22 Februari 2017

PT Pindad and Timoney Sign Contract At IDEX for Badak 6x6 Mobility System Upgrade

22 Februari 2017

The Pindad Badak 6x6 is to be updated with a customised Timoney modular driveline, transfer case and steering system. (photo : defence.pk)

NAVAN, Ireland --- At IDEX today, PT Pindad and Timoney announced that they have signed a contract to upgrade the Badak 6x6 with a customised Timoney modular driveline, transfer case and steering system. 

The Badak is a 6x6 vehicle fitted with a CMI Defence two-man turret to provide direct fire support for deployed troops. It has a monocoque hull and is fitted with an independent suspension system. 

The vehicle has a novel powerpack packaging solution that enables internal space to be maximised and has a special front mounted transfer box inputted to the first axle. This provides the vehicle with greater space to house the turret system. Timoney has designed a bespoke driveline packaging solution to meet this requirement. 

"The engineering requirements of the PT Pindad Badak has capitalised on our 50 years' experience of developing mobility solutions," said Shane O'Neill, Chief Executive of Timoney. 

"The design brings together our modular approach to meeting customer requirements together with our driveline expertise and we have also designed a new steering system and transfer box to provide PT Pindad with the ultimate solution to meet their mobility requirements," added O'Neill. 

Timoney driveline solutions are based on modular designs which can be customised to suit individual vehicle needs. They can be matched with Timoney's transfer cases and steering systems or be part of a complete under the hull mobility solution. 

Timoney Technology is a global leader in the fields of vehicle driveline technology and are specialists in the area of independent suspensions; steering systems; specialist drive solutions; transfer cases; vehicle systems engineering; vehicle dynamics, whole body vibration analysis, complete vehicle design and turnkey solutions. Based in Navan, Co. Meath, Ireland and celebrating 50 years in business, the company has exported solutions to over 40 countries either directly or through its partners. 

(Timoney Technology)

24 komentar:

  1. "driveline, transfer case and steering system."

    the right partner

    1. Iya katanya sih gitu, tapi kurang ngerti ngerti detailnya. Dari tadi sore nyari enggak ketemu om

    2. Perlahan tapi pasti, PTDI terus mengembangkan kemampuan merancang dan membuat tank medium. Sedikit demi sedikit teknologi dipelajari dan di kuasai. Sudah saatnya untuk melangkah lebih maju ---> ranpur 8 roda!

    3. Sori salah, di atas seharusnya Pindad bukan PTDI, maklum ngetik sambil sarapan pisgor ...

    4. Aduh....baru tau kalo makan pisang efeknya jadi suka salah ketik, xixixixi

    5. @caan

      Ada tuh(timune)...diangkasa, xixixi

      Tapi penulisnya bukan yang bikin kalimat penutup sptini:...."Agar fair, media sepatutnya tdk hanya menaruh perhatian pd pengadaan heli aw-101 saja".

      ....iya juga sih, tapi investigasinya kan harus dibereskan dulu dan sekalipun menjadi viral sedikit sekali media yg kritis dg menyajikan data akurat(sebagian besar cenderung mengikuti genderangnya sales heli)

  2. good for their military upgrade. but how Indons got to do with this video? how could they rich PNG? I never thought they cant do it. Is it all about Muslim or Government?


    1. Ah dumbass spam more videos made by OPM, I'm sure they are not manipulated in anyway contextwise.

      1 clip is most probably TNI doing that on OPM rebels, OF COURSE they're going to say they're not OPM when captured. Look at second clip, the guy behind? Yeah he's got a fucking GPMG, clearly an OPM member no papua civilian will have a GPMG.

      They come shoot up TNI posts in Papua, killing soldiers then run away in to the jungle. When they get captured and tortured for info/killed, they act like they are innocent. If TNI really did commit "genocide", would they photo or video it? OF FUCKING COURSE NOT! They're professional soldiers. Most likely the killings are done by the OPM on villagers who don't want to support or help them. They then make these kind of videos, twist the context, then spread it through their outlets in Australia and Europe. Then gullible idiots like you spread it and freak out, just like they planned.

      Papua (the province, not PNG) belongs to Indonesia, de facto and de jure. My father works in Papua in the mountains with a NGO helping papuans by making farms, etc. And there is no genocide at all. Civilian papuans are happy to be in Indonesia and they hate OPM to the bone. Stop spreading OPM propaganda you dumb fucking frenchie. Go to Papua and see it fpr yourself, if you are so interested in that problem.

    2. duterte pun berlaku sama demi keamanan negara kesatuanmu pilipin demikian pula dengan seluruh presiden pilipin sblomnya. kalau negara lemah, bisa disikat oleh para pemberontak.

      apapun jenisnya, mau komunis, nasionalis, ekstrim kanan/kiri, kalo berontak angkat senjata pasti merugikan yg cinta damai, krn lambat laun mrk akan jd predator.

    3. Parce qu'ils rebellent l'armée (OPM)
      Notre armée les traitait comme des soldats condamnés
      Regarde ça:


      Votre vidéo était de la propagande, qui est originale ou comme ça


      OPM tuant des soldats, des policiers et des gens ordinaires



      Commandant de la TNI en Papouasie occidentale
      Deux étoiles général original de papouasie
      Mayjen Joppye Onesimus Wayangkau
      L'indonésie fière de lui.
      Un pour tous, tous pour un


  3. Enggak ada fitur laporkan/ignore ya? Itu orng afrika cuk

    1. avoir la preuve que vous venez à l'afrique?
      vous voulez plus d'une preuve?


    2. Parce qu'ils rebellent l'armée (OPM)
      Notre armée les traitait comme des soldats condamnés
      Regarde ça:


      Votre vidéo était de la propagande, qui est originale ou comme ça


      OPM tuant des soldats, des policiers et des gens ordinaires



      Commandant de la TNI en Papouasie occidentale
      Deux étoiles général original de papouasie
      Mayjen Joppye Onesimus Wayangkau
      L'indonésie fière de lui.
      Un pour tous, tous pour un


  4. oh my god now i know why Indons ugrade their Armed Forces just to be used against humanity. The people in Armed gesture sounds and talk in Indons dialect.
    PNG should protect their sea boundary against Indons.

    1. oh my god now i know why all malon songlap all of weapon kah kah kah

    2. Mulai dech kayak fi topix. ada malon malonyet malonjing malonte malondog malonpig malingsia malesial dll...

      Tapi gak apa dech biae seru...

    3. Indon dah sentap..hahhaha

    4. Indon dah sentap..hahhaha

    5. Beruk malon dimangsa najib...wkwkwk...beruk malon makan dedak,najib n the gank makan steik Wkwkwk

    6. kita diserang, mari bersatu smuanya...hancurkan si lemot!!!!
      om antiembargo, om al kapuk, tante dadang, om unknow, om kuntadi, om 212...gabung yuukkk

      Un pour tous, tous pour un

      Laissez assaut
      singe faux bule haha!

    7. Hey, donkey! "Why do you read so much? Don't you know how to watch TV?
      well stupid people shouldn't have to die for being stupid. But lem1 and dein? he was still at almost.

  5. Malon ditindas najib...kah kah kah
