09 April 2024

KRI Diponegoro-365 Laksanakan Advance Maneuvering Exercise Bersama Seluruh Unsur MTF 448 UNIFIL

09 April 2024

Advance Maneuvering Exercise bersama seluruh unsur MTF 448 UNIFIL (photos: Koarmada 2)

TNI AL. Koarmada II. -- KRI Diponegoro-365 yang merupakan Satgas Maritime Task Force (MTF) TNI Konga XXVIII-O/UNIFIL melaksanakan Advance Manouvering Exercise dengan seluruh unsur MTF 448 UNIFIL di Area of Maritime Operation (AMO) Zona 1 South, Laut Mediterania, Lebanon. Kamis (4/4).

Latihan manuver dengan beragam formasi ini dipimpin langsung oleh MTF Commander, RADM Dirk Gartner, berkebangsaan Jerman. Unsur-unsur MTF 448 UNIFIL terdiri dari lima kapal perang yaitu KRI Diponegoro-365 (Indonesia), FGS Baden Wuerttemberg F-222 (Jerman), HS Spetsai F-453 (Yunani), TCG Burgazada F-513 (Turki) dan BNS Sangram F-113 (Bangladesh).

Dalam latihan ini, seluruh kapal tersebut membentuk formasi-formasi sebagai bentuk simulasi menghadapi berbagai simulasi ancaman dan membentuk pertahanan dari kontak permukaan dan udara.

Komandan KRI Diponegoro-365, Letkol Laut (P) Wirastyo Haprabu, S.E., D.W.C., menjelaskan pula bahwa latihan ini bertujuan untuk mempererat hubungan antar unsur MTF 448 UNIFIL sekaligus menyamakan persepsi dalam suatu gugus tugas multinasional. Tidak lupa juga pada saat formasi “Foxtrot”, dilaksanakan farewell salute kepada FGS Baden Wuerttemberg F-222 yang telah selesai masa tugas nya di UNIFIL selama 6 bulan dan akan di gantikan oleh FGS Bradenberg F-123.

104 komentar:

  1. COURT DENDA TIDAK BAYAR GAJI = Aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul company AIROD Sdn Bhd was fined RM66,000 by the Magistrate’s Court today after it pleaded guilty to 44 charges on failure to abide by the time period for paying workers’ salaries.
    HIGH COURT TIDAK BAYAR 17 KREDITUR = The orders given by the High Court today were obtained as part of BNS’s overall restructuring and rehabilitation plan by way of a proposed scheme of arrangement with its creditors.
    Since then, it is understood that other creditors have intervened in the ongoing court proceedings over the scheme of arrangement.
    BNS RUGI DIJUAL : BHIC menjual keseluruhan 20.77 peratus pegangannya dalam BNS yang mengalami kerugian kepada Ocean Sunshine Bhd, unit tidak langsung Menteri Kewangan (Diperbadankan) pada harga RM1. Penjualan 27 juta saham itu, yang dipegang oleh anak syarikat milik penuh tidak langsung BHIC Perstim Industries Sdn Bhd, adalah untuk memudahkan keputusan kerajaan memperoleh 100 peratus saham BNS bagi memastikan projek kapal tempur pesisir (LCS) siap.
    THHE BANGKRUT : Offshore fabricator and shipbuilder TH Heavy Engineering Bhd (THHE) is undertaking a voluntary winding-up, a year after it was delisted from Bursa Malaysia. The company resolved to undertake voluntary winding-up as it is unable to continue its operations due to liabilities, it said in a winding-up notice dated Sept 13.
    TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi

    1. READINESS 58.6% = Perkara tersebut dinyatakan oleh beliau semasa menyampaikan Perutusan Tahun Baharu 2024 dan Setahun Pemerintahan Panglima Tentera Laut di Wisma Pertahanan. “Kesiagaan TLDM masih berada di bawah sasaran iaitu 58.6% berbanding sasaran 75%"
      USANG = Anwar said he had been astonished to see a navy frigate dating from the 1970s on display at the recent LIMA maritime and aerospace expo in Langkawi. “I want to salute these ships but I don’t know where to put my face. The last frigate (on display at LIMA) was from 1998,” he said
      The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).
      ๐Ÿ˜READINESS 58.6% = LEMAH๐Ÿ˜

  2. RM 11.2 BILLION The cost of the LCS project is now RM11.2 billion. It must be noted from that RM11.2 billion, Lunas or the former BNS used around RM1 billion to pay its debts and to upgrade the facilities for the LCS project. And not a single ship has been delivered yet.
    PSC-Naval Dockyard had never built anything but trawlers or police boats before being given the contract, the company was contracted to deliver six patrol boats for the Malaysian Navy in 2004 and complete the delivery in 2007. Those were supposed to be the first of 27 offshore vessels ultimately cost RM24 billion plus the right to maintain and repair all of the country’s naval craft. But only two of the barely operational patrol boats had been delivered by mid-2006.
    2024 DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED. Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May
    TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi
    ๐Ÿ˜KEYWORD = Naval Dockyard had never built anything but trawlers or police boats๐Ÿ˜

  3. PENGADAAN LCS 2011 = Pengadaan enam LCS pada 2011 itu juga dilakukan tanpa tender terbuka. Kapal-kapal itu akan dibangun di Galangan Kapal Boustead dan unit pertama sedianya dikirim pada 2019.
    LCS DIJANGKA 2019 = KD Maharaja Lela setelah ditugaskan, diluncurkan secara seremonial pada Agustus 2017. Seharusnya telah dikirim ke RMN pada April 2019
    LCS DIJANGKA 2022 = menurut jadual asal, setakat Ogos 2022 sepatutnya lima buah kapal LCS harus disiap dan diserahkan kepada TLDM.
    LCS DIJANGKA 2023 = Seharusnya telah dikirim ke RMN pada April 2019, dengan kapal terakhir dijadwalkan untuk serah terima pada Juni 2023. Namun, progres kapal pertama baru sekitar 60% selesai
    LCS DIJANGKA 2025 = Kapal pertama Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) TLDM itu dijangka hanya akan siap pada tahun 2025, iaitu 12 tahun selepas projek itu bermula pada Oktober 2013 dan kerajaan telah membayar RM6 bilion kepada kontraktor utama projek itu.
    LCS DIJANGKA 2026 = Lima kapal LCS akan diserahkan kepada TLDM secara berperingkat dengan kapal pertama dijangka diserahkan pada penghujung 2026
    LCS DIJANGKA 2029 = TLDM hanya akan dapat memperoleh kelima-lima LCS pada 2029 berbanding kontrak asal di mana 5 kapal LCS itu sepatutnya diserahkan pada 2022
    2024 DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED. Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May
    TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi

  4. Dari namanya bikin seram KD Ganas seperti ada Tomahawk nya, ga taunya kapal Rongsok Ompong sampah tua lapok ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  5. KD Rongsok
    KD Usang
    KD Lapok
    KD Ompong
    KD Besi Burok
    KD Fosil
    KD Keranda
    KD tua Bangka
    KD miskin
    KD Gembel
    KD Uzur
    KD Blangsak
    KD Reot
    KD Odong Odong

  6. Kapal malon mana?
    Pantas tak dianggap....


  7. Dalam 5 kapal tu.. Kapal INDON paling LEMAH persenjataannya... ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    Kerana itu hanya di belakang semasa latihan... ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ

    1. Masih lebih baik dibanding KD Ganas, lekiu , Handalan dan Laksamana class...kapal 2 ompong usang dan rongsok....

    2. Yg terlemah kapal TLDM yg usang dan rongsok semua gak bisa berlayar jauh apalagi latihan bersama, dah gak dianggap.

  8. Semua lengkap senjata RCWS guys.... ORANG KAYA

  9. Unsur-unsur MTF 448 UNIFIL terdiri dari lima kapal perang yaitu KRI Diponegoro-365 (Indonesia), FGS Baden Wuerttemberg F-222 (Jerman), HS Spetsai F-453 (Yunani), TCG Burgazada F-513 (Turki) dan BNS Sangram F-113 (Bangladesh).
    The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).

  10. The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).
    2024 HUTANG JATUH TEMPO- DIJANGKA KUNAS 2053 = The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF)
    TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi

  11. NO MORE PRODUCTION PT91 syarikat Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) iaitu Bumar Laberdy daripada Poland sudah menghentikan pengeluaran alat ganti kereta kebal jenis itu.
    juga masalah ‘no more production’ pada sesetengah komponen utama pada kereta kebal tersebut.
    2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets, as the aerospace giant shifts focus to winning the race for the sixth-generation of combat aircraft.
    MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH : The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
    2024 LCS DETAIL DESIGN BELUM SELESAI = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May
    TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi

  12. READINESS 58.6% = Perkara tersebut dinyatakan oleh beliau semasa menyampaikan Perutusan Tahun Baharu 2024 dan Setahun Pemerintahan Panglima Tentera Laut di Wisma Pertahanan. “Kesiagaan TLDM masih berada di bawah sasaran iaitu 58.6% berbanding sasaran 75%"
    USANG = Anwar said he had been astonished to see a navy frigate dating from the 1970s on display at the recent LIMA maritime and aerospace expo in Langkawi. “I want to salute these ships but I don’t know where to put my face. The last frigate (on display at LIMA) was from 1998,” he said
    The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).
    ๐Ÿ˜READINESS 58.6% = LEMAH๐Ÿ˜


  14. READINESS 58.6% = Perkara tersebut dinyatakan oleh beliau semasa menyampaikan Perutusan Tahun Baharu 2024 dan Setahun Pemerintahan Panglima Tentera Laut di Wisma Pertahanan. “Kesiagaan TLDM masih berada di bawah sasaran iaitu 58.6% berbanding sasaran 75%"
    USANG = Anwar said he had been astonished to see a navy frigate dating from the 1970s on display at the recent LIMA maritime and aerospace expo in Langkawi. “I want to salute these ships but I don’t know where to put my face. The last frigate (on display at LIMA) was from 1998,” he said
    The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).

  15. Jika dikira... BUSHMASTER RONGSOKAN SEDEKAH AUSTRALIA ini juga tidak mencapai standard PBB... kerana tiada RCWS.... ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  16. Beza kasta....๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    JUMLAH - 20 BUAH

    Bushmaster - BEKAS AUSTRALIA
    JUMLAH - 15 BUAH

    1. MTF 448 UNIFIL terdiri dari lima kapal perang yaitu KRI Diponegoro-365 (Indonesia), FGS Baden Wuerttemberg F-222 (Jerman), HS Spetsai F-453 (Yunani), TCG Burgazada F-513 (Turki) dan BNS Sangram F-113 (Bangladesh).
      KOMODO ANOA PBB Produk Indonesia yang digunakan dalam MPP PBB antara lain adalah Armored Personnel Carrier ANOA dan KOMODO serta senjata api SS dari PT. Pindad, dan seragam militer/polisi buatan swasta nasional.
      DIBAYAR PBB : Malaysia only managed to get RM2.03 million (US$496,044 paid in 18 months) in reimbursements from the UN out of some RM4.252 million (US$1,038,096).
      Auditor-General Datuk Nik Azman Nik Abdul Majid said the government suffered a shortfall of RM2.22 million in reimbursement from the UN for the vehicles, as stated in the 2019 Auditor-General's Report (Compliance Audit Report on Ministries and Federal Departments).
      DISANKSI PBB ...
      Malaysia dikenakan sanksi oleh PBB terkait penggantian biaya operasional kendaraan, karena sembilan IAG Guardians yang dikerahkannya tidak memenuhi persyaratan ini. Malaysia juga mengerahkan APC Condor 4x4 sebagai bagian dari armada MALBATT di sana tetapi kendaraan ini memenuhi persyaratan PBB.
      SIPRI 2023 = .....
      NO NSM
      NO MICA
      RADAR EL/M - 2032

  17. GEMPURWIRA 9 April 2024 pukul 17.00
    Dalam 5 kapal tu.. Kapal INDON paling LEMAH persenjataannya... ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    Kerana itu hanya di belakang semasa latihan... ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ


    -KRI DI PONOROGO (365).
    -TGC BURGAZADA (F513).
    -BNS SANGRAM (F113).


    TGC F513 : OTOMEL 76mm SRG.
    KRI 365 : OTOMEL 76mm SRG.
    BNS F113 : H/PJ-26 GUNS 76mm.

    TGC F513 : RAM (9 KM).
    KRI 365 : MISTRAL (7 KM).
    BNS F113 : FL-3000N (8 KM).

    TGC F513 : HARPOON.
    KRI 365 : EXOCET BLOCK 3.
    BNS F113 : C802.


    1. Sementara malasya tidak mampu mengirimkan kapal dalam misi PBB ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜†, kenapa y??? ๐Ÿค”

  18. KAPAL PERANG nakal disamakan dengan MISSILE CORVETTE


  19. TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi
    NO MORE PRODUCTION PT91 syarikat Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) iaitu Bumar Laberdy daripada Poland sudah menghentikan pengeluaran alat ganti kereta kebal jenis itu.
    juga masalah ‘no more production’ pada sesetengah komponen utama pada kereta kebal tersebut.
    PLAT TIPIS GEMPITA perlindungan bagi awak dan infanteri dari tembakan senjata ringan 7,62 mm pelindung tambahan Level 4, dengan perlindungan terhadap peluru 14,5 mm.
    140 HELLFIRE = The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress September 19 of a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Indonesia of 8 AH-64D APACHE Block III LONGBOW Attack Helicopters and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support. The estimated cost is $1.42 billion. HELLFIRE Missile Launchers, and 140 HELLFIRE AGM-114R3 Missiles.
    180 JAVELIN = The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress November 15 of a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Indonesia for 180 Block I Javelin Missiles and associated
    Badak 90 mm JEBOLLL
    Apache Mil Mi 35P kanon 30 mm JEBOLLL
    140 hellfire + 180 javelin = 320 rudal
    257 gempi + 48 pendek = 305 unit

  20. YANG BAYAR PBB .....
    Ejder Yachin 4x4 ini akan dipasok dengan RWS karena PBB mengharuskan kendaraan yang beroperasi dengan UNIFIL memiliki sistem senjata integral.
    Malaysia dikenakan sanksi oleh PBB terkait penggantian biaya operasional kendaraan, karena sembilan IAG Guardians yang dikerahkannya tidak memenuhi persyaratan ini. Malaysia juga mengerahkan APC Condor 4x4 sebagai bagian dari armada MALBATT di sana tetapi kendaraan ini memenuhi persyaratan PBB.
    TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi

  21. KOMODO ANOA PBB = Secara strategis dan ekonomis, partisipasi Indonesia dalam misi pemeliharaan perdamaian juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mendorong pengembangan industri strategis nasional di bidang pertahanan. Beberapa produk Indonesia yang digunakan dalam MPP PBB antara lain adalah Armored Personnel Carrier ANOA dan KOMODO serta senjata api SS dari PT. Pindad, dan seragam militer/polisi buatan swasta nasional.
    DIBAYAR PBB : Malaysia only managed to get RM2.03 million (US$496,044 paid in 18 months) in reimbursements from the UN out of some RM4.252 million (US$1,038,096).
    Auditor-General Datuk Nik Azman Nik Abdul Majid said the government suffered a shortfall of RM2.22 million in reimbursement from the UN for the vehicles, as stated in the 2019 Auditor-General's Report (Compliance Audit Report on Ministries and Federal Departments).
    Malaysia dikenakan sanksi oleh PBB terkait penggantian biaya operasional kendaraan, karena sembilan IAG Guardians yang dikerahkannya tidak memenuhi persyaratan ini. Malaysia juga mengerahkan APC Condor 4x4 sebagai bagian dari armada MALBATT di sana tetapi kendaraan ini memenuhi persyaratan PBB.
    SIPRI 2023 = .....
    NO NSM
    RADAR EL/M - 2032

  22. MTF 448 UNIFIL terdiri dari lima kapal perang yaitu KRI Diponegoro-365 (Indonesia), FGS Baden Wuerttemberg F-222 (Jerman), HS Spetsai F-453 (Yunani), TCG Burgazada F-513 (Turki) dan BNS Sangram F-113 (Bangladesh).
    KOMODO ANOA PBB = Produk Indonesia yang digunakan dalam MPP PBB antara lain adalah Armored Personnel Carrier ANOA dan KOMODO serta senjata api SS dari PT. Pindad, dan seragam militer/polisi buatan swasta nasional.
    DIBAYAR PBB : Malaysia only managed to get RM2.03 million (US$496,044 paid in 18 months) in reimbursements from the UN out of some RM4.252 million (US$1,038,096).
    Auditor-General Datuk Nik Azman Nik Abdul Majid said the government suffered a shortfall of RM2.22 million in reimbursement from the UN for the vehicles, as stated in the 2019 Auditor-General's Report (Compliance Audit Report on Ministries and Federal Departments).
    Malaysia dikenakan sanksi oleh PBB terkait penggantian biaya operasional kendaraan, karena sembilan IAG Guardians yang dikerahkannya tidak memenuhi persyaratan ini. Malaysia juga mengerahkan APC Condor 4x4 sebagai bagian dari armada MALBATT di sana tetapi kendaraan ini memenuhi persyaratan PBB.
    SIPRI 2023 = .....
    NO NSM
    RADAR EL/M - 2032

  23. MTF 448 UNIFIL terdiri dari lima kapal perang yaitu KRI Diponegoro-365 (Indonesia), FGS Baden Wuerttemberg F-222 (Jerman), HS Spetsai F-453 (Yunani), TCG Burgazada F-513 (Turki) dan BNS Sangram F-113 (Bangladesh).
    KOMODO ANOA PBB = Produk Indonesia yang digunakan dalam MPP PBB antara lain adalah Armored Personnel Carrier ANOA dan KOMODO serta senjata api SS dari PT. Pindad, dan seragam militer/polisi buatan swasta nasional.
    DIBAYAR PBB : Malaysia only managed to get RM2.03 million (US$496,044 paid in 18 months) in reimbursements from the UN out of some RM4.252 million (US$1,038,096).
    Auditor-General Datuk Nik Azman Nik Abdul Majid said the government suffered a shortfall of RM2.22 million in reimbursement from the UN for the vehicles, as stated in the 2019 Auditor-General's Report (Compliance Audit Report on Ministries and Federal Departments).
    Malaysia dikenakan sanksi oleh PBB terkait penggantian biaya operasional kendaraan, karena sembilan IAG Guardians yang dikerahkannya tidak memenuhi persyaratan ini. Malaysia juga mengerahkan APC Condor 4x4 sebagai bagian dari armada MALBATT di sana tetapi kendaraan ini memenuhi persyaratan PBB.
    SIPRI 2023 = .....
    NO NSM
    RADAR EL/M - 2032

  24. MTF 448 UNIFIL terdiri dari lima kapal perang yaitu KRI Diponegoro-365 (Indonesia), FGS Baden Wuerttemberg F-222 (Jerman), HS Spetsai F-453 (Yunani), TCG Burgazada F-513 (Turki) dan BNS Sangram F-113 (Bangladesh).
    KOMODO ANOA PBB Produk Indonesia yang digunakan dalam MPP PBB antara lain adalah Armored Personnel Carrier ANOA dan KOMODO serta senjata api SS dari PT. Pindad, dan seragam militer/polisi buatan swasta nasional.
    DIBAYAR PBB : Malaysia only managed to get RM2.03 million (US$496,044 paid in 18 months) in reimbursements from the UN out of some RM4.252 million (US$1,038,096).
    Auditor-General Datuk Nik Azman Nik Abdul Majid said the government suffered a shortfall of RM2.22 million in reimbursement from the UN for the vehicles, as stated in the 2019 Auditor-General's Report (Compliance Audit Report on Ministries and Federal Departments).
    Malaysia dikenakan sanksi oleh PBB terkait penggantian biaya operasional kendaraan, karena sembilan IAG Guardians yang dikerahkannya tidak memenuhi persyaratan ini. Malaysia juga mengerahkan APC Condor 4x4 sebagai bagian dari armada MALBATT di sana tetapi kendaraan ini memenuhi persyaratan PBB.
    SIPRI 2023 = .....
    NO NSM
    RADAR EL/M - 2032
    The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).

  25. MTF 448 UNIFIL terdiri dari lima kapal perang yaitu KRI Diponegoro-365 (Indonesia), FGS Baden Wuerttemberg F-222 (Jerman), HS Spetsai F-453 (Yunani), TCG Burgazada F-513 (Turki) dan BNS Sangram F-113 (Bangladesh).
    KOMODO ANOA PBB Produk Indonesia yang digunakan dalam MPP PBB antara lain adalah Armored Personnel Carrier ANOA dan KOMODO serta senjata api SS dari PT. Pindad, dan seragam militer/polisi buatan swasta nasional.
    DIBAYAR PBB : Malaysia only managed to get RM2.03 million (US$496,044 paid in 18 months) in reimbursements from the UN out of some RM4.252 million (US$1,038,096).
    Auditor-General Datuk Nik Azman Nik Abdul Majid said the government suffered a shortfall of RM2.22 million in reimbursement from the UN for the vehicles, as stated in the 2019 Auditor-General's Report (Compliance Audit Report on Ministries and Federal Departments).
    Malaysia dikenakan sanksi oleh PBB terkait penggantian biaya operasional kendaraan, karena sembilan IAG Guardians yang dikerahkannya tidak memenuhi persyaratan ini. Malaysia juga mengerahkan APC Condor 4x4 sebagai bagian dari armada MALBATT di sana tetapi kendaraan ini memenuhi persyaratan PBB.
    SIPRI 2023 = .....
    NO NSM
    RADAR EL/M - 2032
    The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).

  26. MTF 448 UNIFIL terdiri dari lima kapal perang yaitu KRI Diponegoro-365 (Indonesia), FGS Baden Wuerttemberg F-222 (Jerman), HS Spetsai F-453 (Yunani), TCG Burgazada F-513 (Turki) dan BNS Sangram F-113 (Bangladesh).
    KOMODO ANOA PBB Produk Indonesia yang digunakan dalam MPP PBB antara lain adalah Armored Personnel Carrier ANOA dan KOMODO serta senjata api SS dari PT. Pindad, dan seragam militer/polisi buatan swasta nasional.
    DIBAYAR PBB : Malaysia only managed to get RM2.03 million (US$496,044 paid in 18 months) in reimbursements from the UN out of some RM4.252 million (US$1,038,096).
    Auditor-General Datuk Nik Azman Nik Abdul Majid said the government suffered a shortfall of RM2.22 million in reimbursement from the UN for the vehicles, as stated in the 2019 Auditor-General's Report (Compliance Audit Report on Ministries and Federal Departments).
    Malaysia dikenakan sanksi oleh PBB terkait penggantian biaya operasional kendaraan, karena sembilan IAG Guardians yang dikerahkannya tidak memenuhi persyaratan ini. Malaysia juga mengerahkan APC Condor 4x4 sebagai bagian dari armada MALBATT di sana tetapi kendaraan ini memenuhi persyaratan PBB.
    SIPRI 2023 = .....
    NO NSM
    RADAR EL/M - 2032
    The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).

  27. MTF 448 UNIFIL terdiri dari lima kapal perang yaitu KRI Diponegoro-365 (Indonesia), FGS Baden Wuerttemberg F-222 (Jerman), HS Spetsai F-453 (Yunani), TCG Burgazada F-513 (Turki) dan BNS Sangram F-113 (Bangladesh).
    KOMODO ANOA PBB Produk Indonesia yang digunakan dalam MPP PBB antara lain adalah Armored Personnel Carrier ANOA dan KOMODO serta senjata api SS dari PT. Pindad, dan seragam militer/polisi buatan swasta nasional.
    DIBAYAR PBB : Malaysia only managed to get RM2.03 million (US$496,044 paid in 18 months) in reimbursements from the UN out of some RM4.252 million (US$1,038,096).
    Auditor-General Datuk Nik Azman Nik Abdul Majid said the government suffered a shortfall of RM2.22 million in reimbursement from the UN for the vehicles, as stated in the 2019 Auditor-General's Report (Compliance Audit Report on Ministries and Federal Departments).
    Malaysia dikenakan sanksi oleh PBB terkait penggantian biaya operasional kendaraan, karena sembilan IAG Guardians yang dikerahkannya tidak memenuhi persyaratan ini. Malaysia juga mengerahkan APC Condor 4x4 sebagai bagian dari armada MALBATT di sana tetapi kendaraan ini memenuhi persyaratan PBB.
    SIPRI 2023 = .....
    NO NSM
    RADAR EL/M - 2032
    The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).

  28. KD Lekiu usang, ompong, rongsok bukan standard PBB ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ

  29. Paling lemah kapal perang LCS masih di darat


  30. Lemah itu yg jimat minyak gak pernah latihan

  31. MTF 448 UNIFIL terdiri dari lima kapal perang yaitu KRI Diponegoro-365 (Indonesia), FGS Baden Wuerttemberg F-222 (Jerman), HS Spetsai F-453 (Yunani), TCG Burgazada F-513 (Turki) dan BNS Sangram F-113 (Bangladesh).
    KOMODO ANOA PBB Produk Indonesia yang digunakan dalam MPP PBB antara lain adalah Armored Personnel Carrier ANOA dan KOMODO serta senjata api SS dari PT. Pindad, dan seragam militer/polisi buatan swasta nasional.
    DIBAYAR PBB : Malaysia only managed to get RM2.03 million (US$496,044 paid in 18 months) in reimbursements from the UN out of some RM4.252 million (US$1,038,096).
    Auditor-General Datuk Nik Azman Nik Abdul Majid said the government suffered a shortfall of RM2.22 million in reimbursement from the UN for the vehicles, as stated in the 2019 Auditor-General's Report (Compliance Audit Report on Ministries and Federal Departments).
    Malaysia dikenakan sanksi oleh PBB terkait penggantian biaya operasional kendaraan, karena sembilan IAG Guardians yang dikerahkannya tidak memenuhi persyaratan ini. Malaysia juga mengerahkan APC Condor 4x4 sebagai bagian dari armada MALBATT di sana tetapi kendaraan ini memenuhi persyaratan PBB.
    READINESS 58.6% = Perkara tersebut dinyatakan oleh beliau semasa menyampaikan Perutusan Tahun Baharu 2024 dan Setahun Pemerintahan Panglima Tentera Laut di Wisma Pertahanan. “Kesiagaan TLDM masih berada di bawah sasaran iaitu 58.6% berbanding sasaran 75%"
    USANG = Anwar said he had been astonished to see a navy frigate dating from the 1970s on display at the recent LIMA maritime and aerospace expo in Langkawi. “I want to salute these ships but I don’t know where to put my face. The last frigate (on display at LIMA) was from 1998,” he said
    The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).

  32. Boeing suntik Mati F/A 18 Hornet....siap2 mangkrak dan rongsok punya malaysia menyusul Mig 29 yg sudah mangkrak, tinggal Hawks yg sikit dan SU 30 MKM yg menuju mangkrak krn gak ada suku cadang ...malon apa berani beli dari Rusia wkwkwkwk... harapannya cuma FA50 blok 20 yg belum jadi....belum PT 91 twardy si jerebu yg juga sudah tidak diprodukai suku cadangnya ...benar2 ancur TLDM, TUDM dan TDM BENAR2 AYAM SAYUR.....CUMA BISA RUNDANG RUNDINH SAJA....DAN NGEMIS FPDA.. kongos nya fpda.. .

  33. NO MORE PRODUCTION PT91 syarikat Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) iaitu Bumar Laberdy daripada Poland sudah menghentikan pengeluaran alat ganti kereta kebal jenis itu.
    juga masalah ‘no more production’ pada sesetengah komponen utama pada kereta kebal tersebut.
    2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets, as the aerospace giant shifts focus to winning the race for the sixth-generation of combat aircraft.
    MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH : The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
    2024 LCS DETAIL DESIGN BELUM SELESAI = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May
    USANG = Anwar said he had been astonished to see a navy frigate dating from the 1970s on display at the recent LIMA maritime and aerospace expo in Langkawi. “I want to salute these ships but I don’t know where to put my face. The last frigate (on display at LIMA) was from 1998,” he said
    The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).

  34. Dari namanya bikin seram KD Ganas kirain ada Tomahawk nya, ga taunya kapal Rongsok Ompong sampah tua lapok ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  35. GORILLA klaim 20 buah Ejder Yalรงฤฑn pesanan MALAYSIA konon di bayar PBB... Sorry ya... ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    lah INDON saja hanya mampu pakai BUSHMASTER RONGSOKAN AUSTRALIA... ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  36. Ikut logik la kalau PBB yang bayar INDON tidak akan pakai BUSHMASTER RONGSOKAN... ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  37. Latihan manuver gini gak banyak manfaatnya dg tantangan yg dihadapi ALRI

    1. Latihan ASW
    2. latihan perlindungan konvoy melibtasi selat sempit
    3. Latihan tabir dari seranga. rudal anti kapal dan torpedo

    1. Iki rak bab hubungan internasional mas’e...

      Mamulo mung tipis-tipis..

  38. Malon tak kirim kapal buat UN, lon..?miskin...


  39. Oot maning.. ๐Ÿ™



  40. Soalan saya... Taksi tu sudah di bayar atau belum sama Tentera INDON...? ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  41. Maap.. Oot deui.. Masih anget ding..๐Ÿ˜ฌ


  42. DISANKSI PBB ...
    Malaysia dikenakan sanksi oleh PBB terkait penggantian biaya operasional kendaraan, karena sembilan IAG Guardians yang dikerahkannya tidak memenuhi persyaratan ini. Malaysia juga mengerahkan APC Condor 4x4 sebagai bagian dari armada MALBATT di sana tetapi kendaraan ini memenuhi persyaratan PBB.

    1. Psstttt... 15 buah BUSHMASTER RONGSOKAN juga tiada RCWS jadi ini beerti kenderaan armor INDON juga tak menepati spesifikasi PBB ya guys... ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  43. LARI NAIK TAKSI.. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    Liputan6.com, Beirut: Beberapa media Lebanon menuding pasukan Tentara Nasional Indonesia sebagai tentara "impoten". Ini menyusul dugaan "kaburnya" dua anggota pasukan TNI yang tergabung dalam pasukan Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa saat berhadapan dengan milter Israel. Demikian dikatakan harian As-Safir di Beirut, Lebanon, Kamis (5/8) waktu setempat.

  44. MTF 448 UNIFIL terdiri dari lima kapal perang yaitu KRI Diponegoro-365 (Indonesia), FGS Baden Wuerttemberg F-222 (Jerman), HS Spetsai F-453 (Yunani), TCG Burgazada F-513 (Turki) dan BNS Sangram F-113 (Bangladesh).
    KOMODO ANOA PBB Produk Indonesia yang digunakan dalam MPP PBB antara lain adalah Armored Personnel Carrier ANOA dan KOMODO serta senjata api SS dari PT. Pindad, dan seragam militer/polisi buatan swasta nasional.
    DIBAYAR PBB : Malaysia only managed to get RM2.03 million (US$496,044 paid in 18 months) in reimbursements from the UN out of some RM4.252 million (US$1,038,096).
    Auditor-General Datuk Nik Azman Nik Abdul Majid said the government suffered a shortfall of RM2.22 million in reimbursement from the UN for the vehicles, as stated in the 2019 Auditor-General's Report (Compliance Audit Report on Ministries and Federal Departments).
    Malaysia dikenakan sanksi oleh PBB terkait penggantian biaya operasional kendaraan, karena sembilan IAG Guardians yang dikerahkannya tidak memenuhi persyaratan ini. Malaysia juga mengerahkan APC Condor 4x4 sebagai bagian dari armada MALBATT di sana tetapi kendaraan ini memenuhi persyaratan PBB.
    READINESS 58.6% = Perkara tersebut dinyatakan oleh beliau semasa menyampaikan Perutusan Tahun Baharu 2024 dan Setahun Pemerintahan Panglima Tentera Laut di Wisma Pertahanan. “Kesiagaan TLDM masih berada di bawah sasaran iaitu 58.6% berbanding sasaran 75%"
    USANG = Anwar said he had been astonished to see a navy frigate dating from the 1970s on display at the recent LIMA maritime and aerospace expo in Langkawi. “I want to salute these ships but I don’t know where to put my face. The last frigate (on display at LIMA) was from 1998,” he said
    The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).

  45. MTF 448 UNIFIL terdiri dari lima kapal perang yaitu KRI Diponegoro-365 (Indonesia), FGS Baden Wuerttemberg F-222 (Jerman), HS Spetsai F-453 (Yunani), TCG Burgazada F-513 (Turki) dan BNS Sangram F-113 (Bangladesh).
    KOMODO ANOA PBB Produk Indonesia yang digunakan dalam MPP PBB antara lain adalah Armored Personnel Carrier ANOA dan KOMODO serta senjata api SS dari PT. Pindad, dan seragam militer/polisi buatan swasta nasional.
    DIBAYAR PBB : Malaysia only managed to get RM2.03 million (US$496,044 paid in 18 months) in reimbursements from the UN out of some RM4.252 million (US$1,038,096).
    Auditor-General Datuk Nik Azman Nik Abdul Majid said the government suffered a shortfall of RM2.22 million in reimbursement from the UN for the vehicles, as stated in the 2019 Auditor-General's Report (Compliance Audit Report on Ministries and Federal Departments).
    Malaysia dikenakan sanksi oleh PBB terkait penggantian biaya operasional kendaraan, karena sembilan IAG Guardians yang dikerahkannya tidak memenuhi persyaratan ini. Malaysia juga mengerahkan APC Condor 4x4 sebagai bagian dari armada MALBATT di sana tetapi kendaraan ini memenuhi persyaratan PBB.
    READINESS 58.6% = Perkara tersebut dinyatakan oleh beliau semasa menyampaikan Perutusan Tahun Baharu 2024 dan Setahun Pemerintahan Panglima Tentera Laut di Wisma Pertahanan. “Kesiagaan TLDM masih berada di bawah sasaran iaitu 58.6% berbanding sasaran 75%"
    USANG = Anwar said he had been astonished to see a navy frigate dating from the 1970s on display at the recent LIMA maritime and aerospace expo in Langkawi. “I want to salute these ships but I don’t know where to put my face. The last frigate (on display at LIMA) was from 1998,” he said
    The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).

  46. Soalan saya TAKSI tu sudah dibayar atau belum..? ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ..

  47. Soalan saya TAKSI tu sudah dibayar atau belum..? ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    1. NO MORE PRODUCTION PT91 syarikat Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) iaitu Bumar Laberdy daripada Poland sudah menghentikan pengeluaran alat ganti kereta kebal jenis itu.
      juga masalah ‘no more production’ pada sesetengah komponen utama pada kereta kebal tersebut.
      2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets, as the aerospace giant shifts focus to winning the race for the sixth-generation of combat aircraft.
      MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH : The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
      2024 LCS DETAIL DESIGN BELUM SELESAI = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May
      USANG = Anwar said he had been astonished to see a navy frigate dating from the 1970s on display at the recent LIMA maritime and aerospace expo in Langkawi. “I want to salute these ships but I don’t know where to put my face. The last frigate (on display at LIMA) was from 1998,” he said
      The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).

  48. Gajah di pelupuk mata tak nampak, semut di seberang lautan nampak.. Hehe..

  49. NO MORE PRODUCTION PT91 syarikat Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) iaitu Bumar Laberdy daripada Poland sudah menghentikan pengeluaran alat ganti kereta kebal jenis itu.
    juga masalah ‘no more production’ pada sesetengah komponen utama pada kereta kebal tersebut.
    2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets, as the aerospace giant shifts focus to winning the race for the sixth-generation of combat aircraft.
    MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH : The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
    2024 LCS DETAIL DESIGN BELUM SELESAI = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May
    USANG = Anwar said he had been astonished to see a navy frigate dating from the 1970s on display at the recent LIMA maritime and aerospace expo in Langkawi. “I want to salute these ships but I don’t know where to put my face. The last frigate (on display at LIMA) was from 1998,” he said
    The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).

  50. HIBAH KAPAL 1967 = The post stated that among his achievements in the MMEA were that he was the team leader for a suitability study on absorbing the US Coast Guard cutter – USCG Decisive. Checks on the US Coast Guard website showed that Decisive– a Reliance class cutter – was laid in 1967 and commissioned in 1968
    HIBAH KAPAL 1980 = KM Perwira, one of the two Bay class patrol boats donated to MMEA by Australia. It is likely that the Bay class was the design proposed for the tri-nation VLPV project in the late 80s.
    PERBAIKAN DIBIAYAI JEPANG = Kapal patroli kedua yang disumbangkan oleh Jepang Coast Guard (JCG) untuk APMM/MMEA akan berlayar ke pulang pada akhir Mei, saat ini kapal dengan nama KM Arau ini sedang dalam tahap perbaikan akhir yang dilakukan di Jepang.
    HIBAH KAPAL 1989 DAN 1991 = Jepang menghibahkan dua kapal kelas 90m masing-masing PL-01 Ojima dan PL-02 Erimo, kedua kapal ini masuk dinas di JCG pada tahun 1989 dan 1991.
    KAPAL 1960 BEKAS MARINE POLICE BEKAS MMEA = RMN informed us that they are getting a new boat – albeit a third hand one – courtesy of the MMEA. MMEA received from the Marine police back in 2011.
    BEKAS BEKAS MMEA = RMN has taken delivery of ex-Sundang on October 23 after the patrol craft completed its refit. She is the first of two ex-MMEA PC
    READINESS 58.6% = Perkara tersebut dinyatakan oleh beliau semasa menyampaikan Perutusan Tahun Baharu 2024 dan Setahun Pemerintahan Panglima Tentera Laut di Wisma Pertahanan. “Kesiagaan TLDM masih berada di bawah sasaran iaitu 58.6% berbanding sasaran 75%"
    USANG = Anwar said he had been astonished to see a navy frigate dating from the 1970s on display at the recent LIMA maritime and aerospace expo in Langkawi. “I want to salute these ships but I don’t know where to put my face. The last frigate (on display at LIMA) was from 1998,” he said
    The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).

  51. NO MORE PRODUCTION PT91 syarikat Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) iaitu Bumar Laberdy daripada Poland sudah menghentikan pengeluaran alat ganti kereta kebal jenis itu.
    juga masalah ‘no more production’ pada sesetengah komponen utama pada kereta kebal tersebut.
    2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets, as the aerospace giant shifts focus to winning the race for the sixth-generation of combat aircraft.
    MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH : The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
    2024 LCS DETAIL DESIGN BELUM SELESAI = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May
    USANG = Anwar said he had been astonished to see a navy frigate dating from the 1970s on display at the recent LIMA maritime and aerospace expo in Langkawi. “I want to salute these ships but I don’t know where to put my face. The last frigate (on display at LIMA) was from 1998,” he said
    The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).

  52. NO MORE PRODUCTION PT91 syarikat Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) iaitu Bumar Laberdy daripada Poland sudah menghentikan pengeluaran alat ganti kereta kebal jenis itu.
    juga masalah ‘no more production’ pada sesetengah komponen utama pada kereta kebal tersebut.
    2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets, as the aerospace giant shifts focus to winning the race for the sixth-generation of combat aircraft.
    MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH : The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
    2024 LCS DETAIL DESIGN BELUM SELESAI = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May
    USANG = Anwar said he had been astonished to see a navy frigate dating from the 1970s on display at the recent LIMA maritime and aerospace expo in Langkawi. “I want to salute these ships but I don’t know where to put my face. The last frigate (on display at LIMA) was from 1998,” he said
    The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).

  53. Beza kasta.. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Misi menyelamat BLACK HAWK DOWN SOMALIA...

    LARI NAIK TAKSI di Lebanon

    1. Iyalah menyelamaykan Black hakws maklum jongosnya mat puteh harus mau....kalau Indonesia ogah ...Indonesia Netral....merdeka...bukan babunya mat puteh....gak penting ikut mat puteh..

  54. HIBAH KAPAL 1967 = The post stated that among his achievements in the MMEA were that he was the team leader for a suitability study on absorbing the US Coast Guard cutter – USCG Decisive. Checks on the US Coast Guard website showed that Decisive– a Reliance class cutter – was laid in 1967 and commissioned in 1968
    HIBAH KAPAL 1980 = KM Perwira, one of the two Bay class patrol boats donated to MMEA by Australia. It is likely that the Bay class was the design proposed for the tri-nation VLPV project in the late 80s.
    PERBAIKAN DIBIAYAI JEPANG = Kapal patroli kedua yang disumbangkan oleh Jepang Coast Guard (JCG) untuk APMM/MMEA akan berlayar ke pulang pada akhir Mei, saat ini kapal dengan nama KM Arau ini sedang dalam tahap perbaikan akhir yang dilakukan di Jepang.
    HIBAH KAPAL 1989 DAN 1991 = Jepang menghibahkan dua kapal kelas 90m masing-masing PL-01 Ojima dan PL-02 Erimo, kedua kapal ini masuk dinas di JCG pada tahun 1989 dan 1991.
    KAPAL 1960 BEKAS MARINE POLICE BEKAS MMEA = RMN informed us that they are getting a new boat – albeit a third hand one – courtesy of the MMEA. MMEA received from the Marine police back in 2011.
    BEKAS BEKAS MMEA = RMN has taken delivery of ex-Sundang on October 23 after the patrol craft completed its refit. She is the first of two ex-MMEA PC
    READINESS 58.6% = Perkara tersebut dinyatakan oleh beliau semasa menyampaikan Perutusan Tahun Baharu 2024 dan Setahun Pemerintahan Panglima Tentera Laut di Wisma Pertahanan. “Kesiagaan TLDM masih berada di bawah sasaran iaitu 58.6% berbanding sasaran 75%"
    USANG = Anwar said he had been astonished to see a navy frigate dating from the 1970s on display at the recent LIMA maritime and aerospace expo in Langkawi. “I want to salute these ships but I don’t know where to put my face. The last frigate (on display at LIMA) was from 1998,” he said
    The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).

  55. 2000 an ton, 50 an meter.. 80 an kg, 9000 an km.. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  56. TEMBAK KAWAN = Seorang perwira tentara elit Malaysia tewas tertembak dalam sebuah demonstrasi di sebuah kamp militer di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah,
    GRANAT KAWAN = Dua prajurit Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Malaysia (TUDM) tewas saat menjalani latihan menembak dan melempar granat di i

  57. Shoping receh, itupun di bayarin UN / PBB

  58. KD SERAM itu se seram apa pork ? Pakai Harpon kah ? Pasti destroyer ya pork

  59. TEMBAK PERWIRA = Seorang perwira tentara elit Malaysia tewas tertembak dalam sebuah demonstrasi di sebuah kamp militer di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Mayor Mohd Zahir Armaya, ayah lima anak berusia 36 tahun tertembak dalam sebuah latihan oleh seorang prajurit Angkatan Darat.
    TEMBAK KAWAN = Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF )dikejutkan dengan ulah seorang anggotanya, yang tiba menembak mati tiga teman, yang bersama berjaga di pos.
    Peristiwa terjadi Jumat (13/8/2021) pagi waktu setempat di kamp Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) di Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia.
    GRANAT KAWAN = Dua prajurit Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Malaysia (TUDM) tewas saat menjalani latihan menembak dan melempar granat di Tempat Latihan Dasar Granat Kem Syed Sirajuddin Target Range, Gemas Negeri Sembilan

  60. KD SERAM...... Ha ha ha ha ha ternyata ayam sayur

  61. TEMBAK PERWIRA = Seorang perwira tentara elit Malaysia tewas tertembak dalam sebuah demonstrasi di sebuah kamp militer di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Mayor Mohd Zahir Armaya, ayah lima anak berusia 36 tahun tertembak dalam sebuah latihan oleh seorang prajurit Angkatan Darat.
    TEMBAK KAWAN = Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF )dikejutkan dengan ulah seorang anggotanya, yang tiba menembak mati tiga teman, yang bersama berjaga di pos.
    Peristiwa terjadi Jumat (13/8/2021) pagi waktu setempat di kamp Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) di Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia.
    GRANAT KAWAN = Dua prajurit Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Malaysia (TUDM) tewas saat menjalani latihan menembak dan melempar granat di Tempat Latihan Dasar Granat Kem Syed Sirajuddin Target Range, Gemas Negeri Sembilan
    CAP AYAM = Ahli Parlimen Tanah Merah, Datuk Seri Ikmal Hisham Abdul Aziz hari ini mendakwa anggota Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) dibekalkan dengan pakaian dan kasut sukan ‘cap ayam’ kerana tidak berjenama serta tiada kualiti.
    THE REGIONS WEAKEST = The Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement.......

  62. TEMBAK PERWIRA = Seorang perwira tentara elit Malaysia tewas tertembak dalam sebuah demonstrasi di sebuah kamp militer di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Mayor Mohd Zahir Armaya, ayah lima anak berusia 36 tahun tertembak dalam sebuah latihan oleh seorang prajurit Angkatan Darat.
    TEMBAK KAWAN = Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF )dikejutkan dengan ulah seorang anggotanya, yang tiba menembak mati tiga teman, yang bersama berjaga di pos.
    Peristiwa terjadi Jumat (13/8/2021) pagi waktu setempat di kamp Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) di Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia.
    GRANAT KAWAN = Dua prajurit Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Malaysia (TUDM) tewas saat menjalani latihan menembak dan melempar granat di Tempat Latihan Dasar Granat Kem Syed Sirajuddin Target Range, Gemas Negeri Sembilan
    CAP AYAM = Ahli Parlimen Tanah Merah, Datuk Seri Ikmal Hisham Abdul Aziz hari ini mendakwa anggota Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) dibekalkan dengan pakaian dan kasut sukan ‘cap ayam’ kerana tidak berjenama serta tiada kualiti.
    THE REGIONS WEAKEST = The Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement.......

  63. Teras dah ditongkrongin, anak dah ditowel.. Piye iki.. ๐Ÿคญ

  64. Serius tanya KD SERAM itu persenjataannya apa pork ? Ini kelas destroyer kah ?

  65. TEMBAK PERWIRA = Seorang perwira tentara elit Malaysia tewas tertembak dalam sebuah demonstrasi di sebuah kamp militer di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Mayor Mohd Zahir Armaya, ayah lima anak berusia 36 tahun tertembak dalam sebuah latihan oleh seorang prajurit Angkatan Darat.
    TEMBAK KAWAN = Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF )dikejutkan dengan ulah seorang anggotanya, yang tiba menembak mati tiga teman, yang bersama berjaga di pos.
    Peristiwa terjadi Jumat (13/8/2021) pagi waktu setempat di kamp Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) di Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia.
    GRANAT KAWAN = Dua prajurit Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Malaysia (TUDM) tewas saat menjalani latihan menembak dan melempar granat di Tempat Latihan Dasar Granat Kem Syed Sirajuddin Target Range, Gemas Negeri Sembilan
    CAP AYAM = Ahli Parlimen Tanah Merah, Datuk Seri Ikmal Hisham Abdul Aziz hari ini mendakwa anggota Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) dibekalkan dengan pakaian dan kasut sukan ‘cap ayam’ kerana tidak berjenama serta tiada kualiti.
    THE REGIONS WEAKEST = The Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement.......

  66. NO MORE PRODUCTION PT91 syarikat Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) iaitu Bumar Laberdy daripada Poland sudah menghentikan pengeluaran alat ganti kereta kebal jenis itu.
    juga masalah ‘no more production’ pada sesetengah komponen utama pada kereta kebal tersebut.
    2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets, as the aerospace giant shifts focus to winning the race for the sixth-generation of combat aircraft.
    MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH : The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
    USANG = Anwar said he had been astonished to see a navy frigate dating from the 1970s on display at the recent LIMA maritime and aerospace expo in Langkawi. “I want to salute these ships but I don’t know where to put my face. The last frigate (on display at LIMA) was from 1998,” he said
    The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).
    TEMBAK PERWIRA = Seorang perwira tentara elit Malaysia tewas tertembak dalam sebuah demonstrasi di sebuah kamp militer di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Mayor Mohd Zahir Armaya, ayah lima anak berusia 36 tahun tertembak dalam sebuah latihan oleh seorang prajurit Angkatan Darat.
    TEMBAK KAWAN = Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF )dikejutkan dengan ulah seorang anggotanya, yang tiba menembak mati tiga teman, yang bersama berjaga di pos.
    Peristiwa terjadi Jumat (13/8/2021) pagi waktu setempat di kamp Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) di Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia.
    GRANAT KAWAN = Dua prajurit Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Malaysia (TUDM) tewas saat menjalani latihan menembak dan melempar granat di Tempat Latihan Dasar Granat Kem Syed Sirajuddin Target Range, Gemas Negeri Sembilan
    CAP AYAM = Ahli Parlimen Tanah Merah, Datuk Seri Ikmal Hisham Abdul Aziz hari ini mendakwa anggota Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) dibekalkan dengan pakaian dan kasut sukan ‘cap ayam’ kerana tidak berjenama serta tiada kualiti.
    THE REGIONS WEAKEST = The Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement.......

  67. MALAYSIA lepas kan pun hanya selepas ketuanya datang ke MALAYSIA minta 3 Tentera INDON dilepaskan... ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    1. Itu kesalah pahaman Malon Tolol..๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ˜

  68. NO MORE PRODUCTION PT91 syarikat Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) iaitu Bumar Laberdy daripada Poland sudah menghentikan pengeluaran alat ganti kereta kebal jenis itu.
    juga masalah ‘no more production’ pada sesetengah komponen utama pada kereta kebal tersebut.
    2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets, as the aerospace giant shifts focus to winning the race for the sixth-generation of combat aircraft.
    MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH : The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
    USANG = Anwar said he had been astonished to see a navy frigate dating from the 1970s on display at the recent LIMA maritime and aerospace expo in Langkawi. “I want to salute these ships but I don’t know where to put my face. The last frigate (on display at LIMA) was from 1998,” he said
    The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).
    TEMBAK PERWIRA = Seorang perwira tentara elit Malaysia tewas tertembak dalam sebuah demonstrasi di sebuah kamp militer di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Mayor Mohd Zahir Armaya, ayah lima anak berusia 36 tahun tertembak dalam sebuah latihan oleh seorang prajurit Angkatan Darat.
    TEMBAK KAWAN = Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF )dikejutkan dengan ulah seorang anggotanya, yang tiba menembak mati tiga teman, yang bersama berjaga di pos.
    Peristiwa terjadi Jumat (13/8/2021) pagi waktu setempat di kamp Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) di Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia.
    GRANAT KAWAN = Dua prajurit Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Malaysia (TUDM) tewas saat menjalani latihan menembak dan melempar granat di Tempat Latihan Dasar Granat Kem Syed Sirajuddin Target Range, Gemas Negeri Sembilan
    CAP AYAM = Ahli Parlimen Tanah Merah, Datuk Seri Ikmal Hisham Abdul Aziz hari ini mendakwa anggota Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) dibekalkan dengan pakaian dan kasut sukan ‘cap ayam’ kerana tidak berjenama serta tiada kualiti.
    THE REGIONS WEAKEST = The Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement.......

  69. MALAYSIA lepas kan pun hanya selepas ketuanya datang ke MALAYSIA minta 3 Tentera INDON dilepaskan... ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    MUNGKIN kesian.. Ya terus di Bebaskan... ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    1. NO MORE PRODUCTION PT91 syarikat Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) iaitu Bumar Laberdy daripada Poland sudah menghentikan pengeluaran alat ganti kereta kebal jenis itu.
      juga masalah ‘no more production’ pada sesetengah komponen utama pada kereta kebal tersebut.
      2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets, as the aerospace giant shifts focus to winning the race for the sixth-generation of combat aircraft.
      MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH : The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
      USANG = Anwar said he had been astonished to see a navy frigate dating from the 1970s on display at the recent LIMA maritime and aerospace expo in Langkawi. “I want to salute these ships but I don’t know where to put my face. The last frigate (on display at LIMA) was from 1998,” he said
      The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).
      TEMBAK PERWIRA = Seorang perwira tentara elit Malaysia tewas tertembak dalam sebuah demonstrasi di sebuah kamp militer di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Mayor Mohd Zahir Armaya, ayah lima anak berusia 36 tahun tertembak dalam sebuah latihan oleh seorang prajurit Angkatan Darat.
      TEMBAK KAWAN = Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF )dikejutkan dengan ulah seorang anggotanya, yang tiba menembak mati tiga teman, yang bersama berjaga di pos.
      Peristiwa terjadi Jumat (13/8/2021) pagi waktu setempat di kamp Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) di Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia.
      GRANAT KAWAN = Dua prajurit Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Malaysia (TUDM) tewas saat menjalani latihan menembak dan melempar granat di Tempat Latihan Dasar Granat Kem Syed Sirajuddin Target Range, Gemas Negeri Sembilan
      CAP AYAM = Ahli Parlimen Tanah Merah, Datuk Seri Ikmal Hisham Abdul Aziz hari ini mendakwa anggota Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) dibekalkan dengan pakaian dan kasut sukan ‘cap ayam’ kerana tidak berjenama serta tiada kualiti.
      THE REGIONS WEAKEST = The Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement.......

  70. NO MORE PRODUCTION PT91 syarikat Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) iaitu Bumar Laberdy daripada Poland sudah menghentikan pengeluaran alat ganti kereta kebal jenis itu.
    juga masalah ‘no more production’ pada sesetengah komponen utama pada kereta kebal tersebut.
    2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets, as the aerospace giant shifts focus to winning the race for the sixth-generation of combat aircraft.
    MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH : The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
    USANG = Anwar said he had been astonished to see a navy frigate dating from the 1970s on display at the recent LIMA maritime and aerospace expo in Langkawi. “I want to salute these ships but I don’t know where to put my face. The last frigate (on display at LIMA) was from 1998,” he said
    The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).
    TEMBAK PERWIRA = Seorang perwira tentara elit Malaysia tewas tertembak dalam sebuah demonstrasi di sebuah kamp militer di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Mayor Mohd Zahir Armaya, ayah lima anak berusia 36 tahun tertembak dalam sebuah latihan oleh seorang prajurit Angkatan Darat.
    TEMBAK KAWAN = Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF )dikejutkan dengan ulah seorang anggotanya, yang tiba menembak mati tiga teman, yang bersama berjaga di pos.
    Peristiwa terjadi Jumat (13/8/2021) pagi waktu setempat di kamp Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) di Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia.
    GRANAT KAWAN = Dua prajurit Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Malaysia (TUDM) tewas saat menjalani latihan menembak dan melempar granat di Tempat Latihan Dasar Granat Kem Syed Sirajuddin Target Range, Gemas Negeri Sembilan
    CAP AYAM = Ahli Parlimen Tanah Merah, Datuk Seri Ikmal Hisham Abdul Aziz hari ini mendakwa anggota Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) dibekalkan dengan pakaian dan kasut sukan ‘cap ayam’ kerana tidak berjenama serta tiada kualiti.
    THE REGIONS WEAKEST = The Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement.......

  71. NO MORE PRODUCTION PT91 syarikat Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) iaitu Bumar Laberdy daripada Poland sudah menghentikan pengeluaran alat ganti kereta kebal jenis itu.
    juga masalah ‘no more production’ pada sesetengah komponen utama pada kereta kebal tersebut.
    2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets, as the aerospace giant shifts focus to winning the race for the sixth-generation of combat aircraft.
    MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH : The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
    USANG = Anwar said he had been astonished to see a navy frigate dating from the 1970s on display at the recent LIMA maritime and aerospace expo in Langkawi. “I want to salute these ships but I don’t know where to put my face. The last frigate (on display at LIMA) was from 1998,” he said
    The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).
    TEMBAK PERWIRA = Seorang perwira tentara elit Malaysia tewas tertembak dalam sebuah demonstrasi di sebuah kamp militer di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Mayor Mohd Zahir Armaya, ayah lima anak berusia 36 tahun tertembak dalam sebuah latihan oleh seorang prajurit Angkatan Darat.
    TEMBAK KAWAN = Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF )dikejutkan dengan ulah seorang anggotanya, yang tiba menembak mati tiga teman, yang bersama berjaga di pos.
    Peristiwa terjadi Jumat (13/8/2021) pagi waktu setempat di kamp Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) di Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia.
    GRANAT KAWAN = Dua prajurit Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Malaysia (TUDM) tewas saat menjalani latihan menembak dan melempar granat di Tempat Latihan Dasar Granat Kem Syed Sirajuddin Target Range, Gemas Negeri Sembilan
    CAP AYAM = Ahli Parlimen Tanah Merah, Datuk Seri Ikmal Hisham Abdul Aziz hari ini mendakwa anggota Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) dibekalkan dengan pakaian dan kasut sukan ‘cap ayam’ kerana tidak berjenama serta tiada kualiti.
    THE REGIONS WEAKEST = The Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement.......

  72. TEMBAK PERWIRA = Seorang perwira tentara elit Malaysia tewas tertembak dalam sebuah demonstrasi di sebuah kamp militer di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Mayor Mohd Zahir Armaya, ayah lima anak berusia 36 tahun tertembak dalam sebuah latihan oleh seorang prajurit Angkatan Darat.
    TEMBAK KAWAN = Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF )dikejutkan dengan ulah seorang anggotanya, yang tiba menembak mati tiga teman, yang bersama berjaga di pos.
    Peristiwa terjadi Jumat (13/8/2021) pagi waktu setempat di kamp Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) di Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia.
    GRANAT KAWAN = Dua prajurit Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Malaysia (TUDM) tewas saat menjalani latihan menembak dan melempar granat di Tempat Latihan Dasar Granat Kem Syed Sirajuddin Target Range, Gemas Negeri Sembilan
    CAP AYAM = Ahli Parlimen Tanah Merah, Datuk Seri Ikmal Hisham Abdul Aziz hari ini mendakwa anggota Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) dibekalkan dengan pakaian dan kasut sukan ‘cap ayam’ kerana tidak berjenama serta tiada kualiti.
    THE REGIONS WEAKEST = The Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement.
    NO MORE PRODUCTION PT91 syarikat Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) iaitu Bumar Laberdy daripada Poland sudah menghentikan pengeluaran alat ganti kereta kebal jenis itu.
    juga masalah ‘no more production’ pada sesetengah komponen utama pada kereta kebal tersebut.
    2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets, as the aerospace giant shifts focus to winning the race for the sixth-generation of combat aircraft.
    MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH : The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
    USANG = Anwar said he had been astonished to see a navy frigate dating from the 1970s on display at the recent LIMA maritime and aerospace expo in Langkawi. “I want to salute these ships but I don’t know where to put my face. The last frigate (on display at LIMA) was from 1998,” he said
    The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).

  73. THE REGIONS WEAKEST = The Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement.
    NO MORE PRODUCTION PT91 syarikat Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) iaitu Bumar Laberdy daripada Poland sudah menghentikan pengeluaran alat ganti kereta kebal jenis itu.
    juga masalah ‘no more production’ pada sesetengah komponen utama pada kereta kebal tersebut.
    2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets, as the aerospace giant shifts focus to winning the race for the sixth-generation of combat aircraft.
    MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH : The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
    USANG = Anwar said he had been astonished to see a navy frigate dating from the 1970s on display at the recent LIMA maritime and aerospace expo in Langkawi. “I want to salute these ships but I don’t know where to put my face. The last frigate (on display at LIMA) was from 1998,” he said
    TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi

  74. THE REGIONS WEAKEST = The Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement.
    NO MORE PRODUCTION PT91 syarikat Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) iaitu Bumar Laberdy daripada Poland sudah menghentikan pengeluaran alat ganti kereta kebal jenis itu.
    juga masalah ‘no more production’ pada sesetengah komponen utama pada kereta kebal tersebut.
    2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets, as the aerospace giant shifts focus to winning the race for the sixth-generation of combat aircraft.
    MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH : The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
    USANG = Anwar said he had been astonished to see a navy frigate dating from the 1970s on display at the recent LIMA maritime and aerospace expo in Langkawi. “I want to salute these ships but I don’t know where to put my face. The last frigate (on display at LIMA) was from 1998,” he said
    TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi

  75. Alhamdulillah, akhirnya bisa langsung.. ๐Ÿฅฐ


    1. https://x.com/Jatosint/status/1777693895817871516?t=1ebmE5RlvR9o-VkbCLNDgQ&s=09

  76. MTF 448 UNIFIL terdiri dari lima kapal perang yaitu KRI Diponegoro-365 (Indonesia), FGS Baden Wuerttemberg F-222 (Jerman), HS Spetsai F-453 (Yunani), TCG Burgazada F-513 (Turki) dan BNS Sangram F-113 (Bangladesh).
    KOMODO ANOA PBB Produk Indonesia yang digunakan dalam MPP PBB antara lain adalah Armored Personnel Carrier ANOA dan KOMODO serta senjata api SS dari PT. Pindad, dan seragam militer/polisi buatan swasta nasional.
    DIBAYAR PBB : Malaysia only managed to get RM2.03 million (US$496,044 paid in 18 months) in reimbursements from the UN out of some RM4.252 million (US$1,038,096).
    Auditor-General Datuk Nik Azman Nik Abdul Majid said the government suffered a shortfall of RM2.22 million in reimbursement from the UN for the vehicles, as stated in the 2019 Auditor-General's Report (Compliance Audit Report on Ministries and Federal Departments).
    Malaysia dikenakan sanksi oleh PBB terkait penggantian biaya operasional kendaraan, karena sembilan IAG Guardians yang dikerahkannya tidak memenuhi persyaratan ini. Malaysia juga mengerahkan APC Condor 4x4 sebagai bagian dari armada MALBATT di sana tetapi kendaraan ini memenuhi persyaratan PBB.
    SIPRI 2023 = .....
    NO NSM
    RADAR EL/M - 2032

  77. kasian warganyet KL, ditolak masyuk film Blekhokdon NGAMUK๐Ÿ”ฅ
    langsung SEWA HELI Blekhok tapi haha!๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
    bikin Malyuu kawasan

  78. amerika bikin bangga film BlekhokDon tanpa KL,

    ehhh disini warganyet malah bangga SEWA heli Blekhok, aneh haha!๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ


  79. uda bayar blom SEWA blekhoknya, janji april blum datang juga haha!๐Ÿ˜ต‍๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ˜ต‍๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ˜ต‍๐Ÿ’ซ
    wahh SEWA pun kena PRENK haha!๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ

  80. Kaya bual, sedapkan hati padahal menangis lihat Malon makin tertinggal jauh sendirian dikawasan.

  81. KL ketauan PBB/UN Palsukan tagihan IAG Guardian dgn RCWS
    bikin MALYU kawasan..untung buka TIM ELIT SHOPPING SOPING yak haha!๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹

  82. Bangladesh Navy pun ikut latihan....tudm tak kisah lah, kapal sudah uzur²....gunboat navy paling lemah dikawasan...wkwkwkwk

  83. MTF 448 UNIFIL terdiri dari lima kapal perang yaitu KRI Diponegoro-365 (Indonesia), FGS Baden Wuerttemberg F-222 (Jerman), HS Spetsai F-453 (Yunani), TCG Burgazada F-513 (Turki) dan BNS Sangram F-113 (Bangladesh).
    KOMODO ANOA PBB Produk Indonesia yang digunakan dalam MPP PBB antara lain adalah Armored Personnel Carrier ANOA dan KOMODO serta senjata api SS dari PT. Pindad, dan seragam militer/polisi buatan swasta nasional.
    DIBAYAR PBB : Malaysia only managed to get RM2.03 million (US$496,044 paid in 18 months) in reimbursements from the UN out of some RM4.252 million (US$1,038,096).
    Auditor-General Datuk Nik Azman Nik Abdul Majid said the government suffered a shortfall of RM2.22 million in reimbursement from the UN for the vehicles, as stated in the 2019 Auditor-General's Report (Compliance Audit Report on Ministries and Federal Departments).
    Malaysia dikenakan sanksi oleh PBB terkait penggantian biaya operasional kendaraan, karena sembilan IAG Guardians yang dikerahkannya tidak memenuhi persyaratan ini. Malaysia juga mengerahkan APC Condor 4x4 sebagai bagian dari armada MALBATT di sana tetapi kendaraan ini memenuhi persyaratan PBB.

  84. Perempuan woi..kalau Malon tentrra lakinya yg pengsan banci..!!

  85. Masih ingat gak lon waktu 1 orang prajurit Taifib atau pasukan katak Indonesia yg memutuskan rantai jangkar salah satu kapal tldm dan menaiki salah salah satu geladak kapal tldm lainnya sembari membentak semua kru-nya termasuk komandan kapalnya utk segera meninggalkan perairan Ambalat dan jgn coba2 mendekati perairan Ambalat LG..Habis tu 2 kapal tldm tersebut lari tunggang langgang dan terkencing2..itu fakta Lon..

  86. Elak topik dasar beruk ๐Ÿ’

  87. Yakin beruk malon ada wang tuk shopping aset receh? Jual ah itu bukan UN yg beli, UN Kapok di prank Malon.

  88. Kasian TLDM tak di ikutkan tak de minyak
