13 Desember 2018

JFD and the RAN Successfully Complete “Black Carillon” 2018 Submarine Rescue Exercise

13 Desember 2018

Black Carillon exercise (photos : JFD)

JFD and the Royal Australian Navy successfully complete landmark submarine rescue exercise

JFD, the world leading underwater capability provider serving the commercial and defence diving markets and part of James Fisher and Sons plc, has successfully completed the “Black Carillon” 2018 submarine rescue exercise with the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), further demonstrating its commitment to driving the highest standards in submarine rescue safety. 

Black Carillon 2018 successfully tested every aspect of the RAN’s submarine rescue system, including the new hyperbaric escape and rescue capability, demonstrating a step-change in advanced submarine rescue operations.

It was also the first exercise to incorporate the RAN’s new hyperbaric equipment suite (HES) which entered into service in July 2018, testing the fully integrated submarine rescue capability for the first time. This means for the first time, the entire crew of a Collins Class submarine – up to 88 submariners - can be treated simultaneously.

The exercise was unequivocally successful in demonstrating an industry-leading step-change in advanced submarine rescue operations, further safeguarding the lives of submariners. It encompassed the entire rescue operation which included mobilisation and preparations, the deep dive mating exercise, aeromedical evacuation, transfer under pressure (TUP) and decompression, as well as the demobilisation of the entire system.

A major element in testing the rescue suite this year was a continuously run ‘Rescue Exercise’, which aimed to test the complete system from the submersible through the hydraulics bellows into the transfer under pressure (TUP) chamber where any initial triage of patients could be undertaken.  They then move to the new recompression chambers for simulated treatment depending on the symptoms being exhibited. The exercise, which commenced at early light at 0530 on 19 November and finalised at 1508 the 20 November, involved the launch and recovery of the submersible as in a real DISSUB scenario and necessitated the split manning of all control  points of the suite to cover 24 hour operations. JFD worked seamlessly with the RAN medics and doctors to achieve all exercise objectives. 

Black Carillon 2018 was conducted over a period of more than three weeks in November 2018. As a comprehensive operation, the exercise included all assets that would be required in the event of a real rescue operation, including RAN Rescue Gear Ship MV Stoker, Collins-class submarine HMAS SHEEAN and RAN Escape Gear Ship MV Besant.


41 komentar:

  1. Ben jelas noh..


  2. konsep operasine

  3. ...sore2 berhawa dingin, enake mangan goreng pisang, bala2 pedas, tempe mendoan + kopi GOOD DAY

    ...monggo sedulur

    ...Xixixixixixi :D

    1. jek pora mas......udan deres ee..kademen maneh..dadhine luwe...hehe

    2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    3. ...pancen tenanan mas Gono

      ...Xixixixixixi :D

    4. klo d tempat saya mas.. ujan2 gitu makan korket/pastel isi singkong ebi trus pake kuah kikil.. wuidihh, maknyooosss

    5. ...tukang Bandrek dan Bajigurnya nggak ada yang lewat jadinya pakai kopi ajach,

      waaaaach mantaaaap donk Boys

      ...Xixixixixixi :D

  4. aku dengar dari radio.. jet pejuang singapore sebanyak 5 skuadron telah sedia berperang. waah sape pula lawannya. apa kah jet lapok hornet.. hawk.. mkm.. itu akan menjadi targetnya..? lets wait and see...

    1. pengen tau reaksi malon gimana tuh...btw harusnya kita pun bersiap pula klo ada aksi di dalam ruang udara kita. kita gebug sekalian keduanya...😁😁

    2. Malayshits siapkan pesawat kipas untuk lawan singapura wkwkwkwk

    3. Mana berani malon...pesawatnya banyak bengap kat hanggar.

  5. Gan dak da niatan untuk buat cerita atau komik tentang TNI atau analisis analis buah pikiran anda untuk menyalurkan ilmunya tentang perang
    Kayaknya asik
    Kayak killer rangger

  6. https://regional.kompas.com/read/2018/12/13/20280881/perkuat-kemanan-lalu-lintas-di-perbatasan-bakamla-luncurkan-3-kapal-patroli

    1. wooooowww.. sekali meluncur 3 unit.. semoga ditambah 6 unit lagi yg 80 meter.. 4 unit lagi 110 meter... dibagi barat, tengah, timur.

  7. hayooooo.. hayooooo.. USD 1,8 milliar dollar dapat 14 unit viper.. Kalau kemarin Indonesia ditawari 3 skuadron(48 unit) USD 4,6 milliar dollar.. πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€


  8. Haha...anggaran polisi turun Rp 7 trilliun...mungkin dipindah ke kemenhan ya ...buat akuisisi 2 heavy fregat.. πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ.. Rp 75 trillion broo.. khusus buat shoooopiing...shooooopiing.. xixixi.. 😁😁


    1. biar turun, anggaran plokis kite tetep diatas tetangga kesayangan yg dibagi 5 ntuw om bagaz haha!😜😜😜

      jd taon depan polri bisa shoping soping apalagi nich, pespur, LPD, embiti, ato mao s400 haha!πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

    2. Kalau di kita turun biasa..dan biasa juga nanti ada permintaan penambahan anggaran.

  9. Itu masih kosongan dengan harga segitu?

  10. Malayshits jealous karena kapal selam jirannya bisa menyelam.. sedang kapal selam malayshits mengambang macam shits wkwkwkwwk

  11. Waw kapal 80m basarnas sudah launcing,,,smoga gak bengap msuk dok lagi macem jiran sebelah..kihkihkih

  12. ...jadi SOLUSI yang paling jitu untuk Indonesia adalah ;

    selama kita belum bisa buat Jet Tempur handal sendiri dan menciptakan sistem NCW yang bisa dualisme, maka DIPLOMASI non BLOK adalah langkah yang tepat...dan disertai dengan belanja Militer dari US Amerika, NATO, Russia dan juga Asia-Pasifik...walaupun sulit untuk masuk NCW dengan dibelinya Su-35 Flanker E setidaknya memberikan tekanan PSIKOLOGIS pada US Amerika, NATO dan kroco2nya

    ...Xixixixixixi :D

  13. ...gambar foto Profil Ane itu adalah ;

    bendera Merah Putih yang lagi berkibar disertai lambang garuda dan peta Indonesia

    nickname Jendral Civil itu bentuk dukungan Ane pada pak Jokowi karena pak Jokowi adalah Jendral Civil yang sebenarnya untuk Indonesia

    ...Xixixixixixi :D


  14. Expired Simulator Contract

    Marhalim Abas
    December 13, 2018

    It appears that KD Pelandok, the RMN main training school, is in a bind as the contracts of its simulator or simulators had expired.

    The training school posted it’s predicament as it hosted a group of Ministry of Finance officials on Tuesday. The post did not identify the type of contracts that had expired but since it has a number of simulators we can assume that it is likely these involved support and maintenance issues

    Among the simulators it has are the bridge handling, damage control, fire and electronic warfare systems.

    Perhaps the expired contract was one of the reasons RMN sent KD Jebat to India recently for FOST.

    It must be noted the submarine simulators at the Kota Kinabalu naval base were upgraded recently almost at the same time as the submarines refit program was undertaken.

    An RMN reservist taking a spin in the submarine simulator at the RMN submarine headquarters in late 2017.

    Hopefully as everyone seemed to be very concerned with sovereignty recently, the bean counters at MOF and the government will take seriously the predicament faced by KD Pelandok and expedite the contract renewal as soon as possible.

    – Malaysian Defence

    ... says:
    December 13, 2018 at 6:15 pm

    If even simulators we didn’t have the money to maintain, what more the ships at sea?



  15. benarkah tarif faye nichol 2,6 juta/malam?...benarkah dia main pasif kaku kaya gedebog pisang?

  16. mas ADMIN dri kemarin kuintip kok blm ada info janda yg baru nih...?? blm dpt wangsit yaa?

  17. Buat Mr.Unknown :

    "Of course this car is not designed and built by Proton entirely but in order to be fast on the road, you have to cut corners," he said after launching the model’s four variants in Kuala Lumpur tonight.

    Present was International Trade and Industry Minister Darell Leiking and Proton CEO Li Chunrong.

    Cut Corner -> Jalan Pintas
    Jalan Pintas -> pasang stiker

    Salam Geely Boyue yg udah launching sejak 2016 dan April lalu... kasian kena kibul muluk nih.. hadehhh 😁😁😁😁

    1. The Proton X70 is a right hand drive version of the Geely Boyue with minor cosmetic differences.

      In June 2018, it was revealed that initial units were going to be fully imported from China with latter models being locally assembled at Proton's plant

      Hmmm.. make sense..
      Good Job..

    2. Semoga laku laah...


    3. Lha iya.. kok masih bilang itu semua produk murni tempatan kata mrUnknown.. padahal diberita2 negara sendiri sudah ada tulisan tersebut... itu saya copy paste dari site disono lho mas ? Dia nih ngerti boso englesh opo ora sakjane mas ? Gak bisa bedain Import utuh kemudian phase 2nya akan assembly ?

      Assembly jangan2 dia gak ngerti artinya ? Kasian bener yaa wes pamer malah baru sadar kalau kena kibul πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

    4. Lah satu grup itu bakalannya dengan esemka.. Geely juga toh..

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