31 Januari 2020

The Vietnamese Navy's Pohang 20 Guard Ship is on Duty with Kh-35 Missiles

31 Januari 2020

Pohang 20 and other warshps of VPN (all photos : VietDefense)

After testing with Kh-35 missile, the Pohang 20-class guard ship was in the combat squad.

In early November 2019, the first image of a 20-class Pohang-class submarine hunting guard ship, which was supported by the Korean side to the Vietnamese Navy, was integrated with KT-184 launchers of anti-ship cruise missiles Kh-35 Uran-E.

Thus, from a battleship specializing in underground hunting, firepower mainly relied on artillery and torpedoes, Ship 20 has "transformed" into a true versatile protection guard.

However, there were many opinions that the ship only ran sea tests to check the balance after attaching anti-ship missiles and new weapons not yet integrated into the ship's combat management system, by not seeing the appearance of guided radar.

However, there are other opinions that it is not necessary to add the Garpun Bal fire control radar to the roof of the commanding cabine, but Ship 20 is still capable of deploying Kh-35 Uran-E anti-ship missiles in a way, exactly.

Specifically, in the case of firing missiles at a distance not too far, the ship can get target parameters via shore radar stations, reconnaissance aircraft, or even from other warships located in the border.

After identifying the target, the ship will load the coordinates into the missile and launch, the inertial navigation will send the bullets flying to the intended area and then use the active probe to lock the object to destroy.

The fact also shows that even in the Navy, there is a BPS-500 guard ship which is not integrated with Garpun Bal fire control radar, it only uses Pozitiv-E reconnaissance radar.

Most recently in the "New Year's Story" reporter broadcast on Channel VTV8, Ship 20 was seen as part of a naval task force, showing the process of integrating anti-ship missiles was completed and the ship ready to do the task.

In addition to anti-ship missiles, the other detail of interest is the 324 mm light submarine-hunting torpedo tubes that remain, indicating that we still use this weapon instead of changing to the 400 mm type as the previous predictions.

29 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. https://www.indomiliter.com/airbus-c-295-tanker-sukses-uji-perdana-wet-contact-air-refueling/

      Mas har☝πŸ™„πŸ€”πŸ€¦‍♂.. Istilah ee Wes ganti maneh.. Piye iki, sing bener sing endhi?

    2. Wet niku boso londo-inggris sing artine basah 🀷

      Lha nek contact niku saking tembung stop kontak sing ngge1 liwat setrum niko ⚡

      Dados "wet contact" niku nek mboten klentu artine......nek disetroom marahi basah πŸ€”πŸ˜£πŸ™„, tetembungan kok angel temen πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†

    3. Oo..ngono lagek dhoong aq...😁🀣🀣🀣

    4. Ndar vitnam ndar...

      Pala loe peyang ndaar 🀣

    5. MantaB juga parkiran kapalnya bisa langsung ngacir kalau ada alarm musuh 😁

    6. Gampangipun croott d dalam Mbah Gono n om smiling xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒπŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨

  2. Balasan
    1. Iskandar nguyen lagi tertular virus corona bro

    2. Pala loe yo peyang ndaaar

  3. https://youtu.be/Xh8jPsSxPFc anggaran kemenhan untuk penguatan postur alutsista hanya 50 T sisanya untuk belanja gaji pegawai seharusnya bisa disubsidi silang dari anggaran POLRI yang besar.. Dan sudah seharusnya anggaran pertahanan 2% dari GDP minimal 400 T...

    1. Bro walopun begitu gaji tentara kita masih jauh dibawah negara ASEAN lain...tapi jauh membanggakan walau gaji terkecil tapi semangat dan nyali TNI kita untuk merah putih tetap membara

  4. Tetap nunggu midget, klewang, tank boat, crocodile ITS, rudal petir, rudal UGM, rudal UAD, rudal rhan, cn gunship wah kok banyak yg tunggu ya

    1. Tetangga semenanjing nunggu rudal taming sari keluar dinaikin dajjal laknatuLLAH bro

  5. http://garudamiliter.blogspot.com/2020/01/kontrak-pembelian-sukhoi-masih-on.html?m=1

    Raafale+SU35+f 16 viper

    Semoga segera terlaksana

  6. http://garudamiliter.blogspot.com/2020/01/tni-au-fokus-bangun-sistem-pertahanan.html?m=

    Sudah saatnya TNI AU kembali BANGKIT menjadi sayap pelindung tanah air seutuhnaya bagi NKRI

  7. MantabπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’ͺ

    1. Ndor....kondor...ndor pokoknya vietnam mantab aja ya .... ndor

    2. Iskandar iki nek ora ngerti boso jowo pasti dee wong sko negoro liyo...

    3. Keren namanya, Nguyen Iskandar πŸ€ͺ

    4. Soale ngene mas bocor@ lah kulo wae sing asline wong sumbagsel, tinggal neng sumbagesl iso boso jowo, walaupun dudu jowo alus kromo inggil...

    5. Yoi agen 001, sampe gw bingung mau jawab apa πŸ˜‚
      Itu parkirannya penuh sampe harus parkir mundur kek mau masuk alfamaret gitu ya?
      Ada sensor parkirnya dan kamera mundur berarti

  8. Kalo ini mah judulnya pamer armada.. tpi yo ampuh sih.. akeh pipa ne dowo2 😁

  9. sista koryo++ dikawinin ruski mayanlah gaez, py efek gentar haha!πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

    klo gred a dpt hibahan
    maonya dianterin,
    maonya tinggal pake njosss
    tp kagak mao diapgred, laahhh nyusain aje haha!😜😜😜
