19 Oktober 2018

BMT Wins to Support RTN’s Project to Develop Midget Submarines

19 Oktober 2018

BMT's design on mini submarine (image : BMT)

BMT Wins Consulting Engineering Contract in Thailand to Support Royal Thai Navy Midget Submarine Programme

BMT, the leading international design, engineering and risk management consultancy, has been awarded a contract to support the Royal Thai Navy’s (RTN) new midget submarine programme from its offices in Bath, UK.

BMT has been contracted to recommend submarine-specific engineering management best practice to help the RTN minimise risk during the design phase.  BMT’s UK defence businesses have supported the UK’s in-service submarine fleet and submarine design programmes since 1993.  BMT has acted in a client advisory capacity to several overseas governments, and also supports domestic submarine acquisition and in-service support programmes from its offices in Australia and Canada.

The contract with BMT was signed in September and this task is set for completion in Q1 2019.  This is the first government defence contract won by BMT in Thailand, and the first use of an overseas independent consultancy in this capacity by the RTN as it seeks specialist knowledge and experience to gradually develop an indigenous submarine design capability.

The RTN’s project manager, Captain Sattaya Chandraprabha, comments: “The RTN is delighted to have appointed BMT to support this initial step in the design phase.  We are confident that with BMT’s advice we will be able to put the necessary plans and processes in place to establish a solid foundation for this challenging but exciting project.”

BMT Naval Engineering Manager, James Woolford, comments: “BMT is proud to have won this contract with the RTN and looks forward to applying the broad knowledge and experience that it has of naval design, build and acquisition programmes across all key engineering disciplines.  We remain respectful of the RTN’s intent that the design activities should be wholly undertaken by themselves and we are confident that BMT can add much value through its independent and trusted support.  We very much hope that this contract represents the start of a long relationship with the RTN and that it also serves to raise the profile of BMT’s defence capability among other submarine operating nations in South East Asia.”


20 komentar:

  1. Congrats Thailand...

    Midget Sub even its smaller than regular sub shape but worth enuff to secure shallow water sea like LCS.

    I dont know the price.. but maybe only quarter from ordinary sub, which one is better, have 1 basic shape sub or 4 midget sub ? I rather have lots of subs with minimum 2 - 4 lethal terpedos beneath her belly.

    1. 4 torpedo sudah lumayan om super.. bayangkan 1 torpedo saja bisa meneggelamkan fregat Merajalela class milik malons.. 😃😃

    2. Kebayang mas, kalau tidak salah melihat timeline dan rencana TNI AL pernah baca thn depan akan membuat Midget Sub.

      Misalnya :
      Changbogo Class = $ 325 Million
      berapa banyak kita punya Midget dengan konversi uang sebanyak itu ?

      Midget Sub gak tahu harganya tapi misalnya seperempatnya berarti kisaran $ 80 Million each (atau seharga SU35 kosongan), artinya 3 Changbogo TNI bisa jadi sama dengan memiliki 12 Midget Class..

      Kebayang gak sih 12 Midget Sub disebar satu satu ditiap ujung kiri kanan wilayah Indonesia dibekali 4 terpedo blackshark dan menggunakan taktik hit and hide barengan ? heheheh

      Just ngayal.

    3. Ayo bikin mini submarine, asistensi dari Korut ato Iran, mereka jagoannya.

  2. Betul keh hari kasel changbogo ke 3 akan di luncurkan

    1. Mat Rempit ini kayak nama Genk motor ya ?
      Hehehehehe.... pisssssss

    2. siap2 mat... hari dimana banyak beruk malons otak dungu stres dan bunuh diri massal.. kahkah..😂😂😂

    3. Yeap you god damn right

      Thailand for sure never buy from Indonesia

      In the mean time, have you had free wifi connection around you so you can read diz article for free since i doubt you have time to read all the articles (or maybe you living in a cave or sumthin' ?).. :-D


      And for Refference Thailand already procured 7 units NC 212, 2 units CN235 and 1 unit CN235 for Police.

      Is Thailand people so dumb because they choosed Indonesian products which youve said only made from plastik ? I dont think so... i wonder you dont even know what is the different between plastic, steel and brain.

      Hail Plastic... :-D

    4. Unknown@ tadi ko tak kenyang makan keh,ko cuma boleh makan dedak keh Wkwkwk..Ada beruk unknown get stroke tak bisa terima kenyataan negaranya failed country n banyak hutang Wkwkwk

    5. Only in malonsial submarine downgrade to banana boat 😆😆😆😆

    6. Unknown Malon namanya jg monyet, rendah wawasan.energinua habis untuk iri dengki dgn kemajuan indonesia.xixixixi

  3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  4. Btw nice song & lyric.

    "Potong Bebek Angsa Masak di Kuali.

    Ada orang iri hati

    Sampai malu hati

    Sorong ke kiri

    Sorong ke kanan

    Tralala tralala tralalalala..."

    1. Siapa tuh yg iri hati Wkwkwk...jiran sebelah Wkwkwk

  5. Cara Thai dalam mengembangkan Midget betul-betul well plan dan professional .. minta bantuan pihak lain agar produknya gak salah langkah .... Sangat berbeda dengan cara Indonesia mengembangkan RKX dan Midget .. terlalu bertele-tele rebutan anggaran antara satu instansi dengan instansi lainnya ... hasilnya anggaran habis tetaopi hasilnya masih mengecewakan ...

    Intinya ...gak selalu yang dikerjakan sendiri itu bagus ... khusus untuk RKX .. mengapa sih gak ambil konsultan dari luar yang betul-betul ahli di bidang sistem kendali, prpulsi dan turbin .... memang duit akan keluar lebih banyak .. tetapi hasilnya bakalan lebih Joss ...

    1. Masalah kita adalah anggaran R&D sangat kecil.Umumnya kita masih menganggap angaran R&D itu hanya pemborosan . Kalau mind set itu berhasil dirobah maka bisa berkali ganda capaian kita.

  6. Iya sampe saat ini blm ada progress selain miniatur,anggaran cekak apa ya peyebabnya?ckckckckck....

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