25 Juli 2017

Vietnam Confirms Order 64 T-90 Tanks, Add with Four S-400 and Su-35 Fighters

26 Juli 2017

S-400 Triumf surface-to-air missile system (photo : DailyMail)

Vietnam Confirms Order of Russian T-90 Tanks

Vietnam has ordered 64 T-90S/SK main battle tanks (MBTs) from Russia, state-run news agencies in Hanoi confirmed on 21 July.

The reports, which cited comments from Russian defence officials who were speaking at a press conference at the MAKS-2017 aerospace exhibition in Moscow, said that the acquisition will be funded by credit provided by Moscow.

Jane’s first reported in early July that Russian tank manufacturer UralVagonZavod revealed in its annual report that it had secured an order from Vietnam for the T-90S/SK MBTs. The T-90S is the basic export model, while the 'K' postfix is a reference to command versions.

The value of the T-90 deal was not disclosed but is thought to be about USD250 million. The investment represents the first major order of new MBTs that the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) has secured for many years. Investment over the past decade and more has been firmly focused on modernising the Vietnamese navy and air force.

In addition to the MBTs, the reports said Vietnam is also positioned to procure from Russia four S-400 Triumf missile systems to boost surface-to-air missile capability and MiG-35 multirole combat aircraft to replace the Vietnam People’s Air Force’s (VPAF’s) MiG-21 fighters, which are now thought to have been retired.

The number of Su-35s that the VPAF is looking to procure was not revealed, although the service previously operated more than 30 MiG-21s and is known to require significant additional numbers of fighter aircraft to enhance air combat capability.

To support these purchases and others, the state news agencies in Hanoi reported that Russia’s defence industry is looking to expand its presence in Vietnam.


66 komentar:

  1. vietnamese defense is pathetic...indonesian fishing boat carrying balistic missile will destroy entire vietnamese armoured division..

    1. Bikin malu orang Indonesia aja lu....kentara banget butthurtnya...prett

    2. Indonesian fishing boat have a 'wow' factor..

    3. The boat could carry the nuke warhead...be prepare other nation..


    5. Semua negara ko nak pandang rendah ye... sekurang2 dia antara pasukan yg memberi igauan ngeri pesawt udara us masa vietnam.. indon pakai buluh runcing pun kecoh... keh keh keh

    6. try beating Malay boats first

  2. Role disini = 'siapa berperan sebagai siapa'. Semua juga udah tau gimana tabiat blog ini.. :D

  3. Balasan
    1. It is said there is soft loans. Perhaps thats why they can. Besides it is not final. The tank deal is confirmed. Defitnely there will be changes

    2. yes the purchase is via soft loan but that's only for the tank deal. I think the mig 21 replacement should be prioritise as they lost 30 plane when they retire them. that's even more than rmaf 10 mig 29(though this one might not happen soon).

    3. U gotta ask a vietnamese guy for the reason lol. Any body from vietnam?

    4. Vietnamese should donate their obsolote weapon to malingsia. Their forever mrca dream is very delusional... kasian no money no mrca

    5. nobody from vietnam but they do have a representative called joni antipolisi here.

    6. Indon tak habis2 dgn donate.. suka sgt dgn barang donate ye... ermmm

  4. Vietnam's modernization efforts has left us in envy. Philippines should follow what Vietnam is doing

  5. Vietnam's modernization efforts has left us in envy. Philippines should follow what Vietnam is doing

  6. very impressive Vietnamese armed force modernization...My personal opinion Vietnam is the first among SEA..

    1. Indonesia still no 1 in this region.

    2. Perhaps you still rely on GlobalFirePower rank. It is dangerous to rely on this rank, putting us in a false sense of security. In a hypothetical scenario that Singapore set up a no-fly-zone above the Kepri province due to a border dispute, there's little we can do.....

    3. Agree @Bali sunset. People have mentioned that the rangkings are based on numbers. Its a rather weak ranking. No doubt who is first, 2nd and 3rd lol

    4. It is strategy, doctorine, order of organisation, planning and assets. Not just numbers and figures alone

    5. Benjamin...yup, i agree with you and im also told it to the others...but..still they are rely on GlobalFirePower...strongggg katanya...

    6. If u ask me honestly whether vietnam or indonesia is better i do not know. Firstly even if i know the assets they have i do not know how the organization of forces really is in detail. 2nd is their strategies and doctorines. Thing is vietnam and indonesia are not having any issues with each other so is there even one is the question? What we all can agree is defitnely both have a defensive strategy that is standard for all armed forces which is to defend. Offensive well we all may know what they are capable of but in detail no as i do not know what vietnam really has. If only there is a viewer here who is vietnamese he will know his country better. Lastly how do u apply your capability for scenarios? I doubt they have plan for eachother as i said they have no issues. If u want to know u gotta ask someone who is very free and knows militaty applications very well like a scholar or researcher lol. They can give an insight and scenarios that could take place of what actions they will do should there be a conflict. U can also watch those videos online like youtube where there are dedicated people with passion who could give a scenario. There is this youtuber i think he is russian in his vids he talks about country vs country. He will narrarate with his puppet and the background is just the so called battlefield picture. He did a vid once on australia vs indonesia. Interesting and insightful. For my take there is no winner as there is no clear objective attacking at the east really.

    7. that just my personal think..it to be ok if you had another one...maybe Vietnam want to prepare themselves to face china big brother..that why I see the large significant modernazition...Indonesia yes..TNI also had great modernization interm of to change so many obsolete alutsista..

    8. Congrats to Indonesia with the modernization that have been done

    9. hi im from vietnam and for offensive we have scud missle that we buy from soviet / north korea , the north korea and the soviet one get modernize to extend range up to 600km i think and we are the only asean country that have cruise missle ( KLUB ) that can target enemy base at 300km range launch from our kilo sub fleet , the airforce su30/27/22 have more than enough guide bomb to target value target in a war ( you will be suprise how much the govt invest on stockpile guide bomb ) guide missle vv and after order the 3 patch of gepard we may see cruise missle equip on them , cause the 2 one are for anti sub , the first one are basic for training , the 3 are multirole version with a vls that can carry 8 klub or 16 anti air missle

  7. Indonesia kakehan omong tok..

  8. Good for Vietnam...

    Maybe they should try firing this into Dark SIDE's head including her abnormal parents.hahahha

  9. Balasan
    1. bialiiinnggg aje bang ipul"domdom"azmi"weice"husin alias paul biji haha!

      yang penting hari ini dateng lagi m109 dan sherpa

      sherpa AAM


      kamuhhh manaaa cuman reparasi plastik mesin jahit doank yach haha!
      itu pun AKANNNNN nanntiiii kalo turun bajet haha! πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

    2. oiya lufa kudu difentungπŸ”¨7x tung tung tung tung tung tung tung..haha!πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

    3. dateng trusssss dattteengggg yachh beibehhh...yang ngiler silakan mojok dipojokan kayak paul biji, ntar guwe lemfarin fisank buat yg punya pose gemesin yach haha! 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌

    4. tiada yg ditungguuu tunngguu yach nich fisank lagih drpd bengong di sekoci mantengin harim di selat malaka gak dapet2, gospel aja luh paul biji haha!

    5. uda selesai blom makan fisanknya om,

      nich ada lagi yg baru fesan,

      kafal selam dibuat khusus buat nyundul ente di selat malaka haha!


      eh guwe kasi lagi dech fisanknye biar kliatan terawat yach haha!


    6. oh tentu lagi dan lagi bukan spare parts tp oom, bosen haha!πŸ˜‹

      nich firzanya eh pisangnya...bagi2

  10. Very impressive for Vietnam Armed Force. Good for them! Vietnam will become the strongest defense force in the region. Don't forget.. they have lot of experience in war.

    1. Thats good and bad. I have talked about this on youtube regarding the PAF. It was a vid on marawi. Having experience in conflict allows u to fine tune your strategy and change some areas of your military. This helos u to improve however it is good on theory will it work when the time arises u wont know as it is different unless u try. Thats a normal risk. Another problem is experience. Yes u have experience but wait whose experience is it? Its really the men who fought in battle that has true experience in conflict. Be it whether your country fought the communist, korea, vietnam or ww2 that is a different era. The men who fought are no longer in service some propably passed on. Today is different u have new young men of a different generation that is responsible for the defence of the country. They have not fought. Vietnam war is a good example. America thought they could win cause they rule in ww2 and has experience in ww1. In the end they got their backside kick. When the men return home they were disgraced and insulted. Their generation was shameful to the country. Sad but true. This can happen to anyone and u must always make sure that experience alone is never enough. Continuous training, changing of technology and adapting is very important as that is where modern day generation stands. Experience will not last long as well. If u tell me u r gonna use ww1 tactics in today's combat get ready for a smacking as that experience will do u no good. Digging trenches provides cover but with accurate arty and sensors and a good set of ISR your trench will be history in a matter of seconds. Took u weeks to dig a mass trench and all it takes is a few seconds to rid it off. No one will use tactics of the dark ages or times during older empires as those are obsolete. When guns came into the world alot suddenly changed. Gunpowder came alot of changed. When vietnam war came, ww2 style did not suit well as you are fighting an ideology and a force loyal to it. When Iraq came however ww2 tactics did work. Bliz is the name. Germany mass advance and mechanised force is an inspiration till today even though it is ww2 it can still work today just change the style a little. There are things u can bring in historically but majority wont work. Trojan horse still works as some said. Its more of a surprise an ambush style where u break the trust. The concept is the same but the way u carry out is different. I wouldnt have a huge wooden horse sent to the enemy. Maybe a different style but it fits the concept. Thats where rethinking comes in.

    2. Still the battle in marawi allows PAF to gain experience from counter terrorism in a larger scale so its a good thing. Thats the way to learn. Of course no sane person wants to fight unless u have no choice. Still i wonder what the situation in marawi is? Anyone knows? It is going to be 2 months of conflict if the town is not secured.

    3. PAF can't even defeated NPA who most of their members already loose of their teeth! let alone against battle hardened Daesh with local supports!

    4. Thats why like i said. The soldiers could perhaps consist of fresh youngmen. They will start to gain experience and will work to do better following that. Seniors propably experienced small skirmishes against rebels and terror grps. Marawi is different. Learn hard is the reality. Still at least they are not loosing. Progress is slow however. They will be better prepared if it was to happened again. Likely i said.

    5. well vietnam still have many vet in the officer core the last battle that they fight is in 1989 vs khmer rough , some hmong laos report vietnam help the laos fight them up to 2000s and the army been fight the fluro insurgent in vietnam up to 2000 ( now they mostly return to life after geting rekt time after time and cant get any new recruit from the tribe so they all surrender in 2004 i think )

  11. Mau cepet ayo kumpulkan duit jajan anda se negara masa gak kebeli cepet itu sukhoi

    1. Bukan masalah anggaran, anggaran sdh dianggarkan. Tp ini masalah politik, partai dan pilpres 2019

    2. Neggolo@mikir ente kejauhan

    3. maklum om Z, yg ntu calon pnerus mister ZONK,ofsed mlolo haha!πŸ˜ƒ

  12. Big bro kesalip lagi...hahahahha

  13. Vietnam membeli peralatan militer dari rusia karena dalam ancaman china masalah lcs, negara manapun bisa berbuat apapun seperti yg di lakukan vietnam meskipun ekonomi negaray sedang semrawut ,indonesia bisa seperti itu bahkan bisa lebih dari itu karena kita tidak dalam ancaman makay tni pelan2 memodernisasi alat militery, pelan tapi pasti sambil memproduksi alat militer dalam negeri
    Vietnam beli banyak sukhoi tapi untuk melatih piloty aja tidak ada biaya untuk di kirim ke rusia, makay india menawarkan melatih pilot vietnam dengan gratis tanpa di pungut biaya memalukan

    1. Kata siapa?walaupun Pertumbuhan ekonominya melambat tapi ekonomi Vietnam baik2 saja. Kita jg dalam ancaman China di lcs, tapi yg paling berhadap2an paling depan dgn China jelas Vietnam . Kalau masalah pilot Sukhoi, kalau ada yg gratis ngapain ngambil yg bayar ya nggak hehehe

  14. om mimin, ini berita dari janes yg ngaco ato gimana yak

    penulis bilang mau akusisi MIG-35 utk ganti MIG-21 tapi dibawahnya tiba2 itu MIG brubah jadi SU-35, ini mesti lg mabok nonton infotainment militer si sir jon haha!πŸ‘ΉπŸ‘ΉπŸ‘ΉπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„


  15. Min artileri M109A paladin untuk TNI AD sudah tiba di tanjung priok sebanyak 18 unit, kok beritay lom di angkat

    1. bukan paladin....yg dinamakan paladin itu yg laras panjang

    2. yg bisa terbang namanya aladin yach om daru hiks..hikssπŸš€

  16. Balasan
    1. How does one super pity malaysia?

    2. malaysie always super pity....that is tradition...songlap tapi tamadun kih kih

    3. Waiting the su35 with akan...akan..akan...wkwk
