02 Mei 2021

Exercise Coral Soldier between Fijian and Australian Army

02 Mei 2021

Fijian and Australian soldiers in Exercise Coral Soldier 2021 (all photos : Aus DoD)

An exercise in sharing knowledge

Exercise Coral Soldier provided an opportunity for Fijian and Australian soldiers to share their knowledge by working together.

With enemy role-players scattered throughout the bush and urban environments in the Greenbank Training Area in Brisbane, soldiers from the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF) and the 8th/9th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (8/9RAR), teamed up to win the simulated fight.

Exercise Coral Soldier was held from March 15 to April 16, with the final full-mission stage held from April 11-13.

RFMF Sergeant Loresio Sovea said the exercise allowed him to learn from 8/9RAR and pass on some of his own knowledge, too.

“For me, [the exercise] is about enhancing regional relationships with our Anzac partners,” Sergeant Sovea said.

“We’ve been exchanging a few tips on building clearances, tackling obstacles, and of course those little jungle tips that we carry with us that our forefathers are well known for, especially during the Malayan campaign, Solomon Islands and East Timor.

“We’ve developed those throughout the years and it’s a great opportunity to share some of those tips with our Australian mates. “I’ve worked with Australians before and it’s always a huge learning curve for us.”

Sergeant Sovea said the exercise improved the bonds between the Australian and Fijian forces involved, and he looked forward to training with the ADF again.

Lieutenant Max Silvy, from 8/9RAR, echoed Sergeant Sovea’s sentiments about the combined training, saying he learned a lot from his experience working with the RFMF in the field.  

For the full story, see the latest edition of Army News.

17 komentar:

  1. Sepi
    Jek podo melu kenduren malem 3 teg kemukus
    Kirim doa kanggo kabeh leluhur sing wangsul teng alam kubur
    Mugo2 padang dalane
    Jembar kubure

  2. Ojo lali mbayar zakat fitrah
    Kanggo reresik bondo dunyo rizki saking gusti allah sing keparingke setahun kapungkur

    Mugi2 bermanfaat kaleh tiang kesusahan
    Lan mboten salah sasaran teng genk nasi bungkus lan sak piturute

  3. Semenjak tragedi 402 banyak yg syok warjagernya termasuk gue.
    Malas komen karna alutsista TNI banyak yg tua bahkan lebih tua dari personilnya masih bejibun.
    Nasip2 jadi manusia + 62 pemimpinnya santuy coy yg penting enak katanya,🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦

    1. Bijimane progres rudal wungmos om dut
      Katanya om dut mw bikin pabrik rudal swasta d indo
      Kolaborasi sama ntung mbegedes

    2. 2nggqk usah komen dut....tidur saja

    3. Wkwkwkwkkw banyak aset lapok

    4. Betul bang rudal gw jg syok. Gw lebih banyak liat kondisi ke depan apa yg di beli para pengambil keputusan. Ya salam

  4. CEMANA BELI BELAH NIH TAK NAMPAK, TAK PAYAH LAH KAMI....aku nak makan angin je lah

  5. ...jangan lupa ZAKAT FITRAH nya, selain untuk warga yang membutuhkan di Indonesia

    sisihkan juga untuk Palestina...karena SENYUM mereka adalah Kebahagiaan kita

    ... Xixixixixixixi 😁

  6. Mereka semua pada kemana ya: Tukang Wajan si tukang bocorin info A1 (dari sini kita belajar bahwa info A1 juga bukan yg tanpa cela)
