27 Maret 2020
PLAN KQ200 anti submarin aircraft (photo : sinodefence, the diplomat)
Chinese military aircraft recently conducted an anti-submarine drill over the South China Sea, the People’s Liberation Army said on Friday, amid a growing number of patrols and exercises by US warships in the region.
The drill, which involved two aircraft, was conducted earlier this month, not long before the US naval and marine units took part in expeditionary strike force training in the disputed waters, the PLA Navy said in a report.
While acknowledging the difficulties involved in such an operation, the report said the aircraft successfully identified several suspicious objects.
“Anti-submarine exercises are like trying to find a needle in a haystack. It’s difficult, the underwater hydrological conditions are complex,” Yu Yang, the captain of one of the aircraft, was quoted as saying.
But by having two planes working together, it “increase[d] the probability of finding a submarine”, he said.
Wang Shelin, one of the commanders of the exercise, said that anti-submarine operations were not only dangerous but a real test of the pilots’ skills.
Successfully completing the mission demanded precise “control of the speed and altitude of the aircraft”, he said.
The publication of the PLA report came after the United States staged a four-day exercise in the South China Sea last week involving the Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group, the America Expeditionary Strike Group and the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit.
At the end of last month, the US Navy accused the PLA of “unsafe and unprofessional” behaviour after a Chinese destroyer pointed a laser at an American maritime patrol aircraft flying over international waters west of Guam.
Collin Koh, a research fellow with the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, said the Chinese military was keen to promote its anti-submarine capabilities.
“This means we can expect to see more such exercises in the future, with no let up because of the coronavirus,” he said.
“You can also see this as a response not only to the [recent] carrier strike group operations, but the intensified US military presence in the South China Sea.
“And it would not be surprising if a nuclear attack submarine was in the vicinity of the carrier strike group,” he said.
Song Zhongping, a Hong Kong-based commentator on military affairs, said that with the possibility of a military conflict growing in the South China Sea, it was important for the PLA Navy to increase its anti-submarine training.
“The rivalry between the great powers is getting more and more intense, and the PLA must strengthen its preparations,” he said.
Echoing commander Wang’s comments, Song said that the high volume of maritime traffic and sheer size and depth of the South China Sea made searching for submarines difficult
“So the PLA is trying to enhance its capabilities by constantly installing and testing new anti-submarine equipment,” he said.
Prepare to bully malondogs
BalasHapusMalon dah punya 50 biji
HapusBiji upil😁
So pasti nya dong bro 😁😂🤣
Hapusperhatian..perhatiaaaannn haha!📢📢📢
Hapussering cuci tangan 20 detik 🚰🚰🚰🧼🧼🧼
ato pake hen sanitaiser 🧴🧴🧴
ama pake masker 😷😷😷🤒🤒🤒
pake kaca mata renang 🥽🥽🥽
pisikal distansing
jaga jarak +/- semeter ama terduga sakit
gausa jaga jarak ama tetangga kesayangan, gred a, uda jauh soalnye haha!📶📶📶
moga2 om2, tanta2 dijauhi dr bhy pirus kopid-19🆘🆘🆘
Malondog harus punya ini plane, biar tak plonga plongo sekawasan
HapusTolong tldm siapkan makan diang, itu paukan chinese kelelahan exercise,,, pur pijit pur.. 😁
BalasHapusMkn siang.. 😁 (koreksi)
Hapushttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J92NdAXI27w&t=1s 👆tahu bulat
HapusMalon berdegil tiada berpisah 😁
HapusES TONG TONG jugak donk om je, full serpis buat yg jaga ZEE gred a haha!🥳🥳🥳
HapusNo matter we still got queen backup..haha
BalasHapusMiss queen ya lon
Hapus=======NOT save my queen
Tipikal pengecut...mengharapkan bantuan negara lain...membanggakan alutsista negara lain...klaim budaya negara lain...malon coward
HapusUdah lelah dia guys 🤣
HapusSudah falsafah hidup negara mereka. Merdeka semu pun di beri sama British 😁😁😁, yg berdarah darah melawan British tak di anggap sebagai pahlawan tapi malah di musuhi dan di singkirkan dari catatan sejarah 😁 🎈🎈🎈
HapusPadahal nunggu mama eli dari diego garcia 2 minggu sampai laut china selatan, dari australia 1 minggu, itu juga australia mengharap indonesia menghadang china
HapusQueenmu itupun lg begaduh dgn negara2 Europe pasal BREXIT 😁😁
HapusP-3 Orion (Kw-1)...😁
BalasHapusTinggal nunggu Kw'an P-8 Pose'edan...😁
Hapus...Edan Turun, kah ?
Hapus... Xixixixixixixi 😁
...Edan Turun, kah ?
Hapus... Xixixixixixixi 😁
Melayu pukimak mana berani
BalasHapusUsah bicara besar pak. Urusin corona dulu.... nanti ratusan ribu warga Indonesia, khususnya Jakarta akan dijangkiti corona dan mungkin mati. Urusin dulu dan jangan bicara besar. Militer yang kuat nggak bisa ngurusin corona????
BalasHapusUrusin dulu rakyat malon yg kelaparan lon,jgn ikut campur masalah negara lain
HapusEmang negaramu udah beres lon...sumber corona asean ya malonjing
HapusBocah kakean cocot iki,.. 🙄
HapusNgomong apa mabuk bocah iki
HapusYg dipertuan agong raja beruk dikarantina bray
BalasHapusternyata tank pt 91 pendekar buatan deftech loh
Iya ternyata...adnan acv juga...malon malon 🤣🤣🤣
HapusTermasuk MBT Abramspun buatan DEFTECH 😁😂🤣
Hapuscn-235 jugak haha!😱😱😱
Hapusmkm jugak haha!🥱🥱🥱
eh lion jugak kahh? wahh bner2 temfel stiker ati2 haha!🤣🤣🤣
Pesawat cina nih digunakan untuk patrol di raja jarom dan petinggi ali yg merupakan wilayah cina cina sendiri 😂🤣😁
BalasHapusalih2 bayar bunga, ehhh ke jepun om pit, ngapaen hayo? haha!🤑🤑🤑
HapusPinjaman dari Jepun untuk bayar hutang Putrajaya
😁😂🤣 tuh namanya gali lobong tutup lobang ompal 😁😂💘
HapusBocah kakean cocot iki..
BalasHapusRaja beruk dikarantina akibat staff istana diraja beruk bnyk yg positif corona
BalasHapusDi Sumpeli dzubor bangla ae cocote ben meneng
Malaysia Military Power shared a post.
March 16 at 3:09 AM ·
Show of force dalam ZEE Malaysia
For the first time a H-6J naval bomber was spotted - taken from a Malaysian oil platform - carrying 4 YJ-12 AShMs and ECM-pods during a long range recon/"show of force" mission over the disputed South China Sea.
(Image via Huitong's CMA-Blog)
Image may contain: airplane
Modern Chinese Warplanes
March 16 at 1:05 AM ·
spesial buat gred a, BOMBER jek! haha!🏧🏧🏧
HapusH-6J itu pesawat debt collector dari Wuhan yg lagi nagih cicilan LMS ompalb😁😂🤣
Hapusnyoiih om pit, pura2 lokdon pdhl ga mo bayar haha!🤑🤑🤑
HapusGimana malon cs...( oke kan rupiah kita) 😁😁😁
nyoiihh om, royal kmukus aman haha!💯💯💯
Amanlah...om pal😁😁
HapusTapi tdk boleh terlena hantu resesi siap di dpn mata..
tuch royal kemukus yg tajir mlintir aja masi mo berjimat eh hemat.
Hapussdangken ada tuch krajaan disebelah borosnya minta ampyun,
gonta ganti raja,
gonta ganti pm
gonta ganti bini uppss...haha!😜😜😜
Tapi ada salah satu oknum ngustadz senang banget rupiah anjlok
Hapusspekulan dolar keknya haha!🤑🤑🤑
BalasHapusThe SAF and the Australian Defence Force have a long history of military cooperation, with extensive interactions including bilateral and multilateral exercises, professional exchanges, cross attendance of courses, and joint operational deployment. Notably, the SAF will mark the 30th anniversary of its training in the SWBTA in October 2020.
smentara 2 anggota faif difens pawa maen tembak2an bareng
KL kok dicuekin yak, pdhl baruw disamperin BOMBER! kringet dingin gan asolole haha!🤣🤣🤣
Malaysia Military Power shared a post.
March 16 at 3:09 AM ·
Show of force dalam ZEE Malaysia
For the first time a H-6J naval bomber was spotted - taken from a Malaysian oil platform - carrying 4 YJ-12 AShMs and ECM-pods during a long range recon/"show of force" mission over the disputed South China Sea.
(Image via Huitong's CMA-Blog)
Image may contain: airplane
Modern Chinese Warplanes
March 16 at 1:05 AM ·
yang dua ini aja ogah bantuin, apalagi sang RATU, salam saja haha!👋👋👋
Hapus.. Ini H 6 j.. Ngumpet di daster si gempuur cs😁😁
Hapusbom waktu haha!💣💣💣
HapusMalon hanya jadi penonton ttg kehebatan tentera Singapura dan tak menyangka bekas ex 1 persekutuan nya dulu sekarang lebih gagah dan kuat perlengkapan perangnya.
Hapuskala saing gt om but? wahh kesian gred a yak haha!😂😂😂
HapusMalon cukup ngences kata anggota FPDA yg lain 😁😂🤣
HapusKamu tahu kenapa Jokowi takut lockdown? Kerna Indon nggak punya kapasitas untuk menangani nya. Ekonomi merundun, bilangan rakyat yang berada di bawah garis kemiskinan 40%. Pasti berlaku penjarahan khusus kepada orang Cina jika lockdown dibuat. Tapi jika nggak lockdown, pasti ratusan ribu bisa mati. Yang mahu lockdown Yusuf Kalla, Anies Baswedan, Rocky Gerung...
BalasHapusKarena tau.. Kamu kebanyakan muntah di DS 🤮🤮🤮🤮😁😁😁😁
HapusTapi raja malonsial kena kan ? Rajanya sudah ga sakti. Makanya jangan sok paling suci lon.....😁
HapusLebih sial lagi malonsial sekarang, negara berjalan dengan Wang yg sebahagiaan besar dari hutang Kat china dan Japan Bond. Harga komoditi export adalan Malon juga merudumm😁
HapusKerana lock down dilakukan Indonesia,ekonomi dunia bisa hancur lon kerana barang import tak boleh masuk ke Indonesia,jadi US,RUSIA & negara2 eropah minta tolong kpd Indonesia supaya Indonesia jgn lockdown
HapusIndonesia, the next epicenter of covid 19 in Asia. The next Italy.
BalasHapusMalon dulu😁😁😁
HapusTapi Real malingsial lebih dahulu yg apes nasib. Naudzubillah. Ha..ha...😁
HapusLha Malon yg paling banyak kata UNICEF 😁😂🤣
Hapusuppss siapah dia?
BalasHapusyg fasti bukan kita gaesz,
afakah gred a haha!😷😷😷
US no 1 ompal
HapusTidak ada sejarahnya melayu pukimak berani halau show force china di lcs..
BalasHapusAda mas... Di mimpinya gempur cs😁😁🤣🤣
HapusTak de keberanian usir bomber China, karena hati tissue bencong😁
HapusJangankan nak halau cina,nak halau jaring pukat nguyen & KKP Indonesia sahajapun ATM tak de telor 😁😂🤣
HapusPenerbang Skadron Udara 11 terus Berlatih Dog Fight dan BVR di Lanud Iswahjudi
smentara pilot tempur kita latihan tiada henti.
lah klo gred a/KL malah disamperin debt kolektor bawa BOMBER! kayaknya kagak bayar cicilan pertama kapal korona si LeMeS, langsung di ZEE, aseli no tepu2 brita dr om GGK haha!🤣🤣🤣
Malaysia Military Power shared a post.
March 16 at 3:09 AM ·
Show of force dalam ZEE Malaysia
For the first time a H-6J naval bomber was spotted - taken from a Malaysian oil platform - carrying 4 YJ-12 AShMs and ECM-pods during a long range recon/"show of force" mission over the disputed South China Sea.
(Image via Huitong's CMA-Blog)
Image may contain: airplane
Modern Chinese Warplanes
March 16 at 1:05 AM ·
Mereka jga latihan BVR mas...
HapusTpi B nya Bokong😁😁😁🤣🤣🤣
husss sensorr..sensoorrr haha!🤫🤫🤫
HapusATM cuma bs kecut berak seluar didatangin bomber H-6J Cina 😁😂🤣
HapusUS Warship Launches RAM in Philippine Sea Live Fire Training
korona gini, amrik latian belain filipin hore haha!👏👏👏
lah klo gred a/KL malah disamperin debt kolektor, gak ada yg bantuin coy haha!🤣🤣🤣
Malaysia Military Power shared a post.
March 16 at 3:09 AM ·
Show of force dalam ZEE Malaysia
For the first time a H-6J naval bomber was spotted - taken from a Malaysian oil platform - carrying 4 YJ-12 AShMs and ECM-pods during a long range recon/"show of force" mission over the disputed South China Sea.
(Image via Huitong's CMA-Blog)
Image may contain: airplane
Modern Chinese Warplanes
March 16 at 1:05 AM ·
ATM pura2 dungu saat bomber H-6J melintas ompal 😁😂🤣
Hapusmungkin dikira MH om pit..wakwaaow haha!👻👻👻
HapusF-35 Fighter Jets Take Part in Cobra Gold for the First Time
korona...gini thailand ama amrik latian militer hore haha!👏👏👏
lah klo gred a/KL malah disamperin BOMBER! gak ada yg bantuin, kesian haha!🤣🤣🤣
Malaysia Military Power shared a post.
March 16 at 3:09 AM ·
Show of force dalam ZEE Malaysia
For the first time a H-6J naval bomber was spotted - taken from a Malaysian oil platform - carrying 4 YJ-12 AShMs and ECM-pods during a long range recon/"show of force" mission over the disputed South China Sea.
(Image via Huitong's CMA-Blog)
Image may contain: airplane
Modern Chinese Warplanes
March 16 at 1:05 AM ·
Bila didatangin bomber H-6J cina,ATM pura2 dungu ompal 😁😂🤣
HapusRussia, Indonesia Agree Upon First Joint Navy Exercises Timeline
korona gini indonesia ama rusiah mo latian militer bareng hore haha!👏👏👏
lah klo gred a/KL malah disamperin BOMBER! gak ada yg bantuin afalagi ngajak latian perang2an, kesian haha!🤣🤣🤣
Malaysia Military Power shared a post.
March 16 at 3:09 AM ·
Show of force dalam ZEE Malaysia
For the first time a H-6J naval bomber was spotted - taken from a Malaysian oil platform - carrying 4 YJ-12 AShMs and ECM-pods during a long range recon/"show of force" mission over the disputed South China Sea.
(Image via Huitong's CMA-Blog)
Image may contain: airplane
Modern Chinese Warplanes
March 16 at 1:05 AM ·
Hapusnunggu ratu gak dateng2, berat diongkos ktnya haha!🥳🥳🥳
HapusZEE gred a ditrobos kok gak ada yg skrambel pespur gituw yak, katanya punya radar TOP 5 haha!📡📡📡
BalasHapustp kok macet lg cem ilang pesawat GEDE nombor 370 ituw, coba cek siapa yg jaga layar radar tuw, jangan2 yg doyan fisank lg haha!🍌🍌🍌
minimal tengok2 kirim kafal gt cem si LeMeS, weeiii
Yg Jaga radar lgi FOKUS link pornhub😁😁😁...
HapusMbah Gono,Mbah Gono tau ke 😁😂🤣
Hapussensoorr..seennsoorr byk abegeehh om haha!🥳🥳🥳
Malon lawannya pake bomoh bro 😁😂🤣
HapusMereka lawan pakek raja mereka yang kenak korono...tapi didekat xinjinping...ambyar dah
HapusKapan kita bikin ASW dr CN 235 n C295 ?? 2/3lautan harusnya diprioritaskan.
BalasHapusBREAKING NEWS..!!!
BalasHapusPOOR MALAYS... THATS IT..🍌🍌🍌🍌🐒
Malays beggar...🚯
Hai, apakah Anda mencari pemberi pinjaman yang legal dan andal? Apakah Anda memerlukan pinjaman? Apakah Anda memerlukan bantuan keuangan yang mendesak? Apakah Anda memerlukan pinjaman mendesak untuk melunasi hutang Anda atau apakah Anda memerlukan pinjaman modal untuk meningkatkan bisnis Anda? Kami menawarkan semua jenis pinjaman kepada individu dan perusahaan dengan tingkat bunga 2% dengan ketentuan yang jelas dan mudah dipahami. Kami akan mengirimkan jumlah berapapun ke lokasi mana pun, jika Anda tertarik dengan pinjaman dari perusahaan kami, silakan hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut
BalasHapus(E-MAIL) globalfinanceloancompany1@gmail.com
Malaysia Lockdown, Produsen Kondom Terbesar di Dunia Tutup
Dunia diprediksikan akan mengalami kelangkaan kondom
Kondom malaysia mendonia..ini je keheibatan darul kondom malays..
Bukan saje darul kelakar.. Malays sdh jadi Darul Kondom...😂😂😂👍👍👍🍌🐒🍌🐒
Biar gak disangka bual.. Cantumkan link pulak..https://www.idntimes.com/news/world/fatimah-8/malaysia-lockdown-produsen-kondom-terbesar-di-dunia-tutup-c1c2
Gempoor dani xavier dll pasti senang tahu malays mendunia...