16 Oktober 2017
KF-X fighter (image : Aviation)
The final design of the Korea Aerospace Industries KF-X fighter is expected in June 2018, at which point detailed design will commence.
The detailed design phase for the twin-engined type will run until late 2019, at which point the production of prototypes will commence, says an official familiar with the programme.
A first flight is planned in the middle part of 2022, with testing and evaluation to run until 2026.
The KF-X will have both single and two-seat versions, and be powered by two General Electric F414 engines.
At present, the design is undergoing wind tunnel tests and computational fluid dynamic analysis.
The official adds that Indonesia, which is undertaking 20% of development costs, obtained export licences from the US government in April 2017. Indonesian Aerospace has over 80 staff working on the programme, along with staff from Lockheed Martin and KAI. Jakarta's variant, of which it will obtain about 80 examples, is referred to as the IF-X.
"At this point, there is almost now difference between KF-X and IF-X shapes," says the official.
Still, the South Korean and Indonesian examples are likely to be different. Previously, officials have said that a Block I configuration without stealth coatings and the ability to carry weapons internally will go to Indonesia. South Korea will have a Block II aircraft, with stealth coatings and weapons bays.
Seoul will also develop indigenous capabilities in key areas where it failed to obtain export licences from the US, an early stumbling block for the programme. These include the jet's active electronically scanned array (AESA), which will be developed with Israeli assistance, infrared search & track (IRST), electro-optical targeting, and the aircraft's electronic warfare suite.
Seoul plans to obtain 80 IF-X fighters, while Seoul plans to obtain 120 examples of KF-X.
Key point :
BalasHapusIndonesia => "...Block I configuration without stealth coatings and the ability to carry weapons internally.."
Ga masalah untuk sebuah langkah awal, yg penting bisa berkelanjutan/berkembang.
Sebetulnya doktrin Stealth kita perlu gak sih ? Biasanya kalo ada istilah Stealth dipakai untuk menyusup ke negara lain sementara Indonesia sepertinya tidak mungkin agresi ke negara lain dan lebih ke doktrin pertahanan negara.
HapusTeknologi Stealth lambat laun akan ketemu juga antidotnya seperti infonya S400 atau S500 yg bisa menjejak stealth mode, cmiiw.
Satu lagi, stealth itu dari konsep silumannya dimulai dari rangka dasar, cover plate atau sekedar coating paint ya ? Karena sy pernah baca di Indonesia pernah diteliti kandungan stealth dari cangkang udang atau kerang, lupa sy baca dimana... tapi melihat potensi kelautan kita melimpah rasanya kalau sekedar bisa coating pakai cangkang udang bisa jadi semua alutsista dibuat stealth mode... hahahaha... iki ngomong goblok2an lho yaa ? Ojo di gawe serius.
HapusKalau lihat kerjaan F-16 kita sepertinya tidak perlu. Yang butuh paling tier Flanker. Mungkin tier Hawk juga, buat ground attack di wilayah musuh. Tapi selama ini sepertinya IF-X buat gantiin tier F-16.
Sip mas... intinya untuk gantiin F-16 ya ? berarti sudah dirasa cukup teknologinya... plus ini menggunakan twin jet jadi punya dasar bagus bila suatu saat diupgrade supaya punya thrust yang baik..ingat case F-18, F-15, F-22 atau bahkan SU-35 dan PAKFA yang masih dianggap jet terkuat dan mengandalkan mesin kembarnya.
HapusBeberapa kali saya baca F-35 yang menggunakan single jet selalu dikomplain oleh beberapa pilot testernya sehubungan dengan power pesawatnya... beda dengan F-22 yg twin jet... jadi basic awal nya KFX-IFX sudah benar tidak salah jalan. Two engine biasanya lebih powefull dari single engine..cmiiw
ya klo siluman tetap perlu lah, 1 suadron saja cukup, kalo pilot sudah punya pengalaman dengan pesawat siluman, maka pilotnya akan tau kelemahan dan kelebihannya, dg informasi dari pilot teknologi akan dikembangkan
Hapussoal twin lbh kuat dr single enjin itu blom tentu om super. tergantung mesin apa yg dipake.
Hapusbandingin aja speed f16(2)ama f18(1.8). f16 tembus mach 2, net tidak. check aja thrust/weight keduanya yg sangat jau. makanya au amerika pake f16😊
wkt guwe di @america, pilot pertama f16 tni, terbiasa dgn jet tempur f5 tiger yg notabene bermesin kembar.
katanya f16 kenceng banget dan stabil apabila mencapai top speed apalagi kalo nanjak, beda dgn f5 kalo digeber, turbolensi dimana2...bila gak tau cara menjinakannya, alamat jingkrak haha!😜
mnurut byk komentator mesin kembar itu lbh safe kalo bila terjadi malfunction slh satu mesin. tentu lbh boros dan perlu tangki lbh gede dan beratpun nambah.
kita lihat bbrp case mmg benar, mesin kembar berhasil pulang dgn selamat, tp ada pula yg tidak malah merengut jiwa pilotnya sperti kejadian pd pswt typoon kemarin ini di spanyol ato su 30 mki india yg byk jatuh.
jd isu keamanan mesin dua ini masih perdebatan rupanya haha!🙃
tupoksi penggunaan single enjin f35 itu sendiri kerna, mrk ingin pesawat yg kecil, tentengan byk, irit, stealth.
Kalo dibilang mesinnya krng kuat, wah guwe sich ke data sj, mesin jenis f135 t/w dashyat 2x lipet f18.
Soal dimensi pun ternyata f35 lbh kecil dr proyek kfx/ifx. Pdl kalo liat di yutub gde & padet yak
kfx/ifx, f35, f22
om pedang, setuju. f 35 aja dibangun rame2 malah bikin repot kerna satu sama lain berbeda kebutuhannya.
Hapusdan untuk tipe f35 b/c, tidak dijual selain ke ratu. ini sangat jelas, biar patnernya banyak tetep pilih2 tuch amrik, pdhl duit sumbangan masuk dipake mrk juga, adil gak sich haha! makanya mungkin ini sala satu penyebab kanada ciaaoo
sama seperti proyek kfx/ifx...kita jg beda kebutuhan. prasaan dulu awalnya pengennya pesawat gen 4.5 kan.
kalo uda stealth itu pst gen 5. artinya beda proyek nich.
ato terjadi perubahan disain & kebutuhan, kalo RI jg pengen gen 5 otomatis smua brubah. gak perlu tuch gen 4.5 dilanjutin. lgs ke gen 5, tamba duit gitu aja kok refot haha!😃😃😃
konsekuensinya waktu pengerjaan akan bertambah.
Siap mas Palugada
HapusHasil belajar nyontek wiki barusan :
- F16 = 2 mach high altitude
- F15 = 2.5 mach high altitude
- F35 = 1.67 mach gak tahu high or low altitude
- F18 = 1.8 mach gak tahu high or low altitude
- F22 = 2.4 mach high altitude
- FA50 = 1.5 mach
- SU27 = 2.35 mach
- SU30 = 2 mach
- SU35 = 2.25 mach
ternyata benar F16 salah satu single engine terkencang hehehehe
Kalau menurut saya stealth tetap perlu. Stealth berguna buat offense dan defense. Kalau musuh stealth dan kita non stealth, kita berada di disadvantage. Kalau dua-duanya stealth, maka playing fieldnya akan lebih seimbang.
HapusStealth itu dicapai dari semua tahap. Rangka, plate, sudut-sudut bentuk pesawat, coating, dll. Tipikalnya stealth HARUS punya weapons bay dan stealth coating. Tanpa weapons bay, senjata yang nyantol bakal mantulin radar secara normal dan RCS pesawatnya ga akan sampai tingkat "stealth", apalagi kalau tanpa coating. Sama aja ga stealth.
Tetap optimis..
BalasHapuskira2 cpetan mana ama ifx ama r80,n245😊
BalasHapusPalu gada@ cepatan kamu 😀😀😀
HapusProject pesawat dan kasel kan otewe dan project tank sudah hampir selesai, next project sepertinya heli Gandiwa bisa direalisasikan. Kalo kesulitan bisa ambil platform heli tempur china atau turki bahkan bisa pinjem platform Cobra buat dasarnya. Namanya juga belajar buat mandiri :-)
HapusProject pesawat dan kasel kan otewe dan project tank sudah hampir selesai, next project sepertinya heli Gandiwa bisa direalisasikan. Kalo kesulitan bisa ambil platform heli tempur china atau turki bahkan bisa pinjem platform Cobra buat dasarnya. Namanya juga belajar buat mandiri :-)
HapusSuperstar@ Amin...mudah2an project gandiwa lanjut trus mas,denger2 sih project gandiwa ada kerjasama dgn india mas
Hapusom antiembalgo mana nich oleh2nya, tar tukeran yuk ama almond crispy cheese/coklat/mocca/green tea haha🤗🤗🤗
Hapusyg terpenting proyek itu selesai satu persatu.
Hapusjgn sampe lg ada proyek penting tiba2 gagal fokus.
pengen ngerjain proyek lain gegara ambisi, pgn dibilang "kami bisa".
prasaan smua org jg tau kok, dan gak masalah. komentar negatif hrsnya pemicu semangat dan makin fokus.
asal jgn alesan kerjaan lain telat kerna abc trus uud(ujung2nya duwit) tetep minta terus. hasilnya diganti maren haha!😅😅😅
Memang iptek mahal harganya
BalasHapusMany coments in internet especially frm Indonesian netters talk that Indonesian IFX version is less advance than KFX version. Well it's not necessary that.
BalasHapusFrm begining there are already statement that Indonesian and Korean cooperation will only be until development of Blok 1. After that Indonesia and Korea will developed their own version.
There are talk in Korean sites that probably the internal bay being constructed as modular block..which will then interchangeable with another moduler block consist of extra fuel tanks to meet different requirements.
The truth is..nobody knows since final design is not being finalised. Thus everything still can change..
Intinya tunggu sampe design final selesai..baru bisa lihat arah IFX and KFX akan kemana..Apakah tetap jalan bersama setelah blok 1, atau ambil seperate ways after blok 1..
Iya mas,ntar jg konsep dan desain IFX disesuaikan dgn doktrin TNI AU dan topografi indonesia
HapusReminds me of those sinergic project when USA and Germany agreed in developing Tank with same platform.
HapusAfter some years..they've split out their cooperation and using their same basic tank with different doctrines in armaments, hulls and technologies.. now we understand why M1 Abrams has similarity with Leopard Tank... :-)
America bisa jual Abrams dengan sentuhan American Style dan German dengan ciri khas Baja German yang lebih kuat... KFX IFX nanti bisa jadi punya kesamaan dan pastinya perbedaan sesuai konsep doktrin perang masing masing.
Gen 4?
BalasHapusNtar jg dibawah akan muncul komen iri dan dengki dari tetangga sebelah Wkwkwk...monggo,silahkan masuk paul,Iqram,Dein,tentara kabur,gempur wira,silahkan masuk...86,86 Wkwkwk
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
HapusWealah mas rafale,jgn suka su'uzhon gitu mas,aq tak pernah iri,aq hanya membetulkan dan mengkoreksi komen2 sirik dan asbun dari forumer tetangga yg mampir ke sini,contoh : komen dari tentara kabur kl kapal bung tomo itu cacat produksi dan suka oleng,lha kl cacat produksi dan suka oleng kok bisa bung tomo class wara wiri dalam misi PBB di libanon,yo aq ya menjelaskan,dari segi mananya aq iri ya
HapusOm rempit jgn dilayan rafale tuh,dia cuma lihat sebelah mata saja
Hapusya wis sorry ya, aku hapus komenku, klo aku fair aja gan...
BalasHapusMy name is Mr chong am a chinese but live in malaysia. i have been scammed by 6 different Internet Sugar Mummies Agent, they all promise to give me a connection after making me pay several fees which yield nothing and amounted to no positive result. i lost my hard earn money and it was a total of Rm23,000. One day as i was browsing through the internet with tears on my eyes i came across a testimony of a man who was also scammed Mr Mohd and eventually got linked to a legit Sugar mummy Agent called Mrs ZAAFIRAH where he finally got his own sugar mummy, so i decided to contact the same Agent and then told he my story on how i have been scammed by 6 different Agents who did nothing but to cause me more pain.I explain to the Agent by WHATSAPP on:+601136193982 and all she told me was to cry no more because i will get my Sugar Mummy in their company also i have made the right choice of contacting he. i filled the Registration form and proceeded with all that was requested of mean I was given a VIP EXECUTIVE Sugar Mummy who paid me an amount of RM5,000 for a start and here i am today happy because Mrs ZAAFIRAH has given me a Sugar mummy connection so i made a vow to my self that i will keep testifying on the internet on how i got my own sugar mummy. Do you need a Sugar Mummy urgently kindly and quickly contact Mrs ZAAFIRAH now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP +601136193982 and don't forget to testify about him too once you are hookup.
Indon xde duit..kena beli susu untuk anak2 smd agar jd pintar..bukan tolol.
BalasHapusCie,Cie beruk malon mulai kena stroke melihat kemajuan indonesia Wkwkwk
Hapusini komentar yg memperlihatkan diri level pendidikannya spt apa..
BalasHapusMy name is Mr chong am a chinese but live in malaysia. i have been scammed by 6 different Internet Sugar Mummies Agent, they all promise to give me a connection after making me pay several fees which yield nothing and amounted to no positive result. i lost my hard earn money and it was a total of Rm23,000. One day as i was browsing through the internet with tears on my eyes i came across a testimony of a man who was also scammed Mr Mohd and eventually got linked to a legit Sugar mummy Agent called Mrs ZAAFIRAH where he finally got his own sugar mummy, so i decided to contact the same Agent and then told he my story on how i have been scammed by 6 different Agents who did nothing but to cause me more pain.I explain to the Agent by WHATSAPP on:+601136193982 and all she told me was to cry no more because i will get my Sugar Mummy in their company also i have made the right choice of contacting he. i filled the Registration form and proceeded with all that was requested of mean I was given a VIP EXECUTIVE Sugar Mummy who paid me an amount of RM5,000 for a start and here i am today happy because Mrs ZAAFIRAH has given me a Sugar mummy connection so i made a vow to my self that i will keep testifying on the internet on how i got my own sugar mummy. Do you need a Sugar Mummy urgently kindly and quickly contact Mrs ZAAFIRAH now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP +601136193982 and don't forget to testify about him too once you are hookup.