03 November 2017

Poland Eyes Purchase of Adelaide Class Frigates

03 November 2017

Adelaide class frigate HMAS Darwin sailed into Darwin Harbour for the final time on November 1, before decommissioning due in December. (photo : Aus DoD)

Adelaide Class frigates’ future home could be in the Baltic Sea

The future of Australia’s Adelaide Class FFG frigates has been discussed this week during Minister for Defence Industry Christopher Pyne’s visit to Europe.

Minister Pyne has confirmed he discussed Poland's expression of interest in purchasing the frigates while meeting with his Polish counterparts.

Poland officially expressed its interest in the vessels in March this year when Michal Jach, the chairman of the Polish parliament's National Defence Committee, told the Safety Forum 2017 conference in Szczecin: "The acquisition of used Adelaide frigates from Australia would represent a major upgrade for Poland, it would raise the combat capability of our Navy."

Like Australia, Poland is working to significantly modernise its defence capability, announcing in August it will spend $46 billion over the next 15 years.

The vessels could provide enhanced ballistic missile defence to Poland, given the frigates are armed with a Mark 13 missile launcher for SM-2 missiles.

Australia's Adelaide Class frigates, which come out of service over the next two years, are being replaced by the three Hobart Class Air Warfare Destroyers, one of which has been active since September this year.

The FFG frigates have been in service since 1980 and three of the original six are still in service.

The frigates are based on the US Navy's Oliver Hazard Perry Class frigates, but were modified for Australian requirements. The first four vessels were built in the US, while the other two were constructed in Australia.

Poland already operates two former Oliver Hazard Perry Class frigates – ORP General Kazimierz Pulaski (273) and ORP General Tadeusz KoΕ›ciuszko (273) – and it is beleived both frigates would be compatible with the Australia's FFGs.

(Defence Connect)

33 komentar:

  1. brg seken ostrali byk di incer yak, frigat, f18..

    kira2 polandia mao Van Speijk gak? ada bisa gotong yakunnn setronk loohhπŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

    1. Kasihan, agaknya sales dcns dan dsns tak berkutik dinegara tetangganya....

    2. masalah duwit om,
      kyknya polandia masih bingung, antara ttp memakai blok timur trs digado2 sm blok barat ato moderenisasi smua ke blok barat.

      bentar lagi armada lautnya bakalan ngikutin tanknya tuch😊.

      dsns & dcns bisa2 kegeser ploduk korea jg lama2, howie aja masuk

  2. Poland will spend $46 billion over the next 15 years.
    Ini maksute per tahun segitu atau dibagi 15 tahun yah mas ?

    $ 46 Billion alias kurleb Rp 620 Triliun, wow.. kayane gede juga kalo buat setahun jadi asumsinya Rp 620 T / 15 thn = Setahun kurleb Rp 41 Triliun.

    Emejing juga...

    Budget TNI 2018 Rp 108 Triliun kira2 dapet Viper atau Grippen berapa biji mas setelah dikurangi OPEX spt gaji dll ?

    1. Berapa Viper atau Grippen?

      Tergantung berapa dulu yang tersonglap. Hwahahaha..

      Poland garda terdepan NATO menghadapi Russia, wajar budged digedein.

      Mereka lagi cari tambahan Leo tuh, kita bisa kehabisan stok bekasan kalo lambat hunting yg 2nd batch.

      Hwihihihi... :D

    2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    3. Lebih separuh lebih kemakan buat gaji...hihihi

    4. embiti mao namba lagikah om ps?
      guwe pikir ad mau pake tank medium ama banyakin mlrs + arhanud.

    5. Ya gak mungki lah nambah embiti...tar namanya ganti jadi "embifour" apa "embisix"

    6. Kasad pernah bilang begitu.

      Medtank beda kelas lah mas.

      Sabar, ditunggu aja tanggal mainnya. Sedaaap lah pokoknya.

      Hwihihihi... :D

    7. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    8. Lah ratusan Leopard kita masih belum cukup mas..? Kalo nambah Leopard biasane nambah paketan Marder juga tuh mas hehehehehe

    9. Sing yg se uprit aja qty Leo-nya gak jauh dari dimari kok.

      Silahkan disimpulkan Leo dimari udah cukup/belum.

      Hwihihihi.... :D

    10. Kata siapa leo mau nambah?..

    11. beda pemimpin beda selera. jgnkan mau nambah, lha yg dipesan pun gak dateng2 haha! ituloh bmd 4m.

  3. Embiti rencana nambah ya, asikk tuh

    1. Kapan lalu denger Info katanya Philipin mau akuisisi LVTP7 bikinan korsel sebanyak 8 unit di tahun 2018. Gimana kalau duit buat beli amphibi Rusia yg denger2 mau order 50 units dilariin ke sini aja ? Kali ini beli deh gak usah hibah, pasti mamarika bolehin gak baperan kayak dulu waktu TNI dapet 15 unit LVTP dari Korsel. Hahahaha

    2. Saya kurang paham harga amphibi russia BT3F, tapi lihat di wiki harga dasar LVTP7 adalah $ 2 sampai $ 2.5 mil. Dengan Budget approved thn kemaren yg belum direalisasi gara2 case BTR4 yg kurang bagus sebesar $ 95 mil kayane dapet tuh sekitar 40 sampai 50 unit. :-)

    3. Nambahnya kan mbt buat AD om @super, klo duit buat beli tank amphibi marinir dialihken ke AD apa kgk runyam tuh

    4. Beda budget mas. Maksutku budget marinir yg tahun kemaren mau akusisi btr gak jadi mas.. bukan case MBT hehehe

    5. Beda budget mas. Maksutku budget marinir yg tahun kemaren mau akusisi btr gak jadi mas.. bukan case MBT hehehe

    6. lvt7 lbh mahal, bajet filipin aja PhP2.5 billion, sekitar $46jt. sebijik $5,7jt.

      makanya kita bersyukur dpt hibahan brg bagus mewah haha!😊😊😊
      hayo jaga baek2 jgn sering2 loncat haha!

    7. Hehehehe soale masih terngiang LVTP7 dipake loncat2an mas yg katanya Marines pun gak berani :-)


    8. Sayang kemaren Team Pegasus Helicopter gak show di Merak... padahal mayan keren bingitz.


  4. Should donate to Indon as Indon PKR have no missiles!!

    1. Iya,missile malon paling canggih,missile balon kuning Wkwkwk

    2. 3 bijik 🎈🎈🎈 haha!

    3. Should donate the baterai actually...

    4. 3 biji cem tai kuning Wkwkwk

    5. Maharajalela pakek vita berlendir...senjata paling goblok sedunia...kahkahkah

  5. Pkr indo pakai buluh runcing... mendunia gitu..keh keh keh

    1. Kapal disonglap malon pakai taming sari...sebjata paling bloon sedunia...kahkahkah

    2. In Dein defense he did said "indo" not "indon". Taming sari was to be a localy made guided artilary round. Sayang sekali.. no support from the Malaysian goverment.
