23 Agustus 2018

Australia Confirms Spike Missiles for the Boxer CRV

23 Agustus 2018

35mm turret + Spike ATGM (photo : Gianca Marsaglia)

Sharp spikes for the Boxer

The Hon. Christopher Pyne MP, Minister for Defence Industry and Senator the Hon. Marise Payne, Minister for Defence, today confirmed that the Rafael Spike LR2 missile will be the anti-tank guided missile that will arm the Boxer combat reconnaissance vehicle.

Under project Land 400 Phase 2, Defence will acquire 211 Rheinmetall Boxer combat reconnaissance vehicles which will provide vital mobility, lethality and protection for the Australian Army. The Boxer will be manufactured in Queensland, creating up to 1450 jobs across the supply chain.

The Spike was selected after an independent comparative evaluation of potential missile options for the vehicle was conducted by the Defence Science and Technology Group. The missile will offer long range, light weight, high resistance to countermeasures and higher technical maturity in the anti-tank role.

“The Spike missile is the best anti-tank guided missile for the Boxer” said Minister Payne. “It will give the Boxer the range and lethality it needs to fight and win the land battle”.

Varley Rafael Australia has committed to building the Spike LR2 in Australia, employing up to 70 Australians directly with hundreds more in the supply chain.

“This commitment by Varley Rafael Australia is a great vote of confidence in Australian industry, and will bring jobs and high-tech knowledge to Australia’s defence industry” said Minister Pyne.

Coming soon after the contract signing with Rheinmetall for the acquisition of the Boxer, this is the next step in delivering Australia’s future land combat capability. (Aus DoD)

Spike ATGM (photo : Gun Wikia)

Varley and Rafael Australia - a high tech partnership

Minister Pyne today launched Varley Rafael Australia (VRA), a joint venture between Australian company Varley and global defence company Rafael, in a great mark of confidence in Australia’s defence industry.

Varley Rafael Australia are committed to producing a range of Rafael systems in Australia and will build sovereign capability, drive innovation and jobs, and create export opportunities.

“This partnership between one of Australia’s best defence companies and a global success story like Rafael is another success story for Australian industry,” said Minister Pyne.

“This will bring IP, know-how and advanced manufacturing techniques to Australia to produce capability for use by the ADF with the potential for export to our friends and allies”.

Varley Rafael Australia will create around 70 new jobs here in Australia as Rafael transfers their expertise to Australia.

Rafael is one of Israel’s largest defence companies, with a global footprint and around 7,500 employees in Israel. They manufacture some of the world’s leading weapon systems, including the Spike LR2 anti-tank guided missile.

Varley is one of Australia’s oldest and most advanced manufacturing and engineering companies, with a history of delivery for the ADF.

“This venture follows my visit to Israel in July this year where I discussed this important partnership with Rafael’s leadership and participated in the inaugural Australia-Israel Defence Industry Cooperation Joint Working Group.”

The Australia-Israel Defence Industry Cooperation Joint Working Group was established to strengthen ties between Australia and Israel, explore defence industry and innovation opportunities, identify export opportunities, and support our industries to cooperate in the development of innovative technologies for shared capability challenges. (Aus DoD)

25 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. nyoih om pit, senjatanya ituloh 35mm, lah maren 30mm haha!πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

  2. Habis baca statuse mas TN: "OTW jenguk pilot yg nahas...πŸ€•"

    1. https://lancerdefense.com/2018/08/21/gripen-angkatan

      Pilot sing iki....πŸ˜‚

    2. Tambah satu lagi om hehe.

    3. Baru tau, dari 12 ekor Gripen RTAF, 1 ekor udah crash taun lalu pas air show, mirip kejadian Golden Eagle. RIP...😒

    4. Yg paling hebat lg di dunia dari 18 ekor Su-30MKM Malon,14 ekor tersungkur bengap di hanggar wkwkwk

    5. Tapi gak semua pesawat single engine kolaps kalo tabrakan sama burung....seperti link berikut :

    6. Nah kita liat mat rampit@ kalau manusia beragama punya akal sehat tentu punya rasa malu nafsu doang di junjung tinggi ke sana kemari bangsaku di adu domba ..kalau manusia punya rasa malu akal di utamakan nafsu yusul .

    7. nach kebetulan nich ada om antiembalgo, kemarin katanya tank medium pindad terlalu tinggi, kurang lebar sumbu muda terbalik, pdhl itu tank blom diuji coba, su'ujon mlolo prasaan beda bingit ama tulisannye kyk diatas^^^ haha!🀣🀣🀣

      guwe uda kirim link poto panser tarantula yg terbalik itu dari sudut yg bner. panser nabrak pembatas jalan sebelah kiri hingga hancur lebur, hingga ditrobos panser jatuh kesebelah jalan raya yg lebih rendah akibat setir yg malfungsi haha!πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰


      silaken bandingin ama tank2 kesayangan om antiembalgo yg jau lebih rendah ama sumbu lebar, ada yg gak stabil ampe jungkir balik trus tank luluran haha!πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

      pedeo tank kompilasi

    8. Bangsamu itu yo malon ruk kenarok wkwkwk

  3. Balasan
    1. Tak ape2lah tertinggal 1 langkah dari pada jiran tertinggal 100 langkah...xixixi

    2. Siapakah mat rampit? Kalau saman rosul abu jahal ...nafsu besar akal di dengkul timbulah dengki licik ujung ujung jahat nya di ambang batas jadjal ...orang seperti mat rampit cs kalau di biarkan hidup niscaya indonesia bukan jadi negara beradap malah sebaliknya jadi negara gak bertuan hancur berantakan .

    3. Kenarok agen intel MEIO malon mulai beraksi wkwkwk

  4. "Varley Rafael Australia will create around 70 new jobs here in Australia as Rafael transfers their expertise to Australia."

    nahkan, isu2 buka lapangan kerja sperti ini slaluw nempel tiap pembelian alutsita impor osi. makanya rakyatnya sich adem ayem kliatannya, walo nilainya mehong gak ketulungan, salut haha!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    1. Moso kita menutup mata dg hal seperti ini...lantaran statusnya yg haromπŸ€”

    2. lah apa hubungannye om smiling, kan osi punyak inih haha!πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

      "The Boxer will be manufactured in Queensland, creating up to 1450 jobs across the supply chain"

      tukan, bukan lahan kerjaan lagi jd bahan pertimbangan pembelian alutsista&alutbrader haha!πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

      lgian yg blng harom kan om smilikitiy, coba kata om antiembalgo guwe baru percaya, ckp 5% tp haha!😎😎😎

    3. kan udah d buat d ostrali jd insyaallah g harom lagi...πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

    4. kan udah d buat d ostrali jd insyaallah g harom lagi...πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  5. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  6. Yang ni ngan kekuatan singapore lah yang patut TNI dibandingkan, bukannya malaysia , kalau tak jaguh kampungla namanya, cakap jaguh di sekitar ASEAN siap boleh halau navy china lagi, kalau malaysia memang kira tahap langit ngan bumila jawabnya ngan TNI dengan kekuatan militer malaysia yang lemah pada masa ini

    1. Hehehe....dasar bangsa Malon bangsa penjilat...skr aja merendah,dl aja sombongnya bukan main...hahaha

      Kami bukan jago kandang macam Malon,Ama nelayan China aja takut...hahahhaa

    2. Lha itu boat nelayan cina ditangkap TNI,beza dgn malaysia ATMnya tercirit2 nak hadapi nelayan cina wkwkwk
