17 Januari 2019
PZL Mielec S-70i Blackhawk (photo : Roman N)
SAN JOSE DEL MONTE CITY (PIA) -- Philippine Air Force (PAF) seeks to purchase Blackhawk Helicopters from Poland to further improve its capability in territorial defense and rescue operations.
In an interview during the awarding of housing units to Wounded-In-Action soldiersand Wounded-In-Police-Operations at Pleasant View Residences in barangay Graceville, Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said the procurement is part of the Second Horizon of the New Armed Forces of the Philippine Modernization Program along with various military aircraft and vessels.
The planned acquisition of the Blackhawk Helicopters from Poland will replace the cancelled contract of 16 units of Bell 412 EP Helicopters from Canada.
Lorenzana added that PAF has experience in operating Polish-made helicopters since the delivery of the eight units of Sokol PZL W-3 Helicopters in 2012.
Meanwhile, the official disclosed that two units of Cobra Attack Helicopters given by Jordan will be delivered in the next six months.
Orang kaya shopping terus...beda sama malaydumb bengong doang
BalasHapusJgn gt mas....jahat.
HapusGini2 mereka jg monyet kok...
HapusMereka shopping hand bag..π₯
BalasHapusSama ember plastik buat tambal muka rosmah...
Hapuskesian malaysia....blackhawk hibah brunei pon tak mampu bawa pulang
BalasHapusmasih ajaa shoping plastik bwt oplasπ€£πππ±☠☠☠
BalasHapusSemakin bengap itu NURI malassial
Indon army poor and need to do a side income job as kidnappers and thief.
BalasHapusAll people around the world know this embarassing news of Indons army.
Bla...bla...bla...hoaks... xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa nih ππππππππ
HapusSi monyet nongolll...horaaaaa
Hapus@unknown...ssstt....go sleep & suck ur mother breast..eat π if not enough
HapusATM=ANGKATAN TENTARA MALING, maling enjin pesawatnya sendiri, maling anak perawan rakyatnya sendiri, maling ternak rakyatnya sendiri...sama nelayan china dan vietnam tercirit cirit, sama police Singapore kabur terkencing kencing
HapusBencong ugly plastic malon
HapusPoor Malaydogsial army and police only raped and robed, in his own country
Hapus9 atm rogol gadis di bawah umur
Anggota polis, tentera Malaysial ditahan reman curi lembu dan kambing
Askar malaysial curi enjine pesawat
Police malaysial curi enjin boat
Kih kih kih
Indon army is the most weak and coward army.Unable to defeat only 10 papuan people plus they ran away with taxi in lebanon.
Bla...bla...bla...hoaks xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa nih ππππππππππππ
HapusSi monyet nongolll...horaaaaa
Hapus@unknown...ssstt....go sleep & suck ur mother breast..eat π if not enough
HapusMalaydumb army is mowst weakness sissy and chicken army...unable to defeat vietnam and china fishermen. Malaydumb army run like chicken and sissy when Singapore Navy come with corvette ship
HapusBencong ugly plastic malon
HapusOnly 2 TNI.. coward malaydogsial run away from ambalat
HapusKih kih kih
As we know Indon people very poor and need to go outside from their poor country to make a money.
BalasHapusEven Indon army kidnapped people and robed people to get extra money.
Bla...bla...bla...hoaks xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa nih πππππππππππ
HapusSi monyet nongolll...horaaaaa
Hapus@unknown...ssstt....go sleep & suck ur mother breast..eat π if not enough
HapusAround in the world knows, malaydumb is poor and weakness country and make narcotics industry to make money. Even ATM=angkatan tentara malaydumb is rappist, thieves and bandits
HapusBencong ugly plastic malon
HapusActualy poor malaydogsial only slaves cina and bangla in his own country
HapusKih kih kih
And the most emberassing about Indon army is their asset without missile!!
BalasHapusAlways break down and uses only for parade.
Bla...bla...bla...hoaks xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa nih ππππππππππ
HapusSi monyet nongolll...horaaaaa
HapusSi monyet nongolll...horaaaaa
HapusSi monyet nongolll...horaaaaa
Hapus@unknown...ssstt....go sleep & suck ur mother breast..eat π if not enough
HapusAnd the most embarrassing is KD Maharogol...only rustic ship and garbage. No missile, no engine, no electronics equipment only bullshit
HapusBencong ugly plastic malon
HapusSadly actuality Beruk malaydogsial army no money, no missile, no engine, no skill
HapusKih kih kih
"Kadang-kadang pak jonan bisa ngebanyol juga πππ"
...wowowwwwwww, siapa yach kira2...tebakan musisi yang selalu NYINYIR ini ?
...Xixixixixixi :D
Polandia ini aneh. Bikin Blackhawk dibawah lisensi tapi militernya tidak menggunakan heli ini...
BalasHapusblekekok ini nilai kontraknya cakeb banget. ada unsur subsidi amrik ato gemana yak? haha!π€ π€ π€
BalasHapustp yg pasti nilai kontraknya lbh murah dr bell412 bang epi kita, gimana critanya ini haha!π€£π€£π€£
Mahalan Bell TNI dari blackhawk.. kenapa gak ambil Blekok aja ya ? Hmmm
HapusHalah kok ngono tooo...
Nek ngono demo ae sesuk ben njupuk blekok siji...ben awewe ono kancane.
Versi civil kali mas...
Hapussempet guwe tulis disini om2:
ntuw dia om super,
filipin boyong Bell 412/Black Hawk= $240 million untuk 16 bijik, artinya $15 mil perbijik haha!πππ
menhannya filipin sendiri yg bilang ada vidionye kuo:
Sedangkan bell 412EPI kite $183mil/9= $20,33mil perbiijik
beda +/-$5jt bkn angka yg kecil khan haha!πππ
meski ktnya lengkap dengan persenjataan dan amunisi, suku cadang, publikasi teknis, serta pelatihan. tak dijelaskan detailnya kyk apa, jd gak bs dibandingin ama yg juara dibawah π
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
Hapusguwe uda liat2 bbrp kontrak heli ini, dapet yg termurah
HapusAD amrik pesan tipe EP: $27juta/4= $6,75jt woww haha!πππ
AU Montenegro tipe EPI $30/3= $10 jt
TNI AD tipe EP $65jt/6=$ 10,83jt
AD amrik buat AD pakistan tipe EP $ 24 mil/2= $12jt
AU Filipin tipe EP $234jt/16= $14,625jt
AU irak tipe EP $300jt/12= $25jt, nahh ini juaranya haha!πππ
detail perlengkapannya yahudd cekidot:
eiit disini haha!πππ
Hapus"12 Bell 412 EP helicopters fitted with Star SAFIRE III electro optical/infrared (EO/IR) systems, Pratt and Whitney PT6T-3DF engines, KDM-706 distance measuring equipment, KNR 634 VOR/LOC with MB/HSI, and MST67A transponder.
Additional equipment to be supplied include the Artex C406-1HM emergency locator transmitter, Wulfsberg FlexComm II C5000 system with synthesised guard, KTR-908 very high frequency radios, NAT AA-95 audio system, 660 weather radar, AAI radome, night vision imaging system (NVIS) compatible cockpit lighting, and SX-16 Nightsun systems.
The package also features spare and repair parts, a support equipment, publications and technical data, personnel training and training equipment, and other related elements of programme and logistics support"
kalo maenan irak ini bole disebut mewah haha!π€π€π€
nach, semankin bikin pnasaran khan, isi jeroannya bell412 EPI kita apaan yak haha!πππ
soalnye harga 2x lipat dr akusisi tni ad jaman dulu ituw alias $10 jeti lbh mehong ternyatah, klo sama kyk irak gpp dech, wajib ada paket eo/ir ame NVIS kyk py tni au jg keren. trs senjatanya yg keren donk jgn dorgan mlulu haha!πππ
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
Hapuslagi soal si karakal
HapusH225/EC75= $330mil/8= $41,25mil perbijik
karakalnya tambah mehong, knfa nich. mo nyaingin awewe kesayangan yak haha!π€π€π€
nach klo yg ini jd teringat kt ksau, pengen akusisi 9 heli baru. tp ternyata 8 heli alias minus 1. mungkin simulator diitung jugak, konon simulator bs seharga 1 unit heli bneran haha!πππ
coba dech itungin simulasi lg:
H225/EC75= $330mil/9 = $36,6jeti perbijik
wakss masi mehong jugak. hmmn dulu om botak kacamata dr fete blng, sanggup bikin heli secantik awewe seharga segini prasaan. wah masi gabener speknya kan bruba, kok naik sgt dr shopping soping jaman duyu haha!πππ
nach om super makanya guwe heran, apa mrk(filipin) di subsidi amrik tp kok blekhoknye dr polandia? tamba bingung lagee haha!πππ
Hapussoal knp tni ad gak ambil blekhok, kuat dugaan ole sebab, sang fetedei kan uda lisensi bell412
klo dilihat spek datanya kyk om daru bilang dibawah, blekhok gak terlaluw jauh.
jadi agak sukar bila tni ad atopun tni al mao ambil blekhok/romeo, kelasnya sama sich haha!πππ
klo tni ad/al/au mau ambil diluar PDAM eh ffetedei denk haha!πππ
mereka hrs pilih heli yg tak ada dlm inventori fetedei & patner lisensi
misal kelas angkut berat cinook, mi17, awewe pokonya smua yang gak py "ramp door" pasti lolos haha!πππ
kembali ke om daruw, menurut guwe beda
Hapuskapasitas angkut beda 30% ituw uda beda jauh haha!πππ
dimensi dan kecepatan blekhok lbh tinggi pula, tp kemampuan laen hampir mirip cenderung sama secara teknis data.
tp kalo mao yg afdol bandinginnya hrs pilot sendiri yg komeng, soalnya hanya pilot yg bisa ngerti karakteristik & kestabilan masing2 heli okeh ocehπππ
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusNgga apa apa om, biar saya yg ngeladenin mereka...saya muak melihat mereka merendahkan dan menghina kita. Sudah saatnya kita membalikkan omongan mereka
HapusXaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa sy bantuin om@berry, tebar...tebar...tebar...ππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππ
BalasHapusAQ dukung nendang si beruk malon, tapi perut lapar, mau maem bakmi jawa dulu ah ��
BalasHapusGak boleh sara bung, cuma urusan makan aja pake bawa-bawa nama suku tertentu π
HapusAnda bisa digeruduk sama orang jawa tau....mintak ditraktir mie jawa π€π€π€
hahaa... jd ribet ya gara2 si sara...π
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
HapusWiii RTh bakmi Jawa termasuk Sara h Azhari toh, Yo wisata bakmi 99 aja wkwkwk
Hapusada seafood brebes 69... kena tumpak sara gak tuh..ππ
HapusGoyang sriii
BalasHapussepintas blackhawk terlihat lebih besar daripada nbell412...,ternyata daya muat penumpang hampir sama....tni fokus aja varian nbell dan cougar saja....berharap tni ada beli cougar juga...bisa angkut 1 pleton
BalasHapusgak mungkin, kan uda ada mi17 wuee haha!πππ
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