22 Oktober 2021

Philippine Navy Personnel Train for Operation of Missile System

22 Oktober 2021

A Philippine Navy personnel undergoes training on the operation and maintenance of the surface-to-air missile (SAM) system. The intermediate level maintenance training was carried out by the original equipment manufacturers of the newly delivered Mistral 3 (photo : PN)

MANILA – Personnel of the Philippine Navy’s (PN) Naval Combat Systems Center and crew members of the BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150), the country's first missile frigate, have completed their training for the operation and maintenance of the ship's newly delivered Mistral 3 surface-to-air missile (SAM) system.

The intermediate level maintenance (ILM) training was carried out by the original equipment manufacturers of the Mistral 3.

"Successfully completed after two weeks of face-to-face discussion and hands-on activities, the trainees familiarized themselves and got first-hand experience on the operation and maintenance (of) the newest SAM system," a Naval Sea Systems Command Facebook post said Tuesday night.

Technical training and practices are crucial in the operation of the system and the maintenance personnel.

"(The) ILM is a vital part of sustaining every PN naval asset, while preventive and corrective maintenance is the lifelines of naval vessels that are essential to the asset's continuous operational readiness," the post read.

The Mistral 3 missiles were delivered at the Subic Bay International Airport in Bataan on October 8.

The procurement and delivery of the Mistral 3 SAMs are part of the PN Frigate Acquisition Project Lot 2B, which was awarded to the MBDA Missile Systems based in France.

Surface-to-air missiles are among the primary weapons of the FF-150 and FF-151 (BRP Antonio Luna) that bolster the Navy’s anti-air warfare capability.

Meanwhile, the Navy's Frigate Acquisition Lot 2A, which is for the Jose Rizal Class’ (JRC) surface-to-surface missiles, is scheduled for delivery in March 2022.

South Korean defense manufacturer LIG Nex 1 will deliver C-Star missiles, which is considered the main surface-to-surface weapon of the JRCs.

The C-Star is described as a "sea-skimming surface-to-surface anti-ship cruise missile."

The BRP Jose Rizal and BRP Antonio Luna are modern warships capable of surface, sub-surface, air, and electronic warfare using state-of-the-art electronic sensors, long-range missiles, acoustic guided torpedoes, and an embarked anti-submarine helicopter.

The BRP Jose Rizal was delivered to the Philippines in May 2020 and commissioned in July that year while the BRP Antonio Luna was commissioned on March 19 this year.

The contract for the two ships was placed at PHP16 billion with another PHP2 billion for weapon systems and munitions. 


64 komentar:

  1. Mantap pinoy...

    Eeh..sebelahnya tuu masih pakai Repier zaman malvinas.


    1. https://www.detik.com/edu/detikpedia/d-5777895/batik-sempat-diklaim-miss-world-malaysia-ini-sejarahnya-yang-diakui-unesco?tag_from=wpm_nhl_12

  2. Mantap pinoy
    Sebelah itu cuma bisa gunakan sea skua zaman Jepun wkwkwk

  3. Philipina blm pynya medium range ya

    1. "..The acquisition project will cost the Philippines P6 billion for three batteries of Rafael’s SPYDER—a ground-based mobile air defense system that can be installed on strategic locations facing the West Philippine Sea. The air defense system is expected to be delivered within 2021.."

  4. Abdi teh meni resep lamun philipina maju (mabuhay pinoy), lamun malon mah elehan jiga hayam sayur guys

  5. ASIK NIH...AKSI KRI I GUSTI NGURAH RAI 332 plus AS-56Be PANTHER FULL ASW MISSION... Detik 0:11 CIWS 35MM lagi brended PELURU...


    1. Masih kurang dukungan AEW buat dukung serangan over the horizon,semoga aja cepet beli πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  6. Pinoy jg beli fregat ffnbw,
    Yg penting progress jalan dan bisa berlayar,
    Klo platform udh jadi tinggal dilengkapi jeroannya deh.

    1. Jangan gitu bro,nanti sebelah ngamuk πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. FFBNW itu biasa, yang penting terplanning benar & on progress.

      Denmark aja melengkapi iver juga bertahap kok.

      YANG ANEH tuu sebelah, dari lahir puluhan tahun lalu, sampek sekarang masih FFBNW, bahkan mo di downgrade pake CMS India..


    3. Oh yang NGPV rencana 27 jadi 6 itu bro πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, sayangnya LCS juga nasibnya malah buruk lagi dibandingkan NGPVπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    4. Kedah class masih FFBNW, Lekiu "upgrade" CMS india..

      "..Marine Crest Technology Indigenous CMS For Malaysian Lekiu-Class Frigates

      Marine Crest Technology, a strategic technology partner to Malaysia’s T7 Global (a group specialized in Oil & Gas), was showcasing for the first time the “Vibrant 01” Combat Management System (CMS).."

    5. Sayang banget sih πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ tapi kalo dilihat dari waktunya,Kedah Class memang disiapkan buat jadi tandingan Diponegoro Class sih tapi nasibnya gak baik πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  7. jangankan dibanding RI,
    KL kalo dibanding Pinoy jauh tertinggal

    tp masih ada 1 keledai KL gk punya urat malu selalu ke DS ini

    1. Karena keledai itu udah ditolak dinegaranya. Makanya suka kesini. Sedih lah kalau diceritain nasib si keledai itu. Bener gak pork ?

  8. Yg missilnya expired gak berani komen ya guys......hikhikhik

  9. Hayalan @gempur cs:
    - pesawat LCA berkemampuan setara pswat MRCA
    - heli serang ringan berkemampuan setara heli Apache
    - kapal LMS berkemampuan setara kapal Multirole Combatan.


  10. Sptnya pinoy dapat heli AH Cobra sebagai heli latihan untuk sebelum heli Ataka turki T129 datang.


    1. Ramping bener AH-1 CobraπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. Mungkin yg buat latihan aja ya

    3. Itu berita sdh lama terdengar bahwa pinoy dpt heli cobra hanya perlu di service sebelum masuk kedinasan di pinoy

  11. Tonight @ MaxDefense Nightcap:

    One of the good news promised earlier today is a confirmation of the partial delivery and acceptance of at leaat a battery of SPYDER ground based air defense missile system to the Philippine Air Force

    The first info came several weeks ago but we made sure first that we got several additional confirmations on this before posting about it.

    We are still confirming if all 3 batteries were delivered, as pre-COVID reports to government agencies we obtained showed that all 3 batteries were expected to be delivered at the same time.

    Initial info we received is that the systems that arrived were the SPYDER-MR (medium range) although we will validate this info further as other officials documents stated that it would be the ER variant.

    These were bought as part of the PAF's Ground Based Air Defense System (GBADS) Acquisition Project under the Horizon 2 phase of the RAFPMP.

    It will take some time before these air defense assets would become operational, as the PAF units will have to learn and train first on how to use these missile systems.

    At best, we expect the first GBADS battery might only become partially operational by mid or late 2022. This is the first missile-based GBADS of the PAF, and will be armed with both Python 5 and I-Derby missiles from Rafael

    While the firing units are the main highlight of the system, we also appreciate the added ajr defense surveillance coverage provided by the radars included in the system.

    We'll continue on other news tomorrow.

    1. So Phil has taken Sypder for anti-air defense, great soul

    2. goblok ngak usah inggris2an bisa ngak sih

  12. Gw sebagai warga negara Indonesia malu melihat Indonesia komentar disini tidak sopan dan tidak santun, dimana akal Ama otak kalian wahai saudaraku Indonesia, jadilah warga negara yang punya etika baik terhadap negara lain,salam gw dari petamburan

    1. Lah?? Berarti ente anggota gang Real madrid??

    2. kagak bang cuma deket aja

    3. Sama aja ente anggota gang Real madrid yang tinggal di petamburanπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    4. Kalo akal dan otak saya masih sesuai tempatnya yg diciptakan Allah. Tp klo akal dan otakmu dititipkan dipantat dan dengkulnya si ruslii malon...hikhikhikhik

    5. Woiii kadrun tadi elu ngaku dari condet, sekarang pindah ke petamburan.... Kadrun,kadrun, tobat drunnnn

    6. woei ceeebong bipang jgan sekate2 loe

    7. Jangan ngegas Drun lebih baik ente Ambil jatah nasi bungkus saja di Nusakambangan πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    8. mechanize penghianat bermuka dua loe

    9. Oi bermuka dua gimana??? Sorry nih ada beberapa orang yang pakai nickname gue. Gara-gara gue netral mungkin disini gak mihak cebong ataupun kadrun.

      Kemarin itu jelas Kadrun yang nyamar jadi Mechanize kw,sekarang kayaknya itu Cebong yang jadi Mechanize kw. Jadi ada 2 orang yang jadi Mechanize Kw yaitu Kadrun sama Cebong.

  13. Phil ni tentaranya batle proven, kenyang operasi. Sayang equipment agak tertinggal.

  14. Untuk masalah FFNBW kapal perang... Tidak masalah... Liat aje MOGAMI JEPANG INI apakah udah full EQUIPMENT saat sea trials


    Liat gambar VLS aja belom dipasang

    1. Biasanya akan diinstal saat uji coba rudal.
      Memang saat sea trial biasanya blom ada persenjataannya. Sea trial biasanya utk uji ketahanan mesin, sistem elektronik dan fungsi radar dan test kebocoran.

    2. Mempermudah itu kalo sea trial ada kerusakan maka diganti langsung,kalo udah lancar baru dipasang

  15. https://www.cnnindonesia.com/teknologi/20211022143358-199-711008/brin-gandeng-swasta-segera-bangun-bandar-antariksa-di-biak

    1. Roketnya belum 2 Stage,jadi bikin bandarnya dulu πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  16. https://militermeter.com/cuma-dengan-17-trilyun-rupiah-filipina-bisa-dapat-12-unit-f-16-viper-dengan-senjata-komplet/


    Terus Guna F/A-18D Hornet, Su-30MKM Sehingga Tahun 2035, 2040

    (DEFENCE SECURITY ASIA) – Pesawat-pesawat pejuang, F/A-18D Hornet dan Sukhoi Su-30MKM akan terus berkhidmat dengan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) sehingga tahun 2035 dan tahun 2040, sebelum ia digantikan dengan pesawat-pesawat pejuang yang baru.

    Menurut Panglima TUDM Jen Tan Sri Ackbal Abdul Samad, untuk memastikan pesawat-pesawat pejuang TUDM itu mampu beroperasi dengan berkesan sehingga tahun 2035 dan 2040, ia akan menjalani proses penyelenggaraan khusus dan program naik taraf.

    Yang bicara orang atas TUDM sendiri bukan kaum grassroot awam macam wariagempur ya....πŸ˜€

    1. Tahun itu cuma Malaysia yang masih pakai HornetπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚,malahan Super Hornet US Navy juga pensiun di 2030 diganti sama F/A-XX πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  18. Malondog tudm sdh 19 tahun yang lalu tak beli jet new jet pejuang plus 20 tahun kedepan juga akan berpuasa takde jet pejuang MRCA baru.

    Tanda miskin mendung gelap memanjang πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  19. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  20. Lesu...
    Sudah beberapa hari tidak ada berita yang menarik.!!

    Kalau ada si unknown bipang dan para kadrun lainnya sudah saya sembelih batang leher peliharaannya.

  21. Sepi
    Lagi seret logistik nasi bungkus
    Pada tiarap anggota sekte aliran sesat aliran candi hambalang sama penyembah baliho


    1. Indonesia
      Gw sebagai warga negara Indonesia malu melihat Indonesia komentar disini tidak sopan dan tidak santun, dimana akal Ama otak kalian wahai saudaraku Indonesia, jadilah warga negara yang punya etika baik terhadap negara lain,salam gw dari kramat tunggak

    2. Xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxxa ada bencong gonta ganti nama n komen xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa g ada nasi bungkus cong, adanya cuma pisang, mau??? Xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxxaxa

  22. Balasan
    1. Ente ya xaxacaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa

    2. ojo lunga karo sing siji ... PINJAMAN kanggo LENDER utawa DEADLINE, pilih salah siji saka 2 ... wkwkwkwkkw

    3. Xaxaxaxaxaxaxa ngomong jowo kok nganggo google translate xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa gak nyambung cong xaxaxaxaxa
