16 Oktober 2017

PH Marine Corps Plans to Get 87 Tactical Combat Vehicles

16 Oktober 2017

Currently tactical vehicle of PMC (photo : geocities)

PH Navy plans to get Tactical Combat Vehicles for Marines

The Philippine Navy is planning to procure 87 new Armored Tactical Combat Vehicles for the Philippine Marine Corps in 2018 as part of Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Second Horizon.

Second Horizon of the ongoing military modernization will start next year and will end 2022. The First Horizon is now on its final year.

According to MaxDefense Philippines, the Navy is allocating PHP2.610 billion for the acquisition of 87 new Armored Tactical Combat Vehicles.

“No specifications has been provided yet, but based on the budget alone we can assume that its a wheeled armored vehicle smaller than the Simba, but definitely larger than an armored Humvee or KIA Light Tactical Vehicle,” MaxDefense said.

MaxDefense added that the procurement of said vehicles may have born out of experience from fighting in Marawi City which mainly required urban warfare operations.

However, MaxDefense noted that “AFP’s procurement plans are so liquid that it keeps on changing.”


15 komentar:

  1. Panser ini yg dipasang armour kayu ya

  2. Ada kans untuk Pindad masuk ke pasar ini ?
    We have Anoa, Badak, Komodo or even Bushmaster for wheeled armored.

    1. luk hus tolkin ahaay..
      ada uang, ada kualiti. buktinya pinot puwas dgn kapal produksi pal, mau pesan lagi malahhh

      om dendeng, uang gak perna bo'ong kcuali disonglap euy haha!

      dach sana luh beli sama rrc yg byk gpp, drpd digaruk di lcs haha!

    2. Waduh mas Dein.. lha itu Kapal gede bikinan PAL yg udah 2 biji diexport ke philipina gimana mas ? Malah mereka mau pesan lagi... lha negaramu juga pake CN235 buatan PT DI. Mosok gak laku tho mas ?

      Nantilah kalau 2018 Tank Harimau udah siap dijual pasti diborong Philipina. Biasanya sih gitu hehehehehhe

    3. Biasalah Dein tuh iri hati kpd indonesia

    4. Dulu aku ingat pesawat cn tu asal buatan indonesia tapi sepanyol.. kapal mrss tu pun sama.. sekali korea punya...tank harimau hitam tu pun buatan turkey...ermmmm

    5. Hehehhee sip sip makasih mas Dein atas pencerahannya...

      Memang kadang pengen ketawa kalo baca komen sodara dari negeri jaran ini.. hehehehe

    6. Superstar@ biasalah Dein dah seperti katak di bawah tempurung,tak de knowledge,iri hati lg

  3. untuk anggaran tactical combat vehicle anggarannya besar sekali. tiap unit USD 585.400, entah apakah ini termasuk blueprint atau lisensi. tergantung mereka mau STANAG berapa kekuatan tactical vehiclenya. apakah mau yang amphibi atau tidak, namun sudah pasti M113 tersingkir karena level proteksi rendah. sedangkan anoa amphibi, badak, bushmaster dan anoa biasa tersingkir karena harganya diatas budget. tapi untuk ukuran baik simba, KIA light tactical vehicle dan humvee, sama saja panjang lebar dan tingginya (kurang lebihnya).

  4. buat kendaraan taktis kita py lumayan byk maenan yg bisa tawarin,

    masih ada turangga, yg maren mejenk di hut tni loh.
    kalo mao yg garang, tersedia P2 commando, komodo & yg gressss dri pt sse Acmat VLRA

    turangga apc

    P2 commando


    acmat vlra

  5. Data per 2016 ini... Indonesia masih kalah sama Singapura urusan beli senjata... hehehe gak2 apa yg penting project akan jadi realiti.

    ASEAN’s military spenders
    In Southeast Asia, the largest military spenders are the tiny Singapore ($10 billion) and Indonesia ($8.2 billion), followed by Thailand and Vietnam (about $5-6 billion), and Malaysia and Philippines (around $4 billion) 

  6. Alhamdulillah Laos dan Vietnam akan membeli persenjataan dari Pt.Pindad
    Juara 8 kali menembak antar ARMY se asean plus dgn produk Pindad sdh membuktikan produk mereka best lah.
