Latihan Menembak Senjata Berat Kompi Kavaleri 14 Divisi Infanteri 3 Kostrad menggunakan ranpur Badak kanon 90mm (photos: Divif 3/Kostrad)
Kompi Kavaleri 14 Julang Jagratara Divisi Infanteri 3 Kostrad melaksanakan Latihan Menembak Senjata Berat (Latbakjatrat) Ranpur di daerah Dodik Latpur Rindam XIV/HSN Bance'e Bone Sulawesi Selatan. Minggu (8/12/2024).
Kegiatan latihan ini dilaksankan selama kurang lebih 4 hari dan dinyatan berhasil dengan seluruh personel Selamat dan aman tanpa ada kekurangan serta sasaran berhasil diratakan.
Kompi Kavaleri 14/Julang Jagratara atau Kikav 14/JJ/3/Kostrad merupakan satuan bantuan tempur (Satbanpur) pasukan Kavaleri dibawah Komando Divisi Infantri 3/Kostrad. Satuan Kavaleri ini berdiri sendiri di bawah Divisi Infantri 3/Kostrad dan bermarkas di Desa Sokkolia, Kecamatan Bontomarannu, Kota Sungguminasa, Kabupaten Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan.
BalasHapusBungkus yg ini π......oke gas-oke gas πππ
Uji coba tembak pendekar aja. Tank usang
BalasHapusGempita sasaran mudah panser badak
BalasHapusAnduk..... latihan dengan 2 kenderaan armor kecil....?? kesian....HHAHAHHA
BalasHapusPur,,bila kapal LCS nak cecah air laut juga bila nak shoping aset militer,? Jgn cuma beli ATV & Ambulance je yaπ€π
HapusNgamuk sampai gila Pork, kasihan.
HapusAwas!ada kendaraan militer malon penangkap anjing gilaπ
HapusKalau di MALON tanknya ROSAK... Hahahahaha
BalasHapusCukup dengan senjata kanon Badak kal.90 mm, baja kapal LCS MAHARAJA MANGKRAK GHOIB sudah pasti JEBOL dan TENGGELAM... HAHAHAHAHAHA
BalasHapusMantab.. Geng MALYDESH mulai KETAR KETIR... HAHAHAHAHAπ₯π₯π₯π₯
Anduk...KD Meherejelele darat-apung-darat, 13 tahon tak selesai....??
Anduk...tim ayam sayur Malon, sudah pakai full pemain luar negara + plus BANGLA, masih ditahan imbang Kamboja ranking 180
Oh LCS 1 yang DELAY gara2 harus UNSLIP
BalasHapusOh LMSB2 versi DOWNGRADE itu
BABI TOLOL 11 Desember 2024 pukul 07.18
BalasHapusAnduk..... latihan dengan 2 kenderaan armor kecil....?? kesian....HHAHAHHA
BalasHapusYang buatan CHINA ketahuan ROSAK ya dan BOBROK... Hahahahahaha
BalasHapusTOLOL si lawan china beli kapal dari CHINA dasar IQ BERUK... Hahahahahahaha
BABI TOLOL 10 Desember 2024 pukul 17.32
BalasHapusBEZA KASTA... π€£π€£
OPV 90M & KFC 70M.. OMPONG guys... Kapal PPA lagi la LAWAK.. NGEPRANK guys... π€£π€£
Tank MALON tak latihan latihan.. ??
BalasHapusBagai mana mau latihan baru jalan saja sudah ROSAK dan GROUNDED... HAHAHAHAHAHA
Kasihan... Hahahahahaπππ
π π€£π
BalasHapusItulah malon bagai KATAK DALAM TEMPURUNG ππ€£π
BalasHapusAda yang tanya aim-120 c7 gak,,,,,,, ❓
Ada malon komen hercules Indo secondhand
☝️☝️☝️short lesson aja ya, mengenai fregat dan lain2 silahkan cari sendiri linknya ππ
Malon budayakan baca jangan sambil ngamuk kalau komen malah terlihat bodohnya π π€£ππ€£π π€£
Mereka tahu bro, tapi trolling/akting gak tahu.
HapusItu sudah modusnya..
Yaah, anggap aja nonton badut malon show
Soal kapal FBNW, mereka tahu PKR 105 sekarang sudah senjata lengkap, tapiyang di troll tetap aja berita lama
HapusSekarang mereka troll FBNW di AH140 & OPV 90, padahal mereka rahu spek senjata & elektronik yang akan dipasang
Kata kunci : badut malon show
Kelebihan malon trolling dan membual π€£π π
HapusBukan babi, tapi BERUK....πππ
BalasHapusThe Malonnn army has several weaknesses, including:
BalasHapus• Limited defense budgeting: The Malonnn government has been unwilling to fund defense by cutting other government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
• Outdated equipment: Most of the Malonnn Army's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and the government is unable to provide modern equipment.
• Corruption: The Malonnn military has been plagued by corruption.
• Political interference: Political leaders have interfered in procurement.
• Lack of authority: The armed forces are generally given authority to assist relevant authorities, such as the police, in dealing with non-traditional security challenges.
• Low ranking in military capability: According to the Lowy Institute Asia Power Index, Malonn ranks 16th in military capability in Southeast Asia.
Other challenges include:
• The need to replace the Nuri helicopter fleet, which has seen 14 crashes with many fatalities
• The need for the Navy and Maritime Enforcement Agency to patrol the country's maritime expanse to combat piracy, human trafficking, and smuggling
Malonn has a number of weaknesses, including:
• Economic
Malonn's budget income is highly dependent on the oil and gas sector, and fiscal revenues are low. The country also has high levels of household and corporate debt, and a high dependency on food imports.
• Political
Malonn has a divided political landscape, and the country has experienced political instability since 2018. The 2022 election resulted in a hung parliament, the first time this has happened since Malonn's independence.
• Environmental
Malonn ranks 147 out of 210 economies on the Environmental Sustainability Index, due to challenges with climate change vulnerability, recycling rate, and renewable electricity output.
• Public procurement
Some weaknesses in public procurement in Malonn include non-compliance with contract terms, delayed project completion, poor documentation, and low quality of products and services.
• Property market
In the second half of 2023, sales volumes in the property market declined, and prices rose by only 0.1% year-on-year.
• Currency
The Malonnn ringgit (MYR) could potentially go down in value further. A weaker currency can have negative economic impacts, particularly for businesses that rely on imports.
Malon's combat equipment has several weaknesses, including:
• Ageing equipment: The Malonn military's equipment is aging due to small procurement budgets over the past 25 years.
• Lack of modern assets: The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) lacks modern military assets, which puts them at risk from both internal and external threats.
• Russian-made weapons: Malon has been struggling to keep its Russian-made Su-30MKM ground-attack aircraft operational. The country is also wary of Russian-made weapons due to sanctions imposed on Russia after its invasion of Ukraine.
• Local production: The MAF is reluctant to use locally produced products. Local companies have produced prototypes of pistols and rifles, but none have materialized.
• Procurement system: The Malonn procurement system needs reform.
Political interference and corruption: Political interference and corruption are undermining combat readiness
Some weaknesses of the Malonnn military helicopter industry include:
• Lack of government guidance: The government lacks clear guidance for the industry's future strategic direction.
• Limited local content: Most equipment in the Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) is sourced from outside the country.
• Minimal research and development: There is minimal research and development (R&D) activity.
• Limited export opportunities: There are limited export opportunities.
• OEM reluctance to share technology: Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) are reluctant to share their technology due to the fear of increased competition.
Local companies lack capabilities: Local companies lack the necessary capabilities and capacities
Factors that influence Malon's military budget include:
BalasHapus• Fiscal limitations
Malonn governments have been unwilling to fund defense by cutting government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
• Public debt
A study found a positive association between public debt and defense spending in Malon.
• Exchange rate
The depreciation of the ringgit can impact the real gain in procurement funding.
• Military imports
The size of military imports is closely linked to variations in expenditure.
• Military aid
The availability of military aid plays a central role in military expenditure.
• Non-conventional security issues
These issues are beginning to shape and influence the nature of threats to national defense and security.
• Corruption
Corruption risks are critical in terms of military operations.
• Competition between the U.S.A. and China
The increasing competition between the U.S.A. and China has triggered an increase in military expenditure in the region.
• Conflicts and potential conflicts
Conflicts and potential conflicts between countries in the Southeast Asian region are permanent causes
The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) faces a number of challenges, including:
• Logistics
A study noted that the MAF's rapid development has raised questions about its readiness to face threats.
• Budgeting
Malonn's defense budget and spending has been limited by fiscal constraints. The government has been unwilling to cut spending elsewhere or reduce the size of the armed forces.
• Personnel
The MA has identified that military personnel struggle with thinking skills, decision-making, and problem-solving during military operations.
• Procurement
The Malonnn procurement system needs reform. The LCS program has been delayed and reduced in scope.
• Political interference
Political interference and corruption are undermining combat readiness.
• Territorial disputes
Malonn faces territorial disputes and intrusions in its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
• Transboundary haze
Transboundary haze has had a grave impact on economic and social activities in MalonnThe Royal Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) faces several problems, including:
• Fleet sustainment
The RMAF has faced challenges maintaining its fleet of aircraft. For example, in 2018, only four of the RMAF's 18 Sukhoi Su-30MKM aircraft were able to fly due to maintenance issues and a lack of spare parts.
• Technological obsolescence
Some aircraft in the RMAF's fleet are reaching technological obsolescence. For example, the Kuwaiti HORNET MALONNs are an earlier block of the HORNET MALONN, which may cause compatibility issues with spare parts.
• Modernization
The RMAF has ambitious plans to modernize its air capabilities to address current and future threats. However, the government's defense modernization budget is limited
The Malonnn army has several weaknesses, including:
• Limited defense budgeting: The Malonnn government has been unwilling to fund defense by cutting other government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
• Outdated equipment: Most of the Malonnn Army's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and the government is unable to provide modern equipment.
• Corruption: The Malonnn military has been plagued by corruption.
• Political interference: Political leaders have interfered in procurement.
• Lack of authority: The armed forces are generally given authority to assist relevant authorities, such as the police, in dealing with non-traditional security challenges.
• Low ranking in military capability: According to the Lowy Institute Asia Power Index, Malonn ranks 16th in military capability in Southeast Asia.
Other challenges include:
• The need to replace the Nuri helicopter fleet, which has seen 14 crashes with many fatalities
• The need for the Navy and Maritime Enforcement Agency to patrol the country's maritime expanse to combat piracy, human trafficking, and smuggling........
Factors that influence Malon's military budget include:
BalasHapus• Fiscal limitations
Malonn governments have been unwilling to fund defense by cutting government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
• Public debt
A study found a positive association between public debt and defense spending in Malon.
• Exchange rate
The depreciation of the ringgit can impact the real gain in procurement funding.
• Military imports
The size of military imports is closely linked to variations in expenditure.
• Military aid
The availability of military aid plays a central role in military expenditure.
• Non-conventional security issues
These issues are beginning to shape and influence the nature of threats to national defense and security.
• Corruption
Corruption risks are critical in terms of military operations.
• Competition between the U.S.A. and China
The increasing competition between the U.S.A. and China has triggered an increase in military expenditure in the region.
• Conflicts and potential conflicts
Conflicts and potential conflicts between countries in the Southeast Asian region are permanent causes
The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) faces a number of challenges, including:
• Logistics
A study noted that the MAF's rapid development has raised questions about its readiness to face threats.
• Budgeting
Malonn's defense budget and spending has been limited by fiscal constraints. The government has been unwilling to cut spending elsewhere or reduce the size of the armed forces.
• Personnel
The MA has identified that military personnel struggle with thinking skills, decision-making, and problem-solving during military operations.
• Procurement
The Malonnn procurement system needs reform. The LCS program has been delayed and reduced in scope.
• Political interference
Political interference and corruption are undermining combat readiness.
• Territorial disputes
Malonn faces territorial disputes and intrusions in its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
• Transboundary haze
Transboundary haze has had a grave impact on economic and social activities in MalonnThe Royal Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) faces several problems, including:
• Fleet sustainment
The RMAF has faced challenges maintaining its fleet of aircraft. For example, in 2018, only four of the RMAF's 18 Sukhoi Su-30MKM aircraft were able to fly due to maintenance issues and a lack of spare parts.
• Technological obsolescence
Some aircraft in the RMAF's fleet are reaching technological obsolescence. For example, the Kuwaiti HORNET MALONNs are an earlier block of the HORNET MALONN, which may cause compatibility issues with spare parts.
• Modernization
The RMAF has ambitious plans to modernize its air capabilities to address current and future threats. However, the government's defense modernization budget is limited
The Malonnn army has several weaknesses, including:
• Limited defense budgeting: The Malonnn government has been unwilling to fund defense by cutting other government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
• Outdated equipment: Most of the Malonnn Army's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and the government is unable to provide modern equipment.
• Corruption: The Malonnn military has been plagued by corruption.
• Political interference: Political leaders have interfered in procurement.
• Lack of authority: The armed forces are generally given authority to assist relevant authorities, such as the police, in dealing with non-traditional security challenges.
• Low ranking in military capability: According to the Lowy Institute Asia Power Index, Malonn ranks 16th in military capability in Southeast Asia.
Other challenges include:
• The need to replace the Nuri helicopter fleet, which has seen 14 crashes with many fatalities
• The need for the Navy and Maritime Enforcement Agency to patrol the country's maritime expanse to combat piracy, human trafficking, and smuggling
Factors that influence Malon's military budget include:
BalasHapus• Fiscal limitations
Malonn governments have been unwilling to fund defense by cutting government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
• Public debt
A study found a positive association between public debt and defense spending in Malon.
• Exchange rate
The depreciation of the ringgit can impact the real gain in procurement funding.
• Military imports
The size of military imports is closely linked to variations in expenditure.
• Military aid
The availability of military aid plays a central role in military expenditure.
• Non-conventional security issues
These issues are beginning to shape and influence the nature of threats to national defense and security.
• Corruption
Corruption risks are critical in terms of military operations.
• Competition between the U.S.A. and China
The increasing competition between the U.S.A. and China has triggered an increase in military expenditure in the region.
• Conflicts and potential conflicts
Conflicts and potential conflicts between countries in the Southeast Asian region are permanent causes
The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) faces a number of challenges, including:
• Logistics
A study noted that the MAF's rapid development has raised questions about its readiness to face threats.
• Budgeting
Malonn's defense budget and spending has been limited by fiscal constraints. The government has been unwilling to cut spending elsewhere or reduce the size of the armed forces.
• Personnel
The MA has identified that military personnel struggle with thinking skills, decision-making, and problem-solving during military operations.
• Procurement
The Malonnn procurement system needs reform. The LCS program has been delayed and reduced in scope.
• Political interference
Political interference and corruption are undermining combat readiness.
• Territorial disputes
Malonn faces territorial disputes and intrusions in its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
• Transboundary haze
Transboundary haze has had a grave impact on economic and social activities in MalonnThe Royal Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) faces several problems, including:
• Fleet sustainment
The RMAF has faced challenges maintaining its fleet of aircraft. For example, in 2018, only four of the RMAF's 18 Sukhoi Su-30MKM aircraft were able to fly due to maintenance issues and a lack of spare parts.
• Technological obsolescence
Some aircraft in the RMAF's fleet are reaching technological obsolescence. For example, the Kuwaiti HORNET MALONNs are an earlier block of the HORNET MALONN, which may cause compatibility issues with spare parts.
• Modernization
The RMAF has ambitious plans to modernize its air capabilities to address current and future threats. However, the government's defense modernization budget is limited
The Malonnn army has several weaknesses, including:
• Limited defense budgeting: The Malonnn government has been unwilling to fund defense by cutting other government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
• Outdated equipment: Most of the Malonnn Army's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and the government is unable to provide modern equipment.
• Corruption: The Malonnn military has been plagued by corruption.
• Political interference: Political leaders have interfered in procurement.
• Lack of authority: The armed forces are generally given authority to assist relevant authorities, such as the police, in dealing with non-traditional security challenges.
• Low ranking in military capability: According to the Lowy Institute Asia Power Index, Malonn ranks 16th in military capability in Southeast Asia.
Other challenges include:
• The need to replace the Nuri helicopter fleet, which has seen 14 crashes with many fatalities
• The need for the Navy and Maritime Enforcement Agency to patrol the country's maritime expanse to combat piracy, human trafficking, and smuggling.....
Ada warga KNOHA tak mahu terima kenyataan ada Hercules INDIANESIA yang HIBAH!.
BalasHapusNahhh ini beritanya dari Kemhan dan Kemenkeu:-
Darwin, Pemerintah Indonesia dan Australia secara resmi menandatangani nota kesepahaman atau MoU hibah empat pesawat Hercules tipe C 130 H dari Australia. Penandatanganan hibah pesawat tersebut dilakukan di RAAF Darwin, Australia, Senin, di depan pesawat Hercules yang akan dihibahkan.
Dari empat pemberian itu, kata Purnomo, satu di antaranya dapat ditingkatkan lagi kapasitasnya. Untuk dapat mengoperasikan Hercules, TNI akan mengirimkan sejumlah personelnya untuk menjalani pelatihan. "Jadi 4 hibah, 1 serviceable itu artinya kru harus training, karena digital. Ya perlu diremajakan, sesuai keinginan kita," tandasnya.
Dia menambahkan, pesawat tersebut meski tidak lagi baru, namun bisa dipakai selama 15 tahun. "Total 4 hibah, 5 lagi kita beli dengan harga murah. Kalau di-upgrade bisa buat 15 tahun," pungkasnya.
Ada Konoha bilang Pertahanan dan Keamanan INDIANESIA lebih baik.
BalasHapusAman sangat INDIANESIA tu?
1. Lawan sepak bola pun boleh gaduh sampai tewas.
2. OPM Papua pun Kopassus GAGAL jinakkan. OPM aje tu... π€£π€£π€£π€£
3. Setiap kali PEMILU pasti ada yang tewas. Petugas pun ramai TEWAS...
4. IKN Nusantara perancangan HANCUR. Investor asing lari. Sumber listrik kena import dari Malaysia. Sumber air pun tak ada.
Hebat sangat ke Pertahanan?
1. Kapal selam pun dikategorikan sebagai "produk gagal" tak boleh menyelam jadi bahan rongsokan.
2. OPV90M pun versi gunboat...banyak FFBNW
3. Tank yang negara lain sudah pensiun kerana obsolete, INDIANESIA masih pakai - Scorpion , AMX-13, Stormer, etc.
4. KF-21, Rafale, F-15ID, Mirage 2000, Su-35, V-22, Chang Bogo II, FREMM, PPA semuanya tak deliver kerana tiada PSP.
5. Hercules pun HIBAH!
Warga KONOHA koyak atas kenyataan di atas kerana ianya benar! π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£
Ada malon panjang lebar bicara, endingnya hanya 1 : DENGKI
Minggir lu TOLOL
Lalu KD Meherejelele itu apa lon?
BalasHapusBahkan Gun pon tak dee...
Saya tanya mudah lon, KD Meherelelet tuu ada gun/tak?
BalasHapusPetugas PEMILU pun sampei 125 yang tewas!
Anggota badan ad hoc/petugas penyelenggara pemilu yang meninggal dunia sudah mencapai sedikitnya 125 orang, baik dari sisi petugas Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) maupun Badan Pengawas Pemilu (Bawaslu), terhitung sejak pemungutan suara 14 Februari 2024.
YA AMPUN!!!.....
BalasHapusSecara rinci, sebanyak 3.903 petugas mengeluh sakit pada kerongkongan, lambung, dan usus dua belas jari. Sementara 2.228 lainnya sakit karena infeksi saluran pernapasan bagian atas akut, 2.187 karena hipertensi, dan 1.767 orang karena gangguan jaringan lunak.
Kemudian 1.158 orang karena gangguan episode dan paroksismal, 553 orang karena penyakit menular usus, 355 karena penyakit pada telinga bagian dalam, 187 orang karena influenza, 129 orang karena gangguan lain yang tidak spesifik pada peredaran darah, serta 124 orang karena penyakit pada rongga mulut, kelenjar ludah, dan rahang.
Apa INDIANESIA memang mengambil pesakit-pesakit di rumah sakit menjadi petugas PEMILU ya?
Kasihan Malon tolol gak bisa bikin kapal...Yg ada mangkrak.