26 Juni 2024

KAI Mulai Produksi 20 Pesawat Tempur KF-21, Mesin Pesawat Dibuat oleh Hanwha Aerospace

26 Juni 2024

Pesawat tempur KF-21 Boramae (photo: KAI)

KAI menandatangani kesepakatan produksi KF-21 senilai 1,96 triliun won dengan DAPA

SEOUL -- Korea Aerospace Industries, Ltd. (KAI) pada Selasa mengatakan telah menandatangani kesepakatan senilai 1,96 triliun won (US$1,41 miliar) dengan badan pengadaan pertahanan negara untuk memulai produksi KF-generasi berikutnya. 21 jet tempur.

Kontrak dengan Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) mencakup total 20 unit KF-21, termasuk dukungan logistik lanjutan, seperti manual teknis dan pelatihan.

KAI menekankan pentingnya perjanjian tersebut, karena “kesepakatan ini mewujudkan aspirasi nasional untuk pertahanan mandiri dengan melindungi wilayah udara kita dengan teknologi kita.”

Ia menambahkan bahwa kontrak tersebut menandai dimulainya tahap produksi skala penuh KF-21, sekaligus mencatat bahwa jet tersebut akan menjadi aset inti Angkatan Udara negara tersebut.

Perusahaan pertahanan Korea Selatan Hanwha Aerospace Co. juga mengumumkan secara terpisah bahwa mereka telah menandatangani kesepakatan senilai 556,2 miliar won dengan DAPA untuk memasok mesin KF-21 mulai bulan ini hingga Desember 2027.

Hanwha Aerospace akan mengirimkan sekitar 40 mesin F414, yang akan dipasang di KF-21, bersama dengan modul cadangan. Perusahaan juga akan memberikan dukungan logistik lanjutan, termasuk manual perawatan mesin dan bantuan teknis di lokasi.

Korea Selatan meluncurkan program pengembangan pesawat tempur KF-21 dengan Indonesia pada tahun 2015, dengan tujuan memperoleh pesawat tempur supersonik buatan dalam negeri untuk menggantikan armada jet F-4 dan F-5 yang sudah tua.

DAPA telah melakukan berbagai uji kinerja pada enam armada prototipe KF-21 sejak yang pertama melakukan penerbangan perdananya pada Juli 2022. (Yonhap)

Mesin F414 untuk pesawat tempur KF-21 (photo: Hanwha Aerospace)

Hanwha Aerospace menandatangani kontrak untuk memasok mesin untuk pesawat tempur KF-21

Hanwha Aerospace, perusahaan kedirgantaraan dan pertahanan terkemuka Korea Selatan, hari ini mengumumkan bahwa mereka menandatangani kontrak dengan Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) untuk memasok mesin produksi massal pertama untuk KF-21.

Kontrak tersebut bernilai sekitar USD 401 juta (556 miliar KRW). Periode kontrak berlangsung dari Juni 2024 hingga Desember 2027, di mana Hanwha Aerospace akan mengirimkan lebih dari 40 mesin F414 dan modul cadangan untuk KF-21, serta menyediakan manual perawatan mesin dan dukungan teknis di lokasi.

Mesin yang dipasok akan dipasang pada batch pertama KF-21, karena Hanwha Aerospace berkewajiban untuk memasok mesin hingga akhir produksi KF-21 sebagai satu-satunya produsen mesin pesawat di negara tersebut.

Berdasarkan keahliannya dalam memproduksi lebih dari 10.000 mesin selama 45 tahun terakhir, Hanwha Aerospace berkomitmen untuk memastikan pengiriman mesin KF-21 tepat waktu. Perusahaan juga fokus pada pengembangan kemampuan teknis dan membangun ekosistem industri untuk memungkinkan pemasangan mesin penerbangan canggih yang dikembangkan dengan teknologi milik Korea.

Sejak 1979, Hanwha Aerospace telah memasok mesin untuk pesawat militer Korea, termasuk F-4, KF-5, KF-16, F-15K, dan T-50, melalui produksi lisensi di luar negeri. Mesin F414 untuk KF-21 akan diproduksi di Pabrik 1 Changwon milik perusahaan, menggunakan lisensi dari GE Aerospace.

Kontrak ini menjadi batu loncatan bagi rencana Hanwha Aerospace untuk mengembangkan teknologi mesin generasi berikutnya. Perusahaan ini secara aktif melakukan penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi mesin generasi ke-6, memposisikan dirinya sebagai yang terdepan dalam inovasi kedirgantaraan global.

Juru bicara Hanwha Aerospace menyatakan, "Sebagai satu-satunya perusahaan mesin pesawat khusus di Korea, kami berkomitmen untuk memasok mesin berkualitas tinggi tanpa penundaan. Kami akan mendedikasikan seluruh sumber daya kami untuk mengembangkan teknologi mesin penerbangan independen untuk pertahanan nasional dan mengamankan peluang pertumbuhan masa depan bagi Korea. (Business Korea)

71 komentar:

    akan 2 Leonardo P-72M DELAYED
    akan 3 anka ISR OMPONG
    Dibayar PBB/UN = 4x4 Ejder Yalçin
    LCS dibayar 6 jadi NOL DELAYED
    OPV dibayar 3 jadi 1 DELAYED
    real contract and delivery five units C130J Hercules
    real contract and delivery two unit Frankethal class Countermine vessels (Pulau Fani class)
    real contract and delivery four units KCR 60 Fast missiles boats PT PAL
    real contract and delivery 9 units Bell 412 EPI
    real contract and delivery 8 additional H225 M
    real contract and delivery 2 units Bell 429 Global Ranger
    real contract and delivery 18 Medium weight tank Harimau
    real contract and delivery 22 Pandur II IFV
    real contract and delivery two unit Hospital Ships
    real contract and delivery one unit Command and control variant C295
    real contract and delivery one unit CN235 MPA
    real contract and delivery 7 Badak FSV, 26 Anoa apc and 10 additional Komodo recce vehicles in 2022
    real contract and delivery 4 AS 550 Fennec and 8 AS565 MBE, in 2024
    real contract and delivery five NC212i in 2023
    real contract and delivery one Leonardo RAT 31 DL/M
    real contract and delivery five C130H ordered from Australia in 2013 (finished in 2020) after received Grant of 4 C130H
    real contract and delivery 9 Teluk Bintuni class LST
    real contract and delivery six CH4B UCAV ordered in 2019
    real contract t and process building of Abeking & Rasmussen design ocean Hydrography ship
    real contract and process building two AH140 AAW Frigate
    real contract and process building two OPV 90 ASW patrol vessels
    real contract and process building 42 Dassault Rafale F4 fighter
    real contract and process building two A400M heavy cargo aircraft
    real contract and delivery M3 Amphibious bridging system
    real contract and delivery 3 KT1 Wong Bee ordered in 2018 along with radar and spares for T/A50
    real contract and process building 13 GM 403 GCI radar from Thales
    real contract and process building 12 ANKA S UCAV
    real contract and process building additional CH4B UCAV
    real contract and delivery Slingshot Satcom system
    real contract and delivery Falcon 8X aircraft
    real contract and process Thales Alenia earth observation satelite
    real contract and process 22 S70M Blackhawk
    real contract and process 6 N219 aircraft
    real contract and process 3 CN235 for Army
    real contract and process 2 PPA patrol Frigate
    real contract and process 2 Scorpene Subs
    real contract and process Khan Short Range ballistic missiles from Turki
    real contract and process Trisula Air defense system
    real contract and process 6 T50i aircraft
    real contract and delivery Oiler and replenishment ship
    real contract and delivery several Tug Harbor ships
    real contract and process Submarine rescue vessels and system
    real contract and delivery two Large LCU for army
    real contract and process 45 Atmaca

  2. Hhooo sdh mulai produksi ya🤔🤔🤔🤔



  4. eittt warganyet NGAMUK🔥
    liat jet tempur kita tuch haha!🤗🤗🤗

  5. Saya pun tak tak tahu apa fungsi INDON dalam program KF-21..? 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Ehhmmm kami pun tak tahu apa fungsi malay di fpda..

    2. Jelas tak tahu lah, otak cuma setakat jamban je , nak cakap teknologi, pecah bisa kau punya kepala jika nak tau apa itu teknologi 🤣🤣

    3. Yang membuat pilihan model KF 21 seperti sekarang ya ka karena kebutuhan indo.

      Indo meminta Spek double enjin & kapasitas payload 10 ton... karena wilayah indo luas butuh daya jangkauan yang luas.

      Ya kalau indo nggak ikut ya mungkin Korea pilih model lain seperti F 35 yg hanya 1 enjin & payload tidak 10 ton.. karena wilayah Korsel tidak luas.

  6. Yang saya tahu INDON dalam program KF-21..29 KALI DITAGIH BAYAR HUTANG KFX, NUNGGAK BAYARAN HUTANG KFX, MENCURI DATA PROGRAM KF-21 dan minta diskaun HUTANG sslain dari 20% jadi 7 % dalam program KFX... 🤣🤣

  7. Itulah pur... yang anda tahu cuma sedikit.. tapi anda sombong selayak anda tahu semua.. you don't know nothing..

      akan 2 Leonardo P-72M DELAYED
      akan 3 anka ISR OMPONG
      LOA LMS B2 Ada-Class DOWNGRADE
      Dibayar PBB/UN = 4x4 Ejder Yalçin
      LCS dibayar 6 jadi NOL DELAYED
      OPV dibayar 3 jadi 1 DELAYED
      real contract and delivery five units C130J Hercules
      real contract and delivery two unit Frankethal class Countermine vessels (Pulau Fani class)
      real contract and delivery four units KCR 60 Fast missiles boats PT PAL
      real contract and delivery 9 units Bell 412 EPI
      real contract and delivery 8 additional H225 M
      real contract and delivery 2 units Bell 429 Global Ranger
      real contract and delivery 18 Medium weight tank Harimau
      real contract and delivery 22 Pandur II IFV
      real contract and delivery two unit Hospital Ships
      real contract and delivery one unit Command and control variant C295
      real contract and delivery one unit CN235 MPA
      real contract and delivery 7 Badak FSV, 26 Anoa apc and 10 additional Komodo recce vehicles in 2022
      real contract and delivery 4 AS 550 Fennec and 8 AS565 MBE, in 2024
      real contract and delivery five NC212i in 2023
      real contract and delivery one Leonardo RAT 31 DL/M
      real contract and delivery five C130H ordered from Australia in 2013 (finished in 2020) after received Grant of 4 C130H
      real contract and delivery 9 Teluk Bintuni class LST
      real contract and delivery six CH4B UCAV ordered in 2019
      real contract t and process building of Abeking & Rasmussen design ocean Hydrography ship
      real contract and process building two AH140 AAW Frigate
      real contract and process building two OPV 90 ASW patrol vessels
      real contract and process building 42 Dassault Rafale F4 fighter
      real contract and process building two A400M heavy cargo aircraft
      real contract and delivery M3 Amphibious bridging system
      real contract and delivery 3 KT1 Wong Bee ordered in 2018 along with radar and spares for T/A50
      real contract and process building 13 GM 403 GCI radar from Thales
      real contract and process building 12 ANKA S UCAV
      real contract and process building additional CH4B UCAV
      real contract and delivery Slingshot Satcom system
      real contract and delivery Falcon 8X aircraft
      real contract and process Thales Alenia earth observation satelite
      real contract and process 22 S70M Blackhawk
      real contract and process 6 N219 aircraft
      real contract and process 3 CN235 for Army
      real contract and process 2 PPA patrol Frigate
      real contract and process 2 Scorpene Subs
      real contract and process Khan Short Range ballistic missiles from Turki
      real contract and process Trisula Air defense system
      real contract and process 6 T50i aircraft
      real contract and delivery Oiler and replenishment ship
      real contract and delivery several Tug Harbor ships
      real contract and process Submarine rescue vessels and system
      real contract and delivery two Large LCU for army
      real contract and process 45 Atmaca

  8. SEOUL -- Korea Aerospace Industries, Ltd. (KAI) pada Selasa mengatakan telah menandatangani kesepakatan senilai 1,96 triliun won (US$1,41 miliar) dengan badan pengadaan pertahanan negara untuk memulai produksi KF-generasi berikutnya. 21 jet tempur.

    $ 1.4 milyar dolar/ 21 = $ 66 juta dilar ...wooww murah bingit haha!🤭🤭🤭

    bisa dapet 121 bijik tuch kalo pake duit 42 rafale haha!😋😋😋

    1. Dapet 2 PPA dg duit segitu.. 😝

    2. nyoiihh..aset kapal ituw sangat mahal, bisa dapet 1-2 skuadron pespur haha!😁😁😁

      menjadi first klas navy duitnya hrs banyak
      buat mencapai keseimbangan aset antar matra ituw bagus, cmn ribet aja ngumpulin duitnya haha!😋😋😋
      ada bbrp negara punyak banyak pespur untuk berhemat karena aset lautnya dikit haha!☺️☺️☺️

  9. Psstttt... INDON minta kurangkan pembayaran HUTANG dan share dari 20% jadi hanyan7% je... 🤣🤣🤣

    Saat ini Indonesia kembali meminta pemotongan kewajiban cost share program KF-21 kepada Korea Selatan dari 20% menjadi 7%. Alasan resmi di balik permintaan itu adalah sedikitnya teknologi yang dapat dialihkan oleh Seoul kepada Jakarta.
    Tentu saja akan ada konsekuensi komersial bagi Indonesia apabila kewajiban cost share program KF-21 berkurang menjadi 7% saja. Salah satunya terkait dengan peluang Indonesia menjadi bagian dari global supply chain jet tempur bermesin ganda tersebut.

    1. PULLED OUT (DIKELUARKAN) = Armidale class is a class of patrol boats built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Planning for a class of vessels to replace the fifteen Fremantle-class patrol boats began in 1993 as a joint project with the Royal Malaysian Navy, but was cancelled when Malaysia pulled out of the process. The project was reopened in 1999 under the designation SEA 1444, with the RAN as the sole participant.
      Malaysia says EU palm oil curbs may undermine France's fighter jet bid.......
      on Thursday the European Union's decision to curb imports of the commodity could undermine France's hopes of winning one of Asia's biggest fighter plane deals.
      France's Rafale jet, built by Dassault Aviation , has been seen as the frontrunner in Malaysia's plan to buy up to 18 planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion
      COST SHARE 2024 = The official also said Indonesia has prepared 1.25 trillion rupiah (US$79.6 million) this year to cover its unpaid share of costs in the joint project launched in 2015 and worth over 8 trillion won (US$6 billion).
      COST SHARE 2022 AND 2023 = Direktur Anggaran Bidang Politik, Hukum, Pertahanan dan Keamanan, dan Bagian Anggaran Bendahara Umum Negara, Direktorat Jenderal Anggaran Kemenkeu Dwi Pudjiastuti Handayani menegaskan bahwa cost share untuk KF 21 Boromae sudah dialokasikan ke dalam APBN 2022 dan 2023
      RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
      RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said

  10. PULLED OUT (DIKELUARKAN) = Armidale class is a class of patrol boats built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Planning for a class of vessels to replace the fifteen Fremantle-class patrol boats began in 1993 as a joint project with the Royal Malaysian Navy, but was cancelled when Malaysia pulled out of the process. The project was reopened in 1999 under the designation SEA 1444, with the RAN as the sole participant.
    Malaysia says EU palm oil curbs may undermine France's fighter jet bid.......
    on Thursday the European Union's decision to curb imports of the commodity could undermine France's hopes of winning one of Asia's biggest fighter plane deals.
    France's Rafale jet, built by Dassault Aviation , has been seen as the frontrunner in Malaysia's plan to buy up to 18 planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion
    COST SHARE 2024 = The official also said Indonesia has prepared 1.25 trillion rupiah (US$79.6 million) this year to cover its unpaid share of costs in the joint project launched in 2015 and worth over 8 trillion won (US$6 billion).
    COST SHARE 2022 AND 2023 = Direktur Anggaran Bidang Politik, Hukum, Pertahanan dan Keamanan, dan Bagian Anggaran Bendahara Umum Negara, Direktorat Jenderal Anggaran Kemenkeu Dwi Pudjiastuti Handayani menegaskan bahwa cost share untuk KF 21 Boromae sudah dialokasikan ke dalam APBN 2022 dan 2023
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
    RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said

  11. Dari 20 persen menjadi hanya sekecil 7 persen...? Bina RODA KFX mungkin ya..? 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Ya Korea sekarang sy tanya Uda beri ToT berapa dari perjanjian.

      Masa kita dapat ToT terbatas tidak sesuai harus bayar full...

      Eh gempork indo nggak bodoh kaya melon.

  12. Psstttt... INDON minta kurangkan pembayaran HUTANG dan share dari 20% jadi hanya 7% je... 🤣🤣🤣

    Saat ini Indonesia kembali meminta pemotongan kewajiban cost share program KF-21 kepada Korea Selatan dari 20% menjadi 7%. Alasan resmi di balik permintaan itu adalah sedikitnya teknologi yang dapat dialihkan oleh Seoul kepada Jakarta.
    Tentu saja akan ada konsekuensi komersial bagi Indonesia apabila kewajiban cost share program KF-21 berkurang menjadi 7% saja. Salah satunya terkait dengan peluang Indonesia menjadi bagian dari global supply chain jet tempur bermesin ganda tersebut.

    1. PULLED OUT (DIKELUARKAN) = Armidale class is a class of patrol boats built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Planning for a class of vessels to replace the fifteen Fremantle-class patrol boats began in 1993 as a joint project with the Royal Malaysian Navy, but was cancelled when Malaysia pulled out of the process. The project was reopened in 1999 under the designation SEA 1444, with the RAN as the sole participant.
      Malaysia says EU palm oil curbs may undermine France's fighter jet bid.......
      on Thursday the European Union's decision to curb imports of the commodity could undermine France's hopes of winning one of Asia's biggest fighter plane deals.
      France's Rafale jet, built by Dassault Aviation , has been seen as the frontrunner in Malaysia's plan to buy up to 18 planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion
      COST SHARE 2024 = The official also said Indonesia has prepared 1.25 trillion rupiah (US$79.6 million) this year to cover its unpaid share of costs in the joint project launched in 2015 and worth over 8 trillion won (US$6 billion).
      COST SHARE 2022 AND 2023 = Direktur Anggaran Bidang Politik, Hukum, Pertahanan dan Keamanan, dan Bagian Anggaran Bendahara Umum Negara, Direktorat Jenderal Anggaran Kemenkeu Dwi Pudjiastuti Handayani menegaskan bahwa cost share untuk KF 21 Boromae sudah dialokasikan ke dalam APBN 2022 dan 2023
      RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
      RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said

  13. Masa dengan hanya 7 PERSEN... Korea Benarkan INDON bina KFX.... 🤣🤣🤣

  14. PULLED OUT (DIKELUARKAN) = Armidale class is a class of patrol boats built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Planning for a class of vessels to replace the fifteen Fremantle-class patrol boats began in 1993 as a joint project with the Royal Malaysian Navy, but was cancelled when Malaysia pulled out of the process. The project was reopened in 1999 under the designation SEA 1444, with the RAN as the sole participant.
    Malaysia says EU palm oil curbs may undermine France's fighter jet bid.......
    on Thursday the European Union's decision to curb imports of the commodity could undermine France's hopes of winning one of Asia's biggest fighter plane deals.
    France's Rafale jet, built by Dassault Aviation , has been seen as the frontrunner in Malaysia's plan to buy up to 18 planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion
    COST SHARE 2024 = The official also said Indonesia has prepared 1.25 trillion rupiah (US$79.6 million) this year to cover its unpaid share of costs in the joint project launched in 2015 and worth over 8 trillion won (US$6 billion).
    COST SHARE 2022 AND 2023 = Direktur Anggaran Bidang Politik, Hukum, Pertahanan dan Keamanan, dan Bagian Anggaran Bendahara Umum Negara, Direktorat Jenderal Anggaran Kemenkeu Dwi Pudjiastuti Handayani menegaskan bahwa cost share untuk KF 21 Boromae sudah dialokasikan ke dalam APBN 2022 dan 2023
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
    RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said

  15. PULLED OUT (DIKELUARKAN) = Armidale class is a class of patrol boats built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Planning for a class of vessels to replace the fifteen Fremantle-class patrol boats began in 1993 as a joint project with the Royal Malaysian Navy, but was cancelled when Malaysia pulled out of the process. The project was reopened in 1999 under the designation SEA 1444, with the RAN as the sole participant.
    Malaysia says EU palm oil curbs may undermine France's fighter jet bid.......
    on Thursday the European Union's decision to curb imports of the commodity could undermine France's hopes of winning one of Asia's biggest fighter plane deals.
    France's Rafale jet, built by Dassault Aviation , has been seen as the frontrunner in Malaysia's plan to buy up to 18 planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion
    COST SHARE 2024 = The official also said Indonesia has prepared 1.25 trillion rupiah (US$79.6 million) this year to cover its unpaid share of costs in the joint project launched in 2015 and worth over 8 trillion won (US$6 billion).
    COST SHARE 2022 AND 2023 = Direktur Anggaran Bidang Politik, Hukum, Pertahanan dan Keamanan, dan Bagian Anggaran Bendahara Umum Negara, Direktorat Jenderal Anggaran Kemenkeu Dwi Pudjiastuti Handayani menegaskan bahwa cost share untuk KF 21 Boromae sudah dialokasikan ke dalam APBN 2022 dan 2023
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
    RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said
    (Saint-Cloud, le 8 Janvier 2024) – La dernière tranche de 18 Rafale pour l’Indonésie est entrée en vigueur ce jour. Elle fait suite à l’entrée en vigueur, en septembre 2022 et en août 2023, de la première et de la deuxième tranche de 6 et 18 Rafale, et vient ainsi compléter le nombre d’avions en commande pour l’Indonésie dans le cadre du contrat signé en février 2022 pour l’acquisition de 42 Rafale.
    This contract, which covers the procurement of 45 missile rounds and associated launcher units and user terminals, paves the way for the Indonesian Navy to be the first export customer of the Turkish-developed guided weapon.
    TAIS Shipyards secured a contract for two 65 m LPCs for TNI-AL Turkish Private TAIS Shipyards will construct two Large Patrol Crafts, LPC-65, for the Indonesian Navy (TNI-AL). Even though it is named patrol craft, the vessel will feature a 76mm gun, a dual 35mm gun turret, two 12.7mm STAMP remote weapon stations (RWS), and a Roketsan ASW rocket launcher. The vessel may have eight ATMACA anti-ship missiles (AShMs) or prefer French Exocets.
    Fincantieri and the Indonesian Ministry of Defence have signed a 1.18-billion-euro contract, within the framework of collaborative relations initiated by the Italian Ministry of Defence, for the supply of two PPA Units. PPA is a highly flexible ship with an outstanding technological standard.

  16. Armidale class is a class of patrol boats built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Planning for a class of vessels to replace the fifteen Fremantle-class patrol boats began in 1993 as a joint project with the Royal Malaysian Navy, but was cancelled when Malaysia pulled out of the process. The project was reopened in 1999 under the designation SEA 1444, with the RAN as the sole participant.

    Yang jelas tidak ada kata PULLED OUT seperti yg dialami malon dgn ostrali ya


  17. Terus gimana nih, mau beli KF atau F 15ex. Jadi ini kerja sama kita ambyar atau jalan terus. Mending bikin drone tempur seperti Turki dan Iran. Kita bikin N250 Gagal. Ilham Habibie mengajukan R80 ogah pemerintah kita.. maunya kereta cepat Wooshh China itu juga nggak ada TOT, hutang besar balik modal lama sekali.

    1. Idealnya beli KF tetapi ganti mesin ke keluarga M88 supaya ada commonality dengan Rafale.

    2. tapi menhan kita suka shooping.. repot..

    3. R 80 sebenarnya bukan ogah tapi ditunda & tidak dimasukkan ke dalam proyek PSN.
      Karena waktu itu ada pandemi terus juga kita lihat proyek N219 penjualan juga belum mulus.

    4. Kereta whoosh itu ada loh ToT nya jangan salah.
      Liat hasil pembuatan kereta api terbaru buatan PT.KAI itu ada panel display... pintu buka tutup otomatis..kabin di buat lebih kedap suara.

  18. Armidale class is a class of patrol boats built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Planning for a class of vessels to replace the fifteen Fremantle-class patrol boats began in 1993 as a joint project with the Royal Malaysian Navy, but was cancelled when Malaysia pulled out of the process. The project was reopened in 1999 under the designation SEA 1444, with the RAN as the sole participant.

    Yang jelas di program baramae tidak ada kata PULLED OUT seperti yg dialami malon dgn ostrali ya


  19. Woiii ada negara di Tagih bayar HUTANG 29 Kali guys.. 🤣🤣🤣

  20. PULLED OUT (DIKELUARKAN) = Armidale class is a class of patrol boats built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Planning for a class of vessels to replace the fifteen Fremantle-class patrol boats began in 1993 as a joint project with the Royal Malaysian Navy, but was cancelled when Malaysia pulled out of the process. The project was reopened in 1999 under the designation SEA 1444, with the RAN as the sole participant.
    Malaysia says EU palm oil curbs may undermine France's fighter jet bid.......
    on Thursday the European Union's decision to curb imports of the commodity could undermine France's hopes of winning one of Asia's biggest fighter plane deals.
    France's Rafale jet, built by Dassault Aviation , has been seen as the frontrunner in Malaysia's plan to buy up to 18 planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion
    COST SHARE 2024 = The official also said Indonesia has prepared 1.25 trillion rupiah (US$79.6 million) this year to cover its unpaid share of costs in the joint project launched in 2015 and worth over 8 trillion won (US$6 billion).
    COST SHARE 2022 AND 2023 = Direktur Anggaran Bidang Politik, Hukum, Pertahanan dan Keamanan, dan Bagian Anggaran Bendahara Umum Negara, Direktorat Jenderal Anggaran Kemenkeu Dwi Pudjiastuti Handayani menegaskan bahwa cost share untuk KF 21 Boromae sudah dialokasikan ke dalam APBN 2022 dan 2023
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
    RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said
    (Saint-Cloud, le 8 Janvier 2024) – La dernière tranche de 18 Rafale pour l’Indonésie est entrée en vigueur ce jour. Elle fait suite à l’entrée en vigueur, en septembre 2022 et en août 2023, de la première et de la deuxième tranche de 6 et 18 Rafale, et vient ainsi compléter le nombre d’avions en commande pour l’Indonésie dans le cadre du contrat signé en février 2022 pour l’acquisition de 42 Rafale.
    This contract, which covers the procurement of 45 missile rounds and associated launcher units and user terminals, paves the way for the Indonesian Navy to be the first export customer of the Turkish-developed guided weapon.
    TAIS Shipyards secured a contract for two 65 m LPCs for TNI-AL Turkish Private TAIS Shipyards will construct two Large Patrol Crafts, LPC-65, for the Indonesian Navy (TNI-AL). Even though it is named patrol craft, the vessel will feature a 76mm gun, a dual 35mm gun turret, two 12.7mm STAMP remote weapon stations (RWS), and a Roketsan ASW rocket launcher. The vessel may have eight ATMACA anti-ship missiles (AShMs) or prefer French Exocets.
    Fincantieri and the Indonesian Ministry of Defence have signed a 1.18-billion-euro contract, within the framework of collaborative relations initiated by the Italian Ministry of Defence, for the supply of two PPA Units. PPA is a highly flexible ship with an outstanding technological standard.

  21. COST SHARE 2024 = The official also said Indonesia has prepared 1.25 trillion rupiah (US$79.6 million) this year to cover its unpaid share of costs in the joint project launched in 2015 and worth over 8 trillion won (US$6 billion).
    COST SHARE 2022 AND 2023 = Direktur Anggaran Bidang Politik, Hukum, Pertahanan dan Keamanan, dan Bagian Anggaran Bendahara Umum Negara, Direktorat Jenderal Anggaran Kemenkeu Dwi Pudjiastuti Handayani menegaskan bahwa cost share untuk KF 21 Boromae sudah dialokasikan ke dalam APBN 2022 dan 2023
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
    RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said
    (Saint-Cloud, le 8 Janvier 2024) – La dernière tranche de 18 Rafale pour l’Indonésie est entrée en vigueur ce jour. Elle fait suite à l’entrée en vigueur, en septembre 2022 et en août 2023, de la première et de la deuxième tranche de 6 et 18 Rafale, et vient ainsi compléter le nombre d’avions en commande pour l’Indonésie dans le cadre du contrat signé en février 2022 pour l’acquisition de 42 Rafale.
    This contract, which covers the procurement of 45 missile rounds and associated launcher units and user terminals, paves the way for the Indonesian Navy to be the first export customer of the Turkish-developed guided weapon.
    TAIS Shipyards secured a contract for two 65 m LPCs for TNI-AL Turkish Private TAIS Shipyards will construct two Large Patrol Crafts, LPC-65, for the Indonesian Navy (TNI-AL). Even though it is named patrol craft, the vessel will feature a 76mm gun, a dual 35mm gun turret, two 12.7mm STAMP remote weapon stations (RWS), and a Roketsan ASW rocket launcher. The vessel may have eight ATMACA anti-ship missiles (AShMs) or prefer French Exocets.
    Fincantieri and the Indonesian Ministry of Defence have signed a 1.18-billion-euro contract, within the framework of collaborative relations initiated by the Italian Ministry of Defence, for the supply of two PPA Units. PPA is a highly flexible ship with an outstanding technological standard.
    PULLED OUT (DIKELUARKAN) = Armidale class is a class of patrol boats built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Planning for a class of vessels to replace the fifteen Fremantle-class patrol boats began in 1993 as a joint project with the Royal Malaysian Navy, but was cancelled when Malaysia pulled out of the process. The project was reopened in 1999 under the designation SEA 1444, with the RAN as the sole participant.
    Malaysia says EU palm oil curbs may undermine France's fighter jet bid.......
    on Thursday the European Union's decision to curb imports of the commodity could undermine France's hopes of winning one of Asia's biggest fighter plane deals.
    France's Rafale jet, built by Dassault Aviation , has been seen as the frontrunner in Malaysia's plan to buy up to 18 planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion

  22. Sejak 1979, Hanwha Aerospace telah memasok mesin untuk pesawat militer Korea, termasuk F-4, KF-5, KF-16, F-15K, dan T-50, melalui produksi lisensi di luar negeri. Mesin F414 untuk KF-21 akan diproduksi di Pabrik 1 Changwon milik perusahaan, menggunakan lisensi dari GE Aerospace.
    wuii industri mereka hanwa uda 45 taon melisensi berbagai macam mesin jet untuk berbagai jenis pespur, masi tetep teote

    lha kok disini ada yg nuntut teote poll bla bla bla, tp gak punyak industri pendukung, mana netijennya minta tamba rapale ampe cepek unit trus ngarep dpt teote macam indihe haha!🤭🤭🤭
    kata netijen mahabner, teote mesin snecma ke dassault biar bisa mandiri

    hadee dia ga tau ituw mesin punyak siapa..mao beli srebu snecma pon dassault pst geleng2..netijen2 uda ganas koplak pulak haha!🤣🤣🤣

    1. Nah itu dia om pal basic industri kita belum kuat & lengkap...jadi ketika minta ToT pasti penyerapan ilmunya akan sangat terbatas.

      Hal yang paling penting kalau masalah teknologi adalah masalah keamanan data...ini kenapa susah negara maju akan memberikan ToT.

    2. guwe baca langsung dr media koryo yg mewancarai bos dapa, bukan saduran FG aplotan mimin ds haha!🤭🤭🤭
      untuk teknologi yg diberikan skrg mmg bukan yg signifikan...mnurut bos dapa kelak setelah masa pengembangan kelar 2026 semuanya yg dijanjikan akan ditransfer.
      kenapa gak skrg? katanya menyangkut tentang keamanan data.
      yaa keknya mrk kwatir proses transfer jika dilakukan langsung, ntar pespur blom kelar datanya bocor kemana2 gt om tupz haha!🫣🫣🫣
      samalah macam kasus ks skorpeng indihe

      nach ituw kan mnurut sana, tp klo dr guwe tangkep sich, sblom kontribusi kita full..gak bakal dikasi teote yg kita minta sesuai pernjanjian, yaiyalah masa kirim dikit mo dapet smua, kite kabur ntar..menang banyak om tupz haha!🤭🤭🤭
      tp sedjak ada kasus ditahannya 2 ingsinyur, kyknya semakin ruwet,
      makanya kemhan sebut gomen kita gak minta pemotongan tp penyesuaian pembayaran boramae, apa yg kita bayar, apa yg kita dapet...semacam angsuran gt dech
      yaa klo di itung kemenkeu sanggupnya $ 70-80 per taon, wah bisa lewat 10 taon..nyicil ampe 2034 haha!🤫🤫🤫
      namun klo tukang ingsinyur kita dianggap salah..trus dapa bertindak sperti yg dibilang bosnya.
      maka sistem pembayaran yg kemhan minta bisa jadi ini exit teraman haha!😬😬😬

      klo gomen kita tersinggung efek kejadian ini bakalan panjang urusan, bisa jadi takkan ada lagi alutsista impor koryo diperiode mendatang.
      nach apakah dapa punya nyali?
      marikite nonton ajeh..seru keknya haha!😉😉😉

  23. GAGAL BAYAR HUTANG KFX guys.. 🤣🤣🤣

  24. GAGAL BAYAR HUTANG KFX guys.. 🤣🤣🤣.

      akan 2 Leonardo P-72M DELAYED
      akan 3 anka ISR OMPONG
      LOA LMS B2 Ada-Class DOWNGRADE
      Dibayar PBB/UN = 4x4 Ejder Yalçin
      LCS dibayar 6 jadi NOL DELAYED
      OPV dibayar 3 jadi 1 DELAYED
      real contract and delivery five units C130J Hercules
      real contract and delivery two unit Frankethal class Countermine vessels (Pulau Fani class)
      real contract and delivery four units KCR 60 Fast missiles boats PT PAL
      real contract and delivery 9 units Bell 412 EPI
      real contract and delivery 8 additional H225 M
      real contract and delivery 2 units Bell 429 Global Ranger
      real contract and delivery 18 Medium weight tank Harimau
      real contract and delivery 22 Pandur II IFV
      real contract and delivery two unit Hospital Ships
      real contract and delivery one unit Command and control variant C295
      real contract and delivery one unit CN235 MPA
      real contract and delivery 7 Badak FSV, 26 Anoa apc and 10 additional Komodo recce vehicles in 2022
      real contract and delivery 4 AS 550 Fennec and 8 AS565 MBE, in 2024
      real contract and delivery five NC212i in 2023
      real contract and delivery one Leonardo RAT 31 DL/M
      real contract and delivery five C130H ordered from Australia in 2013 (finished in 2020) after received Grant of 4 C130H
      real contract and delivery 9 Teluk Bintuni class LST
      real contract and delivery six CH4B UCAV ordered in 2019
      real contract t and process building of Abeking & Rasmussen design ocean Hydrography ship
      real contract and process building two AH140 AAW Frigate
      real contract and process building two OPV 90 ASW patrol vessels
      real contract and process building 42 Dassault Rafale F4 fighter
      real contract and process building two A400M heavy cargo aircraft
      real contract and delivery M3 Amphibious bridging system
      real contract and delivery 3 KT1 Wong Bee ordered in 2018 along with radar and spares for T/A50
      real contract and process building 13 GM 403 GCI radar from Thales
      real contract and process building 12 ANKA S UCAV
      real contract and process building additional CH4B UCAV
      real contract and delivery Slingshot Satcom system
      real contract and delivery Falcon 8X aircraft
      real contract and process Thales Alenia earth observation satelite
      real contract and process 22 S70M Blackhawk
      real contract and process 6 N219 aircraft
      real contract and process 3 CN235 for Army
      real contract and process 2 PPA patrol Frigate
      real contract and process 2 Scorpene Subs
      real contract and process Khan Short Range ballistic missiles from Turki
      real contract and process Trisula Air defense system
      real contract and process 6 T50i aircraft
      real contract and delivery Oiler and replenishment ship
      real contract and delivery several Tug Harbor ships
      real contract and process Submarine rescue vessels and system
      real contract and delivery two Large LCU for army
      real contract and process 45 Atmaca

  25. Armidale class is a class of patrol boats built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Planning for a class of vessels to replace the fifteen Fremantle-class patrol boats began in 1993 as a joint project with the Royal Malaysian Navy, but was cancelled when Malaysia pulled out of the process. The project was reopened in 1999 under the designation SEA 1444, with the RAN as the sole participant.

    Yang jelas tidak ada kata PULLED OUT seperti yg dialami malon dgn ostrali ya


    akan 2 Leonardo P-72M DELAYED
    akan 3 anka ISR OMPONG
    Dibayar PBB/UN = 4x4 Ejder Yalçin
    LCS dibayar 6 jadi NOL DELAYED
    OPV dibayar 3 jadi 1 DELAYED
    real contract and delivery five units C130J Hercules
    real contract and delivery two unit Frankethal class Countermine vessels (Pulau Fani class)
    real contract and delivery four units KCR 60 Fast missiles boats PT PAL
    real contract and delivery 9 units Bell 412 EPI
    real contract and delivery 8 additional H225 M
    real contract and delivery 2 units Bell 429 Global Ranger
    real contract and delivery 18 Medium weight tank Harimau
    real contract and delivery 22 Pandur II IFV
    real contract and delivery two unit Hospital Ships
    real contract and delivery one unit Command and control variant C295
    real contract and delivery one unit CN235 MPA
    real contract and delivery 7 Badak FSV, 26 Anoa apc and 10 additional Komodo recce vehicles in 2022
    real contract and delivery 4 AS 550 Fennec and 8 AS565 MBE, in 2024
    real contract and delivery five NC212i in 2023
    real contract and delivery one Leonardo RAT 31 DL/M
    real contract and delivery five C130H ordered from Australia in 2013 (finished in 2020) after received Grant of 4 C130H
    real contract and delivery 9 Teluk Bintuni class LST
    real contract and delivery six CH4B UCAV ordered in 2019
    real contract t and process building of Abeking & Rasmussen design ocean Hydrography ship
    real contract and process building two AH140 AAW Frigate
    real contract and process building two OPV 90 ASW patrol vessels
    real contract and process building 42 Dassault Rafale F4 fighter
    real contract and process building two A400M heavy cargo aircraft
    real contract and delivery M3 Amphibious bridging system
    real contract and delivery 3 KT1 Wong Bee ordered in 2018 along with radar and spares for T/A50
    real contract and process building 13 GM 403 GCI radar from Thales
    real contract and process building 12 ANKA S UCAV
    real contract and process building additional CH4B UCAV
    real contract and delivery Slingshot Satcom system
    real contract and delivery Falcon 8X aircraft
    real contract and process Thales Alenia earth observation satelite
    real contract and process 22 S70M Blackhawk
    real contract and process 6 N219 aircraft
    real contract and process 3 CN235 for Army
    real contract and process 2 PPA patrol Frigate
    real contract and process 2 Scorpene Subs
    real contract and process Khan Short Range ballistic missiles from Turki
    real contract and process Trisula Air defense system
    real contract and process 6 T50i aircraft
    real contract and delivery Oiler and replenishment ship
    real contract and delivery several Tug Harbor ships
    real contract and process Submarine rescue vessels and system
    real contract and delivery two Large LCU for army
    real contract and process 45 Atmaca

  27. Armidale class is a class of patrol boats built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Planning for a class of vessels to replace the fifteen Fremantle-class patrol boats began in 1993 as a joint project with the Royal Malaysian Navy, but was cancelled when Malaysia pulled out of the process. The project was reopened in 1999 under the designation SEA 1444, with the RAN as the sole participant.

    Yang jelas di boramae tidak ada kata PULLED OUT seperti yg dialami malon dgn ostrali ya


  28. Hebat dong 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


    akan 2 Leonardo P-72M DELAYED
    akan 3 anka ISR OMPONG
    Dibayar PBB/UN = 4x4 Ejder Yalçin
    LCS dibayar 6 jadi NOL DELAYED
    OPV dibayar 3 jadi 1 DELAYED
    real contract and delivery five units C130J Hercules
    real contract and delivery two unit Frankethal class Countermine vessels (Pulau Fani class)
    real contract and delivery four units KCR 60 Fast missiles boats PT PAL
    real contract and delivery 9 units Bell 412 EPI
    real contract and delivery 8 additional H225 M
    real contract and delivery 2 units Bell 429 Global Ranger
    real contract and delivery 18 Medium weight tank Harimau
    real contract and delivery 22 Pandur II IFV
    real contract and delivery two unit Hospital Ships
    real contract and delivery one unit Command and control variant C295
    real contract and delivery one unit CN235 MPA
    real contract and delivery 7 Badak FSV, 26 Anoa apc and 10 additional Komodo recce vehicles in 2022
    real contract and delivery 4 AS 550 Fennec and 8 AS565 MBE, in 2024
    real contract and delivery five NC212i in 2023
    real contract and delivery one Leonardo RAT 31 DL/M
    real contract and delivery five C130H ordered from Australia in 2013 (finished in 2020) after received Grant of 4 C130H
    real contract and delivery 9 Teluk Bintuni class LST
    real contract and delivery six CH4B UCAV ordered in 2019
    real contract t and process building of Abeking & Rasmussen design ocean Hydrography ship
    real contract and process building two AH140 AAW Frigate
    real contract and process building two OPV 90 ASW patrol vessels
    real contract and process building 42 Dassault Rafale F4 fighter
    real contract and process building two A400M heavy cargo aircraft
    real contract and delivery M3 Amphibious bridging system
    real contract and delivery 3 KT1 Wong Bee ordered in 2018 along with radar and spares for T/A50
    real contract and process building 13 GM 403 GCI radar from Thales
    real contract and process building 12 ANKA S UCAV
    real contract and process building additional CH4B UCAV
    real contract and delivery Slingshot Satcom system
    real contract and delivery Falcon 8X aircraft
    real contract and process Thales Alenia earth observation satelite
    real contract and process 22 S70M Blackhawk
    real contract and process 6 N219 aircraft
    real contract and process 3 CN235 for Army
    real contract and process 2 PPA patrol Frigate
    real contract and process 2 Scorpene Subs
    real contract and process Khan Short Range ballistic missiles from Turki
    real contract and process Trisula Air defense system
    real contract and process 6 T50i aircraft
    real contract and delivery Oiler and replenishment ship
    real contract and delivery several Tug Harbor ships
    real contract and process Submarine rescue vessels and system
    real contract and delivery two Large LCU for army
    real contract and process 45 Atmaca

  31. Kemhan Tegaskan RI Sesuaikan Pembayaran KF-21, Bukan Minta Pemotongan
    eiittt NO⛔️diskon warganyet NGAMUK🔥kita uda transfer wueee kl, kalah lagiiiii... haha!😋😋😋

    1. kasihan sebelah sawit di tolak eropa, ostrali depak juga om ...........


  33. Dari 20 persen POTONG jadi 7 persen je... KESIAN.. 🤣🤣🤣.

    Saat ini Indonesia kembali meminta pemotongan kewajiban cost share program KF-21 kepada Korea Selatan dari 20% menjadi 7%. Alasan resmi di balik permintaan itu adalah sedikitnya teknologi yang dapat dialihkan oleh Seoul kepada Jakarta.
    Tentu saja akan ada konsekuensi komersial bagi Indonesia apabila kewajiban cost share program KF-21 berkurang menjadi 7% saja. Salah satunya terkait dengan peluang Indonesia menjadi bagian dari global supply chain jet tempur bermesin ganda tersebut..

    1. GEMPURWIRA26 Juni 2024 pukul 17.30
      Psstttt... INDON minta kurangkan pembayaran HUTANG dan share dari 20% jadi hanya 7% je... 🤣🤣🤣

      Saat ini Indonesia kembali meminta pemotongan kewajiban cost share program KF-21 kepada Korea Selatan dari 20% menjadi 7%. Alasan resmi di balik permintaan itu adalah sedikitnya teknologi yang dapat dialihkan oleh Seoul kepada Jakarta.
      Tentu saja akan ada konsekuensi komersial bagi Indonesia apabila kewajiban cost share program KF-21 berkurang menjadi 7% saja. Salah satunya terkait dengan peluang Indonesia menjadi bagian dari global supply chain jet tempur bermesin ganda tersebut.
      COST SHARE 2024 = The official also said Indonesia has prepared 1.25 trillion rupiah (US$79.6 million) this year to cover its unpaid share of costs in the joint project launched in 2015 and worth over 8 trillion won (US$6 billion).
      COST SHARE 2022 AND 2023 = Direktur Anggaran Bidang Politik, Hukum, Pertahanan dan Keamanan, dan Bagian Anggaran Bendahara Umum Negara, Direktorat Jenderal Anggaran Kemenkeu Dwi Pudjiastuti Handayani menegaskan bahwa cost share untuk KF 21 Boromae sudah dialokasikan ke dalam APBN 2022 dan 2023
      RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
      RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said


  34. GEMPURWIRA26 Juni 2024 pukul 17.30
    Psstttt... INDON minta kurangkan pembayaran HUTANG dan share dari 20% jadi hanya 7% je... 🤣🤣🤣

    Saat ini Indonesia kembali meminta pemotongan kewajiban cost share program KF-21 kepada Korea Selatan dari 20% menjadi 7%. Alasan resmi di balik permintaan itu adalah sedikitnya teknologi yang dapat dialihkan oleh Seoul kepada Jakarta.
    Tentu saja akan ada konsekuensi komersial bagi Indonesia apabila kewajiban cost share program KF-21 berkurang menjadi 7% saja. Salah satunya terkait dengan peluang Indonesia menjadi bagian dari global supply chain jet tempur bermesin ganda tersebut.
    COST SHARE 2024 = The official also said Indonesia has prepared 1.25 trillion rupiah (US$79.6 million) this year to cover its unpaid share of costs in the joint project launched in 2015 and worth over 8 trillion won (US$6 billion).
    COST SHARE 2022 AND 2023 = Direktur Anggaran Bidang Politik, Hukum, Pertahanan dan Keamanan, dan Bagian Anggaran Bendahara Umum Negara, Direktorat Jenderal Anggaran Kemenkeu Dwi Pudjiastuti Handayani menegaskan bahwa cost share untuk KF 21 Boromae sudah dialokasikan ke dalam APBN 2022 dan 2023
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
    RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said

  35. GEMPURWIRA26 Juni 2024 pukul 17.30
    Psstttt... INDON minta kurangkan pembayaran HUTANG dan share dari 20% jadi hanya 7% je... 🤣🤣🤣
    Saat ini Indonesia kembali meminta pemotongan kewajiban cost share program KF-21 kepada Korea Selatan dari 20% menjadi 7%. Alasan resmi di balik permintaan itu adalah sedikitnya teknologi yang dapat dialihkan oleh Seoul kepada Jakarta.
    Tentu saja akan ada konsekuensi komersial bagi Indonesia apabila kewajiban cost share program KF-21 berkurang menjadi 7% saja. Salah satunya terkait dengan peluang Indonesia menjadi bagian dari global supply chain jet tempur bermesin ganda tersebut.
    COST SHARE 2024 = The official also said Indonesia has prepared 1.25 trillion rupiah (US$79.6 million) this year to cover its unpaid share of costs in the joint project launched in 2015 and worth over 8 trillion won (US$6 billion).
    COST SHARE 2022 AND 2023 = Direktur Anggaran Bidang Politik, Hukum, Pertahanan dan Keamanan, dan Bagian Anggaran Bendahara Umum Negara, Direktorat Jenderal Anggaran Kemenkeu Dwi Pudjiastuti Handayani menegaskan bahwa cost share untuk KF 21 Boromae sudah dialokasikan ke dalam APBN 2022 dan 2023
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
    RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said


  36. "Selaras dengan perkara itu kerajaan telah membayar RM7.15 bilion iaitu bersamaan 63.69 peratus, berbanding perancangan asal pembayaran iaitu 68.43

    kata warganyet kl mrk kalis utang, slaluw CASH..
    Lah ituw apa, Bukti kuat Sblah masi NGUTANG banyak dari rm 9bn naik jadi rm 11.2 bn
    masi NGUTANG rm 4 bn haha!🤣🤣🤣

  37. BUZZER KATARAK ..........
    GEMPURWIRA26 Juni 2024 pukul 17.30
    Psstttt... INDON minta kurangkan pembayaran HUTANG dan share dari 20% jadi hanya 7% je... 🤣🤣🤣
    Saat ini Indonesia kembali meminta pemotongan kewajiban cost share program KF-21 kepada Korea Selatan dari 20% menjadi 7%. Alasan resmi di balik permintaan itu adalah sedikitnya teknologi yang dapat dialihkan oleh Seoul kepada Jakarta.
    Tentu saja akan ada konsekuensi komersial bagi Indonesia apabila kewajiban cost share program KF-21 berkurang menjadi 7% saja. Salah satunya terkait dengan peluang Indonesia menjadi bagian dari global supply chain jet tempur bermesin ganda tersebut.
    COST SHARE 2024 = The official also said Indonesia has prepared 1.25 trillion rupiah (US$79.6 million) this year to cover its unpaid share of costs in the joint project launched in 2015 and worth over 8 trillion won (US$6 billion).
    COST SHARE 2022 AND 2023 = Direktur Anggaran Bidang Politik, Hukum, Pertahanan dan Keamanan, dan Bagian Anggaran Bendahara Umum Negara, Direktorat Jenderal Anggaran Kemenkeu Dwi Pudjiastuti Handayani menegaskan bahwa cost share untuk KF 21 Boromae sudah dialokasikan ke dalam APBN 2022 dan 2023
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
    RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said

  38. bayar berperingkat ato Angsuran sama dengan NGUTANG gaesz
    pantesan MAHAL, bunga besar haha!😝😝😝
    warganyet bual ajah

    1. KASIAN kena pulled out wkwkwkwkkw ostrali tahu kadarnya sebelah....

    2. Tepatnya KICKED OUT 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

    3. parah jiran, makanya warganyet cemburu osi kasi kita c130 haha!🤣😋🤣

  39. COST SHARE 2024 = The official also said Indonesia has prepared 1.25 trillion rupiah (US$79.6 million) this year to cover its unpaid share of costs in the joint project launched in 2015 and worth over 8 trillion won (US$6 billion).
    COST SHARE 2022 AND 2023 = Direktur Anggaran Bidang Politik, Hukum, Pertahanan dan Keamanan, dan Bagian Anggaran Bendahara Umum Negara, Direktorat Jenderal Anggaran Kemenkeu Dwi Pudjiastuti Handayani menegaskan bahwa cost share untuk KF 21 Boromae sudah dialokasikan ke dalam APBN 2022 dan 2023
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
    RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said.
    PULLED OUT (DIKELUARKAN) = Armidale class is a class of patrol boats built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Planning for a class of vessels to replace the fifteen Fremantle-class patrol boats began in 1993 as a joint project with the Royal Malaysian Navy, but was cancelled when Malaysia pulled out of the process. The project was reopened in 1999 under the designation SEA 1444, with the RAN as the sole participant.
    Malaysia says EU palm oil curbs may undermine France's fighter jet bid.......
    on Thursday the European Union's decision to curb imports of the commodity could undermine France's hopes of winning one of Asia's biggest fighter plane deals.
    France's Rafale jet, built by Dassault Aviation , has been seen as the frontrunner in Malaysia's plan to buy up to 18 planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion

  40. https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2011/02/21/11375241/para.pencuri.data.itu.agen.korsel

    ☝️☝️☝️Asal tahu korea yg mulai dulu ya lon, kalo ngetroll jgn nanggung2 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

  41. pertama seDuniya kasus terkenal hanya SONGLAP ENJIN dari semenanjung kl haha!😄😄😄

  42. Kasau Marsekal Tonny mengunjungi pabrik Dassault di Prancis dan melihat produksi jet tempur Rafale pesanan Indonesia


  43. ini contoh orang tolol..

    Malaysia says EU palm oil curbs may undermine France's fighter jet bid - on Thursday the European Union's decision to curb imports of the commodity could undermine .
    Program naik taraf pesawat 'Maritime Surveillance Aircraft (MSA)' di bawah 'Maritime Security Initiative (MSI)' bagi pesawat CN235-220M milik Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) telah bermula pada tahun 2018 hingga 2023. Tiga (3) buah pesawat CN235-220M dari No 1 Skn yang dinaik taraf menjadi MSA telah dihantar secara berperingkat ke PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) yang merupakan Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) bagi melaksanakan naik taraf pesawat tersebut.
    STM officials, in conversation with Naval News, affirmed that the project remains on schedule, with final contract details under negotiation. Consequently, while the contract wasn’t anticipated to be signed at the DSA 2024 exhibition, it is expected to be finalized in the forthcoming months.
    Malaysia to use Anka-S for Maritime Surveillance
    While the specific equipment configuration of the Ankas is not currently known, they will be operated solely as a maritime surveillance platform in Malaysian service, and will not be equipped with any weaponry.
    real contract and delivery five units C130J Hercules
    real contract and delivery two unit Frankethal class Countermine vessels (Pulau Fani class)
    real contract and delivery four units KCR 60 Fast missiles boats PT PAL
    real contract and delivery 9 units Bell 412 EPI
    real contract and delivery 8 additional H225 M
    real contract and delivery 2 units Bell 429 Global Ranger
    real contract and delivery 18 Medium weight tank Harimau
    real contract and delivery 22 Pandur II IFV
    real contract and delivery two unit Hospital Ships
    real contract and delivery one unit Command and control variant C295
    real contract and delivery one unit CN235 MPA
    real contract and delivery 7 Badak FSV, 26 Anoa apc and 10 additional Komodo recce vehicles in 2022
    real contract and delivery 4 AS 550 Fennec and 8 AS565 MBE, in 2024
    real contract and delivery five NC212i in 2023
    real contract and delivery one Leonardo RAT 31 DL/M
    real contract and delivery five C130H ordered from Australia in 2013 (finished in 2020) after received Grant of 4 C130H
    real contract and delivery 9 Teluk Bintuni class LST
    real contract and delivery six CH4B UCAV ordered in 2019
    real contract t and process building of Abeking & Rasmussen design ocean Hydrography ship
    real contract and process building two AH140 AAW Frigate
    real contract and process building two OPV 90 ASW patrol vessels
    real contract and process building 42 Dassault Rafale F4 fighter
    real contract and process building two A400M heavy cargo aircraft
    real contract and delivery M3 Amphibious bridging system
    real contract and delivery 3 KT1 Wong Bee ordered in 2018 along with radar and spares for T/A50
    real contract and process building 13 GM 403 GCI radar from Thales
    real contract and process building 12 ANKA S UCAV
    real contract and process building additional CH4B UCAV
    real contract and delivery Slingshot Satcom system
    real contract and delivery Falcon 8X aircraft
    real contract and process Thales Alenia earth observation satelite
    real contract and process 22 S70M Blackhawk
    real contract and process 6 N219 aircraft
    real contract and process 3 CN235 for Army
    real contract and process 2 PPA patrol Frigate
    real contract and process 2 Scorpene Subs
    real contract and process Khan Short Range ballistic missiles from Turki
    real contract and process Trisula Air defense system
    real contract and process 6 T50i aircraft
    real contract and delivery Oiler and replenishment ship
    real contract and delivery several Tug Harbor ships
    real contract and process Submarine rescue vessels and system
    real contract and delivery two Large LCU for army
    real contract and process 45 Atmaca
