31 Maret 2020
Artist's impression of P-8A Poseidon (image : RNZAF)
The Boeing Co., Seattle, Washington, is awarded a $1,554,398,639 modification (P000170) to a previously awarded fixed-price-incentive, cost-plus-fixed-fee contract (N00019-14-C-0067). This modification procures 18 Lot 11 P-8A maritime aircraft for the Navy (eight); the government of New Zealand (four); and the Republic of Korea (six).
Work will be performed in Seattle, Washington (97.45%); Huntington Beach, California (1.81%); Meza, Arizona (0.64%); El Segundo, California (0.05%); Huntsville, Alabama (0.04%), and Dallas, Texas (0.01%).
The procurement also includes a segregable effort consisting of unknown obsolescence for Lot 11, Class 1 change assessment and obsolescence monitoring as well as non-recurring engineering for the Republic of Korea.
Work is expected to be complete by October 2023. Fiscal 2020 aircraft procurement (Navy) funds in the amount of $219,701,615; and Foreign Military Sales funds in the amount of $1,334,697,024 will be obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year.
This modification combines purchases for the Navy ($219,701,615; 14%); the government of New Zealand ($522,962,247; 34%); and the government of the Republic of Korea ($811,734,777; 52%). The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.
(US DoD)
31 Maret 2020
Range of New Tu-22M3M has Increased by 1.5 Times
31 Maret 2020
New NK-32-02 engine will increase its range by approximately 600 miles, also the aircraft has a probe for mid-air refueling (photo : liganews)
The second upgraded Tu-22M3M supersonic strategic bomber of the Russian Air Force has just completed the tests and gave good results.
According to the announcement, in this version of the bomber, new engines and electronics have been integrated, notably that this is the device for the Tu-160M strategic supersonic bomber. Specifically we are talking about the new NK-32-02 engine, they are also installed on the Tu-160M but with the number of 4 units.
"Thanks to the NK-32-02 engine, the range of the Tu-22M3M aircraft has increased by 1.5 times. The new electronic systems have given the crew the ability to expand in both tons and tons of functions." The ground plane and in the form of contact are more stable and safer. The fighter is 50% stronger, "the report said.
The bomber will receive two long-range ultrahigh-speed missiles with land-attack and anti-ship capability (image : naukatehnika)
The entire upgrade package has significantly improved the combat capabilities of the Tu-22M3M, bringing this operational vehicle to a higher level.
Special attention must also be paid to the Tu-22M3M being able to use the latest Kh-32 surface-to-air cruise missile, which is a deep modernized version of the Kh-22 missile that gives it considerable strength.
The new missile has become smaller, it has a new engine and enhanced electronic warfare capability. Kh-32 can easily fly to a distance of 1,000 km, disrupting enemy missile defense systems. Each Tu-22M3M can carry about 2-3 Kh-32 missiles.
Tu-22M Backfire bombers with new engines (photo : TASS)
Media emphasized that the Russian Defense Ministry will upgrade a total of 30 Tu-22M3 bombers to the Tu-22M3M version. Moreover, the latest Russian supersonic Kh-47M2 Kinzhal missiles may soon appear on these bombers. There will probably be four rockets on each bomber.
Finally, the next significant improvement of the Tu-22M3M was that it was integrated with aerial refueling, previously removed under the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty that the Soviet Union and Russia had. signed with the US, making the range of Tu-22M3M substantially extended.
New NK-32-02 engine will increase its range by approximately 600 miles, also the aircraft has a probe for mid-air refueling (photo : liganews)
The second upgraded Tu-22M3M supersonic strategic bomber of the Russian Air Force has just completed the tests and gave good results.
According to the announcement, in this version of the bomber, new engines and electronics have been integrated, notably that this is the device for the Tu-160M strategic supersonic bomber. Specifically we are talking about the new NK-32-02 engine, they are also installed on the Tu-160M but with the number of 4 units.
"Thanks to the NK-32-02 engine, the range of the Tu-22M3M aircraft has increased by 1.5 times. The new electronic systems have given the crew the ability to expand in both tons and tons of functions." The ground plane and in the form of contact are more stable and safer. The fighter is 50% stronger, "the report said.
The bomber will receive two long-range ultrahigh-speed missiles with land-attack and anti-ship capability (image : naukatehnika)
The entire upgrade package has significantly improved the combat capabilities of the Tu-22M3M, bringing this operational vehicle to a higher level.
Special attention must also be paid to the Tu-22M3M being able to use the latest Kh-32 surface-to-air cruise missile, which is a deep modernized version of the Kh-22 missile that gives it considerable strength.
The new missile has become smaller, it has a new engine and enhanced electronic warfare capability. Kh-32 can easily fly to a distance of 1,000 km, disrupting enemy missile defense systems. Each Tu-22M3M can carry about 2-3 Kh-32 missiles.
Tu-22M Backfire bombers with new engines (photo : TASS)
Media emphasized that the Russian Defense Ministry will upgrade a total of 30 Tu-22M3 bombers to the Tu-22M3M version. Moreover, the latest Russian supersonic Kh-47M2 Kinzhal missiles may soon appear on these bombers. There will probably be four rockets on each bomber.
Finally, the next significant improvement of the Tu-22M3M was that it was integrated with aerial refueling, previously removed under the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty that the Soviet Union and Russia had. signed with the US, making the range of Tu-22M3M substantially extended.
Elang Hitam Dirancang Sesuai Kebutuhan TNI AU
31 Maret 2020
UAV Elang Hitam (photo : BPPT)
Elang Hitam Penjaga Kedaulatan Negara
Luasnya wilayah dan besarnya ancaman yang dihadapi membuat Indonesia harus bisa segera mandiri merancang dan memproduksi pesawat udara nirawak (PUNA). Kemandirian itu penting bukan hanya untuk menghindari potensi sabotase asing dalam komunikasi data selama pengoperasian PUNA, namun juga demi ketahanan negara.
Untuk itu, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Balitbang) Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan) menginiasi pembuatan PUNA yang mampu terbang di ketinggian menengah dan terbang lama (medium altitude long endurance/MALE) pada 2015. PUNA bernama Elang Hitam itu dikerjakan konsorsium yang terdiri atas tujuh lembaga mulai 2017.
Ketujuh lembaga yang terlibat selain Balitbang Kemhan adalah Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT), Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan), Direktorat Jenderal Potensi Pertahanan (Ditjen Pothan) Kemhan dan Institut Teknologi Bandung. Sedangkan industri yang terlibat adalah PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) dan PT Len Industri.
"Elang Hitam dirancang sesuai kebutuhan TNI Angkatan Udara sebagai pengguna," kata Deputi Bidang Teknologi Industri Rancang Bangun dan Rekayasa BPPT Wahyu Widodo Pandoe di Jakarta, Kamis (26/3/2020). Dalam konsorsium ini, BPPT bertugas merancang dan menguji pesawatnya.
Sesuai kebutuhan, pesawat didesain untuk melakukan patroli wilayah, seperti memantau perbatasan atau mengawasi lautan dari pencurian ikan. Pesawat juga dilengkapi senjata hingga bisa melakukan tindakan awal bagi pelanggar hukum dan kedaulatan negara.
Meski pesawat tanpa awak, tantangan mewujudkan PUNA ini sangat besar. "Pembuatan PUNA MALE ini sarat teknologi tinggi," kata Manajer Program Pesawat Terbang Tanpa Awak PTDI Bona P Fitrikananda. PTDI dalam proyek ini berperan memproduksi dan mengintegrasikan berbagai sistem yang ada.
Tantangan membuat PUNA MALE itu salah satunya berasal dari ketinggian jelajah pesawat. Di ketinggian menengah (medium altitude), antara 15.000-30.000 kaki atau 4,5-9,2 kilometer dari permukaan laut, juga merupakan wilayah terbang pesawat lain, termasuk pesawat penumpang. Karena itu, PUNA harus bisa mendeteksi dan menghindar bila ada pesawat lain di dekatnya. Karena itu, pesawat harus dilengkapi dengan berbagai sensor baik untuk mengukur kecepatan, ketinggian dan kemiringan pesawat.
Selain itu, suhu dan tekanan udara pada ketinggian menengah juga sudah turun. Situasi lingkungan itu juga harus diantisipasi agar tak memengaruhi kinerja pesawat.
UAV Elang Hitam (image : BPPT)
Elang Hitam juga dirancang mampu terbang lama (long endurance) 24-30 jam. Pesawat didesain memiliki waktu terbang optimal 24 jam, sedangkan enam jam sisanya untuk mengantisipasi jika pesawat membutuhkan waktu terbang tambahan akibat adanya persoalan tertentu.
Untuk terbang selama itu, pesawat harus berukuran dan bertenaga besar. Pesawat juga harus bisa membawa banyak bahan bakar avtur. Semua itu akan berimbas pada besar dan beratnya PUNA. Dimensi besar dan berat Elang Hitam ini sudah mirip dengan pesawat berawak kecil.
Untuk mengatasi itu, lanjut Bona, pesawat dibuat menggunakan material komposit hingga 95 persen, termasuk untuk struktur utamanya, seperti rangka pesawat. Komposit itu membuat bobot pesawat menjadi lebih ringan. Untuk PUNA, belum ada aturan keharusan penggunaan logam pada rangka pesawat seperti pada pesawat penumpang.
"Bahan bakar PUNA masih menggunakan avtur yang sudah teruji, bukan listrik atau tenaga surya," ujarnya. Selain penggunaan listrik dan tenaga surya belum teruji, penggunaan baterai untuk menyimpan energinya juga akan menambah berat pesawat.
Tantangan lain membuat PUNA dibanding pesawat berawak adalah memindahkan sistem kendali dari pilot di kokpit pesawat ke pengendali di darat yang tak melihat langsung pesawat. Dengan kondisi itu, selain banyak sensor, pesawat juga harus memiliki sistem kendali terbang (flight control system/FCS) yang mumpuni.
FCS itu akan menjadi otak pesawat. Elang Hitam harus bisa lepas landas dan mendarat secara mandiri dalam berbagai kondisi laandasan pacu. Pesawat juga harus bisa mengikuti jalur terbang yang telah ditentukan dan melakukan sejumlah tindakan, termasuk saat terjadi kedaruratan.
"Sistem autopilot yang mumpuni jadi sangat penting pada PUNA," kata Bona.
Untuk tahap awal, FCS menggunakan produk buatan luar negeri. Namun, saat ini Lapan bersama PT Len Industri sedang merancang FCS sendiri yang akan digunakan pada produksi Elang Hitam berikutnya. PT Len Industri juga membuat sistem kendali di darat (ground control system/GCS) yang akan memandu pergerakan pesawat.
Menentukan misi dan memilih senjata yang akan dilekatkan pada pesawat juga jadi persoalan genting. Misi PUNA ini ditentukan oleh Ditjen Pohan Kemhan, sedangkan senjatanya dipilih berdasar kebutuhan TNI Angkatan Udara sebagai pengguna atau yang menjalankan misi.
Untuk pengintaian, PUNA dilengkapi dengan kamera resolusi tinggi yang bisa bekerja siang dan malam serta radar bukaan sintetis (synthetic aperture radar/SAR). Sedangkan senjata untuk penindakan awal itu masih berupa pilihan, antara roket yang dikendalikan atau bom pintar (smart bomb).
Pesawat dirancang setidaknya mampu membawa empat roket yang masing-masing memiliki berat 30-40 kilogram. Jika dipilih roket, tambah Wahyu, roket akan dilengkapi sistem pemandu laser agar bisa pas mencapai target.
"Pemilihan jenis dan peletakan senjata itu akan sangat memengaruhi performa terbang pesawat," katanya. Penghidupan (firing) senjata pun juga akan memengaruhi stabilitas pesawat.
UAV Elang Hitam (image : Tempo)
Uji terbang
Elang Hitam pertama kali diperkenalkan ke publik (roll out) pada 30 Desember 2019 di hanggar PTDI di Bandung, Jawa Barat. Rencananya, pesawat ini akan terbang perdana pada akhir 2020.
Menurut Wahyu, karena pesawat ini tanpa awak, uji terbang perdana akan dilakukan di daerah yang jauh dari kepadatan penduduk guna menghindari kemungkinan gagal terbang. Meski belum ditentukan lokasinya, namun sejumlah daerah yang memiliki lapangan terbang sudah menjadi pilihan seperti Cirebon dan Pangandaran di Jawa Barat atau Natuna di Kepulauan Riau.
Tahun ini juga, konsorsium akan membuat dua purwarupa Elang Hitam lainnya hingga total ada tiga pesawat yang digunakan untuk keperluan berbeda. Satu pesawat akan digunakan untuk uji pengembangan sebelum sertifikasi, satu pesawat untuk uji terbang dan sertifikasi, serta satu pesawat lain untuk uji struktur dan kekuatan di laboratorium uji milik BPPT.
Pesawat akan disertifikasi sebagai pesawat militer yang membawa senjata (unmaned combat aerial vehicle/UCAV) oleh Indonesia Military Airworthiness Authority (IMAA) yang ada di Kemhan.
Jika nanti Elang Hitam dimodifikasi untuk keperluan sipil, misalkan untuk pemetaan atau pemantauan wilayah bencana, maka PUNA akan disertifikasi ulang di Direktorat Kelaikudaraan dan Pengoperasian Pesawat Udara (DKUPPU) Kementerian Perhubungan. Proses sertifikasi pesawat militer dan sipil memang berbeda.
Pada 2022, proses sertifikasi sebagai UCAV diharapkan bisa selesai. Proses sertifikasi memang membutuhkan waktu lama, terutama akibat adanya persenjataan yang dibawa. Namun, "Pemerintah komitmen untuk menyelesaikan PUNA MALE Elang Hitam itu sebelum 2024," tegas Wahyu.
Sertifikasi di dalam negeri itu dipilih karena Elang Hitam akan digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri yang sangat besar. Luasnya wilayah Indonesia dan banyak pangkalan udara TNI AU membuat kebutuhan PUNA MALE sangat besar. Dibanding penggunaan pesawat tempur, pemakaian PUNA pun akan menekan biaya dan meminimalkan risiko operasi. Kalaupun pemerintah mengizinkan inovasi teknologi anak bangsa itu diekspor, maka pasar Asia Afrika sangat menjanjikan.
Wahyu berharap proyek konsorsium PUNA MALE ini berhasil, Elang Hitam benar-benar bisa digunakan, diproduksi, dan dipasarkan. "Sudah saatnya Indonesia masuk dalam jajaran negara-negara maju yang bisa memproduksi teknologi tinggi," tambahnya.
UAV Elang Hitam (photo : BPPT)
Elang Hitam Penjaga Kedaulatan Negara
Luasnya wilayah dan besarnya ancaman yang dihadapi membuat Indonesia harus bisa segera mandiri merancang dan memproduksi pesawat udara nirawak (PUNA). Kemandirian itu penting bukan hanya untuk menghindari potensi sabotase asing dalam komunikasi data selama pengoperasian PUNA, namun juga demi ketahanan negara.
Untuk itu, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Balitbang) Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan) menginiasi pembuatan PUNA yang mampu terbang di ketinggian menengah dan terbang lama (medium altitude long endurance/MALE) pada 2015. PUNA bernama Elang Hitam itu dikerjakan konsorsium yang terdiri atas tujuh lembaga mulai 2017.
Ketujuh lembaga yang terlibat selain Balitbang Kemhan adalah Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT), Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan), Direktorat Jenderal Potensi Pertahanan (Ditjen Pothan) Kemhan dan Institut Teknologi Bandung. Sedangkan industri yang terlibat adalah PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) dan PT Len Industri.
"Elang Hitam dirancang sesuai kebutuhan TNI Angkatan Udara sebagai pengguna," kata Deputi Bidang Teknologi Industri Rancang Bangun dan Rekayasa BPPT Wahyu Widodo Pandoe di Jakarta, Kamis (26/3/2020). Dalam konsorsium ini, BPPT bertugas merancang dan menguji pesawatnya.
Sesuai kebutuhan, pesawat didesain untuk melakukan patroli wilayah, seperti memantau perbatasan atau mengawasi lautan dari pencurian ikan. Pesawat juga dilengkapi senjata hingga bisa melakukan tindakan awal bagi pelanggar hukum dan kedaulatan negara.
Meski pesawat tanpa awak, tantangan mewujudkan PUNA ini sangat besar. "Pembuatan PUNA MALE ini sarat teknologi tinggi," kata Manajer Program Pesawat Terbang Tanpa Awak PTDI Bona P Fitrikananda. PTDI dalam proyek ini berperan memproduksi dan mengintegrasikan berbagai sistem yang ada.
Tantangan membuat PUNA MALE itu salah satunya berasal dari ketinggian jelajah pesawat. Di ketinggian menengah (medium altitude), antara 15.000-30.000 kaki atau 4,5-9,2 kilometer dari permukaan laut, juga merupakan wilayah terbang pesawat lain, termasuk pesawat penumpang. Karena itu, PUNA harus bisa mendeteksi dan menghindar bila ada pesawat lain di dekatnya. Karena itu, pesawat harus dilengkapi dengan berbagai sensor baik untuk mengukur kecepatan, ketinggian dan kemiringan pesawat.
Selain itu, suhu dan tekanan udara pada ketinggian menengah juga sudah turun. Situasi lingkungan itu juga harus diantisipasi agar tak memengaruhi kinerja pesawat.
UAV Elang Hitam (image : BPPT)
Elang Hitam juga dirancang mampu terbang lama (long endurance) 24-30 jam. Pesawat didesain memiliki waktu terbang optimal 24 jam, sedangkan enam jam sisanya untuk mengantisipasi jika pesawat membutuhkan waktu terbang tambahan akibat adanya persoalan tertentu.
Untuk terbang selama itu, pesawat harus berukuran dan bertenaga besar. Pesawat juga harus bisa membawa banyak bahan bakar avtur. Semua itu akan berimbas pada besar dan beratnya PUNA. Dimensi besar dan berat Elang Hitam ini sudah mirip dengan pesawat berawak kecil.
Untuk mengatasi itu, lanjut Bona, pesawat dibuat menggunakan material komposit hingga 95 persen, termasuk untuk struktur utamanya, seperti rangka pesawat. Komposit itu membuat bobot pesawat menjadi lebih ringan. Untuk PUNA, belum ada aturan keharusan penggunaan logam pada rangka pesawat seperti pada pesawat penumpang.
"Bahan bakar PUNA masih menggunakan avtur yang sudah teruji, bukan listrik atau tenaga surya," ujarnya. Selain penggunaan listrik dan tenaga surya belum teruji, penggunaan baterai untuk menyimpan energinya juga akan menambah berat pesawat.
Tantangan lain membuat PUNA dibanding pesawat berawak adalah memindahkan sistem kendali dari pilot di kokpit pesawat ke pengendali di darat yang tak melihat langsung pesawat. Dengan kondisi itu, selain banyak sensor, pesawat juga harus memiliki sistem kendali terbang (flight control system/FCS) yang mumpuni.
FCS itu akan menjadi otak pesawat. Elang Hitam harus bisa lepas landas dan mendarat secara mandiri dalam berbagai kondisi laandasan pacu. Pesawat juga harus bisa mengikuti jalur terbang yang telah ditentukan dan melakukan sejumlah tindakan, termasuk saat terjadi kedaruratan.
"Sistem autopilot yang mumpuni jadi sangat penting pada PUNA," kata Bona.
Untuk tahap awal, FCS menggunakan produk buatan luar negeri. Namun, saat ini Lapan bersama PT Len Industri sedang merancang FCS sendiri yang akan digunakan pada produksi Elang Hitam berikutnya. PT Len Industri juga membuat sistem kendali di darat (ground control system/GCS) yang akan memandu pergerakan pesawat.
Menentukan misi dan memilih senjata yang akan dilekatkan pada pesawat juga jadi persoalan genting. Misi PUNA ini ditentukan oleh Ditjen Pohan Kemhan, sedangkan senjatanya dipilih berdasar kebutuhan TNI Angkatan Udara sebagai pengguna atau yang menjalankan misi.
Untuk pengintaian, PUNA dilengkapi dengan kamera resolusi tinggi yang bisa bekerja siang dan malam serta radar bukaan sintetis (synthetic aperture radar/SAR). Sedangkan senjata untuk penindakan awal itu masih berupa pilihan, antara roket yang dikendalikan atau bom pintar (smart bomb).
Pesawat dirancang setidaknya mampu membawa empat roket yang masing-masing memiliki berat 30-40 kilogram. Jika dipilih roket, tambah Wahyu, roket akan dilengkapi sistem pemandu laser agar bisa pas mencapai target.
"Pemilihan jenis dan peletakan senjata itu akan sangat memengaruhi performa terbang pesawat," katanya. Penghidupan (firing) senjata pun juga akan memengaruhi stabilitas pesawat.
UAV Elang Hitam (image : Tempo)
Uji terbang
Elang Hitam pertama kali diperkenalkan ke publik (roll out) pada 30 Desember 2019 di hanggar PTDI di Bandung, Jawa Barat. Rencananya, pesawat ini akan terbang perdana pada akhir 2020.
Menurut Wahyu, karena pesawat ini tanpa awak, uji terbang perdana akan dilakukan di daerah yang jauh dari kepadatan penduduk guna menghindari kemungkinan gagal terbang. Meski belum ditentukan lokasinya, namun sejumlah daerah yang memiliki lapangan terbang sudah menjadi pilihan seperti Cirebon dan Pangandaran di Jawa Barat atau Natuna di Kepulauan Riau.
Tahun ini juga, konsorsium akan membuat dua purwarupa Elang Hitam lainnya hingga total ada tiga pesawat yang digunakan untuk keperluan berbeda. Satu pesawat akan digunakan untuk uji pengembangan sebelum sertifikasi, satu pesawat untuk uji terbang dan sertifikasi, serta satu pesawat lain untuk uji struktur dan kekuatan di laboratorium uji milik BPPT.
Pesawat akan disertifikasi sebagai pesawat militer yang membawa senjata (unmaned combat aerial vehicle/UCAV) oleh Indonesia Military Airworthiness Authority (IMAA) yang ada di Kemhan.
Jika nanti Elang Hitam dimodifikasi untuk keperluan sipil, misalkan untuk pemetaan atau pemantauan wilayah bencana, maka PUNA akan disertifikasi ulang di Direktorat Kelaikudaraan dan Pengoperasian Pesawat Udara (DKUPPU) Kementerian Perhubungan. Proses sertifikasi pesawat militer dan sipil memang berbeda.
Pada 2022, proses sertifikasi sebagai UCAV diharapkan bisa selesai. Proses sertifikasi memang membutuhkan waktu lama, terutama akibat adanya persenjataan yang dibawa. Namun, "Pemerintah komitmen untuk menyelesaikan PUNA MALE Elang Hitam itu sebelum 2024," tegas Wahyu.
Sertifikasi di dalam negeri itu dipilih karena Elang Hitam akan digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri yang sangat besar. Luasnya wilayah Indonesia dan banyak pangkalan udara TNI AU membuat kebutuhan PUNA MALE sangat besar. Dibanding penggunaan pesawat tempur, pemakaian PUNA pun akan menekan biaya dan meminimalkan risiko operasi. Kalaupun pemerintah mengizinkan inovasi teknologi anak bangsa itu diekspor, maka pasar Asia Afrika sangat menjanjikan.
Wahyu berharap proyek konsorsium PUNA MALE ini berhasil, Elang Hitam benar-benar bisa digunakan, diproduksi, dan dipasarkan. "Sudah saatnya Indonesia masuk dalam jajaran negara-negara maju yang bisa memproduksi teknologi tinggi," tambahnya.
30 Maret 2020
RTA Trains with IGLA-S Missile
30 Maret 2020
IGLA-S (9K338) MANPADS of Royal Thai Army (photo : Sompong Nondhasa)
Another advanced anti-aircraft missile weapon of the Thai Army is IGLA-S (9K338) MANPADS. A shoulder type imprinted weapon which is intended to destroy the target, whether it is a jet plane rotating aircraft, including UAV and cruise missile, under environmental conditions with distractions and opposition measures.
With a weight of 18.25 kg ready to shoot in a corner of a standing position to shoot 70 degrees in the firing position of 50 degrees, the speed of the rocket is 600 meters per second with a range of 500-6,000 meters at a distance of 10 -3,500 meters at the maximum target speed 400 meters per second (head on) 320 meters per second (tail chase), self destructive time 13-14.3 seconds, infrared guided system.
The firing pipe launcher can support a maximum of 5 fires, the trigger device supports a maximum of 750 fires.
(Battlefield Defense)
IGLA-S (9K338) MANPADS of Royal Thai Army (photo : Sompong Nondhasa)
Another advanced anti-aircraft missile weapon of the Thai Army is IGLA-S (9K338) MANPADS. A shoulder type imprinted weapon which is intended to destroy the target, whether it is a jet plane rotating aircraft, including UAV and cruise missile, under environmental conditions with distractions and opposition measures.
With a weight of 18.25 kg ready to shoot in a corner of a standing position to shoot 70 degrees in the firing position of 50 degrees, the speed of the rocket is 600 meters per second with a range of 500-6,000 meters at a distance of 10 -3,500 meters at the maximum target speed 400 meters per second (head on) 320 meters per second (tail chase), self destructive time 13-14.3 seconds, infrared guided system.
The firing pipe launcher can support a maximum of 5 fires, the trigger device supports a maximum of 750 fires.
(Battlefield Defense)
Super Hornet Celebrates Ten Years in Australia
30 Maret 2020
RAAF Super Hornet (photo : lifestyleqld)
The Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornet is poised to reach the ten-year mark since its arrival in Australia.
The fighter first arrived in Australia on 26 March 2010, with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) fleet growing to 24 examples, says Boeing. The type became operational in RAAF service in December 2010.
“In the past decade, Boeing has partnered with the RAAF to help develop Australia’s Super Hornet fleet into one of the most advanced and formidable multi-role fighters in the world today,” says Boeing.
“Through a combination of ongoing sustainment and upgrades, Boeing has delivered enhanced capability to the combat-proven, cutting-edge, next-generation Super Hornet, to maintain regional air superiority now and well into the future.”
The RAAF also operates 11 EA-18G electronic warfare jets. It formerly had 12, but one example was lost in a January 2018 accident while attempting to take off from Nellis AFB, Nevada.
Super Hornet block III (photo : Boeing)
The only other operator of either type is the US Navy. Boeing also has a contract to provide 28 Super Hornets – 22 single seat F-18Es and six two-seat F/A-18Fs – to Kuwait by 2022.
Canberra originally agreed to buy the Super Hornet in March 2007 to a fill a “capability gap” created by the retirement of the General Dynamics F-111C in late 2010 and delays to the Lockheed Martin F-35A.
February saw the US Government approve Australia’s prospective purchase of 200 Lockheed Martin Long Range Anti-Ship Missiles (LSRAMs) to equip the Super Hornet fleet.
A major question for Canberra will be whether to update its Super Hornets to the new Block III standard being adopted by the US Navy. Block III upgrades would include conformal fuel tanks, a faster mission computer and a more robust communications system.
RAAF Super Hornet (photo : lifestyleqld)
The Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornet is poised to reach the ten-year mark since its arrival in Australia.
The fighter first arrived in Australia on 26 March 2010, with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) fleet growing to 24 examples, says Boeing. The type became operational in RAAF service in December 2010.
“In the past decade, Boeing has partnered with the RAAF to help develop Australia’s Super Hornet fleet into one of the most advanced and formidable multi-role fighters in the world today,” says Boeing.
“Through a combination of ongoing sustainment and upgrades, Boeing has delivered enhanced capability to the combat-proven, cutting-edge, next-generation Super Hornet, to maintain regional air superiority now and well into the future.”
The RAAF also operates 11 EA-18G electronic warfare jets. It formerly had 12, but one example was lost in a January 2018 accident while attempting to take off from Nellis AFB, Nevada.
The only other operator of either type is the US Navy. Boeing also has a contract to provide 28 Super Hornets – 22 single seat F-18Es and six two-seat F/A-18Fs – to Kuwait by 2022.
Canberra originally agreed to buy the Super Hornet in March 2007 to a fill a “capability gap” created by the retirement of the General Dynamics F-111C in late 2010 and delays to the Lockheed Martin F-35A.
February saw the US Government approve Australia’s prospective purchase of 200 Lockheed Martin Long Range Anti-Ship Missiles (LSRAMs) to equip the Super Hornet fleet.
A major question for Canberra will be whether to update its Super Hornets to the new Block III standard being adopted by the US Navy. Block III upgrades would include conformal fuel tanks, a faster mission computer and a more robust communications system.
Pandur II Prospect of Extending the Contract to Hundreds of Vehicles
30 Maret 2020
Pandur II wheeled armoured vehicles (photo : TNI AD)
CSG companies will sell wheeled armoured vehicles Pandur II to Indonesia
The CZECHOSLOVAK GROUP (CSG) companies won an important contract for the Indonesian armed forces. Following a previously announced contract for rocket launchers, ammunition and engineering vehicles, the Czech companies in coordination with local producers will deliver 23 wheeled armoured vehicles Pandur II 8X8 to Indonesia. The contract was signed in December 2019.
EXCALIBUR ARMY, a member of CSG, has already completed several successful projects in Southeast Asia. A 2017 contract for special amphibious bridge vehicles for the Indonesian armed forces worth billions of Czech crowns is currently being implemented. The final delivery has been scheduled for the second half of 2020.
In cooperation with TATRA DEFENCE VEHICLE company, EXCALIBUR ARMY will now start to fulfil the new contract. Between 2021 and 2022, the Indonesian army will get more than two dozen floating wheeled armoured vehicles Pandur II 8x8, which will be equipped with a turret by ARES company armed with a 30 mm cannon. The value of the contract will be worth billions of Czech crowns.
Between 2021 and 2022, the Indonesian army will get more than two dozen floating wheeled armoured vehicles Pandur II 8x8 (photo : CZDefence)
The contract is being held under the auspices of EXCALIBUR ARMY, which has a large business network and has already achieved several commercial successes in the Indonesian market, and in cooperation with TATRA DEFENCE VEHICLE, a leading Czech land systems manufacturer and a license holder for Pandur II 8x8 vehicles production.
The Czech Ministry of Defense, specifically its Industrial Cooperation Department, provided a significant support to the project. The state-owned Indonesian company PT. PINDAD (PERSERO) will also participate: the Indonesian partner will provide for the production of some technological parts and will participate in the final assembly of the vehicles. With the prospect of extending the contract to hundreds of vehicles, the Indonesian company might be involved more intensively in the production of Pandur II 8x8 vehicles in the future.
The contract to supply Indonesian Army with new Pandurs, is another significant commercial success of the CSG holding companies. It is even greater given that the Indonesian armed forces have been implementing their military vehicles modernization for several years by carefully choosing between different offers and types of vehicles. The command of the Indonesian Army demanded vehicles proven in combat missions, and ideally used by the NATO armies. The army also required vehicles with good cross-country mobility in difficult terrains, floating capability and high ballistic and mine resistance. The Czech made Pandurs II 8x8 have met all the criteria.
CSG delivered RM-70 Vampire rocket launchers together with special support and command vehicles (photo : TNI AD)
EXCALIBUR ARMY already delivered several successful projects in Southeast Asia. In the past, it delivered RM-70 Vampire rocket launchers together with special support and command vehicles, produced and equipped in cooperation with other Czech and Slovak companies, to Indonesia. The company has continued to supply missile technology and spare parts for land vehicles to Indonesia, and it also provides services for the Indonesian army and its marine corps.
In addition, the company also offers other combat and engineering equipment from its portfolio in Southeast Asia, i.e. Patriot I and II 4x4 armoured vehicles, and AM-50 EX and AM-70 EX bridge vehicles on Tatra chassis. The AM-50 EX model has already found its customers, and in case of AM-70 EX, the company´s representatives have already had several meetings with potential buyers.
CSG companies will sell wheeled armoured vehicles Pandur II to Indonesia
The CZECHOSLOVAK GROUP (CSG) companies won an important contract for the Indonesian armed forces. Following a previously announced contract for rocket launchers, ammunition and engineering vehicles, the Czech companies in coordination with local producers will deliver 23 wheeled armoured vehicles Pandur II 8X8 to Indonesia. The contract was signed in December 2019.
EXCALIBUR ARMY, a member of CSG, has already completed several successful projects in Southeast Asia. A 2017 contract for special amphibious bridge vehicles for the Indonesian armed forces worth billions of Czech crowns is currently being implemented. The final delivery has been scheduled for the second half of 2020.
In cooperation with TATRA DEFENCE VEHICLE company, EXCALIBUR ARMY will now start to fulfil the new contract. Between 2021 and 2022, the Indonesian army will get more than two dozen floating wheeled armoured vehicles Pandur II 8x8, which will be equipped with a turret by ARES company armed with a 30 mm cannon. The value of the contract will be worth billions of Czech crowns.
The contract is being held under the auspices of EXCALIBUR ARMY, which has a large business network and has already achieved several commercial successes in the Indonesian market, and in cooperation with TATRA DEFENCE VEHICLE, a leading Czech land systems manufacturer and a license holder for Pandur II 8x8 vehicles production.
The Czech Ministry of Defense, specifically its Industrial Cooperation Department, provided a significant support to the project. The state-owned Indonesian company PT. PINDAD (PERSERO) will also participate: the Indonesian partner will provide for the production of some technological parts and will participate in the final assembly of the vehicles. With the prospect of extending the contract to hundreds of vehicles, the Indonesian company might be involved more intensively in the production of Pandur II 8x8 vehicles in the future.
The contract to supply Indonesian Army with new Pandurs, is another significant commercial success of the CSG holding companies. It is even greater given that the Indonesian armed forces have been implementing their military vehicles modernization for several years by carefully choosing between different offers and types of vehicles. The command of the Indonesian Army demanded vehicles proven in combat missions, and ideally used by the NATO armies. The army also required vehicles with good cross-country mobility in difficult terrains, floating capability and high ballistic and mine resistance. The Czech made Pandurs II 8x8 have met all the criteria.
CSG delivered RM-70 Vampire rocket launchers together with special support and command vehicles (photo : TNI AD)
EXCALIBUR ARMY already delivered several successful projects in Southeast Asia. In the past, it delivered RM-70 Vampire rocket launchers together with special support and command vehicles, produced and equipped in cooperation with other Czech and Slovak companies, to Indonesia. The company has continued to supply missile technology and spare parts for land vehicles to Indonesia, and it also provides services for the Indonesian army and its marine corps.
In addition, the company also offers other combat and engineering equipment from its portfolio in Southeast Asia, i.e. Patriot I and II 4x4 armoured vehicles, and AM-50 EX and AM-70 EX bridge vehicles on Tatra chassis. The AM-50 EX model has already found its customers, and in case of AM-70 EX, the company´s representatives have already had several meetings with potential buyers.
29 Maret 2020
USMC to Remodel Force Structure
29 Maret 2020
All tank battalions will be lay off (photo : The Drive)
The Corps is axing all of its tank battalions and cutting grunt units
Goodbye tank battalions and bridging companies, the Corps is making hefty cuts as the Marines plan to make a lighter and faster force to fight across the Pacific to confront a rising China.
As part of Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. David Berger’s plan to redesign the force to confront China and other peer adversaries by 2030, the Marines are axing all three of its tank battalions, and chucking out all law enforcement battalions and bridging companies, according to a news release from Marine Corps Combat Development Command.
The Corps is also cutting the number of grunt battalions from 24 to 21, artillery cannon batteries from 21 to five and amphibious vehicle companies from six to four, according to the release. Aviation is taking a hit too, the Marines plan to cut back on MV-22 Osprey, attack and heavy lift squadrons.
The Marines also plan to reduce the number of primary authorized F-35B and F-35C fifth generation stealth fighters per squadron from 16 to 10, according to MCCDC.
The Corps says overall, it expects a reduction of 12,000 personnel across the force over the next 10 years.
USMC plan to retool to meet threat in western Pacific (infographic : WSJ)
It’s unknown how cuts to the number of grunt battalions will impact the Corps’ experimentation with the 12-Marine and 15-Marine rifle squad configuration. The 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit was the first Marine unit to deploy and experiment with a 15-Marine squad model.
But the Corps says it wants its future infantry smaller.
“Infantry battalions will be smaller to support naval expeditionary warfare” and designed to support a fighting concept known as Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations — which will see Marines decentralized and distributed across the Pacific on Islands or floating barge bases.
The changes, expected to take place over the course of the next 10 years, were first reported by the Wall Street Journal.
As the Corp divests of legacy equipment and units, the Marines say they plan to invest in long-range precision fires, reconnaissance and unmanned systems.
The Corps wants to double the number of unmanned squadrons and “austere lethal unmanned air and ground systems, enhancing our ability to sense and strike,” MCCDC said in the release.
“The Marine Corps is not optimized to meet the demands of the National Defense Strategy,” MCCDC said in the news release. “Our force design initiatives are designed to create and maintain a competitive edge against tireless and continuously changing peer adversaries.”
The Marines says it wants a “300 percent increase in rocket artillery capacity” with anti-ship missiles. The Corps is eyeing a remotely operated rocket artillery HIMARS launcher that uses the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle paired with the Naval Strike Missile to sink ships at sea.
Defense News reported the Navy requested $64 million for fiscal year 20201 for a program that pairs anti-ship missiles with existing vehicles known as the Ground-based Anti-ship Missile and Remotely Operated Ground Unit Expeditionary (ROGUE) Fires Vehicle.
Future six UAV squadrons will be armed and unarmed (photo : The Drive)
Some grunt battalions will shift: 1st Battalion, 8th Marines will realign to 2d Marines, and 2nd Battalion, 8th Marines will fall under 6th Marines, MCCDC detailed. The Corps is also deactivating 8th Marine Regiment Headquarters Company and 3rd Battalion, 8th Marines.
A number of aviation and rotary wing squadrons are deactivating to include: Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 264, Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 462, Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 469, Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 367 and Marine Wing Support Groups 27 and 37, MCCDC said in the release.
The Corps is also canceling the activation of a rocket artillery or HIMARS unit known as 5th Battalion, 10th Marines and folding the group and existing batteries under the 10th Marine Regiment.
The top Marine kicked off his force redesign initiative in the summer of 2019 to build a Corps capable of fighting and supporting the Navy in the Indo-Pacific area of operations and to confront rising peer adversaries across the globe.
“Moving forward, we will continue to judiciously evaluate, wargame, experiment, and refine our force design, improving service capabilities and lethality for deterrence, competition, and conflict,” MCCDC said in the release. (MarineCorpsTimes)
Marine Corps to Double UAS Squadrons, Reduce Rotary Squadrons by 2030
ARLINGTON, Va. — The U.S. Marine Corps is planning to change its aviation community significantly as part of a long-range effort to align its force structure more with the National Defense Strategy, including doubling the number of unmanned aerial system (UAS) squadrons and deactivating three rotary-wing squadrons.
In a March 23 release, the Marine Corps Combat Development Command (MCCDC) announced that it was redesigning its force “for naval expeditionary warfare in actively contested spaces, fully aligning the Service with direction of the National Defense Strategy. The Marine Corps has identified areas of modernization and realignment to meet these demands.”
USMC CH-53E Super Stallion, AH-1Z Viper and MV-22 Osprey (photo : Scott Dunham)
Among several initiatives planned for execution by 2030, the MCCDC said it would “double the number of UAS squadrons and austere lethal unmanned air and ground systems, enhancing our ability to sense and strike.”
The Corps fields four Marine UAV squadrons (VMUs) — three in the active component and one in the reserve component. All four operate RQ-21A Blackjack UAS and one, VMU-2 at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Yuma, Arizona, operates two MQ-9 Predator UAVs under a contractor arrangement. The Corps intends to procure six MQ-9s for its VMU squadrons under current planning.
MCCDC also announced plans to deactivate three rotary-wing squadrons by 2030. They include:
*Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 264 (VMM-264), based at MCAS New River, North Carolina and one of 19 MV-22B squadrons in the Corps.
*Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 462 (HMM-462), based at MCAS Miramar, California and one of eight CH-53E squadrons in the Corps.
*Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 469 (HMLA-469), based at MCAS Camp Pendleton, California, and one of nine squadrons in the Corps operating the AH-1Z and UH-1Y helicopters.
In addition, the Corps plans to deactivate HMLA-367 at MCAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, and relocate the squadron to Camp Pendleton, presumably for reactivation.
The Corps also plans to reduce the number — Primary Aircraft Authorized — of F-35Bs in some of its Marine Fighter Attack Squadrons (VMFAs). The original plan was to field 10 F-35Bs in some squadrons and 16 in others, with the extra six used to deploy as detachments on board amphibious assault ships. The F-35C squadrons also would be limited to 10 aircraft. (Sea Power)
All tank battalions will be lay off (photo : The Drive)
The Corps is axing all of its tank battalions and cutting grunt units
Goodbye tank battalions and bridging companies, the Corps is making hefty cuts as the Marines plan to make a lighter and faster force to fight across the Pacific to confront a rising China.
As part of Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. David Berger’s plan to redesign the force to confront China and other peer adversaries by 2030, the Marines are axing all three of its tank battalions, and chucking out all law enforcement battalions and bridging companies, according to a news release from Marine Corps Combat Development Command.
The Corps is also cutting the number of grunt battalions from 24 to 21, artillery cannon batteries from 21 to five and amphibious vehicle companies from six to four, according to the release. Aviation is taking a hit too, the Marines plan to cut back on MV-22 Osprey, attack and heavy lift squadrons.
The Marines also plan to reduce the number of primary authorized F-35B and F-35C fifth generation stealth fighters per squadron from 16 to 10, according to MCCDC.
The Corps says overall, it expects a reduction of 12,000 personnel across the force over the next 10 years.
USMC plan to retool to meet threat in western Pacific (infographic : WSJ)
It’s unknown how cuts to the number of grunt battalions will impact the Corps’ experimentation with the 12-Marine and 15-Marine rifle squad configuration. The 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit was the first Marine unit to deploy and experiment with a 15-Marine squad model.
But the Corps says it wants its future infantry smaller.
“Infantry battalions will be smaller to support naval expeditionary warfare” and designed to support a fighting concept known as Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations — which will see Marines decentralized and distributed across the Pacific on Islands or floating barge bases.
The changes, expected to take place over the course of the next 10 years, were first reported by the Wall Street Journal.
As the Corp divests of legacy equipment and units, the Marines say they plan to invest in long-range precision fires, reconnaissance and unmanned systems.
The Corps wants to double the number of unmanned squadrons and “austere lethal unmanned air and ground systems, enhancing our ability to sense and strike,” MCCDC said in the release.
“The Marine Corps is not optimized to meet the demands of the National Defense Strategy,” MCCDC said in the news release. “Our force design initiatives are designed to create and maintain a competitive edge against tireless and continuously changing peer adversaries.”
The Marines says it wants a “300 percent increase in rocket artillery capacity” with anti-ship missiles. The Corps is eyeing a remotely operated rocket artillery HIMARS launcher that uses the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle paired with the Naval Strike Missile to sink ships at sea.
Defense News reported the Navy requested $64 million for fiscal year 20201 for a program that pairs anti-ship missiles with existing vehicles known as the Ground-based Anti-ship Missile and Remotely Operated Ground Unit Expeditionary (ROGUE) Fires Vehicle.
Future six UAV squadrons will be armed and unarmed (photo : The Drive)
Some grunt battalions will shift: 1st Battalion, 8th Marines will realign to 2d Marines, and 2nd Battalion, 8th Marines will fall under 6th Marines, MCCDC detailed. The Corps is also deactivating 8th Marine Regiment Headquarters Company and 3rd Battalion, 8th Marines.
A number of aviation and rotary wing squadrons are deactivating to include: Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 264, Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 462, Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 469, Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 367 and Marine Wing Support Groups 27 and 37, MCCDC said in the release.
The Corps is also canceling the activation of a rocket artillery or HIMARS unit known as 5th Battalion, 10th Marines and folding the group and existing batteries under the 10th Marine Regiment.
The top Marine kicked off his force redesign initiative in the summer of 2019 to build a Corps capable of fighting and supporting the Navy in the Indo-Pacific area of operations and to confront rising peer adversaries across the globe.
“Moving forward, we will continue to judiciously evaluate, wargame, experiment, and refine our force design, improving service capabilities and lethality for deterrence, competition, and conflict,” MCCDC said in the release. (MarineCorpsTimes)
Marine Corps to Double UAS Squadrons, Reduce Rotary Squadrons by 2030
ARLINGTON, Va. — The U.S. Marine Corps is planning to change its aviation community significantly as part of a long-range effort to align its force structure more with the National Defense Strategy, including doubling the number of unmanned aerial system (UAS) squadrons and deactivating three rotary-wing squadrons.
In a March 23 release, the Marine Corps Combat Development Command (MCCDC) announced that it was redesigning its force “for naval expeditionary warfare in actively contested spaces, fully aligning the Service with direction of the National Defense Strategy. The Marine Corps has identified areas of modernization and realignment to meet these demands.”
USMC CH-53E Super Stallion, AH-1Z Viper and MV-22 Osprey (photo : Scott Dunham)
Among several initiatives planned for execution by 2030, the MCCDC said it would “double the number of UAS squadrons and austere lethal unmanned air and ground systems, enhancing our ability to sense and strike.”
The Corps fields four Marine UAV squadrons (VMUs) — three in the active component and one in the reserve component. All four operate RQ-21A Blackjack UAS and one, VMU-2 at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Yuma, Arizona, operates two MQ-9 Predator UAVs under a contractor arrangement. The Corps intends to procure six MQ-9s for its VMU squadrons under current planning.
MCCDC also announced plans to deactivate three rotary-wing squadrons by 2030. They include:
*Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 264 (VMM-264), based at MCAS New River, North Carolina and one of 19 MV-22B squadrons in the Corps.
*Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 462 (HMM-462), based at MCAS Miramar, California and one of eight CH-53E squadrons in the Corps.
*Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 469 (HMLA-469), based at MCAS Camp Pendleton, California, and one of nine squadrons in the Corps operating the AH-1Z and UH-1Y helicopters.
In addition, the Corps plans to deactivate HMLA-367 at MCAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, and relocate the squadron to Camp Pendleton, presumably for reactivation.
The Corps also plans to reduce the number — Primary Aircraft Authorized — of F-35Bs in some of its Marine Fighter Attack Squadrons (VMFAs). The original plan was to field 10 F-35Bs in some squadrons and 16 in others, with the extra six used to deploy as detachments on board amphibious assault ships. The F-35C squadrons also would be limited to 10 aircraft. (Sea Power)
All PLAAF Aircraft to Receive ‘Low-Observable’ Coatings
29 Maret 2020
Chinese military aircraft will get “low observable” coatings and standardised markings (photo : Xinhua)
China's People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) has issued new guidelines requiring both future and in-service aircraft to be painted with 'low-observable' coatings, colour schemes and markings.
The guidelines also mandate that the markings on PLAAF aircraft - including the national flag and service insignia - are gradually standardised, with the implementation of these regulations set to take place throughout 2020, according to a 13 March article by the PLA Daily newspaper.
Reporting on this issue the state-owned Global Times newspaper stated that the move is "aimed at giving Chinese warplanes a combat advantage as they will be less likely to be detected by both the naked eye and military radar".
Chinese military aircraft will get “low observable” coatings and standardised markings (photo : Xinhua)
China's People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) has issued new guidelines requiring both future and in-service aircraft to be painted with 'low-observable' coatings, colour schemes and markings.
The guidelines also mandate that the markings on PLAAF aircraft - including the national flag and service insignia - are gradually standardised, with the implementation of these regulations set to take place throughout 2020, according to a 13 March article by the PLA Daily newspaper.
Reporting on this issue the state-owned Global Times newspaper stated that the move is "aimed at giving Chinese warplanes a combat advantage as they will be less likely to be detected by both the naked eye and military radar".
28 Maret 2020
Construction Commences for First Offshore Patrol Vessel in Western Australia
28 Maret 2020
80 meters OPV Arafura class (photo : Luerssen)
The Government’s $90 billion Continuous Naval Shipbuilding Program has reached a new milestone with construction on the first Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) to be built in Western Australia commencing.
This will be the third of twelve Arafura class OPVs, and the first to be built at the Civmec shipyard in Henderson, Western Australia.
Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC said this is the next step in the Morrison Government’s landmark naval shipbuilding program that will keep Australia safe and deliver jobs for generations to come.
“This Government’s investment in Australia’s naval shipbuilding program demonstrates our commitment to strong border protection over greater distances than is currently possible, and our commitment in the local economy and creating more jobs for Australian workers,” Minister Reynolds said.
“Today’s milestone reinforces the OPV program is on schedule to deliver the capability for the Royal Australian Navy when the first ship commences service in 2022.
Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Melissa Price MP said the OPV program is a key foundation in the Government’s enhancement of Australia’s industrial skill base, growing both capacity and workers’ skills to build and maintain Australia’s sovereign maritime capability.
“The Arafura program is creating jobs across the supply-chain, and I have heard first-hand from over 100 Aussie businesses about how they are benefiting from being an essential part of construction,” Minister Price said.
“I congratulate Luerssen, Civmec and their entire teams for exceeding their commitment to Australian Industry Capability which is having substantial positive flow-on effects right across Australia, particularly during this difficult time as we all manage COVID-19.”
The first two vessels are already under construction by Luerssen Australia and ASC in Adelaide.
The remaining ten vessels will be constructed by Luerssen Australia and Civmec at Henderson in Western Australia under the SEA1180 OPV program.
Luerssen Australia is the Prime Contractor working with key shipbuilding partners Civmec in Western Australia and ASC OPV Shipbuilder in South Australia to deliver the OPV capability for the Royal Australian Navy.
The program will replace and improve upon the capability delivered by the Armidale Class and Cape Class Patrol Boats which entered service in 2005.
(Aus DoD)
80 meters OPV Arafura class (photo : Luerssen)
The Government’s $90 billion Continuous Naval Shipbuilding Program has reached a new milestone with construction on the first Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) to be built in Western Australia commencing.
This will be the third of twelve Arafura class OPVs, and the first to be built at the Civmec shipyard in Henderson, Western Australia.
Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC said this is the next step in the Morrison Government’s landmark naval shipbuilding program that will keep Australia safe and deliver jobs for generations to come.
“This Government’s investment in Australia’s naval shipbuilding program demonstrates our commitment to strong border protection over greater distances than is currently possible, and our commitment in the local economy and creating more jobs for Australian workers,” Minister Reynolds said.
“Today’s milestone reinforces the OPV program is on schedule to deliver the capability for the Royal Australian Navy when the first ship commences service in 2022.
Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Melissa Price MP said the OPV program is a key foundation in the Government’s enhancement of Australia’s industrial skill base, growing both capacity and workers’ skills to build and maintain Australia’s sovereign maritime capability.
“The Arafura program is creating jobs across the supply-chain, and I have heard first-hand from over 100 Aussie businesses about how they are benefiting from being an essential part of construction,” Minister Price said.
“I congratulate Luerssen, Civmec and their entire teams for exceeding their commitment to Australian Industry Capability which is having substantial positive flow-on effects right across Australia, particularly during this difficult time as we all manage COVID-19.”
The first two vessels are already under construction by Luerssen Australia and ASC in Adelaide.
The remaining ten vessels will be constructed by Luerssen Australia and Civmec at Henderson in Western Australia under the SEA1180 OPV program.
Luerssen Australia is the Prime Contractor working with key shipbuilding partners Civmec in Western Australia and ASC OPV Shipbuilder in South Australia to deliver the OPV capability for the Royal Australian Navy.
The program will replace and improve upon the capability delivered by the Armidale Class and Cape Class Patrol Boats which entered service in 2005.
(Aus DoD)
Malaysia Receives First Batch of Donated ScanEagle UAVs from US
28 Maret 2020
ScanEagle II UAV (photo : Insitu Inc)
Malaysia has taken delivery of the first 6 of 12 Insitu ScanEagle 2 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) - along with associated equipment - that were gifted by the United States under Washington's Maritime Security Initiative (MSI) programme.
The first batch of platforms and equipment was delivered in late February, the Malaysian Chief of Defence Force General Affendi Buang told Jane's. The remaining six UAVs are expected to be handed over in 2022.
The package includes training and maintenance and the ability to operate the UAVs for up to 2,000 hours for the duration of the programme.
Gen Affendi pointed out, however, that the recently acquired ScanEagles will not be used to conduct surveillance flights as part of the military's response to the government's 'stay-at-home' order to limit the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus.
"We will be using commercial drones for the surveillance flights as they are more suitable for the urban environments where most of the non-compliance is occurring,'' said Gen Affendi when asked about his statement on 23 March that the military will be using UAVs for Covid-19 operations.
The delivery of the ScanEagles came at a time of political upheaval in Malaysia of late that led to a new administration being sworn in on 1 March.
All 12 ScanEagles are to be operated by the Royal Malaysian Navy's (RMN') 601 Squadron, which was stood up in November 2018.
When the RMN first announced in November 2018 that it was getting the ScanEagles, it said Washington was only providing six UAVs and associated equipment under the MSI programme, which was initiated by the US in 2015.
However, the Pentagon announced in June 2019 that Malaysia was getting a total of 12 of 34 ScanEagle units ordered from Insitu. Apart from Malaysia, the contract also covered UAV deliveries to Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam.
Malaysia has taken delivery of the first 6 of 12 Insitu ScanEagle 2 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) - along with associated equipment - that were gifted by the United States under Washington's Maritime Security Initiative (MSI) programme.
The first batch of platforms and equipment was delivered in late February, the Malaysian Chief of Defence Force General Affendi Buang told Jane's. The remaining six UAVs are expected to be handed over in 2022.
The package includes training and maintenance and the ability to operate the UAVs for up to 2,000 hours for the duration of the programme.
Gen Affendi pointed out, however, that the recently acquired ScanEagles will not be used to conduct surveillance flights as part of the military's response to the government's 'stay-at-home' order to limit the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus.
"We will be using commercial drones for the surveillance flights as they are more suitable for the urban environments where most of the non-compliance is occurring,'' said Gen Affendi when asked about his statement on 23 March that the military will be using UAVs for Covid-19 operations.
The delivery of the ScanEagles came at a time of political upheaval in Malaysia of late that led to a new administration being sworn in on 1 March.
All 12 ScanEagles are to be operated by the Royal Malaysian Navy's (RMN') 601 Squadron, which was stood up in November 2018.
When the RMN first announced in November 2018 that it was getting the ScanEagles, it said Washington was only providing six UAVs and associated equipment under the MSI programme, which was initiated by the US in 2015.
However, the Pentagon announced in June 2019 that Malaysia was getting a total of 12 of 34 ScanEagle units ordered from Insitu. Apart from Malaysia, the contract also covered UAV deliveries to Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam.
27 Maret 2020
Fasilitas Floating Dock "Surabaya" PT PAL
27 Maret 2020
Fasilitas floating dock Surabaya milik PT PAL sedang digunakan oleh KRI Teluk Banten 516 (photo : PAL)
Salah satu fasilitas PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) yaitu Floating Dock atau disebut juga Dok Apung namanya Floating Dok "Surabaya".
Floating dock atau dok apung adalah bangunan konstruksi baja yang mengapung di atas permukaan air yang berfungsi untuk docking (pengedokan) kapal dengan cara menenggelamkan separuh dindingnya dengan membuka katup yang merupakan konstruksi dibawahnya dan membiarkan terisi penuh dengan air laut.
Ketika kapal sudah berada di dalam area floating dock maka floating dock akan kembali bergerak naik muncul kembali mengapung di permukaan air laut.
Fasilitas floating dock Surabaya milik PT PAL sedang digunakan oleh KRI Teluk Banten 516 (photo : PAL)
Salah satu fasilitas PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) yaitu Floating Dock atau disebut juga Dok Apung namanya Floating Dok "Surabaya".
Floating dock atau dok apung adalah bangunan konstruksi baja yang mengapung di atas permukaan air yang berfungsi untuk docking (pengedokan) kapal dengan cara menenggelamkan separuh dindingnya dengan membuka katup yang merupakan konstruksi dibawahnya dan membiarkan terisi penuh dengan air laut.
Ketika kapal sudah berada di dalam area floating dock maka floating dock akan kembali bergerak naik muncul kembali mengapung di permukaan air laut.
Chinese Naval Planes Conduct Anti-Submarine Drills in South China Sea
27 Maret 2020
PLAN KQ200 anti submarin aircraft (photo : sinodefence, the diplomat)
Chinese military aircraft recently conducted an anti-submarine drill over the South China Sea, the People’s Liberation Army said on Friday, amid a growing number of patrols and exercises by US warships in the region.
The drill, which involved two aircraft, was conducted earlier this month, not long before the US naval and marine units took part in expeditionary strike force training in the disputed waters, the PLA Navy said in a report.
While acknowledging the difficulties involved in such an operation, the report said the aircraft successfully identified several suspicious objects.
“Anti-submarine exercises are like trying to find a needle in a haystack. It’s difficult, the underwater hydrological conditions are complex,” Yu Yang, the captain of one of the aircraft, was quoted as saying.
But by having two planes working together, it “increase[d] the probability of finding a submarine”, he said.
Wang Shelin, one of the commanders of the exercise, said that anti-submarine operations were not only dangerous but a real test of the pilots’ skills.
Successfully completing the mission demanded precise “control of the speed and altitude of the aircraft”, he said.
The publication of the PLA report came after the United States staged a four-day exercise in the South China Sea last week involving the Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group, the America Expeditionary Strike Group and the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit.
At the end of last month, the US Navy accused the PLA of “unsafe and unprofessional” behaviour after a Chinese destroyer pointed a laser at an American maritime patrol aircraft flying over international waters west of Guam.
Collin Koh, a research fellow with the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, said the Chinese military was keen to promote its anti-submarine capabilities.
“This means we can expect to see more such exercises in the future, with no let up because of the coronavirus,” he said.
“You can also see this as a response not only to the [recent] carrier strike group operations, but the intensified US military presence in the South China Sea.
“And it would not be surprising if a nuclear attack submarine was in the vicinity of the carrier strike group,” he said.
Song Zhongping, a Hong Kong-based commentator on military affairs, said that with the possibility of a military conflict growing in the South China Sea, it was important for the PLA Navy to increase its anti-submarine training.
“The rivalry between the great powers is getting more and more intense, and the PLA must strengthen its preparations,” he said.
Echoing commander Wang’s comments, Song said that the high volume of maritime traffic and sheer size and depth of the South China Sea made searching for submarines difficult
“So the PLA is trying to enhance its capabilities by constantly installing and testing new anti-submarine equipment,” he said.
PLAN KQ200 anti submarin aircraft (photo : sinodefence, the diplomat)
Chinese military aircraft recently conducted an anti-submarine drill over the South China Sea, the People’s Liberation Army said on Friday, amid a growing number of patrols and exercises by US warships in the region.
The drill, which involved two aircraft, was conducted earlier this month, not long before the US naval and marine units took part in expeditionary strike force training in the disputed waters, the PLA Navy said in a report.
While acknowledging the difficulties involved in such an operation, the report said the aircraft successfully identified several suspicious objects.
“Anti-submarine exercises are like trying to find a needle in a haystack. It’s difficult, the underwater hydrological conditions are complex,” Yu Yang, the captain of one of the aircraft, was quoted as saying.
But by having two planes working together, it “increase[d] the probability of finding a submarine”, he said.
Wang Shelin, one of the commanders of the exercise, said that anti-submarine operations were not only dangerous but a real test of the pilots’ skills.
Successfully completing the mission demanded precise “control of the speed and altitude of the aircraft”, he said.
The publication of the PLA report came after the United States staged a four-day exercise in the South China Sea last week involving the Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group, the America Expeditionary Strike Group and the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit.
At the end of last month, the US Navy accused the PLA of “unsafe and unprofessional” behaviour after a Chinese destroyer pointed a laser at an American maritime patrol aircraft flying over international waters west of Guam.
Collin Koh, a research fellow with the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, said the Chinese military was keen to promote its anti-submarine capabilities.
“This means we can expect to see more such exercises in the future, with no let up because of the coronavirus,” he said.
“You can also see this as a response not only to the [recent] carrier strike group operations, but the intensified US military presence in the South China Sea.
“And it would not be surprising if a nuclear attack submarine was in the vicinity of the carrier strike group,” he said.
Song Zhongping, a Hong Kong-based commentator on military affairs, said that with the possibility of a military conflict growing in the South China Sea, it was important for the PLA Navy to increase its anti-submarine training.
“The rivalry between the great powers is getting more and more intense, and the PLA must strengthen its preparations,” he said.
Echoing commander Wang’s comments, Song said that the high volume of maritime traffic and sheer size and depth of the South China Sea made searching for submarines difficult
“So the PLA is trying to enhance its capabilities by constantly installing and testing new anti-submarine equipment,” he said.
NIOA Australia Set to Produce F-35A Gun Ammunition
27 Maret 2020
F-35 25mm gun ammunition (photo: DailyTech)
Rheinmetall NIOA Munitions set to produce and export medium-calibre ammunition for US Joint Strike Fighter programme
In an Australian first, Rheinmetall NIOA Munitions (RNM) is set to produce and export ammunition for the US F-35 Joint Strike Fighter programme.
RNM has announced that it will begin production of 25mm Frangible Armoured Piercing (FAP) projectiles at the federal government-owned Benalla plant in Victoria.
The deal marks the first expansion of the RNM joint venture beyond its $60m artillery shell forging plant in Maryborough, Queensland.
Rheinmetall Waffe Munitions is a global multinational weapons manufacturer, while Australian-owned NIOA is the leading supplier of weapons and munitions to the Australian Defence Force.
The new Load Assemble Pack (LAP) line at Benalla will be capable of producing 20mm to 35mm medium-calibre ammunition.
Rheinmetall Waffe Munitions aims to serve as a secondary source supplier to the US government for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter programme.
Werner Kraemer, chairman of the board of directors at RNM, said that with the Maryborough project on track, it was time to expand the footprint and capabilities of the joint venture company in Australia.
“We are totally committed to this joint venture and the Australian market. By committing to develop this medium-calibre production capability here in Australia, we will not only create local jobs and build a supply chain, we will also be developing a proven and sustainable export market,” Mr Kraemer said.
NIOA managing director Robert Nioa noted that the Benalla project would enable development of a true sovereign capability in medium-calibre munitions in Australia.
“The establishment of this new capability at Benalla is a first for Australian industry. On the back of a 100 percent private sector investment, we will ensure that future munitions supplied to the ADF will be made right here in Australia,” Mr Nioa said.
The line is scheduled to be installed in the first half of 2021 and be at full production by September that year.
(Rheinmetall NIOA)
F-35 25mm gun ammunition (photo: DailyTech)
Rheinmetall NIOA Munitions set to produce and export medium-calibre ammunition for US Joint Strike Fighter programme
In an Australian first, Rheinmetall NIOA Munitions (RNM) is set to produce and export ammunition for the US F-35 Joint Strike Fighter programme.
RNM has announced that it will begin production of 25mm Frangible Armoured Piercing (FAP) projectiles at the federal government-owned Benalla plant in Victoria.
The deal marks the first expansion of the RNM joint venture beyond its $60m artillery shell forging plant in Maryborough, Queensland.
Rheinmetall Waffe Munitions is a global multinational weapons manufacturer, while Australian-owned NIOA is the leading supplier of weapons and munitions to the Australian Defence Force.
The new Load Assemble Pack (LAP) line at Benalla will be capable of producing 20mm to 35mm medium-calibre ammunition.
Rheinmetall Waffe Munitions aims to serve as a secondary source supplier to the US government for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter programme.
Werner Kraemer, chairman of the board of directors at RNM, said that with the Maryborough project on track, it was time to expand the footprint and capabilities of the joint venture company in Australia.
“We are totally committed to this joint venture and the Australian market. By committing to develop this medium-calibre production capability here in Australia, we will not only create local jobs and build a supply chain, we will also be developing a proven and sustainable export market,” Mr Kraemer said.
NIOA managing director Robert Nioa noted that the Benalla project would enable development of a true sovereign capability in medium-calibre munitions in Australia.
“The establishment of this new capability at Benalla is a first for Australian industry. On the back of a 100 percent private sector investment, we will ensure that future munitions supplied to the ADF will be made right here in Australia,” Mr Nioa said.
The line is scheduled to be installed in the first half of 2021 and be at full production by September that year.
(Rheinmetall NIOA)
26 Maret 2020
Sea Rider Perkuat Alutsista di Lanal Nunukan
26 Maret 2020
Sea Rider saat dilakukan pengujian menuju Mako Lanal Nunukan (photo : defence.pk, Niaga)
NUNUKAN.NIAGA.ASIA – Karya anak bangsa kembali mengisi kekuatan maritim Indonesia. Kali ini, pangkalan TNI AL Nunukan mendapatkan tambahan Alutsista (Alat Utama Sistem Persenjataan) berupa Sea Rider buatan PT Lundin Industry Invest, dari Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur.
Komadan Lanal Nunukan Letkol Laut (P) Anton Pratomo mengatakan, dua alutsista jenis Sea Rider, telah dilakukan serah terima dari perusahaan PT Lundin Industry Invest kepada Lanal Nunukan, yang diwakili Penjabat Sementara (Pjs) Pasops Lanal Nunukan Lettu Laut (P) Nanang Setyo Budi.
“Hari ini, dilakukan serah terima Sea Rider dari perusahaan PT Lundin Industry Invest ke Lanal Nunukan diwalili Pjs Pasop Lanal,” katanya, Selasa (24/3).
Usai dilakukan serah terima, Sea Rider langsung diujicoba dari pelabuhan Tunon Taka Nunukan, menuju Mako Lanal Nunukan. Sea Rider sendiri dilengkapi dengan 2 mesin gantung merk Yamaha 300 PK.
Alutsista ini memiliki kecepatan maksimal 60 Knot di atas permukaan laut. Sea Rider Lanal juga dilengkapi dengan alat navigasi yang cukup canggih. Seperti radar, AIS (Automatic Identification System), dan Thermal Camera (Kamera Pendeteksi Temperatur).
Dengan adanya Sea Rider, personil patroli Lanal Nunukan setidaknya bisa mendeteksi musuh ataupun hal-hal membahayakan meski, dalam kondisi minim penerangan atau kegelapan, apabila ditunjang dengan kecepatan yang melebihi spedboot biasa, di wilayah perbatasan Nunukan.
“Sea Rider kita mampu mendeteksi musuh walaupun minim penerangan. Soal kecepatan, jangan diragukan lagi,” ungkapnya.
Dikatakan Danlanal, alutsista Sea Rider diharapakan mampu menjaga wilayah kedaulatan teritorial laut Indonesia bagian Utara Kalimantan, sekaligus dapat menjawab segala ancaman di perairan perbatasan Nunukan.
“Gangguan, hambatan dan tantangan di perairan perbatasan semakin kompleks. Kedepannya, Sea Rider juga akan dilengkapi dengan senjata kaliber 7,65 MM di bagian di haluan,” demikian Anton.
NUNUKAN.NIAGA.ASIA – Karya anak bangsa kembali mengisi kekuatan maritim Indonesia. Kali ini, pangkalan TNI AL Nunukan mendapatkan tambahan Alutsista (Alat Utama Sistem Persenjataan) berupa Sea Rider buatan PT Lundin Industry Invest, dari Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur.
Komadan Lanal Nunukan Letkol Laut (P) Anton Pratomo mengatakan, dua alutsista jenis Sea Rider, telah dilakukan serah terima dari perusahaan PT Lundin Industry Invest kepada Lanal Nunukan, yang diwakili Penjabat Sementara (Pjs) Pasops Lanal Nunukan Lettu Laut (P) Nanang Setyo Budi.
“Hari ini, dilakukan serah terima Sea Rider dari perusahaan PT Lundin Industry Invest ke Lanal Nunukan diwalili Pjs Pasop Lanal,” katanya, Selasa (24/3).
Usai dilakukan serah terima, Sea Rider langsung diujicoba dari pelabuhan Tunon Taka Nunukan, menuju Mako Lanal Nunukan. Sea Rider sendiri dilengkapi dengan 2 mesin gantung merk Yamaha 300 PK.
Alutsista ini memiliki kecepatan maksimal 60 Knot di atas permukaan laut. Sea Rider Lanal juga dilengkapi dengan alat navigasi yang cukup canggih. Seperti radar, AIS (Automatic Identification System), dan Thermal Camera (Kamera Pendeteksi Temperatur).
Dengan adanya Sea Rider, personil patroli Lanal Nunukan setidaknya bisa mendeteksi musuh ataupun hal-hal membahayakan meski, dalam kondisi minim penerangan atau kegelapan, apabila ditunjang dengan kecepatan yang melebihi spedboot biasa, di wilayah perbatasan Nunukan.
“Sea Rider kita mampu mendeteksi musuh walaupun minim penerangan. Soal kecepatan, jangan diragukan lagi,” ungkapnya.
Dikatakan Danlanal, alutsista Sea Rider diharapakan mampu menjaga wilayah kedaulatan teritorial laut Indonesia bagian Utara Kalimantan, sekaligus dapat menjawab segala ancaman di perairan perbatasan Nunukan.
“Gangguan, hambatan dan tantangan di perairan perbatasan semakin kompleks. Kedepannya, Sea Rider juga akan dilengkapi dengan senjata kaliber 7,65 MM di bagian di haluan,” demikian Anton.
Raytheon is Awarded Contract to Produce AIM-9X Block II for Australia, Singapore, and Others
26 Maret 2020
AIM-9X Block II missile (photo : Raytheon)
Raytheon Missile Systems, Tucson, Arizona, is awarded a $392,412,665 modification (P00009) to a previously awarded fixed-price-incentive-firm contract (N00019-18-C-1068). This modification exercises options for the production and delivery of tactical missiles (Lot 20 AIM-9X, Block II and Block II plus), captive air training missiles, plus all up round tactical missiles, captive test missiles, special air training missiles, advanced optical target detectors, Block II and II plus guidance units (live battery), captive air training missile guidance units (inert battery), Block I and II propulsion steering sections, electronic units, multiple purpose training missiles, tail caps, maintenance, sectionalization kits, containers and spares for the Air Force, Navy and the governments of Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, Israel, Japan, Morocco, the Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.
Work will be performed in Tucson, Arizona (31%); Andover, Massachusetts (10%); Keyser, West Virginia (9%); Santa Clarita, California (8%); Hillsboro, Oregon (5%); Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (5%); Goleta, California (4%); Cheshire, Connecticut (4%); Heilbronn, Germany (3%); Simsbury, Connecticut (2%); San Jose, California (2%); Valencia, California (2%); Anaheim, California (2%); Cajon, California (2%); Cincinnati, Ohio (1%); Anniston, Alabama (1%); San Diego, California (1%); Chatsworth, California (1%); Amesbury, Massachusetts (1%); Claremont, California (1%); Sumner, Washington (1%); and various locations within the continental U.S. (4%), and is expected to be completed in July 2023.
In addition, this modification provides for material in support of repairs, depot maintenance and refurbishment. The following funds will be obligated at the time of award: fiscal 2020 weapons procurement (Navy) funds in the amount of $135,790,070; fiscal 2020 missile procurement (Air Force) funds in the amount of $129,267,647; fiscal 2020 research, development, test and evaluation (Air Force) funds in the amount of $8,172,170; fiscal 2020 operations and maintenance (Navy) funds in the amount of $2,999,656; fiscal 2020 research, development, test and evaluation (Navy) funds in the amount of $800,197; fiscal 2019 missile procurement (Air Force) funds in the amount of $6,189,530; fiscal 2019 weapons procurement (Navy) funds in the amount of $3,262,027; fiscal 2019 research, development, test and evaluation (Air Force) in the amount of $598,896; fiscal 2018 missile procurement (Air Force) in the amount of $503,814; fiscal 2018 weapons procurement (Navy) funds in the amount of $267,280 and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) funds in the amount of $104,561,378. $4,369,646 of the funds obligated at contract award will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This modification combines purchases for the Air Force ($144,732,057; 36.88%); Navy ($143,119,230; 36.47%); and FMS customers ($104,561,378; 26.65%). The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.
(US DoD)
AIM-9X Block II missile (photo : Raytheon)
Raytheon Missile Systems, Tucson, Arizona, is awarded a $392,412,665 modification (P00009) to a previously awarded fixed-price-incentive-firm contract (N00019-18-C-1068). This modification exercises options for the production and delivery of tactical missiles (Lot 20 AIM-9X, Block II and Block II plus), captive air training missiles, plus all up round tactical missiles, captive test missiles, special air training missiles, advanced optical target detectors, Block II and II plus guidance units (live battery), captive air training missile guidance units (inert battery), Block I and II propulsion steering sections, electronic units, multiple purpose training missiles, tail caps, maintenance, sectionalization kits, containers and spares for the Air Force, Navy and the governments of Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, Israel, Japan, Morocco, the Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.
Work will be performed in Tucson, Arizona (31%); Andover, Massachusetts (10%); Keyser, West Virginia (9%); Santa Clarita, California (8%); Hillsboro, Oregon (5%); Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (5%); Goleta, California (4%); Cheshire, Connecticut (4%); Heilbronn, Germany (3%); Simsbury, Connecticut (2%); San Jose, California (2%); Valencia, California (2%); Anaheim, California (2%); Cajon, California (2%); Cincinnati, Ohio (1%); Anniston, Alabama (1%); San Diego, California (1%); Chatsworth, California (1%); Amesbury, Massachusetts (1%); Claremont, California (1%); Sumner, Washington (1%); and various locations within the continental U.S. (4%), and is expected to be completed in July 2023.
In addition, this modification provides for material in support of repairs, depot maintenance and refurbishment. The following funds will be obligated at the time of award: fiscal 2020 weapons procurement (Navy) funds in the amount of $135,790,070; fiscal 2020 missile procurement (Air Force) funds in the amount of $129,267,647; fiscal 2020 research, development, test and evaluation (Air Force) funds in the amount of $8,172,170; fiscal 2020 operations and maintenance (Navy) funds in the amount of $2,999,656; fiscal 2020 research, development, test and evaluation (Navy) funds in the amount of $800,197; fiscal 2019 missile procurement (Air Force) funds in the amount of $6,189,530; fiscal 2019 weapons procurement (Navy) funds in the amount of $3,262,027; fiscal 2019 research, development, test and evaluation (Air Force) in the amount of $598,896; fiscal 2018 missile procurement (Air Force) in the amount of $503,814; fiscal 2018 weapons procurement (Navy) funds in the amount of $267,280 and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) funds in the amount of $104,561,378. $4,369,646 of the funds obligated at contract award will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This modification combines purchases for the Air Force ($144,732,057; 36.88%); Navy ($143,119,230; 36.47%); and FMS customers ($104,561,378; 26.65%). The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.
(US DoD)