21 Mei 2018
BRP Emilio Jacinto PS-35 (photo : Philippine Navy)
A third phase to extend service life of the Philippine Navy’s Jacinto-class corvettes is expected to complete by end-2018. Restorations are expected to cap a multiphase series of upgrade efforts that have been ongoing since the mid-2000s.
A project to restore combat systems of the Philippine Navy’s fleet of three Jacinto (Peacock)-class corvettes is on track for completion by end-2018.
The restoration and sustainment works are done under Phase 3 of a service life extension programme (SLEP) that began in the mid-2000s. Under this stage, which has been further divided into Phase 3A and Phase 3B due to fiscal considerations, weapons and fire-control systems on each of the vessels are being repaired and refurbished with new components where required.
BalasHapusLagu baru untuk najib. Sangat menggerunkan.
Tentara pinoy, tentara ayam sayur. Utk merebut Marawi dr tangan ISIS yg berkekuatan 500 org, sampai mengerahkn lebih dr 10000 tentara dg bantuan tempur udara. Tentara ayam sayur ini memerlukn waktu 5 bulan utk merebut Marawi, dan yg mereka dapatkn adalh puing2 marawi yg dihancurkn oleh artileri dan pesawat2 tempur mrk sendiri. Menyedihkan...
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