12 Desember 2020

Russia Developing Single-engine Fighter Jet

12 Desember 2020

Rostec develops advanced single-engine light and medium-class piloted and unmanned aircraft (image : Russkievesti)

Russian tech firm working on concept of advanced single-engine combat plane

MOSCOW/TASS/. Russia’s state hi-tech corporation Rostec is working on a concept of an advanced single-engine light- and medium-class piloted and unmanned combat plane, Rostec CEO Sergei Chemezov said on Monday.

"Indeed, work is underway to develop a combat aviation system of the future in its light and medium classes. Under the design, this may be a universal platform in the manned and unmanned versions. The company is working on the concept and the operational requirements for such a platform. We are doing this on our own initiative so far, without [federal] budget funds," the Rostec chief said, responding to a question about the plans to create a light single-engine fifth-generation fighter for Russia’s Aerospace Force.

Russia’s Defense Ministry has not placed any orders for this work so far. However, Rostec believes in the expediency of developing the new fighter, possibly, in cooperation with foreign partners, Chemezov pointed out. The Rostec chief said "this is an interesting theme from the viewpoint of promoting such a plane for exports."

Given that such a fighter is developed and manufactured using Rostec’s funds, the company will be able to deliver it for exports on its own, Chemezov said. "Especially, if this is a joint development with some state. However, the Defense Ministry may purchase it for its own needs as well. Naturally, the plane will have to be upgraded to the level required by the Defense Ministry for its interior, if a decision is made," Chemezov said.

Russian Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov announced in 2017 that Russia was planning to develop a fifth-generation light fighter in cooperation with other countries. As Head of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Yuri Slyusar specified at the time, Russia would be represented in the project by the UAC as the parent organization and also by the Sukhoi Company that has developments on the fifth-generation fighter and the MiG Aircraft Corporation that has developments on single-engine planes.

UEC-Klimov Company Executive Director Alexander Vatagin earlier specified that Russia had the potential to restart the production of inexpensive single-engine fighter jets whose motor could be developed on the basis of the available RD-33 engine.

Russia’s Air Force Command made a decision in the early 1990s to give up the production of single-engine combat planes. At that time, the Russian Air Force operated MiG-23, MiG-27 and Su-17M aircraft of various modifications.

57 komentar:

  1. Hag, hag, hag....para ruski fansboy makin bingung dibuatnya dg mazab zet tempur dobel enjin 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Kosek mas @Essen....iki ono perkoro sing luweh penting bab otak-atik jumlah pespur idaman 🤔

      160 katone tanggung.....piye yen 180 sisan 🙄

      Nggene jlentrehe 🤷
      1. F-35: 48 (3 ska)
      2. F-16 standar V (berbagai tipe) : 102 (6 ska + 1 ska mini)
      3. TA-50i LIFT (+light attack : 32

      Katone komposisi iki luweh rasional ketimbang komposisi 180 jet tempur sing isine maneko warno, memper gado-gado 🤣🤣🤣

    2. cari yang single, belum pengalaman tapi belum dijamah


      cari yang double, udah pengalaman tapi sering disundul


    3. Nek rasah mblanjani.....aku pilih sing ke loro 🙈🙈🙈

    4. Mas Smili,

      F35 punya 2 negara tetangga itu bakal berjumlah total 160 unit.

      Belum lagi kalo 60 unit F16 tetangga nggak jadi dipensiunkan.

      Trus ada lagi tetangga mau beli Viper minimal 12 unit.

      Ditambah juga dengan double engine medium 39 unit dan double engine heavy 40 unit.

      Kalo tetangga kere tapi sombong itu nggak usah dianggep deh, cukup dihadapi dengan F16 lawas udah pipis di celana.

      Jadi berapa seharusnya pespur kita ?

      160 F35
      80 F15
      72 Viper dengan CFT
      32 F16 lawas
      14 TA50
      42 FA50
      40 Super Tucano

      Total 440 unit

    5. Pemburu rajawali 11/12/2020 Reply

      Hitungan ngaco dan ngasal. Berapa lama harus tunggu tuh pespurnya ? Kalo pun bisa datang semuanya teknologi yg terpasang udh obsulute tung. Blm line waiting nya kaya apa coba

    6. Apanya yang ngasal mas Smili?

      Ozy bakal punya 100 F35
      Singapura bakal ganti 60 F16 menjadi 60 F35

      100 + 60 = 160

      Kayak gitu ngasal?

      Itu Singapore juga punya 40 F15, Ozzy punya 28 Super Hornet dan 12 - 1 = 11 Growler.

      40 + 28 + 12 - 1 = 79

      Kalau saya tambahin 1 menjadi 80, kayak gitu ngasal?

      Kalo mau balance of power kita harus bisa menandingi mereka.

      Pikir dong.

      Trus apa yang obsolute ?

      Buktinya F15 Amrik jalan terus malah ada varian baru.
      Bukti lain F16 bisa dipakai sampai 12000 jam terbang alias 40 tahun...
      F35 memang banyak waiting list tapi apa semakin lama tidak ada versi teknologi terbarunya?

      Jadi apa yang obsolete ?

      Terus apa perusahaan profesional setaraf boeing dan lockheed bikin pesawat tempur itu hanya 1 atau 2 per bulan? Mereka itu bikin pespur kecepatannya 6-12 unit atau lebih per bulan. Jangan dibandingin cara kerja Lockheed / Boeing dengan PTDI yang kerjanya santuy-santuy saja yang penting ada order dan digaji.

      Mas Smili ini tambah tua tambah ngaco komentarnya.

    7. Jangka waktu 20 THN beli 120 pespur agak berat mase apalagi 160 pespur 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️.

      Kalau itung-itungan ane

      Typon 12 biji ex Austria
      Rafale 36-48 biji
      F-15 16 biji
      F-16/18 16 biji
      Su35 12 biji
      Total 94 biji

      Ane baru percaya

    8. Lha wong sing komen ki @pemburu rajawali (tamu seko lapak sebelah).....kok aku sing diamuk 😢🤧😭

    9. @PR iku rak punggawane formil @patga.....patriot gagal....eeeeh gagak 🤣🤣🤣

    10. Lha mas smili yang bawa komentar PR ke sini ta ? Ya mas smili yang saya amuk.

  2. Silhouette jet rusia selalu terlihat spartan namun kaku kurang mabis kalau di lihat, tapi tak penting yg penting kualitas jet russia sudah terbukti di banyak palagan sejak pd 2 berakhir .

    1. Double aileron meningkatkan kes3imnangan kala bermanouver , betul gag suhu suhu 😔

    2. Hanya lebih lintjah saja.....daya dorong mesin sangat menentukan (diluar faktor pengawaknya)

    3. Luwih lincah mami gisel to mas hari opo meneh status e rondo kembang😊😊😄😄😄

    4. ☝️ haqul yaqqin, ente pasti muridnya mbah Gono.......🤣🤣🤣

    5. Wkwkwkwkwkwkwkkkkk mami gisel 😁

  3. Produk alutsista rusia bentuk nya emang kaku semuanya tetapi avionik mereka melebihi usa.

    1. Yg pnting jeroan nya yo hehe
      Apalgi MIg 31 Foxhound

  4. Model terbaru dari Russia .. Malaysia pasti akan memilikinya soon .. menjadi yang pertama di Asia Tenggara ...

    1. Caesar yg dah di test drive thn 90-an je pun tak dibeli apalagi ini,halu tingkat dewa 😁😁😂

  5. 7 penerbang baru di tiga skadron Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin


  6. Barusan ane di japri ame @suwandaru yg nitip pesen.....mulai artikel ini kedepan dia akan jarang muncul disini karena kesibukannya membezuk bos nya 🙏🙏🙏

  7. Penerbang Skadron 11 dan Skadron 17 lulus terbaik SIP 83 & 84


  8. Pasti bakalan pake mesin Su-57. Mereka udah niru doktrin NATO

  9. Pada hal singel ga enak kesepian ... saya lebih suka yg couple.

    1. Hakok luna maya kae ijeh seneng memjomblo hayo mas .....🤔

    2. lunak lunak ayam seneng menjomblo tapi liaaaaar....

    3. Yen aku kurang minat bos.....terlalu grepes, minim lekukan 🙄

    4. Kae mbok dhe Arjo, akeh lekukane lho mas...
      cocok ngge selerane mas smiling


    5. Opomeneh lek threesome xaxaxaxaxaxa

  10. 20 THN minimal TNI punya 160 jet fighter 🤔🤔🤔

    Yg sudah kebeli
    16 su27/30
    32 F-16 series

    Kurang =112 biji
