27 Desember 2018

Thai Army Receives 10 New Chinese VT4 Tanks, will Orders 14 Additional Vehicles

27 Desember 2018

VT-4 of the Royal Thai Army (photos : RTA)

It was reported on 26 December 2018 that the Royal Thai Army received the main battle tank VT4 (MBT-3000) produced by NORINCO, defence industry company of the People's Republic of China,  is the second set of 10 units already.

The latest VT4 main tank has been transported by boat at Thung Prong Pier, Sattahip, Chonburi since November 2018, and has been transported by car to the low-land trailer. The Cavalry Center, Adisorn Camp, Saraburi, to conduct a performance test before the examination was delivered in December 2018.

According to the VT4 main battle tank supply project, PHASE 1, 26 cars, a budget of 4,4 million baht ($ 147 million) in the year of 2016, received in October 2017.

The supply of VT4 main battle tanks, PHASE 2, 11 vehicles of 2,000 million baht ($ 60 million) in the year 2017 that has already been delivered above, the Thai Army now has 39 VT4 main battle tanks (including repair vehicles). The project value is the budget 8,000 million baht ($ 218 million).

Lastly, from the documents of the Army Ordnance Department on 15 November 2018, the budget for Project for supplying VT4 main battle tanks, PHASE 3, amount of 14 cars, amount 2,362,217,177 baht ($ 73,425,976), complete with equipment type 5, type 5, various types and sizes, consisting of artillery shells, 125mm tank, drill type, shell Balance with the trajectory tail (APFSDS-T: Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Sabot-Tracer) 190 shots, 90 explosive missiles (HEAT-T: High-Explosive Anti-Tank-Tracer) (HE-T: High Explosive-Tracer) 150 shots and 12.7x108mm machine gun penetration Fire armor (API: Armor Piercing Incendiary) with 5,830 ammunition joints.

If the approval of the procurement of VT4 main tanks, Phase 3, another 14 vehicles have been approved and signed the supply contract will make the Thai Army have VT4 main battle tanks and armored recovery vehicles to replace 53 tanks in the same family, as part of the replacement of the M41A3 light tanks from US that have been in service since 1962. In addition to the VT4 main battle tank in the training section of Cavalry school of the Cavalry Center and the Army Ordnance School, the VT4 main battle tank will be deployed in two cavalry battalions of the 7th Cavalry Regiment that is a direct unit of 3rd Cavalry Brigade by paying the tank parallel to each other.

See full article AAG

27 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. Khusus Malays netizen... hukum nya maling kayu di negara orang apa lon?

      khusus malays ATM tercirit dikejar Polis singa hukumnya apa?

    2. Malon berminatkah dgn mbt vt-4 ini ? Secara kapal CG udh pesan dari prc...

    3. Formasi rapat begitu sangat indah bagi sasaran tembak atgm😁😁😁

  2. tgl muda pada blonjo2 kabeh...tgo2

    1. Tak ade perasaan same tetangge.. sedihhh bnar, nasib badaann (british watch dogs😭😭😭)

    2. suruh ke tempat mbah aja...biar ku kasih alternatip hehehe

    3. Ehmm.. Isoo manjangin ngak Mbahh?? ojo nyaring2 njawabe mbah, ndak konangan karo mr @hari,@PS,@UnkownπŸ‘»πŸ‘»πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆ

    4. D'boys27 Desember 2018 14.01
      Ehmm.. Isoo manjangin ngak Mbahh??

      Ssst...mesakno yo, jebule pendek.


    5. Ehhmm.. tapii lebar kok "jari2nya'.. pilih long slim, opoo.. short thick?? hayooo..πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

    6. ...iso di atur..(mumpung lagi diskon akhir tahun...).hehe

    7. Di install Gotri luwih meroket, wkwk

  3. Good choice Thailand, this tanks much better than PT91 M, "M" stands for "Monkey".
    FYI, PT-91 Twardy is monkey model from T-72s USSR.

    just passing by blogger,
    cheers :)

  4. akusisi mewah ad thailan, vt-4 & oplot. tentuw memacu perlombaan shopping soping embiti di kawasan, vietnam & laos impor lgs dr ruski. tp ada satuw bukannya namba mala pili pengsiunin tank mininya haha!🀣🀣🀣

    kami mengucapkan:
    salam shopping soping 3 MATRA tempur se ASEAN: Vietnam, Myanmar, Singapur, Indonesia, Thailand dan Filipina, Xlalu shoping bersama okeh oceh πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

    1. gak nyangka, pabrikannya moderen jugak, tak heran bila thailan kepincut tank moderen buatan negeri panda.

      pertanyaannye, thailan dpt tot gak yach?
      walo belinya pelan2, kerna vt-4 hrgnya pon tak bisa dibilang murmer haha!πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

      pabrik VT-4

    2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    3. kerna thailan beli 2 jenis tank embiti baruw dr 2 sumber berbeda namun mazab yg sama, marikite liat, mana yg lebih tahan lamaaaaaaaa haha!πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    4. klo standar2 sih yg menang ukraine donk mas, brang eropaahh.. tapi klo pke ramuan2 bisa jadi prod cinah yg akan tahan lebihh lamaaaaπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜

    5. Tank mini mbtnya di pension dari ATM guna narik kayu di hutan perbatasan mas broπŸ™„

    6. kayu curian ya bro alias maling kayu....maling. maling..😲😲

  5. nampak keker sekali vt4 dibanding pendekar.... btw pendekar = pendak dan kekar...😊😊

  6. Good testing ground for the Made In China tanks. Looking forward to the reliability report of these tanks in the future especially when used in humid tropical climate.

  7. Looking forward to the report on the reliability of the VT 4 tanks in the humid tropical climate

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