31 Oktober 2023

Patrol Craft (PC) Ex-SUNDANG Selesai Refit

31 Oktober 2023

Patrol Craft PC Ex-SUNDANG (photo : TLDM)

KUALA TERENGGANU - Panglima Logistik Barat, Laksamana Pertama Ts. Shaiful Bahri bin Baharuddin telah menyempurnakan majlis penerimaan PC Ex-SUNDANG yang selesai menjalani refit di Pulau Kambing, hari ini. 

Dalam tempoh terdekat, sebuah lagi PC iaitu Ex-PANAH juga akan diterima.  Melalui inisiatif pindah-milik dan pelaksanaan refit ini, kedua-dua PC telah diberi nafas baharu di mana pendekatan “total make-over” telah berjaya mengubah landskap dan keupayaan kapal. Maklumat tambahan berkaitan program ini adalah seperti di pautan berikut:    

Memindah milik dan mengaktifkan semula kedua-dua PC adalah pendekatan filling the gap.  Semoga PC tersebut  berupaya meneruskan khidmat bakti kepada TLDM dengan flying colours, secara berkesan dan efektif.  Sekalung tahniah kepada semua pihak yang terlibat dengan inisiatif ini.

Navy Frigates, Attack Craft Hold Live-fire Drills Off Zambales

31 Oktober 2023

Exercise Pagbubuklod 2023 (all photos : Philippines Navy)

MANILA – The Philippine Fleet (PF) on Friday announced that its missile frigates, BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150) and BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151), along with a multi-purpose attack craft armed with a Spike-ER (extended range surface-to-surface) missile successfully fired their weapons during a gunnery exercise on Thursday.

In a statement, PF spokesperson Lt. Giovanni Badidles said these live-fire drills took place near Capones Island, San Antonio, Zambales as part of the "Exercise Pagbubuklod" being held from Oct. 23 to 27.

He added that live-fire exercises are essential for the sailors to build confidence, improve understanding, and fine-tune the proper execution of these lethal capabilities.

"The successful conduct of these major training activities significantly fulfills the overall objectives of 'Exercise Pagbubuklod' to optimize the utilization of assets and equipment, train personnel, and develop tactics and procedures ensuring success in operations," Badidles said.

The training, he said, also aims to validate the organizational structure, concepts of operations, and published doctrines in addressing the current and future scenarios in the operational areas. 


Italia Tawarkan Dua Kapal Perang untuk Indonesia

31 Oktober 2023

Kapal Pattugliatore Polivalente dAltura (PPA) atau Multipurpose Offshore Patrol Vessel OPV (photo : Marina Militare)

Roma, Gatra.com - Italia sedang melakukan pembicaraan dengan Indonesia untuk menjual dua kapal patroli multiguna PPA barunya kepada negara Pasifik tersebut, kata seorang menteri Italia kepada Defense News.

Kapal-kapal yang akan dijual tersebut merupakan kapal-kapal yang sudah dibangun untuk angkatan laut Italia guna mempercepat pengiriman, kata Menteri Pertahanan Muda Italia Matteo Perego di Cremnago.

Dia menambahkan, ketegangan regional dengan Tiongkok membuat Indonesia membutuhkan kapal baru dengan cepat.

“Semua negara di kawasan ingin menambah armadanya dengan cepat sehingga diperlukan pengiriman yang cepat. Saat ini, Anda tidak bisa lagi berpikir untuk mengirimkan kapal dalam waktu tiga tahun – kita perlu mempercepat programnya,” katanya.

Italia telah memesan tujuh kapal serba guna dari galangan kapal lokal Fincantieri, enam di antaranya kini diluncurkan dan tiga sudah beroperasi dengan angkatan laut Italia.

Kapal nomor enam, Ruggiero di Lauria, diluncurkan pada 6 Oktober di halaman Muggiano Fincantieri di Italia.

Multipurpose Offshore Patrol Vessel OPV Thaon class (photo : Giorgio Arra)

Kedua kapal yang dapat dijual ke Indonesia tersebut adalah kapal yang telah diluncurkan namun belum mulai beroperasi, atau termasuk kapal ketujuh yang masih belum diluncurkan. Angkatan Laut Italia kemudian akan memesan dua lagi untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya sendiri.

Artikel ini telah tayang di halaman gatra.com dengan judul "Italia Tawarkan Dua Kapal Patroli untuk Indonesia". 

“Belum jelas kapal mana yang akan masuk ke Indonesia, itu tergantung kapan kontrak ditandatangani,” kata Perego di Cremnago.

Pada tahun 2020, Italia setuju untuk menjual dua dari sepuluh fregat FREMM terakhir yang telah dibuatnya untuk angkatan laut Italia kepada Mesir.

Roma memutuskan untuk mengalihkan kedua kapal tersebut ke Mesir, kemudian memesan dua kapal lagi dari Fincantieri untuk melengkapi pelengkap kapal angkatan laut Italia.

“Perlu ada fleksibilitas dari pihak perusahaan, sehingga mereka berpikir, ‘Saya sudah membangun kapal ini, mungkin saya bisa mengalihkannya ke pelanggan itu,’” kata Perego di Cremnago.

Thaon class OPV (photo : Matteo Perego di Cremnago)

“Kami melakukan itu dengan dua Fremm untuk Mesir yang akan dikirim ke angkatan laut Italia. Kita bisa melakukan hal yang sama dengan PPA,” tambahnya.

Kapal PPA sepanjang 143 meter, yang berbobot sekitar 4.900 ton, dapat dikonfigurasi dalam berbagai versi, mulai dari bantuan bencana hingga perang penuh. Kapal-kapal tersebut terkenal karena jembatan “kokpit angkatan laut”, yang dirancang dengan bantuan penerbang angkatan laut agar menyerupai kokpit pesawat dan hanya memerlukan dua navigator untuk mengemudikan kapal tersebut.

Pembicaraan dengan india bermula dari tur kawasan Indo-Pasifik yang dilakukan oleh salah satu kapal Italia, dengan singgah di Filipina, India, Singapura, dan Malaysia.

“Tur ini menunjukkan Italia meningkatkan operasinya di Indo-Pasifik, dan juga merupakan cara untuk menunjukkan kemampuan teknologi Italia,” kata Perego di Cremnago.

Jika kesepakatan dengan Indonesia tercapai, Italia akan menawarkan transfer teknologi dan pengetahuan, tambahnya.

Thaon class OPV (image : Pro Max)

“Semua negara memintanya dan kami siap,” ujarnya.

Fincantieri sebelumnya menandatangani untuk menjual enam fregat FREMM ke Indonesia pada tahun 2021.

Secara terpisah, program pan-Eropa untuk korvet baru mendapat dorongan minggu ini di Roma ketika lembaga kontraktor pertahanan yang berbasis di Eropa, OCCAR, menandatangani kontrak dengan produsen untuk meluncurkan program tahap dua tahun pertama.

Fincantieri, Navantia Spanyol, Naval Group Perancis dan perusahaan lainnya, yang dikoordinasikan oleh Naviris – perusahaan patungan antara Fincantieri dan Naval Group – mendaftar untuk program Corvette Patroli Eropa.

Dana Pertahanan Eropa akan menyumbangkan €60 juta ($63 juta) untuk fase program yang sedang berjalan, dan €27 juta lainnya disuplai oleh negara-negara anggota Italia, Perancis, Spanyol, Denmark, Yunani dan Norwegia.

30 Oktober 2023

U.S. Can Support AUKUS Submarine Builds

30 Oktober 2023

United States Navy submarine USS North Carolina (SSN 777) arrives in Perth, Western Australia (photo : US Embassy)

The trilateral defense agreement among Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States is historic and is part of generational change that is occurring in the Indo-Pacific, said Mara Karlin who is performing the duties of the deputy undersecretary of defense for policy.

Karlin testified before the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces today.

She said the AUKUS agreement is a priority for the region as nations look to strengthen deterrence in the face of Chinese efforts to undermine the rules-based international order that has done so much for peace in the Indo-Pacific. 

"What is so historic and so generational about this AUKUS effort, is that we are bringing together a very close ally from the Indo-Pacific, a very close ally from Europe, [and] we're making sure all three have the most capable on undersea capabilities and are going to be able to operate together to help ensure a secure and safe Indo-Pacific," she said.

China demonstrates often its desire to push the United States and other nations around in the region. Karlin noted the Chinese military often engages in unsafe and unprofessional air and sea intercepts of vessels and aircraft operating in international space. "That's really problematic," she said. "And knitting together these three countries to really show how much we care about security and stability in the region is crucial." 

The AUKUS agreement centers on nuclear-powered submarines, but it also includes other transformational technologies. Implementing the agreement is tough. "It requires a whole lot of effort by the executive branch and a whole lot of support by the Congress, but we can do big and bold things," she said. 

Karlin says the agreement is a direct outgrowth of the National Defense Strategy. AUKUS helps all nations build more robust defense industrial base "ecosystems." That alone contributes to the concept of integrated deterrence, she said.

Karlin also made the point that the U.S. submarine industrial base "can and will" support AUKUS.  

This defense ecosystem includes the Department of Defense, the defense industrial base and the array of private sector and academic enterprises that spur innovation and support the systems on which the military depends.  

Virginia class submarine (image : US Navy)

"AUKUS provides an important means to build a more robust, resilient and dynamic defense industrial base that contributes to our nation's integrated deterrence," she said in written testimony to the subcommittee. "Directly supporting the National Defense Strategy, the AUKUS security partnership enshrines one of the key competitive advantages of the United States, the ability to build enduring partnerships. Deeper ties with the United Kingdom and Australia serve to expand collective defense production and bolster supply chain resilience, essential elements of integrated deterrence." 

"AUKUS is a call to action to strengthen our trilateral defense ecosystem," she said. "What is needed now, more than ever before, is an approach that enhances our AUKUS partners' conventional military capabilities, enables a more integrated defense industrial base, increases information sharing and implements cooperative policies that reflect the concepts laid out in the National Security Strategy." 

The United States, United Kingdom and Australia have committed to conduct naval nuclear propulsion cooperation, and Congress must approve legislation to transfer two Virginia-class submarines to the Royal Australian Navy.

The Optimal Pathway, announced in March, is a blueprint for how to achieve this effort. "Since the announcement, three Australian officers graduated from U.S. Nuclear Power School, [and] eight Australian sailors started nuclear-power training," Karlin said. 

In addition, members of the newly formed Australian Submarine Agency have observed submarine maintenance operations at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, and trilateral working groups are actively collaborating on critical issues supporting industrial base readiness. 

She said the USS North Carolina conducted the first Virginia-class submarine port visit to HMAS Stirling in Australia. "These milestones mark our commitment to this effort, but we know there is still much to be done and we look forward to collaborating with Congress to ensure we have the legislative authorities in place to execute this important work," she said.

Pemerintah Tegaskan Komitmen Lunasi Tunggakan Jet Tempur KF-21 dengan Korsel

30 Oktober 2023

Pesawat tempur KF-21 Boramae (photos : Freesky)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Kementerian Pertahanan menegaskan komitmen untuk melunasi pembiayaan pengembangan jet tempur kf-21 Boramae atau Korea Fighter X (KFX) dan Indonesia Fighter X (IFX). 

Adapun proyek pengembangan ini bernilai 8,8 triliun won atau sekitar Rp 100 triliun, seperti dikutip Kompas.com. Skema pembiayaannya adalah 60 persen oleh Pemerintah Korea Selatan, 20 persen oleh Pemerintah Indonesia, dan 20 persen oleh Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI). 

Skema cost share ini ditargetkan berlangsung hingga 2026. 

"Kita masih memiliki komitmen untuk melanjutkan kerja sama ini dengan Korea Selatan," ujar Direktur Teknologi dan Pertahanan Kementerian Pertahanan, Marsma Dedy Laksmono dalam workshop bertajuk "Advancing Indonesia and South Korea's Defense Industry Collaboration" di Jakarta, Jumat (27/10/2023). 

Dedy menambahkan, kerja sama dengan Korea Selatan untuk jet tempur ini adalah program prioritas nasional sehingga akan tidak akan diputus. 

Kendati demikian, ia mengakui keterbatasan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) menjadi alasan mengapa Indonesia belum dapat melunasi tunggakan yang diminta. Sebab, Kementerian Keuangan hanya menyiapkan alokasi Rp 1,5 triliun setiap tahunnya untuk pengembangan KF-21 dan sulit bagi Kemenhan uniuk mengajukan penambahan anggaran.

Adapun tahun depan, Kemenhan sudah mempersiapkan Rp 1,25 triliun dari kekurangan sekitar Rp 14 triliun yang harus dibayarkan.

"Program negara kan siapapun pemerintahnya harus tetap melanjutkan. Cuma memang batasan pemerintah adalah APBN. Kita tidak mungkin memutus hubungan kerja sama kita dengan Korea, cuma memang bobotnya yang harus dikurangi." 

"Sehingga kaitannya dengan kewajiban kita untuk cost share yang selalu dia tagihkan, kita belum bisa memenuhinya," ungkap Dedy. 

Namun, ia memahami setiap pemerintahan memang memiliki skala prioritas masing-masing, sehingga refocusing anggaran pun dilakukan. 

"Kita berharap nanti ke depannya bisa memenuhi kewajiban-kewajiban ini, karena kita malu juga. Ibaratnya sudah sepakat, tapi dalam perjalanannya kok tidak jadi sepakat," kata Dedy.

Sementara itu, Chief Representative Officer KIA Indonesia Office, Woo Bong Lee mengatakan pihaknya dalam posisi menunggu alias "wait and see". 

Ia berharap, pemerintah Indonesia dan Korea Selatan bisa menemukan solusi untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan ini. 

Apalagi, Woo menambahkan, Korea sudah berinvestasi besar untuk pengembangan KF-21 ini, termasuk berutang pada bank. 

"Kami berharap pemerintah Korea Selatan tidak membuat keputusan buruk soal masalah ini. Pemerintah Indonesia dan Korea harus sama-sama berdialog untuk menegosiasikan isu ini," tuturnya.

RTAF is Likely to Test Dropping the South Korea's KGGB Satellite-guided Cruise Bomb from the F-16 Fighter Jet

30 Oktober 2023

Screenshots captured from a presentation video during the Statement of policy by the Commander-in-Chief of Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) Air Chief Marshal Punpakdee Pattanakul for 2024, seen RTAF Lockheed Martin F-16B Fighting Falcon dropped KGGB (Korean GPS-Guided Bomb) at unknown area over the sea (photos : RTAF)

The Directorate of Armament of the Royal Thai Air Force has announced a procurement project Guidance-Extended Range Kits for 500lbs General Purpose Bomb, 10 sets with supporting equipment, credit limit 48,148,100 baht ($1,395,597) on 5 May 2022, and followed by a project to purchase another 10 sets with supporting equipment in the amount of 54,000,000 baht ($1,487,603) on November 11, 2022 from LIG Nex1 Company, Republic of Korea. Therefore, it is understood that at least 20 sets of KGGB satellite-guided cruise bomb sets have been ordered.

LIG Nex1 revealed at the Defense & Security 2022 defense equipment exhibition from 29 August - 1 September 2022 that the Royal Thai Air Force is the latest export customer to supply an undisclosed quantity of its KGGB satellite-guided cruise bomb systems for the second type of fighter and training aircraft T-50TH Golden Eagle, Squadron 401, Wing 4, a total of 14 machines built by Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), Republic of Korea.

The KGGB cruise missile kits, understood to be delivered in 2023, can be mounted to the Mk 82 500lbs bomb without special modification. It has a maximum firing range of approximately 100km with a tolerance value (CEP: Circular Error Probable) of 13m. An important feature of the KGGB is that it can be equipped with Mk82 bombs produced in Thailand by the Air Force Ordnance Department and all combat aircraft equipped with the Mk80s series bombs do not require any major modification. This allows many types of aircraft of the Royal Thai Air Force to be used.

Including the fighter and training aircraft T-50TH, fighter aircraft F-16A/B/AM/BM EMLU and a fighter aircraft type F-5E/F TH Super Tigris that supports the installation of Mk 82 bombs without modifying the aircraft structure or additional command sets by recording mission information in advance to the Pilot Display Unit (PDU), which the pilot carries with him or her in the cockpit. Flying into a position away from the target, the PDU will wirelessly communicate with the wings and release the bomb that will guide the missile toward the target.

Static display of F-16B of 103rd Squadron, Wing 1 Korat, Royal Thai Air Force with its weapons and equipments (photo : RTAF)

The KGGB glide bomb set, which entered service with the Republic of Korea Air Force in 2013, has passed certification tests for use on a variety of aircraft, including F-4E fighters, F-5E/F fighters, and KF-16C/D fighters, F-15K fighter and FA-50 light attack aircraft.

18 F-16AM/BM EMLU Squadron 403 fighter aircraft also support the use of various types of high-precision guided bombs, such as the Lizard 3 laser-guided bomb, GBU-12 500lbs and GBU-10 2,000lbs Paveway II may also include GBU-31 2,000lbs satellite-guided bombs and GBU-38 500lbs JDAM too.


29 Oktober 2023

Kendaraan Pendarat dan Tank Marinir Jalani Uji Arung di Selat Madura

29 Oktober 2023

Kendaraan tempur BTR 50 PK, BTR 50 P(M), PT-76M dan BMP-3F jalani uji arung di Selat Madura (all photos : PasMar2)

Ranpur Amfibi Yonranratfib 2 Marinir Arungi Selat Madura

TNI AL, Dispen Kormar (Surabaya). Batalyon Kendaraan Pendarat Amfibi (Yonranratfib 2 Mar) merupakan satuan tempur dengan kesiapan operasional yang tinggi dari segi prajurit beserta Kendaraan tempurnya, melakukan uji kelaikan materiil secara berkala bersama Dinas Kelaikan Material Angkatan Laut (Dislaikmatal) tahap uji arung Ranpur melaut di sekitar Selat Madura, area Koarmada II, Ujung, Surabaya. Kamis (26/10/2023).

Sebelumnya pada tahap pengujian darat para Kru Ranpur dan Tim Survei Dislaikmatal melaksanakan rangkaian pengecekan dan pengujian kekedapan Ranpur dan manuver gerak darat untuk melanjutkan ke tahap uji manuver gerak di laut.

Terdiri dari Ranpur BTR 50 PK dan BTR 50 P(M), dilakukan pengecekan fungsi maupun komponen dari tiap-tiap bagian meliputi pengecekan sistem kemudi darat laut, transmisi, kelistrikan, pengapian, water jet propeler dan pengecekan berbagai macam jenis pompa kuras sebagai prosedur Ranpur melaksanakan uji arung.

Di lain tempat, Danyonranratfib 2 Mar Letkol Marinir Aloysius Yogandhi Nugroho., M.Tr.Opsla., menyampaikan, sebagai penyedia kekuatan unsur Kavaleri Korps Marinir TNI AL, kesiapan operasional tinggi terukur dari kesiapan Ranpur sebagai pendukung operasi pendaratan amfibi maupun operasi-operasi lainnya.

Sambung Danyonranratfib “Dengan terselenggaranya uji kelaikan ini, merupakan syarat mutlak Ranpur tersertifikasi dan verifikasi atas kelayakan siap operasional dengan mengutamakan keamanan tinggi, agar tujuan zero accident di setiap medan tugas nantinya baik personel maupun material tempur,” pungkasnya. (Pasmar 2)

Tank BMP 3F dan PT 76M Uji Arung di Selat Madura

TNI AL, Dispen Kormar (Surabaya). Dalam rangka uji arung sertifikasi Ranpur Pasmar 2, Batalyon Tank Amfibi 2 Marinir melaksanakan sertifikasi atau uji laik Kendaraan Tempur (Ranpur) di Wilayah Selat Madura, area Dermaga Satfib Koarmada II Ujung, Surabaya. Kamis (26/10/2023).

Kegiatan diawali dengan pengecekan personel pengawak kendaraan tempur, dilanjutkan Tim Dislaikmatal beserta kru Ranpur melakukan pengecekan pengecekan fisik materiil, setelah dinyatakan siap satu persatu kendaraan tempur mengarung di laut untuk dilaksanakan sertifikasi.

Komandan Batalyon Tank Amfibi 2 Marinir Letnan Kolonel Marinir Alfredo Yowel Antaribaba, M.Tr.Opsla., menyampaikan, “Tujuan utama dari sertifikasi selain untuk memastikan kelayakan Ranpur juga sebagai salah satu upaya mewujudkan zero accident dan keselamatan personel maupun material pada saat melaksanakan tugas,” ungkapnya. (Pasmar 2)

US Navy Conducts Bilateral Sail with Philippine Navy in South China Sea

29 Oktober 2023

US Dewey (DDG 105) and BRP Gregorio del Pilar (PS 15) (photos : dvids)

UOUTH CHINA SEA -- Chief Boatswain's Mate Dustin Lewis, from Chattanooga, Tennessee, assigned to the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Dewey (DDG 105), pilots a rigid-hull inflatable boat after departing the Philippine navy offshore patrol vessel BRP Gregorio del Pilar (PS 15) during a bilateral sail while operating in the South China Sea, Oct. 21, 2023.

Dewey is forward-deployed and assigned to Commander, Task Force 71/Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 15, the Navy's largest DESRON and the U.S. 7th Fleet's principal surface force.

Perolehan Multi Role Support Ship Ditangguh ke RMK-13

29 Oktober 2023

KD Mahawangsa MRSS (photo : TLDM)

Perolehan Multi Role Support Ship ditangguh, fokus pembinaan LCS dan LMSB2 – Adly Zahari

KUALA LUMPUR – Kementerian Pertahanan (MINDEF) memaklumkan, perolehan Kapal Sokongan Pelbagai Fungi (Multi Role Support Ship, MRSS) Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) dirancang dalam Rancangan Malaysia ke-13 yang akan bermula pada tahun 2026.

Timbalan Menteri Pertahanan, Adly Zahari berkata, fokus TLDM pada masa kini lebih tertumpu kepada perolehan kapal Kapal Tempur Persisir, (Littoral Combat Ship, LCS) dan perolehan kapal Littoral Mission Ship Batch 2 (LMSB2).

Walaupun mengakui bahawa keperluan pemilikan MRSS itu adalah amat penting, tetapi beliau berkata pihaknya terpaksa menangguhkan perolehan kapal jenis itu untuk memberikan laluan kepada perolehan-perolehan aset lain.

“Dokumen strategi Program Transformasi Armada TLDM 15 to 5 telah memperincikan rancangan perolehan 3 buah kapal MRSS ini dalam Rancangan Malaysia Ke-12 dan Ke-13,

“Keperluan MRSS ini adalah amat penting dalam melengkapkan aset Armada TLDM dan bagi memenuhi keperluan operasi ATM melalui kemampuan Strategic Sealift antara Semenanjung Malaysia dengan Sabah dan Sarawak, di samping bantuan logistik dan kemanusiaan di peringkat antarabangsa apabila diperlukan,

“Walau bagaimanapun, fokus TLDM pada masa kini lebih tertumpu kepada program peningkatan keupayaan aset kombatan yang lebih kritikal seperti meneruskan perolehan LCS dan perolehan kapal LMSB2,” jelasnya di Dewan Rakyat, pada hari ini.

Beliau berkata demikian bagi menjawab persoalan dari Komander Nordin Ahmad Ismail TLDM (Bersara) (Lumut) yang menyatakan adakah Kementerian Pertahanan akan menilai semula keputusan yang telah dibuat untuk menangguhkan membeli kapal Multi Role Support Ship (MRSS).

Sebelum ini, bekas Panglima Angkatan Bersama (MK AB) Leftenan Jenaral Datuk Indera Yazid Arshad pernah menyatakan bahawa perolehan 2 buah kapal MRSS untuk TLDM tidak boleh tergendala lagi, malah perolehan kapal sedemikian perlu disegerakan.

Menurut beliau, terdapat keperluan yang mendesak untuk TLDM memperolehi kapal MRSS memandangkan usia kapal MRSS sedia ada sudah berusia hampir 40 tahun.

Bagi memantapkan lagi pengoperasiannya, TLDM memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya 4 MRSS dengan 2 buah daripada kapal itu beroperasi di Armada Barat (Lumut) manakala 2 buah kapal selebihnya beroperasi di Armada Timur (Sabah). 

28 Oktober 2023

MMA Awarded Contract by Australian DoD for Familiarisation Autonomous Maritime Systems

28 Oktober 2023

MMA provide familiarisation broad range of robotic and autonomous systems for RAN (photo : MMA)

MMA Awarded Department of Defence Contract

MMA Offshore is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a contract by the Australian Department of Defence to provide familiarisation services to the Royal Australian Navy on robotic, remote and autonomous maritime systems.

The project will encompass the provision of a vessel(s), a broad range of robotic and autonomous systems and suitably skilled and experienced personnel to deliver familiarisation and practical learning services to Navy personnel including generic autonomous, un-crewed and deep ocean systems for geospatial data gathering, seabed feature identification and maritime hydrographic survey.

The campaign is expected to take place between November 2023 and June 2024 with contract revenue over the eight-month period expected to be approximately A$30M.

Commenting on the contract award, MMA’s Managing Director, Mr David Ross, said:

“MMA is thrilled to be able to leverage its experience in marine robotic, remote and autonomous technologies to support the Royal Australian Navy’s familiarisation and practical learning objectives. This award aligns with MMA’s strategy of extending its marine and subsea capability into the Government & Defence sector, and we look forward to continuing our strong relationship with the Department of Defence and the Royal Australian Navy.”

Trio of New Boats Strengthens Royal New Zealand Navy’s capability

28 Oktober 2023

Sentinel 1250 Littoral Manoeuvre Craft (photo : Sentinel Boats)

The three 12.5 metre Littoral Manoeuvre Craft (LMC) will be deployed by HMNZS Matataua, part of the RNZN’s Littoral Warfare Force, as fast, dependable and fit-for-purpose vessels.  

Commander Trevor Leslie, HMNZS Matataua’s commanding officer, said the LMCs would provide a vital link between coastal operations and tactical insertion of diving and hydrographic specialists, as well as providing a reconnaissance option. They can also be used on international deployments.

“These vessels will allow us to go further and faster with more personnel, and once inserted we can do so much more,” he said.

“In that regard they’re a real game-changer for Matataua.”

Built by Hobart-based Sentinel Boats, the three LMC are the first of their kind to join the RNZN fleet.

Their hulls are constructed out of a polyethylene variant, rather than the more traditional fibreglass or aluminium. This makes the vessels extremely durable, highly resistant to impact and have a very low magnetic and acoustic signature.

Powered by twin Cummins 550hp diesel engines coupled with HamiltonJet waterjets, the boats are capable of 40-plus knots, with a range of more than 150 nautical miles when fully loaded.

Commander Leslie said the LMCs could comfortably transport six divers with military diving equipment and the smaller Zodiac boats, or Hydrographic Survey operators with underwater autonomous vehicles or even an infantry section of 10 soldiers with packs and rifles.

The LMCs will shortly be operational from Devonport Naval Base and HMNZS Matataua, but will eventually be able to embark, when needed, onto parent ship HMNZS Manawanui and be transported to any area of operation. 

Whakatāne is HMNZS Matataua’s ceremonial homeport, and Commander Leslie approached Eastern Bay of Plenty’s Ngāti Awa for guidance on naming the three vessels.

The mangō (shark) is important to the iwi and the LMCs were given the names Matawhā (bronze whaler), Ururoa (great white) and Mako (blue pointer).

Israel Delivered 2nd Batch of ASCOD Sabrah Light Tanks to Philippine Army

28 Oktober 2023

Arrival of 2 Sabrah light tanks in Subic Freeport (photos : MaxDefense)

A batch of ASCOD 2 Sabrah light tanks being unloaded from a commercial cargo ship in Subic Freeport on thursday.

The DND is expecting 20 ASCOD 2 Sabrah light tanks and support vehicles as part of the Philippine Army's Light Tank Acquisition Project.

These would be delivered by the main contractor Elbit Systems of Israel.

The Philippine Army ordered 18 Sabrah ASCOD 2 tracked tanks, 10 Pandur 2 wheeled tanks and 2 ASCOD Armored Recovery Vehicle.

27 Oktober 2023

Four RSAF AH-64D Deployed to Australia for The First Time

27 Oktober 2023

Four AH-64D Apache deployed to Oakey, Australia (all photos : RSAF)

We are deploying four AH-64D Apache attack helicopters from 120 SQN to Oakey, Australia, from 17 Oct to 1 Nov 2023 for the first time. Not only will our AH-64D Apache attack helicopters train with our CH-47F heavy lift helicopters at Oakey Detachment, our personnel will also conduct professional discussions and sharings with their Australian counterparts, which enhances mutual trust and cooperation between both air forces.

Overseas training such as these are important for the RSAF. We thank our Australian counterparts for the strong support for the RSAF’s training in Oakey Detachment.

We wish all participants a smooth training experience down under! Don't miss the exciting action – check out some photos here to witness it in action!

Australian Government Working with Industry to Assure Collins class Submarine

27 Oktober 2023

Four Collins class submarines conducted an exercise in 2019 (photo : RAN)

The Australian Government is committed to a potent, enduring and agile submarine capability, and will use an independent assurance activity to inform the life-of-type extension of the Collins class submarine fleet.

Australia’s transition to conventionally-armed, nuclear-powered submarines is underpinned by the ongoing availability of the Collins class submarine capability throughout this transition period. This will require the life of the Collins class submarines to be extended.

This assurance activity will provide the Government with advice on Defence and industry’s current preparedness to deliver the Collins class submarine life-of-type extension.

This assurance activity will not delay any of the vital work that Defence and industry are continuing to deliver to sustain and extend the life of the Collins class fleet.

The independent assurance activity is being led by Gloria Valdez, a member of the Naval Shipbuilding Expert Advisory Panel. A classified report will be delivered to the Australian Government in the second quarter of 2024.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Pat Conroy MP:
“The Collins class submarines remain one of the most capable conventionally powered submarines in the world. The life-of-type extension of the Collins class is essential to the maintenance of Australia’s submarine capability as we transition from conventional to nuclear-powered submarines.

“This independent assurance activity seeks to ensure the life-of-type extension is delivered in the most effective and efficient manner, guaranteeing Australia retains an enduring, potent and agile submarine capability.”

Kemenhan Dorong Road Map Baru untuk Produksi “Drone” MALE

27 Oktober 2023

Pada tanggal 19 Oktober 2023 lalu spotter Bambang Haryanta mengunggah prototipe drone Elang Hitam yang telah diupgrade (photo : Bambang Haryanta)

Wamenhan RI M. Herindra Buka Acara Simposium Nasional Pesawat Terbang Tanpa Awak

Jakarta – Wakil Menteri Pertahanan M. Herindra membuka acara “Simposium Nasional Pesawat Terbang Tanpa Awak” di Jakarta, Senin (23/10). Acara Simposium Nasional Pesawat Terbang Tanpa Awak turut menghadirkan narasumber dari Koopsudnas TNI AU, PT Infoglobal Teknologi Semesta, BRIN, Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian, dan Kementerian PPN/Bappenas.

Wamenhan M. Herindra saat membacakan sambutannya menyatakan, pada sidang KKIP beberapa waktu lalu, Bapak Presiden RI selaku Ketua KKIP pada sidang KKIP tanggal 13 April 2021 telah menginstruksikan tiga hal prioritas yaitu kesinambungan pengadaan Alpalhankam; penciptaan kemandirian Industri Pertahanan; dan mengubah paradigma belanja pertahanan menjadi investasi pertahanan.

Prototipe drone Elang Hitam kini telah menggunakan roda pendarat yang lebih kokoh (photo : Bambang Haryanta)

“Sebagai tindak lanjut dari arahan Bapak Presiden RI, Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan (KKIP) yang dipimpin oleh Bapak Menhan RI selaku Ketua Harian KKIP menginstruksikan perlunya pemberdayagunaan segenap sumber daya teknologi, manusia, dan anggaran dalam negeri guna mewujudkan kemandirian industri pesawat terbang tanpa awak, serta petunjuk untuk menyelenggarakan simposium pesawat terbang tanpa awak guna mencari solusi permasalahan PTTA M.A.L.E (Medium Altitude Long Endurance),” kata Wamenhan selaku Sekretaris KKIP.

Pesawat terbang tanpa awak telah menjadi komponen vital dalam kekuatan pertahanan dan keamanan suatu negara. Mengingat era pertahanan modern yang semakin kompleks dan teknologi yang berkembang pesat, maka kemandirian industri teknologi pesawat terbang tanpa awak di bidang pertahanan dan keamanan memiliki urgensi yang sangat penting.

“Saya berharap simposium ini dapat menghasilkan rumusan strategis dan dapat mewujudkan sinergitas kita bersama dalam penguatan Industri Pertahanan khususnya Pesawat Terbang Tanpa Awak, serta mengevaluasi konsorsium PTTA M.A.L.E dan rumusan roadmap baru untuk keberhasilan program ini,” tegas M. Herindra. 

26 Oktober 2023

TNI AL Dapat Tambahan Kapal Misi Khusus Buatan PT Tesco Indomaritim

26 Oktober 2023

Patkamla Yapero buatan PT Tesco Indomaritim yang akan dipakai untuk Lantamal XI, Merauke, Papua (photos : TNI AL)

KBRN, Jakarta: Armada kapal TNI AL mendapat tambahan satu Special Mission Combat Boat (SMCB) ke dalam jajaran kapal perangnya. Wakil KSAL Laksdya TNI Ahmadi Heri Purwono menyerahkan kapal misi khusus tersebut di Pluit, Jakarta, Rabu (25/10/2023).

SMCB cocok digunakan di wilayah yang tidak bisa dimasuki kapal perang. Sebab, SMCB merupakan jenis kapal patroli serba guna yang mampu beroperasi di alur sungai, maupun selat sempit.

Ahmadi menjelaskan, kondisi geografis Indonesia dengan banyak pulau kecil, alur sungai, dan selat-selat sempit menjadi tantangan TNI AL. Terlebih, kondisi itu kerap dimanfaatkan sebagai jalur penyelundupan, maupun kejahatan.

Oleh karena itu, tambahnya, TNI AL harus didukung oleh alutsista yang mampu menjawab tantangan tersebut. “Kapal SMCB ini mampu menjawab tantangan itu," ujarnya.

Apalagi, lanjutnya, selain bermanuver di perairan sempit, SMCB juga punya kegunaan lain. "Bisa digunakan untuk mengangkut prajurit untuk melakukan operasi amphibi,” ucapnya.

Ia menambahkan, pada tahun 2023 ini, TNI AL melakukan pengadaan 2 kapal jenis SMCB buatan dalam negeri. Satu Kapal dibuat di galangan PT Tesco Indomaritim, dan satu lagi di galangan PT Palindo Marine.

“Yang diserahkan hari ini merupakan karya anak bangsa yang dibuat di galangan milik PT Tesco Indomaritim, di Bekasi. Ini membanggakan, desainnya seratus persen oleh anak-anak bangsa, dan tingkat komponen dalam negerinya sudah mencapai 45 persen,“ katanya.

Ditegaskannya, pengadaan SMCB ini merupakan wujud komitmen TNI AL, mendukung penggunaan produk dalam negeri. ”Karena ini akan mendorong pertumbuhan industri pertahanan dalam negeri dan penyerapan tenaga kerja,” ujarnya.

Kapal yang diberi nama Patkamla Yapero ini nantinya akan masuk dalam jajaran Lantamal XI, Merauke, Papua. Yapero sendiri merupakan nama sebuah pulau di Distrik Mimika Timur Jauh, Kabupaten Mimika.

SMCB memiliki Panjang 18,30 meter, lebar 4,2 meter, dan mampu melaju dengan kecepatan maksimal 35 knot. SMCB diawaki 7 orang, serta dilengkapi senapan mesin kaliber 12,7 mm, dan dua senapan mesin kaliber 7,62 mm.

Selain itu, SMCB juga mampu membawa 30 prajurit untuk operasi pendaratan amphibi, maupun operasi kemanusiaan. Rencananya, TNI AL akan menambah 11 SMCB secara bertahap. 


China Considers Replacing S-26T with New Chinese Frigates

26 Oktober 2023

F262 PNS Taimur, the Type 054 A/P frigates of Pakistan Navy (photo : PakDefence)

Thai Defense Minister Suthin Khlangsaeng has announced the suspension of the project to purchase the Chinese S26T diesel-electric attack submarine (SSK), with the Thai government accepting the Royal Thai Navy's offer that will be changed to purchasing a frigate with the budget allocated for the S26T submarine procurement project, Phase 1, the amount of 13,500,000,000 baht ($390 million) is currently only paid 7,100,000,000 baht ($195 million).

On 23 October 2023, Thai Defense Minister Suthin Klangsaeng said he was ready to explain the reasons for the change of plans to the Thai Parliament's Armed Forces and State Security Committee. Explained that the strategic cooperation and trade relationship between China and Thailand was a factor in the decision to modify the plan rather than cancel the agreement. He explained in a subsequent media interview on 24 October 2023 that Increasing the budget limit for purchasing frigates is approximately 14,000,000,000 baht ($387.4 million) with the price of the frigate at around the 17,000,000,000 baht ($466.27 million) mentioned earlier is the price the Royal Thai Navy sets for frigates from other countries such as Europe.

Increasing the amount that must be paid in the transition from the S26T submarine procurement project, Phase 1, from the original by approximately 6,400,000,000 baht ($177,079,296) with another frigate 6,900,000,000 baht ($190,884,567) instead is the " best solution "

During his announcement on 20 October 2023 that the purchase of Chinese S26T submarines had been suspended, Thai Defense Minister Suthin Khlangsaeng stressed that the submarine project has not been cancelled.

Speaking during a visit to the Royal Thai Navy Headquarters, he said the Royal Thai Navy's submarine acquisition program could resume "when the country is ready. "

The Royal Thai Navy's submarine procurement program has been halted due to Germany's refusal to export the MTU 396 diesel generator set to power the S26T submarine. The German government in Berlin cited the European Union's arms export embargo against China since the 1989 Tiananmen Square riots . 

Meanwhile, the previous commander of the Royal Thai Navy, Admiral Cherngchai Chomchoengphaet, approved a plan to use Chinese CHD620 diesel electric power engines as an alternative to the German MTU 396 engines after receiving additional performance certification from China. But in September 2023, the new Thai government did not approve the proposal to proceed with Chinese CHD620 engines for the S26T submarine.

The current Thai government has asked the Royal Thai Navy to propose an alternative to purchasing submarines. The Royal Thai Navy has proposed purchasing a frigate or Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) as an alternative to submarines. The Thai government chose the frigate.
The Royal Thai Navy has announced its intention to procure three diesel-electric attack submarines in 2015, selecting the S26T submarine based on the Type 039B (NATO designated) class submarine Yuan class code of the People's Liberation Army Navy'

Type 054 A frigates of the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) (photo : SCMP)

The S26T submarine has a displacement of 2,550 tons and a length of 77.7 m. It is equipped with an additional air independent propulsion system (AIP) and an MTU 396 diesel engine. Makes the S26T submarine capable of operating at sea for up to 65 days by combining conventional diesel-electric engines with AIP anaerobic propulsion systems.

A 13,500,000,000 baht ($390 million) government-to-government contract for the first S26T submarine was signed in May 2017. The first steel sheet cutting took place on 4 September 2018 and the keel laying ceremony took place on 5 September 2019 The said contract will expire in November 2023 .

The first S26T submarine was originally supposed to be completed in September 2023, but the date on which the first submarine for the Royal Thai Navy will be completed remains to be seen. It has been postponed to April 2024. The ship's builder, China Shipbuilding and Offshore International Company (CSOC), blamed the delay on the COVID-19 outbreak.

The Royal Thai Navy has requested a budget since 2020 for the project to procure the S26T submarine, Phase 2 and Phase 3 for another 2 submarines, but was not approved until now. Members of the House of Representatives in the Thai parliament who are responsible for making laws have questioned the necessity of the Royal Thai Navy's submarine project in order to revive the Thai economy affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.

An export version of China's Type 039B Yuan-class submarine is being built for the Pakistan Navy as eight Hangor-class submarines, of which the latter four are being built in Pakistan. The Pakistan Navy has also procured an export version of the Type 054A class frigates in service with the People's Liberation Army Navy also in the name of 4 Tughril class frigates.