16 Desember 2018

Australia, Naval Group Conclude Sub Negotiations

16 Desember 2018

Shortfin Barracuda 1A (all images : DCNS/Naval Group) 

MELBOURNE, Australia – Australian Defence Minister Christopher Pyne confirmed that the Australian government has finally concluded negotiations for the formal signing of a strategic partnering agreement for 12 large conventionally-powered attack submarines from Naval Group.

Australia is acquiring the vessels under its $50 billion (U.S. $36.12 billion) Project Sea 1000 (Future Submarine) to replace its existing fleet of six Collins Submarines from the early 2030s. The subs will be the ‘Attack’ class with the lead vessel named HMAS Attack. They will be fabricated in Australia to a design previously known as the Shortfin Barracuda 1A.

Recent local media reports have suggested that negotiations between the parties had stalled, placing the government’s timeline for the Collins replacement in jeopardy, but Pyne said on Thursday the program was still on track.

“There’s been a lot of ill-informed mythmaking around the negotiations but I’m very happy to say today the negotiations are complete,” Pyne said during sod-turning event at the site of the Future Submarine Construction Yard at Osborne in South Australia. “The strategic planning agreement will be signed in February next year and we can continue to get on with the submarine project, which has been under the design and mobilization contract for the last two years.”

Declining to provide details of the intricacies of the agreement due to their commercial nature, Pyne said the negotiations were officially concluded at an Australian Government National Security Committee meeting in Melbourne on Dec. 10.

“Suffice to say the Australian government’s interests, the Australian taxpayer’s interests, have been taken care of,” he said. “Naval Group Australia will deliver 12 regionally-superior submarines on time and on budget.”

Australia’s Chief of Navy, Vice Adm. Mark Noonan, also denied reports of an emerging capability gap between the retirement of the first Collins submarines and the Attack boats entering service, which some analysts have suggested might require a ‘Plan B’ to be formulated.

“I don’t believe that’s the case,” he told reporters. “We’ve got a very solid plan to ensure that there is no gap in our nation’s submarine capability, and there is a very advanced plan that will see a number of our current Collins class submarines going through a life of type extension program, which will ensure that capability gap doesn’t exist.”


26 komentar:

  1. pake desain ks nuklir dan bisa membawa armament us.
    jangan jangan trident masuk nih 😀.

    1. menggunakan teknologi dari kelas Triomphant, termasuk pompa jet. Kelas ini dilaporkan menghasilkan sekitar 1/1000 dari kebisingan terdeteksi kapal kelas Redoutable (kapal selam), dan mereka sepuluh kali lebih sensitif dalam mendeteksi kapal selam lainnya.
      Misi mereka akan mencakup anti-permukaan dan anti-kapal selam, serangan darat, pengumpulan intelijen, manajemen krisis dan operasi khusus. Barracuda jenis akan menggunakan buritan berbentuk X.

    2. https://www.jejaktapak.com/2016/04/27/australia-pilih-shortfin-barracuda-apa-kehebatan-kapal-selam-ini/

    3. http://militerstory.blogspot.com/2016/04/australia-pilih-shortfin-barracuda-apa.html?m=1

    4. http://m.wxrichfound.com/news/what-is-the-difference-between-propeller-prope-17482891.html

    5. Kapabilitas seperti Sirtu class. Edan bingits 12 biji pulak

  2. Tenang laut jawa sekitarnya di pasangi waring,...ndk berkutik dia...

  3. lompatan teknologi belum tentu akan lebih baik,efisien dan lebih endurance....contoh sistem pompa jet ini...rusia pun menyesal memakai sitem ini...memang lebih senyap....tapi lebih rawan rusak karena lumut laut dll rentang terhisap....beda dengan ptopeler terbuka....kelemahan lain,yaitu untuk menghasilkan daya dorong sama pompa jet memerlukan energi lebih dibanding propeler

    1. Jet pump merek Shimizu, Sanyo, Sharp...


    2. mas ngitung ojo nyepelekke...kuenceng lho semburanee...

  4. aussie punya ini kudu plihara ikan sapu2 biar mbersihin area2 yang nyempil2...(biar propelernya kencling)...hehehe

  5. ausie programnya ambisius bgt..(kpgn kuat dan mematikan tpi malah ruwet...), beda ama kita..pelan2 asal kelakon(biasa wae tapi gawean dhewe )+ TOT ada walau chilik+iso di dhol ...

  6. Australia sepertinya grusa- grusu dalam hal ini Krn jaga gengsi di kawasan dan takut kesalip tetangga selatannya.

    1. betul mas...dia type gengsi di kawasan..tpi tdk detail dlm hal affter dan before + botol pullpen produk,...jd kaya kasus F 18 super hornet dan F 35 yg tdk lebih menakutkan dri sukoi 35(jarene ahli ). skrg kasel..mau tnggi problem menghadang...

    2. tetangga selatan Aussie siapa mas..?? 😱😱.. nyang ada tuh benua putih antartika penghuninya cuma penguin dan anjing laut.. 😅😅😅😅😉😉

    3. Lah benua Antartika kan sudah di klaim milik punya negara grade A si M, dulu banget pernah aq baca di blog mereka.

  7. Klo sudah begini kira kira australilil masih mau aneh aneh gak ya

    1. https://jakartagreater.com/senja-kala-kejayaan-kapal-induk-amerika-serikat/

    2. Masih aneh2 mas, Sdh typical mereka, palagi dgn kita2 ini, di blog mereka rata2 ngenyek dan pandang sebelah mata kpda Indonesia jg kpada TNI

    3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  8. Sumber jktgr dipercaya. Leader, skhwal & shtorm bagaimana kelanjutannya. Gorshkov saja butuh 10 tahun pembangunan hingga operasional.

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