Collins class submarines (photo : Aus DoD)
Key Naval Projects Confirmed for South Australia
South Australia will spearhead a major expansion of Australia’s naval capabilities, supporting thousands of jobs and advancing the state’s shipbuilding expertise.
A number of naval projects have been confirmed for South Australia, following the announcement today of a new enhanced security partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States.
The first initiative under the partnership, known as AUKUS, is to acquire nuclear-powered submarines for Australia, which are intended to be built in South Australia.
The Morrison Government has also approved a Life-of-Type Extension to the Collins class submarine fleet from 2026 in South Australia, and confirmed that the Full-Cycle Docking of the Collins class will continue to be conducted at Osborne. Up to $6.4 billion will be invested in these works, and around 1,300 jobs supported in South Australia.
The Government will also invest up to $5.1 billion in upgrades to the Hobart Class destroyer combat management system upgrades at Osborne from 2024, creating 300 jobs in the state.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the investments reinforced the Government’s commitment to South Australia’s shipbuilding industry.
“This expansion of Australia’s naval capabilities will strengthen national security, boost our sovereign workforce and support thousands of jobs in the South Australian industry,” the Prime Minister said.
“South Australia is home to some of the most skilled shipbuilding workers in the world, they have the know-how, ingenuity, industrial knowledge and determination that is required to provide our Defence Force with the very best capability.”
Minister for Defence Peter Dutton said the Government’s investments would ensure Australia maintained a strong and agile submarine capability for decades.
“The Collins class submarine to this day remains one of the most capable conventional submarines in the world,” Minister Dutton said.
“The planned Life-of-Type Extension, through the replacement of key systems, will help deliver Defence’s strategic objectives.
“The upgrade to the Aegis combat management system will ensure our fleet of Hobart class air warfare destroyers maintain their capability-edge into the future.
“Both of these projects announced today are vital for Defence’s ability to act with greater independence in an increasingly contested strategic environment.”
Minister for Finance and Senator for South Australia Simon Birmingham said the state would continue to benefit from the Morrison Government’s sovereign and continuous naval shipbuilding program.
“South Australia is the engine room of naval shipbuilding in this country,” Minister Birmingham said.
“Full-Cycle Docking and Life-of-Type Extension at Osborne will ensure we retain our skilled shipbuilding workforce, and will continue to create opportunities for local businesses to engage with the defence industry.
“In addition, the up to $5.1 billion investment in upgrading the Hobart class combat management system will create extra economic activity as well as around 300 jobs in the state.
“Conducting these sustainment projects in Osborne, on top of the building of frigates and submarines will ensure South of Australia continues to be the epicentre of naval shipbuilding in this country.”
Collins class submarine HMAS Farncomb will be the first to undergo a Life-of-Type Extension when it enters its next Full-Cycle Docking in 2026.
Alhail AUKUS.....😂😂😂😂
BalasHapusKlo KL mao ikut bs jadi KAKUS!
HapusMakanya gak diajak, ngerihhhh om pedang haha!🤪🤪🤪
AUKUS : Aliansi Umat Kemukus. .....semacam serikat pekerja nggono mas dadi saikine Mbah Gono ora iso semena-mena mecat cantrik/cantrikwati utowo sengojo nahan gaji nggono 🤷
ajur jum...😂😂😂
Apgred itu naik tingkat bukan dongred cms indihe cem sebelah haha! 🤣🤣🤣
BalasHapus"Apgrade" versi KL tuu oom, emang otofdebok..😂😂😂
HapusPerusahaan Kapal Selam Prancis akan Kirim Tagihan ke Australia
Kalau Leonardo kirim tagihan ke KL, artinya heli siap kirim..
Hapus1-1-1...Leonardo nagihin tiap tahun selama 3 tahun..
Kalo minat kapal darat selesai 6 bijik, taon 2023 naval grup kirim tagihan jugak ke KL..
Hapusongkos exten om haha!🤑😋🥴
Gak mungkin, pasti TAMAT
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
Hapusbukan Naval grup om.. mindef yg sharusnya kirim tagihan denda akibat delay ke busted.. wkwkwk
HapusNG cuma buat blueprint saja.. eksekusi kan ditangan busted..
australia kalau mau ke LCS kudu liwat indonesia ya ?
BalasHapusBisa kok ga lewat RI, asal mau muter lewat Pasifik..😁
Hapusibarat tetangga... ini tetangga belakang rumah
HapusALKI 1,2,3 harus dibangun pos satpam nihq
BalasHapusIni buat DP atau 🤫🤔
Pemerintah Siapkan Anggaran Rp 29,5 Triliun
HapusPresiden Joko Widodo telah menandatangani Peraturan Presiden nomor 85 tahun 2021 tentang Rencana Kerja Pemerintah (RKP) tahun 2022.
Salah satu rencana kerja yang terdapat pada lampiran beleid tersebut terkait dengan penguatan pertahanan.
Terdapat dua indikator dalam rencana kerja tersebut.
Pertama berkaitan dengan pemenuhan minimum essential force (MEF) mencapai 86%. Kedua kontribusi industri pertahanan mencapai 50%.
Guna menjalankan rencana tersebut, pemerintah menyiapkan anggaran Rp 29,5 triliun.
Anggaran tersebut disiapkan untuk berbagai program kegiatan.
Pengadaan 23 jenis alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) sebesar Rp 12,64 triliun.
Selain itu ada juga pemeliharaan dan perawatan 20 jenis alutsista senilai Rp 8,14 triliun.
Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Pertahanan juga akan membangun 5 sarana dan prasarana pertahanan dengan anggaran Rp 746,62 miliar.
Ada pula pembangunan 25 jenis sarana dan prasarana profesionalisme dan kesejahteraan prajurit yang dibangun dengan anggaran Rp 4,86 triliun
Kemenhan juga akan membangun satu sistem pertahanan siber pada tahun 2022 dengan anggaran Rp 38,72 miliar.
Pemerintah juga akan melakukan pengadaan 5 jenis alat peralatan pertahanan dan keamanan (alpalhankam) industri pertahanan senilai Rp 3,14 triliun.
Sebagai informasi, pada tahun 2022, Rencana Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (RAPBN) mengalami kenaikan.
Pada tahun 2022 RAPBN Kemhan sebesar Rp 133,9 triliun naik dari tahun 2021 sebesar Rp 118,2 triliun.
DP Rafale dan Kapal Selam.. 🤩🤑
HapusWalaupun di upgrade yg ini bs selam ya wkwkwk
sugeng awan, sugeng medhangetaken leyeh2 mawon njih ?
... Xixixixixixixi 😁
Ntar ad yh claim punya FPDA punya malon jga caxaxaxxa
BalasHapusThe Government will also invest up to $5.1 billion in upgrades to the Hobart Class destroyer combat management system upgrades at Osborne from 2024, creating 300 jobs in the state.
5.1 milyar!
Wooww, banyak amat buat CMS doank...sultan mah bebas haha🥴🥴🥴
apa osi gak kesian ama KL RM 9 milyar cmn dpt 1 kapal darat haha!😂😂😂
Apa kaitannya post ini sama malaysia? Ngak ada haha
BalasHapusAdalah kaitannya. Post ini mau mengatakan kapal selamnya dipastikan bisa selam lah. Sementara punya tetangga sebelah dr jaman jepang sampe sekarang tetap nganbang macam taik hanyut kat sungai
HapusSabar ya Mat Sabu, jangan marah hihihi
BalasHapus...setiap NAFAS yang kita hirup adalah jalan menuju ke yang namanya KEMATIAN
BalasHapus...apapun yang menjadi Takdirmu, pasti akan mencari jalannya untuk menemukanmu
... Xixixixixixixi 😁
...aduuuuuuh panon tech TUNDUH kieu euy, sare heula ach sakeudeung disimutan ku angin beurang nu ngahiliwir na saung sawah
BalasHapussugan we panggih jeung si manehna nu teu weuleh aya na jero hate jeung ngancik dina rasa ?
... Xixixixixixixi 😁
...heuheuy deudeuh
Hapus... Xixixixixixixi 😁
As i told maybe another forumer from other countries not visiting this page again is flaming with nonsense indonesian attacking keyboard warrior attitude
BalasHapusIs just shame as an indonesian too
Xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa baru kaliini ada yg bangga pakai nama tai xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa nih🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌😂😂🤣🤣😛😛😛😛
HapusTai = SHIT..wkwkwkwk
Hapusbeli kok heli mainan...
Heli anak tk kok dibeli
cocok tuh ditaruh balon kuning di heli nya
beli drone mainan
BalasHapusbeli heli mainan
beli balon kuning mainan
Toys army rule the SCS guysss