23 Februari 2017

Japan and Thailand Edge Towards Defence Trade Agreement

23 Februari 2017

Kawasaki C2 airlifter, max payload 35 ton (photo : Katsonori Kimura)

Thailand and Japan are edging closer to finalising a defence trade and technology agreement that could facilitate Japanese defence exports to the Southeast Asian country.

Jane's understands that talks about bilateral defence industrial co-operation are continuing to support potential Japanese sales of equipment including air defence radars and communications systems, as well as major platforms such as the Kawasaki P-1 maritime patrol aircraft and C-2 transport aircraft.

Japan is also understood to be drafting the required legal framework through which Tokyo will allow defence sales. This framework complies with Japan's Three Principles on the Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology, which replaced the country's military export ban in 2014.


7 komentar:

  1. Jadi inget perbincangan guwe om2 yg baik hati tp akunnya ilang bbrp bulan lalu yg mlebar kemana2 haha!

    Tapi buktinya kan nyata, guwe pake industri otomotip & elektronik, bukan tanpa alesan.

    Sbnernya tulisan ini untuk reply tp yg lain ilang by sistem blog, kepanjangan kyknya. Ada sedikit yg teringat guwe save di notepad aje dach haha!

    Krn guwe percaya cara mengatur alur logistik sucad/spare sparts mrk sama. jika dilakukan dgn benar.
    Kalo hal ini bisa dikuasai, maka pasti bisa mengatur after sales service yg baik.

    Coba liat lagi pabrikan/industri otomotif punya divisi aeronautika membuat pswt terbang, baik komersil maupun militer. Berawal dari yg kecil menatap ke jenjang yg lebih tinggi akhirnya pun terbang.

    Piaggio aerospace: http://www.piaggioaerospace.it/ http://defence-blog.com/news/prototype-of-piaggio-p-1hh-hammerhead-uav-crash-in-mediterranean-sea.html

    Kawasaki heavy industries: https://global.kawasaki.com/

    Mitsubishi heavy industries : https://www.mhi-global.com/

    Honda jetS : https://www.hondajet.com/

    Saab group: http://saabgroup.com/ http://www.saabcars.com/ http://saab.com/civil-aerospace/aerostructures/aerostructures-aircraft-design-and-manufacturing/

    Roll royce http://www.rolls-royce.com/products-and-services/civil-aerospace.aspx

    Kolaborasi antara Samsung aerospace & daewoo heavy industries & hyundai Space and Aircraft Company menjadi KAI(korean aerospace industries) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korea_Aerospace_Industries

    toyota pun sedang menuju keatas. smg industri penerbangan kita jgn berhenti. tetep semangat haha!

    1. Sama aja...konsumen/operator tetep harus bikin kontrak maintenance agreement.

      Di ainonline banyak sekali dimuat kontrak2 service/maintenen/sucad antara produsen/workshop/wholesales dg operator.

      Enggak model tuh didunia aviasi, operator belanja sucad kayak belanja sucad mobil/motor diglodok.

      Tuh buktinya, waktu kasau yang lalu teken kontrak dg DMGtech holding-USA utk penyediaan sucad/repair&maintenen

  2. nice link. barely knew that piaggio own an aerospace div. interesting nose design.
    suatu saat bisa ada vespa dan bajaj terbang lol.

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