05 Agustus 2024

Chaiseri Thailand to Deliver New 8x8 AWAV Amphibious Armored Personnel Carrier Vehicle to Thai Marines

05 Agustus 2024

Chaiseri Metal & Rubber Co. Ltd. showed a presentation video of its new AWAV (Armoured Wheeled Amphibious Vehicle) 8x8 for Royal Thai Marine Corps (RTMC) during Navy Research 2024 exhibition at Royal Thai Navy (RTN) Auditorium, Bangkok Yai District, Bangkok, Thailand on 31 July 2024 and set to deliver to RTN in August 2024 (all photos: Defense Info TH)

'Navy Research 2024' event organized by the Naval Research and Development Office (NRDO), Royal Thai Navy (RTN) at Chao Phraya Room, Royal Thai Navy Auditorium, Wat Arun Subdistrict, Bangkok Yai District, Bangkok, Thailand on 31 July 2024 by Admiral Adung Phan-iam, Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Navy, presided over the opening ceremony.

Chaiseri Metal & Rubber Co. Ltd. (Thailand) has organized an exhibition of its products in the Royal Thai Navy Science and Technology Research and Development Exhibition of the Royal Thai Navy, various armed forces and units of the Thai Ministry of Defense, other government agencies and private sectors that promote and develop Thailand's defense industry.

At Navaljai 2024, Thai company Chaiseri released a promotional video showing the progress of the development of its new 8x8 Armoured Wheeled Amphibious Vehicle (AWAV) for the Royal Thai Marine Corps (RTMC), with seven vehicles scheduled to be delivered to the Royal Thai Navy in August 2024.

Captured footage from a video showing at the 2024 Naval Research Showcase shows the Thai Chaiseri AWAV 8x8 amphibious armored personnel carrier (AWAV) undergoing some modifications from the prototype first unveiled at the Defense & Security 2023 exhibition from November 6-9, 2023.

The prototype AWAV 8x8 amphibious armored personnel carrier has undergone performance tests in a variety of situations, including moving through various obstacles at the Army Vehicle Test Station and moving in the open sea at Sattahip District, Chonburi Province. It can be seen that the vehicle has been painted in the same camouflage color as the Thai Marines' AAV7A1 RAM/RS amphibious vehicle, which has been modernized by Chaiseri Thailand.

At the time of the test, a storm was entering the Gulf of Thailand, but the vehicle was still able to float and move without sinking. According to Chaiseri Thailand, the AWAV 8x8 amphibious armored vehicle is 9.2m long, 3.1m wide and 3m high. The vehicle weighs 23.2 tonnes and is powered by a 711hp diesel engine. It has a top speed of 105km/h on land and 10km/h in water and has a combat range of 600km.

The AWAV 8x8 amphibious wheeled armored vehicle can carry 11 personnel plus 3 crew members (gunner, commander, and driver). The weapon system installed is the Guardian 1.5 remote weapon station (RWS) from Escribano Mechanical and Engineering (EM&E) Spain with a 12.7mm heavy machine gun. The secondary armament is a 76mm smoke grenade launcher.

Chaiseri Thai Company has been awarded the contract to purchase 7 wheeled armored vehicles (8x8) by selection method, with a budget of 448,000,000 baht ($12,918,115) at a unit price of 64,000,000 baht ($1,845,445) per vehicle, announced on August 3, 2023, in which the design and development of the prototype vehicle and production line planning were carried out in parallel for one year.

Previously, Panus Assembly Co., Ltd. (Thailand) was the winner of the procurement of 2 armored vehicles (8x8) type personnel carriers, which have been built, tested, and delivered to the Thai Marines.

Including the 8x8 Sea Tiger wheeled armored vehicle under the joint research and development project of the 8x8 Amphibious Armored Personnel Carrier (AAPC) prototype amphibious armored vehicle between the Defense Technology Institute (DTI) and the Royal Thai Navy Research and Development Office (RTN), produced by Cho Thavee Public Company Limited (CHOTHAVEE PLC), Thailand, which has also been delivered to the Thai Marine Corps.

In the past, the Royal Thai Marine Corps has considered the procurement of amphibious wheeled armored vehicles for use in the Marine Assault Amphibian Vehicle Battalion, Marine Division, which will operate from the Royal Thai Navy's floating landing craft, HTMS Angthong and HTMS Chang, together with the AAV7A1 amphibious vehicle and VN16 amphibious assault vehicle.

In the past, the prototype vehicles tested, both the DTI AAPC "Sea Tiger" 8x8 and the Panus R600 8x8, were reported to have shortcomings that did not meet the requirements of the Thai Marine Corps, such as low speed of movement in water or safety while floating in water (the prototype vehicle sank during sea trials). However, all of them were developed and built in Thailand, showing the continuous support of the Thai Navy's domestic industry.


40 komentar:

  1. bulan agustus 2024
    ✅Rantis Mobile EM Radar and Command Center

    tiap tahun, tiap bulan, tiap minggu datang Aset Baruw terus hore haha!👏👏👏

    warganyet NGAMUK🔥 timfukin fisank gaesz haha!🍌🍌🍌

  2. Yg tak punya marinir pasti ngamuk2

    1. Ya malon paling juga apalagi si bodoh purwira paling masuk rumah sakit jiwa lama2 lonlonlon bodoh

  3. Hore jiran2 pada shoping, kecuali kerajaan sebelah nan sombong yg lagi bokek

  4. Minimal mendukung industri dalam negeri, walaupun ternyata pada tidak memenuhi syarat. Prototype yg tenggelam agak mengkhawatirkan sih, antara kurang testing atau kualitas pembuatan rendah.

    1. klo dr nol hambatannya djelas krng lama waktunya om irs, soalnya 2 apc ituw ditender. andai 1 proyek ajah, mungkin bs lbh maksimal haha!😉😉😉

      vn16 prototaipnya perna kelelep, akhirnya tukang insinyurnyah berhasil ngatasinye tp butuh wkt lama buat ngoprek

      betewe kite ada bbrp apc panser amfibi dan tank
      kduanya sukses dlm uji coba...yg tank amfibi bikinan swasta non bumn, ntuw skrg kabarnya gimana tuch..proyeknya gak dilirik auto tenggelem keknya haha!😬😬😬

    2. Saya dari kubu pendukung tender terbuka dan adil. Jadi ada dua atau lebih produk yg bersaing, menurutku lebih bagus daripada hanya ada satu.😁
      Tinggal masalah QC atau bahasa kontrak tender saja itu.

      Desain lokal, asal perusahaan sehat, harusnya masih bisa terus. Kontrak buat tahap produksi. Tidak dapat, bisa dikembangain lagi, dijual atau dilisensi.

    3. eiit dah kubu2an sgala im irs kocak haha!🤣🤣🤣

  5. the AWAV 8x8 amphibious armored vehicle is 9.2m long, 3.1m wide and 3m high

    rupanya ini apc model baruw, pantesan ukurannya gak lazim, 9++ meter bok dahsyat haha!👍👍👍
    rata2 apc moderen 7-8 meteran, apa gak ribet ngangkutnya yak?!

    1. Anti ribet kalo yang angkut Type 071 LPD, laah oom....😏

      Yang ribet tu G'empit sebelah oom, moo diangkut apaan coba ...?
      Makanya gak pernah brenang...macam si puss mmiauuw..😸


    2. yang penting tidak mogok berasap om @palu gada

    3. lhaa iyaa yakkk lpd genteng tuch haha!😅😅😅
      si Gempi mo Sewa Feri katanya om pedang, jimat kos gak perluw mrss, kaum mendang mending bilang duitnya buat nambah kaprang ajah haha!🤣🤣🤣
      eiittt uda liat maket 15-5 terbaruw seblah, keknya makin melebar..katanya mo diet, jd pengen NGAKAK😝
      makin kesini makin ambyar...mrk baruw sadar gak punyak mcmv ama hidros...lama2 tanker ama lst masyuk buyar smua haha!🤪🤪🤪

    4. yg mogok ituw takut air, katanya ampibi om penburu haha!😬😬😬

  6. Seblah yerima kapal buatan tahun 1968 😜

    1. real contract and delivery five units C130J Hercules
    2. real contract and delivery two unit Frankethal class Countermine vessels (Pulau Fani class)
    3. real contract and delivery four units KCR 60 Fast missiles boats PT PAL
    4. real contract and delivery 9 units Bell 412 EPI
    5. real contract and delivery 8 additional H225 M
    6. real contract and delivery 2 units Bell 429 Global Ranger
    7. real contract and delivery 18 Medium weight tank Harimau
    8. real contract and delivery 22 Pandur II IFV
    9. real contract and delivery two unit Hospital Ships
    10. real contract and delivery one unit Command and control variant C295
    11. real contract and delivery one unit CN235 MPA
    12. real contract and delivery 7 Badak FSV, 26 ANOa apc and 10 additional Komodo recce vehicles in 2022
    13. real contract and delivery 4 AS 550 Fennec and 8 AS565 MBE, in 2024
    14. real contract and delivery five NC212i in 2023
    15. real contract and delivery one Leonardo RAT 31 DL/M
    16. real contract and delivery five C130H ordered from Australia in 2013 (finished in 2020) after received Grant of 4 C130H
    17. real contract and delivery 9 Teluk Bintuni class LST
    18. real contract and delivery six CH4B UCAV ordered in 2019
    19. real contract t and process building of Abeking & Rasmussen design ocean Hydrography ship
    20. real contract and process building two AH140 AAW Frigate
    21. real contract and process building two OPV 90 ASW patrol vessels
    22. real contract and process building 42 Dassault Rafale F4 fighter
    23. real contract and process building two A400M heavy cargo aircraft
    24. real contract and delivery M3 Amphibious bridging system
    25. real contract and delivery 3 KT1 Wong Bee ordered in 2018 along with radar and spares for T/A50
    26. real contract and process building 13 GM 403 GCI radar from Thales
    27. real contract and process building 12 ANKA S UCAV
    28. real contract and process building additional CH4B UCAV
    29. real contract and delivery Slingshot Satcom system
    30. real contract and delivery Falcon 8X aircraft
    31. real contract and process Thales Alenia earth observation satelite
    32. real contract and process 22 S70M Blackhawk
    33. real contract and process 6 N219 aircraft
    34. real contract and process 3 CN235 for Army
    35. real contract and process 2 PPA patrol Frigate
    36. real contract and process 2 Scorpene Subs
    37. real contract and process Khan Short Range ballistic missiles from Turki
    38. real contract and process Trisula Air defense system
    39. real contract and process 6 T50i aircraft
    40. real contract and delivery Oiler and replenishment ship
    41. real contract and delivery several Tug Harbor ships
    42. real contract and process Submarine rescue vessels and system
    43. real contract and delivery two Large LCU for army
    44. real contract and process 45 Atmaca
    2. akan 2 Leonardo P-72M DELAYED
    3. akan 3 anka ISR OMPONG
    4. LOA LMS B2 Ada-Class DOWNGRADE
    6. Dibayar PBB/UN = 4x4 Ejder Yalçin
    7. LCS dibayar 6 jadi NOL DELAYED
    8, OPV dibayar 3 jadi 1 DELAYED

  8. awalnya nerima, kita liat aja begituw dikasi bon tagihan refit & pengiriman ama Amrik, kabur lagi gak negeri bajet siput ituw om?
    takutnya kejadian tank m109sph terulang lagi gt Kensel Lagi, lagu lama takde bajet haha!😆😆😆

  9. yo lumayan thailand, itu.
    bisa buat amphibious vehicle.. 👍

    1. Kebanyakan proyek 8x8..
      Mulai Panus, Black Widow, sekarang baru lagi yang ini...

      Knapa ga banyakin Norinco VN01 yang dah mereka order..?


  10. PC Sundang cs ditarik dari mmea tuk dinas militer angkatan laut seblah lagi,
    buatan taon 50an, hibah Britis haha!🤫🤫🤫

    mmea: USCGS Decisive
    tahun: 1968
    panjang: 64 meter

    wowww aset2 jompo ternyata tetangga seblah pengumpul barang Rombeng No.1 dikawasan haha!🤣🤣🤣
    kok ngaku2 kaya kasian,
    eiittt kita liat aja begituw dikasi bon tagihan refit & pengiriman ama Amrik, kabur lagi gak negeri bajet seafud ?

    inget gaesz kejadian tank m109sph Kensel Lagi,
    ntar lagu lama takde bajet, tunggu si ReMeK 13 dana utangan turun haha!😜😜😜
    klo gak dapet sperti biasa pura2 flanga flongo trus tiarap haha!😄😄😄

    1. Pinoy dah move on pakai kapal tua...eeeh, sebelah tuu malah gemar banyakin kapal antik..oom..


    2. yaaa maklum yang antik jimat kos, serba analog om pedang haha!😂😂😂

    3. Kena tetanus g itu om personilnya......

    4. panuan jugak om pemburu..gak diapgred sich haha!😅😅😅

  11. djelas warganyet kl Kefanasan Lagiiiii🔥
    lah kitanya dapet gratisan
    ✅ASET OPV Besar, Baruw & Mahal dari Nippon
    ✅korvet pohang full wepen
    sementara seblah cuman dikasi kapal Rombengan dr jepun & kapal WW2 diambil balek navy seblah...
    Soalnya N⛔️ ASET, N⛔️ SHOPPING

    itu pun seblah gak berani taro aset Jepun di BPA, ngeri Bocor diantem raksasa CCG haha!☺️☺️☺️

  12. Kasihan yg sebelah selatan thai ngamuk karena tak ada berita shopping cuma bual dan lawak setiap komennya. Tapi tetap ditunggu Pork bualnya buat hiburan sekawasan.

  13. HAH !
    Thailand, Indonesia, Philipine, Singapore, Brunei, Vietnam, Kamboja, Myanmar SHOPING lagi dan lagiiii ☺️🥳🤩

    Tak terlihat malon shoping sekalipun 😪😢😥
    Tak de wang ke ? 😩😫😴


  14. Mau shoping apa malon hahaha tunggu komen si tolol purwira ngomong apa otak kosong bodoh lonlonlon

  15. Gaess bisa kasih pencerahan, antara LCS dan kapal tahun 1968 mana yg lebih RONGSOK???...🔥🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

    1. yang heran mau opv mau ngpvs mau lcs sama aja ..... ujungnya terima barang rongsok ngemis rongsok aneh analogi sebelah om

    2. Kalau kata gempor FRIGATE ASEAN lebih usang dari kapal tahun 1968 om BREETT


    3. Lebih rongsok daya pikir si Gempur lah. Dungunya makin parah

    4. Si purwira bukan dungu lagi tapi otaknya kosong hahaa lonlonlon bodoh

  16. Balasan
    1. Barang derma-nya gak kaleng - kaleng bro...🤣🤣🤣🤣

      Tapi kaleng - rombeng...😂🤣😸

  17. Buat gempur waria, emangnya kapal Pohang SDH resmi milik Indonesia? ,kok ngehina kapal Korea 😂😂😂, Indonesia sdh menolak Pohang class . Jadi yg menerima barang rongsokan siapa coba ,bahkan lebih rongsok tahun 1968😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  18. Password 👉 1968 ,untuk membuat ngamuk gempur waria
