02 November 2019

Vietnam Formally Orders EO LotuSat-1 from Japan's NEC and Sumitomo Corp

02 November 2019

Artist’s impression of an ASNARO-2 Earth Observation satellite (image : USEF)

The Vietnamese government has finally made the formal order for its LotuSat-1 Earth observation satellite from Japanese satellite manufacturer NEC and Sumitomo Corp. The order was made in Tokyo on Friday, 18 October 2019.

LotuSat-1 is based on the Japanese-designed ASNARO-2 Earth observation satellite, and will be used to help provide forecasting for extreme weather events as well as high-resolution remote sensing. The LotuSat-1 order is thought to be worth approximately U.S.$184 million, and NEC and Sumitomo Corp. are being paid through a state-backed loan from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

“This contract is the symbol of the exceptional relationship between Vietnam and Japan, and I expect it to serve a role in disaster prevention and other fronts,” Chu Ngoc Anh, the Vietnamese science and technology minister, said after signing the agreement with NEC and Sumitomo Corp.

It is expected that LotuSat-1 will be launched for Vietnam by 2023, though no specific details have been provided on launch provider at the time of publication. Both NEC and Sumitomo Corp. are hoping to secure an additional order from Vietnam  for LotuSat-2 in the coming months.

The LotuSat Earth observation project for Vietnam has been in the works for several years, but has run into several problems revolving around U.S. International Trafficking in Arms Regulations (ITAR) export controls and related regulatory issues in Japan and Vietnam. A number of LotuSat components are sourced from the United States, but the U.S. government expressed strong concerns about the lack of regulatory framework in Japan and Vietnam that would satisfy American policy makers that the LotuSat end users would not share sensitive technology with unauthorized third parties.

Until regulatory fixes were made in Tokyo and Hanoi the LotuSat satellite project was put on hold. The formal order on 18 October 2019 suggests that these regulatory issues have finally been resolved, with LotuSat-1 being NEC’s first foreign order.

Vietnam has expressed its wish that Vietnamese engineers be involved in the construction and integration of LotuSat-2, something that is believed to have been of concern to U.S. officials. Should NEC and Sumitomo Corp. win the LotuSat-2 order, it will be interesting to see whether Japanese and Vietnamese regulatory frameworks will allow Vietnamese involvement in its manufacture while allaying U.S. concerns.


43 komentar:

  1. Satelit ini kebanyakan fungsinya untuk mengamati cuaca.

    Untuk mengamati cuaca, kita gunakan satelit Palapa D yang akan mengorbit sampai 2024.

    Selain itu Indonesia punya 3 satelit lain yaitu BRIsat, Satelit Merah Putih dan Satelit Nusantara Satu.

    1. Satelit yg di order dari boeing untuk menempati slot 123 apa masih lanjut om.pengerjananya?

    2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    3. Menurut voltus voltron satelit tuh hoax om.

      Sptny dia kaum bumi datar

    4. Slot 123 diserahkan ke PT Dini Nusa Kusuma (DNK).

      Untuk pertahanan bisa sewa sebagian slot BRIsat dan juga sedang diupayakan pake drone HALE.

  2. Lima satelit buatan indonesia πŸ‘‡


    7 satelit indonesia yg masih mengorbit sampai saat ini πŸ‘‡


    Satelit pertama indonesia yg bernilai 3,5 triliun πŸ‘‡


  3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  4. http://garudamiliter.blogspot.com/2019/11/kapal-brs-pesanan-tni-al-target-selesai.html?m=1

    Target 2021 hmm.. jd g sabar....

    1. Bkn February 2022 ya bro 😁😁

    2. Yoi lah bro PT.PAL KERJA GA PAKE LAMA
      Time is Money klo kata mereka

    3. Klw jadinya sampe akhir 2022 itu yang kerja para beruk bukan manusia😱😱

  5. https://lancerdefense.com/2019/11/01/pengujian-model-rudal-cruise-missile-high-wing-photo/

    OPO neh iki

    1. Ada hubungannya sama seminar Guidance system & seeker kemarin kelihatannya..

      Mudah2an targeting pod n FLIR bisa dikembangin di dalam negeri, lumayan bisa ngurangi import

    2. Rudal C-705 versi Indonesia bakal dilancarkan euy,kalo bisa kecepatannya supersonik cem Brahmos

    3. Buat mirip kalibr 2 versi aja, subsonic tapi jaraknya >1000km atau hypersonic <500Km.

      Terserah wes, pokoknya konsisten

  6. Amunisinya tank medium harimau jg diproduksi pt.pindad πŸ‘‡


    1. Battle Management Systemnya pun (BMS) buatan Indonesia tulang

    2. Beruk Management System only for idiot malon

    3. Pit@ nyooii, berarti produk medium tank indonesia ini bukan sekedar bangga2an dan jd pajangan tp bener2 siap tempur πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

  7. LotuSat-1 is based on the Japanese-designed ASNARO-2 Earth observation satellite, and will be used to help provide forecasting for extreme weather events as well as high-resolution remote sensing. The LotuSat-1 order is thought to be worth approximately U.S.$184 million,


    pertama baca, kok mimin tumben2nya masukin satelit non militer gini, ada apa gerangan haha!πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

    tp pas baca remot sensing, lgs teringat propesor josapat, aseli indo yg jd dosen di jepun hore haha!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    "Josaphat Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory (JMRSL) or Josaphat Laboratory to develop microwave sensors and its applications, especially SAR sensor for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), aircraft and microsatellite. CEReS is an excellent research center in Japan, especially in remote sensing field."


    1. kapan pulkam pak? obama "anak menteng" aja uda tuw haha!🀠🀠🀠

    2. Wong bapake ki tiap tahun jadwalnya penuh buat ngasi kuliah umum di berbagai kampus dan instasnsi di Indonesia kok bro...

    3. owh begithcu, om dosen sebelah ngikut seminarnya donk haha!πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

    4. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    5. betewe om jems aikaaibon seminar ngikut gak? jgn betapa gn putri mlolo ntar jd patung lho om haha!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  8. Malassial Formally Orders EO BerukSat-1 from Monkey NEC and Sipanse Corp

  9. Sekarang ini adalah list pesawat tempur versi imajinasiku :

    Yang masuk skuadron 1 dan 1x sampai 2024 :
    38 F16 block 32/25/15/MLU
    50 F16 viper
    15 FA50
    16 Su27/30
    11 Su35

    Hawk digeser ke Skuadron 2x (pembom ringan)

    2024 - 2045 versi imajinasiku

    9 skuadron tempur (Skuadron 1 dan 1x) :
    38 F16 block 32/MLU
    50 F16 viper
    16 F35A
    50 IFX

    2 Skuadron intai dan serang ringan
    28 drone

    4 Skuadron bomber ringan
    15 Super Tucano
    42 FA50

    4 Skuadron bomber berat
    40 F15
    27 Su27/30/35

    Arhanud AU
    Shorad 54 titik
    Merad 24 titik
    Anti Balistik missile defense system 4 titik

    Imajinasiku untuk Arhanud AD
    Shorad 96 titik
    Merad 17 titik

    Untuk AL saya berimajinasi kita punya : 28 pesawat jet serang STOVL
    24 pesawat jet dengan fungsi tanker pengisi bbm di udara, yang bisa mendarat di kapal yang sedang berlayar


    1. Jangan bawa2 F35.... alergi saya!

      Itu Pespur produk gagal.
      Lebih baik kripik atau Rapakle atau yurotipon

    2. Om essen f4 phantom dulu jg dianggap gagal tp akhirnya jd pembelajaran ttg design pesawat generasi 4

    3. F-35 bukan gagal, tapi masih belum sempurna mirip Su-57

    4. @TN, 40 F-15? I dont think so 🀭
      Apa bener Su-35 itu "bomber berat" ? Xixiixixi 🀭

    5. Kasihan si Ntung. Doyannya cuma halu. Kelasnya cuma selevel Gempurwaria yg doyan halu sambil melancap jg.....hahahaha

      Ada yg bisa nolong ngangkut si Ntung ke RSJ ya.? Dimohin bantuannya.......kabuuurr ahh

    6. Dahsyat imajinasinya 🀭🀭🀭

    7. Hanya 2 yang cocok sebagai pesawat maritime strike untuk PENERBAL : F18 super hornet dan SU34

    8. Ngayal terus jatah bahan bakar utk tni berapa barel?

    9. Lho pesawat jet pakai biofuel khan bisa, drone pakai baterai juga bisa.

      Ngapain ngributin jatah bahan bakar?

      Semakin banyak alutsista berbanding lurus dengan naiknya jumlah anggaran dan berbanding lurus dengan pemakaian bahan bakar jadi jatah bahan bakarnya pasti naik.

  10. Malon bangun woiiiii beruk bangun jgn melancab jer
