27 Mei 2017
USCGC Morgenthau WHEC-722 which will be renamed as CSB 8020 into Vietnam Coast Guard (photo : FleetMon)
U.S. transfers high endurance cutter to Vietnam coast guard
HONOLULU — The U.S. Coast Guard transferred a high endurance cutter to the Vietnam coast guard during a ceremony in Honolulu, Thursday at 10 a.m.
The ship, which will be renamed CSB 8020, is expected to improve the Vietnam coast guard’s maritime domain awareness, increase its capacity to perform maritime law enforcement operations, and conduct search and rescue and other humanitarian response operations.
"This cutter provides a concrete and significant symbol of the U.S-Vietnam Comprehensive Partnership," said U.S. Coast Guard Rear Adm. Michael J. Haycock, assistant commandant for acquisition and chief acquisition officer. "The Coast Guard is honored to see this vessel continue to preserve global peace and prosperity as a part of the Vietnam coast guard."
The CSB 8020 was transferred to the Vietnam coast guard from the U.S. Government through the Excess Defense Articles program. The EDA offers excess military equipment to U.S. partner and allied countries in support of their military and security modernization efforts.
Not bad lah.. :D
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ups, will be coming more illegal viets fishing boats backup by those big white CG :( and Indo CG still don't have the same size ship for the CG at the moment (still under construction). Please gets TNI AL with 6 new frigate ASAP (Iver class) so they can convert the old Van Speijk frigates into CG ship.
BalasHapusRI and Vietnam already have talks about it. It will be settled by diplomatics.
Hapusnape tak donation kat malaysie
BalasHapusNanti indon bising
HapusVietcong ini udah bagus dapet hibah kapal tapi kelakuannya kampret. Bukan buat rescue tapi bantu kapal maling nelayan vietnam nyuri ikan.
BalasHapusIs it the same class with in Phillipine arsenal?
BalasHapusthe same but I don't know whether the vietnamese will equip it with all the armament it has when in uscg.
HapusNobody make a fuss when Vietnam gets a 48 year old patrol vessel.
BalasHapusBut when Malaysia gets a decomissioned JCG ships then all hell breaks loose.
He... He
HapusBro shed, don't let your emotion.
You better than this, lah...
Btw Odense Maritime Tech, announce contract for Iver class (TNI AL & Bakamla/coast guard) and absalon class for fisheries department's mother ship.
Hapustoday is the first fasting day.
Hapusi think nobody wants to do it bro shed. I guess, not until 17:47,lol
but i hope we all maintain good relations not just today but forever.
Biasalah indon
HapusYou want a know the answer? Its because some of your malingsial friends always talk crap and underestimate others country, include indonesia. Take a look at the article about pinoy bid for submarine or mpa. The comment from jiran mostly how it's imposible pinoy to buy & handle a high tech military equipment.
You know that kind of thing are always iritating. Years back your military expenditure may be overflow, but not now. Not anymore. See how pinoy recently rise their expenditure on military shopping. Could be made some of you jealouse. Cause we all know that pinoy always underdog.That's the answer.
HapusLook at what u r doing now. The pot calling the kettle black.
Open ur eyes. Come to any Malaysian blog. We dont talk like that unless some smartass Indonesian (not all) starts talking crap like maling, banci, and ect. Rarely do we talk about any other country especialy indonesia coz we dont have this boogeyman syndrom like u do. Just compare shitty blog like Jakarta greater and Military of Malaysia. Siapa yg mulakan dulu dsitu?? I just dont get this i got the biggest dick mentality.
We dont talk crap about the Philipines. Facts is facts. When u have among the lowest defense budget in SEA u just cant go shooting for the stars. They have their own modernization programe (like our 15 to 5 plan) which focus on replacing their ageing surface and air survailance platform. That is very logical and respectable given what they have to play with. Theres nothing wrong with that. But when u start talking about submarines and other high budget stuff i call it as rhetoric. I (we) was not insulting them. Ive given the reason why there too bro. Btw theres a lot of false flagging Filipino here too who u called "malon". Just take a look at Lem1.
No. The Philipine arent going to town with their Military budget. A lot of the "shopping" u said involved buying low cost items such as the SSV, light frigates, light attact aircraft and ect. They dont even come close to the modernization and the cost already been paid by countries such as Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. That is not an insult. U take that as an insult coz u have this deep hatred toward Malaysia. Anything that we say and do is wrong in ur eyes.
No our defense budget never "overflowed" like u said. The Malaysian treasury in not a limitless well of money. We always have to make do with what we have. Thats why many of the major aquisition had to be payed through several Malaysian Plan (kaji apa itu Rancangan Malaysia bro, its a 5 year programe).
No. That is not the answer. Lihat sahaja pandangan majoriti forumer Indonesia tentang Singapura contohnya. Dikencingkan sahaja negaranya bisa tenggelam. Why is that? Wether u like it or not u have this big brother sydrom bro. Work on it.
Someone who call Philipina with pornoy, whereever come you from, please stop that.
HapusAnd someone from Philipina, please don't let them. Complain bro, cause you must love your country...
Bro shed, don't let your emotion.
Ramadhan Bro..
I know you are a logic man like bro luqman. I am respect both of you like I respect the other forumer who have a logic think (many person so I can't say one by one)
But, "pandangan majoriti forumer Indonesia tentang Singapura" is unusual from you. Cause that is not pandangan majoriti forumer Indonesia. Just a little one keyboard warrior. Named, how many nick name?
Wiser if you said "some of Indonesian forumer.. "
Please don't mention Jkgr, cause in every country have millitary blog like this. For me, that is only "a different angel vision"....
So be happy in Ramadhan day and still disscus in millitary issue..
Tidak usah lah mcari2 sapa yg mmulai
HapusKalau mau memulai.mulai lah dengan kalimat "kapan kita akhiri"
Bro panji
HapusI admit it. I did go a bit overboard on the majority thing. Tp hakikatnya sikap merendahkan negara lain seperti itu juga diamalkan oleh segelintir (pardon the majority quote) forumer indonesia. So bro joni stop acting like ur the victim ok. Coz ur not.
In my defense i did say that we do have the same type of hoax blog like the Military of Malaysia.
Yup we are in the month of Ramadhan. Happy fasting bro's. Jgn puasa separuh hari je pulak.
Bro Ridha
HapusThats the type of attitude that we need bro. Lets stop correcting for the past and move foward. We maybe "enemies" but even enemies can show respect.
Kau ni mulai dengan pertanyan why nobody fuss the vietnamese kan shed? That's my answer. Could be some of my fellow indonesian here to. No need to defend with your bla bla bla excuse to justify your opinion. Aku juga malas nak baca.
HapusIf you trully smart wise, you don't have to ask that stupid question that we all already know the answer.
I used to be a silent reader. But since some of your stupid ass fellow speak crap. My keyboard warrior thumb kind a little bit itch. Sorry to say
What answer??. U dindnt even read my cmments do u bro? U have little to no knowledge on defence and u only care about ur opinion. When somebody ask u a question rather than giving an answer u directly went beserk and start calling names. Blamming this and that. Rightttt bro very mature. Continue living in ur own buble. Someday that buble will burst.
HapusSorry bro Ridha. But it looks this who started it thingy will never ends.. aku pun penat juga kadang2.
HapusMas joni
HapusNot sure if u r wise man too (futurama fry)
But thats none of my business (kermit the frog)
Its ok om shed.kita hdup dalam dlingkaran setan
HapusJd ingat scene anime narto shipurnomo.soal yg lingkaran kebencian dunianya yg mau ia tanggung bebannya sendiri.
aku kira kita juga harus melampiaskan smua kbencian warga blog in ke 1 orang yg cocok.
Anak pener oke
Wkk.. Wkk.. Wkk..
HapusBro Ridha kasian juga lah, anak peneroka..
Sudah pekerjaannya sebagai pengacau diambil dark side, masih juga dijadikan pelampiasan...
#just kidding...
Saya kan cuma mlempar wacana mas panji.kalau beliau ikhlas n rdho ya syukur kalau ga ya ttp juga sih kita pilih
HapusHue hue hue
panji & ridha
Hapusapaan nih..ane lagi simpan tenaga lu enak2 aja ngomong di belakang ane..dosa tau gak..ini kan bulan puasa..wakakakakaka
hanya tuhan yg tau gimana ane..terserah mau kate ane pengacau..kerna ente gak tau jauh tersimpan dlm hati ane..impian untuk melihat malaysia indonesia bersatu..klu pun bukan 1 pemerintahan..tapi 1 nasib..saling mempertahankan..saling membangun..
malaysia & indonesia makin bergerak maju..tapi pembangunan manusianya dibentuk oleh acuan barat..terbelenggu oleh pemahaman nasionalisme buta..itu sebabnya kita saling hina..semakin lupa bahwa kita masih 1 saudara..
islam itu indah...itu sebabnya nenek moyang kita dulu menerima islam..tapi kalau islam yg datang dulu,adalah islam yg sepertimana kita punya hari ini...ane pasti nenek moyang kita dulu gak bakal mau terima islam...
Tu liat kan..
HapusThats my man.u r the real hero dude.setuju bang...kadang kalau mau mstop pertikaian 2 kubu lu mesti bikin musuh lain.coz enemy of my enemy is a friend
Enthusiast silahkan fanatik jangan berlebihan
Lupakan sejenak perbedaan warna bendera,bahasa dan masa lalu.sudah saatnya kita bertanya
Mau dibawa kemana hubungan kita??
Tuh Om AP keluar aslinya..
HapusMeskipun avatarnya garang, hatinya selembut salju...
Om Swd kalau serius ternyata bagus juga diskusinya...
Nambah lg kpl gede buat escort nelayan mereka di natuna.
BalasHapusAda yg kewalahan Mau menjaga perairan yg luas tp kpl kpl nya ngak cukup . Yg ada pun udah tua semua..operasi pun bisa tenggelam kayak parchim .
Ooo yeah. Kapal rosak dari jepang sudah sampe keh. Sudah banyak yang menunggu di pelabuhan.hendak boker di vip class floating toilet tuh.
HapusTrima kasih utk mas aloy sudah mau repot mngkwatirkan negri ini.sdh dkembangkan ko mas.mnta do'anya aj smgoga ttp lncar.amin
HapusAloy man
HapusThats right. Keep fanning up the flame bro. Keep it running. Btw can u speak proper malay bro? X perlu plagiat bahasa Indonesia kalau anda benar2 berasal dari sini. Semua org faham.
Gue singoporon..
HapusMungkin suwandaru,anak peneroka, aloy man dan sejenisnya suka kalau negara2 indonesia , malaysia dan negara asia tenggara lainnya saling perang, mungkin mereka bahagia kalau terjadi perang.
HapusMas andreas nama2 yg anda sbutkan td ga ad yg mau perang ko mas.
HapusMereka kan cuma "warna" lain dari suatu diskusi agar traffic ttp ramai.contoh sderhana anda aj smpai mau me klik smbl balas lalu mngetik bbrp krakter mnanggapi bola panasnya.
Singkatnya nikmati aj lh smua rasa dsebuah diskusi.mau itu tajam,pahit,kocak dst.jgn diambil hati.
@Ridha Ahmad
HapusNama-nama tersebut sepertinya tidak melakukan sesuatu yang masuk dalam kategori diskusi. Kalau lihat sisi positif bisa disebut debat. But a more correct term is probably argue.
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusIt is a great help for Vietnam's Navy against Chinese White Ship. It is mainly designed for open seas and patrol.
BalasHapusNice one Vietnam hope to see a joint excercise with your ex USCG Hamilton with her sisters BRP Gregorio del pilar class
BalasHapushmmm the ex uscg hamilton is use by the vietnam coast guard. so it's not possible for her to joint exercise with the del pilar class since they are operated by the navy.
HapusToo bad maybe if Vietnam CG would pay a visit using ex Hamilton
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusJustru aku suka kalo Indonesia selalu diprovokasi baik oleh tetangga dekat maupun jauh.
BalasHapusLho kok gitu..???
Yaah.... Dengan terprovokasinya Indonesia maka kita bisa semakin kuat dan itu terjadi seperti saat ini.
Gara gara diembargo kita punya kemauan kuat untuk mandiri dan akhirnya berjalan walau masih terseok seok.
Semua ada HIKMAH dibalik kejadian ini. China yg punya klaim diLCS sampai ke ZEE Indonesia di Natuna memberi efek yg cukup bagus untuk pembangunan ekonomi dan militer disana dan ini positif.
Nah dengan kejadian itu semua ada sisi positif yg bersifat diplomasi agar penyelesaian bisa dilakukan secara damai dan bermartabat. Disetiap adanya tumpang tindih perbatasan disitu pasti ada gesekan dan ini harus segera diselesaikan secara konprehensif dan saling legowo.
So... apa hubungannya saling bully didunia maya..???
Ya sebagai negara yg bergesekan pasti ada pihak yg berusaha memicu, manas manasi, dan saling bully. Dan itu wajar... jadikan saja itu semua cambuk bahwa kita kudu saling introspeksi bahwa apa yg dibully itu adalah sebuah kenyataan dimasing masing negara.
Saya kira kita semua sdh paham akan kekurangan dan kebobrokan bangsa kita masing masing.
Saya yakin bahwa Asean akan selalu Damai dan Aman bila kita dipimpin oleh orang orang yang berakhlak mulia.
Salam damai & Damai itu Indah. 😁
Setuju bro.
HapusMemang selama ini para pengambil kebijakan kita baru akan tersadar jika disenggol oleh tetangga. Semoga ke depannya proses penguatan angkatan perang kita lebih berdasar pada rencana jangka panjang yang dimiliki dan bukan hanya karena adanya sesuatu yang terlihat sebagai ancaman sesaat.
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