15 Februari 2022

Hanwha Defense to Employ Australian Steels to Build Armoured Vehicles for Global Exports

15 Februari 2022

Hanwha Defense's Redback IFV (photo : Hanwha Defense)

A leading defense company in South Korea, Hanwha Defense has joined forces with a high-profile Australian steel maker to build armoured combat vehicles and self-propelled howitzers for international markets. 

Hanwha Defense signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on February 7 with Bisalloy Steels, a specialist performance steel manufacturer and supplier headquartered in New South Wales, Australia.

Under the agreement, Hanwha Defense will procure Bisalloy Steel for its signature land defense platforms, such as the Redback Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) and the K9 Self-Propelled Howitzer, for exports to international markets beyond Australia. 

Bisalloy Steel is one of the Australian Industrial Capability (AIC) partner firms for Hanwha Defense Australia, which is participating in Commonwealth’s LAND 400 Phase 3 program with the Redback IFV.  

Both companies will also conduct joint technical analysis and development of integration of Bisally steel into the Redback and K9 for exports to the market of Europe and others.   

“We’re pleased to work closely with Hanwha Defense and enter its global supply chain. Bisalloy steels capability has been proven over its 40-year of history, and through working together we believe we will contribute to Hanwha’s product portfolio and its international business,” said Mr. Michael Gundy, Managing Director of Bisalloy Steels.

“We look forward to expanding our business with Hanwha in the years ahead.” 

Armoured steels are a crucial component of army strength, while demand for establishing secondary supply chain in critical materials is forecast to accelerate due to the pandemic and increasing security threats. The MoU between Hanwha Defense and Bisalloy provides a practical example of how to cope with the potential supply chain risk

“We are very excited to expand cooperation with Bisalloy Steels for international markets, as we have been delighted with Bisalloy steel’s proven quality through the performance of the Redback IFV,” said Mr. Son Jae-il, CEO and President of Hanwha Defense. 

“We will explore ways to use Bisally steel further for the K9 Self-Propelled Howitzer, as well as the Redback IFV” Mr. Son said. “Upon the recent contract with Egypt over the K9, in particular, we will review ways to utilize the Australian steel for the K9A1EGY project first.”

Hanwha Defense signed a $1.6 billion contract on February 1 with the Egyptian Ministry of Defense to jointly produce the K9 and other support vehicles.

32 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. https://www.cnnindonesia.com/teknologi/20220215105143-384-759308/jokowi-resmikan-ekspor-perdana-toyota-produksi-karawang-ke-australia

  2. Hmmm...
    Jika F15EX jadi diakuisisi, ToT nya apa ya...???


  3. Tak dapat slot di area statis SG Airshow 2022, Su-30MKM pulang kampung
    15 Februari 2022 / oleh Pengarang penyair
    Roni Sontani/AR
    AIRSPACE REVIEW (airspace-review.com) – Pengalaman berharga yang dialami jet tempur Su-30MKM milik Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM).

    Berniat hadir di Singapore Airshow 2022, pesawat tersebut harus kembali lagi ke kandangnya karena “tidak mendapat slot” di area statis pameran kedirgantaraan akbar tersebut....MALUNYE WKWKKWKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK🤣🤣🤣

    1. Syukurin ko purrr....wakakakakakakaka

    2. Bagus itu MKM tak ikut Singapore Airshow 2022 karena Pilot MKM jagonya Eject Kat Hanggar.. 🤣🤣🤣

    3. Poor malon mungkin tak mampu bayar patkir di alpamart
      Jadi di tolak di SG airshow

  4. https://www.airspace-review.com/2022/02/15/tak-dapat-slot-di-area-statis-sg-airshow-2022-su-30mkm-pulang-kampung/
    Ada yg punya info kenapasu30mkm pulang karena ga dapat slot di Sg airshow ?

    1. Karena minta avtur ke pihak panitia SG Airshow om

    2. Tehnologinya sudah usang....

    3. Nggak punya dana utk sewa slot...oom..!!!

    4. Slot nya dah di ambil PTDI

    5. Orang sudah bosan melihat penampilan pilot sukhoi Malaysia... setiap tahun atraksinya tak de perubahan.. seperti kera bergelantungan di pohon...


    6. Bisa jadi plin plan bro!


      Kalo gak kirim, nanti jadi pembenaran org bahwa armada langit jiran sedang bermasalah (grounded, dll).

      Kalo dikirim, pesawat yg mana? Karena yg standby jaga/patroli terbatas krn banyak yg grounded, rawat inap, dll.


      Akhirnya putusin kirim.
      Tapi....dah telat,
      SG dah fullbook!

      mo eksis jadi gagal dech!

    7. Jelaslah takde undangan tu, yg lemah tu buat apa dipamerkan..

    8. Slotnya minta pemerintah Singapore yg bayarin..makanya di usir..siapa luw..🤣

    9. Duduk manis aja lon tonton aksi Tim JAT TNI AU

      Liuk sana liuk sini👍👍✌

    10. Gak mampu bayar dp ongkir dan parkir

  5. Tak dapat slot di area statis SG Airshow 2022, Su-30MKM pulang kampung

  6. Pengaruh caatsa dan krisis Rusia Ukraina jg mungkin

  7. https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.republika.co.id/amp/r7bfhg484

  8. HanWa jg yg buat Radar AESA Boromae..

  9. Ngecas Hate 👇..

    Harta dan kedudukan bukan segalanya

    قال الإمام عبد الله الهرري رضي الله عنه :
    من الكرب العظيمة ما لا يفرجها مال ولا جاه ولا سلطنة ولا طب ، وإنما يفرجها صحيح الافتقار والتوجه والالتجاء إلى من بيده النفع والضر

    Imam 'Abdullah al-Harariyy berkata:
    "Ada musibah dan kesulitan-kesulitan besar yang tidak terselesaikan oleh harta, kedudukan, jabatan dan kekuasaan serta ilmu kedokteran,

    ✍️Melainkan hanya dapat diselesaikan dengan kesungguhan mengadu,

    memohon dan bersandar (berserah diri) kepada Allah, Sang Maha Pemilik manfaat dan Pencipta mara bahaya".

  10. Kesian Malon....

    Sewa....Kuat Sewa..... Tiada Lawak kecuali dimulai dari Sewa...


  11. https://twitter.com/alert5/status/1493388068853743617?t=mgFccealXPKO1lMYqePdhQ&s=19

    Singapore menolak sukhoi MKM kerana jet pejuang MKM banyak lapok


  12. SG jaga" klo" kjadian enjin pesawatnya bnyak yg ilang,,,
