarnished the good name of Noble Prize by approving ethnic cleansing in Myanmar.
As i said malaysian should grant immigration rights if your notorious government is serious in helping this innocent people ang give them jobs to support their needs. And what your notorious govt. Did is nothing and was not raise for implementation.
HapusAs i said again. Those award that san suu kyi receive before is what he deserve in making good deeds to hes countrymen and is not deserve now in what is happening with her fellowmen. Dont talk like a radicalized muslim same as you kill already those innocent rohingyan people.
1. let me make it clear, Malaysia already a home to 56000 Rohingyans refugee.
Hapus2. Yes,Suu Kyi received those Noble Prize before she was in government. now that she in the government, she should 'walk the talk' as what she preached the world about peace & democracy (democrazy for Myanmar).
3. Now i'm the radicalized muslim, because i stated the wrongdoing of Myanmar government? how about those radicalized Buddhist in Rakhine state of Myanmar?
4. Even France doesn't grant immigrant status to those asylum seeker / refugee from Syria.
5. What we need now is Myanmar commitment to end this bloodshed.
6. It is not Malaysia who initiate those ethnic cleansing.
Are you sure for that number close to 56000? What is your source?
Hapus-so you want hes nobel prize to give up and back?
-have you seen any buddhist maltreated rohingyans? Radicalized muslims killed innocent civilian.
-do you have a source that paris did not grant those syrian refugee to enter france?
Malaysia and france are not the same. We have a big risk for those terrorist attack compared to your notorious country. And we are cautious for those muslim who enter paris.
- It is Malaysia pretending to be clean not that you are cleansing anybody.
Tahniah ,Ternyata tidak hanya orang Indonesia ,yang perpandangan negatif terhadap Malaysia .Sudah waktunya Malaysia introspeksi diri ... apakan masih tetap menganggap dirinya paling jaguh ?
Hapus1. Lem1, u don't even stated ur source, but i need to stated mine?
Hapus2. obviously her nobel prize need to be revoke.
3. again, France has denied thousand of asylum seekers from entering France. 'France's asylum procedures have been slammed as too long and inefficient, with as many as 96 percent of refugees who are refused asylum not being deported, an official report found..'
4. wow! now Malaysia & France are different regarding how to treat those helpless refugee!
5. Do u even understand what 'ethnic cleansing' is?
for your reference:
1. unknow hanya tahu menyalak, diam bila faktanya disangkal. jgn lupa ya, indonesia juga pernah menerima bot dr Australia.
Hapusquote from Lem1" Full of hatred to others, perfectionist, pretending to be a first world country, most corrupt and irresponsible.".
HapusSama betul dengan pandangan orang Indonesia terhadap Melayu semenanjung. Merasa diri paling jaguh ,penuh kebencian terhadap orang lain,tidak bertanggung jawab. Contoh sudah jelas warga Indonesia di culik dalam perairan Malaysia malah menuduh mereka yang di culik adalah penjahat ,tidak sedikitpun ada rasa simpati ,empaty dan merasa bersalah karena telah gagal menjaga dalam kawalannya sendiri .Penjahat sekalipun harus dilindungi hak azazinya ,harus dilindungi dari penculik dan kalau mereka ternyata penjahat silakan adili di pengadilan Malaysia . Dasar bangsa bar-bar.
1. Anda terlalu selektif dlm memilih pendapat. Jgn lp lem1 juga mengkritik Indonesia dlm komen2 beliau.
Hapus2. Jika warga Indonesia sendiri melanggar perintah berkurung dan diculik, apa kaitan dgn Malaysia? Sudah jelas mereka diculik akibat kebodohan mereka sendiri.
3. Penjahat perlu dilindungi ya? Sehingga ke tahap apa perlindungan yg perlu diberi?
4. Mungkin sbb itu lanun berleluasa di Indonesia.
@shafiq.g. sepanjang kritiknya betul saya bisa terima .Dengan adanya kritik kita bisa memperbaiki diri . Nobody perfeck.
Hapus1. perfect, bukan perfeck.
HapusHabis lanun di natuna tu kenapa tak jaga betul betul.. siap boleh rampas tanker lagi.. semua tu rakyat indon...
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusOk.. It eill be lucky to Malaysia of their two tower will blown up by ISIS. Syrian refugee is different from those of Rohingyans. Those Syrian could have an influencial Muslim radicalization which endangered the whole Europe. Rohinyans need to feed for their hungers not war. Understand? So you see you cant even show your source.
BalasHapusIn addition to ypur link below. : those deported are those who woild like to go back with their respective towns which is already in stable situation and no IsIs influence. Read the article carefully and besides that is not a reliable source for your info.
BalasHapusBased on what I read, france uncapable enough to handle those asylum seekers. Plus france wouldn't really help them.
HapusOhhh really? Do you know what kind of people are those rdicalized Muslim such ISIS to blown up the whole city? Perhaps your notorious government are the one whose fimance the terrorist hiding in a remote place in manila. We have a superior security compared to your country.. Take a look what happened to your MAS. Lack of planning, checking and intellegent gathering plus the fact that their is lapses on your government initiative to protect those civilian aircraft.
BalasHapus1. really? at least Malaysia were never been bombed like France.
Hapus2. State ur fact on Malaysia is financing terrorists group?
3. u can't accept the fact that France is inferior than Malaysia in handling asylum seekers & refugees.
Many to mentioned folks.. I habe read in so many media around the world that malaysian not only financing the terrorist act within asia and at tje same timexa notorious advisor in top philippine rebel. Their is also a speculation that this malaysian are the promotor in bringing thousand of rohingyans into their own backyard to make and get hte attention of the world. My god please forgive this corrupt nation. You know why malaysian have never been bomb, its because most of your people are terrorist same as Yemen. Have you heard Yemen had been bomb by their own citizen? Hahahahaa.. Your silly and boastful to say that paris is inferior than france.. Oh my god your insane already.. We are europe and white and your notorious country is malay meaning slave and third world
BalasHapusYeah Iagree with, Malay is british's slave and white people is ISRAEL'SLAVE .
Hapus1. wow..you have read so many, but unable to produce even a single source to ur claim.
Hapus2. Again, only based on speculation u have made a serious accusation against Malaysia. show me ur source.
3. Malaysia facing the same threat, but we have capable intelligence agency to protect us.
4. did i said Paris is inferior than France? u totally idiot! don't u know Paris is a part of France?!
5. Wow, now u have showed ur true colour as racist white supremacist!
6. But, i guess u just a poor yellow Myanmar Buddhist, pretend to be white, because of ur low self esteem.
We are only cautious toxall those citizen entering our peaceful country. We are not inferior.
BalasHapus1. wow.. cautious or not capable enough to handle those poor refugees.
Hapus2. France only provide them a camp (after they went trough all sort of trouble), not even provide them with enough tent & food.
Francois are powerful in your most corrupt and notorious country. We carefully plan before we decide in whatever we do. Unlike Malays, they give sheter to those rohingyans without any plan what to do and end the end wanted to get attention of the world complaining to those innocent people.
BalasHapus1. Powerful nation? seriously? unable to anticipated the bombing. unable to handle refugees,the leaked information of India's scorpene submarines.
Hapus2. Well, at least the world now know about genocide in Rakhine state of Myanmar involving Rohingyans.
3. carefully plan, or unable to handle? if France prepared by carefully plan, then it shouldn't happen by denying those asylum seekers to deport, right?
malaysian should train and equipped all Myanmar separatist and hopefully we can split Myanmar into 6-7 different countries after kicking all bloody racist pig eater Bhuddist terrorist!
Hapus..and we can welcome more ASEAN members-minus pariah Myanmar!