03 Agustus 2017
Radar Maritim generasi keempat Indera MX-4 (photo : bogaganteng)
Radar “Indera MX-4” Diharap Dapat Mendorong Sistem Transportasi Laut Indonesia
Jakarta – Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi melalui skema Program Pengembangan Teknologi Industri (PPTI) yang dikelola oleh Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Kemenristekdikti, telah membiayai beberapa kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi untuk kebutuhan nasional.
Radar LPI (Low Probability of Intercept) menjadi salah satunya. Kegiatan tersebut telah berhasil menyelesaikan sebuah prototipe radar surveillance maritim yang diberi nama “Indera MX-4” dan sudah diserah terimakan dari Kemenristekdikti melalui Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Muhammad Dimyati, kepada Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia melalui Sekretaris Jenderal, Sugihardjo, bertempat di Kantor Distrik Navigasi Kelas I, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara, Selasa (31/7).
Dirjen Dimyati mengatakan, Radar maritim “Indera MX-4” buatan dalam negeri ini mempunyai kelebihan dibandingkan teknologi radar maritim konvensional yang pada umumnya banyak digunakan, seperti penerapan teknologi FMCW (Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave) yang memungkinkan digunakannya daya pancar yang sangat rendah dengan resolusi jarak yang lebih tinggi.
Radar Maritim Indera MX-2 (photo : IRCTR-I)
“Radar generasi keempat ini juga dapat diterapkan teknologi solid state yang akan memberikan lebih banyak keuntungan dalam hal biaya pemeliharaan yang relatif lebih rendah, dan usia pakai yang jauh lebih panjang,” tutur Dimyati.
Ia juga menambahkan, radar “Indera MX-4” karya anak bangsa ini juga telah diuji coba dan dioperasikan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut secara non-stop di stasiun VTS (Vessel Traffic Services) di Merak untuk pengawasan lalu lintas kapal di perairan selat Sunda pada saat padatnya lalu lintas arus mudik lebaran yang lalu.
“Prototipe radar ini berfungsi dengan baik seperti yang direncanakan, semoga dengan radar yang sudah Kami serahkan kepada Kementerian Perhubungan, dapat dimanfaatkan guna mendukung sistem navigasi di Indonesia sekaligus meningkatkan daya saing di sektor maritim Indonesia,” ujar Dimyati.
Radar Maritim Indera MX-3 (photo : IRCTR-I)
Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia sangat menyambut baik karya anak bangsa dalam bidang teknologi, riset, dan pengembangan, termasuk penggunaan lokal konten serta kandungan dalam negeri yang cukup tinggi seperti radar “Indera MX-4” ini. Hal tersebut seperti yang disampaikan oleh Sekretaris Jenderal Kemenhub RI, Sugihardjo.
“Saya berterima kasih kepada Kemenristekdikti atas hibah radar karya anak bangsa yang sangat membanggakan ini. Radar ini juga memiliki penggunaan lokal konten mencapai lebih dari 70 persen, tentunya Kami akan dorong demi kemajuan perkembangan teknologi untuk transportasi di Indonesia,” tutur Sesjen Kemenhub.
Pembuat radar “Indera MX-4” Andrian Andaya Lestari menjelaskan, radar ini memiliki spesifikasi teknis antara lain; Memiliki aplikasi Radar Surveillance Maritim dengan frekuesi X-band, menggunakan teknologi FMCW, Solid State dengan daya pancar 5 Watt, jarak jangkau maksimum 30 NM (55 km) dan resolusi jarak maksimum 3 meter. Radar ini juga memiliki panjang antena sekitar 2.2 meter dan berat unit antena 300 kilogram.
“Para peneliti di Indonesia dapat menunjukkan kepada dunia luar bahwa Indonesia mampu dan mandiri untuk membuat teknologi yang dapat berdaya saing asal dapat diberikan kesempatan, karena kesediaan dan kesiapaan SDM Indonesia dapat menentukan kemajuan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi di Indonesia,” tutup Dirjen Dimyati.
(Ristek Dikti)
Good for Indonesia!
BalasHapusTinggal nunggu prototype radar pertahanan udara, buatan anak bangsa sekarang pt.len masih research , semoga dalam waktu dekat cepat terwujud dan bisa di launching
BalasHapusgambibit gambibit..ewwwewew sounds garbage.hahaha
BalasHapusAnother one..
ke8kekeke ERTUIWAWA...what kind of name is this such a low class....
Go to hell, lem1
Hapuspt len banyak membuat prototype radar....tinggal beli aja
BalasHapusAnd our Malaysian armed forces could possibly buy this in the near future.
BalasHapusCongratulation Indonesia. Stop supporting Singapore they are threat to our security.
You Malays k8keke ERTUIWAWA bad breath.
Yeah right says the one who always threatened to cut ties and threatened to cut the water supply. Open your eyes. Today it is china. They want those islands and they will not stop till they get what they want. In return u buy their toys. Pendra branca judgement has been final be a man and accept that outcome. The appeal of the judgement will be useless as that evidence is not strong as the one provided back during the case. Just doing this for elections and boost the popularity. Tsk tsk tsk
Hapuscome on mr ben..dont take it serious..ure a grown man arent you??
Hapusbtw the threat to cut the water supply doesnt really exist..its just political bullshit done by malaysian politician..not for their own interest but for the PAP..you know,since singapore was kicked out by malaysian..the PAP use fear to bond singaporean together..yes,the politic of fear(just like malaysia)...fear about the survival..since then..everything is look like a threat..For singapore,big number of muslim(malaysia & indonesia) was considered as a threat..to make it worst,even singaporean muslim was consider as a threat..
chill ben..singapore is not in the war yet..but i do believe,if war happen,singaporean like you will do well..like what our(not man enough) Lt.Adnan did to defend your late grandfather's ass when the brits leave singapore.
Threat was not about religion(muslim) nor race(malays) the focus of threat was the govt who threatened the nation not the people of that particular country. Sg govt are practical. Race and religion was not the main concern. It was the other govts trying to play ball. SG govt job is to account of the country. The fear was survival. Thats it nothing more.
Hapusure so naive..politics is just a tool to manipulate people like u..to enslave you in modern world..thats all..singaporean live in their own world mr ben...it's look good on the surface..but reality..youre live in fear...yes fear do survive..but whats the point to survive if the fear always haunt your dream...face it your fear mr ben.. be a real man..
HapusPolitics is a tool but the situation back in the 60s were very real. If race and religion were to be blamed then it is nth but an excuse. The sg govt knows that well so does the people they are not like the politicians across who like to blame on races. If that really happen sg would be collasping within. We all know very well that sg was very fragile and the people were multiracial and multicultrual. If blaming race happened there would be civil war. No one in the right mind will blame other races as it is not the reason. Especially when a racial riot erupted before seperation when races were fighting each other. That is not right. Riot started as tensions rise among the dofferent races as they distrust one another amd rumours spread so to the point when the riot started. If an independent sg following seperation does this what good will it do? Nothing. People realise it once the fight was over and after everyone heads simmer down. U want to survive? U unite.
Hapusit seem you still dont understand what im trying to say to you..what was happened back in the 60's is just a process to make both malaysia & singapore to what it is today..nothing else..thats politic..it can be anything..people fight or die is just a part of the process itself..that make people believe about "fear" they told by the politician..when they believe,they are already been manipulated by the politician..that how the politics work..
Hapussingapore is just a tiny little state..it doesnt has enough number of people who unite and oppoese the gov..thats why you can figure it out..The PAP have a total control of the people..so what ever policy they make will be "accepted" without objection..
you alway say that the "politician across" using dirty trick or trying to play ball...
honestly,i think you should happy to have them..yes im serious..for me,without them,singapore will not survive..believe me...they are supporting the survival of singapore since the day singapore was "kicked" out from malaysia..
when you say about the Unity in singapore..i hve no doubt about it..yes youre right..but that it not the major factor which make singapore survive..the major factor is singapore got a full support from it neighbour...yes,you can deny it how many you want..but thats a fact..
Hapusx band..x band om 🌏
BalasHapuskelas parchim dapet ini radar📡 yeah.
Hapuskita punya gak, radar lokal yg jangkauannya sampai batas horizon?
Smua radar navigasi kapal laut jangkauannya sampe batas horizon beh...gimana toh?
HapusCuma jarak sampai batas horizon beda-beda, tgt ketinggian radar ditiang radar...makin tinggi, jarak horizonnya makin jauh