28 Juli 2017

Jet Tempur KFX/IFX Mengadopsi 4 Teknologi Eropa

28 Juli 2017

Empat teknologi kunci pesawat tempur KFX/IFX : AESA, IRST, EOTGP dan RF Jammer (image : donga, kookbang)

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Pesawat jet tempur KFX/IFX buatan Indonesia - Korea Selatan akan dilengkapi 4 teknologi dari Eropa. Alih teknologi Eropa tersebut setelah Amerika memberikan teknologinya untuk menunjang pesawat tempur baru itu. 

"Empat teknologi itu tidak akan diberikan Amerika pada siapa pun, termasuk Korea," kata Kepala Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementerian Pertahanan, Anne Kusmayati, dalam jumpa pers di Kementerian Pertahanan, Jumat, 28 Juli 2017. Namun, kendala tersebut bisa diatasi dengan kerjasama yang dicapai Korea Selatan dengan pihak dari Eropa.

Empat teknologi utama dalam pesawat tempur tersebut adalah electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, infrared search and track (IRST), electronic optics targeting pod (EOTGP), dan Radio Frequency Jammer. Sebenarnya, jumlah teknologi yang dibutuhkan masih kurang 9 lagi. Namun lima teknologi telah didapat Korea dan dalam kerjasama yang dicapai Indonesia dan Korea Selatan, lima teknologi itu akan dibagikan pada Indonesia.

Sementara untuk empat teknologi tersebut, Korea sedang mengembangkan sebagai hasil kolaborasi dengan pihak di Eropa. "Siapa pihak di Eropa, saya tidak dalam kapasitas menjawabnya," kata Anne. 

Nantinya, 4 teknologi tersebut juga akan diberikan ke Indonesia. "Kami diperbolehkan menggunakan alat itu ke kita di dalam pesawat IFX kita nantinya. Jadi Insya Allah empat itu akan kita dapat," kata Anne.

Jet tempur KFX/IFX adalah pesawat semi siluman generasi 4.5 yang dikembangkan Korea Selatan dan Indonesia. Kerjasama pengembangan pesawat ini sebatas pada pengembangan pesawat hingga mencapai prototipe. Dari enam prototipe yang akan dihasilkan, satu prototipe akan diserahkan pada Indonesia. Saat ini program Engineering Manufacture Development (EMD) telah menyelesaikan 14 persen dari keseluruhan perencanaan program yang berlangsung hingga 2026.

Pengembangan jet tempur ini awalnya dilakukan Korea Selatan sejak 15 tahun lalu. Namun pada 2015 dibuat kesepakatan antara pemerintah Korea Selatan dengan Indonesia untuk mengembangkan jet tempur ini secara bersama-sama. Kesepakatan kerjasama strategis (strategic cooperation agreement) program ini dilakukan pada 4 Desember 2015. Sementara kesepakatan cost sharing dilakukan pada Januari 2016. 

Dalam kesepakatan tersebut, Indonesia menanggung biaya program pengembangan sebesar 20 persen, sementara Korea Selatan 80 persen. Dalam 10 tahun pengembangan yang akan dilakukan hingga 2026, total biaya yang ditanggung Indonesia mencapai Rp 21,6 triliun. Sementara kesepakatan penugasan kerja (work assignment agreement) dilakukan pada januari 2016.

Anne mengatakan keterlibatan Indonesia pada pengembangan jet tempur ini berkaitan dengan rencana strategis TNI AU tentang kebutuhan pesawat tempur pada 2014. Selain itu, keterlibatan Indonesia pada program ini adalah sebagai upaya meningkatkan kemandirian teknologi nasional, serta meningkatkan kemampuan industri pertahanan nasional.


47 komentar:

  1. Too much words..hmm..4 core technology that quite worrying right now...of course the USA dont want to release the technology..if the USA itself doesnt want to give the technology,i wonder the Europe would give it or not..

    1. We glad to have a business with korean. May our military relationship last fotever, in business and mutual respect for each other. But we all already know there's always a jealouse and asshole asean country in the middle of our good relationship. Just let it be, that country don't have money, only rubbish talk left.... kah kah kah... kasian tak de uang

  2. what 4.5 gen??? semi stealth??? i thought it was 5th gen stealth fighter...sorry mr benjamin..i give you wrong information..

    iqram..this fighter will be on par with singaporean f15sg or not??

    1. Yes it is. Its alright anak:). The korens do not have a plan for building their own 5th gen fighter as that would be too costly and complicated to start with as they need their budget focus on procuring equipments for their armed forces. There is the f35s which is the main reason why they do not want their own 5th gen fighter. They will most likely buy it as they are an f35 programme partner. Unfortunately recent news by spuntik international reported of corruption investigations in south korea over the f35 and the KFX dealings.

    2. Ahh...corruption investigations..hmm..

    3. dont worry..the investigation will not effect the IFX program..

    4. AP@ ke depannya jet ini dapat ditingkatkan menjadi generasi 5 pakcik

    5. F15SG, may be. But not F35. We also have to look very close with the new S. Korea administration, do they still going to focus to build it or not.

    6. It will affect. Not those huge setbacks and worst cancel. Scandals will cause slight delays. Nothing much

  3. Actually the project are quite sensitive..lot of information that i have are not official..im waiting the information from Joni Antipolisi..

    Although it just semi stealth n 4.5 gen, it more advanced than f15sg & f15sa ( saudi advance), this fighter will be on par with Raptor..
    The rafale, typhoon even the su30mkm cant fight this fighter..the su35 are lower than this,thanks to the high technology that have in the industry..

    The UAV also gonna have a similar characteristic from the IFX. ( too secret,sorry)

    For weapon, both of western n russian system will be integrated in this fighter,thats why it took a lot of time..soon,it can be equipped Harpoon & KH-31A for ASM...it will be a nightmare to Malaysia & Singapore..plus, it can bring the Brahmos atleast 2 unit compared to the Su30MKI, which can bring single unit of Brahmos...

    This fighter will be a valuable asset on future..


    1. damn..2 brahmos?? it sound more like a rocket than a fighter..

      btw..whos joni antipolisi ?? is he kim jong un step brother??

    2. Yes..2 unit. Both of Korea & Indonesia engineers n technician are trying their best to make it be reality.

      Joni antipolisi can be said as a mastermind in this project. He used to be a agent xxxxx (secret)..kim jong un? Wait, do you know him AP? He used to have a espionage mission in korut..

    3. Iqram n AP @ iri hati n panas ye Wkwkwk

    4. I don't think it will be on par with Raptor. Raptor is gen 5 same with F-35 etc. It will be below Raptors and other gen 5s but above gen 4++s like Typhoon, Rafale, Su-35, etc. Don't blow things out of proportion.

    5. It will not be on par with the raptor.

  4. 2026,tnang,ada masa panjang, sepay2 masih pada gentayanganπŸ––

    kalu mao on skedul,4 teknologi itu beli putus sazalah dulu.

    tapi kalo mau anti embalgo yach hrs sabhaarπŸ‘puwas pollll

  5. This fighter is Indonesian pride. Mind your word please. Thank you.

    And please,no more provocator..im sick of it..


  6. Nice if the kfx/ifx become available in 2025 the Philippines could possibly buy them

    1. of course you can buy them bro..im glad to hear that from you..indonesia will transfer the technology to philipinos so you can build your own fighter.. together we strong bro..

    2. Yes if our govt initiate joint development with Indonesia/korea. We already bought military equipments from both Indonesia and Korea

    3. @marky lumayag
      Listen bro they are not indonesian... They are malayshit who pretend to be indonesian... They will talk arrogant about indonesia to provoke people so other people will hate indonesia... Just ignore them...

    4. Here you are again Mobius..why u always disturbing Mr. Marky? What do u want actually? Please be a nice person.. And dont call malayshit...they are Malaysia..dont insult or underestimate the other country,stupid! Respect the others & u earn the respect too..

      Why u still be like this,i thought u are a nice person! If u want to be a provocator,please get out from this blog. PLEASE.

    5. stop it mobius/dark side..i know you hate us..you cant accept that indonesian product is better than yours?? philipinos is not idiot bro..they already buy SSV from indonesia..stop wasting your time saying bad thing about indonesia..

    6. Lol Why??...u dont have respect for your own country beruk malayshit and you want Respect from me? Shame on you beruk malayshit...

    7. What respect? You should respect the others bro..we living together with the neighbours..you have a bad mouth, still want to 'advise' mr.marky? If u cant respect them, im sure u cant respect the philipines and the other nation in entire world.

    8. @iqram Razali
      Then stop pretend to be indonesian to provoke other people and admit who you Really are malaysian....

    9. this guy is newcomer here bro..pretend to be indonesian but i know he is dark side..no wonder lem1 hate him so much

    10. Seriously dude? Im provoke? Who are provoke here? Am i provoke people? Am i provoke the other country?

      U are provoking here! U hate the Malaysian n now u r going to hate the Indonesia? Who are pretend right now?! You are the darkside..you are the pretend one!

    11. lah ganti nama mad..mamad iqram uhuk uhuuy..
      baru kena cipoa si lemot dikit aje..cemen luh madπŸ”¨
      mental labil luh mad..sono ke pojokan ambil pisang yach haha!🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌

    12. @palu gada
      Wkkkkkk.... Hey that is a good name bro... If iqram want to be indonesian we must call him that from now..."mamad iqram" wkkkkk....
      They must really hate when the philipines buy SSV from us bro... Wow, That is a lot banana...
      Beruk...beruk...where are you? here have a banana wkkkk...

    13. banyak cakap luh mamad lingling!
      trs guwe hrs bilang wow getokh haha!πŸ”¨πŸ”¨πŸ”¨

      nich pisang lg sumpel yak, silakan tepok sorai di pojokan cuy
      walang prolema mad kam on🍌

    14. bole om mobius bole haha!
      nama uda bagus2 kelakuannya minus, makanya malu lgs ganti uda kayak artis, maaddd madd haha!πŸ”¨πŸ”¨πŸ”¨


    15. Beruk Iqram n AP tuh budak2 malon yg komennya manis tapi isinya menghina indonesia,i hope Iqram n AP respect to ur country,not jelous to indonesia ,okey

  7. Nice if the kfx/ifx become available in 2025 the Philippines could possibly buy them

  8. Yes 4,5gen only. Better than nothing, better than 'ngowoh thok'... :p #good job!

  9. Yes 4,5gen only. Better than nothing, better than 'ngowoh thok'... :p #good job!

    1. ngowoh tok ndase kwkwkwk.
      neng kesuen jane nggawe dewe yo iso ning paling
      ora di intuk i barat.

    2. Ngenteni kesuen akhir kan ngowoh...rapopo Angger dadi wae bro hehehe

    3. Ben wae ngowoh asal sabarrr...nek kecepetan ndak mempengaruhi keseimbangan kawasan... :-)

  10. angger dadi mas..nek ora dadi yo sampeyan sing ngowoh tok koyo wong gendeng..kwkwkwkw....

    1. Tenang wae..Dadi dadi..Neng mbuh kapan..πŸ˜‚
