30 Juni 2024

Viettel Revealed V-EMP/S High-powered Electromagnetic Pulse Countermeasure System

30 Juni 2024

V-EMP/S High-powered Electromagnetic Pulse Countermeasure System (photos: Viet+Offensive)

The Vietnamese military-ran conglomerate Viettel Group has recently revealed its newest electronic warfare product: the V-EMP/S High-powered electromagnetic pulse countermeasure system. Basically a high-powered directed-energy microwave, V-EMP/S is designed to use its aggressive electromagnetic pulse (EMP) capability to physically damage the targeted electronic assets such as drone swarms, while also being able to execute electronic attacks that effectively disrupt hostile operations in its effective range. Ideally, it can be compared with worldwide high-power microwave (HPM) weapons such as the USAF Tactical High Power Microwave Operational Responder (THOR) or Epirus' Leonidas family of solutions. Unfortunately, we are yet to know any further specifications of the V-EMP/S, however, we understand that the V-EMP/S is designed to become an important part of Vietnam's future air-defense capability.

The pictured one is actually an operable prototype of the V-EMP/S. According to Viettel High Tech's report, the V-EMP/S - alongside the Viettel-made BV5 drone countermeasure system - was showcased and demonstrated under the observation of the Vietnamese government Prime Minister Phแบกm Minh Chรญnh. In this significant demonstration in front of the nation's executive leader, the V-EMP/S and BV5 systems have successfully neutralized all 3 deployed aggressor drones, proving the products' practical capability. This successful demonstration received strong appreciation from the government's leaders while showing the Vietnam People's Army's strong commitment to adapt to the changing modern warfare and its ability to deal with threats from potential enemies having technological advantages to Vietnam.

22 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. Senjata anti-drone dan anti-glass cockpit.๐Ÿ˜

    2. Future warfare. Other than cyber attacks. Electronic warfare is the next thing. Most weapons nowadays use GPS or laser guide.

    3. it can be . but thats tools need the warfield to try. to proved its work.. right.

    4. Typical negara2 di asean.....official statementnya selalu bilang dr hasil RnD mandiri....padahal kebanyakan hanya jd local sales aja dr produsen senjata di LN.....semoga Indonesia tidak lg memakai cara2 tsb....agar lebih transparan dan prudent ke depannya....Jaya Selalu IndHan Indonesia !!!.....klo Malaydesh biarin tetap terpuruk selamanya....wkwkwkwkkwkw

  2. Hebat KD GANAS ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคฃ

  3. Barang goib + bual gembul waria = sindrom penyakit beruk gila ,๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฃ

  4. pinter inovasi juga vietnam.. patut dipelajari tu

  5. Pasti kalah dengan produk MALON ....

    produk utama MALON: MEMBUAL

    1. bilangin vietkong.. kalo ada malon ati ati, maen klaim tempel sticker.. ntar..


    2. Urusan ama Malon, si Nguyen cukop tebar jaring jee...


  6. Admin parah berita Malon gak ada yah, bikin Gempork tiap hari ngamok.lihat jirannya shopping terus.

    1. duit gambar apa negara jaran itu shooping, kalo shoopingnya ke shoope ya percayalah..
      tapi kalo alutsista..


      susah dipercaya..
      omon omon..


  7. Sama2 BUMN tapi beda banget kinerja LEN dan Viettel, mereka sudah bisa bangun radar dan sekarang senjata EMP

    Semoga kedepan LEN bisa memproduksi secara lisensi radar seperti smart-L


    1. Viettel jga tidak membuat sendiri om rubah

      -RADAR mereka itu sebagian besar LISENSI atau MERAKIT.. Ada juga hasil UPGRADE n MODIFIKASI radar Thales yg dah tua.

      -sedangkan LEN asli RnD sendiri.. jarang ambil lisensi atau rakit, cuma baru2 ini kita bakal lisensi radar GM dari Thales.. Sama bikin GCI sendiri.

      -rudal pun sama mereka ambil lisensi dari Russia

    2. yang penting kita kejar kemandirian produksi alutsista.
      selain itu yang paling penting export alutsista.
      jadi kita export barang jadi tidak melulu barang mentah terus.

    3. LEN dan VietTel msh sama2 sales terselubung dr produsen bro....gak tau deh LPJ dr proyek2 di masa lalu yg hanya mentok di prototype....apa emang sengaja dibuat sampe prototype aja yah....agar budget ngucur lg.....
