23 Desember 2019

A Series of Modern Weapons are Displayed by Vietnam MoD

23 Desember 2019

Modern weapos of the Vietnamese Army (photos : Dantri)

In the morning of December 20, in Thai Nguyen, the Viet Bac Exhibition-Fair 2019 was officially opened, many new and modern equipment and weapons of the Vietnam People's Army were also displayed at the exhibition.

BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles of the Tank Army - Armor (photo: Tra Khanh)

This year's Viet Bac Exhibition-Fair was organized by the Ministry of Defense in collaboration with the People's Committee of Thai Nguyen Province and the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Thai Nguyen City - "Resistance capital" the cradle of revolution, the center of Viet Bac battlefield in the past.

Self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery ZSU-23-4 (photo: Tra Khanh)

Viet Bac Exhibition-Fair 2019 is part of activities to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the National Defense Day (December 22, 1989 - December 22, 2019 ), 75 years of the Vietnam People's Army's Establishment Day (December 22, 1944 - December 22, 2019) organized by the Ministry of National Defense and concerned ministries and branches.

BM-21 Grad series launcher (photo: Tra Khanh)

The highlight of this year's Viet Bac Exhibition-Fair is the exhibition area and fairground area of ​​more than 10,000m2, with about 3,000m2 for indoor and outdoor exhibitions; Fair area of ​​about 6,000m2.

BRDM-2 ([hoto : Dantri)

Exhibitions and fairs attracted 160 units, businesses inside and outside the military to participate, with nearly 300 standard stalls. In particular, 75 units, military enterprises along with 13 provinces and cities and nearly 80 enterprises of all economic sectors.

S-125-2TM "Pechora-2TM" (C12-2TM) is a radio-guided air defense missile system (photo : Dantri)

Based on a number of images on the exhibition floor of Viet Bac Fair 2019, quite a lot of new and modern equipment and equipment of the Vietnam People's Army will be displayed at the exhibition.

Unmanned aircraft VUA-SC-3G manufactured by Vietnam National Defense Industry (photo: Tra Khanh)

These include some names such as T-90S/SK tanks, BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles, ZSU-23-4 self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery complex, S-125-2TM air defense complex, RV-02, radar station, VUA-SC-3G unmanned aircraft are also equipped with many other modern equipment.

VUA-QL1 unmanned reconnaissance aircraft developed by Vietnam National Defense Industry (photo: Tra Khanh)

According to Major General Tran Dinh Thang - Director of Economic Department (Ministry of Defense), the images and exhibits on display in Thai Nguyen this time reflect and summarize the typical milestones of the Vietnam People's Army in each historical period; in training, combat readiness, logistic and technical assurance, labor participation in production, construction and national economic development, combined with consolidation of national defense and security.

RV-02 radar station against stealth targets made by Vietnam (photo: Tra Khanh)

At the Viet Bac Exhibition-Fair 2019, there will be displays of agencies and units of the General Staff Department, the General Department of Politics, the General Department of Logistics, the General Department of Defense Industry, the General Department of Engineering, military units: Air Force, Air Force, Navy; Border Guard, Coast Guard, Rescue-Rescue Department, Foreign Affairs Department.

Field radar P-18M (photo : Tra Khanh)

VRS-2DM radar station was developed by Vietnam National Defense Industry (photo: Tra Khanh)

Besides, there are also exhibition areas for military regions, legions, Hanoi Capital Command, and Command 86; units of arms: Communications, Artillery, Engineers, Tank Armor, Chemistry, Commandos; Military Medical Academy, Military Science and Technology Institute, Vietnam-Russia Tropical Center. 


27 komentar:

  1. Ada 1 senjata lagi yang gak dipamerin, padahal sudah battle proven, mungkin masih dianggap rahasia..
    Ya...> "jaring si Nguyen"

    1. Top weapons itu😳😱😱😱

    2. P -18M cocok buat sarana lomba burung..untuk naruh sangkar πŸ§πŸ§πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ™„

    3. Masgono@ itu antena tv khusus film porno πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    4. ☝WauuuuπŸ˜³πŸ˜±πŸ˜±πŸ˜±πŸ˜±πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜‹

    5. Jiaaahhh jaring nguyen , senjata yg di geruni malon idiot πŸ˜‚

    6. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

    7. Jaring nguyen terbukti batel prupen πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

    8. jaring nguyen =
      lokal sejati haha!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  2. Padahal kalo dilihat" negeri Nguyen ini lebih suka mendonia daripada kita, lihat saja forumernya 😁

    1. Biasa ibaratnya orang kampung tiba2 tinggal dikota pasti kenanyakan berasa lebih orang kota ketimbang mereka yg lahir dikota πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

      Faktor jatuh bangun membuat indonesia melambat, sesungguhnya bila indonesia memiliki stabilatas yg konsisten mungkin saat ini indonesia menjadi pesaing ketat china dan jepang' liat aja kedepannya, waktu akan menjawab dimana posisi indonesia yg sesungguhnya. 😊

  3. Lebih keren radar 2D pt.len πŸ€”πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


    1. seandainya TNI mau terbuka saja ke publik,,tentu tni kita jga bakalan pamer senjata yg selama ini tidak di publikasikan ke khalayak umum,,karena bersifat rahasia,,aku yakin tni pun pastinya pnya Alutsista yg tanggu seperti rudal2 yg besar seperti Vietnam punya,,aku yakin itu

    2. Kalo semua di kumpulin termasuk yg sdh di pensionkan ada jg radar sperti itu, buatan poland

  4. Bangun2 jangan mimpi Mulu Indonesia itu akan tetap menjadi negara tertinggal dan pecundang sampai kapanpun itu di bandingkan dengan Brunei dan malaysia

    1. Tertinggal dalam hal apa woy?? Dalam hal judi halal, rasuah, idiot, produsen dedah dan produsen teroris malaysia mendonia πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ idiot pukimak malaysia

    2. Ini kebanyakan minum air bong, gk ada sabu air bong pun jd,,,woyyy melek ente, ini bukan tahun 90an, ini tahun 2019 menuju 2020' lha malon cuman bisa bina cawat jalur gemilang sementara indonesia udah mulai ngejar meski sangat sulit untuk mengimbangi china.

    3. Malaysia itu memang jauh lebih unggul, lebih hebat...Contohnya : kasus sodomi itu.



  6. klo kita donk, akhir taon bikin pameran statis cem ini:

    pameran statis hasil karya cipta dalam negeri, #bangga100%percaya haha!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘



  7. gred a klo pameran statis lokal punya apa yak?
    mokap aja setengah jadi haha!🀭🀭🀭
