19 Mei 2024

Koarmada III Laksanakan Latihan Vertical Replenishment di Perairan Halmahera

18 Mei 2024

Vertical Replenishment menggunakan helikopter (photos: Koarmada3)

TNI AL/Koarmada III -- Dalam rangka meningkatan kemampuan dan profesionalisme Prajurit Jalasena Koarmada III dalam menjaga kedaulatan NKRI, Satgas Operasi Trisila-24 Koarmada III, dibawah Komando Komandan Gugus Tempur Laut (Danguspurla) Koarmada III Laksamana Pertama TNI Wawan Trisatya Atmaja, SE. MAP., melaksanakan beberapa latihan di laut, salah satunya adalah serial latihan Vertical Replenishment (Vertrep) di Perairan Laut Halmahera, Halmahera Selatan.

Adapun Vertrep merupakan suatu metode dalam pembekalan di laut atau Replenishment At Sea (RAS) dengan menggunakan sarana kemampuan helikopter, dimana dalam pembekalan tersebut Heli tidak landing di kapal. Sabtu (11/05/24).

(Koarmada 3)

104 komentar:

  1. Tengok lah IIndon penuh kasus cem polis mana mungkin lah jeruk makan jeruk kalolah nak dibikin viral dulu cem kasus Vina Crebon πŸ‘‡


    1. Gak usah keluar dari topik...kalau mau bicara keburukan di malaysia juga ada kenapa juga pemain bola disiram air keras, ada penjelasan kah polis office diserang teroris... malaysia tak aman sekarang 😜😜😜

    2. TIADA UANG TIADA MALU - 3X SURAT NGEMIS = Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan berkata, kementeriannya serta Menteri Pertahanan terdahulu telah menulis surat sebanyak tiga kali kepada kerajaan Kuwait menyatakan hasrat negara untuk memperolehi pesawat-pesawat pejuang terpakai F/A-18C/D milik negara Arab itu
      TIADA UANG - TYPE 23 INGGRIS Tawarkan Malaysia Sepasang Frigat Type 23 Duke Class, Spesifikasi Menarik Tapi ‘TIADA WANG’........
      Masih dari sumber yang sama, meski frigat Type 23 (semisal) dibibahkan ke Malaysia, maka akan berat bagi Angkatan Malaysia untuk mengoperasikan dalam jangka lima tahun. Angkatan Laut Malaysia sebelumnya telah menolak tawaran OPV River class yang dioperasikan Angkatan Laut Inggris.
      TIADA UANG - M109s PALADIN = United States has offered Malaysia up to 30 M109A5 Self Propelled Howitzer (SPH) under the Excess Defence Articles (EDA) programme. The M109s would be upgraded to the latest A5 standard before entering service with the Army, if the offer is taken up.
      TIADA UANG - HIBAH USA PERBAIKAN DIBAYAR USA Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
      TIADA UANG - HIBAH JEPANG PERBAIKAN DIBIAYAI JEPANG KM Arau is an offshore patrol vessel operated by the Malaysian Coast Guard. She was the second ship transferred from the Japan Coast Guard together with KM Pekan and KM Marlin. KM Arau was formerly known as Oki (PL-01) in the Japan Coast Guard.
      Saat ini kapal dengan nama KM Arau ini sedang dalam tahap perbaikan akhir yang dilakukan di Jepang.
      TIADA UANG - MSA DIBAYAR MSI USA The program to convert the CN-235 transport aircraft to MSA variants was financed by the US Government under its Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative (MSI)
      2024 HUTANG JATUH TEMPO - MENUNGGU 2053 = The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF)
      2023 TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi
      2022 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 52,4% = Kah Woh menjelaskan pada tahun lalu, kerajaan ada membuat pinjaman yang meningkat sebanyak 11.6 peratus daripada RM194.5 bilion pada tahun sebelumnya. Daripada jumlah itu, beliau berkata 52.4 peratus atau RM113.7 bilion digunakan untuk membayar prinsipal pinjaman matang.
      2021 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 50,4% = Sejumlah RM98.058 bilion atau 50.4 peratus daripada pinjaman baharu berjumlah RM194.555 bilion yang dibuat kerajaan pada tahun lalu digunakan untuk bayaran balik prinsipal pinjaman yang matang.
      2020 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 60% = Jabatan Audit Negara (JAN) bimbang dengan tindakan kerajaan menggunakan hampir 60 peratus pinjaman baharu untuk membayar hutang .
      2019 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 59% = Laporan Ketua Audit Negara mengenai Penyata Kewangan Kerajaan Persekutuan 2018 mendapati sejumlah 59 peratus pinjaman baharu kerajaan dibuat untuk membayar hutang kerajaan terdahulu
      2018 OPEN DONASI = Kementerian Keuangan Malaysia pada hari Rabu membuka rekening donasi supaya masyarakat dapat menyumbang.
      SKANDAL UANG = scandals spill out into the public domain, like Bumiputera Malaysia Finance 1982, Bank Negara’s FX losses in the 1980s and 1990s, the Scorpene submarines of 2002, the National Feedlot scandal – “cowgate” – of 2012, 1MDB, and the latest LCS naval procurement. But these are just the tip of the iceberg of systematic pilferage. It has become the institutional norm.

    3. Tengoklah Malon, mau bayar pakai orang utan. Ha ha ha ha

  2. GELAK TAWA VISIT KAPAL MANGKRAK 13 TAHUN = a high-level delegation from PT PAL Indonesia visited the Lumut Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (LUNAS) shipyard on May 8th, 2024.
    RM 11.2 BILLION = The cost of the LCS project is now RM11.2 billion. It must be noted from that RM11.2 billion, Lunas or the former BNS used around RM1 billion to pay its debts and to upgrade the facilities for the LCS project. And not a single ship has been delivered yet.
    2024 LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May
    RELAX 415 JUTA PELURU = "Sebelum diberi PMN (Penyertaan Modal negara), produksi Pindad untuk peluru ini 275 juta peluru. Setelah kita beri PMN sebesar Rp 700 miliar, produksinya meningkat jadi 415 juta peluru. Hampir dua kali lipat karena memiliki line tambahan dari PMN yang telah kita berikan,"
    RELAX EKSPOR TIAP BULAN KE USA = Dari dalam negeri, pesanan paling banyak datang dari Kementerian Pertahanan yang dipimpin Prabowo Subianto.
    “Kita sudah mengekspor amunisi 2 kontainer setiap bulan ke US. Sekarang juga banyak permintaan senjata, pistol dan kendaraan tempur dari Pindad,”
    RELAX EKSPOR PELURU SEJAK 2006 PT Pindad (Persero) telah cukup lama menggeluti penjualan ekspor. Terhitung mulai 2006 Pindad mulai menggiatkan ekspornya ke beberapa negara seperti Kamboja dan Nigeria untuk senapan serbu, Malaysia dan Australia untuk penanganan huru-hara, Korea Selatan, Singapura, Timor Leste, Filipina untuk amunisi, Laos untuk senjata dan amunisi, dan beberapa negara lainnya di kawasan Asia dengan rata-rata penjualan per tahun di kisaran 5 juta USD. Thailand tersendiri merupakan pelanggan ekspor utama saat ini bagi Pindad sejak tahun 2006 untuk produk amunisi kaliber kecil.
    RELAX EKSPOR CN235 Di kawasan ada Brunei yang memiliki 1 unit CN235. Selain itu sebanyak 8 unit dimiliki Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia, 8 unit dimiliki Angkatan Udara Korea Selatan dan 4 unit untuk Polisi Korea Selatan, 4 unit untuk Pakistan, 7 unit untuk Uni Emirate Arab, 1 unit untuk Burkina Faso, dan 3 unit Senegal.
    RELAX EKSPOR RHIB Kapal patroli jenis rigid inflatable boat (RIB) atau sekoci cepat buatan Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, telah dibeli angkatan laut Malaysia dan Singapura. Brunei Darussalam pun juga berminat membeli 12 kapal itu. Angkatan laut Singapura telah membeli 18 unit dan Malaysia juga telah membeli sekitar 24 unit.
    RELAX EKSPOR PARASUT MILITER Rupanya tak hanya instansi dan lembaga pemerintah yang menggunakan parasut produksinya, sejumlah negara sahabat juga sudah melirik parasut yang terkenal dengan kualitasnya ini. Tapi tak hanya parasut, pabrik Paiman juga membuat tenda, satuan militer dari Malaysia pun memesan 7.000 tenda,,
    RELAX EKSPOR MPCD HAWK Infoglobal melakukan pelepasan ekspor perdana produk avionik Multi Purpose Cockpit Display (MPCD) ke Malaysia pada Senin, 18 Oktober 2021. Seremoni pelepasan ekspor dilakukan dengan pemotongan pita di Workshop Infoglobal Surabaya dan disaksikan secara virtual dari Jakarta
    RELAX EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    RELAX EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.

  3. Itu orang PT PAL penasaran banget ingin lihat MONUMEN KEBODOHAN di LUNAS.....HAHAHAHA πŸ˜πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜†

  4. SALES PT DI = Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto witnessed the signing of the MoU between PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) and AIROD Sdn. Bhd. to market and sell the N219 aircraft produced by PTDI
    NGEMIS PROYEK CWB = 2022 Group Head Commercial PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) dan CEO AIROD Sdn Bhd, Maj Gen Dato Ismail Ibrahim tanda tangani Mutual Agreement Supply Center Wing Box untuk program pesawat C130.
    NGEMIS PROYEK KAPAL = Kerja sama yang dibangun ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan potensi sumber daya LUNAS dan PT PAL Indonesia serta menjajaki kolaborasi masa depan dalam proyek pembuatan kapal.
    LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed.
    PRANK MRSS 163 M = “The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS. The platform for MRSSs is similar to the one for the Indonesian Navy’s LPD and the Philippines’ SSV. However, the MRSS will be bigger, 163 meter-long, and fully-armed.”
    NGEMIS LPD NGEMIS AH1Z = Initially, the Malaysian marine corps will lack an amphibious naval platform as the RMN’s only amphibious ship, It is currently in discussions with both France and South Korea over acquiring a landing platform deck (LPD). The U.S. has also offered Malaysia the LPD USS Denver after it decommissions it in 2014. U.S.-based defense companies are also discussing selling Malaysia the AH-1Z
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS KUWAIT - 3X SURAT NGEMIS = Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan berkata, kementeriannya serta Menteri Pertahanan terdahulu telah menulis surat sebanyak tiga kali kepada kerajaan Kuwait menyatakan hasrat negara untuk memperolehi pesawat-pesawat pejuang terpakai F/A-18C/D milik negara Arab itu
    TIADA UANG - TYPE 23 INGGRIS Tawarkan Malaysia Sepasang Frigat Type 23 Duke Class, Spesifikasi Menarik Tapi ‘TIADA WANG’........
    Masih dari sumber yang sama, meski frigat Type 23 (semisal) dibibahkan ke Malaysia, maka akan berat bagi Angkatan Malaysia untuk mengoperasikan dalam jangka lima tahun. Angkatan Laut Malaysia sebelumnya telah menolak tawaran OPV River class yang dioperasikan Angkatan Laut Inggris.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - M109s PALADIN = United States has offered Malaysia up to 30 M109A5 Self Propelled Howitzer (SPH) under the Excess Defence Articles (EDA) programme. The M109s would be upgraded to the latest A5 standard before entering service with the Army, if the offer is taken up.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - HIBAH USA PERBAIKAN DIBAYAR USA Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS JAPAN - HIBAH JEPANG PERBAIKAN DIBIAYAI JEPANG KM Arau is an offshore patrol vessel operated by the Malaysian Coast Guard. She was the second ship transferred from the Japan Coast Guard together with KM Pekan and KM Marlin. KM Arau was formerly known as Oki (PL-01) in the Japan Coast Guard.
    Saat ini kapal dengan nama KM Arau ini sedang dalam tahap perbaikan akhir yang dilakukan di Jepang.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - MSA DIBAYAR MSI USA The program to convert the CN-235 transport aircraft to MSA variants was financed by the US Government under its Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative (MSI)

  5. GELAK TAWA VISIT KAPAL MANGKRAK 13 TAHUN = a high-level delegation from PT PAL Indonesia visited the Lumut Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (LUNAS) shipyard on May 8th, 2024.
    2024 LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May
    DIBAYAR LUNAS 6 UNIT JADI NOL= The cost of the LCS project is now RM11.2 billion. It must be noted from that RM11.2 billion, Lunas or the former BNS used around RM1 billion to pay its debts and to upgrade the facilities for the LCS project. And not a single ship has been delivered yet.
    BNS RUGI DIJUAL = BHIC menjual keseluruhan 20.77 peratus pegangannya dalam BNS yang mengalami kerugian kepada Ocean Sunshine Bhd, unit tidak langsung Menteri Kewangan (Diperbadankan) pada harga RM1
    DIBAYAR 27 JADI 6 = seperti didedahkan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara (PAC) dan CEO LTAT, syarikat BNS menggunakan RM400 juta daripada bayaran pendahuluan bagi projek LCS untuk menjelaskan hutang lapuk bagi projek NGPV,"
    syarikat PSC-Naval Dockyard pada Disember 2005 sebelum dijenamakan semula menjadi syarikat Boustead Naval Dockyard Sdn Bhd
    DIBAYAR 3 JADI 1 = THHE BANGKRUT : Offshore fabricator and shipbuilder TH Heavy Engineering Bhd (THHE) is undertaking a voluntary winding-up, a year after it was delisted from Bursa Malaysia. The company resolved to undertake voluntary winding-up as it is unable to continue its operations due to liabilities, it said in a winding-up notice dated Sept 13.
    PRANK MRSS 163 M = “The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS. The platform for MRSSs is similar to the one for the Indonesian Navy’s LPD and the Philippines’ SSV. However, the MRSS will be bigger, 163 meter-long, and fully-armed.”
    NGEMIS LPD NGEMIS AH1Z = Initially, the Malaysian marine corps will lack an amphibious naval platform as the RMN’s only amphibious ship, It is currently in discussions with both France and South Korea over acquiring a landing platform deck (LPD). The U.S. has also offered Malaysia the LPD USS Denver after it decommissions it in 2014. U.S.-based defense companies are also discussing selling Malaysia the AH-1Z
    RELAX EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    RELAX EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
    RELAX BUILD FRIGAT On August 25, the keel laying ceremony for the first of two Red White frigates was held at Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia’s facility in Surabaya City, East Java. Based on Babcock's Arrowhead 140 design, it is said that with a 140-metre length and a displacement of 5,996 tons, the Red White frigate will be the largest and most advanced surface combatant ever constructed in Indonesia.
    RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
    The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of technology from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

    1. PT91 DISCONTINUING THE PRODUCTION According to Hisham, this decision raises questions because the Polish original equipment manufacturer Bumar Laberdy has stopped producing spare parts for Twardy.discontinuing the production of some main MBT components.
      LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed.
      MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
      2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets,.
      PRANK PT PAL : "The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS
      PRANK NEXTER : LoI is signed during day three of DSA 2016. 20 units are to be supplied, which include the supporting vehicles, and will boost the Malaysian Army's firepower inventory
      .PRANK DASSAULT : Malaysia, which wants to buy up to 18 combat planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion, is now talking to only one supplier, France's Dassault Aviation, about its Rafale jets,
      PRANK MKE : The Malaysian Ministry of Defence has reportedly reviewing its planned acquisition of Yavuz 155mm
      PRANK KDS : Malaysia is expected to conclude a deal with Slovakia for the supply of EVA 155mm
      SEWA BOAT sewaan Bot Op Pasir merangkumi 10 unit Fast Interceptor Boat (FIB); 10 unit Utility Boat; 10 unit Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB); 10 unit Rover Fiber Glass (Rover).
      SEWA HIDROGRAFI tugas pemetaan data batimetri bagi kawasan perairan negara akan dilakukan oleh sebuah kapal hidrografi moden, MV Aishah AIM 4, yang diperoleh menerusi kontrak sewaan dari syarikat Breitlink Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (BESSB)
      SEWA HELI Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia pada 27 Mei 2023 lalu telah menandatangani perjanjian sewa dengan penyedia layanan penerbangan lokal, Aerotree, untuk menyediakan empat helikopter bekas Sikorsky UH-60A+ Black Hawk.
      SEWA HELI 4 buah Helikopter Leonardo AW 139 yang diperolehi secara sewaan ini adalah untuk kegunaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM)
      SEWA HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
      SEWA MOTOR The Royal Military Police Corp (KPTD) celebrated the lease of 40 brand-new BMW R1250RT Superbikes for the Enforcement Motorcycle Squad on December 22nd, 2022
      SEWA PESAWAT ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ontario. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39
      SEWA 4x4 Pejabat perusahaan mengatakan kepada Janes di pameran bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia sedang mencari untuk menyewa Tarantula.
      PESAWAT SAWIT On the other hand, South Korea aims to sell another 18 FA-50s to Malaysia in the future. Malaysia announced that at least half of the payment would be made in palm oil
      KAPAL SELAM SAWIT Under the deal, France would buy RM819 million’s (€230 million) worth of Malaysian palm oil, RM327 million (€92 million) of other commodities, and invest RM491 million (€138 million) for training and technology transfer to local firms here.
      TANK SAWIT KARET Payment for the purchase includes 30 percent of direct off-set in the form of training and technology transfer and 30 percent of indirect off-set in commodities like palm oil and rubber.
      TIADA UANG - TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi

  6. Indon ini betol-betol aneh dan ganjil ....

    MEF yang akan berakhur tahun 2024 ini X tercapai atau jauh dari target minimal yang di inginkan ..

    Dan lebih lucu lagi mereka membuat raget kekuatan yang lebih tinggi untok perioda berikutnya ...

    Betol-betol nak memelok gunung .... tetapi tangan X sampai .... Hehehehe

    1. HELI HUTANG HELI SEWA BEKAS BATAL = Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) kekal dengan pendirian mengusulkan pembatalan kontrak sewaan helikopter Black Hawk kepada Kementerian Pertahanan berikutan kegagalan kontraktor memenuhi obligasi yang ditetapkan.
      LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed.
      MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
      2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION Boeing has announced plans to end the F/A-18 Super Hornet aircraft production in late 2025 as the decision will let it focus on future military aircraft programmes. The latest revelation will take effect after delivery of the final F/A-18 jet to the US Navy
      PT91 DISCONTINUING THE PRODUCTION According to Hisham, this decision raises questions because the Polish original equipment manufacturer Bumar Laberdy has stopped producing spare parts for Twardy.discontinuing the production of some main MBT components.
      TIADA UANG - TYPE 23 INGGRIS Tawarkan Malaysia Sepasang Frigat Type 23 Duke Class, Spesifikasi Menarik Tapi ‘TIADA WANG’........
      Masih dari sumber yang sama, meski frigat Type 23 (semisal) dibibahkan ke Malaysia, maka akan berat bagi Angkatan Malaysia untuk mengoperasikan dalam jangka lima tahun. Angkatan Laut Malaysia sebelumnya telah menolak tawaran OPV River class yang dioperasikan Angkatan Laut Inggris.
      TIADA UANG - M109s PALADIN = United States has offered Malaysia up to 30 M109A5 Self Propelled Howitzer (SPH) under the Excess Defence Articles (EDA) programme. The M109s would be upgraded to the latest A5 standard before entering service with the Army, if the offer is taken up.
      TIADA UANG - HIBAH USA PERBAIKAN DIBAYAR USA Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
      TIADA UANG - HIBAH JEPANG PERBAIKAN DIBIAYAI JEPANG KM Arau is an offshore patrol vessel operated by the Malaysian Coast Guard. She was the second ship transferred from the Japan Coast Guard together with KM Pekan and KM Marlin. KM Arau was formerly known as Oki (PL-01) in the Japan Coast Guard.
      Saat ini kapal dengan nama KM Arau ini sedang dalam tahap perbaikan akhir yang dilakukan di Jepang.
      TIADA UANG - MSA DIBAYAR MSI USA The program to convert the CN-235 transport aircraft to MSA variants was financed by the US Government under its Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative (MSI)
      SKANDAL UANG = Now and then, by exception, scandals spill out into the public domain, like Bumiputera Malaysia Finance 1982, Bank Negara’s FX losses in the 1980s and 1990s, the Scorpene submarines of 2002, the National Feedlot scandal – “cowgate” – of 2012, 1MDB, and the latest LCS naval procurement. But these are just the tip of the iceberg of systematic pilferage. It has become the institutional norm.
      TIADA UANG - TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi

    2. woooey, kadrun 2045 itu indonesia emas.. 100 tahun harus full alutsista NKRI. sakno yo wong malengsong iki.. tambah songong.. sombong, bodoh, lemah..miskin... balul.. tolol.. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. Rancangan beruk jauh lebih parah. Hanya omon2 tanpa ada usaha utk mencapai targetnya. Ha ha ha ha

  7. Apa yang ganjil...kenapa pasal MEF kau permasalahkan ...gimana 15..5 rancangan yg gak jelas dari malaysia apa tercapai.. bagaimana readiness Yg tercapai 50 % apa ug TDM lakukan ...bahas lah kondisi militer negeri yang teruk ..gak pantas kau kecsm negara lain. ...apa sidaj hebatkaj Malaydoa dengan hanya mengecam negara lain.

  8. Malon memang lebih hebat bahkan paling hebat diseluruh asia bahkan planet namec untuk urusan PRANK dan MEMBUAL

  9. PT91 DISCONTINUING THE PRODUCTION According to Hisham, this decision raises questions because the Polish original equipment manufacturer Bumar Laberdy has stopped producing spare parts for Twardy.discontinuing the production of some main MBT components.
    LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed.
    MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
    2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets,.
    PRANK PT PAL : "The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS
    PRANK NEXTER : LoI is signed during day three of DSA 2016. 20 units are to be supplied, which include the supporting vehicles, and will boost the Malaysian Army's firepower inventory
    .PRANK DASSAULT : Malaysia, which wants to buy up to 18 combat planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion, is now talking to only one supplier, France's Dassault Aviation, about its Rafale jets,
    PRANK MKE : The Malaysian Ministry of Defence has reportedly reviewing its planned acquisition of Yavuz 155mm
    PRANK KDS : Malaysia is expected to conclude a deal with Slovakia for the supply of EVA 155mm
    SEWA BOAT sewaan Bot Op Pasir merangkumi 10 unit Fast Interceptor Boat (FIB); 10 unit Utility Boat; 10 unit Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB); 10 unit Rover Fiber Glass (Rover).
    SEWA HIDROGRAFI tugas pemetaan data batimetri bagi kawasan perairan negara akan dilakukan oleh sebuah kapal hidrografi moden, MV Aishah AIM 4, yang diperoleh menerusi kontrak sewaan dari syarikat Breitlink Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (BESSB)
    SEWA HELI Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia pada 27 Mei 2023 lalu telah menandatangani perjanjian sewa dengan penyedia layanan penerbangan lokal, Aerotree, untuk menyediakan empat helikopter bekas Sikorsky UH-60A+ Black Hawk.
    SEWA HELI 4 buah Helikopter Leonardo AW 139 yang diperolehi secara sewaan ini adalah untuk kegunaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM)
    SEWA HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
    SEWA MOTOR The Royal Military Police Corp (KPTD) celebrated the lease of 40 brand-new BMW R1250RT Superbikes for the Enforcement Motorcycle Squad on December 22nd, 2022
    SEWA PESAWAT ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ontario. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39
    SEWA 4x4 Pejabat perusahaan mengatakan kepada Janes di pameran bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia sedang mencari untuk menyewa Tarantula.
    PESAWAT SAWIT On the other hand, South Korea aims to sell another 18 FA-50s to Malaysia in the future. Malaysia announced that at least half of the payment would be made in palm oil
    KAPAL SELAM SAWIT Under the deal, France would buy RM819 million’s (€230 million) worth of Malaysian palm oil, RM327 million (€92 million) of other commodities, and invest RM491 million (€138 million) for training and technology transfer to local firms here.
    TANK SAWIT KARET Payment for the purchase includes 30 percent of direct off-set in the form of training and technology transfer and 30 percent of indirect off-set in commodities like palm oil and rubber.
    TIADA UANG - TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi

  10. Manakala negara PENGEMIS GAGAL SEWA heli black hawk.... Hahahahahahaha

    ATM di PRANK kontraktor jasa SEWA... Hahahahahah

    Memalukan... Hahahaha

  11. Latihan apa ni..... 🀣🀣🀣🀣

    LEMAH.... 🀭

    1. Yang gak latihan lebih lemah lagi

    2. Latihan helly biar gak salah potong kayak musuh sebelah yg kerasukan.

  12. PT91 DISCONTINUING THE PRODUCTION According to Hisham, this decision raises questions because the Polish original equipment manufacturer Bumar Laberdy has stopped producing spare parts for Twardy.discontinuing the production of some main MBT components.
    LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed.
    MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
    2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets,.
    PRANK PT PAL : "The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS
    PRANK NEXTER : LoI is signed during day three of DSA 2016. 20 units are to be supplied, which include the supporting vehicles, and will boost the Malaysian Army's firepower inventory
    .PRANK DASSAULT : Malaysia, which wants to buy up to 18 combat planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion, is now talking to only one supplier, France's Dassault Aviation, about its Rafale jets,
    PRANK MKE : The Malaysian Ministry of Defence has reportedly reviewing its planned acquisition of Yavuz 155mm
    PRANK KDS : Malaysia is expected to conclude a deal with Slovakia for the supply of EVA 155mm
    SEWA BOAT sewaan Bot Op Pasir merangkumi 10 unit Fast Interceptor Boat (FIB); 10 unit Utility Boat; 10 unit Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB); 10 unit Rover Fiber Glass (Rover).
    SEWA HIDROGRAFI tugas pemetaan data batimetri bagi kawasan perairan negara akan dilakukan oleh sebuah kapal hidrografi moden, MV Aishah AIM 4, yang diperoleh menerusi kontrak sewaan dari syarikat Breitlink Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (BESSB)
    SEWA HELI Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia pada 27 Mei 2023 lalu telah menandatangani perjanjian sewa dengan penyedia layanan penerbangan lokal, Aerotree, untuk menyediakan empat helikopter bekas Sikorsky UH-60A+ Black Hawk.
    SEWA HELI 4 buah Helikopter Leonardo AW 139 yang diperolehi secara sewaan ini adalah untuk kegunaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM)
    SEWA HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
    SEWA MOTOR The Royal Military Police Corp (KPTD) celebrated the lease of 40 brand-new BMW R1250RT Superbikes for the Enforcement Motorcycle Squad on December 22nd, 2022
    SEWA PESAWAT ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ontario. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39
    SEWA 4x4 Pejabat perusahaan mengatakan kepada Janes di pameran bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia sedang mencari untuk menyewa Tarantula.
    PESAWAT SAWIT On the other hand, South Korea aims to sell another 18 FA-50s to Malaysia in the future. Malaysia announced that at least half of the payment would be made in palm oil
    KAPAL SELAM SAWIT Under the deal, France would buy RM819 million’s (€230 million) worth of Malaysian palm oil, RM327 million (€92 million) of other commodities, and invest RM491 million (€138 million) for training and technology transfer to local firms here.
    TANK SAWIT KARET Payment for the purchase includes 30 percent of direct off-set in the form of training and technology transfer and 30 percent of indirect off-set in commodities like palm oil and rubber.
    TIADA UANG - TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi

  13. MANTAP... 😎😎😎

    1. LCS ON TRACK.....
    2. LMS ON THE WAY....
    3. MRSS ON THE WAY selepas INDON NGEMIS minta kapal mereka dipilih... 🀣🀣🀣

    1. GELAK TAWA VISIT KAPAL MANGKRAK 13 TAHUN = a high-level delegation from PT PAL Indonesia visited the Lumut Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (LUNAS) shipyard on May 8th, 2024.
      RM 11.2 BILLION = The cost of the LCS project is now RM11.2 billion. It must be noted from that RM11.2 billion, Lunas or the former BNS used around RM1 billion to pay its debts and to upgrade the facilities for the LCS project. And not a single ship has been delivered yet.
      2024 LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May
      RELAX 415 JUTA PELURU = "Sebelum diberi PMN (Penyertaan Modal negara), produksi Pindad untuk peluru ini 275 juta peluru. Setelah kita beri PMN sebesar Rp 700 miliar, produksinya meningkat jadi 415 juta peluru. Hampir dua kali lipat karena memiliki line tambahan dari PMN yang telah kita berikan,"
      RELAX EKSPOR TIAP BULAN KE USA = Dari dalam negeri, pesanan paling banyak datang dari Kementerian Pertahanan yang dipimpin Prabowo Subianto.
      “Kita sudah mengekspor amunisi 2 kontainer setiap bulan ke US. Sekarang juga banyak permintaan senjata, pistol dan kendaraan tempur dari Pindad,”
      RELAX EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
      RELAX EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
      RELAX BUILD FRIGAT On August 25, the keel laying ceremony for the first of two Red White frigates was held at Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia’s facility in Surabaya City, East Java. Based on Babcock's Arrowhead 140 design, it is said that with a 140-metre length and a displacement of 5,996 tons, the Red White frigate will be the largest and most advanced surface combatant ever constructed in Indonesia.
      RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
      The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of technology from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

    2. Gempur ini memang orang tak pnya sifat baik..jelas2 Panglima TLDM yg datang ke PT PAL dibilang kita Yg mengemis untuk dipilih...sorry Pur kerjaan PT PAL banyak gak perlu mengemis.. yg ada TLDM yg merajuk utk beli ..dan maksakannutk dinikinkan mock up...bangsat juga komen kau..πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ

  14. 3 buah LMS BATCH 2 Siap MEMBULI bot kecil AYAM KFC yang ketahanan belayar hanya 5 hari je di laut.... 🀣🀣

    1. Yang membully tak ada senjata 🀣🀣🀣, KCR senyum aja ya guys

    2. GELAK TAWA VISIT KAPAL MANGKRAK 13 TAHUN = a high-level delegation from PT PAL Indonesia visited the Lumut Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (LUNAS) shipyard on May 8th, 2024.
      2024 LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May
      DIBAYAR LUNAS 6 UNIT JADI NOL= The cost of the LCS project is now RM11.2 billion. It must be noted from that RM11.2 billion, Lunas or the former BNS used around RM1 billion to pay its debts and to upgrade the facilities for the LCS project. And not a single ship has been delivered yet.
      BNS RUGI DIJUAL = BHIC menjual keseluruhan 20.77 peratus pegangannya dalam BNS yang mengalami kerugian kepada Ocean Sunshine Bhd, unit tidak langsung Menteri Kewangan (Diperbadankan) pada harga RM1
      DIBAYAR 27 JADI 6 = seperti didedahkan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara (PAC) dan CEO LTAT, syarikat BNS menggunakan RM400 juta daripada bayaran pendahuluan bagi projek LCS untuk menjelaskan hutang lapuk bagi projek NGPV,"
      syarikat PSC-Naval Dockyard pada Disember 2005 sebelum dijenamakan semula menjadi syarikat Boustead Naval Dockyard Sdn Bhd
      DIBAYAR 3 JADI 1 = THHE BANGKRUT : Offshore fabricator and shipbuilder TH Heavy Engineering Bhd (THHE) is undertaking a voluntary winding-up, a year after it was delisted from Bursa Malaysia. The company resolved to undertake voluntary winding-up as it is unable to continue its operations due to liabilities, it said in a winding-up notice dated Sept 13.
      PRANK MRSS 163 M = “The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS. The platform for MRSSs is similar to the one for the Indonesian Navy’s LPD and the Philippines’ SSV. However, the MRSS will be bigger, 163 meter-long, and fully-armed.”
      NGEMIS LPD NGEMIS AH1Z = Initially, the Malaysian marine corps will lack an amphibious naval platform as the RMN’s only amphibious ship, It is currently in discussions with both France and South Korea over acquiring a landing platform deck (LPD). The U.S. has also offered Malaysia the LPD USS Denver after it decommissions it in 2014. U.S.-based defense companies are also discussing selling Malaysia the AH-1Z
      RELAX EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
      RELAX EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
      RELAX BUILD FRIGAT On August 25, the keel laying ceremony for the first of two Red White frigates was held at Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia’s facility in Surabaya City, East Java. Based on Babcock's Arrowhead 140 design, it is said that with a 140-metre length and a displacement of 5,996 tons, the Red White frigate will be the largest and most advanced surface combatant ever constructed in Indonesia.
      RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
      The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of technology from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

    3. Lucu bgt anyingπŸ˜†πŸ˜†
      Mau bully pakai barang yang kenyataannya belum ada alias halu, hey bego... Dikita barangnya udh ada mondar mandir jaga laut NKRI, sementara kau masih sibuk menghayal dan membual🀣🀣

  15. LCS on the track ..... 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

    MALON memang lucu klo MELAWAK. Sudah telat bertahun2 dibilang on the track

  16. GELAK TAWA VISIT KAPAL MANGKRAK 13 TAHUN = a high-level delegation from PT PAL Indonesia visited the Lumut Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (LUNAS) shipyard on May 8th, 2024.
    RM 11.2 BILLION = The cost of the LCS project is now RM11.2 billion. It must be noted from that RM11.2 billion, Lunas or the former BNS used around RM1 billion to pay its debts and to upgrade the facilities for the LCS project. And not a single ship has been delivered yet.
    2024 LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May
    RELAX 415 JUTA PELURU = "Sebelum diberi PMN (Penyertaan Modal negara), produksi Pindad untuk peluru ini 275 juta peluru. Setelah kita beri PMN sebesar Rp 700 miliar, produksinya meningkat jadi 415 juta peluru. Hampir dua kali lipat karena memiliki line tambahan dari PMN yang telah kita berikan,"
    RELAX EKSPOR TIAP BULAN KE USA = Dari dalam negeri, pesanan paling banyak datang dari Kementerian Pertahanan yang dipimpin Prabowo Subianto.
    “Kita sudah mengekspor amunisi 2 kontainer setiap bulan ke US. Sekarang juga banyak permintaan senjata, pistol dan kendaraan tempur dari Pindad,”
    RELAX EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    RELAX EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
    RELAX BUILD FRIGAT On August 25, the keel laying ceremony for the first of two Red White frigates was held at Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia’s facility in Surabaya City, East Java. Based on Babcock's Arrowhead 140 design, it is said that with a 140-metre length and a displacement of 5,996 tons, the Red White frigate will be the largest and most advanced surface combatant ever constructed in Indonesia.
    RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
    The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of technology from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

  17. Memang hebat MALON tuh klo MELAWAK dan MEMBUAL

  18. TIADA UANG NGEMIS KUWAIT - 3X SURAT NGEMIS = Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan berkata, kementeriannya serta Menteri Pertahanan terdahulu telah menulis surat sebanyak tiga kali kepada kerajaan Kuwait menyatakan hasrat negara untuk memperolehi pesawat-pesawat pejuang terpakai F/A-18C/D milik negara Arab itu
    TIADA UANG - TYPE 23 INGGRIS Tawarkan Malaysia Sepasang Frigat Type 23 Duke Class, Spesifikasi Menarik Tapi ‘TIADA WANG’........
    Masih dari sumber yang sama, meski frigat Type 23 (semisal) dibibahkan ke Malaysia, maka akan berat bagi Angkatan Malaysia untuk mengoperasikan dalam jangka lima tahun. Angkatan Laut Malaysia sebelumnya telah menolak tawaran OPV River class yang dioperasikan Angkatan Laut Inggris.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - M109s PALADIN = United States has offered Malaysia up to 30 M109A5 Self Propelled Howitzer (SPH) under the Excess Defence Articles (EDA) programme. The M109s would be upgraded to the latest A5 standard before entering service with the Army, if the offer is taken up.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - HIBAH USA PERBAIKAN DIBAYAR USA Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS JAPAN - HIBAH JEPANG PERBAIKAN DIBIAYAI JEPANG KM Arau is an offshore patrol vessel operated by the Malaysian Coast Guard. She was the second ship transferred from the Japan Coast Guard together with KM Pekan and KM Marlin. KM Arau was formerly known as Oki (PL-01) in the Japan Coast Guard.
    Saat ini kapal dengan nama KM Arau ini sedang dalam tahap perbaikan akhir yang dilakukan di Jepang.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - MSA DIBAYAR MSI USA The program to convert the CN-235 transport aircraft to MSA variants was financed by the US Government under its Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative (MSI)
    2024 HUTANG JATUH TEMPO - MENUNGGU 2053 = The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF)
    2023 TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi
    2022 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 52,4% = Kah Woh menjelaskan pada tahun lalu, kerajaan ada membuat pinjaman yang meningkat sebanyak 11.6 peratus daripada RM194.5 bilion pada tahun sebelumnya. Daripada jumlah itu, beliau berkata 52.4 peratus atau RM113.7 bilion digunakan untuk membayar prinsipal pinjaman matang.
    2021 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 50,4% = Sejumlah RM98.058 bilion atau 50.4 peratus daripada pinjaman baharu berjumlah RM194.555 bilion yang dibuat kerajaan pada tahun lalu digunakan untuk bayaran balik prinsipal pinjaman yang matang.
    2020 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 60% = Jabatan Audit Negara (JAN) bimbang dengan tindakan kerajaan menggunakan hampir 60 peratus pinjaman baharu untuk membayar hutang .
    2019 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 59% = Laporan Ketua Audit Negara mengenai Penyata Kewangan Kerajaan Persekutuan 2018 mendapati sejumlah 59 peratus pinjaman baharu kerajaan dibuat untuk membayar hutang kerajaan terdahulu
    2018 OPEN DONASI = Kementerian Keuangan Malaysia pada hari Rabu membuka rekening donasi supaya masyarakat dapat menyumbang.
    SKANDAL UANG = scandals spill out into the public domain, like Bumiputera Malaysia Finance 1982, Bank Negara’s FX losses in the 1980s and 1990s, the Scorpene submarines of 2002, the National Feedlot scandal – “cowgate” – of 2012, 1MDB, and the latest LCS naval procurement. But these are just the tip of the iceberg of systematic pilferage. It has become the institutional norm.

  19. Kasihan liat beruk2 Malon, bagai katak dlm tempurung

  20. 3 hal penting dalam pertahanan MALAYSIA bulan depan (JUN)

    1. TEAM TUDM ke Kuwait melihat F/A 18C/D milik Kuwait

    2. Mentri pertahanan MALAYSIA ke Turkiye membincangkan hal LMS BATCH 2

    3. Uji penerbangan UAV ANKA S pesanan MALAYSIA

  21. 4 hal penting dalam pertahanan MALAYSIA bulan depan (JUN)

    1. TEAM TUDM ke Kuwait melihat F/A 18C/D milik Kuwait

    2. Mentri pertahanan MALAYSIA ke Turkiye membincangkan hal LMS BATCH 2

    3. Uji penerbangan UAV ANKA S pesanan MALAYSIA

    4. Kapal LCS 1 di jangka sudah berada di Air untuk ujian seterusnya

  22. Bersiaplah pakai roda ban !
    LCS skill of lack


    Sebanyak dua teknisi yang dikirim dari Indonesia itu sedang dalam penyelidikan usai diduga berusaha mencuri informasi teknologi terkait proyek jet bersama RI-Korsel tersebut.

    Para pakar ini bekerja untuk proyek tersebut di Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI). DAPA menyatakan pihak berwenang menangkap mereka pada Januari 2024.

    Mereka kedapatan berusaha mengambil file terkait proyek yang disimpan di drive USB, demikian dikutip dari KSB World, Jumat (2/2).

    1. RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said.
      RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
      MIRAGE BUATAN 1997 = varian Mirage 2000-5 yang dimiliki Qatar, dipesan pada tahun 1994, dikirim pada 1996, dan dioperasikan secara resmi oleh Angkatan Udara Qatar pada 1997
      MISSING 48 SKYHAWK = The Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM, or Royal Malaysian Air Force) ordered 88 A-4s (25 A-4Cs and 63 A-4Ls), Only 40 PTM Skyhawks, 34 single seat versions and six two-seat trainers, were delivered......
      F18 BUATAN 1993 = Pada tahun 1988, Angkatan Udara Kuwait memesan 32 F / A-18C Hornets buatan Amerika dan delapan F / A-18D dua kursi dengan pengiriman dimulai pada tahun 1991 dan selesai pada tahun 1993.
      3X SURAT NGEMIS = Bercakap di Parlimen semalam, Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan berkata, kementeriannya serta Menteri Pertahanan terdahulu telah menulis surat sebanyak tiga kali kepada kerajaan Kuwait menyatakan hasrat negara untuk memperolehi pesawat-pesawat pejuang terpakai F/A-18C/D milik negara Arab itu
      (NGEMIS) AKAN DAN SEKIRANYA BERHASIL = Teka-teki tentang cadangan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) untuk mendapatkan pesawat pejuang F/A-18 Hornet dari Kuwait nampak cerah apabila akan ada usaha dibuat ke arah itu.
      Ini berikutan rancangan TUDM untuk menghantar sepasukan pegawai ke negara Teluk tersebut dalam masa terdekat tentang perkara berkenaan.
      Sekiranya perkara ini berhasil, ada harapan untuk melihat pertambahan kuantiti pada aset-aset TUDM sepertimana diharapkan.

  24. Smeentara malon
    Sewa heli hutang
    Kapal LCS ketotolan orng malon
    Kalis hutang tapi membual 🀣🀣

  25. RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said.
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
    MIRAGE BUATAN 1997 = varian Mirage 2000-5 yang dimiliki Qatar kemudian dibeli Indonesia, dipesan pada tahun 1994, dikirim pada 1996, dan dioperasikan secara resmi oleh Angkatan Udara Qatar pada 1997
    MISSING 48 SKYHAWK = The Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM, or Royal Malaysian Air Force) ordered 88 A-4s (25 A-4Cs and 63 A-4Ls), Only 40 PTM Skyhawks, 34 single seat versions and six two-seat trainers, were delivered......
    F18 BUATAN 1993 = Pada tahun 1988, Angkatan Udara Kuwait memesan 32 F / A-18C Hornets buatan Amerika dan delapan F / A-18D dua kursi dengan pengiriman dimulai pada tahun 1991 dan selesai pada tahun 1993.
    3X SURAT NGEMIS = Bercakap di Parlimen semalam, Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan berkata, kementeriannya serta Menteri Pertahanan terdahulu telah menulis surat sebanyak tiga kali kepada kerajaan Kuwait menyatakan hasrat negara untuk memperolehi pesawat-pesawat pejuang terpakai F/A-18C/D milik negara Arab itu
    (NGEMIS) AKAN DAN SEKIRANYA BERHASIL = Teka-teki tentang cadangan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) untuk mendapatkan pesawat pejuang F/A-18 Hornet dari Kuwait nampak cerah apabila akan ada usaha dibuat ke arah itu.
    Ini berikutan rancangan TUDM untuk menghantar sepasukan pegawai ke negara Teluk tersebut dalam masa terdekat tentang perkara berkenaan.
    Sekiranya perkara ini berhasil, ada harapan untuk melihat pertambahan kuantiti pada aset-aset TUDM sepertimana diharapkan.

  26. Berita basi lon wkkww

    Drpd malonesia nyuri klaim budaya negara lain,
    Miskinnnn 🀣😍

  27. Yang lawak tuh bual bual kalis hutang tahunya nyewa Heli dapat Lender

    Gemporkk kau bikin malu malon aja wkkwkπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£

  28. Kehebatan INDON dalam Program KFX... 🀣🀣🀣

    1. 29 Kali Ditagih BAYAR HUTANG KFX hingga kini belum dibayar
    3. NGEMIS SAMA KOREA MINTA DISKAUN HUTANG KFX yang sudah lama tertunggak

  29. Khas malon
    Dengki Munafik
    Sewa heli dpt hutang

    LoL gemprok orang utan bukan urang malon🀣🀣🀣🀣

  30. Kami mencuri data teknologi hal lumrah di dunia
    Kecuali Malon curi maling budaya orang

    1. Ohhh.. Lumrah.... Maknanya GORILLA memang biasa MENCURI la kan.... 🀣🀣🀣

  31. Miskknn
    Sewa pake hutang

    Tolol Malon Gemprok 🀣🀣🀣

  32. 3 kali ditolak emir kuwait wkkwkw
    Malu tak ade wang,mau barter sawit busok
    Heli aja sewa dgn hutang

    Lon kau cakap membual tingggi

  33. Klo tak ade uang kita bisa beli byk rafale lon wkwkkw

  34. TIADA UANG NGEMIS KUWAIT - 3X SURAT NGEMIS = Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan berkata, kementeriannya serta Menteri Pertahanan terdahulu telah menulis surat sebanyak tiga kali kepada kerajaan Kuwait menyatakan hasrat negara untuk memperolehi pesawat-pesawat pejuang terpakai F/A-18C/D milik negara Arab itu
    TIADA UANG - TYPE 23 INGGRIS Tawarkan Malaysia Sepasang Frigat Type 23 Duke Class, Spesifikasi Menarik Tapi ‘TIADA WANG’........
    Masih dari sumber yang sama, meski frigat Type 23 (semisal) dibibahkan ke Malaysia, maka akan berat bagi Angkatan Malaysia untuk mengoperasikan dalam jangka lima tahun. Angkatan Laut Malaysia sebelumnya telah menolak tawaran OPV River class yang dioperasikan Angkatan Laut Inggris.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - M109s PALADIN = United States has offered Malaysia up to 30 M109A5 Self Propelled Howitzer (SPH) under the Excess Defence Articles (EDA) programme. The M109s would be upgraded to the latest A5 standard before entering service with the Army, if the offer is taken up.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - HIBAH USA PERBAIKAN DIBAYAR USA Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS JAPAN - HIBAH JEPANG PERBAIKAN DIBIAYAI JEPANG KM Arau is an offshore patrol vessel operated by the Malaysian Coast Guard. She was the second ship transferred from the Japan Coast Guard together with KM Pekan and KM Marlin. KM Arau was formerly known as Oki (PL-01) in the Japan Coast Guard.
    Saat ini kapal dengan nama KM Arau ini sedang dalam tahap perbaikan akhir yang dilakukan di Jepang.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - MSA DIBAYAR MSI USA The program to convert the CN-235 transport aircraft to MSA variants was financed by the US Government under its Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative (MSI)
    2024 HUTANG JATUH TEMPO - MENUNGGU 2053 = The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF)
    2023 TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi
    2022 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 52,4% = Kah Woh menjelaskan pada tahun lalu, kerajaan ada membuat pinjaman yang meningkat sebanyak 11.6 peratus daripada RM194.5 bilion pada tahun sebelumnya. Daripada jumlah itu, beliau berkata 52.4 peratus atau RM113.7 bilion digunakan untuk membayar prinsipal pinjaman matang.

  35. Lawak la INDON.. dia sendiri sign kontrak MIRAGE RONGSOK
    .. Lah dia baru sedar yang INDON tiada WANG..? 🀣🀣🀣🀣

    NEGARA ANEH... 🀣🀣

  36. Miskin ya lon
    Sewa heli pake hutang

    Memalukan membual penuh hoax 🀣🀣🀣🀣

  37. Kesian QATAR DI PRANK sama negara MISKIN... 🀭🀭

  38. Anehh..mirage batal karena tidak di setujui oleh rakyat
    Tapi indo beli banyak Rafale 48 unit
    Plus Offset.

    Malon miskin

  39. Parah MISKIN... Pesawat RONGSOK saja tak mampu dibayar... 🀣🀣🀣

    1. TIADA UANG NGEMIS KUWAIT - 3X SURAT NGEMIS = Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan berkata, kementeriannya serta Menteri Pertahanan terdahulu telah menulis surat sebanyak tiga kali kepada kerajaan Kuwait menyatakan hasrat negara untuk memperolehi pesawat-pesawat pejuang terpakai F/A-18C/D milik negara Arab itu
      TIADA UANG - TYPE 23 INGGRIS Tawarkan Malaysia Sepasang Frigat Type 23 Duke Class, Spesifikasi Menarik Tapi ‘TIADA WANG’........
      Masih dari sumber yang sama, meski frigat Type 23 (semisal) dibibahkan ke Malaysia, maka akan berat bagi Angkatan Malaysia untuk mengoperasikan dalam jangka lima tahun. Angkatan Laut Malaysia sebelumnya telah menolak tawaran OPV River class yang dioperasikan Angkatan Laut Inggris.
      TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - M109s PALADIN = United States has offered Malaysia up to 30 M109A5 Self Propelled Howitzer (SPH) under the Excess Defence Articles (EDA) programme. The M109s would be upgraded to the latest A5 standard before entering service with the Army, if the offer is taken up.
      TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - HIBAH USA PERBAIKAN DIBAYAR USA Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
      TIADA UANG NGEMIS JAPAN - HIBAH JEPANG PERBAIKAN DIBIAYAI JEPANG KM Arau is an offshore patrol vessel operated by the Malaysian Coast Guard. She was the second ship transferred from the Japan Coast Guard together with KM Pekan and KM Marlin. KM Arau was formerly known as Oki (PL-01) in the Japan Coast Guard.
      Saat ini kapal dengan nama KM Arau ini sedang dalam tahap perbaikan akhir yang dilakukan di Jepang.
      TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - MSA DIBAYAR MSI USA The program to convert the CN-235 transport aircraft to MSA variants was financed by the US Government under its Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative (MSI)

    2. Parah emang Malon, bayarnya pakai minyak busuk plus orang utan. Kenapa nggak bayar pake beruk2 aja ya

  40. Sewa aja musti hutang
    Tapi sok Munafik hujah negara indo

    Malon berukk malingsial🀣🀣🀣

  41. Lah GORILLA klaim MIRAGE RONGSOK BATAL kerana tak dipersetujui oleh rakyat...


  42. RONGSOK BATAL kerana tak dipersetujui oleh rakyat...


  43. Sebut kan negara di dunia yg sewa heli pakai hutang tapi bilang nya kalis hutang

    Wkwkkww...malon itu wkkwkw
    Tolol sekalw🀣🀣🀣

  44. Wkwkkwk..Sorry lon
    We got 48 units Rafale
    Mirage no matters for us

  45. Malaysia Akan Beri Hadiah Orang Utan untuk Negara Importir Kelapa Sawit.

    Kenapa bukan beruk aja ua

    1. https://kumparan.com/kumparannews/malaysia-akan-beri-hadiah-orang-utan-untuk-negara-importir-kelapa-sawit-22hQboprqdR

  46. Lagi bukti INDON tiada wang... GAGAL BAYAR HUTANG KFX malah NGEMIS ke Korea minta HUTANG DI beri DISKAUN... 🀣🀣🀣🀣

  47. 2024 HUTANG JATUH TEMPO - MENUNGGU 2053 = The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF)
    2023 TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi
    2022 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 52,4% = Kah Woh menjelaskan pada tahun lalu, kerajaan ada membuat pinjaman yang meningkat sebanyak 11.6 peratus daripada RM194.5 bilion pada tahun sebelumnya. Daripada jumlah itu, beliau berkata 52.4 peratus atau RM113.7 bilion digunakan untuk membayar prinsipal pinjaman matang.
    2021 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 50,4% = Sejumlah RM98.058 bilion atau 50.4 peratus daripada pinjaman baharu berjumlah RM194.555 bilion yang dibuat kerajaan pada tahun lalu digunakan untuk bayaran balik prinsipal pinjaman yang matang.
    2020 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 60% = Jabatan Audit Negara (JAN) bimbang dengan tindakan kerajaan menggunakan hampir 60 peratus pinjaman baharu untuk membayar hutang .
    2019 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 59% = Laporan Ketua Audit Negara mengenai Penyata Kewangan Kerajaan Persekutuan 2018 mendapati sejumlah 59 peratus pinjaman baharu kerajaan dibuat untuk membayar hutang kerajaan terdahulu
    2018 OPEN DONASI = Kementerian Keuangan Malaysia pada hari Rabu membuka rekening donasi supaya masyarakat dapat menyumbang.
    SKANDAL UANG = scandals spill out into the public domain, like Bumiputera Malaysia Finance 1982, Bank Negara’s FX losses in the 1980s and 1990s, the Scorpene submarines of 2002, the National Feedlot scandal – “cowgate” – of 2012, 1MDB, and the latest LCS naval procurement. But these are just the tip of the iceberg of systematic pilferage. It has become the institutional norm.

  48. Lucu ya cara berfikir beruk, negara shoping 42 Rafale dibilang miskin. Tapi yg hanya mampu beli pesawat murahan dan sewa heli dibilang kaya.mau heran... Tapi itu beruk

  49. 48 Rafale πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨

    Sewa 4 heli rongsokan musti hutang
    Malon itu hahahhah🀣🀣🀣

  50. Malah ketahuan sign kontrak kapal selam ternyata sekadar sign saja... KONTRAK BELUM AKTIF... 🀣🀣🀣

    1. Malah Malon kontrak belum LCS ADA Class Turki sudah dibilang punya...kasihan mimpi banget punya Kapal Wang tak Ada.....MISKIN, SEMBANG, TAK TAHU MALU...

  51. Yg dibilang miskin itu shoping Rafale, scorpene, pps, Hercules, black hawk dll. Yg ngaku2 kaya... Gagal sewa black hawk, hanya mampu beli pesawat murahan, beli.kapal.busuk dll yg murah

  52. Yang ketahuan itu sewa heli tpi bayar hutang tpi sembunyi2

    Gimana lon wkwkkwkwk

  53. Lucunya lagi, Malon iming2 kalau yg mau dibayar pakai sawit busuk akan dapat bonus orang utan. Ha ha ha ha ha. Kenapa beruk2 Malon yg gak ada gunanya aja ya di tawar2in ke negara2 yg mau ?

  54. TIADA UANG NGEMIS KUWAIT - 3X SURAT NGEMIS = Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan berkata, kementeriannya serta Menteri Pertahanan terdahulu telah menulis surat sebanyak tiga kali kepada kerajaan Kuwait menyatakan hasrat negara untuk memperolehi pesawat-pesawat pejuang terpakai F/A-18C/D milik negara Arab itu
    TIADA UANG - TYPE 23 INGGRIS Tawarkan Malaysia Sepasang Frigat Type 23 Duke Class, Spesifikasi Menarik Tapi ‘TIADA WANG’........
    Masih dari sumber yang sama, meski frigat Type 23 (semisal) dibibahkan ke Malaysia, maka akan berat bagi Angkatan Malaysia untuk mengoperasikan dalam jangka lima tahun. Angkatan Laut Malaysia sebelumnya telah menolak tawaran OPV River class yang dioperasikan Angkatan Laut Inggris.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - M109s PALADIN = United States has offered Malaysia up to 30 M109A5 Self Propelled Howitzer (SPH) under the Excess Defence Articles (EDA) programme. The M109s would be upgraded to the latest A5 standard before entering service with the Army, if the offer is taken up.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - HIBAH USA PERBAIKAN DIBAYAR USA Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS JAPAN - HIBAH JEPANG PERBAIKAN DIBIAYAI JEPANG KM Arau is an offshore patrol vessel operated by the Malaysian Coast Guard. She was the second ship transferred from the Japan Coast Guard together with KM Pekan and KM Marlin. KM Arau was formerly known as Oki (PL-01) in the Japan Coast Guard.
    Saat ini kapal dengan nama KM Arau ini sedang dalam tahap perbaikan akhir yang dilakukan di Jepang.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - MSA DIBAYAR MSI USA The program to convert the CN-235 transport aircraft to MSA variants was financed by the US Government under its Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative (MSI)

  55. Ha ha ha ha ha beruk ini lucu. Indonesia sudah lama pakai sniper targeting di f16. Ha ha ha ha ha kasihan. Beruk itu seperti katak dlm tempurung.

  56. RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said.
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
    MIRAGE BUATAN 1997 = varian Mirage 2000-5 yang dimiliki Qatar dipesan pada tahun 1994, dikirim pada 1996, dan dioperasikan secara resmi oleh Angkatan Udara Qatar pada 1997
    MISSING 48 SKYHAWK = The Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM, or Royal Malaysian Air Force) ordered 88 A-4s (25 A-4Cs and 63 A-4Ls), Only 40 PTM Skyhawks, 34 single seat versions and six two-seat trainers, were delivered......
    F18 BUATAN 1993 = Pada tahun 1988, Angkatan Udara Kuwait memesan 32 F / A-18C Hornets buatan Amerika dan delapan F / A-18D dua kursi dengan pengiriman dimulai pada tahun 1991 dan selesai pada tahun 1993.
    3X SURAT NGEMIS = Bercakap di Parlimen semalam, Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan berkata, kementeriannya serta Menteri Pertahanan terdahulu telah menulis surat sebanyak tiga kali kepada kerajaan Kuwait menyatakan hasrat negara untuk memperolehi pesawat-pesawat pejuang terpakai F/A-18C/D milik negara Arab itu
    (NGEMIS) AKAN DAN SEKIRANYA BERHASIL = Teka-teki tentang cadangan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) untuk mendapatkan pesawat pejuang F/A-18 Hornet dari Kuwait nampak cerah apabila akan ada usaha dibuat ke arah itu.
    Ini berikutan rancangan TUDM untuk menghantar sepasukan pegawai ke negara Teluk tersebut dalam masa terdekat tentang perkara berkenaan.
    Sekiranya perkara ini berhasil, ada harapan untuk melihat pertambahan kuantiti pada aset-aset TUDM sepertimana diharapkan.

  57. Apa kabarnya ngemis ke Kuwait yg ke 4 x nya. Ha ha ha ha ha...... Kasihan, pemulung barang busuk

  58. RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said.
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
    MIRAGE BUATAN 1997 = varian Mirage 2000-5 yang dimiliki Qatar dipesan pada tahun 1994, dikirim pada 1996, dan dioperasikan secara resmi oleh Angkatan Udara Qatar pada 1997
    MISSING 48 SKYHAWK = The Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM, or Royal Malaysian Air Force) ordered 88 A-4s (25 A-4Cs and 63 A-4Ls), Only 40 PTM Skyhawks, 34 single seat versions and six two-seat trainers, were delivered......
    F18 BUATAN 1993 = Pada tahun 1988, Angkatan Udara Kuwait memesan 32 F / A-18C Hornets buatan Amerika dan delapan F / A-18D dua kursi dengan pengiriman dimulai pada tahun 1991 dan selesai pada tahun 1993.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS KUWAIT - 3X SURAT NGEMIS = Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan berkata, kementeriannya serta Menteri Pertahanan terdahulu telah menulis surat sebanyak tiga kali kepada kerajaan Kuwait menyatakan hasrat negara untuk memperolehi pesawat-pesawat pejuang terpakai F/A-18C/D milik negara Arab itu
    TIADA UANG - TYPE 23 INGGRIS Tawarkan Malaysia Sepasang Frigat Type 23 Duke Class, Spesifikasi Menarik Tapi ‘TIADA WANG’........
    Masih dari sumber yang sama, meski frigat Type 23 (semisal) dibibahkan ke Malaysia, maka akan berat bagi Angkatan Malaysia untuk mengoperasikan dalam jangka lima tahun. Angkatan Laut Malaysia sebelumnya telah menolak tawaran OPV River class yang dioperasikan Angkatan Laut Inggris.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - M109s PALADIN = United States has offered Malaysia up to 30 M109A5 Self Propelled Howitzer (SPH) under the Excess Defence Articles (EDA) programme. The M109s would be upgraded to the latest A5 standard before entering service with the Army, if the offer is taken up.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - HIBAH USA PERBAIKAN DIBAYAR USA Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS JAPAN - HIBAH JEPANG PERBAIKAN DIBIAYAI JEPANG KM Arau is an offshore patrol vessel operated by the Malaysian Coast Guard. She was the second ship transferred from the Japan Coast Guard together with KM Pekan and KM Marlin. KM Arau was formerly known as Oki (PL-01) in the Japan Coast Guard.
    Saat ini kapal dengan nama KM Arau ini sedang dalam tahap perbaikan akhir yang dilakukan di Jepang.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - MSA DIBAYAR MSI USA The program to convert the CN-235 transport aircraft to MSA variants was financed by the US Government under its Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative (MSI)

  59. Lucunya Malon bangga dg kornet busuk Kuwait. Padahal kornetnya lebih tua dari Mirage 2000-9 ha ha ha ha

  60. RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said.
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
    MIRAGE BUATAN 1997 = varian Mirage 2000-5 yang dimiliki Qatar dipesan pada tahun 1994, dikirim pada 1996, dan dioperasikan secara resmi oleh Angkatan Udara Qatar pada 1997
    MISSING 48 SKYHAWK = The Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM, or Royal Malaysian Air Force) ordered 88 A-4s (25 A-4Cs and 63 A-4Ls), Only 40 PTM Skyhawks, 34 single seat versions and six two-seat trainers, were delivered......
    F18 BUATAN 1993 = Pada tahun 1988, Angkatan Udara Kuwait memesan 32 F / A-18C Hornets buatan Amerika dan delapan F / A-18D dua kursi dengan pengiriman dimulai pada tahun 1991 dan selesai pada tahun 1993.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS KUWAIT - 3X SURAT NGEMIS = Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan berkata, kementeriannya serta Menteri Pertahanan terdahulu telah menulis surat sebanyak tiga kali kepada kerajaan Kuwait menyatakan hasrat negara untuk memperolehi pesawat-pesawat pejuang terpakai F/A-18C/D milik negara Arab itu
    TIADA UANG - TYPE 23 INGGRIS Tawarkan Malaysia Sepasang Frigat Type 23 Duke Class, Spesifikasi Menarik Tapi ‘TIADA WANG’........
    Masih dari sumber yang sama, meski frigat Type 23 (semisal) dibibahkan ke Malaysia, maka akan berat bagi Angkatan Malaysia untuk mengoperasikan dalam jangka lima tahun. Angkatan Laut Malaysia sebelumnya telah menolak tawaran OPV River class yang dioperasikan Angkatan Laut Inggris.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - M109s PALADIN = United States has offered Malaysia up to 30 M109A5 Self Propelled Howitzer (SPH) under the Excess Defence Articles (EDA) programme. The M109s would be upgraded to the latest A5 standard before entering service with the Army, if the offer is taken up.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - HIBAH USA PERBAIKAN DIBAYAR USA Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS JAPAN - HIBAH JEPANG PERBAIKAN DIBIAYAI JEPANG KM Arau is an offshore patrol vessel operated by the Malaysian Coast Guard. She was the second ship transferred from the Japan Coast Guard together with KM Pekan and KM Marlin. KM Arau was formerly known as Oki (PL-01) in the Japan Coast Guard.
    Saat ini kapal dengan nama KM Arau ini sedang dalam tahap perbaikan akhir yang dilakukan di Jepang.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - MSA DIBAYAR MSI USA The program to convert the CN-235 transport aircraft to MSA variants was financed by the US Government under its Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative (MSI)

  61. Woiiii.... Bukan HUTANG saja GAGAL BAYAR... SEWA Pun tak mampu dibayar... 🀣🀣🀣

  62. Memang nya indo pwrnah sewa heli pakai hutang

  63. ATM
    Angkatan tentar Menyewa
    Pakai hutang

    Wkwkwwkkw hahhahah

  64. GELAK TAWA VISIT KAPAL MANGKRAK 13 TAHUN = a high-level delegation from PT PAL Indonesia visited the Lumut Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (LUNAS) shipyard on May 8th, 2024.
    2024 LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May
    DIBAYAR LUNAS 6 UNIT JADI NOL= The cost of the LCS project is now RM11.2 billion. It must be noted from that RM11.2 billion, Lunas or the former BNS used around RM1 billion to pay its debts and to upgrade the facilities for the LCS project. And not a single ship has been delivered yet.
    BNS RUGI DIJUAL = BHIC menjual keseluruhan 20.77 peratus pegangannya dalam BNS yang mengalami kerugian kepada Ocean Sunshine Bhd, unit tidak langsung Menteri Kewangan (Diperbadankan) pada harga RM1
    DIBAYAR 27 JADI 6 = seperti didedahkan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara (PAC) dan CEO LTAT, syarikat BNS menggunakan RM400 juta daripada bayaran pendahuluan bagi projek LCS untuk menjelaskan hutang lapuk bagi projek NGPV,"
    syarikat PSC-Naval Dockyard pada Disember 2005 sebelum dijenamakan semula menjadi syarikat Boustead Naval Dockyard Sdn Bhd
    DIBAYAR 3 JADI 1 = THHE BANGKRUT : Offshore fabricator and shipbuilder TH Heavy Engineering Bhd (THHE) is undertaking a voluntary winding-up, a year after it was delisted from Bursa Malaysia. The company resolved to undertake voluntary winding-up as it is unable to continue its operations due to liabilities, it said in a winding-up notice dated Sept 13.
    PRANK MRSS 163 M = “The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS. The platform for MRSSs is similar to the one for the Indonesian Navy’s LPD and the Philippines’ SSV. However, the MRSS will be bigger, 163 meter-long, and fully-armed.”
    NGEMIS LPD NGEMIS AH1Z = Initially, the Malaysian marine corps will lack an amphibious naval platform as the RMN’s only amphibious ship, It is currently in discussions with both France and South Korea over acquiring a landing platform deck (LPD). The U.S. has also offered Malaysia the LPD USS Denver after it decommissions it in 2014. U.S.-based defense companies are also discussing selling Malaysia the AH-1Z
    RELAX EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    RELAX EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
    RELAX BUILD FRIGAT On August 25, the keel laying ceremony for the first of two Red White frigates was held at Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia’s facility in Surabaya City, East Java. Based on Babcock's Arrowhead 140 design, it is said that with a 140-metre length and a displacement of 5,996 tons, the Red White frigate will be the largest and most advanced surface combatant ever constructed in Indonesia.
    RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
    The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of technology from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

  65. GELAK TAWA VISIT KAPAL MANGKRAK 13 TAHUN = a high-level delegation from PT PAL Indonesia visited the Lumut Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (LUNAS) shipyard on May 8th, 2024.
    2024 LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May
    DIBAYAR LUNAS 6 UNIT JADI NOL= The cost of the LCS project is now RM11.2 billion. It must be noted from that RM11.2 billion, Lunas or the former BNS used around RM1 billion to pay its debts and to upgrade the facilities for the LCS project. And not a single ship has been delivered yet.
    BNS RUGI DIJUAL = BHIC menjual keseluruhan 20.77 peratus pegangannya dalam BNS yang mengalami kerugian kepada Ocean Sunshine Bhd, unit tidak langsung Menteri Kewangan (Diperbadankan) pada harga RM1
    DIBAYAR 27 JADI 6 = seperti didedahkan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara (PAC) dan CEO LTAT, syarikat BNS menggunakan RM400 juta daripada bayaran pendahuluan bagi projek LCS untuk menjelaskan hutang lapuk bagi projek NGPV,"
    syarikat PSC-Naval Dockyard pada Disember 2005 sebelum dijenamakan semula menjadi syarikat Boustead Naval Dockyard Sdn Bhd
    DIBAYAR 3 JADI 1 = THHE BANGKRUT : Offshore fabricator and shipbuilder TH Heavy Engineering Bhd (THHE) is undertaking a voluntary winding-up, a year after it was delisted from Bursa Malaysia. The company resolved to undertake voluntary winding-up as it is unable to continue its operations due to liabilities, it said in a winding-up notice dated Sept 13.
    PRANK MRSS 163 M = “The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS. The platform for MRSSs is similar to the one for the Indonesian Navy’s LPD and the Philippines’ SSV. However, the MRSS will be bigger, 163 meter-long, and fully-armed.”
    NGEMIS LPD NGEMIS AH1Z = Initially, the Malaysian marine corps will lack an amphibious naval platform as the RMN’s only amphibious ship, It is currently in discussions with both France and South Korea over acquiring a landing platform deck (LPD). The U.S. has also offered Malaysia the LPD USS Denver after it decommissions it in 2014. U.S.-based defense companies are also discussing selling Malaysia the AH-1Z
    RELAX EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    RELAX EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
    RELAX BUILD FRIGAT On August 25, the keel laying ceremony for the first of two Red White frigates was held at Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia’s facility in Surabaya City, East Java. Based on Babcock's Arrowhead 140 design, it is said that with a 140-metre length and a displacement of 5,996 tons, the Red White frigate will be the largest and most advanced surface combatant ever constructed in Indonesia.
    RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
    The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of technology from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

  66. Lumayan malam2 dapat hiburan MALON ngamuk .....

  67. TIADA UANG NGEMIS KUWAIT - 3X SURAT NGEMIS = Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan berkata, kementeriannya serta Menteri Pertahanan terdahulu telah menulis surat sebanyak tiga kali kepada kerajaan Kuwait menyatakan hasrat negara untuk memperolehi pesawat-pesawat pejuang terpakai F/A-18C/D milik negara Arab itu
    TIADA UANG - TYPE 23 INGGRIS Tawarkan Malaysia Sepasang Frigat Type 23 Duke Class, Spesifikasi Menarik Tapi ‘TIADA WANG’........
    Masih dari sumber yang sama, meski frigat Type 23 (semisal) dibibahkan ke Malaysia, maka akan berat bagi Angkatan Malaysia untuk mengoperasikan dalam jangka lima tahun. Angkatan Laut Malaysia sebelumnya telah menolak tawaran OPV River class yang dioperasikan Angkatan Laut Inggris.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - M109s PALADIN = United States has offered Malaysia up to 30 M109A5 Self Propelled Howitzer (SPH) under the Excess Defence Articles (EDA) programme. The M109s would be upgraded to the latest A5 standard before entering service with the Army, if the offer is taken up.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - HIBAH USA PERBAIKAN DIBAYAR USA Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS JAPAN - HIBAH JEPANG PERBAIKAN DIBIAYAI JEPANG KM Arau is an offshore patrol vessel operated by the Malaysian Coast Guard. She was the second ship transferred from the Japan Coast Guard together with KM Pekan and KM Marlin. KM Arau was formerly known as Oki (PL-01) in the Japan Coast Guard.
    Saat ini kapal dengan nama KM Arau ini sedang dalam tahap perbaikan akhir yang dilakukan di Jepang.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - MSA DIBAYAR MSI USA The program to convert the CN-235 transport aircraft to MSA variants was financed by the US Government under its Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative (MSI)

  68. SALES PT DI = Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto witnessed the signing of the MoU between PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) and AIROD Sdn. Bhd. to market and sell the N219 aircraft produced by PTDI
    NGEMIS PROYEK CWB = 2022 Group Head Commercial PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) dan CEO AIROD Sdn Bhd, Maj Gen Dato Ismail Ibrahim tanda tangani Mutual Agreement Supply Center Wing Box untuk program pesawat C130.
    NGEMIS PROYEK KAPAL = Kerja sama yang dibangun ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan potensi sumber daya LUNAS dan PT PAL Indonesia serta menjajaki kolaborasi masa depan dalam proyek pembuatan kapal.
    LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed.
    PRANK MRSS 163 M = “The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS. The platform for MRSSs is similar to the one for the Indonesian Navy’s LPD and the Philippines’ SSV. However, the MRSS will be bigger, 163 meter-long, and fully-armed.”
    NGEMIS LPD NGEMIS AH1Z = Initially, the Malaysian marine corps will lack an amphibious naval platform as the RMN’s only amphibious ship, It is currently in discussions with both France and South Korea over acquiring a landing platform deck (LPD). The U.S. has also offered Malaysia the LPD USS Denver after it decommissions it in 2014. U.S.-based defense companies are also discussing selling Malaysia the AH-1Z
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS KUWAIT - 3X SURAT NGEMIS = Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan berkata, kementeriannya serta Menteri Pertahanan terdahulu telah menulis surat sebanyak tiga kali kepada kerajaan Kuwait menyatakan hasrat negara untuk memperolehi pesawat-pesawat pejuang terpakai F/A-18C/D milik negara Arab itu
    TIADA UANG - TYPE 23 INGGRIS Tawarkan Malaysia Sepasang Frigat Type 23 Duke Class, Spesifikasi Menarik Tapi ‘TIADA WANG’........
    Masih dari sumber yang sama, meski frigat Type 23 (semisal) dibibahkan ke Malaysia, maka akan berat bagi Angkatan Malaysia untuk mengoperasikan dalam jangka lima tahun. Angkatan Laut Malaysia sebelumnya telah menolak tawaran OPV River class yang dioperasikan Angkatan Laut Inggris.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - M109s PALADIN = United States has offered Malaysia up to 30 M109A5 Self Propelled Howitzer (SPH) under the Excess Defence Articles (EDA) programme. The M109s would be upgraded to the latest A5 standard before entering service with the Army, if the offer is taken up.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - HIBAH USA PERBAIKAN DIBAYAR USA Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS JAPAN - HIBAH JEPANG PERBAIKAN DIBIAYAI JEPANG KM Arau is an offshore patrol vessel operated by the Malaysian Coast Guard. She was the second ship transferred from the Japan Coast Guard together with KM Pekan and KM Marlin. KM Arau was formerly known as Oki (PL-01) in the Japan Coast Guard.
    Saat ini kapal dengan nama KM Arau ini sedang dalam tahap perbaikan akhir yang dilakukan di Jepang.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - MSA DIBAYAR MSI USA The program to convert the CN-235 transport aircraft to MSA variants was financed by the US Government under its Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative (MSI)

  69. 2024 HUTANG JATUH TEMPO - MENUNGGU 2053 = The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF)
    2023 TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi
    2022 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 52,4% = Kah Woh menjelaskan pada tahun lalu, kerajaan ada membuat pinjaman yang meningkat sebanyak 11.6 peratus daripada RM194.5 bilion pada tahun sebelumnya. Daripada jumlah itu, beliau berkata 52.4 peratus atau RM113.7 bilion digunakan untuk membayar prinsipal pinjaman matang.
    2021 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 50,4% = Sejumlah RM98.058 bilion atau 50.4 peratus daripada pinjaman baharu berjumlah RM194.555 bilion yang dibuat kerajaan pada tahun lalu digunakan untuk bayaran balik prinsipal pinjaman yang matang.
    2020 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 60% = Jabatan Audit Negara (JAN) bimbang dengan tindakan kerajaan menggunakan hampir 60 peratus pinjaman baharu untuk membayar hutang .
    2019 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 59% = Laporan Ketua Audit Negara mengenai Penyata Kewangan Kerajaan Persekutuan 2018 mendapati sejumlah 59 peratus pinjaman baharu kerajaan dibuat untuk membayar hutang kerajaan terdahulu
    2018 OPEN DONASI = Kementerian Keuangan Malaysia pada hari Rabu membuka rekening donasi supaya masyarakat dapat menyumbang.
    SKANDAL UANG = scandals spill out into the public domain, like Bumiputera Malaysia Finance 1982, Bank Negara’s FX losses in the 1980s and 1990s, the Scorpene submarines of 2002, the National Feedlot scandal – “cowgate” – of 2012, 1MDB, and the latest LCS naval procurement. But these are just the tip of the iceberg of systematic pilferage. It has become the institutional norm.

  70. Yakin Kerajaan malon ATM tak hutamg
    Sewa heli hanya mampu bayar hutang

    Fuck off lon🀣🀣🀣

  71. SALES PT DI = Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto witnessed the signing of the MoU between PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) and AIROD Sdn. Bhd. to market and sell the N219 aircraft produced by PTDI
    NGEMIS PROYEK CWB = 2022 Group Head Commercial PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) dan CEO AIROD Sdn Bhd, Maj Gen Dato Ismail Ibrahim tanda tangani Mutual Agreement Supply Center Wing Box untuk program pesawat C130.
    NGEMIS PROYEK KAPAL = Kerja sama yang dibangun ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan potensi sumber daya LUNAS dan PT PAL Indonesia serta menjajaki kolaborasi masa depan dalam proyek pembuatan kapal.
    LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed.
    PRANK MRSS 163 M = “The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS. The platform for MRSSs is similar to the one for the Indonesian Navy’s LPD and the Philippines’ SSV. However, the MRSS will be bigger, 163 meter-long, and fully-armed.”
    NGEMIS LPD NGEMIS AH1Z = Initially, the Malaysian marine corps will lack an amphibious naval platform as the RMN’s only amphibious ship, It is currently in discussions with both France and South Korea over acquiring a landing platform deck (LPD). The U.S. has also offered Malaysia the LPD USS Denver after it decommissions it in 2014. U.S.-based defense companies are also discussing selling Malaysia the AH-1Z
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS KUWAIT - 3X SURAT NGEMIS = Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan berkata, kementeriannya serta Menteri Pertahanan terdahulu telah menulis surat sebanyak tiga kali kepada kerajaan Kuwait menyatakan hasrat negara untuk memperolehi pesawat-pesawat pejuang terpakai F/A-18C/D milik negara Arab itu
    TIADA UANG - TYPE 23 INGGRIS Tawarkan Malaysia Sepasang Frigat Type 23 Duke Class, Spesifikasi Menarik Tapi ‘TIADA WANG’........
    Masih dari sumber yang sama, meski frigat Type 23 (semisal) dibibahkan ke Malaysia, maka akan berat bagi Angkatan Malaysia untuk mengoperasikan dalam jangka lima tahun. Angkatan Laut Malaysia sebelumnya telah menolak tawaran OPV River class yang dioperasikan Angkatan Laut Inggris.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - M109s PALADIN = United States has offered Malaysia up to 30 M109A5 Self Propelled Howitzer (SPH) under the Excess Defence Articles (EDA) programme. The M109s would be upgraded to the latest A5 standard before entering service with the Army, if the offer is taken up.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - HIBAH USA PERBAIKAN DIBAYAR USA Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS JAPAN - HIBAH JEPANG PERBAIKAN DIBIAYAI JEPANG KM Arau is an offshore patrol vessel operated by the Malaysian Coast Guard. She was the second ship transferred from the Japan Coast Guard together with KM Pekan and KM Marlin. KM Arau was formerly known as Oki (PL-01) in the Japan Coast Guard.
    Saat ini kapal dengan nama KM Arau ini sedang dalam tahap perbaikan akhir yang dilakukan di Jepang.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - MSA DIBAYAR MSI USA The program to convert the CN-235 transport aircraft to MSA variants was financed by the US Government under its Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative (MSI)


  72. PEMBURU19 Mei 2024 pukul 22.53
    RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said.
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
    MIRAGE BUATAN 1997 = varian Mirage 2000-5 yang dimiliki Qatar dipesan pada tahun 1994, dikirim pada 1996, dan dioperasikan secara resmi oleh Angkatan Udara Qatar pada 1997
    MISSING 48 SKYHAWK = The Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM, or Royal Malaysian Air Force) ordered 88 A-4s (25 A-4Cs and 63 A-4Ls), Only 40 PTM Skyhawks, 34 single seat versions and six two-seat trainers, were delivered......
    F18 BUATAN 1993 = Pada tahun 1988, Angkatan Udara Kuwait memesan 32 F / A-18C Hornets buatan Amerika dan delapan F / A-18D dua kursi dengan pengiriman dimulai pada tahun 1991 dan selesai pada tahun 1993.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS KUWAIT - 3X SURAT NGEMIS = Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan berkata, kementeriannya serta Menteri Pertahanan terdahulu telah menulis surat sebanyak tiga kali kepada kerajaan Kuwait menyatakan hasrat negara untuk memperolehi pesawat-pesawat pejuang terpakai F/A-18C/D milik negara Arab itu
    TIADA UANG - TYPE 23 INGGRIS Tawarkan Malaysia Sepasang Frigat Type 23 Duke Class, Spesifikasi Menarik Tapi ‘TIADA WANG’........
    Masih dari sumber yang sama, meski frigat Type 23 (semisal) dibibahkan ke Malaysia, maka akan berat bagi Angkatan Malaysia untuk mengoperasikan dalam jangka lima tahun. Angkatan Laut Malaysia sebelumnya telah menolak tawaran OPV River class yang dioperasikan Angkatan Laut Inggris.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - M109s PALADIN = United States has offered Malaysia up to 30 M109A5 Self Propelled Howitzer (SPH) under the Excess Defence Articles (EDA) programme. The M109s would be upgraded to the latest A5 standard before entering service with the Army, if the offer is taken up.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - HIBAH USA PERBAIKAN DIBAYAR USA Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS JAPAN - HIBAH JEPANG PERBAIKAN DIBIAYAI JEPANG KM Arau is an offshore patrol vessel operated by the Malaysian Coast Guard. She was the second ship transferred from the Japan Coast Guard together with KM Pekan and KM Marlin. KM Arau was formerly known as Oki (PL-01) in the Japan Coast Guard.
    Saat ini kapal dengan nama KM Arau ini sedang dalam tahap perbaikan akhir yang dilakukan di Jepang.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - MSA DIBAYAR MSI USA The program to convert the CN-235 transport aircraft to MSA variants was financed by the US Government under its Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative (MSI)

  73. GELAK TAWA VISIT KAPAL MANGKRAK 13 TAHUN = a high-level delegation from PT PAL Indonesia visited the Lumut Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (LUNAS) shipyard on May 8th, 2024.
    2024 LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May
    DIBAYAR LUNAS 6 UNIT JADI NOL= The cost of the LCS project is now RM11.2 billion. It must be noted from that RM11.2 billion, Lunas or the former BNS used around RM1 billion to pay its debts and to upgrade the facilities for the LCS project. And not a single ship has been delivered yet.
    BNS RUGI DIJUAL = BHIC menjual keseluruhan 20.77 peratus pegangannya dalam BNS yang mengalami kerugian kepada Ocean Sunshine Bhd, unit tidak langsung Menteri Kewangan (Diperbadankan) pada harga RM1
    DIBAYAR 27 JADI 6 = seperti didedahkan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara (PAC) dan CEO LTAT, syarikat BNS menggunakan RM400 juta daripada bayaran pendahuluan bagi projek LCS untuk menjelaskan hutang lapuk bagi projek NGPV,"
    syarikat PSC-Naval Dockyard pada Disember 2005 sebelum dijenamakan semula menjadi syarikat Boustead Naval Dockyard Sdn Bhd
    DIBAYAR 3 JADI 1 = THHE BANGKRUT : Offshore fabricator and shipbuilder TH Heavy Engineering Bhd (THHE) is undertaking a voluntary winding-up, a year after it was delisted from Bursa Malaysia. The company resolved to undertake voluntary winding-up as it is unable to continue its operations due to liabilities, it said in a winding-up notice dated Sept 13.
    PRANK MRSS 163 M = “The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS. The platform for MRSSs is similar to the one for the Indonesian Navy’s LPD and the Philippines’ SSV. However, the MRSS will be bigger, 163 meter-long, and fully-armed.”
    NGEMIS LPD NGEMIS AH1Z = Initially, the Malaysian marine corps will lack an amphibious naval platform as the RMN’s only amphibious ship, It is currently in discussions with both France and South Korea over acquiring a landing platform deck (LPD). The U.S. has also offered Malaysia the LPD USS Denver after it decommissions it in 2014. U.S.-based defense companies are also discussing selling Malaysia the AH-1Z
    RELAX EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    RELAX EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
    RELAX BUILD FRIGAT On August 25, the keel laying ceremony for the first of two Red White frigates was held at Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia’s facility in Surabaya City, East Java. Based on Babcock's Arrowhead 140 design, it is said that with a 140-metre length and a displacement of 5,996 tons, the Red White frigate will be the largest and most advanced surface combatant ever constructed in Indonesia.
    RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
    The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of technology from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

  74. 3x Ngemis Hornet bekas
    Upgrade CN235 ngemis Hibah
    Heli semua sewa ( hutang)
    LCS 11 tahun di ddarat
    Hutang,wamg kopi,salah potong
    Etc 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

  75. GELAK TAWA VISIT KAPAL MANGKRAK 13 TAHUN = a high-level delegation from PT PAL Indonesia visited the Lumut Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (LUNAS) shipyard on May 8th, 2024.
    2024 LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May
    DIBAYAR LUNAS 6 UNIT JADI NOL= The cost of the LCS project is now RM11.2 billion. It must be noted from that RM11.2 billion, Lunas or the former BNS used around RM1 billion to pay its debts and to upgrade the facilities for the LCS project. And not a single ship has been delivered yet.
    BNS RUGI DIJUAL = BHIC menjual keseluruhan 20.77 peratus pegangannya dalam BNS yang mengalami kerugian kepada Ocean Sunshine Bhd, unit tidak langsung Menteri Kewangan (Diperbadankan) pada harga RM1
    DIBAYAR 27 JADI 6 = seperti didedahkan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara (PAC) dan CEO LTAT, syarikat BNS menggunakan RM400 juta daripada bayaran pendahuluan bagi projek LCS untuk menjelaskan hutang lapuk bagi projek NGPV,"
    syarikat PSC-Naval Dockyard pada Disember 2005 sebelum dijenamakan semula menjadi syarikat Boustead Naval Dockyard Sdn Bhd
    DIBAYAR 3 JADI 1 = THHE BANGKRUT : Offshore fabricator and shipbuilder TH Heavy Engineering Bhd (THHE) is undertaking a voluntary winding-up, a year after it was delisted from Bursa Malaysia. The company resolved to undertake voluntary winding-up as it is unable to continue its operations due to liabilities, it said in a winding-up notice dated Sept 13.
    PRANK MRSS 163 M = “The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS. The platform for MRSSs is similar to the one for the Indonesian Navy’s LPD and the Philippines’ SSV. However, the MRSS will be bigger, 163 meter-long, and fully-armed.”
    NGEMIS LPD NGEMIS AH1Z = Initially, the Malaysian marine corps will lack an amphibious naval platform as the RMN’s only amphibious ship, It is currently in discussions with both France and South Korea over acquiring a landing platform deck (LPD). The U.S. has also offered Malaysia the LPD USS Denver after it decommissions it in 2014. U.S.-based defense companies are also discussing selling Malaysia the AH-1Z
    RELAX EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    RELAX EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
    RELAX BUILD FRIGAT On August 25, the keel laying ceremony for the first of two Red White frigates was held at Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia’s facility in Surabaya City, East Java. Based on Babcock's Arrowhead 140 design, it is said that with a 140-metre length and a displacement of 5,996 tons, the Red White frigate will be the largest and most advanced surface combatant ever constructed in Indonesia.
    RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
    The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of technology from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.

  76. TIADA UANG NGEMIS KUWAIT - 3X SURAT NGEMIS = Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan berkata, kementeriannya serta Menteri Pertahanan terdahulu telah menulis surat sebanyak tiga kali kepada kerajaan Kuwait menyatakan hasrat negara untuk memperolehi pesawat-pesawat pejuang terpakai F/A-18C/D milik negara Arab itu
    TIADA UANG - TYPE 23 INGGRIS Tawarkan Malaysia Sepasang Frigat Type 23 Duke Class, Spesifikasi Menarik Tapi ‘TIADA WANG’........
    Masih dari sumber yang sama, meski frigat Type 23 (semisal) dibibahkan ke Malaysia, maka akan berat bagi Angkatan Malaysia untuk mengoperasikan dalam jangka lima tahun. Angkatan Laut Malaysia sebelumnya telah menolak tawaran OPV River class yang dioperasikan Angkatan Laut Inggris.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - M109s PALADIN = United States has offered Malaysia up to 30 M109A5 Self Propelled Howitzer (SPH) under the Excess Defence Articles (EDA) programme. The M109s would be upgraded to the latest A5 standard before entering service with the Army, if the offer is taken up.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - HIBAH USA PERBAIKAN DIBAYAR USA Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS JAPAN - HIBAH JEPANG PERBAIKAN DIBIAYAI JEPANG KM Arau is an offshore patrol vessel operated by the Malaysian Coast Guard. She was the second ship transferred from the Japan Coast Guard together with KM Pekan and KM Marlin. KM Arau was formerly known as Oki (PL-01) in the Japan Coast Guard.
    Saat ini kapal dengan nama KM Arau ini sedang dalam tahap perbaikan akhir yang dilakukan di Jepang.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - MSA DIBAYAR MSI USA The program to convert the CN-235 transport aircraft to MSA variants was financed by the US Government under its Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative (MSI)

  77. Malon mau ngemis hornet utk yg ke 4 X nya ? Ha ha ha ha

  78. Malon mau ngemis hornet utk yg ke 4 X nya ? Ha ha ha ha. Hornet yg pabriknya sudah tutup. Ha ha ha ha

  79. RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said.
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
    MIRAGE BUATAN 1997 = varian Mirage 2000-5 yang dimiliki Qatar dipesan pada tahun 1994, dikirim pada 1996, dan dioperasikan secara resmi oleh Angkatan Udara Qatar pada 1997
    MISSING 48 SKYHAWK = The Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM, or Royal Malaysian Air Force) ordered 88 A-4s (25 A-4Cs and 63 A-4Ls), Only 40 PTM Skyhawks, 34 single seat versions and six two-seat trainers, were delivered......
    F18 BUATAN 1993 = Pada tahun 1988, Angkatan Udara Kuwait memesan 32 F / A-18C Hornets buatan Amerika dan delapan F / A-18D dua kursi dengan pengiriman dimulai pada tahun 1991 dan selesai pada tahun 1993.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS KUWAIT - 3X SURAT NGEMIS = Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan berkata, kementeriannya serta Menteri Pertahanan terdahulu telah menulis surat sebanyak tiga kali kepada kerajaan Kuwait menyatakan hasrat negara untuk memperolehi pesawat-pesawat pejuang terpakai F/A-18C/D milik negara Arab itu
    TIADA UANG - TYPE 23 INGGRIS Tawarkan Malaysia Sepasang Frigat Type 23 Duke Class, Spesifikasi Menarik Tapi ‘TIADA WANG’........
    Masih dari sumber yang sama, meski frigat Type 23 (semisal) dibibahkan ke Malaysia, maka akan berat bagi Angkatan Malaysia untuk mengoperasikan dalam jangka lima tahun. Angkatan Laut Malaysia sebelumnya telah menolak tawaran OPV River class yang dioperasikan Angkatan Laut Inggris.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - M109s PALADIN = United States has offered Malaysia up to 30 M109A5 Self Propelled Howitzer (SPH) under the Excess Defence Articles (EDA) programme. The M109s would be upgraded to the latest A5 standard before entering service with the Army, if the offer is taken up.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - HIBAH USA PERBAIKAN DIBAYAR USA Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS JAPAN - HIBAH JEPANG PERBAIKAN DIBIAYAI JEPANG KM Arau is an offshore patrol vessel operated by the Malaysian Coast Guard. She was the second ship transferred from the Japan Coast Guard together with KM Pekan and KM Marlin. KM Arau was formerly known as Oki (PL-01) in the Japan Coast Guard.
    Saat ini kapal dengan nama KM Arau ini sedang dalam tahap perbaikan akhir yang dilakukan di Jepang.
    TIADA UANG NGEMIS USA - MSA DIBAYAR MSI USA The program to convert the CN-235 transport aircraft to MSA variants was financed by the US Government under its Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative (MSI)
