24 Maret 2023

DTI and the Royal Thai Army Signed a Cooperation Agreement to Develop the CS/AH2 105mm Light Artillery

24 Maret 2023

NORINCO's 105mm CS/AH2 light howitzer seen at Airshow China 2021 (photos : Qian Baihua)

The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation on a joint research and development project of a 105mm CS/AH2 light artillery between the Defence Technology Institute (DTI) and the Artillery Center, the Royal Thai Army (RTA) on March 15, 2023, which DTI Thailand published details on its Online social media on March 22, 2023, about 1 year and 6 months after the procurement was announced. Employed this project on their website for the first time in September, 2021. 

DTI Thailand has announced a contract with POLY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. People's Republic of China for a joint research and development project to create a prototype light artillery, 105mm projectile, CS/AH2 type Phase 1, budget 48 million baht ($ 1,439,712).

The CS/AH2 is a 105mm projectile light artillery developed for export by Norinco (China North Industries Group Corporation), China's defense industry enterprise.

The CS/AH2 light artillery has the same system configuration as the BAE Systems M119 (L119) light artillery projectile, which is stationed in 31st Artillery Battalion, King's Guard, 1st Artillery Regiment, King's Guard, 1st Brigade, King's Guard, assembled in Thailand, 22 guns. 

Also a 105mm towed light howitzer, NEXTER LG1 Mk III, France, stationed in the 11th Artillery Battalion 1st Artillery Regiment, King's Guard, 1st Brigade, King's Guard, 12 cylinders with Land Rover Defender 4x4 artillery tow trucks

Although the project to purchase two 105mm type 1 towed light howitzers, by a specific method, in the amount of 834,400,000 baht ($ 26,722,194 or 22,677,763 Euros) for 12 LG1 Mk III light cannons, will still in the process of delivering.

But the Thai Army still needs a new 105mm light cannon to replace the old system that has been used for a long time and is obsolete, such as the M425 12 cylinders and the M618A2 32 cylinders built in Thailand, etc., which the CS/AH2 project able to lead to the creation of a new, modern artillery in Thailand


19 komentar:

  1. @SOTO ayam & geng yang sering ngomong Inhan tidak diperhatikan + kalau ada)

    Ini bukan buatan THAILAND tapi buatan NORINCO china.. Yang dibeli lisensi oleh DTI THAILAND.



  2. Inovasinya bagus.....cina sendiri sudah puluhan abad mengenal teknologi artileri

    1. Sehingga mereka paham betul gimana bikin barang "versi export"......😁

  3. Harapannya MARINIR TNI AL dalam waktu dekat bisa akuisisi DITA 8×8 SPH buatan Excalibur 🙂

    1. Marinir TNI AL suka dengan senjata dari blok timur 🙂

    2. Kalau ambil DITA 8x8 apakah LCU yg sekarang muat?

    3. Masalahnya bukan suka atau tidak suka. Seharusnya yang dipikirkan adalah komonalitas suku cadang dan ketersediaan angkutan yang ada serta kemampuan mobilitas suatu alutsista.

      Meriam artileri seperti SPH itu adalah alutsista yang memberikan bantuan tembakan jarak jauh. Jadi biasanya SPH ditempatkan beberapa puluh km dari garis depan. Sehingga perlindungan plate armor tidak begitu dibutuhkan.

      Lain dengan tank yang memang dimaksudkan untuk maju di garis depan menggempur perkubuan musuh. Jadi tank butuh perlindungan armor yang memadai.

      Kemampuan LCU yang kita punya hanya 20 ton sedangkan SPH DITA punya berat 29 ton. Jadi kelihatannya DITA tidak dibeli. Yang mungkin akan dibeli untuk marinir ya sama dengan yang dipakai AD yaitu Caesar Nexter.

    4. Setahuku keunggulan Caesar hanya bisa dibawa Hercules.

    5. Kalau commonality bagusnya ambi EVA. Sama2 Tatra 815 dan 155mm. Kalau ambil Caesar, harus comot montir dari AD.😋

  4. The DITA artillery weapon system will have a length of 13.02m, a width of 3.08m, a height of 3.12m and will weigh up to 29t.

    Pada setiap kapal LPD TNI AL terdapat dua LCU yang masing-masing punya daya angkut hingga 20 ton.

    1. Jadi kalo ambil 8x8 SPH yang bertonase lebih besar, sepertinya LCU juga perlu disesuaikan..

    2. tipe KRYL 6×6 buatan Polandia aja berat masih 23 ton, kalau ngak disesuaikan ngak bisa punya kal 155 mm yaaa 🙂

    3. Vampire bukannya 25.7t? Itu bawanya gimana?

    4. Mungkin hanya mereka yang tau sebabnya, kenapa Vampir/Grad bisa dimuatin ke LCU dari LPD-LPD itu..


    5. Spesifikasi LCU 24 Meter
      PT. Tesco Indomaritim

      Length overall 24.35 M.
      Displacement (light).40.00 MT
      Displacement (Fully Loaded) 62.00 MT

    6. https://www.indomiliter.com/landing-craft-utility-kepanjangan-tangan-gelar-operasi-amfibi-lpd-tni-al/
