The KF-21 Boramae fighter, which is being developed with domestic technology from design to production, is expected to serve as a new leap forward for the improvement of the Korean Air Force's power and the development of the defense industry. It started development in 2016 and achieved a splendid achievement by releasing a prototype in April last year through endless research and challenges. After that, systematic ground tests were continued, and next month, the thrilling first flight test of 'Prototype Unit 1' will be conducted.
On the 9th, June at the fuel test building of the Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) in Sacheon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, the fuel system test of the KF-21 prototype No. 4 was in progress. Engineers standing on the central part of the aircraft were calculating data by connecting or comparing the aerial refueling devices installed in the building with the aircraft. Numerous cables and connecting wires connected to the aircraft led to various measurement and test equipment, and complex numbers and graphs continued to pour on laptops and monitors of each equipment.
In such a process, engineers from the technical departments for each system who raised the test requirements and the agents who will perform the work in the actual field work together. Functional tests, performance tests, environmental tests, and life tests are performed starting with the smallest unit that constitutes an aircraft, and soundness is checked in consideration of the aircraft operating environment.
There are many types of tests that require 95% completion of the ground test before the flight test, but the perfect aircraft is born through each process that is repeated in detail. After the prototype was released last year, the time given until the flight test scheduled for next month is about a year and three months. Every minute and every second is precious to complete the ground test within the period.
Currently, the KF-21 ground test is being conducted with 6 flight prototypes and 2 rescue prototypes. Each prototype gives a common test and a specific test for each unit. This is because it is difficult to carry out various difficult tests within the deadline. Accordingly, in the nearby structural test building, the 3rd prototype was conducting a load correction test, and the 5th and 6th units were performing a functional check at another location.
Up to this day, the progress of the ground test is about 50% of the overall test plan (based on test conditions). However, about 95% of progress has been made in terms of test conditions for safe flight (SOF) that must be performed before the first flight. The remaining 5% is expected to be filled by a ground run test starting next week. In addition, if the runway test is completed as scheduled, Prototype No. 1 is expected to take off for the first time next month.
The runway test will be conducted in stages such as low speed, medium speed, and high speed. In particular, a test to check the speed at which the vertical tail effect, a type of tail, occurs, and a test to check whether the emergency braking cable installed at the end of the runway engages properly with the hook installed at the rear of the aircraft in consideration of emergency situations such as brake failure.
In the flight test, six prototypes participate sequentially. About 2,000 flights are scheduled, and the number may increase or decrease depending on circumstances. The field engineer explained that one flight would be filled with all kinds of tension and pressure. In the process of finding safety and stability, every test moment carries risks.
See full article Kookbang
Amankeun dari Genk waria 😁😁😁
BalasHapusom linknya mana..uda lama gak goyang nich haha!🤣🤣🤣
HapusBikin auto dengki sebelah nii
kecewa tepatnya om ANU gagal maning haha!😝😝😝
HapusGempork PEMBUAL halunisasi sekejap lg nak hantar troll hoax ngoahahaha
BalasHapusManakala sebelah klaim dah terhubung,dah sign MOU,dah sign tunjuk minat tapi semua itu cuma BUAL aka PRANK je wkwkwk
BalasHapus5 tahun tak bayar wang program guys.... tak rasa MALU ke....???? wkwkwkkwkwkw
BalasHapusDah sign kontrak efektif pembelian korvet misil Korea tapi malon tak nak bayar...tak rasa malu keh ngoahahaha
HapusPork Ayam Mahal..Kasihan UpinIpin tak bs makan ayam goyeng wkwkwkkkkk🤣🤣🤣
Hapus12 tahun tak jadi jadi si MahaLele LCS itu lebih lelucon yang sangat memalukan bagi industri perkapalan Malonsia ..wkwkwk .. Lu Pork berkaca pada cermin kenapa negeri Malon katanya ber tamadun Melayu tapi sangat Bodoh sekali
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapus10 tahun mangkrak tak malu ke? Wkwkwkwkwkwk
BalasHapus5 tahun tak bayar wang Missile Corvette.... tak rasa MALU ke....???? wkwkwkkwkwkwk
BalasHapusYang penting pemerintah korea gak ribut kayak gempurg1l4, mau loe dengki sampai lebaran monyet, indonesia berada didepan malon.
BalasHapusDan loe terimah n gak terimah indonesia lebih maju.
Jangan bilang masalah utang, negara loe utangnya jg bnyak n hapir gak sanggup bayar. Itu fakta
5 tahun tak bayar hutang ke vendor RM 1 Billion,tak ada MALU keh ngoahahaha
BalasHapusAda yang panas dan dengki melihat Indonesia lebih maju guys
BalasHapusGempur dengki merah putih masih nempel di
HapusDiorang inginkan jalur gemilang nempel tapi apa daya malon miskin dan tiada kepakaran bina pesawat terbang wkwkwk
HapusMuantab....KF-21 INDO dan KORSEL dengan teknologi canggih guys....
BalasHapusHEBAT guys....JANGAN DENGKI....wkwkkwkw
Admin kejam masa gak ada sih berita shopping Malon sama sekali?lol
BalasHapusGeng MALON makin KERASUKAN guys...wkwkwkwk
BalasHapusJELAS karena MALON IRI DENGKI...wkwkwkwkwk
bukti JV
BalasHapusbendera RI sebelah kiri🇮🇩
bendera Koryo sebelah kanan🇰🇷
bangun pesawat KF-21 dari NOL
tanda kerjasama RI-KORYO
Level RI slaluw diatas KL gaesz haha!👍👍👍
KL itu levelnya setaraf Timor Leste dan Somalia tiada kepakaran bina apapun ompal ngoahahaha
Hapuskatanya jago bikin monumen bisa om ppit haha!😝😝😝
HapusKalau yg dibawah bendera Korea Selatan itu logo apa yah? Kayak ada gambar negara kita.
Hapusmirip peta RI yak om irs, keknya logo firma koryo dech haha!🤭🤭🤭
HapusMirip banget. Kayak ada Sumatra, Kalimantan sama Papua bagian barat.
HapusLogo yg lain lumayan jelas, dari kiri ke kanan:
Logo nya DAPA,KAI,
HapusItu logo DEPHAN kita om pal...
Hapusbedalah yg ama si "ANU" gaesz,
BalasHapusada SPH yavuz turkiye..lgs temfel stiker
ada 1st-WIN Thailen......lgs temfel stiker
ada DONGFENG pun....lgs temfel stiker haha!🤣🤣🤣
tebak siapa gaeszzz....
Itu ompal yang daging ayam lagi langka di negaranya NGOAHAHAHA
Hapusmakloum makanan pokoknya fisank om pit, jd lupa nernakin ayam 🦃 haha!🍌🍌🍌
HapusAda negara lagi hebat....
BalasHapusSign kontrak pun BELUM tapi sudah klaim TERHUBUNG dengan KORSEL.... Wkwkkwkwkwkw
Lagi LAWAK... ...panglima TLDM harus NGEMIS dan MENYEMBAH kerajaan untuk kelulusan kapal.... Wkwkkwkwkw
Dulupun cakap dah terhubung dengan kuwait dalam perolehan hornet kuwait bro ngoahahaha...diorang sudah gila dan stress akut bro merasa diorang adalah menteri pertahanan malon suka klaim sana sini tak taunya cuma halunisasi wkwkwk
HapusYoi..bener banget geng Malon pada stres...
HapusKarena kerajaan hanya pandai mengkaji mengkaji dan MEMBUAL...wkwkwk
Itu jelas bendera indonesia masih nempel yaa,
BalasHapusYang nempelin jelas orang korea,
Walaupun nunggak dan dibayar pake cpo,
Mereka tau indonesia adalah partner strategis dan penting,
Berkaca dari pengalaman penjualan fa 50 mereka,
Karena dipake oleh indonesia sekarang laris manis dibeli banyak negara.
Mereka sadar banyak negara yang menjadikan indonesia sebagai tolak ukur pemakaian alutsista berbagai matra.
Mantap INDONESIA dah mampuh buat pespur.... NEGARA PANDAI
BalasHapusYang belum sign kontrak FA 50 wangnya tiada tu tepi sikit.... Wkwkkwkwkwkw
Kasihan sebelah DI PRANK terus.... Mereka sangat KECEWA dan MALU diketawakan... Wkwkkwkwkwkw
kontrak ESYU-30EMKAEM 2003-2022=> 19 tahun
BalasHapuskocak gaesz, jiran si ANU yang 19 tahun
TAK SHOPPING SOPING pespur gaesz kesiaaaaannnn bingit haha!😂😂😂
jauhlah ama TIM ELITTTT
pantesan ranking 61 haha!😜😜😜
eeiittt ada yg lirik...pura2 gak tak liatt..NGERIHH yaaakkk
Hahahahaha... Ranking 67 juga keliatan maksa om pal
makloum menguncup akibat bajet kecil om acno haha!🤏🤏🤏
HapusEh ada Bendera MERAH PUTIH..bukan Bendera Jalur Gemilang Orang Tengah ya guys wkwkwkwkkkkkkk🤣🤣🤣
BalasHapusJalur gemilang itu yg gw tau SEMPAK/CELANA DALAM
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
HapusCawat jalur gemilang sangat terkenal di Australia bro wkwkwk 😀😂
Hapus100 buat Om @ACNO & Om @Pit wkwkwkkkk🤣🤣🤣
HapusGEMPURWIRA 15 Juni 2022 11.03
BalasHapus5 tahun tak bayar wang program guys.... tak rasa MALU ke....???? wkwkwkkwkwkw
Betul sekali purrr... 5 tahun tak bayar wang ke 100 VENDOR LCS.. Akibatnya terhutang RM 3 billion.. Tak tahu malu
Maloners lg pd colect coin om buat batch 2 siLemes, sm mau demo ayam mahal ke PutraJaya huahahaaaa🤣🤣🤣
HapusAyam mahal... Ditempatku ini 1 ekor ayam kingkong besar 30 ribu... YG JUMBO bukan yg kecik
HapusMimin kejam...... Para beruk bakalan kepanasan dg berita ini
BalasHapusYg Kursi Tandem Request nya TNI AU guys..Sebelah Beli Jet Pejuang(JF Sulfur) yg Canopynya pake Engsel pintu Toilet pon tak Mampu Wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
BalasHapusGemPork Ayam Mahal di Semenanjung..Kerajaan crisis Ayam Potong, Kasihan UpinIpin tak bs makan ayam goyeng wkwkwkkkkk🤣🤣🤣
BalasHapusPrototype nomer brp yg akan dikirim ke PT.DI ya guys..
BalasHapusPork,ko nih kan menteri pertahanan malon,aq nak tanya citer bila jet pejuang PTM gen 6 nak laksanakan ground test ngoahahaha 🤣🤣🤣
BalasHapusPTM gen 6 yg kl kena Air Hujan ilmu Halimunnya ilang & jd pemalu ya om @pit, macam samson yg dicabut bulu keteknya jd lemes Wkwkwkkkkkk🤣🤣🤣🤣
HapusYoi bro ngoahahaha 🤣😂
Hapuspesawat full BARUW RAPTOR MINI
BalasHapusuda pasti kita punyak, kan JV hore haha!👏👏👏
sementara jiran kesayangan si ANU tuw...super lambreta dech......full alesan,
nanti tunggu si ReMeK 13, 14, 15,16, 17, 18, 19, 20 last last wassalam gaesz haha!😜😜😜
sbenernya bajet tak ada haha!🤣🤣🤣
Last2 sunyi senyap cuma kaji dan prank je ompal ngoahahaha
HapusSampai PTM gen 6 aja ga terbang om palu Sakin bodoh nya hahaha...
Hapusnyoiiihh gaeszzz...KL mending lanjut temfel stiker aje, jimat kos haha!🤣🤣🤣
HapusHoreee Malon semakin ketinggalan lagi
BalasHapusMalon ketinggalan lagi, denger2 citer mau kongsi buat pesawat TFX tapi dalam mimpi wkwkwk.....
BalasHapusNgeri ya Purr....KF-21 Boramae sudah ada bendera Merah Putihnya...malon tetap bermimpi basah...
BalasHapusTes flight bulan juli..gak sabaran lihat si Boromae cecah udara..heheh😀😀😆
BalasHapusLihaaaat.....pada prototipe IF-21 ke 3 ( 003 ) pada sayap ekor vertikal digambar burung garuda berwarna Merah Putih ( pada prototipe ke 4 gambar pesawat )......jadi lebih oke tuh, ngak hanya pasang bendera saja 🙂
BalasHapusMaloon.....sudah pasti sangat DENGKII melihat prototipe pesawat KF-21 yang ke 3 ( 003 )......WKWKWKWKWK 😁😁😄😄🙂
BalasHapusBulan Juli BabyRaptor cecah Udara..sementara siLele tak cecah² air wkwkwkkkkkkkkk🤣🤣🤣
BalasHapusMaharogolele ogah di tempel bendera jalur gemilang ke??
BalasHapusSalah satu prototipe KF-21 yang diperlihatkan, adalah model tempat duduk tandem yang menjadi salah satu persyaratan TNI Angkatan Udara.
dari 6 prototaip, 1 bijik buat kita yg korsi tandem hore haha!👏👏👏
gak lama lagi RAPTOR MINI datang ke tanah air gaesz....
hom kaming haha!🥳🥳🥳