19 Juni 2024

Vietnam Coast Guard Conducted Training of UAV LV-31

19 Juni 2024

Major General Le Dinh Cuong encouraged forces to participate in training of UAV LV-31 (photos: Vietnam Coast Guard)

(Canhsatbien.vn) - On the afternoon of June 12, Major General Le Dinh Cuong - Deputy Commander, and Chief of Staff of the Vietnam Coast Guard came to inspect the LV-31 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) training at Hoa Lac Airport of the Military Service, Air Force air defense.

After listening to the report and actually checking the 2 UAV LV-31 flight crews, it showed that after the training period, the students basically grasped the flying lessons, mastered the state of the aircraft in the air, and performed the exercises well. flight, takeoff, and landing; reconnaissance flight on a hypothetical target and practice deploying and recovering the LV-31 UAV complex.

At the inspection, Major General Le Dinh Cuong - Deputy Commander, and Chief of Staff of the Vietnam Coast Guard praised the Air Defense Department - Air Force for proactively advising and proposing to develop plans and organize LV UAV training. -31 methodical and scientific. At the same time, we recognized and appreciated the results of practical training in flying UAV LV-31 of the team of teachers and comrades participating in the training class. Major General Le Dinh Cuong requested training participants to continue overcoming difficulties in weather, accommodation, and living, and to do a good job of ensuring the health of soldiers, especially training in sunny weather. hot, maintain good order and regime, and carry out training according to the approved time, content, and plan.

Comrades participating in the training crew must firmly grasp the principles, operations, technical features, and tactics, continue to practice, and improve their bravery and psychology; Master equipment and techniques, properly implement preservation and maintenance procedures, and ensure absolute safety during training; Proficient in using UAV LV-31 to perform assigned tasks.

10 komentar:

  1. contract and delivery five units C130J Hercules
    contract and delivery two unit Frankethal class Countermine vessels (Pulau Fani class)
    contract and delivery four units KCR 60 Fast missiles boats PT PAL
    contract and delivery 9 units Bell 412 EPI
    contract and delivery 8 additional H225 M
    contract and delivery 2 units Bell 429 Global Ranger
    contract and delivery 18 Medium weight tank Harimau
    contract and delivery 22 Pandur II IFV
    contract and delivery two unit Hospital Ships
    contract and delivery one unit Command and control variant C295
    contract and delivery one unit CN235 MPA
    contract and delivery 7 Badak FSV, 26 Anoa apc and 10 additional Komodo recce vehicles in 2022
    contract and delivery 4 AS 550 Fennec and 8 AS565 MBE, in 2024
    contract and delivery five NC212i in 2023
    contract and delivery one Leonardo RAT 31 DL/M
    contract and delivery five C130H ordered from Australia in 2013 (finished in 2020) after received Grant of 4 C130H
    contract and delivery 9 Teluk Bintuni class LST
    contract and delivery six CH4B UCAV ordered in 2019
    contract and process building of Abeking & Rasmussen design ocean Hydrography ship
    contract and process building two AH140 AAW Frigate
    contract and process building two OPV 90 ASW patrol vessels
    Contract and process building 42 Dassault Rafale F4 fighter
    contract and process building two A400M heavy cargo aircraft
    contract and delivery M3 Amphibious bridging system
    contract and delivery 3 KT1 Wong Bee ordered in 2018 along with radar and spares for T/A50
    contract and process building 13 GM 403 GCI radar from Thales
    contract and process building 12 ANKA S UCAV
    contract and process building additional CH4B UCAV
    contract and delivery Slingshot Satcom system
    contract and delivery Falcon 8X aircraft
    contract and process Thales Alenia earth observation satelite
    contract and process 22 S70M Blackhawk
    contract and process 6 N219 aircraft
    contract and process 3 CN235 for Army
    contract and process 2 PPA patrol Frigate
    contract and process 2 Scorpene Subs
    contract and process Khan Short Range ballistic missiles from Turki
    contract and process Trisula Air defense system
    contract and process 6 T50i aircraft
    contract and delivery Oiler and replenishment ship
    contract and delivery several Tug Harbor ships
    contract and process Submarine rescue vessels and system
    contract and delivery two Large LCU for army
    contract and process 45 Atmaca
    barter sawit 10 LCA 8 FLIT
    akan 2 Leonardo P-72M
    akan 3 anka ISR ompong
    LOA LMS B2 Ada-Class
    Dibayar PBB/UN = 4x4 Ejder Yalçin
    LCS dibayar 6 jadi NOL
    OPV dibayar 3 jadi 1
    2024 DEFICIT 4.3% 2023 DEFICIT 5%
    The reality is that, due to budget constraints, Malaysia’s military will continue to struggle to procure the equipment needed. With Budget 2024, Malaysia’s military will get some but not all of what it wants, as the government runs a tight budget focused on uplifting the socio-economic well-being of citizens while trying to ensure fiscal discipline as it aims to narrow the deficit to 4.3% of GDP by end-2024 (from 5%)

    1. Duh, kenapa dikasih fakta 🀫, padahal daku lagi senang membaca bualan dan klaim kosong netizen Jiran seperti trio badut πŸ™ˆ

  2. Maap oot,
    Alhamdulillah, akhirnya.. πŸ₯°πŸ€—πŸ’ͺ


    1. Pembentukan National Interoperability Framework akan menjadi jalan untuk mewujudkan Network Centric Operations, dimana nantinya beragam platform tactical data link yang digunakan pada beberapa alutsista, seperti Link 16, Link 22, Link 11A / B, J-REAP, Link 1, ATDL-1 dan IJMS dapat terintegrasi. Sebelum Indonesia, solusi Scytalys telah diadopsi oleh Jepang dan Korea Selatan.

  3. Gmn kabarnya Elang item, Wulung, Sriti, Gagak dll

  4. Manakala negara MISKIN hanya mapuh MERAKIT lepas tuh TEMPEL stiker... Hahahahahaha

    Baca.. Guys..

    Perusahaan Malaysia Malvus Sense meluncurkan CW-25H, sistem pesawat tak berawak (UAS) lepas landas dan mendarat vertikal (VTOL) bertenaga hidrogen listrik baru, bekerja sama dengan perusahaan UAS China JOUAV di pameran Defense Services Asia (DSA) 2024 diadakan di Kuala Lumpur dari tanggal 6 hingga 9 Mei.

    Ditenagai teknologi hibrida hidrogen-listrik, CW-25H mempunyai waktu terbang hingga 330 menit.

    Kedua perusahaan berkolaborasi dalam pembuatan UAS untuk Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia. JOUAV merancang dan mengembangkan drone, sementara Malvus Sense merakitnya di Malaysia.

  5. Kedua perusahaan berkolaborasi dalam pembuatan UAS ... Hakikatnya..??..

    CHINA yang bina...

    Geng MALON yang TEMPEL STIKER.. Hahahahahaha

    Lepas tuh MEMBUAL ke DUNIA drone ini buatan tempatan... Hahahahaha

    MALU woooiiii... πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›

  6. Manakala MALON hanya mampu TEMPEL STIKER drone buatan CHINA..

    Lepas tuh klaim buatan tempatan guys... 🀣🀣🀣

  7. MALON Kalau tak bisa bina drone paling berharap HIBAH dan NGEMIS proyek TEMPEL STIKEL lepas tuh tunjuk ke ASEAN klaim buatan tempatan... Hahahahahaha

